%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_vcard_xupdate.erl %%% Author : Igor Goryachev %%% Purpose : Add avatar hash in presence on behalf of client (XEP-0153) %%% Created : 9 Mar 2007 by Igor Goryachev %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_vcard_xupdate). -behaviour(gen_mod). %% gen_mod callbacks -export([start/2, stop/1]). %% hooks -export([update_presence/3, vcard_set/3, export/1]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("jlib.hrl"). -record(vcard_xupdate, {us = {<<>>, <<>>} :: {binary(), binary()}, hash = <<>> :: binary()}). %%==================================================================== %% gen_mod callbacks %%==================================================================== start(Host, Opts) -> case gen_mod:db_type(Opts) of mnesia -> mnesia:create_table(vcard_xupdate, [{disc_copies, [node()]}, {attributes, record_info(fields, vcard_xupdate)}]), update_table(); _ -> ok end, ejabberd_hooks:add(c2s_update_presence, Host, ?MODULE, update_presence, 100), ejabberd_hooks:add(vcard_set, Host, ?MODULE, vcard_set, 100), ok. stop(Host) -> ejabberd_hooks:delete(c2s_update_presence, Host, ?MODULE, update_presence, 100), ejabberd_hooks:delete(vcard_set, Host, ?MODULE, vcard_set, 100), ok. %%==================================================================== %% Hooks %%==================================================================== update_presence(#xmlel{name = <<"presence">>, attrs = Attrs} = Packet, User, Host) -> case xml:get_attr_s(<<"type">>, Attrs) of <<>> -> presence_with_xupdate(Packet, User, Host); _ -> Packet end; update_presence(Packet, _User, _Host) -> Packet. vcard_set(LUser, LServer, VCARD) -> US = {LUser, LServer}, case xml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, <<"PHOTO">>}, {elem, <<"BINVAL">>}, cdata]) of <<>> -> remove_xupdate(LUser, LServer); BinVal -> add_xupdate(LUser, LServer, sha:sha(jlib:decode_base64(BinVal))) end, ejabberd_sm:force_update_presence(US). %%==================================================================== %% Storage %%==================================================================== add_xupdate(LUser, LServer, Hash) -> add_xupdate(LUser, LServer, Hash, gen_mod:db_type(LServer, ?MODULE)). add_xupdate(LUser, LServer, Hash, mnesia) -> F = fun () -> mnesia:write(#vcard_xupdate{us = {LUser, LServer}, hash = Hash}) end, mnesia:transaction(F); add_xupdate(LUser, LServer, Hash, odbc) -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), SHash = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Hash), F = fun () -> odbc_queries:update_t(<<"vcard_xupdate">>, [<<"username">>, <<"hash">>], [Username, SHash], [<<"username='">>, Username, <<"'">>]) end, ejabberd_odbc:sql_transaction(LServer, F). get_xupdate(LUser, LServer) -> get_xupdate(LUser, LServer, gen_mod:db_type(LServer, ?MODULE)). get_xupdate(LUser, LServer, mnesia) -> case mnesia:dirty_read(vcard_xupdate, {LUser, LServer}) of [#vcard_xupdate{hash = Hash}] -> Hash; _ -> undefined end; get_xupdate(LUser, LServer, odbc) -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), case ejabberd_odbc:sql_query(LServer, [<<"select hash from vcard_xupdate where " "username='">>, Username, <<"';">>]) of {selected, [<<"hash">>], [[Hash]]} -> Hash; _ -> undefined end. remove_xupdate(LUser, LServer) -> remove_xupdate(LUser, LServer, gen_mod:db_type(LServer, ?MODULE)). remove_xupdate(LUser, LServer, mnesia) -> F = fun () -> mnesia:delete({vcard_xupdate, {LUser, LServer}}) end, mnesia:transaction(F); remove_xupdate(LUser, LServer, odbc) -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), F = fun () -> ejabberd_odbc:sql_query_t([<<"delete from vcard_xupdate where username='">>, Username, <<"';">>]) end, ejabberd_odbc:sql_transaction(LServer, F). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Presence stanza rebuilding %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- presence_with_xupdate(#xmlel{name = <<"presence">>, attrs = Attrs, children = Els}, User, Host) -> XPhotoEl = build_xphotoel(User, Host), Els2 = presence_with_xupdate2(Els, [], XPhotoEl), #xmlel{name = <<"presence">>, attrs = Attrs, children = Els2}. presence_with_xupdate2([], Els2, XPhotoEl) -> lists:reverse([XPhotoEl | Els2]); %% This clause assumes that the x element contains only the XMLNS attribute: presence_with_xupdate2([#xmlel{name = <<"x">>, attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_VCARD_UPDATE}]} | Els], Els2, XPhotoEl) -> presence_with_xupdate2(Els, Els2, XPhotoEl); presence_with_xupdate2([El | Els], Els2, XPhotoEl) -> presence_with_xupdate2(Els, [El | Els2], XPhotoEl). build_xphotoel(User, Host) -> Hash = get_xupdate(User, Host), PhotoSubEls = case Hash of Hash when is_binary(Hash) -> [{xmlcdata, Hash}]; _ -> [] end, PhotoEl = [#xmlel{name = <<"photo">>, attrs = [], children = PhotoSubEls}], #xmlel{name = <<"x">>, attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_VCARD_UPDATE}], children = PhotoEl}. update_table() -> Fields = record_info(fields, vcard_xupdate), case mnesia:table_info(vcard_xupdate, attributes) of Fields -> ejabberd_config:convert_table_to_binary( vcard_xupdate, Fields, set, fun(#vcard_xupdate{us = {U, _}}) -> U end, fun(#vcard_xupdate{us = {U, S}, hash = Hash} = R) -> R#vcard_xupdate{us = {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S)}, hash = iolist_to_binary(Hash)} end); _ -> ?INFO_MSG("Recreating vcard_xupdate table", []), mnesia:transform_table(vcard_xupdate, ignore, Fields) end. export(_Server) -> [{vcard_xupdate, fun(Host, #vcard_xupdate{us = {LUser, LServer}, hash = Hash}) when LServer == Host -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), SHash = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Hash), [[<<"delete from vcard_xupdate where username='">>, Username, <<"';">>], [<<"insert into vcard_xupdate(username, " "hash) values ('">>, Username, <<"', '">>, SHash, <<"');">>]]; (_Host, _R) -> [] end}].