%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejabberd_config.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Load config file %%% Created : 14 Dec 2002 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2017 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_config). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -export([start/0, load_file/1, reload_file/0, read_file/1, get_option/1, get_option/2, add_option/2, has_option/1, get_vh_by_auth_method/1, is_file_readable/1, get_version/0, get_myhosts/0, get_mylang/0, get_lang/1, get_ejabberd_config_path/0, is_using_elixir_config/0, prepare_opt_val/4, transform_options/1, collect_options/1, convert_to_yaml/1, convert_to_yaml/2, v_db/2, env_binary_to_list/2, opt_type/1, may_hide_data/1, is_elixir_enabled/0, v_dbs/1, v_dbs_mods/1, default_db/1, default_db/2, default_ram_db/1, default_ram_db/2, default_queue_type/1, queue_dir/0, fsm_limit_opts/1, use_cache/1, cache_size/1, cache_missed/1, cache_life_time/1]). -export([start/2]). %% The following functions are deprecated. -export([add_global_option/2, add_local_option/2, get_global_option/2, get_local_option/2, get_global_option/3, get_local_option/3, get_option/3]). -deprecated([{add_global_option, 2}, {add_local_option, 2}, {get_global_option, 2}, {get_local_option, 2}, {get_global_option, 3}, {get_local_option, 3}, {get_option, 3}]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_config.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). -include_lib("stdlib/include/ms_transform.hrl"). -callback opt_type(atom()) -> function() | [atom()]. %% @type macro() = {macro_key(), macro_value()} %% @type macro_key() = atom(). %% The atom must have all characters in uppercase. %% @type macro_value() = term(). start() -> ConfigFile = get_ejabberd_config_path(), ?INFO_MSG("Loading configuration from ~s", [ConfigFile]), p1_options:start_link(ejabberd_options), p1_options:start_link(ejabberd_db_modules), State1 = load_file(ConfigFile), UnixTime = p1_time_compat:system_time(seconds), SharedKey = case erlang:get_cookie() of nocookie -> str:sha(randoms:get_string()); Cookie -> str:sha(misc:atom_to_binary(Cookie)) end, State2 = set_option({node_start, global}, UnixTime, State1), State3 = set_option({shared_key, global}, SharedKey, State2), set_opts(State3). %% When starting ejabberd for testing, we sometimes want to start a %% subset of hosts from the one define in the config file. %% This function override the host list read from config file by the %% one we provide. %% Hosts to start are defined in an ejabberd application environment %% variable 'hosts' to make it easy to ignore some host in config %% file. hosts_to_start(State) -> case application:get_env(ejabberd, hosts) of undefined -> %% Start all hosts as defined in config file State; {ok, Hosts} -> set_hosts_in_options(Hosts, State) end. %% @private %% At the moment, these functions are mainly used to setup unit tests. -spec start(Hosts :: [binary()], Opts :: [acl:acl() | local_config()]) -> ok. start(Hosts, Opts) -> p1_options:start_link(ejabberd_options), p1_options:start_link(ejabberd_db_modules), set_opts(set_hosts_in_options(Hosts, #state{opts = Opts})), ok. %% @doc Get the filename of the ejabberd configuration file. %% The filename can be specified with: erl -config "/path/to/ejabberd.yml". %% It can also be specified with the environtment variable EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH. %% If not specified, the default value 'ejabberd.yml' is assumed. %% @spec () -> string() get_ejabberd_config_path() -> case get_env_config() of {ok, Path} -> Path; undefined -> case os:getenv("EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH") of false -> ?CONFIG_PATH; Path -> Path end end. -spec get_env_config() -> {ok, string()} | undefined. get_env_config() -> %% First case: the filename can be specified with: erl -config "/path/to/ejabberd.yml". case application:get_env(ejabberd, config) of R = {ok, _Path} -> R; undefined -> %% Second case for embbeding ejabberd in another app, for example for Elixir: %% config :ejabberd, %% file: "config/ejabberd.yml" application:get_env(ejabberd, file) end. %% @doc Read the ejabberd configuration file. %% It also includes additional configuration files and replaces macros. %% This function will crash if finds some error in the configuration file. %% @spec (File::string()) -> #state{} read_file(File) -> read_file(File, [{replace_macros, true}, {include_files, true}, {include_modules_configs, true}]). read_file(File, Opts) -> Terms1 = case is_elixir_enabled() of true -> case 'Elixir.Ejabberd.ConfigUtil':is_elixir_config(File) of true -> 'Elixir.Ejabberd.Config':init(File), 'Elixir.Ejabberd.Config':get_ejabberd_opts(); false -> get_plain_terms_file(File, Opts) end; false -> get_plain_terms_file(File, Opts) end, Terms_macros = case proplists:get_bool(replace_macros, Opts) of true -> replace_macros(Terms1); false -> Terms1 end, Terms = transform_terms(Terms_macros), State = lists:foldl(fun search_hosts/2, #state{}, Terms), {Head, Tail} = lists:partition( fun({host_config, _}) -> false; ({append_host_config, _}) -> false; (_) -> true end, Terms), State1 = lists:foldl(fun process_term/2, State, Head ++ Tail), State1#state{opts = compact(State1#state.opts)}. -spec load_file(string()) -> #state{}. load_file(File) -> State0 = read_file(File), State1 = hosts_to_start(State0), validate_opts(State1). -spec reload_file() -> ok. reload_file() -> Config = get_ejabberd_config_path(), OldHosts = get_myhosts(), State = load_file(Config), set_opts(State), NewHosts = get_myhosts(), lists:foreach( fun(Host) -> ejabberd_hooks:run(host_up, [Host]) end, NewHosts -- OldHosts), lists:foreach( fun(Host) -> ejabberd_hooks:run(host_down, [Host]) end, OldHosts -- NewHosts), ejabberd_hooks:run(config_reloaded, []). -spec convert_to_yaml(file:filename()) -> ok | {error, any()}. convert_to_yaml(File) -> convert_to_yaml(File, stdout). -spec convert_to_yaml(file:filename(), stdout | file:filename()) -> ok | {error, any()}. convert_to_yaml(File, Output) -> State = read_file(File, [{include_files, false}]), Opts = [{K, V} || #local_config{key = K, value = V} <- State#state.opts], {GOpts, HOpts} = split_by_hosts(Opts), NewOpts = GOpts ++ lists:map( fun({Host, Opts1}) -> {host_config, [{Host, Opts1}]} end, HOpts), Data = fast_yaml:encode(lists:reverse(NewOpts)), case Output of stdout -> io:format("~s~n", [Data]); FileName -> file:write_file(FileName, Data) end. %% Some Erlang apps expects env parameters to be list and not binary. %% For example, Mnesia is not able to start if mnesia dir is passed as a binary. %% However, binary is most common on Elixir, so it is easy to make a setup mistake. -spec env_binary_to_list(atom(), atom()) -> {ok, any()}|undefined. env_binary_to_list(Application, Parameter) -> %% Application need to be loaded to allow setting parameters application:load(Application), case application:get_env(Application, Parameter) of {ok, Val} when is_binary(Val) -> BVal = binary_to_list(Val), application:set_env(Application, Parameter, BVal), {ok, BVal}; Other -> Other end. %% @doc Read an ejabberd configuration file and return the terms. %% Input is an absolute or relative path to an ejabberd config file. %% Returns a list of plain terms, %% in which the options 'include_config_file' were parsed %% and the terms in those files were included. %% @spec(iolist()) -> [term()] get_plain_terms_file(File, Opts) when is_binary(File) -> get_plain_terms_file(binary_to_list(File), Opts); get_plain_terms_file(File1, Opts) -> File = get_absolute_path(File1), DontStopOnError = lists:member(dont_halt_on_error, Opts), case consult(File) of {ok, Terms} -> BinTerms1 = strings_to_binary(Terms), ModInc = case proplists:get_bool(include_modules_configs, Opts) of true -> Files = [{filename:rootname(filename:basename(F)), F} || F <- filelib:wildcard(ext_mod:config_dir() ++ "/*.{yml,yaml}") ++ filelib:wildcard(ext_mod:modules_dir() ++ "/*/conf/*.{yml,yaml}")], [proplists:get_value(F,Files) || F <- proplists:get_keys(Files)]; _ -> [] end, BinTerms = BinTerms1 ++ [{include_config_file, list_to_binary(V)} || V <- ModInc], case proplists:get_bool(include_files, Opts) of true -> include_config_files(BinTerms); false -> BinTerms end; {error, enoent, Reason} -> case DontStopOnError of true -> ?WARNING_MSG(Reason, []), []; _ -> ?ERROR_MSG(Reason, []), exit_or_halt(Reason) end; {error, Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG(Reason, []), case DontStopOnError of true -> []; _ -> exit_or_halt(Reason) end end. consult(File) -> case filename:extension(File) of Ex when (Ex == ".yml") or (Ex == ".yaml") -> case fast_yaml:decode_from_file(File, [plain_as_atom]) of {ok, []} -> {ok, []}; {ok, [Document|_]} -> {ok, parserl(Document)}; {error, Err} -> Msg1 = "Cannot load " ++ File ++ ": ", Msg2 = fast_yaml:format_error(Err), case Err of enoent -> {error, enoent, Msg1 ++ Msg2}; _ -> {error, Msg1 ++ Msg2} end end; _ -> case file:consult(File) of {ok, Terms} -> {ok, Terms}; {error, {LineNumber, erl_parse, _ParseMessage} = Reason} -> {error, describe_config_problem(File, Reason, LineNumber)}; {error, Reason} -> case Reason of enoent -> {error, enoent, describe_config_problem(File, Reason)}; _ -> {error, describe_config_problem(File, Reason)} end end end. parserl(<<"> ", Term/binary>>) -> {ok, A2, _} = erl_scan:string(binary_to_list(Term)), {ok, A3} = erl_parse:parse_term(A2), A3; parserl({A, B}) -> {parserl(A), parserl(B)}; parserl([El|Tail]) -> [parserl(El) | parserl(Tail)]; parserl(Other) -> Other. %% @doc Convert configuration filename to absolute path. %% Input is an absolute or relative path to an ejabberd configuration file. %% And returns an absolute path to the configuration file. %% @spec (string()) -> string() get_absolute_path(File) -> case filename:pathtype(File) of absolute -> File; relative -> {ok, Dir} = file:get_cwd(), filename:absname_join(Dir, File); volumerelative -> filename:absname(File) end. search_hosts(Term, State) -> case Term of {host, Host} -> if State#state.hosts == [] -> set_hosts_in_options([Host], State); true -> ?ERROR_MSG("Can't load config file: " "too many hosts definitions", []), exit("too many hosts definitions") end; {hosts, Hosts} -> if State#state.hosts == [] -> set_hosts_in_options(Hosts, State); true -> ?ERROR_MSG("Can't load config file: " "too many hosts definitions", []), exit("too many hosts definitions") end; _ -> State end. set_hosts_in_options(Hosts, State) -> PrepHosts = normalize_hosts(Hosts), NewOpts = lists:filter(fun({local_config,{hosts,global},_}) -> false; (_) -> true end, State#state.opts), set_option({hosts, global}, PrepHosts, State#state{hosts = PrepHosts, opts = NewOpts}). normalize_hosts(Hosts) -> normalize_hosts(Hosts,[]). normalize_hosts([], PrepHosts) -> lists:reverse(PrepHosts); normalize_hosts([Host|Hosts], PrepHosts) -> case jid:nodeprep(iolist_to_binary(Host)) of error -> ?ERROR_MSG("Can't load config file: " "invalid host name [~p]", [Host]), exit("invalid hostname"); PrepHost -> normalize_hosts(Hosts, [PrepHost|PrepHosts]) end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Errors reading the config file describe_config_problem(Filename, Reason) -> Text1 = lists:flatten("Problem loading ejabberd config file " ++ Filename), Text2 = lists:flatten(" : " ++ file:format_error(Reason)), ExitText = Text1 ++ Text2, ExitText. describe_config_problem(Filename, Reason, LineNumber) -> Text1 = lists:flatten("Problem loading ejabberd config file " ++ Filename), Text2 = lists:flatten(" approximately in the line " ++ file:format_error(Reason)), ExitText = Text1 ++ Text2, Lines = get_config_lines(Filename, LineNumber, 10, 3), ?ERROR_MSG("The following lines from your configuration file might be" " relevant to the error: ~n~s", [Lines]), ExitText. get_config_lines(Filename, TargetNumber, PreContext, PostContext) -> {ok, Fd} = file:open(Filename, [read]), LNumbers = lists:seq(TargetNumber-PreContext, TargetNumber+PostContext), NextL = io:get_line(Fd, no_prompt), R = get_config_lines2(Fd, NextL, 1, LNumbers, []), file:close(Fd), R. get_config_lines2(_Fd, eof, _CurrLine, _LNumbers, R) -> lists:reverse(R); get_config_lines2(_Fd, _NewLine, _CurrLine, [], R) -> lists:reverse(R); get_config_lines2(Fd, Data, CurrLine, [NextWanted | LNumbers], R) when is_list(Data) -> NextL = io:get_line(Fd, no_prompt), if CurrLine >= NextWanted -> Line2 = [integer_to_list(CurrLine), ": " | Data], get_config_lines2(Fd, NextL, CurrLine+1, LNumbers, [Line2 | R]); true -> get_config_lines2(Fd, NextL, CurrLine+1, [NextWanted | LNumbers], R) end. %% If ejabberd isn't yet running in this node, then halt the node exit_or_halt(ExitText) -> case [Vsn || {ejabberd, _Desc, Vsn} <- application:which_applications()] of [] -> timer:sleep(1000), halt(string:substr(ExitText, 1, 199)); [_] -> exit(ExitText) end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Support for 'include_config_file' get_config_option_key(Name, Val) -> if Name == listen -> case Val of {{Port, IP, Trans}, _Mod, _Opts} -> {Port, IP, Trans}; {{Port, Trans}, _Mod, _Opts} when Trans == tcp; Trans == udp -> {Port, {0,0,0,0}, Trans}; {{Port, IP}, _Mod, _Opts} -> {Port, IP, tcp}; {Port, _Mod, _Opts} -> {Port, {0,0,0,0}, tcp}; V when is_list(V) -> lists:foldl( fun({port, Port}, {_, IP, T}) -> {Port, IP, T}; ({ip, IP}, {Port, _, T}) -> {Port, IP, T}; ({transport, T}, {Port, IP, _}) -> {Port, IP, T}; (_, Res) -> Res end, {5222, {0,0,0,0}, tcp}, Val) end; is_tuple(Val) -> element(1, Val); true -> Val end. maps_to_lists(IMap) -> maps:fold(fun(Name, Map, Res) when Name == host_config orelse Name == append_host_config -> [{Name, [{Host, maps_to_lists(SMap)} || {Host,SMap} <- maps:values(Map)]} | Res]; (Name, Map, Res) when is_map(Map) -> [{Name, maps:values(Map)} | Res]; (Name, Val, Res) -> [{Name, Val} | Res] end, [], IMap). merge_configs(Terms, ResMap) -> lists:foldl(fun({Name, Val}, Map) when is_list(Val), Name =/= auth_method -> Old = maps:get(Name, Map, #{}), New = lists:foldl(fun(SVal, OMap) -> NVal = if Name == host_config orelse Name == append_host_config -> {Host, Opts} = SVal, {_, SubMap} = maps:get(Host, OMap, {Host, #{}}), {Host, merge_configs(Opts, SubMap)}; true -> SVal end, maps:put(get_config_option_key(Name, SVal), NVal, OMap) end, Old, Val), maps:put(Name, New, Map); ({Name, Val}, Map) -> maps:put(Name, Val, Map) end, ResMap, Terms). %% @doc Include additional configuration files in the list of terms. %% @spec ([term()]) -> [term()] include_config_files(Terms) -> {FileOpts, Terms1} = lists:mapfoldl( fun({include_config_file, _} = T, Ts) -> {[transform_include_option(T)], Ts}; ({include_config_file, _, _} = T, Ts) -> {[transform_include_option(T)], Ts}; (T, Ts) -> {[], [T|Ts]} end, [], Terms), Terms2 = lists:flatmap( fun({File, Opts}) -> include_config_file(File, Opts) end, lists:flatten(FileOpts)), M1 = merge_configs(Terms1, #{}), M2 = merge_configs(Terms2, M1), maps_to_lists(M2). transform_include_option({include_config_file, File}) when is_list(File) -> case is_string(File) of true -> {File, []}; false -> File end; transform_include_option({include_config_file, Filename}) -> {Filename, []}; transform_include_option({include_config_file, Filename, Options}) -> {Filename, Options}. include_config_file(Filename, Options) -> Included_terms = get_plain_terms_file(Filename, [{include_files, true}, dont_halt_on_error]), Disallow = proplists:get_value(disallow, Options, []), Included_terms2 = delete_disallowed(Disallow, Included_terms), Allow_only = proplists:get_value(allow_only, Options, all), keep_only_allowed(Allow_only, Included_terms2). %% @doc Filter from the list of terms the disallowed. %% Returns a sublist of Terms without the ones which first element is %% included in Disallowed. %% @spec (Disallowed::[atom()], Terms::[term()]) -> [term()] delete_disallowed(Disallowed, Terms) -> lists:foldl( fun(Dis, Ldis) -> delete_disallowed2(Dis, Ldis) end, Terms, Disallowed). delete_disallowed2(Disallowed, [H|T]) -> case element(1, H) of Disallowed -> ?WARNING_MSG("The option '~p' is disallowed, " "and will not be accepted", [Disallowed]), delete_disallowed2(Disallowed, T); _ -> [H|delete_disallowed2(Disallowed, T)] end; delete_disallowed2(_, []) -> []. %% @doc Keep from the list only the allowed terms. %% Returns a sublist of Terms with only the ones which first element is %% included in Allowed. %% @spec (Allowed::[atom()], Terms::[term()]) -> [term()] keep_only_allowed(all, Terms) -> Terms; keep_only_allowed(Allowed, Terms) -> {As, NAs} = lists:partition( fun(Term) -> lists:member(element(1, Term), Allowed) end, Terms), [?WARNING_MSG("This option is not allowed, " "and will not be accepted:~n~p", [NA]) || NA <- NAs], As. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Support for Macro %% @doc Replace the macros with their defined values. %% @spec (Terms::[term()]) -> [term()] replace_macros(Terms) -> {TermsOthers, Macros} = split_terms_macros(Terms), replace(TermsOthers, Macros). %% @doc Split Terms into normal terms and macro definitions. %% @spec (Terms) -> {Terms, Macros} %% Terms = [term()] %% Macros = [macro()] split_terms_macros(Terms) -> lists:foldl( fun(Term, {TOs, Ms}) -> case Term of {define_macro, Key, Value} -> case is_correct_macro({Key, Value}) of true -> {TOs, Ms++[{Key, Value}]}; false -> exit({macro_not_properly_defined, Term}) end; {define_macro, KeyVals} -> case lists:all(fun is_correct_macro/1, KeyVals) of true -> {TOs, Ms ++ KeyVals}; false -> exit({macros_not_properly_defined, Term}) end; Term -> {TOs ++ [Term], Ms} end end, {[], []}, Terms). is_correct_macro({Key, _Val}) -> is_atom(Key) and is_all_uppercase(Key); is_correct_macro(_) -> false. %% @doc Recursively replace in Terms macro usages with the defined value. %% @spec (Terms, Macros) -> Terms %% Terms = [term()] %% Macros = [macro()] replace([], _) -> []; replace([Term|Terms], Macros) -> [replace_term(Term, Macros) | replace(Terms, Macros)]; replace(Term, Macros) -> replace_term(Term, Macros). replace_term(Key, Macros) when is_atom(Key) -> case is_all_uppercase(Key) of true -> case proplists:get_value(Key, Macros) of undefined -> exit({undefined_macro, Key}); Value -> Value end; false -> Key end; replace_term({use_macro, Key, Value}, Macros) -> proplists:get_value(Key, Macros, Value); replace_term(Term, Macros) when is_list(Term) -> replace(Term, Macros); replace_term(Term, Macros) when is_tuple(Term) -> List = tuple_to_list(Term), List2 = replace(List, Macros), list_to_tuple(List2); replace_term(Term, _) -> Term. is_all_uppercase(Atom) -> String = erlang:atom_to_list(Atom), lists:all(fun(C) when C >= $a, C =< $z -> false; (_) -> true end, String). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Process terms process_term(Term, State) -> case Term of {host_config, HostTerms} -> lists:foldl( fun({Host, Terms}, AccState) -> lists:foldl(fun(T, S) -> process_host_term(T, Host, S, set) end, AccState, Terms) end, State, HostTerms); {append_host_config, HostTerms} -> lists:foldl( fun({Host, Terms}, AccState) -> lists:foldl(fun(T, S) -> process_host_term(T, Host, S, append) end, AccState, Terms) end, State, HostTerms); _ -> process_host_term(Term, global, State, set) end. process_host_term(Term, Host, State, Action) -> case Term of {modules, Modules} when Action == set -> set_option({modules, Host}, replace_modules(Modules), State); {modules, Modules} when Action == append -> append_option({modules, Host}, replace_modules(Modules), State); {host, _} -> State; {hosts, _} -> State; {Opt, Val} when Action == set -> set_option({rename_option(Opt), Host}, change_val(Opt, Val), State); {Opt, Val} when Action == append -> append_option({rename_option(Opt), Host}, change_val(Opt, Val), State); Opt -> ?WARNING_MSG("Ignore invalid (outdated?) option ~p", [Opt]), State end. rename_option(Option) when is_atom(Option) -> case atom_to_list(Option) of "odbc_" ++ T -> NewOption = list_to_atom("sql_" ++ T), ?WARNING_MSG("Option '~s' is obsoleted, use '~s' instead", [Option, NewOption]), NewOption; _ -> Option end; rename_option(Option) -> Option. change_val(auth_method, Val) -> prepare_opt_val(auth_method, Val, fun(V) -> L = if is_list(V) -> V; true -> [V] end, lists:map( fun(odbc) -> sql; (internal) -> mnesia; (A) when is_atom(A) -> A end, L) end, [mnesia]); change_val(_Opt, Val) -> Val. set_option(Opt, Val, State) -> State#state{opts = [#local_config{key = Opt, value = Val} | State#state.opts]}. append_option({Opt, Host}, Val, State) -> GlobalVals = lists:flatmap( fun(#local_config{key = {O, global}, value = V}) when O == Opt -> if is_list(V) -> V; true -> [V] end; (_) -> [] end, State#state.opts), NewVal = if is_list(Val) -> Val ++ GlobalVals; true -> [Val|GlobalVals] end, set_option({Opt, Host}, NewVal, State). set_opts(State) -> Opts = State#state.opts, ets:select_delete(ejabberd_options, ets:fun2ms( fun({{node_start, _}, _}) -> false; ({{shared_key, _}, _}) -> false; (_) -> true end)), lists:foreach( fun(#local_config{key = {Opt, Host}, value = Val}) -> p1_options:insert(ejabberd_options, Opt, Host, Val) end, Opts), p1_options:compile(ejabberd_options), set_log_level(). set_log_level() -> Level = get_option(loglevel, 4), ejabberd_logger:set(Level). add_global_option(Opt, Val) -> add_option(Opt, Val). add_local_option(Opt, Val) -> add_option(Opt, Val). add_option(Opt, Val) when is_atom(Opt) -> add_option({Opt, global}, Val); add_option({Opt, Host}, Val) -> p1_options:insert(ejabberd_options, Opt, Host, Val), p1_options:compile(ejabberd_options). -spec prepare_opt_val(any(), any(), check_fun(), any()) -> any(). prepare_opt_val(Opt, Val, F, Default) -> Call = case F of {Mod, Fun} -> fun() -> Mod:Fun(Val) end; _ -> fun() -> F(Val) end end, try Call() of Res -> Res catch {replace_with, NewRes} -> NewRes; {invalid_syntax, Error} -> ?WARNING_MSG("incorrect value '~s' of option '~s', " "using '~s' as fallback: ~s", [format_term(Val), format_term(Opt), format_term(Default), Error]), Default; _:_ -> ?WARNING_MSG("incorrect value '~s' of option '~s', " "using '~s' as fallback", [format_term(Val), format_term(Opt), format_term(Default)]), Default end. -type check_fun() :: fun((any()) -> any()) | {module(), atom()}. -spec get_global_option(any(), check_fun()) -> any(). get_global_option(Opt, _) -> get_option(Opt, undefined). -spec get_global_option(any(), check_fun(), any()) -> any(). get_global_option(Opt, _, Default) -> get_option(Opt, Default). -spec get_local_option(any(), check_fun()) -> any(). get_local_option(Opt, _) -> get_option(Opt, undefined). -spec get_local_option(any(), check_fun(), any()) -> any(). get_local_option(Opt, _, Default) -> get_option(Opt, Default). -spec get_option(any()) -> any(). get_option(Opt) -> get_option(Opt, undefined). -spec get_option(any(), check_fun(), any()) -> any(). get_option(Opt, _, Default) -> get_option(Opt, Default). -spec get_option(any(), check_fun() | any()) -> any(). get_option(Opt, F) when is_function(F) -> get_option(Opt, undefined); get_option(Opt, Default) when is_atom(Opt) -> get_option({Opt, global}, Default); get_option(Opt, Default) -> {Key, Host} = case Opt of {O, global} when is_atom(O) -> Opt; {O, H} when is_atom(O), is_binary(H) -> Opt; _ -> ?WARNING_MSG("Option ~p has invalid (outdated?) " "format. This is likely a bug", [Opt]), {undefined, global} end, case ejabberd_options:is_known(Key) of true -> case ejabberd_options:Key(Host) of {ok, Val} -> Val; undefined -> Default end; false -> Default end. -spec has_option(atom() | {atom(), global | binary()}) -> any(). has_option(Opt) -> get_option(Opt) /= undefined. init_module_db_table(Modules) -> %% Dirty hack for mod_pubsub p1_options:insert(ejabberd_db_modules, mod_pubsub, mnesia, true), p1_options:insert(ejabberd_db_modules, mod_pubsub, sql, true), lists:foreach( fun(M) -> case re:split(atom_to_list(M), "_", [{return, list}]) of [_] -> ok; Parts -> [H|T] = lists:reverse(Parts), Suffix = list_to_atom(H), BareMod = list_to_atom(string:join(lists:reverse(T), "_")), case is_behaviour(BareMod, M) of true -> p1_options:insert(ejabberd_db_modules, BareMod, Suffix, true); false -> ok end end end, Modules), p1_options:compile(ejabberd_db_modules). is_behaviour(Behav, Mod) -> try Mod:module_info(attributes) of [] -> %% Stripped module? true; Attrs -> lists:any( fun({behaviour, L}) -> lists:member(Behav, L); ({behavior, L}) -> lists:member(Behav, L); (_) -> false end, Attrs) catch _:_ -> true end. -spec v_db(module(), atom()) -> atom(). v_db(Mod, internal) -> v_db(Mod, mnesia); v_db(Mod, odbc) -> v_db(Mod, sql); v_db(Mod, Type) -> case ejabberd_db_modules:is_known(Mod) of true -> case ejabberd_db_modules:Mod(Type) of {ok, _} -> Type; _ -> erlang:error(badarg) end; false -> erlang:error(badarg) end. -spec v_dbs(module()) -> [atom()]. v_dbs(Mod) -> ejabberd_db_modules:get_scope(Mod). -spec v_dbs_mods(module()) -> [module()]. v_dbs_mods(Mod) -> lists:map(fun(M) -> binary_to_atom(<<(atom_to_binary(Mod, utf8))/binary, "_", (atom_to_binary(M, utf8))/binary>>, utf8) end, v_dbs(Mod)). -spec default_db(module()) -> atom(). default_db(Module) -> default_db(global, Module). -spec default_db(binary() | global, module()) -> atom(). default_db(Host, Module) -> default_db(default_db, Host, Module). -spec default_ram_db(module()) -> atom(). default_ram_db(Module) -> default_ram_db(global, Module). -spec default_ram_db(binary() | global, module()) -> atom(). default_ram_db(Host, Module) -> default_db(default_ram_db, Host, Module). -spec default_db(default_db | default_ram_db, binary() | global, module()) -> atom(). default_db(Opt, Host, Module) -> case get_option({Opt, Host}) of undefined -> mnesia; DBType -> try v_db(Module, DBType) catch error:badarg -> ?WARNING_MSG("Module '~s' doesn't support database '~s' " "defined in option '~s', using " "'mnesia' as fallback", [Module, DBType, Opt]), mnesia end end. get_modules_with_options() -> {ok, Mods} = application:get_key(ejabberd, modules), ExtMods = [Name || {Name, _Details} <- ext_mod:installed()], AllMods = [?MODULE|ExtMods++Mods], init_module_db_table(AllMods), lists:foldl( fun(Mod, D) -> case is_behaviour(?MODULE, Mod) orelse Mod == ?MODULE of true -> try Mod:opt_type('') of Opts when is_list(Opts) -> lists:foldl( fun(Opt, Acc) -> dict:append(Opt, Mod, Acc) end, D, Opts) catch _:undef -> D end; false -> D end end, dict:new(), AllMods). validate_opts(#state{opts = Opts} = State) -> ModOpts = get_modules_with_options(), NewOpts = lists:filtermap( fun(#local_config{key = {Opt, _Host}, value = Val} = In) -> case dict:find(Opt, ModOpts) of {ok, [Mod|_]} -> VFun = Mod:opt_type(Opt), try VFun(Val) of NewVal -> {true, In#local_config{value = NewVal}} catch {invalid_syntax, Error} -> ?ERROR_MSG("ignoring option '~s' with " "invalid value: ~p: ~s", [Opt, Val, Error]), false; _:_ -> ?ERROR_MSG("ignoring option '~s' with " "invalid value: ~p", [Opt, Val]), false end; _ -> ?ERROR_MSG("unknown option '~s' will be likely" " ignored", [Opt]), true end end, Opts), State#state{opts = NewOpts}. -spec get_vh_by_auth_method(atom()) -> [binary()]. %% Return the list of hosts with a given auth method get_vh_by_auth_method(AuthMethod) -> Hosts = ejabberd_options:get_scope(auth_method), get_vh_by_auth_method(AuthMethod, Hosts, []). get_vh_by_auth_method(Method, [Host|Hosts], Result) -> Methods = get_option({auth_method, Host}, []), case lists:member(Method, Methods) of true when Host == global -> get_myhosts(); true -> get_vh_by_auth_method(Method, Hosts, [Host|Result]); false -> get_vh_by_auth_method(Method, Hosts, Result) end; get_vh_by_auth_method(_, [], Result) -> Result. %% @spec (Path::string()) -> true | false is_file_readable(Path) -> case file:read_file_info(Path) of {ok, FileInfo} -> case {FileInfo#file_info.type, FileInfo#file_info.access} of {regular, read} -> true; {regular, read_write} -> true; _ -> false end; {error, _Reason} -> false end. get_version() -> case application:get_key(ejabberd, vsn) of undefined -> ""; {ok, Vsn} -> list_to_binary(Vsn) end. -spec get_myhosts() -> [binary()]. get_myhosts() -> get_option(hosts). -spec get_mylang() -> binary(). get_mylang() -> get_lang(global). -spec get_lang(global | binary()) -> binary(). get_lang(Host) -> get_option({language, Host}, <<"en">>). replace_module(mod_announce_odbc) -> {mod_announce, sql}; replace_module(mod_blocking_odbc) -> {mod_blocking, sql}; replace_module(mod_caps_odbc) -> {mod_caps, sql}; replace_module(mod_irc_odbc) -> {mod_irc, sql}; replace_module(mod_last_odbc) -> {mod_last, sql}; replace_module(mod_muc_odbc) -> {mod_muc, sql}; replace_module(mod_offline_odbc) -> {mod_offline, sql}; replace_module(mod_privacy_odbc) -> {mod_privacy, sql}; replace_module(mod_private_odbc) -> {mod_private, sql}; replace_module(mod_roster_odbc) -> {mod_roster, sql}; replace_module(mod_shared_roster_odbc) -> {mod_shared_roster, sql}; replace_module(mod_vcard_odbc) -> {mod_vcard, sql}; replace_module(mod_vcard_ldap) -> {mod_vcard, ldap}; replace_module(mod_vcard_xupdate_odbc) -> {mod_vcard_xupdate, sql}; replace_module(mod_pubsub_odbc) -> {mod_pubsub, sql}; replace_module(mod_http_bind) -> mod_bosh; replace_module(Module) -> case is_elixir_module(Module) of true -> expand_elixir_module(Module); false -> Module end. replace_modules(Modules) -> lists:map( fun({Module, Opts}) -> case replace_module(Module) of {NewModule, DBType} -> emit_deprecation_warning(Module, NewModule, DBType), NewOpts = [{db_type, DBType} | lists:keydelete(db_type, 1, Opts)], {NewModule, transform_module_options(Module, NewOpts)}; NewModule -> if Module /= NewModule -> emit_deprecation_warning(Module, NewModule); true -> ok end, {NewModule, transform_module_options(Module, Opts)} end end, Modules). %% Elixir module naming %% ==================== -ifdef(ELIXIR_ENABLED). is_elixir_enabled() -> true. -else. is_elixir_enabled() -> false. -endif. is_using_elixir_config() -> case is_elixir_enabled() of true -> Config = get_ejabberd_config_path(), 'Elixir.Ejabberd.ConfigUtil':is_elixir_config(Config); false -> false end. %% If module name start with uppercase letter, this is an Elixir module: is_elixir_module(Module) -> case atom_to_list(Module) of [H|_] when H >= 65, H =< 90 -> true; _ ->false end. %% We assume we know this is an elixir module expand_elixir_module(Module) -> case atom_to_list(Module) of %% Module name already specified as an Elixir from Erlang module name "Elixir." ++ _ -> Module; %% if start with uppercase letter, this is an Elixir module: Append 'Elixir.' to module name. ModuleString -> list_to_atom("Elixir." ++ ModuleString) end. strings_to_binary([]) -> []; strings_to_binary(L) when is_list(L) -> case is_string(L) of true -> list_to_binary(L); false -> strings_to_binary1(L) end; strings_to_binary({A, B, C, D}) when is_integer(A), is_integer(B), is_integer(C), is_integer(D) -> {A, B, C ,D}; strings_to_binary(T) when is_tuple(T) -> list_to_tuple(strings_to_binary1(tuple_to_list(T))); strings_to_binary(X) -> X. strings_to_binary1([El|L]) -> [strings_to_binary(El)|strings_to_binary1(L)]; strings_to_binary1([]) -> []; strings_to_binary1(T) -> T. is_string([C|T]) when (C >= 0) and (C =< 255) -> is_string(T); is_string([]) -> true; is_string(_) -> false. binary_to_strings(B) when is_binary(B) -> binary_to_list(B); binary_to_strings([H|T]) -> [binary_to_strings(H)|binary_to_strings(T)]; binary_to_strings(T) when is_tuple(T) -> list_to_tuple(binary_to_strings(tuple_to_list(T))); binary_to_strings(T) -> T. format_term(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> io_lib:format("\"~s\"", [Bin]); format_term(S) when is_list(S), S /= [] -> case lists:all(fun(C) -> (C>=0) and (C=<255) end, S) of true -> io_lib:format("\"~s\"", [S]); false -> io_lib:format("~p", [binary_to_strings(S)]) end; format_term(T) -> io_lib:format("~p", [binary_to_strings(T)]). transform_terms(Terms) -> %% We could check all ejabberd beams, but this %% slows down start-up procedure :( Mods = [mod_register, ejabberd_s2s, ejabberd_listener, ejabberd_sql_sup, shaper, ejabberd_s2s_out, acl, ejabberd_config], collect_options(transform_terms(Mods, Terms)). transform_terms([Mod|Mods], Terms) -> case catch Mod:transform_options(Terms) of {'EXIT', _} = Err -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to transform terms by ~p: ~p", [Mod, Err]), transform_terms(Mods, Terms); NewTerms -> transform_terms(Mods, NewTerms) end; transform_terms([], NewTerms) -> NewTerms. transform_module_options(Module, Opts) -> Opts1 = gen_iq_handler:transform_module_options(Opts), try Module:transform_module_options(Opts1) catch error:undef -> Opts1 end. compact(Cfg) -> Opts = [{K, V} || #local_config{key = K, value = V} <- Cfg], {GOpts, HOpts} = split_by_hosts(Opts), [#local_config{key = {O, global}, value = V} || {O, V} <- GOpts] ++ lists:flatmap( fun({Host, OptVal}) -> case lists:member(OptVal, GOpts) of true -> []; false -> [#local_config{key = {Opt, Host}, value = Val} || {Opt, Val} <- OptVal] end end, lists:flatten(HOpts)). split_by_hosts(Opts) -> Opts1 = orddict:to_list( lists:foldl( fun({{Opt, Host}, Val}, D) -> orddict:append(Host, {Opt, Val}, D) end, orddict:new(), Opts)), case lists:keytake(global, 1, Opts1) of {value, {global, GlobalOpts}, HostOpts} -> {GlobalOpts, HostOpts}; _ -> {[], Opts1} end. collect_options(Opts) -> {D, InvalidOpts} = lists:foldl( fun({K, V}, {D, Os}) when is_list(V) -> {orddict:append_list(K, V, D), Os}; ({K, V}, {D, Os}) -> {orddict:store(K, V, D), Os}; (Opt, {D, Os}) -> {D, [Opt|Os]} end, {orddict:new(), []}, Opts), InvalidOpts ++ orddict:to_list(D). transform_options(Opts) -> Opts1 = lists:foldl(fun transform_options/2, [], Opts), {HOpts, Opts2} = lists:mapfoldl( fun({host_config, O}, Os) -> {[O], Os}; (O, Os) -> {[], [O|Os]} end, [], Opts1), {AHOpts, Opts3} = lists:mapfoldl( fun({append_host_config, O}, Os) -> {[O], Os}; (O, Os) -> {[], [O|Os]} end, [], Opts2), HOpts1 = case collect_options(lists:flatten(HOpts)) of [] -> []; HOs -> [{host_config, [{H, transform_terms(O)} || {H, O} <- HOs]}] end, AHOpts1 = case collect_options(lists:flatten(AHOpts)) of [] -> []; AHOs -> [{append_host_config, [{H, transform_terms(O)} || {H, O} <- AHOs]}] end, HOpts1 ++ AHOpts1 ++ Opts3. transform_options({domain_certfile, Domain, CertFile}, Opts) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Option 'domain_certfile' now should be defined " "per virtual host or globally. The old format is " "still supported but it is better to fix your config", []), [{host_config, [{Domain, [{domain_certfile, CertFile}]}]}|Opts]; transform_options(Opt, Opts) when Opt == override_global; Opt == override_local; Opt == override_acls -> ?WARNING_MSG("Ignoring '~s' option which has no effect anymore", [Opt]), Opts; transform_options({node_start, {_, _, _} = Now}, Opts) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Old 'node_start' format detected. This is still supported " "but it is better to fix your config.", []), [{node_start, now_to_seconds(Now)}|Opts]; transform_options({host_config, Host, HOpts}, Opts) -> {AddOpts, HOpts1} = lists:mapfoldl( fun({{add, Opt}, Val}, Os) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Option 'add' is deprecated. " "The option is still supported " "but it is better to fix your config: " "use 'append_host_config' instead.", []), {[{Opt, Val}], Os}; (O, Os) -> {[], [O|Os]} end, [], HOpts), [{append_host_config, [{Host, lists:flatten(AddOpts)}]}, {host_config, [{Host, HOpts1}]}|Opts]; transform_options({define_macro, Macro, Val}, Opts) -> [{define_macro, [{Macro, Val}]}|Opts]; transform_options({include_config_file, _} = Opt, Opts) -> [{include_config_file, [transform_include_option(Opt)]} | Opts]; transform_options({include_config_file, _, _} = Opt, Opts) -> [{include_config_file, [transform_include_option(Opt)]} | Opts]; transform_options(Opt, Opts) -> [Opt|Opts]. emit_deprecation_warning(Module, NewModule, DBType) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Module ~s is deprecated, use ~s with 'db_type: ~s'" " instead", [Module, NewModule, DBType]). emit_deprecation_warning(Module, NewModule) -> case is_elixir_module(NewModule) of %% Do not emit deprecation warning for Elixir true -> ok; false -> ?WARNING_MSG("Module ~s is deprecated, use ~s instead", [Module, NewModule]) end. -spec now_to_seconds(erlang:timestamp()) -> non_neg_integer(). now_to_seconds({MegaSecs, Secs, _MicroSecs}) -> MegaSecs * 1000000 + Secs. -spec opt_type(hide_sensitive_log_data) -> fun((boolean()) -> boolean()); (hosts) -> fun(([binary()]) -> [binary()]); (language) -> fun((binary()) -> binary()); (max_fsm_queue) -> fun((pos_integer()) -> pos_integer()); (default_db) -> fun((atom()) -> atom()); (default_ram_db) -> fun((atom()) -> atom()); (loglevel) -> fun((0..5) -> 0..5); (queue_dir) -> fun((binary()) -> binary()); (queue_type) -> fun((ram | file) -> ram | file); (use_cache) -> fun((boolean()) -> boolean()); (cache_size) -> fun((timeout()) -> timeout()); (cache_missed) -> fun((boolean()) -> boolean()); (cache_life_time) -> fun((timeout()) -> timeout()); (domain_certfile) -> fun((binary()) -> binary()); (shared_key) -> fun((binary()) -> binary()); (node_start) -> fun((non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer()); (atom()) -> [atom()]. opt_type(hide_sensitive_log_data) -> fun (H) when is_boolean(H) -> H end; opt_type(hosts) -> fun(L) -> [iolist_to_binary(H) || H <- L] end; opt_type(language) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; opt_type(max_fsm_queue) -> fun (I) when is_integer(I), I > 0 -> I end; opt_type(default_db) -> fun(T) when is_atom(T) -> T end; opt_type(default_ram_db) -> fun(T) when is_atom(T) -> T end; opt_type(loglevel) -> fun (P) when P >= 0, P =< 5 -> P end; opt_type(queue_dir) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; opt_type(queue_type) -> fun(ram) -> ram; (file) -> file end; opt_type(use_cache) -> fun(B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end; opt_type(cache_size) -> fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>0 -> I; (infinity) -> infinity; (unlimited) -> infinity end; opt_type(cache_missed) -> fun(B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end; opt_type(cache_life_time) -> fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>0 -> I; (infinity) -> infinity; (unlimited) -> infinity end; opt_type(domain_certfile) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; opt_type(shared_key) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; opt_type(node_start) -> fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>=0 -> I end; opt_type(_) -> [hide_sensitive_log_data, hosts, language, max_fsm_queue, default_db, default_ram_db, queue_type, queue_dir, loglevel, use_cache, cache_size, cache_missed, cache_life_time, domain_certfile, shared_key, node_start]. -spec may_hide_data(any()) -> any(). may_hide_data(Data) -> case get_option(hide_sensitive_log_data, false) of false -> Data; true -> "hidden_by_ejabberd" end. -spec fsm_limit_opts([proplists:property()]) -> [{max_queue, pos_integer()}]. fsm_limit_opts(Opts) -> case lists:keyfind(max_fsm_queue, 1, Opts) of {_, I} when is_integer(I), I>0 -> [{max_queue, I}]; false -> case get_option(max_fsm_queue) of undefined -> []; N -> [{max_queue, N}] end end. -spec queue_dir() -> binary() | undefined. queue_dir() -> get_option(queue_dir). -spec default_queue_type(binary()) -> ram | file. default_queue_type(Host) -> get_option({queue_type, Host}, ram). -spec use_cache(binary() | global) -> boolean(). use_cache(Host) -> get_option({use_cache, Host}, true). -spec cache_size(binary() | global) -> pos_integer() | infinity. cache_size(Host) -> get_option({cache_size, Host}, 1000). -spec cache_missed(binary() | global) -> boolean(). cache_missed(Host) -> get_option({cache_missed, Host}, true). -spec cache_life_time(binary() | global) -> pos_integer() | infinity. %% NOTE: the integer value returned is in *seconds* cache_life_time(Host) -> get_option({cache_life_time, Host}, 3600).