%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejabberd_websocket.erl %%% Author : Eric Cestari %%% Purpose : XMPP Websocket support %%% Created : 09-10-2010 by Eric Cestari %%% %%% Some code lifted from MISULTIN - WebSocket misultin_websocket.erl - >-|-|-(°> %%% (http://github.com/ostinelli/misultin/blob/master/src/misultin_websocket.erl) %%% Copyright (C) 2010, Roberto Ostinelli , Joe Armstrong. %%% All rights reserved. %%% %%% Code portions from Joe Armstrong have been originally taken under MIT license at the address: %%% %%% %%% BSD License %%% %%% Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided %%% that the following conditions are met: %%% %%% * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the %%% following disclaimer. %%% * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and %%% the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. %%% * Neither the name of the authors nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote %%% products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. %%% %%% THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED %%% WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A %%% PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR %%% ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED %%% TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) %%% HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING %%% NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE %%% POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. %%% ========================================================================================================== %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2019 ProcessOne %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_websocket). -protocol({rfc, 6455}). -author('ecestari@process-one.net'). -export([check/2, socket_handoff/5]). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("xmpp.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_http.hrl"). -define(CT_XML, {<<"Content-Type">>, <<"text/xml; charset=utf-8">>}). -define(CT_PLAIN, {<<"Content-Type">>, <<"text/plain">>}). -define(AC_ALLOW_ORIGIN, {<<"Access-Control-Allow-Origin">>, <<"*">>}). -define(AC_ALLOW_METHODS, {<<"Access-Control-Allow-Methods">>, <<"GET, OPTIONS">>}). -define(AC_ALLOW_HEADERS, {<<"Access-Control-Allow-Headers">>, <<"Content-Type">>}). -define(AC_MAX_AGE, {<<"Access-Control-Max-Age">>, <<"86400">>}). -define(OPTIONS_HEADER, [?CT_PLAIN, ?AC_ALLOW_ORIGIN, ?AC_ALLOW_METHODS, ?AC_ALLOW_HEADERS, ?AC_MAX_AGE]). -define(HEADER, [?CT_XML, ?AC_ALLOW_ORIGIN, ?AC_ALLOW_HEADERS]). check(_Path, Headers) -> RequiredHeaders = [{'Upgrade', <<"websocket">>}, {'Connection', ignore}, {'Host', ignore}, {<<"Sec-Websocket-Key">>, ignore}, {<<"Sec-Websocket-Version">>, <<"13">>}, {<<"Origin">>, get_origin()}], F = fun ({Tag, Val}) -> case lists:keyfind(Tag, 1, Headers) of false -> true; % header not found, keep in list {_, HVal} -> case Val of ignore -> false; % ignore value -> ok, remove from list _ -> % expected value -> ok, remove from list (false) % value is different, keep in list (true) str:to_lower(HVal) /= Val end end end, case lists:filter(F, RequiredHeaders) of [] -> true; _MissingHeaders -> false end. socket_handoff(LocalPath, #request{method = 'GET', ip = IP, q = Q, path = Path, headers = Headers, host = Host, port = Port, socket = Socket, sockmod = SockMod, data = Buf, opts = HOpts}, _Opts, HandlerModule, InfoMsgFun) -> case check(LocalPath, Headers) of true -> WS = #ws{socket = Socket, sockmod = SockMod, ip = IP, q = Q, host = Host, port = Port, path = Path, headers = Headers, local_path = LocalPath, buf = Buf, http_opts = HOpts}, connect(WS, HandlerModule); _ -> {200, ?HEADER, InfoMsgFun()} end; socket_handoff(_, #request{method = 'OPTIONS'}, _, _, _) -> {200, ?OPTIONS_HEADER, []}; socket_handoff(_, #request{method = 'HEAD'}, _, _, _) -> {200, ?HEADER, []}; socket_handoff(_, _, _, _, _) -> {400, ?HEADER, #xmlel{name = <<"h1">>, children = [{xmlcdata, <<"400 Bad Request">>}]}}. connect(#ws{socket = Socket, sockmod = SockMod} = Ws, WsLoop) -> {NewWs, HandshakeResponse} = handshake(Ws), SockMod:send(Socket, HandshakeResponse), ?DEBUG("Sent handshake response : ~p", [HandshakeResponse]), Ws0 = {Ws, self()}, {ok, WsHandleLoopPid} = WsLoop:start_link(Ws0), erlang:monitor(process, WsHandleLoopPid), case NewWs#ws.buf of <<>> -> ok; Data -> self() ! {raw, Socket, Data} end, % set opts case SockMod of gen_tcp -> inet:setopts(Socket, [{packet, 0}, {active, true}]); _ -> SockMod:setopts(Socket, [{packet, 0}, {active, true}]) end, ws_loop(none, Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, SockMod). handshake(#ws{headers = Headers} = State) -> {_, Key} = lists:keyfind(<<"Sec-Websocket-Key">>, 1, Headers), SubProtocolHeader = case find_subprotocol(Headers) of false -> []; V -> [<<"Sec-Websocket-Protocol:">>, V, <<"\r\n">>] end, Hash = base64:encode( crypto:hash(sha, <>)), {State, [<<"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n">>, <<"Upgrade: websocket\r\n">>, <<"Connection: Upgrade\r\n">>, SubProtocolHeader, <<"Sec-WebSocket-Accept: ">>, Hash, <<"\r\n\r\n">>]}. find_subprotocol(Headers) -> case lists:keysearch(<<"Sec-Websocket-Protocol">>, 1, Headers) of false -> case lists:keysearch(<<"Websocket-Protocol">>, 1, Headers) of false -> false; {value, {_, Protocol2}} -> Protocol2 end; {value, {_, Protocol}} -> Protocol end. ws_loop(FrameInfo, Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, SocketMode) -> receive {DataType, _Socket, Data} when DataType =:= tcp orelse DataType =:= raw -> case handle_data(DataType, FrameInfo, Data, Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, SocketMode) of {error, Error} -> ?DEBUG("tls decode error ~p", [Error]), websocket_close(Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, SocketMode, 1002); % protocol error {NewFrameInfo, ToSend} -> lists:foreach(fun(Pkt) -> SocketMode:send(Socket, Pkt) end, ToSend), ws_loop(NewFrameInfo, Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, SocketMode) end; {tcp_closed, _Socket} -> ?DEBUG("tcp connection was closed, exit", []), websocket_close(Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, SocketMode, 0); {'DOWN', Ref, process, WsHandleLoopPid, Reason} -> Code = case Reason of normal -> 1000; % normal close _ -> ?ERROR_MSG("linked websocket controlling loop crashed " "with reason: ~p", [Reason]), 1011 % internal error end, erlang:demonitor(Ref), websocket_close(Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, SocketMode, Code); {send, Data} -> SocketMode:send(Socket, encode_frame(Data, 1)), ws_loop(FrameInfo, Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, SocketMode); {ping, Data} -> SocketMode:send(Socket, encode_frame(Data, 9)), ws_loop(FrameInfo, Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, SocketMode); shutdown -> ?DEBUG("shutdown request received, closing websocket " "with pid ~p", [self()]), websocket_close(Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, SocketMode, 1001); % going away _Ignored -> ?WARNING_MSG("received unexpected message, ignoring: ~p", [_Ignored]), ws_loop(FrameInfo, Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, SocketMode) end. encode_frame(Data, Opcode) -> case byte_size(Data) of S1 when S1 < 126 -> <<1:1, 0:3, Opcode:4, 0:1, S1:7, Data/binary>>; S2 when S2 < 65536 -> <<1:1, 0:3, Opcode:4, 0:1, 126:7, S2:16, Data/binary>>; S3 -> <<1:1, 0:3, Opcode:4, 0:1, 127:7, S3:64, Data/binary>> end. -record(frame_info, {mask = none, offset = 0, left, final_frame = true, opcode, unprocessed = <<>>, unmasked = <<>>, unmasked_msg = <<>>}). decode_header(<>) when Len < 126 -> {Len, Final, Opcode, none, Data}; decode_header(<>) -> {Len, Final, Opcode, none, Data}; decode_header(<>) -> {Len, Final, Opcode, none, Data}; decode_header(<>) when Len < 126 -> {Len, Final, Opcode, Mask, Data}; decode_header(<>) -> {Len, Final, Opcode, Mask, Data}; decode_header(<>) -> {Len, Final, Opcode, Mask, Data}; decode_header(_) -> none. unmask_int(Offset, _, <<>>, Acc) -> {Acc, Offset}; unmask_int(0, <> = Mask, <>, Acc) -> unmask_int(0, Mask, Rest, <>); unmask_int(0, <> = Mask, <>, Acc) -> unmask_int(1, Mask, Rest, <>); unmask_int(1, <<_:8, M:8, _/binary>> = Mask, <>, Acc) -> unmask_int(2, Mask, Rest, <>); unmask_int(2, <<_:16, M:8, _/binary>> = Mask, <>, Acc) -> unmask_int(3, Mask, Rest, <>); unmask_int(3, <<_:24, M:8>> = Mask, <>, Acc) -> unmask_int(0, Mask, Rest, <>). unmask(#frame_info{mask = none} = State, Data) -> {State, Data}; unmask(#frame_info{mask = Mask, offset = Offset} = State, Data) -> {Unmasked, NewOffset} = unmask_int(Offset, Mask, Data, <<>>), {State#frame_info{offset = NewOffset}, Unmasked}. process_frame(none, Data) -> process_frame(#frame_info{}, Data); process_frame(#frame_info{left = Left} = FrameInfo, <<>>) when Left > 0 -> {FrameInfo, [], []}; process_frame(#frame_info{unprocessed = none, unmasked = UnmaskedPre, left = Left} = State, Data) when byte_size(Data) < Left -> {State2, Unmasked} = unmask(State, Data), {State2#frame_info{left = Left - byte_size(Data), unmasked = [UnmaskedPre, Unmasked]}, [], []}; process_frame(#frame_info{unprocessed = none, unmasked = UnmaskedPre, opcode = Opcode, final_frame = Final, left = Left, unmasked_msg = UnmaskedMsg} = FrameInfo, Data) -> <> = Data, {_, Unmasked} = unmask(FrameInfo, ToProcess), case Final of true -> {FrameInfo3, Recv, Send} = process_frame(#frame_info{}, Unprocessed), case Opcode of X when X < 3 -> {FrameInfo3, [iolist_to_binary([UnmaskedMsg, UnmaskedPre, Unmasked]) | Recv], Send}; 9 -> % Ping Frame = encode_frame(Unprocessed, 10), {FrameInfo3#frame_info{unmasked_msg = UnmaskedMsg}, [ping | Recv], [Frame | Send]}; 10 -> % Pong {FrameInfo3, [pong | Recv], Send}; 8 -> % Close CloseCode = case Unmasked of <> -> ?DEBUG("WebSocket close op: ~p ~s", [Code, Message]), Code; <> -> ?DEBUG("WebSocket close op: ~p", [Code]), Code; _ -> ?DEBUG("WebSocket close op unknown: ~p", [Unmasked]), 1000 end, Frame = encode_frame(<>, 8), {FrameInfo3#frame_info{unmasked_msg=UnmaskedMsg}, Recv, [Frame | Send]}; _ -> {FrameInfo3#frame_info{unmasked_msg = UnmaskedMsg}, Recv, Send} end; _ -> process_frame(#frame_info{unmasked_msg = [UnmaskedMsg, UnmaskedPre, Unmasked]}, Unprocessed) end; process_frame(#frame_info{unprocessed = <<>>} = FrameInfo, Data) -> case decode_header(Data) of none -> {FrameInfo#frame_info{unprocessed = Data}, [], []}; {Len, Final, Opcode, Mask, Rest} -> process_frame(FrameInfo#frame_info{mask = Mask, final_frame = Final == 1, left = Len, opcode = Opcode, unprocessed = none}, Rest) end; process_frame(#frame_info{unprocessed = UnprocessedPre} = FrameInfo, Data) -> process_frame(FrameInfo#frame_info{unprocessed = <<>>}, <>). handle_data(tcp, FrameInfo, Data, Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, fast_tls) -> case fast_tls:recv_data(Socket, Data) of {ok, NewData} -> handle_data_int(FrameInfo, NewData, Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, fast_tls); {error, Error} -> {error, Error} end; handle_data(_, FrameInfo, Data, Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, SockMod) -> handle_data_int(FrameInfo, Data, Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, SockMod). handle_data_int(FrameInfo, Data, _Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, _SocketMode) -> {NewFrameInfo, Recv, Send} = process_frame(FrameInfo, Data), lists:foreach(fun (El) -> case El of pong -> WsHandleLoopPid ! pong; ping -> WsHandleLoopPid ! ping; _ -> WsHandleLoopPid ! {received, El} end end, Recv), {NewFrameInfo, Send}. websocket_close(Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, SocketMode, CloseCode) when CloseCode > 0 -> Frame = encode_frame(<>, 8), SocketMode:send(Socket, Frame), websocket_close(Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, SocketMode, 0); websocket_close(Socket, WsHandleLoopPid, SocketMode, _CloseCode) -> WsHandleLoopPid ! closed, SocketMode:close(Socket). get_origin() -> ejabberd_config:get_option({websocket_origin, ejabberd_config:get_myname()}, ignore).