%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_configure.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Support for online configuration of ejabberd %%% Created : 19 Jan 2003 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Process-one %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Implements most of XEP-0133: Service Administration Version 1.1 %%% (2005-08-19) -module(mod_configure). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -behaviour(gen_mod). -export([start/2, stop/1, get_local_identity/5, get_local_features/5, get_local_items/5, adhoc_local_items/4, adhoc_local_commands/4, get_sm_identity/5, get_sm_features/5, get_sm_items/5, adhoc_sm_items/4, adhoc_sm_commands/4]). -include_lib("exmpp/include/exmpp.hrl"). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("adhoc.hrl"). -define(T(Lang, Text), translate:translate(Lang, Text)). %% Copied from ejabberd_sm.erl -record(session, {sid, usr, us, priority, info}). -define(NS_ADMIN_s, "http://jabber.org/protocol/admin"). start(Host, _Opts) -> ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_local_items, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_items, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_local_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_features, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_local_identity, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_identity, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_sm_items, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_items, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_sm_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_features, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_sm_identity, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_identity, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(adhoc_local_items, Host, ?MODULE, adhoc_local_items, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(adhoc_local_commands, Host, ?MODULE, adhoc_local_commands, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(adhoc_sm_items, Host, ?MODULE, adhoc_sm_items, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(adhoc_sm_commands, Host, ?MODULE, adhoc_sm_commands, 50), ok. stop(Host) -> ejabberd_hooks:delete(adhoc_sm_commands, Host, ?MODULE, adhoc_sm_commands, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(adhoc_sm_items, Host, ?MODULE, adhoc_sm_items, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(adhoc_local_commands, Host, ?MODULE, adhoc_local_commands, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(adhoc_local_items, Host, ?MODULE, adhoc_local_items, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_sm_identity, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_identity, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_sm_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_features, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_sm_items, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_items, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_local_identity, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_identity, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_local_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_features, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_local_items, Host, ?MODULE, get_local_items, 50), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_ADHOC_s), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_ADHOC_s). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------- -define(INFO_IDENTITY(Category, Type, Name, Lang), [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DISCO_INFO, name = 'identity', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'category', value = Category}, #xmlattr{name = 'type', value = Type}, #xmlattr{name = 'name', value = ?T(Lang, Name)}]}]). -define(INFO_COMMAND(Name, Lang), ?INFO_IDENTITY("automation", "command-node", Name, Lang)). -define(NODEJID(To, Name, Node), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS, name = 'item', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'jid', value = exmpp_jid:jid_to_string(To)}, #xmlattr{name = 'name', value = ?T(Lang, Name)}, #xmlattr{name = 'node', value = Node}]}). -define(NODE(Name, Node), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS, name = 'item', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'jid', value = Server}, #xmlattr{name = 'name', value = ?T(Lang, Name)}, #xmlattr{name = 'node', value = Node}]}). -define(NS_ADMINX(Sub), ?NS_ADMIN_s++"#"++Sub). -define(NS_ADMINL(Sub), ["http:","jabber.org","protocol","admin", Sub]). tokenize(Node) -> string:tokens(Node, "/#"). get_sm_identity(Acc, _From, _To, Node, Lang) -> case Node of "config" -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Configuration", Lang); _ -> Acc end. get_local_identity(Acc, _From, _To, Node, Lang) -> LNode = tokenize(Node), case LNode of ["running nodes", ENode] -> ?INFO_IDENTITY("ejabberd", "node", ENode, Lang); ["running nodes", _ENode, "DB"] -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Database", Lang); ["running nodes", _ENode, "modules", "start"] -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Start Modules", Lang); ["running nodes", _ENode, "modules", "stop"] -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Stop Modules", Lang); ["running nodes", _ENode, "backup", "backup"] -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Backup", Lang); ["running nodes", _ENode, "backup", "restore"] -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Restore", Lang); ["running nodes", _ENode, "backup", "textfile"] -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Dump to Text File", Lang); ["running nodes", _ENode, "import", "file"] -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Import File", Lang); ["running nodes", _ENode, "import", "dir"] -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Import Directory", Lang); ["running nodes", _ENode, "restart"] -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Restart Service", Lang); ["running nodes", _ENode, "shutdown"] -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Shut Down Service", Lang); ?NS_ADMINL("add-user") -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Add User", Lang); ?NS_ADMINL("delete-user") -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Delete User", Lang); ?NS_ADMINL("end-user-session") -> ?INFO_COMMAND("End User Session", Lang); ?NS_ADMINL("get-user-password") -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Get User Password", Lang); ?NS_ADMINL("change-user-password") -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Change User Password", Lang); ?NS_ADMINL("get-user-lastlogin") -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Get User Last Login Time", Lang); ?NS_ADMINL("user-stats") -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Get User Statistics", Lang); ?NS_ADMINL("get-registered-users-num") -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Get Number of Registered Users", Lang); ?NS_ADMINL("get-online-users-num") -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Get Number of Online Users", Lang); ["config", "acls"] -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Access Control Lists", Lang); ["config", "access"] -> ?INFO_COMMAND("Access Rules", Lang); _ -> Acc end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------- -define(INFO_RESULT(Allow, Feats), case Allow of deny -> {error, 'forbidden'}; allow -> {result, Feats} end). get_sm_features(Acc, From, #jid{ldomain = LServer} = _To, Node, _Lang) -> case gen_mod:is_loaded(LServer, mod_adhoc) of false -> Acc; _ -> Allow = acl:match_rule(LServer, configure, From), case Node of "config" -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, [?NS_ADHOC_s]); _ -> Acc end end. get_local_features(Acc, From, #jid{ldomain = LServer} = _To, Node, _Lang) -> case gen_mod:is_loaded(LServer, mod_adhoc) of false -> Acc; _ -> LNode = tokenize(Node), Allow = acl:match_rule(LServer, configure, From), case LNode of ["config"] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, []); ["user"] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, []); ["online users"] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, []); ["all users"] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, []); ["all users", [$@ | _]] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, []); ["outgoing s2s" | _] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, []); ["running nodes"] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, []); ["stopped nodes"] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, []); ["running nodes", _ENode] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, [?NS_STATS_s]); ["running nodes", _ENode, "DB"] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, [?NS_ADHOC_s]); ["running nodes", _ENode, "modules"] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, []); ["running nodes", _ENode, "modules", _] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, [?NS_ADHOC_s]); ["running nodes", _ENode, "backup"] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, []); ["running nodes", _ENode, "backup", _] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, [?NS_ADHOC_s]); ["running nodes", _ENode, "import"] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, []); ["running nodes", _ENode, "import", _] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, [?NS_ADHOC_s]); ["running nodes", _ENode, "restart"] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, [?NS_ADHOC_s]); ["running nodes", _ENode, "shutdown"] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, [?NS_ADHOC_s]); ["config", _] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, [?NS_ADHOC_s]); ["http:" | _] -> ?INFO_RESULT(Allow, [?NS_ADHOC_s]); _ -> Acc end end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------- adhoc_sm_items(Acc, From, #jid{ldomain = LServer} = To, Lang) -> case acl:match_rule(LServer, configure, From) of allow -> Items = case Acc of {result, Its} -> Its; empty -> [] end, Nodes = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS, name = 'item', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'jid', value = exmpp_jid:jid_to_string(To)}, #xmlattr{name = 'name', value = ?T(Lang, "Configuration")}, #xmlattr{name = 'node', value = "config"}]}], {result, Items ++ Nodes}; _ -> Acc end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------- get_sm_items(Acc, From, #jid{node = User, domain = Server, ldomain = LServer} = To, Node, Lang) -> case gen_mod:is_loaded(LServer, mod_adhoc) of false -> Acc; _ -> Items = case Acc of {result, Its} -> Its; empty -> [] end, case {acl:match_rule(LServer, configure, From), Node} of {allow, ""} -> Nodes = [?NODEJID(To, "Configuration", "config"), ?NODEJID(To, "User Management", "user")], {result, Items ++ Nodes ++ get_user_resources(User, Server)}; {allow, "config"} -> {result, []}; {_, "config"} -> {error, 'forbidden'}; _ -> Acc end end. get_user_resources(User, Server) -> Rs = ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(User, Server), lists:map(fun(R) -> #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS, name = 'item', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'jid', value = exmpp_jid:jid_to_string(User, Server, R)}, #xmlattr{name = 'name', value = User}]} end, lists:sort(Rs)). %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------- adhoc_local_items(Acc, From, #jid{ldomain = LServer, domain = Server} = To, Lang) -> case acl:match_rule(LServer, configure, From) of allow -> Items = case Acc of {result, Its} -> Its; empty -> [] end, %% Recursively get all configure commands Nodes = recursively_get_local_items(LServer, "", Server, Lang), Nodes1 = lists:filter( fun(N) -> Nd = exmpp_xml:get_attribute(N, 'node', ""), F = get_local_features([], From, To, Nd, Lang), case F of {result, [?NS_ADHOC_s]} -> true; _ -> false end end, Nodes), {result, Items ++ Nodes1}; _ -> Acc end. recursively_get_local_items(_LServer, "online users", _Server, _Lang) -> []; recursively_get_local_items(_LServer, "all users", _Server, _Lang) -> []; recursively_get_local_items(LServer, Node, Server, Lang) -> LNode = tokenize(Node), Items = case get_local_items(LServer, LNode, Server, Lang) of {result, Res} -> Res; {error, _Error} -> [] end, Nodes = lists:flatten( lists:map( fun(N) -> S = exmpp_xml:get_attribute(N, 'jid', ""), Nd = exmpp_xml:get_attribute(N, 'node', ""), if (S /= Server) or (Nd == "") -> []; true -> [N, recursively_get_local_items( LServer, Nd, Server, Lang)] end end, Items)), Nodes. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------- -define(ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, Fallback), case Allow of deny -> Fallback; allow -> case get_local_items(LServer, LNode, exmpp_jid:jid_to_string(To), Lang) of {result, Res} -> {result, Res}; {error, Error} -> {error, Error} end end). get_local_items(Acc, From, #jid{ldomain = LServer} = To, "", Lang) -> case gen_mod:is_loaded(LServer, mod_adhoc) of false -> Acc; _ -> Items = case Acc of {result, Its} -> Its; empty -> [] end, Allow = acl:match_rule(LServer, configure, From), case Allow of deny -> {result, Items}; allow -> case get_local_items(LServer, [], exmpp_jid:jid_to_string(To), Lang) of {result, Res} -> {result, Items ++ Res}; {error, _Error} -> {result, Items} end end end; get_local_items(Acc, From, #jid{ldomain = LServer} = To, Node, Lang) -> case gen_mod:is_loaded(LServer, mod_adhoc) of false -> Acc; _ -> LNode = tokenize(Node), Allow = acl:match_rule(LServer, configure, From), case LNode of ["config"] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["user"] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["online users"] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["all users"] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["all users", [$@ | _]] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["outgoing s2s" | _] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["running nodes"] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["stopped nodes"] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["running nodes", _ENode] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["running nodes", _ENode, "DB"] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["running nodes", _ENode, "modules"] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["running nodes", _ENode, "modules", _] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["running nodes", _ENode, "backup"] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["running nodes", _ENode, "backup", _] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["running nodes", _ENode, "import"] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["running nodes", _ENode, "import", _] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["running nodes", _ENode, "restart"] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["running nodes", _ENode, "shutdown"] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ["config", _] -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); ?NS_ADMINL(_) -> ?ITEMS_RESULT(Allow, LNode, {error, 'forbidden'}); _ -> Acc end end. %%%----------------------------------------------------------------------- get_local_items(_Host, [], Server, Lang) -> {result, [?NODE("Configuration", "config"), ?NODE("User Management", "user"), ?NODE("Online Users", "online users"), ?NODE("All Users", "all users"), ?NODE("Outgoing s2s Connections", "outgoing s2s"), ?NODE("Running Nodes", "running nodes"), ?NODE("Stopped Nodes", "stopped nodes") ]}; get_local_items(_Host, ["config"], Server, Lang) -> {result, [?NODE("Access Control Lists", "config/acls"), ?NODE("Access Rules", "config/access") ]}; get_local_items(_Host, ["config", _], _Server, _Lang) -> {result, []}; get_local_items(_Host, ["user"], Server, Lang) -> {result, [?NODE("Add User", ?NS_ADMINX("add-user")), ?NODE("Delete User", ?NS_ADMINX("delete-user")), ?NODE("End User Session", ?NS_ADMINX("end-user-session")), ?NODE("Get User Password", ?NS_ADMINX("get-user-password")), ?NODE("Change User Password",?NS_ADMINX("change-user-password")), ?NODE("Get User Last Login Time", ?NS_ADMINX("get-user-lastlogin")), ?NODE("Get User Statistics", ?NS_ADMINX("user-stats")), ?NODE("Get Number of Registered Users",?NS_ADMINX("get-registered-users-num")), ?NODE("Get Number of Online Users",?NS_ADMINX("get-online-users-num")) ]}; get_local_items(_Host, ["http:" | _], _Server, _Lang) -> {result, []}; get_local_items(Host, ["online users"], _Server, _Lang) -> {result, get_online_vh_users(Host)}; get_local_items(Host, ["all users"], _Server, _Lang) -> {result, get_all_vh_users(Host)}; get_local_items(Host, ["all users", [$@ | Diap]], _Server, _Lang) -> case catch ejabberd_auth:get_vh_registered_users(Host) of {'EXIT', _Reason} -> {error, 'internal-server-error'}; Users -> SUsers = lists:sort([{S, U} || {U, S} <- Users]), case catch begin {ok, [S1, S2]} = regexp:split(Diap, "-"), N1 = list_to_integer(S1), N2 = list_to_integer(S2), Sub = lists:sublist(SUsers, N1, N2 - N1 + 1), lists:map(fun({S, U}) -> #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS, name = 'item', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'jid', value = exmpp_jid:jid_to_string(U, S)}, #xmlattr{name = 'name', value = exmpp_jid:jid_to_string(U, S)}]} end, Sub) end of {'EXIT', _Reason} -> {error, 'not-acceptable'}; Res -> {result, Res} end end; get_local_items(Host, ["outgoing s2s"], _Server, Lang) -> {result, get_outgoing_s2s(Host, Lang)}; get_local_items(Host, ["outgoing s2s", To], _Server, Lang) -> {result, get_outgoing_s2s(Host, Lang, To)}; get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes"], Server, Lang) -> {result, get_running_nodes(Server, Lang)}; get_local_items(_Host, ["stopped nodes"], _Server, Lang) -> {result, get_stopped_nodes(Lang)}; get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", ENode], Server, Lang) -> {result, [?NODE("Database", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/DB"), ?NODE("Modules", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/modules"), ?NODE("Backup Management", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/backup"), ?NODE("Import Users From jabberd 1.4 Spool Files", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/import"), ?NODE("Restart Service", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/restart"), ?NODE("Shut Down Service", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/shutdown") ]}; get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", _ENode, "DB"], _Server, _Lang) -> {result, []}; get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "modules"], Server, Lang) -> {result, [?NODE("Start Modules", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/modules/start"), ?NODE("Stop Modules", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/modules/stop") ]}; get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", _ENode, "modules", _], _Server, _Lang) -> {result, []}; get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "backup"], Server, Lang) -> {result, [?NODE("Backup", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/backup/backup"), ?NODE("Restore", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/backup/restore"), ?NODE("Dump to Text File", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/backup/textfile") ]}; get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", _ENode, "backup", _], _Server, _Lang) -> {result, []}; get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "import"], Server, Lang) -> {result, [?NODE("Import File", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/import/file"), ?NODE("Import Directory", "running nodes/" ++ ENode ++ "/import/dir") ]}; get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", _ENode, "import", _], _Server, _Lang) -> {result, []}; get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", _ENode, "restart"], _Server, _Lang) -> {result, []}; get_local_items(_Host, ["running nodes", _ENode, "shutdown"], _Server, _Lang) -> {result, []}; get_local_items(_Host, _, _Server, _Lang) -> {error, 'item-not-found'}. get_online_vh_users(Host) -> case catch ejabberd_sm:get_vh_session_list(Host) of {'EXIT', _Reason} -> []; USRs -> SURs = lists:sort([{S, U, R} || {U, S, R} <- USRs]), lists:map(fun({S, U, R}) -> #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS, name = 'item', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'jid', value = exmpp_jid:jid_to_string(U, S, R)}, #xmlattr{name = 'name', value = exmpp_jid:jid_to_string(U, S)}]} end, SURs) end. get_all_vh_users(Host) -> case catch ejabberd_auth:get_vh_registered_users(Host) of {'EXIT', _Reason} -> []; Users -> SUsers = lists:sort([{S, U} || {U, S} <- Users]), case length(SUsers) of N when N =< 100 -> lists:map(fun({S, U}) -> #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS, name = 'item', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'jid', value = exmpp_jid:jid_to_string(U, S)}, #xmlattr{name = 'name', value = exmpp_jid:jid_to_string(U, S)}]} end, SUsers); N -> NParts = trunc(math:sqrt(N * 0.618)) + 1, M = trunc(N / NParts) + 1, lists:map(fun(K) -> L = K + M - 1, Node = "@" ++ integer_to_list(K) ++ "-" ++ integer_to_list(L), {FS, FU} = lists:nth(K, SUsers), {LS, LU} = if L < N -> lists:nth(L, SUsers); true -> lists:last(SUsers) end, Name = FU ++ "@" ++ FS ++ " -- " ++ LU ++ "@" ++ LS, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS, name = 'item', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'jid', value = Host}, #xmlattr{name = 'node', value = "all users/" ++ Node}, #xmlattr{name = 'name', value = Name}]} end, lists:seq(1, N, M)) end end. get_outgoing_s2s(Host, Lang) -> case catch ejabberd_s2s:dirty_get_connections() of {'EXIT', _Reason} -> []; Connections -> DotHost = "." ++ Host, TConns = [TH || {FH, TH} <- Connections, Host == FH orelse lists:suffix(DotHost, FH)], lists:map( fun(T) -> #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS, name = 'item', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'jid', value = Host}, #xmlattr{name = 'node', value = "outgoing s2s/" ++ T}, #xmlattr{name = 'name', value = lists:flatten( io_lib:format( ?T(Lang, "To ~s"), [T]))}]} end, lists:usort(TConns)) end. get_outgoing_s2s(Host, Lang, To) -> case catch ejabberd_s2s:dirty_get_connections() of {'EXIT', _Reason} -> []; Connections -> lists:map( fun({F, _T}) -> #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS, name = 'item', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'jid', value = Host}, #xmlattr{name = 'node', value = "outgoing s2s/" ++ To ++ "/" ++ F}, #xmlattr{name = 'name', value = lists:flatten( io_lib:format( ?T(Lang, "From ~s"), [F]))}]} end, lists:keysort(1, lists:filter(fun(E) -> element(2, E) == To end, Connections))) end. get_running_nodes(Server, _Lang) -> case catch mnesia:system_info(running_db_nodes) of {'EXIT', _Reason} -> []; DBNodes -> lists:map( fun(N) -> S = atom_to_list(N), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS, name = 'item', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'jid', value = Server}, #xmlattr{name = 'node', value = "running nodes/" ++ S}, #xmlattr{name = 'name', value = S}]} end, lists:sort(DBNodes)) end. get_stopped_nodes(_Lang) -> case catch (lists:usort(mnesia:system_info(db_nodes) ++ mnesia:system_info(extra_db_nodes)) -- mnesia:system_info(running_db_nodes)) of {'EXIT', _Reason} -> []; DBNodes -> lists:map( fun(N) -> S = atom_to_list(N), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS, name = 'item', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'jid', value = ?MYNAME}, #xmlattr{name = 'node', value = "stopped nodes/" ++ S}, #xmlattr{name = 'name', value = S}]} end, lists:sort(DBNodes)) end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- -define(COMMANDS_RESULT(Allow, From, To, Request), case Allow of deny -> {error, 'forbidden'}; allow -> adhoc_local_commands(From, To, Request) end). adhoc_local_commands(Acc, From, #jid{ldomain = LServer} = To, #adhoc_request{node = Node} = Request) -> LNode = tokenize(Node), Allow = acl:match_rule(LServer, configure, From), case LNode of ["running nodes", _ENode, "DB"] -> ?COMMANDS_RESULT(Allow, From, To, Request); ["running nodes", _ENode, "modules", _] -> ?COMMANDS_RESULT(Allow, From, To, Request); ["running nodes", _ENode, "backup", _] -> ?COMMANDS_RESULT(Allow, From, To, Request); ["running nodes", _ENode, "import", _] -> ?COMMANDS_RESULT(Allow, From, To, Request); ["running nodes", _ENode, "restart"] -> ?COMMANDS_RESULT(Allow, From, To, Request); ["running nodes", _ENode, "shutdown"] -> ?COMMANDS_RESULT(Allow, From, To, Request); ["config", _] -> ?COMMANDS_RESULT(Allow, From, To, Request); ?NS_ADMINL(_) -> ?COMMANDS_RESULT(Allow, From, To, Request); _ -> Acc end. adhoc_local_commands(From, #jid{ldomain = LServer} = _To, #adhoc_request{lang = Lang, node = Node, sessionid = SessionID, action = Action, xdata = XData} = Request) -> LNode = tokenize(Node), %% If the "action" attribute is not present, it is %% understood as "execute". If there was no %% element in the first response (which there isn't in our %% case), "execute" and "complete" are equivalent. ActionIsExecute = lists:member(Action, ["", "execute", "complete"]), if Action == "cancel" -> %% User cancels request adhoc:produce_response( Request, #adhoc_response{status = canceled}); XData == false, ActionIsExecute -> %% User requests form case get_form(LServer, LNode, Lang) of {result, Form} -> adhoc:produce_response( Request, #adhoc_response{status = executing, elements = Form}); {result, Status, Form} -> adhoc:produce_response( Request, #adhoc_response{status = Status, elements = Form}); {error, Error} -> {error, Error} end; XData /= false, ActionIsExecute -> %% User returns form. case jlib:parse_xdata_submit(XData) of invalid -> {error, 'bad-request'}; Fields -> case catch set_form(From, LServer, LNode, Lang, Fields) of {result, Res} -> adhoc:produce_response( #adhoc_response{lang = Lang, node = Node, sessionid = SessionID, elements = Res, status = completed}); {'EXIT', _} -> {error, 'bad-request'}; {error, Error} -> {error, Error} end end; true -> {error, 'bad-request'} end. -define(TVFIELD(Type, Var, Val), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = Type}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = Var}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(Val)}]}]}). -define(HFIELD(), ?TVFIELD("hidden", "FORM_TYPE", ?NS_ADMIN_s)). -define(TLFIELD(Type, Label, Var), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = Type}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, Label)}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = Var}]}). -define(XFIELD(Type, Label, Var, Val), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = Type}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, Label)}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = Var}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(Val)}]}]}). -define(XMFIELD(Type, Label, Var, Vals), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = Type}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, Label)}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = Var}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(Val)}]} || Val <- Vals]}). -define(TABLEFIELD(Table, Val), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "list-single"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = atom_to_list(Table)}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = atom_to_list(Table)}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(atom_to_list(Val))}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'option', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "RAM copy")}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = <<"ram_copies">>}]}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'option', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "RAM and disc copy")}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = <<"disc_copies">>}]}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'option', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Disc only copy")}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = <<"disc_only_copies">>}]}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'option', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Remote copy")}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = <<"unknown">>}]}]} ]}). get_form(_Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "DB"], Lang) -> case search_running_node(ENode) of false -> {error, 'item-not-found'}; Node -> case rpc:call(Node, mnesia, system_info, [tables]) of {badrpc, _Reason} -> {error, 'internal-server-error'}; Tables -> STables = lists:sort(Tables), {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Database Tables Configuration at ") ++ ENode)}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'instructions', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Choose storage type of tables"))}]} | lists:map( fun(Table) -> case rpc:call(Node, mnesia, table_info, [Table, storage_type]) of {badrpc, _} -> ?TABLEFIELD(Table, unknown); Type -> ?TABLEFIELD(Table, Type) end end, STables) ]}]} end end; get_form(Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "modules", "stop"], Lang) -> case search_running_node(ENode) of false -> {error, 'item-not-found'}; Node -> case rpc:call(Node, gen_mod, loaded_modules, [Host]) of {badrpc, _Reason} -> {error, 'internal-server-error'}; Modules -> SModules = lists:sort(Modules), {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Stop Modules at ") ++ ENode)}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'instructions', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Choose modules to stop"))}]} | lists:map(fun(M) -> S = atom_to_list(M), ?XFIELD("boolean", S, S, "0") end, SModules) ]}]} end end; get_form(_Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "modules", "start"], Lang) -> {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Start Modules at ") ++ ENode)}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'instructions', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Enter list of {Module, [Options]}"))}]}, ?XFIELD("text-multi", "List of modules to start", "modules", "[].") ]}]}; get_form(_Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "backup"], Lang) -> {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Backup to File at ") ++ ENode)}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'instructions', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Enter path to backup file"))}]}, ?XFIELD("text-single", "Path to File", "path", "") ]}]}; get_form(_Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "restore"], Lang) -> {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Restore Backup from File at ") ++ ENode)}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'instructions', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Enter path to backup file"))}]}, ?XFIELD("text-single", "Path to File", "path", "") ]}]}; get_form(_Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "textfile"], Lang) -> {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Dump Backup to Text File at ") ++ ENode)}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'instructions', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Enter path to text file"))}]}, ?XFIELD("text-single", "Path to File", "path", "") ]}]}; get_form(_Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "import", "file"], Lang) -> {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Import User from File at ") ++ ENode)}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'instructions', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Enter path to jabberd1.4 spool file"))}]}, ?XFIELD("text-single", "Path to File", "path", "") ]}]}; get_form(_Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "import", "dir"], Lang) -> {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Import Users from Dir at ") ++ ENode)}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'instructions', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Enter path to jabberd1.4 spool dir"))}]}, ?XFIELD("text-single", "Path to Dir", "path", "") ]}]}; get_form(_Host, ["running nodes", _ENode, "restart"], Lang) -> Make_option = fun(LabelNum, LabelUnit, Value)-> #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'option', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'label', value = LabelNum ++ ?T(Lang, LabelUnit)}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(Value)}]}]} end, {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T(Lang, "Restart Service"))}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "list-single"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Time delay")}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "delay"}], children = [Make_option("", "immediately", "1"), Make_option("15 ", "seconds", "15"), Make_option("30 ", "seconds", "30"), Make_option("60 ", "seconds", "60"), Make_option("90 ", "seconds", "90"), Make_option("2 ", "minutes", "120"), Make_option("3 ", "minutes", "180"), Make_option("4 ", "minutes", "240"), Make_option("5 ", "minutes", "300"), Make_option("10 ", "minutes", "600"), Make_option("15 ", "minutes", "900"), Make_option("30 ", "minutes", "1800"), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'required'} ]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "fixed"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Send announcement to all online users on all hosts")}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "subject"}, #xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "text-single"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Subject")}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "announcement"}, #xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "text-multi"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Message body")}]} ]}]}; get_form(_Host, ["running nodes", _ENode, "shutdown"], Lang) -> Make_option = fun(LabelNum, LabelUnit, Value)-> #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'option', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'label', value = LabelNum ++ ?T(Lang, LabelUnit)}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(Value)}]}]} end, {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T(Lang, "Shut Down Service"))}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "list-single"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Time delay")}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "delay"}], children = [Make_option("", "immediately", "1"), Make_option("15 ", "seconds", "15"), Make_option("30 ", "seconds", "30"), Make_option("60 ", "seconds", "60"), Make_option("90 ", "seconds", "90"), Make_option("2 ", "minutes", "120"), Make_option("3 ", "minutes", "180"), Make_option("4 ", "minutes", "240"), Make_option("5 ", "minutes", "300"), Make_option("10 ", "minutes", "600"), Make_option("15 ", "minutes", "900"), Make_option("30 ", "minutes", "1800"), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'required'} ]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "fixed"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Send announcement to all online users on all hosts")}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "subject"}, #xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "text-single"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Subject")}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "announcement"}, #xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "text-multi"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Message body")}]} ]}]}; get_form(Host, ["config", "acls"], Lang) -> {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Access Control List Configuration"))}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "text-multi"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T( Lang, "Access control lists")}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "acls"}], children = lists:map(fun(S) -> #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(S)}]} end, string:tokens( lists:flatten( io_lib:format( "~p.", [ets:select(acl, [{{acl, {'$1', '$2'}, '$3'}, [{'==', '$2', Host}], [{{acl, '$1', '$3'}}]}]) ])), "\n")) } ]}]}; get_form(Host, ["config", "access"], Lang) -> {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Access Configuration"))}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs =[#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "text-multi"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T( Lang, "Access rules")}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "access"}], children = lists:map(fun(S) -> #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children =[#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(S)}]} end, string:tokens( lists:flatten( io_lib:format( "~p.", [ets:select(config, [{{config, {access, '$1', '$2'}, '$3'}, [{'==', '$2', Host}], [{{access, '$1', '$3'}}]}]) ])), "\n")) } ]}]}; get_form(_Host, ?NS_ADMINL("add-user"), Lang) -> {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T(Lang, "Add User"))}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "jid-single"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Jabber ID")}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "accountjid"}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'required'}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "text-private"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Password")}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "password"}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'required'}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "text-private"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Password Verification")}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "password-verify"}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'required'}]} ]}]}; get_form(_Host, ?NS_ADMINL("delete-user"), Lang) -> {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T(Lang, "Delete User"))}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "jid-multi"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Jabber ID")}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "accountjids"}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'required'}]} ]}]}; get_form(_Host, ?NS_ADMINL("end-user-session"), Lang) -> {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T(Lang, "End User Session"))}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "jid-single"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = list_to_binary(?T(Lang, "Jabber ID"))}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "accountjid"}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'required'}]} ]}]}; get_form(_Host, ?NS_ADMINL("get-user-password"), Lang) -> {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T(Lang, "Get User Password"))}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "jid-single"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Jabber ID")}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "accountjid"}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'required'}]} ]}]}; get_form(_Host, ?NS_ADMINL("change-user-password"), Lang) -> {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T(Lang, "Get User Password"))}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "jid-single"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Jabber ID")}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "accountjid"}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'required'}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "text-private"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Password")}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "password"}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'required'}]} ]}]}; get_form(_Host, ?NS_ADMINL("get-user-lastlogin"), Lang) -> {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T(Lang, "Get User Last Login Time"))}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "jid-single"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Jabber ID")}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "accountjid"}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'required'}]} ]}]}; get_form(_Host, ?NS_ADMINL("user-stats"), Lang) -> {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T(Lang, "Get User Statistics"))}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "jid-single"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Jabber ID")}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "accountjid"}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'required'}]} ]}]}; get_form(Host, ?NS_ADMINL("get-registered-users-num"), Lang) -> [Num] = io_lib:format("~p", [ejabberd_auth:get_vh_registered_users_number(Host)]), {result, completed, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "jid-single"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Number of registered users")}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "registeredusersnum"}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(Num)}]}] }]}]}; get_form(Host, ?NS_ADMINL("get-online-users-num"), Lang) -> Num = io_lib:format("~p", [length(ejabberd_sm:get_vh_session_list(Host))]), {result, completed, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "jid-single"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Number of online users")}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "onlineusersnum"}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(Num)}]}] }]}]}; get_form(_Host, _, _Lang) -> {error, 'service-unavailable'}. set_form(_From, _Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "DB"], _Lang, XData) -> case search_running_node(ENode) of false -> {error, 'item-not-found'}; Node -> lists:foreach( fun({SVar, SVals}) -> %% We believe that this is allowed only for good people Table = list_to_atom(SVar), Type = case SVals of ["unknown"] -> unknown; ["ram_copies"] -> ram_copies; ["disc_copies"] -> disc_copies; ["disc_only_copies"] -> disc_only_copies; _ -> false end, if Type == false -> ok; Type == unknown -> mnesia:del_table_copy(Table, Node); true -> case mnesia:add_table_copy(Table, Node, Type) of {aborted, _} -> mnesia:change_table_copy_type( Table, Node, Type); _ -> ok end end end, XData), {result, []} end; set_form(_From, Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "modules", "stop"], _Lang, XData) -> case search_running_node(ENode) of false -> {error, 'item-not-found'}; Node -> lists:foreach( fun({Var, Vals}) -> case Vals of ["1"] -> Module = list_to_atom(Var), rpc:call(Node, gen_mod, stop_module, [Host, Module]); _ -> ok end end, XData), {result, []} end; set_form(_From, Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "modules", "start"], _Lang, XData) -> case search_running_node(ENode) of false -> {error, 'item-not-found'}; Node -> case lists:keysearch("modules", 1, XData) of false -> {error, 'bad-request'}; {value, {_, Strings}} -> String = lists:foldl(fun(S, Res) -> Res ++ S ++ "\n" end, "", Strings), case erl_scan:string(String) of {ok, Tokens, _} -> case erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens) of {ok, Modules} -> lists:foreach( fun({Module, Args}) -> rpc:call(Node, gen_mod, start_module, [Host, Module, Args]) end, Modules), {result, []}; _ -> {error, 'bad-request'} end; _ -> {error, 'bad-request'} end; _ -> {error, 'bad-request'} end end; set_form(_From, _Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "backup"], _Lang, XData) -> case search_running_node(ENode) of false -> {error, 'item-not-found'}; Node -> case lists:keysearch("path", 1, XData) of false -> {error, 'bad-request'}; {value, {_, [String]}} -> case rpc:call(Node, mnesia, backup, [String]) of {badrpc, _Reason} -> {error, 'internal-server-error'}; {error, _Reason} -> {error, 'internal-server-error'}; _ -> {result, []} end; _ -> {error, 'bad-request'} end end; set_form(_From, _Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "restore"], _Lang, XData) -> case search_running_node(ENode) of false -> {error, 'item-not-found'}; Node -> case lists:keysearch("path", 1, XData) of false -> {error, 'bad-request'}; {value, {_, [String]}} -> case rpc:call(Node, ejabberd_admin, restore, [String]) of {badrpc, _Reason} -> {error, 'internal-server-error'}; {error, _Reason} -> {error, 'internal-server-error'}; _ -> {result, []} end; _ -> {error, 'bad-request'} end end; set_form(_From, _Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "backup", "textfile"], _Lang, XData) -> case search_running_node(ENode) of false -> {error, 'item-not-found'}; Node -> case lists:keysearch("path", 1, XData) of false -> {error, 'bad-request'}; {value, {_, [String]}} -> case rpc:call(Node, ejabberd_ctl, dump_to_textfile, [String]) of {badrpc, _Reason} -> {error, 'internal-server-error'}; {error, _Reason} -> {error, 'internal-server-error'}; _ -> {result, []} end; _ -> {error, 'bad-request'} end end; set_form(_From, _Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "import", "file"], _Lang, XData) -> case search_running_node(ENode) of false -> {error, 'item-not-found'}; Node -> case lists:keysearch("path", 1, XData) of false -> {error, 'bad-request'}; {value, {_, [String]}} -> rpc:call(Node, jd2ejd, import_file, [String]), {result, []}; _ -> {error, 'bad-request'} end end; set_form(_From, _Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "import", "dir"], _Lang, XData) -> case search_running_node(ENode) of false -> {error, 'item-not-found'}; Node -> case lists:keysearch("path", 1, XData) of false -> {error, 'bad-request'}; {value, {_, [String]}} -> rpc:call(Node, jd2ejd, import_dir, [String]), {result, []}; _ -> {error, 'bad-request'} end end; set_form(From, Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "restart"], _Lang, XData) -> stop_node(From, Host, ENode, restart, XData); set_form(From, Host, ["running nodes", ENode, "shutdown"], _Lang, XData) -> stop_node(From, Host, ENode, stop, XData); set_form(_From, Host, ["config", "acls"], _Lang, XData) -> case lists:keysearch("acls", 1, XData) of {value, {_, Strings}} -> String = lists:foldl(fun(S, Res) -> Res ++ S ++ "\n" end, "", Strings), case erl_scan:string(String) of {ok, Tokens, _} -> case erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens) of {ok, ACLs} -> case acl:add_list(Host, ACLs, true) of ok -> {result, []}; _ -> {error, 'bad-request'} end; _ -> {error, 'bad-request'} end; _ -> {error, 'bad-request'} end; _ -> {error, 'bad-request'} end; set_form(_From, Host, ["config", "access"], _Lang, XData) -> SetAccess = fun(Rs) -> mnesia:transaction( fun() -> Os = mnesia:select(config, [{{config, {access, '$1', '$2'}, '$3'}, [{'==', '$2', Host}], ['$_']}]), lists:foreach(fun(O) -> mnesia:delete_object(O) end, Os), lists:foreach( fun({access, Name, Rules}) -> mnesia:write({config, {access, Name, Host}, Rules}) end, Rs) end) end, case lists:keysearch("access", 1, XData) of {value, {_, Strings}} -> String = lists:foldl(fun(S, Res) -> Res ++ S ++ "\n" end, "", Strings), case erl_scan:string(String) of {ok, Tokens, _} -> case erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens) of {ok, Rs} -> case SetAccess(Rs) of {atomic, _} -> {result, []}; _ -> {error, 'bad-request'} end; _ -> {error, 'bad-request'} end; _ -> {error, 'bad-request'} end; _ -> {error, 'bad-request'} end; set_form(_From, _Host, ?NS_ADMINL("add-user"), _Lang, XData) -> AccountString = get_value("accountjid", XData), Password = get_value("password", XData), Password = get_value("password-verify", XData), AccountJID = exmpp_jid:string_to_jid(AccountString), User = AccountJID#jid.lnode, Server = AccountJID#jid.ldomain, true = lists:member(Server, ?MYHOSTS), ejabberd_auth:try_register(User, Server, Password), {result, []}; set_form(_From, _Host, ?NS_ADMINL("delete-user"), _Lang, XData) -> AccountStringList = get_values("accountjids", XData), [_|_] = AccountStringList, ASL2 = lists:map( fun(AccountString) -> JID = exmpp_jid:string_to_jid(AccountString), [_|_] = JID#jid.lnode, User = JID#jid.lnode, Server = JID#jid.ldomain, true = ejabberd_auth:is_user_exists(User, Server), {User, Server} end, AccountStringList), [ejabberd_auth:remove_user(User, Server) || {User, Server} <- ASL2], {result, []}; set_form(_From, _Host, ?NS_ADMINL("end-user-session"), _Lang, XData) -> AccountString = get_value("accountjid", XData), JID = exmpp_jid:string_to_jid(AccountString), [_|_] = JID#jid.lnode, LUser = JID#jid.lnode, LServer = JID#jid.ldomain, %% Code copied from ejabberd_sm.erl case JID#jid.lresource of undefined -> SIDs = mnesia:dirty_select(session, [{#session{sid = '$1', usr = {LUser, LServer, '_'}, _ = '_'}, [], ['$1']}]), [Pid ! replaced || {_, Pid} <- SIDs]; R -> [{_, Pid}] = mnesia:dirty_select(session, [{#session{sid = '$1', usr = {LUser, LServer, R}, _ = '_'}, [], ['$1']}]), Pid ! replaced end, {result, []}; set_form(_From, _Host, ?NS_ADMINL("get-user-password"), Lang, XData) -> AccountString = get_value("accountjid", XData), JID = exmpp_jid:string_to_jid(AccountString), [_|_] = JID#jid.lnode, User = JID#jid.lnode, Server = JID#jid.ldomain, Password = ejabberd_auth:get_password(User, Server), true = is_list(Password), {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), ?XFIELD("jid-single", "Jabber ID", "accountjid", AccountString), ?XFIELD("text-single", "Password", "password", Password) ]}]}; set_form(_From, _Host, ?NS_ADMINL("change-user-password"), _Lang, XData) -> AccountString = get_value("accountjid", XData), Password = get_value("password", XData), JID = exmpp_jid:string_to_jid(AccountString), [_|_] = JID#jid.lnode, User = JID#jid.lnode, Server = JID#jid.ldomain, true = ejabberd_auth:is_user_exists(User, Server), ejabberd_auth:set_password(User, Server, Password), {result, []}; set_form(_From, _Host, ?NS_ADMINL("get-user-lastlogin"), Lang, XData) -> AccountString = get_value("accountjid", XData), JID = exmpp_jid:string_to_jid(AccountString), [_|_] = JID#jid.lnode, User = JID#jid.lnode, Server = JID#jid.ldomain, %% Code copied from web/ejabberd_web_admin.erl %% TODO: Update time format to XEP-0202: Entity Time FLast = case ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(User, Server) of [] -> _US = {User, Server}, case get_last_info(User, Server) of not_found -> ?T(Lang, "Never"); {ok, Timestamp, _Status} -> Shift = Timestamp, TimeStamp = {Shift div 1000000, Shift rem 1000000, 0}, {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}} = calendar:now_to_local_time(TimeStamp), lists:flatten( io_lib:format( "~w-~.2.0w-~.2.0w ~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w", [Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second])) end; _ -> ?T(Lang, "Online") end, {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "result"}], children = [?HFIELD(), ?XFIELD("jid-single", "Jabber ID", "accountjid", AccountString), ?XFIELD("text-single", "Last login", "lastlogin", FLast) ]}]}; set_form(_From, _Host, ?NS_ADMINL("user-stats"), Lang, XData) -> AccountString = get_value("accountjid", XData), JID = exmpp_jid:string_to_jid(AccountString), [_|_] = JID#jid.lnode, User = JID#jid.lnode, Server = JID#jid.ldomain, Resources = ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(User, Server), IPs1 = [ejabberd_sm:get_user_ip(User, Server, Resource) || Resource <- Resources], IPs = [inet_parse:ntoa(IP)++":"++integer_to_list(Port) || {IP, Port} <- IPs1], Items = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(roster_get, Server, [], [{User, Server}]), Rostersize = integer_to_list(erlang:length(Items)), {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), ?XFIELD("jid-single", "Jabber ID", "accountjid", AccountString), ?XFIELD("text-single", "Roster size", "rostersize", Rostersize), ?XMFIELD("text-multi", "IP addresses", "ipaddresses", IPs), ?XMFIELD("text-multi", "Resources", "onlineresources", Resources) ]}]}; set_form(_From, _Host, _, _Lang, _XData) -> {error, 'service-unavailable'}. get_value(Field, XData) -> hd(get_values(Field, XData)). get_values(Field, XData) -> {value, {_, ValueList}} = lists:keysearch(Field, 1, XData), ValueList. search_running_node(SNode) -> search_running_node(SNode, mnesia:system_info(running_db_nodes)). search_running_node(_, []) -> false; search_running_node(SNode, [Node | Nodes]) -> case atom_to_list(Node) of SNode -> Node; _ -> search_running_node(SNode, Nodes) end. stop_node(From, Host, ENode, Action, XData) -> Delay = list_to_integer(get_value("delay", XData)), Subject = case get_value("subject", XData) of [] -> []; S -> [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "subject"}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(S)}]}]}] end, Announcement = case get_values("announcement", XData) of [] -> []; As -> [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "body"}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(Line)}]} || Line <- As] }] end, case Subject ++ Announcement of [] -> ok; SubEls -> Request = #adhoc_request{ node = ?NS_ADMINX("announce-allhosts"), action = "complete", xdata = #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "submit"}], children = SubEls}, others= [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "submit"}], children = SubEls}] }, To = exmpp_jid:make_jid(Host), mod_announce:announce_commands(empty, From, To, Request) end, Time = timer:seconds(Delay), Node = list_to_atom(ENode), {ok, _} = timer:apply_after(Time, rpc, call, [Node, init, Action, []]), {result, []}. get_last_info(User, Server) -> ML = lists:member(mod_last, gen_mod:loaded_modules(Server)), MLO = lists:member(mod_last_odbc, gen_mod:loaded_modules(Server)), case {ML, MLO} of {true, _} -> mod_last:get_last_info(User, Server); {false, true} -> mod_last_odbc:get_last_info(User, Server); {false, false} -> not_found end. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% adhoc_sm_commands(_Acc, From, #jid{node = User, domain = Server, ldomain = LServer} = _To, #adhoc_request{lang = Lang, node = "config", action = Action, xdata = XData} = Request) -> case acl:match_rule(LServer, configure, From) of deny -> {error, 'forbidden'}; allow -> %% If the "action" attribute is not present, it is %% understood as "execute". If there was no %% element in the first response (which there isn't in our %% case), "execute" and "complete" are equivalent. ActionIsExecute = lists:member(Action, ["", "execute", "complete"]), if Action == "cancel" -> %% User cancels request adhoc:produce_response( Request, #adhoc_response{status = canceled}); XData == false, ActionIsExecute -> %% User requests form case get_sm_form(User, Server, "config", Lang) of {result, Form} -> adhoc:produce_response( Request, #adhoc_response{status = executing, elements = Form}); {error, Error} -> {error, Error} end; XData /= false, ActionIsExecute -> %% User returns form. case jlib:parse_xdata_submit(XData) of invalid -> {error, 'bad-request'}; Fields -> set_sm_form(User, Server, "config", Request, Fields) end; true -> {error, 'bad-request'} end end; adhoc_sm_commands(Acc, _From, _To, _Request) -> Acc. get_sm_form(User, Server, "config", Lang) -> {result, [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'x', children = [?HFIELD(), #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'title', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = list_to_binary(?T( Lang, "Administration of ") ++ User)}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'field', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'type', value = "list-single"}, #xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Action on user")}, #xmlattr{name = 'var', value = "action"}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = <<"edit">>}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'option', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Edit Properties")}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = <<"edit">>}]}]}, #xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'option', attrs = [#xmlattr{name = 'label', value = ?T(Lang, "Remove User")}], children = [#xmlel{ns = ?NS_DATA_FORMS, name = 'value', children = [#xmlcdata{cdata = <<"remove">>}]}]} ]}, ?XFIELD("text-private", "Password", "password", ejabberd_auth:get_password_s(User, Server)) ]}]}; get_sm_form(_User, _Server, _Node, _Lang) -> {error, 'service-unavailable'}. set_sm_form(User, Server, "config", #adhoc_request{lang = Lang, node = Node, sessionid = SessionID}, XData) -> Response = #adhoc_response{lang = Lang, node = Node, sessionid = SessionID, status = completed}, case lists:keysearch("action", 1, XData) of {value, {_, ["edit"]}} -> case lists:keysearch("password", 1, XData) of {value, {_, [Password]}} -> ejabberd_auth:set_password(User, Server, Password), adhoc:produce_response(Response); _ -> {error, 'not-acceptable'} end; {value, {_, ["remove"]}} -> catch ejabberd_auth:remove_user(User, Server), adhoc:produce_response(Response); _ -> {error, 'not-acceptable'} end; set_sm_form(_User, _Server, _Node, _Request, _Fields) -> {error, 'service-unavailable'}.