%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author Evgeny Khramtsov %%% @copyright (C) 2002-2023 ProcessOne, SARL. All Rights Reserved. %%% %%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %%% You may obtain a copy of the License at %%% %%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %%% %%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %%% limitations under the License. %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -define(MQTT_VERSION_4, 4). -define(MQTT_VERSION_5, 5). -record(connect, {proto_level = 4 :: non_neg_integer(), will :: undefined | publish(), clean_start = true :: boolean(), keep_alive = 0 :: non_neg_integer(), client_id = <<>> :: binary(), username = <<>> :: binary(), password = <<>> :: binary(), will_properties = #{} :: properties(), properties = #{} :: properties()}). -record(connack, {session_present = false :: boolean(), code = success :: reason_code(), properties = #{} :: properties()}). -record(publish, {id :: undefined | non_neg_integer(), dup = false :: boolean(), qos = 0 :: qos(), retain = false :: boolean(), topic :: binary(), payload :: binary(), properties = #{} :: properties(), meta = #{} :: map()}). -record(puback, {id :: non_neg_integer(), code = success :: reason_code(), properties = #{} :: properties()}). -record(pubrec, {id :: non_neg_integer(), code = success :: reason_code(), properties = #{} :: properties()}). -record(pubrel, {id :: non_neg_integer(), code = success :: reason_code(), properties = #{} :: properties(), meta = #{} :: map()}). -record(pubcomp, {id :: non_neg_integer(), code = success :: reason_code(), properties = #{} :: properties()}). -record(subscribe, {id :: non_neg_integer(), filters :: [{binary(), sub_opts()}], properties = #{} :: properties(), meta = #{} :: map()}). -record(suback, {id :: non_neg_integer(), codes = [] :: [char() | reason_code()], properties = #{} :: properties()}). -record(unsubscribe, {id :: non_neg_integer(), filters :: [binary()], properties = #{} :: properties(), meta = #{} :: map()}). -record(unsuback, {id :: non_neg_integer(), codes = [] :: [reason_code()], properties = #{} :: properties()}). -record(pingreq, {meta = #{} :: map()}). -record(pingresp, {}). -record(disconnect, {code = 'normal-disconnection' :: reason_code(), properties = #{} :: properties()}). -record(auth, {code = success :: reason_code(), properties = #{} :: properties()}). -record(sub_opts, {qos = 0 :: qos(), no_local = false :: boolean(), retain_as_published = false :: boolean(), retain_handling = 0 :: 0..2}). -type qos() :: 0|1|2. -type sub_opts() :: #sub_opts{}. -type utf8_pair() :: {binary(), binary()}. -type properties() :: #{assigned_client_identifier => binary(), authentication_data => binary(), authentication_method => binary(), content_type => binary(), correlation_data => binary(), maximum_packet_size => pos_integer(), maximum_qos => 0|1, message_expiry_interval => non_neg_integer(), payload_format_indicator => binary | utf8, reason_string => binary(), receive_maximum => pos_integer(), request_problem_information => boolean(), request_response_information => boolean(), response_information => binary(), response_topic => binary(), retain_available => boolean(), server_keep_alive => non_neg_integer(), server_reference => binary(), session_expiry_interval => non_neg_integer(), shared_subscription_available => boolean(), subscription_identifier => [non_neg_integer()] | non_neg_integer(), subscription_identifiers_available => boolean(), topic_alias => pos_integer(), topic_alias_maximum => non_neg_integer(), user_property => [utf8_pair()], wildcard_subscription_available => boolean(), will_delay_interval => non_neg_integer()}. -type property() :: assigned_client_identifier | authentication_data | authentication_method | content_type | correlation_data | maximum_packet_size | maximum_qos | message_expiry_interval | payload_format_indicator | reason_string | receive_maximum | request_problem_information | request_response_information | response_information | response_topic | retain_available | server_keep_alive | server_reference | session_expiry_interval | shared_subscription_available | subscription_identifier | subscription_identifiers_available | topic_alias | topic_alias_maximum | user_property | wildcard_subscription_available | will_delay_interval. -type reason_code() :: 'success' | 'normal-disconnection' | 'granted-qos-0' | 'granted-qos-1' | 'granted-qos-2' | 'disconnect-with-will-message' | 'no-matching-subscribers' | 'no-subscription-existed' | 'continue-authentication' | 're-authenticate' | 'unspecified-error' | 'malformed-packet' | 'protocol-error' | 'implementation-specific-error' | 'unsupported-protocol-version' | 'client-identifier-not-valid' | 'bad-user-name-or-password' | 'not-authorized' | 'server-unavailable' | 'server-busy' | 'banned' | 'server-shutting-down' | 'bad-authentication-method' | 'keep-alive-timeout' | 'session-taken-over' | 'topic-filter-invalid' | 'topic-name-invalid' | 'packet-identifier-in-use' | 'packet-identifier-not-found' | 'receive-maximum-exceeded' | 'topic-alias-invalid' | 'packet-too-large' | 'message-rate-too-high' | 'quota-exceeded' | 'administrative-action' | 'payload-format-invalid' | 'retain-not-supported' | 'qos-not-supported' | 'use-another-server' | 'server-moved' | 'shared-subscriptions-not-supported' | 'connection-rate-exceeded' | 'maximum-connect-time' | 'subscription-identifiers-not-supported' | 'wildcard-subscriptions-not-supported'. -type connect() :: #connect{}. -type connack() :: #connack{}. -type publish() :: #publish{}. -type puback() :: #puback{}. -type pubrel() :: #pubrel{}. -type pubrec() :: #pubrec{}. -type pubcomp() :: #pubcomp{}. -type subscribe() :: #subscribe{}. -type suback() :: #suback{}. -type unsubscribe() :: #unsubscribe{}. -type unsuback() :: #unsuback{}. -type pingreq() :: #pingreq{}. -type pingresp() :: #pingresp{}. -type disconnect() :: #disconnect{}. -type auth() :: #auth{}. -type mqtt_packet() :: connect() | connack() | publish() | puback() | pubrel() | pubrec() | pubcomp() | subscribe() | suback() | unsubscribe() | unsuback() | pingreq() | pingresp() | disconnect() | auth(). -type mqtt_version() :: ?MQTT_VERSION_4 | ?MQTT_VERSION_5.