%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_vcard.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Vcard management %%% Created : 2 Jan 2003 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2024 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_vcard). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -protocol({xep, 54, '1.2', '0.1.0', "complete", ""}). -protocol({xep, 55, '1.3', '0.1.0', "complete", ""}). -protocol({xep, 153, '1.1', '17.09', "complete", ""}). -behaviour(gen_server). -behaviour(gen_mod). -export([start/2, stop/1, get_sm_features/5, mod_options/1, mod_doc/0, process_local_iq/1, process_sm_iq/1, string2lower/1, remove_user/2, export/1, import_info/0, import/5, import_start/2, depends/2, process_search/1, process_vcard/1, get_vcard/2, disco_items/5, disco_features/5, disco_identity/5, vcard_iq_set/1, mod_opt_type/1, set_vcard/3, make_vcard_search/4]). -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -export([route/1]). -export([webadmin_menu_hostuser/4, webadmin_page_hostuser/4]). -import(ejabberd_web_admin, [make_command/4, make_command/2, make_table/2]). -include("logger.hrl"). -include_lib("xmpp/include/xmpp.hrl"). -include("mod_vcard.hrl"). -include("translate.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_stacktrace.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_http.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_web_admin.hrl"). -define(VCARD_CACHE, vcard_cache). -callback init(binary(), gen_mod:opts()) -> any(). -callback stop(binary()) -> any(). -callback import(binary(), binary(), [binary()]) -> ok. -callback get_vcard(binary(), binary()) -> {ok, [xmlel()]} | error. -callback set_vcard(binary(), binary(), xmlel(), #vcard_search{}) -> {atomic, any()}. -callback search_fields(binary()) -> [{binary(), binary()}]. -callback search_reported(binary()) -> [{binary(), binary()}]. -callback search(binary(), [{binary(), [binary()]}], boolean(), infinity | pos_integer()) -> [{binary(), binary()}]. -callback remove_user(binary(), binary()) -> {atomic, any()}. -callback is_search_supported(binary()) -> boolean(). -callback use_cache(binary()) -> boolean(). -callback cache_nodes(binary()) -> [node()]. -optional_callbacks([use_cache/1, cache_nodes/1]). -record(state, {hosts :: [binary()], server_host :: binary()}). %%==================================================================== %% gen_mod callbacks %%==================================================================== start(Host, Opts) -> gen_mod:start_child(?MODULE, Host, Opts). stop(Host) -> gen_mod:stop_child(?MODULE, Host). %%==================================================================== %% gen_server callbacks %%==================================================================== init([Host|_]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), Opts = gen_mod:get_module_opts(Host, ?MODULE), Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(Opts, ?MODULE), Mod:init(Host, Opts), init_cache(Mod, Host, Opts), ejabberd_hooks:add(remove_user, Host, ?MODULE, remove_user, 50), gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_VCARD, ?MODULE, process_local_iq), gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_VCARD, ?MODULE, process_sm_iq), ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_sm_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_features, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(vcard_iq_set, Host, ?MODULE, vcard_iq_set, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(webadmin_menu_hostuser, Host, ?MODULE, webadmin_menu_hostuser, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(webadmin_page_hostuser, Host, ?MODULE, webadmin_page_hostuser, 50), MyHosts = gen_mod:get_opt_hosts(Opts), Search = mod_vcard_opt:search(Opts), if Search -> lists:foreach( fun(MyHost) -> ejabberd_hooks:add( disco_local_items, MyHost, ?MODULE, disco_items, 100), ejabberd_hooks:add( disco_local_features, MyHost, ?MODULE, disco_features, 100), ejabberd_hooks:add( disco_local_identity, MyHost, ?MODULE, disco_identity, 100), gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler( ejabberd_local, MyHost, ?NS_SEARCH, ?MODULE, process_search), gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler( ejabberd_local, MyHost, ?NS_VCARD, ?MODULE, process_vcard), gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler( ejabberd_local, MyHost, ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS, mod_disco, process_local_iq_items), gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler( ejabberd_local, MyHost, ?NS_DISCO_INFO, mod_disco, process_local_iq_info), case Mod:is_search_supported(Host) of false -> ?WARNING_MSG("vCard search functionality is " "not implemented for ~ts backend", [mod_vcard_opt:db_type(Opts)]); true -> ejabberd_router:register_route( MyHost, Host, {apply, ?MODULE, route}) end end, MyHosts); true -> ok end, {ok, #state{hosts = MyHosts, server_host = Host}}. handle_call(Call, From, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected call from ~p: ~p", [From, Call]), {noreply, State}. handle_cast(Cast, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected cast: ~p", [Cast]), {noreply, State}. handle_info({route, Packet}, State) -> try route(Packet) catch ?EX_RULE(Class, Reason, St) -> StackTrace = ?EX_STACK(St), ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to route packet:~n~ts~n** ~ts", [xmpp:pp(Packet), misc:format_exception(2, Class, Reason, StackTrace)]) end, {noreply, State}; handle_info(Info, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected info: ~p", [Info]), {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, #state{hosts = MyHosts, server_host = Host}) -> ejabberd_hooks:delete(remove_user, Host, ?MODULE, remove_user, 50), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_VCARD), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_sm, Host, ?NS_VCARD), ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_sm_features, Host, ?MODULE, get_sm_features, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(vcard_iq_set, Host, ?MODULE, vcard_iq_set, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(webadmin_menu_hostuser, Host, ?MODULE, webadmin_menu_hostuser, 50), ejabberd_hooks:delete(webadmin_page_hostuser, Host, ?MODULE, webadmin_page_hostuser, 50), Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(Host, ?MODULE), Mod:stop(Host), lists:foreach( fun(MyHost) -> ejabberd_router:unregister_route(MyHost), ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_local_items, MyHost, ?MODULE, disco_items, 100), ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_local_features, MyHost, ?MODULE, disco_features, 100), ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_local_identity, MyHost, ?MODULE, disco_identity, 100), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, MyHost, ?NS_SEARCH), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, MyHost, ?NS_VCARD), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, MyHost, ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, MyHost, ?NS_DISCO_INFO) end, MyHosts). code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. -spec route(stanza()) -> ok. route(#iq{} = IQ) -> ejabberd_router:process_iq(IQ); route(_) -> ok. -spec get_sm_features({error, stanza_error()} | empty | {result, [binary()]}, jid(), jid(), binary(), binary()) -> {error, stanza_error()} | empty | {result, [binary()]}. get_sm_features({error, _Error} = Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) -> Acc; get_sm_features(Acc, _From, _To, Node, _Lang) -> case Node of <<"">> -> case Acc of {result, Features} -> {result, [?NS_VCARD | Features]}; empty -> {result, [?NS_VCARD]} end; _ -> Acc end. -spec process_local_iq(iq()) -> iq(). process_local_iq(#iq{type = set, lang = Lang} = IQ) -> Txt = ?T("Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed"), xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_not_allowed(Txt, Lang)); process_local_iq(#iq{type = get, to = To, lang = Lang} = IQ) -> ServerHost = ejabberd_router:host_of_route(To#jid.lserver), VCard = case mod_vcard_opt:vcard(ServerHost) of undefined -> #vcard_temp{fn = <<"ejabberd">>, url = ejabberd_config:get_uri(), desc = misc:get_descr(Lang, ?T("Erlang XMPP Server")), bday = <<"2002-11-16">>}; V -> V end, xmpp:make_iq_result(IQ, VCard). -spec process_sm_iq(iq()) -> iq(). process_sm_iq(#iq{type = set, lang = Lang, from = From} = IQ) -> #jid{lserver = LServer} = From, case lists:member(LServer, ejabberd_option:hosts()) of true -> case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(vcard_iq_set, LServer, IQ, []) of drop -> ignore; #stanza_error{} = Err -> xmpp:make_error(IQ, Err); _ -> xmpp:make_iq_result(IQ) end; false -> Txt = ?T("The query is only allowed from local users"), xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_not_allowed(Txt, Lang)) end; process_sm_iq(#iq{type = get, from = From, to = To, lang = Lang} = IQ) -> #jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer} = To, case get_vcard(LUser, LServer) of error -> Txt = ?T("Database failure"), xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_internal_server_error(Txt, Lang)); [] -> xmpp:make_iq_result(IQ, #vcard_temp{}); Els -> IQ#iq{type = result, to = From, from = To, sub_els = Els} end. -spec process_vcard(iq()) -> iq(). process_vcard(#iq{type = set, lang = Lang} = IQ) -> Txt = ?T("Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed"), xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_not_allowed(Txt, Lang)); process_vcard(#iq{type = get, lang = Lang} = IQ) -> xmpp:make_iq_result( IQ, #vcard_temp{fn = <<"ejabberd/mod_vcard">>, url = ejabberd_config:get_uri(), desc = misc:get_descr(Lang, ?T("ejabberd vCard module"))}). -spec process_search(iq()) -> iq(). process_search(#iq{type = get, to = To, lang = Lang} = IQ) -> ServerHost = ejabberd_router:host_of_route(To#jid.lserver), xmpp:make_iq_result(IQ, mk_search_form(To, ServerHost, Lang)); process_search(#iq{type = set, to = To, lang = Lang, sub_els = [#search{xdata = #xdata{type = submit, fields = Fs}}]} = IQ) -> ServerHost = ejabberd_router:host_of_route(To#jid.lserver), ResultXData = search_result(Lang, To, ServerHost, Fs), xmpp:make_iq_result(IQ, #search{xdata = ResultXData}); process_search(#iq{type = set, lang = Lang} = IQ) -> Txt = ?T("Incorrect data form"), xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)). -spec disco_items({error, stanza_error()} | {result, [disco_item()]} | empty, jid(), jid(), binary(), binary()) -> {error, stanza_error()} | {result, [disco_item()]}. disco_items(empty, _From, _To, <<"">>, _Lang) -> {result, []}; disco_items(empty, _From, _To, _Node, Lang) -> {error, xmpp:err_item_not_found(?T("No services available"), Lang)}; disco_items(Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) -> Acc. -spec disco_features({error, stanza_error()} | {result, [binary()]} | empty, jid(), jid(), binary(), binary()) -> {error, stanza_error()} | {result, [binary()]}. disco_features({error, _Error} = Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) -> Acc; disco_features(Acc, _From, _To, <<"">>, _Lang) -> Features = case Acc of {result, Fs} -> Fs; empty -> [] end, {result, [?NS_DISCO_INFO, ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS, ?NS_VCARD, ?NS_SEARCH | Features]}; disco_features(empty, _From, _To, _Node, Lang) -> Txt = ?T("No features available"), {error, xmpp:err_item_not_found(Txt, Lang)}; disco_features(Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) -> Acc. -spec disco_identity([identity()], jid(), jid(), binary(), binary()) -> [identity()]. disco_identity(Acc, _From, To, <<"">>, Lang) -> Host = ejabberd_router:host_of_route(To#jid.lserver), Name = mod_vcard_opt:name(Host), [#identity{category = <<"directory">>, type = <<"user">>, name = translate:translate(Lang, Name)}|Acc]; disco_identity(Acc, _From, _To, _Node, _Lang) -> Acc. -spec get_vcard(binary(), binary()) -> [xmlel()] | error. get_vcard(LUser, LServer) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE), Result = case use_cache(Mod, LServer) of true -> ets_cache:lookup( ?VCARD_CACHE, {LUser, LServer}, fun() -> Mod:get_vcard(LUser, LServer) end); false -> Mod:get_vcard(LUser, LServer) end, case Result of {ok, Els} -> Els; error -> error end. -spec make_vcard_search(binary(), binary(), binary(), xmlel()) -> #vcard_search{}. make_vcard_search(User, LUser, LServer, VCARD) -> FN = fxml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, <<"FN">>}, cdata]), Family = fxml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, <<"N">>}, {elem, <<"FAMILY">>}, cdata]), Given = fxml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, <<"N">>}, {elem, <<"GIVEN">>}, cdata]), Middle = fxml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, <<"N">>}, {elem, <<"MIDDLE">>}, cdata]), Nickname = fxml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, <<"NICKNAME">>}, cdata]), BDay = fxml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, <<"BDAY">>}, cdata]), CTRY = fxml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, <<"ADR">>}, {elem, <<"CTRY">>}, cdata]), Locality = fxml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, <<"ADR">>}, {elem, <<"LOCALITY">>}, cdata]), EMail1 = fxml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, <<"EMAIL">>}, {elem, <<"USERID">>}, cdata]), EMail2 = fxml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, <<"EMAIL">>}, cdata]), OrgName = fxml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, <<"ORG">>}, {elem, <<"ORGNAME">>}, cdata]), OrgUnit = fxml:get_path_s(VCARD, [{elem, <<"ORG">>}, {elem, <<"ORGUNIT">>}, cdata]), EMail = case EMail1 of <<"">> -> EMail2; _ -> EMail1 end, LFN = string2lower(FN), LFamily = string2lower(Family), LGiven = string2lower(Given), LMiddle = string2lower(Middle), LNickname = string2lower(Nickname), LBDay = string2lower(BDay), LCTRY = string2lower(CTRY), LLocality = string2lower(Locality), LEMail = string2lower(EMail), LOrgName = string2lower(OrgName), LOrgUnit = string2lower(OrgUnit), US = {LUser, LServer}, #vcard_search{us = US, user = {User, LServer}, luser = LUser, fn = FN, lfn = LFN, family = Family, lfamily = LFamily, given = Given, lgiven = LGiven, middle = Middle, lmiddle = LMiddle, nickname = Nickname, lnickname = LNickname, bday = BDay, lbday = LBDay, ctry = CTRY, lctry = LCTRY, locality = Locality, llocality = LLocality, email = EMail, lemail = LEMail, orgname = OrgName, lorgname = LOrgName, orgunit = OrgUnit, lorgunit = LOrgUnit}. -spec vcard_iq_set(iq()) -> iq() | {stop, stanza_error()}. vcard_iq_set(#iq{from = #jid{user = FromUser, lserver = FromLServer}, to = #jid{user = ToUser, lserver = ToLServer}, lang = Lang}) when (FromUser /= ToUser) or (FromLServer /= ToLServer) -> Txt = ?T("User not allowed to perform an IQ set on another user's vCard."), {stop, xmpp:err_forbidden(Txt, Lang)}; vcard_iq_set(#iq{from = From, lang = Lang, sub_els = [VCard]} = IQ) -> #jid{user = User, lserver = LServer} = From, case set_vcard(User, LServer, VCard) of {error, badarg} -> %% Should not be here? Txt = ?T("Nodeprep has failed"), {stop, xmpp:err_internal_server_error(Txt, Lang)}; {error, not_implemented} -> Txt = ?T("Updating the vCard is not supported by the vCard storage backend"), {stop, xmpp:err_feature_not_implemented(Txt, Lang)}; ok -> IQ end; vcard_iq_set(Acc) -> Acc. -spec set_vcard(binary(), binary(), xmlel() | vcard_temp()) -> {error, badarg | not_implemented | binary()} | ok. set_vcard(User, LServer, VCARD) -> case jid:nodeprep(User) of error -> {error, badarg}; LUser -> VCardEl = xmpp:encode(VCARD), VCardSearch = make_vcard_search(User, LUser, LServer, VCardEl), Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE), case Mod:set_vcard(LUser, LServer, VCardEl, VCardSearch) of {atomic, ok} -> ets_cache:delete(?VCARD_CACHE, {LUser, LServer}, cache_nodes(Mod, LServer)), ok; {atomic, Error} -> {error, Error} end end. -spec string2lower(binary()) -> binary(). string2lower(String) -> case stringprep:tolower_nofilter(String) of Lower when is_binary(Lower) -> Lower; error -> String end. -spec mk_tfield(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> xdata_field(). mk_tfield(Label, Var, Lang) -> #xdata_field{type = 'text-single', label = translate:translate(Lang, Label), var = Var}. -spec mk_field(binary(), binary()) -> xdata_field(). mk_field(Var, Val) -> #xdata_field{var = Var, values = [Val]}. -spec mk_search_form(jid(), binary(), binary()) -> search(). mk_search_form(JID, ServerHost, Lang) -> Title = <<(translate:translate(Lang, ?T("Search users in ")))/binary, (jid:encode(JID))/binary>>, Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(ServerHost, ?MODULE), SearchFields = Mod:search_fields(ServerHost), Fs = [mk_tfield(Label, Var, Lang) || {Label, Var} <- SearchFields], X = #xdata{type = form, title = Title, instructions = [make_instructions(Mod, Lang)], fields = Fs}, #search{instructions = translate:translate( Lang, ?T("You need an x:data capable client to search")), xdata = X}. -spec make_instructions(module(), binary()) -> binary(). make_instructions(Mod, Lang) -> Fill = translate:translate( Lang, ?T("Fill in the form to search for any matching " "XMPP User")), Add = translate:translate( Lang, ?T(" (Add * to the end of field to match substring)")), case Mod of mod_vcard_mnesia -> Fill; _ -> str:concat(Fill, Add) end. -spec search_result(binary(), jid(), binary(), [xdata_field()]) -> xdata(). search_result(Lang, JID, ServerHost, XFields) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(ServerHost, ?MODULE), Reported = [mk_tfield(Label, Var, Lang) || {Label, Var} <- Mod:search_reported(ServerHost)], #xdata{type = result, title = <<(translate:translate(Lang, ?T("Search Results for ")))/binary, (jid:encode(JID))/binary>>, reported = Reported, items = lists:map(fun (Item) -> item_to_field(Item) end, search(ServerHost, XFields))}. -spec item_to_field([{binary(), binary()}]) -> [xdata_field()]. item_to_field(Items) -> [mk_field(Var, Value) || {Var, Value} <- Items]. -spec search(binary(), [xdata_field()]) -> [binary()]. search(LServer, XFields) -> Data = [{Var, Vals} || #xdata_field{var = Var, values = Vals} <- XFields], Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE), AllowReturnAll = mod_vcard_opt:allow_return_all(LServer), MaxMatch = mod_vcard_opt:matches(LServer), Mod:search(LServer, Data, AllowReturnAll, MaxMatch). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -spec remove_user(binary(), binary()) -> ok. remove_user(User, Server) -> LUser = jid:nodeprep(User), LServer = jid:nameprep(Server), Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE), Mod:remove_user(LUser, LServer), ets_cache:delete(?VCARD_CACHE, {LUser, LServer}, cache_nodes(Mod, LServer)). -spec init_cache(module(), binary(), gen_mod:opts()) -> ok. init_cache(Mod, Host, Opts) -> case use_cache(Mod, Host) of true -> CacheOpts = cache_opts(Host, Opts), ets_cache:new(?VCARD_CACHE, CacheOpts); false -> ets_cache:delete(?VCARD_CACHE) end. -spec cache_opts(binary(), gen_mod:opts()) -> [proplists:property()]. cache_opts(_Host, Opts) -> MaxSize = mod_vcard_opt:cache_size(Opts), CacheMissed = mod_vcard_opt:cache_missed(Opts), LifeTime = mod_vcard_opt:cache_life_time(Opts), [{max_size, MaxSize}, {cache_missed, CacheMissed}, {life_time, LifeTime}]. -spec use_cache(module(), binary()) -> boolean(). use_cache(Mod, Host) -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, use_cache, 1) of true -> Mod:use_cache(Host); false -> mod_vcard_opt:use_cache(Host) end. -spec cache_nodes(module(), binary()) -> [node()]. cache_nodes(Mod, Host) -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, cache_nodes, 1) of true -> Mod:cache_nodes(Host); false -> ejabberd_cluster:get_nodes() end. import_info() -> [{<<"vcard">>, 3}, {<<"vcard_search">>, 24}]. import_start(LServer, DBType) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(DBType, ?MODULE), Mod:init(LServer, []). import(LServer, {sql, _}, DBType, Tab, L) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(DBType, ?MODULE), Mod:import(LServer, Tab, L). export(LServer) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(LServer, ?MODULE), Mod:export(LServer). %%% %%% WebAdmin %%% webadmin_menu_hostuser(Acc, _Host, _Username, _Lang) -> Acc ++ [{<<"vcard">>, <<"vCard">>}]. webadmin_page_hostuser(_, Host, User, #request{path = [<<"vcard">>]} = R) -> Head = ?H1GL(<<"vCard">>, <<"modules/#mod_vcard">>, <<"mod_vcard">>), Set = [make_command(set_nickname, R, [{<<"user">>, User}, {<<"host">>, Host}], []), make_command(set_vcard, R, [{<<"user">>, User}, {<<"host">>, Host}], []), make_command(set_vcard2, R, [{<<"user">>, User}, {<<"host">>, Host}], []), make_command(set_vcard2_multi, R, [{<<"user">>, User}, {<<"host">>, Host}], [])], timer:sleep(100), % setting vcard takes a while, let's delay the get commands FieldNames = [<<"VERSION">>, <<"FN">>, <<"NICKNAME">>, <<"BDAY">>], FieldNames2 = [{<<"N">>, <<"FAMILY">>}, {<<"N">>, <<"GIVEN">>}, {<<"N">>, <<"MIDDLE">>}, {<<"ADR">>, <<"CTRY">>}, {<<"ADR">>, <<"LOCALITY">>}, {<<"EMAIL">>, <<"USERID">>}], Get = [make_command(get_vcard, R, [{<<"user">>, User}, {<<"host">>, Host}], []), ?XE(<<"blockquote">>, [make_table([<<"name">>, <<"value">>], [{?C(FieldName), make_command(get_vcard, R, [{<<"user">>, User}, {<<"host">>, Host}, {<<"name">>, FieldName}], [{only, value}])} || FieldName <- FieldNames])]), make_command(get_vcard2, R, [{<<"user">>, User}, {<<"host">>, Host}], []), ?XE(<<"blockquote">>, [make_table([<<"name">>, <<"subname">>, <<"value">>], [{?C(FieldName), ?C(FieldSubName), make_command(get_vcard2, R, [{<<"user">>, User}, {<<"host">>, Host}, {<<"name">>, FieldName}, {<<"subname">>, FieldSubName}], [{only, value}])} || {FieldName, FieldSubName} <- FieldNames2])]), make_command(get_vcard2_multi, R, [{<<"user">>, User}, {<<"host">>, Host}], [])], {stop, Head ++ Get ++ Set}; webadmin_page_hostuser(Acc, _, _, _) -> Acc. %%% %%% Documentation %%% depends(_Host, _Opts) -> []. mod_opt_type(allow_return_all) -> econf:bool(); mod_opt_type(name) -> econf:binary(); mod_opt_type(matches) -> econf:pos_int(infinity); mod_opt_type(search) -> econf:bool(); mod_opt_type(host) -> econf:host(); mod_opt_type(hosts) -> econf:hosts(); mod_opt_type(db_type) -> econf:db_type(?MODULE); mod_opt_type(use_cache) -> econf:bool(); mod_opt_type(cache_size) -> econf:pos_int(infinity); mod_opt_type(cache_missed) -> econf:bool(); mod_opt_type(cache_life_time) -> econf:timeout(second, infinity); mod_opt_type(vcard) -> econf:vcard_temp(). mod_options(Host) -> [{allow_return_all, false}, {host, <<"vjud.", Host/binary>>}, {hosts, []}, {matches, 30}, {search, false}, {name, ?T("vCard User Search")}, {vcard, undefined}, {db_type, ejabberd_config:default_db(Host, ?MODULE)}, {use_cache, ejabberd_option:use_cache(Host)}, {cache_size, ejabberd_option:cache_size(Host)}, {cache_missed, ejabberd_option:cache_missed(Host)}, {cache_life_time, ejabberd_option:cache_life_time(Host)}]. mod_doc() -> #{desc => ?T("This module allows end users to store and retrieve " "their vCard, and to retrieve other users vCards, " "as defined in https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0054.html" "[XEP-0054: vcard-temp]. The module also implements an " "uncomplicated Jabber User Directory based on the vCards " "of these users. Moreover, it enables the server to send " "its vCard when queried."), opts => [{allow_return_all, #{value => "true | false", desc => ?T("This option enables you to specify if search " "operations with empty input fields should return " "all users who added some information to their vCard. " "The default value is 'false'.")}}, {host, #{desc => ?T("Deprecated. Use 'hosts' instead.")}}, {hosts, #{value => ?T("[Host, ...]"), desc => ?T("This option defines the Jabber IDs of the service. " "If the 'hosts' option is not specified, the only Jabber ID will " "be the hostname of the virtual host with the prefix \"vjud.\". " "The keyword '@HOST@' is replaced with the real virtual host name.")}}, {name, #{value => ?T("Name"), desc => ?T("The value of the service name. This name is only visible in some " "clients that support https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0030.html" "[XEP-0030: Service Discovery]. The default is 'vCard User Search'.")}}, {matches, #{value => "pos_integer() | infinity", desc => ?T("With this option, the number of reported search results " "can be limited. If the option's value is set to 'infinity', " "all search results are reported. The default value is '30'.")}}, {search, #{value => "true | false", desc => ?T("This option specifies whether the search functionality " "is enabled or not. If disabled, the options 'hosts', 'name' " "and 'vcard' will be ignored and the Jabber User Directory " "service will not appear in the Service Discovery item list. " "The default value is 'false'.")}}, {db_type, #{value => "mnesia | sql | ldap", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`default_db`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}, {use_cache, #{value => "true | false", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`use_cache`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}, {cache_size, #{value => "pos_integer() | infinity", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`cache_size`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}, {cache_missed, #{value => "true | false", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`cache_missed`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}, {cache_life_time, #{value => "timeout()", desc => ?T("Same as top-level _`cache_life_time`_ option, but applied to this module only.")}}, {vcard, #{value => ?T("vCard"), desc => ?T("A custom vCard of the server that will be displayed " "by some XMPP clients in Service Discovery. The value of " "'vCard' is a YAML map constructed from an XML representation " "of vCard. Since the representation has no attributes, " "the mapping is straightforward."), example => ["# This XML representation of vCard:", "# ", "# ", "# Conferences", "# ", "# ", "# Elm Street", "# ", "# ", "# ", "# is translated to:", "# ", "vcard:", " fn: Conferences", " adr:", " -", " work: true", " street: Elm Street"]}}]}.