#!/bin/sh # define default configuration POLL=true ERL_MAX_PORTS=32000 ERL_PROCESSES=250000 ERL_MAX_ETS_TABLES=1400 FIREWALL_WINDOW="" INET_DIST_INTERFACE="" ERLANG_NODE=ejabberd@localhost # define default environment variables [ -z "$SCRIPT" ] && SCRIPT=$0 SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$SCRIPT")" && pwd -P)" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 ERTS_VSN="{{erts_vsn}}" ERL="{{erl}}" IEX="{{bindir}}/iex" EPMD="{{epmd}}" INSTALLUSER="{{installuser}}" # check the proper system user is used case $(id -un) in "$INSTALLUSER") EXEC_CMD="as_current_user" ;; root) if [ -n "$INSTALLUSER" ] ; then EXEC_CMD="as_install_user" else EXEC_CMD="as_current_user" echo "WARNING: It is not recommended to run ejabberd as root" >&2 fi ;; *) if [ -n "$INSTALLUSER" ] ; then echo "ERROR: This command can only be run by root or the user $INSTALLUSER" >&2 exit 7 else EXEC_CMD="as_current_user" fi ;; esac # parse command line parameters while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case $1 in -n|--node) ERLANG_NODE_ARG=$2; shift 2;; -s|--spool) SPOOL_DIR=$2; shift 2;; -l|--logs) LOGS_DIR=$2; shift 2;; -f|--config) EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH=$2; shift 2;; -c|--ctl-config) EJABBERDCTL_CONFIG_PATH=$2; shift 2;; -d|--config-dir) CONFIG_DIR=$2; shift 2;; -t|--no-timeout) NO_TIMEOUT="--no-timeout"; shift;; *) break;; esac done # define ejabberd variables if not already defined from the command line : "${CONFIG_DIR:="{{config_dir}}"}" : "${LOGS_DIR:="{{logs_dir}}"}" : "${EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH:="$CONFIG_DIR/ejabberd.yml"}" : "${EJABBERDCTL_CONFIG_PATH:="$CONFIG_DIR/ejabberdctl.cfg"}" # Allows passing extra Erlang command-line arguments in vm.args file : "${VMARGS:="$CONFIG_DIR/vm.args"}" # shellcheck source=ejabberdctl.cfg.example [ -f "$EJABBERDCTL_CONFIG_PATH" ] && . "$EJABBERDCTL_CONFIG_PATH" [ -n "$ERLANG_NODE_ARG" ] && ERLANG_NODE="$ERLANG_NODE_ARG" [ "$ERLANG_NODE" = "${ERLANG_NODE%.*}" ] && S="-s" : "${SPOOL_DIR:="{{spool_dir}}"}" : "${EJABBERD_LOG_PATH:="$LOGS_DIR/ejabberd.log"}" # define erl parameters ERLANG_OPTS="+K $POLL +P $ERL_PROCESSES $ERL_OPTIONS" if [ -n "$FIREWALL_WINDOW" ] ; then ERLANG_OPTS="$ERLANG_OPTS -kernel inet_dist_listen_min ${FIREWALL_WINDOW%-*} inet_dist_listen_max ${FIREWALL_WINDOW#*-}" fi if [ -n "$INET_DIST_INTERFACE" ] ; then INET_DIST_INTERFACE2=$("$ERL" -noshell -eval 'case inet:parse_address("'$INET_DIST_INTERFACE'") of {ok,IP} -> io:format("~p",[IP]); _ -> ok end.' -s erlang halt) if [ -n "$INET_DIST_INTERFACE2" ] ; then ERLANG_OPTS="$ERLANG_OPTS -kernel inet_dist_use_interface $INET_DIST_INTERFACE2" fi fi [ -n "$ERL_DIST_PORT" ] && ERLANG_OPTS="$ERLANG_OPTS -erl_epmd_port $ERL_DIST_PORT -start_epmd false" # if vm.args file exists in config directory, pass it to Erlang VM [ -f "$VMARGS" ] && ERLANG_OPTS="$ERLANG_OPTS -args_file $VMARGS" ERL_LIBS='{{libdir}}' ERL_CRASH_DUMP="$LOGS_DIR"/erl_crash_$(date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S").dump ERL_INETRC="$CONFIG_DIR"/inetrc # define ejabberd parameters EJABBERD_OPTS="$EJABBERD_OPTS\ $(sed '/^log_rotate_size/!d;s/:[ \t]*\([0-9]\{1,\}\).*/ \1/;s/:[ \t]*\(infinity\).*/ \1/;s/^/ /' "$EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH")\ $(sed '/^log_rotate_count/!d;s/:[ \t]*\([0-9]*\).*/ \1/;s/^/ /' "$EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH")\ $(sed '/^log_burst_limit_count/!d;s/:[ \t]*\([0-9]*\).*/ \1/;s/^/ /' "$EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH")\ $(sed '/^log_burst_limit_window_time/!d;s/:[ \t]*\([0-9]*[a-z]*\).*/ \1/;s/^/ /' "$EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH")" [ -n "$EJABBERD_OPTS" ] && EJABBERD_OPTS="-ejabberd $EJABBERD_OPTS" EJABBERD_OPTS="$ERLANG_OPTS -mnesia dir \"$SPOOL_DIR\" $MNESIA_OPTIONS $EJABBERD_OPTS -s ejabberd" # export global variables export EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH export EJABBERD_LOG_PATH export EJABBERD_PID_PATH export ERL_CRASH_DUMP export ERL_EPMD_ADDRESS export ERL_DIST_PORT export ERL_INETRC export ERL_MAX_PORTS export ERL_MAX_ETS_TABLES export CONTRIB_MODULES_PATH export CONTRIB_MODULES_CONF_DIR export ERL_LIBS export SCRIPT_DIR set_dist_client() { [ -n "$ERL_DIST_PORT" ] && ERLANG_OPTS="$ERLANG_OPTS -dist_listen false" } # run command either directly or via su $INSTALLUSER exec_cmd() { case $EXEC_CMD in as_install_user) su -s /bin/sh -c 'exec "$0" "$@"' "$INSTALLUSER" -- "$@" ;; as_current_user) "$@" ;; esac } exec_erl() { NODE=$1; shift exec_cmd "$ERL" ${S:--}name "$NODE" "$@" } exec_iex() { NODE=$1; shift exec_cmd "$IEX" -${S:--}name "$NODE" "$@" } # usage debugwarning() { if [ "$EJABBERD_BYPASS_WARNINGS" != "true" ] ; then echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" echo "IMPORTANT: we will attempt to attach an INTERACTIVE shell" echo "to an already running ejabberd node." echo "If an ERROR is printed, it means the connection was not successful." echo "You can interact with the ejabberd node if you know how to use it." echo "Please be extremely cautious with your actions," echo "and exit immediately if you are not completely sure." echo "" echo "To detach this shell from ejabberd, press:" echo " control+c, control+c" echo "" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "To bypass permanently this warning, add to ejabberdctl.cfg the line:" echo " EJABBERD_BYPASS_WARNINGS=true" echo "Press return to continue" read -r _ echo "" fi } livewarning() { if [ "$EJABBERD_BYPASS_WARNINGS" != "true" ] ; then echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" echo "IMPORTANT: ejabberd is going to start in LIVE (interactive) mode." echo "All log messages will be shown in the command shell." echo "You can interact with the ejabberd node if you know how to use it." echo "Please be extremely cautious with your actions," echo "and exit immediately if you are not completely sure." echo "" echo "To exit this LIVE mode and stop ejabberd, press:" echo " q(). and press the Enter key" echo "" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "To bypass permanently this warning, add to ejabberdctl.cfg the line:" echo " EJABBERD_BYPASS_WARNINGS=true" echo "Press return to continue" read -r _ echo "" fi } help() { echo "" echo "Commands to start an ejabberd node:" echo " start Start in server mode" echo " foreground Start in server mode (attached)" echo " foreground-quiet Start in server mode (attached), show only critical messages" echo " live Start in interactive mode, with Erlang shell" echo " iexlive Start in interactive mode, with Elixir shell" echo "" echo "Commands to interact with a running ejabberd node:" echo " debug Attach an interactive Erlang shell to a running node" echo " iexdebug Attach an interactive Elixir shell to a running node" echo " etop Attach to a running node and start Erlang Top" echo " ping Send ping to the node, returns pong or pang" echo " started|stopped Wait for the node to fully start|stop" echo "" echo "Optional parameters when starting an ejabberd node:" echo " --config-dir dir Config ejabberd: $CONFIG_DIR" echo " --config file Config ejabberd: $EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH" echo " --ctl-config file Config ejabberdctl: $EJABBERDCTL_CONFIG_PATH" echo " --logs dir Directory for logs: $LOGS_DIR" echo " --spool dir Database spool dir: $SPOOL_DIR" echo " --node nodename ejabberd node name: $ERLANG_NODE" echo "" } # dynamic node name helper uid() { uuid=$(uuidgen 2>/dev/null) random=$(awk 'BEGIN { srand(); print int(rand()*32768) }' /dev/null) [ -z "$uuid" ] && [ -f /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid ] && uuid=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid) [ -z "$uuid" ] && uuid=$(printf "%X" "${random:-$$}$(date +%M%S)") uuid=$(printf '%s' $uuid | sed 's/^\(...\).*$/\1/') [ $# -eq 0 ] && echo "${uuid}-${ERLANG_NODE}" [ $# -eq 1 ] && echo "${uuid}-${1}-${ERLANG_NODE}" [ $# -eq 2 ] && echo "${uuid}-${1}@${2}" } # stop epmd if there is no other running node stop_epmd() { [ -n "$ERL_DIST_PORT" ] && return "$EPMD" -names 2>/dev/null | grep -q name || "$EPMD" -kill >/dev/null } # make sure node not already running and node name unregistered # if all ok, ensure runtime directory exists and make it current directory check_start() { [ -n "$ERL_DIST_PORT" ] && return "$EPMD" -names 2>/dev/null | grep -q " ${ERLANG_NODE%@*} " && { pgrep -f "$ERLANG_NODE" >/dev/null && { echo "ERROR: The ejabberd node '$ERLANG_NODE' is already running." exit 4 } pgrep beam >/dev/null && { echo "ERROR: The ejabberd node '$ERLANG_NODE' is registered," echo " but no related beam process has been found." echo "Shutdown all other erlang nodes, and call 'epmd -kill'." exit 5 } "$EPMD" -kill >/dev/null } } # allow sync calls wait_status() { # args: status try delay # return: 0 OK, 1 KO timeout="$2" status=4 while [ "$status" -ne "$1" ] ; do sleep "$3" timeout=$((timeout - 1)) if [ $timeout -eq 0 ] ; then status="$1" else exec_erl "$(uid ctl)" -hidden -noinput -s ejabberd_ctl \ -extra "$ERLANG_NODE" $NO_TIMEOUT status > /dev/null status="$?" fi done [ $timeout -gt 0 ] } # ensure we can change current directory to SPOOL_DIR [ -d "$SPOOL_DIR" ] || exec_cmd mkdir -p "$SPOOL_DIR" cd "$SPOOL_DIR" || { echo "ERROR: can not access directory $SPOOL_DIR" exit 6 } # main case $1 in start) check_start exec_erl "$ERLANG_NODE" $EJABBERD_OPTS -detached ;; foreground) check_start exec_erl "$ERLANG_NODE" $EJABBERD_OPTS -noinput ;; foreground-quiet) check_start exec_erl "$ERLANG_NODE" $EJABBERD_OPTS -noinput -ejabberd quiet true ;; live) livewarning check_start exec_erl "$ERLANG_NODE" $EJABBERD_OPTS ;; debug) debugwarning set_dist_client exec_erl "$(uid debug)" -hidden -remsh "$ERLANG_NODE" ;; etop) set_dist_client exec_erl "$(uid top)" -hidden -node "$ERLANG_NODE" -s etop \ -s erlang halt -output text ;; iexdebug) debugwarning set_dist_client exec_iex "$(uid debug)" --remsh "$ERLANG_NODE" ;; iexlive) livewarning exec_iex "$ERLANG_NODE" --erl "$EJABBERD_OPTS" --app ejabberd ;; ping) PEER=${2:-$ERLANG_NODE} [ "$PEER" = "${PEER%.*}" ] && PS="-s" set_dist_client exec_cmd "$ERL" ${PS:--}name "$(uid ping "$(hostname $PS)")" \ -noinput -hidden -eval 'io:format("~p~n",[net_adm:ping('"'$PEER'"')])' \ -s erlang halt -output text ;; started) set_dist_client wait_status 0 30 2 # wait 30x2s before timeout ;; stopped) set_dist_client wait_status 3 30 2 && stop_epmd # wait 30x2s before timeout ;; *) set_dist_client exec_erl "$(uid ctl)" -hidden -noinput -s ejabberd_ctl \ -extra "$ERLANG_NODE" $NO_TIMEOUT "$@" result=$? case $result in 2|3) help;; *) :;; esac exit $result ;; esac