%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : http_p1.erl %%% Author : Emilio Bustos %%% Purpose : Provide a common API for inets / lhttpc / ibrowse %%% Created : 29 Jul 2010 by Emilio Bustos %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2012 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(http_p1). -author('ebustos@process-one.net'). -export([start/0, stop/0, get/1, get/2, post/2, post/3, request/3, request/4, request/5]). % -define(USE_INETS, 1). % -define(USE_LHTTPC, 1). % -define(USE_IBROWSE, 1). % inets used as default if none specified -ifdef(USE_IBROWSE). start() -> ibrowse:start(), ssl:start(). stop() -> ibrowse:stop(). request(Method, URL, Hdrs, Body, Opts) -> TimeOut = proplists:get_value(timeout, Opts, infinity), Options = [{inactivity_timeout, TimeOut} | proplists:delete(timeout, Opts)], case ibrowse:send_req(URL, Hdrs, Method, Body, Options) of {ok, Status, Headers, Response} -> {ok, jlib:binary_to_integer(Status), Headers, Response}; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. -else. -ifdef(USE_LHTTPC). start() -> application:start(crypto), application:start(ssl), lhttpc:start(). stop() -> lhttpc:stop(), application:stop(ssl). request(Method, URL, Hdrs, Body, Opts) -> TimeOut = proplists:get_value(timeout, Opts, infinity), SockOpt = proplists:get_value(socket_options, Opts, []), Options = [{connect_options, SockOpt} | proplists:delete(timeout, Opts)], case lhttpc:request(URL, Method, Hdrs, Body, TimeOut, Options) of {ok, {{Status, _Reason}, Headers, Response}} -> {ok, Status, Headers, (Response)}; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. -else. start() -> inets:start(), ssl:start(). stop() -> inets:stop(), ssl:stop(). to_list(Str) when is_binary(Str) -> binary_to_list(Str); to_list(Str) -> Str. request(Method, URLRaw, HdrsRaw, Body, Opts) -> Hdrs = lists:map(fun({N, V}) -> {to_list(N), to_list(V)} end, HdrsRaw), URL = to_list(URLRaw), Request = case Method of get -> {URL, Hdrs}; head -> {URL, Hdrs}; _ -> % post, etc. {URL, Hdrs, to_list(proplists:get_value(<<"content-type">>, HdrsRaw, [])), Body} end, Options = case proplists:get_value(timeout, Opts, infinity) of infinity -> proplists:delete(timeout, Opts); _ -> Opts end, case httpc:request(Method, Request, Options, []) of {ok, {{_, Status, _}, Headers, Response}} -> {ok, Status, Headers, Response}; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. -endif. -endif. -type({header, {type, 63, tuple, [{type, 63, union, [{type, 63, string, []}, {type, 63, atom, []}]}, {type, 63, string, []}]}, []}). -type({headers, {type, 64, list, [{type, 64, header, []}]}, []}). -type({option, {type, 67, union, [{type, 67, tuple, [{atom, 67, connect_timeout}, {type, 67, timeout, []}]}, {type, 68, tuple, [{atom, 68, timeout}, {type, 68, timeout, []}]}, {type, 70, tuple, [{atom, 70, send_retry}, {type, 70, non_neg_integer, []}]}, {type, 71, tuple, [{atom, 71, partial_upload}, {type, 71, union, [{type, 71, non_neg_integer, []}, {atom, 71, infinity}]}]}, {type, 72, tuple, [{atom, 72, partial_download}, {type, 72, pid, []}, {type, 72, union, [{type, 72, non_neg_integer, []}, {atom, 72, infinity}]}]}]}, []}). -type({options, {type, 74, list, [{type, 74, option, []}]}, []}). -type({result, {type, 76, union, [{type, 76, tuple, [{atom, 76, ok}, {type, 76, tuple, [{type, 76, tuple, [{type, 76, pos_integer, []}, {type, 76, string, []}]}, {type, 76, headers, []}, {type, 76, string, []}]}]}, {type, 77, tuple, [{atom, 77, error}, {type, 77, atom, []}]}]}, []}). %% @spec (URL) -> Result %% URL = string() %% Result = {ok, StatusCode, Hdrs, ResponseBody} %% | {error, Reason} %% StatusCode = integer() %% ResponseBody = string() %% Reason = connection_closed | connect_timeout | timeout %% @doc Sends a GET request. %% Would be the same as calling `request(get, URL, [])', %% that is {@link request/3} with an empty header list. %% @end %% @see request/3 -spec get(string()) -> result(). get(URL) -> request(get, URL, []). %% @spec (URL, Hdrs) -> Result %% URL = string() %% Hdrs = [{Header, Value}] %% Header = string() %% Value = string() %% Result = {ok, StatusCode, Hdrs, ResponseBody} %% | {error, Reason} %% StatusCode = integer() %% ResponseBody = string() %% Reason = connection_closed | connect_timeout | timeout %% @doc Sends a GET request. %% Would be the same as calling `request(get, URL, Hdrs)'. %% @end %% @see request/3 -spec get(string(), headers()) -> result(). get(URL, Hdrs) -> request(get, URL, Hdrs). %% @spec (URL, RequestBody) -> Result %% URL = string() %% RequestBody = string() %% Result = {ok, StatusCode, Hdrs, ResponseBody} %% | {error, Reason} %% StatusCode = integer() %% ResponseBody = string() %% Reason = connection_closed | connect_timeout | timeout %% @doc Sends a POST request with form data. %% Would be the same as calling %% `request(post, URL, [{"content-type", "x-www-form-urlencoded"}], Body)'. %% @end %% @see request/4 -spec post(string(), string()) -> result(). post(URL, Body) -> request(post, URL, [{<<"content-type">>, <<"x-www-form-urlencoded">>}], Body). %% @spec (URL, Hdrs, RequestBody) -> Result %% URL = string() %% Hdrs = [{Header, Value}] %% Header = string() %% Value = string() %% RequestBody = string() %% Result = {ok, StatusCode, Hdrs, ResponseBody} %% | {error, Reason} %% StatusCode = integer() %% ResponseBody = string() %% Reason = connection_closed | connect_timeout | timeout %% @doc Sends a POST request. %% Would be the same as calling %% `request(post, URL, Hdrs, Body)'. %% @end %% @see request/4 -spec post(string(), headers(), string()) -> result(). post(URL, Hdrs, Body) -> NewHdrs = case [X || {X, _} <- Hdrs, str:to_lower(X) == <<"content-type">>] of [] -> [{<<"content-type">>, <<"x-www-form-urlencoded">>} | Hdrs]; _ -> Hdrs end, request(post, URL, NewHdrs, Body). %% @spec (Method, URL, Hdrs) -> Result %% Method = atom() %% URL = string() %% Hdrs = [{Header, Value}] %% Header = string() %% Value = string() %% Result = {ok, StatusCode, Hdrs, ResponseBody} %% | {error, Reason} %% StatusCode = integer() %% ResponseBody = string() %% Reason = connection_closed | connect_timeout | timeout %% @doc Sends a request without a body. %% Would be the same as calling `request(Method, URL, Hdrs, [], [])', %% that is {@link request/5} with an empty body. %% @end %% @see request/5 -spec request(atom(), string(), headers()) -> result(). request(Method, URL, Hdrs) -> request(Method, URL, Hdrs, [], []). %% @spec (Method, URL, Hdrs, RequestBody) -> Result %% Method = atom() %% URL = string() %% Hdrs = [{Header, Value}] %% Header = string() %% Value = string() %% RequestBody = string() %% Result = {ok, StatusCode, Hdrs, ResponseBody} %% | {error, Reason} %% StatusCode = integer() %% ResponseBody = string() %% Reason = connection_closed | connect_timeout | timeout %% @doc Sends a request with a body. %% Would be the same as calling %% `request(Method, URL, Hdrs, Body, [])', that is {@link request/5} %% with no options. %% @end %% @see request/5 -spec request(atom(), string(), headers(), string()) -> result(). request(Method, URL, Hdrs, Body) -> request(Method, URL, Hdrs, Body, []). %% @spec (Method, URL, Hdrs, RequestBody, Options) -> Result %% Method = atom() %% URL = string() %% Hdrs = [{Header, Value}] %% Header = string() %% Value = string() %% RequestBody = string() %% Options = [Option] %% Option = {timeout, Milliseconds | infinity} | %% {connect_timeout, Milliseconds | infinity} | %% {socket_options, [term()]} | %% Milliseconds = integer() %% Result = {ok, StatusCode, Hdrs, ResponseBody} %% | {error, Reason} %% StatusCode = integer() %% ResponseBody = string() %% Reason = connection_closed | connect_timeout | timeout %% @doc Sends a request with a body. %% Would be the same as calling %% `request(Method, URL, Hdrs, Body, [])', that is {@link request/5} %% with no options. %% @end %% @see request/5 -spec request(atom(), string(), headers(), string(), options()) -> result(). % ibrowse {response_format, response_format()} | % Options - [option()] % Option - {sync, boolean()} | {stream, StreamTo} | {body_format, body_format()} | {full_result, % boolean()} | {headers_as_is, boolean()} %body_format() = string() | binary() % The body_format option is only valid for the synchronous request and the default is string. % When making an asynchronous request the body will always be received as a binary. % lhttpc: always binary