%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejd2odbc.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Export some mnesia tables to SQL DB %%% Created : 22 Aug 2005 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2012 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejd2odbc). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). %% External exports -export([export_passwd/2, export_roster/2, export_offline/2, export_last/2, export_vcard/2, export_vcard_search/2, export_vcard_xupdate/2, export_private_storage/2, export_privacy/2, export_motd/2, export_motd_users/2, export_irc_custom/2, export_sr_group/2, export_sr_user/2, export_muc_room/2, export_muc_registered/2]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("jlib.hrl"). -include("mod_roster.hrl"). -include("mod_privacy.hrl"). -record(offline_msg, {us, timestamp, expire, from, to, packet}). -record(last_activity, {us, timestamp, status}). -record(vcard, {us, vcard}). -record(vcard_xupdate, {us, hash}). -record(vcard_search, {us, user, luser, fn, lfn, family, lfamily, given, lgiven, middle, lmiddle, nickname, lnickname, bday, lbday, ctry, lctry, locality, llocality, email, lemail, orgname, lorgname, orgunit, lorgunit }). -record(private_storage, {usns, xml}). -record(irc_custom, {us_host, data}). -record(muc_room, {name_host, opts}). -record(muc_registered, {us_host, nick}). -record(sr_group, {group_host, opts}). -record(sr_user, {us, group_host}). -record(motd, {server, packet}). -record(motd_users, {us, dummy = []}). -define(MAX_RECORDS_PER_TRANSACTION, 1000). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% API %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% How to use: %%% A table can be converted from Mnesia to an ODBC database by calling %%% one of the API function with the following parameters: %%% - Server is the server domain you want to convert %%% - Output can be either odbc to export to the configured relational %%% database or "Filename" to export to text file. export_passwd(Server, Output) -> export_common( Server, passwd, Output, fun(Host, {passwd, {LUser, LServer}, {scram, _, _, _, _}} = _R) -> ?INFO_MSG("You are trying to export the authentication " "information of the account ~s@~s, but his password " "is stored as SCRAM, and ejabberd ODBC authentication " "doesn't support SCRAM.", [LUser, LServer]), []; (Host, {passwd, {LUser, LServer}, Password} = _R) when LServer == Host -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), Pass = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Password), ["delete from users where username='", Username ,"';" "insert into users(username, password) " "values ('", Username, "', '", Pass, "');"]; (_Host, _R) -> [] end). export_roster(Server, Output) -> export_common( Server, roster, Output, fun(Host, #roster{usj = {LUser, LServer, LJID}} = R) when LServer == Host -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), SJID = ejabberd_odbc:escape(jlib:jid_to_string(LJID)), ItemVals = record_to_string(R), ItemGroups = groups_to_string(R), ["delete from rosterusers " " where username='", Username, "' " " and jid='", SJID, "';" "insert into rosterusers(" " username, jid, nick, " " subscription, ask, askmessage, " " server, subscribe, type) " " values ", ItemVals, ";" "delete from rostergroups " " where username='", Username, "' " " and jid='", SJID, "';", [["insert into rostergroups(" " username, jid, grp) " " values ", ItemGroup, ";"] || ItemGroup <- ItemGroups]]; (_Host, _R) -> [] end). export_offline(Server, Output) -> export_common( Server, offline_msg, Output, fun(Host, #offline_msg{us = {LUser, LServer}, timestamp = TimeStamp, from = From, to = To, packet = Packet}) when LServer == Host -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), {xmlelement, Name, Attrs, Els} = Packet, Attrs2 = jlib:replace_from_to_attrs( jlib:jid_to_string(From), jlib:jid_to_string(To), Attrs), NewPacket = {xmlelement, Name, Attrs2, Els ++ [jlib:timestamp_to_xml( calendar:now_to_universal_time(TimeStamp), utc, jlib:make_jid("", Server, ""), "Offline Storage"), %% TODO: Delete the next three lines once XEP-0091 is Obsolete jlib:timestamp_to_xml( calendar:now_to_universal_time( TimeStamp))]}, XML = ejabberd_odbc:escape( xml:element_to_binary(NewPacket)), ["insert into spool(username, xml) " "values ('", Username, "', '", XML, "');"]; (_Host, _R) -> [] end). export_last(Server, Output) -> export_common( Server, last_activity, Output, fun(Host, #last_activity{us = {LUser, LServer}, timestamp = TimeStamp, status = Status}) when LServer == Host -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), Seconds = ejabberd_odbc:escape(integer_to_list(TimeStamp)), State = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Status), ["delete from last where username='", Username, "';" "insert into last(username, seconds, state) " "values ('", Username, "', '", Seconds, "', '", State, "');"]; (_Host, _R) -> [] end). export_vcard(Server, Output) -> export_common( Server, vcard, Output, fun(Host, #vcard{us = {LUser, LServer}, vcard = VCARD}) when LServer == Host -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), SVCARD = ejabberd_odbc:escape( xml:element_to_binary(VCARD)), ["delete from vcard where username='", Username, "';" "insert into vcard(username, vcard) " "values ('", Username, "', '", SVCARD, "');"]; (_Host, _R) -> [] end). export_vcard_search(Server, Output) -> export_common( Server, vcard_search, Output, fun(Host, #vcard_search{user = {User, LServer}, luser = LUser, fn = FN, lfn = LFN, family = Family, lfamily = LFamily, given = Given, lgiven = LGiven, middle = Middle, lmiddle = LMiddle, nickname = Nickname, lnickname = LNickname, bday = BDay, lbday = LBDay, ctry = CTRY, lctry = LCTRY, locality = Locality, llocality = LLocality, email = EMail, lemail = LEMail, orgname = OrgName, lorgname = LOrgName, orgunit = OrgUnit, lorgunit = LOrgUnit }) when LServer == Host -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(User), LUsername = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), SFN = ejabberd_odbc:escape(FN), SLFN = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LFN), SFamily = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Family), SLFamily = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LFamily), SGiven = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Given), SLGiven = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LGiven), SMiddle = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Middle), SLMiddle = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LMiddle), SNickname = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Nickname), SLNickname = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LNickname), SBDay = ejabberd_odbc:escape(BDay), SLBDay = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LBDay), SCTRY = ejabberd_odbc:escape(CTRY), SLCTRY = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LCTRY), SLocality = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Locality), SLLocality = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LLocality), SEMail = ejabberd_odbc:escape(EMail), SLEMail = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LEMail), SOrgName = ejabberd_odbc:escape(OrgName), SLOrgName = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LOrgName), SOrgUnit = ejabberd_odbc:escape(OrgUnit), SLOrgUnit = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LOrgUnit), ["delete from vcard_search where lusername='", LUsername, "';" "insert into vcard_search(" " username, lusername, fn, lfn, family, lfamily," " given, lgiven, middle, lmiddle, nickname, lnickname," " bday, lbday, ctry, lctry, locality, llocality," " email, lemail, orgname, lorgname, orgunit, lorgunit)" "values (", " '", Username, "', '", LUsername, "'," " '", SFN, "', '", SLFN, "'," " '", SFamily, "', '", SLFamily, "'," " '", SGiven, "', '", SLGiven, "'," " '", SMiddle, "', '", SLMiddle, "'," " '", SNickname, "', '", SLNickname, "'," " '", SBDay, "', '", SLBDay, "'," " '", SCTRY, "', '", SLCTRY, "'," " '", SLocality, "', '", SLLocality, "'," " '", SEMail, "', '", SLEMail, "'," " '", SOrgName, "', '", SLOrgName, "'," " '", SOrgUnit, "', '", SLOrgUnit, "');"]; (_Host, _R) -> [] end). export_vcard_xupdate(Server, Output) -> export_common( Server, vcard_xupdate, Output, fun(Host, #vcard_xupdate{us = {LUser, LServer}, hash = Hash}) when LServer == Host -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), SHash = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Hash), ["delete from vcard_xupdate where username='", Username, "';" "insert into vcard_xupdate(username, hash) " "values ('", Username, "', '", SHash, "');"]; (_Host, _R) -> [] end). export_private_storage(Server, Output) -> export_common( Server, private_storage, Output, fun(Host, #private_storage{usns = {LUser, LServer, XMLNS}, xml = Data}) when LServer == Host -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), LXMLNS = ejabberd_odbc:escape(XMLNS), SData = ejabberd_odbc:escape( xml:element_to_binary(Data)), odbc_queries:set_private_data_sql(Username, LXMLNS, SData); (_Host, _R) -> [] end). export_muc_room(Server, Output) -> export_common( Server, muc_room, Output, fun(Host, #muc_room{name_host = {Name, RoomHost}, opts = Opts}) -> case lists:suffix(Host, RoomHost) of true -> SName = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Name), SRoomHost = ejabberd_odbc:escape(RoomHost), SOpts = ejabberd_odbc:encode_term(Opts), ["delete from muc_room where name='", SName, "' and host='", SRoomHost, "';", "insert into muc_room(name, host, opts) values (", "'", SName, "', '", SRoomHost, "', '", SOpts, "');"]; false -> [] end end). export_muc_registered(Server, Output) -> export_common( Server, muc_registered, Output, fun(Host, #muc_registered{us_host = {{U, S}, RoomHost}, nick = Nick}) -> case lists:suffix(Host, RoomHost) of true -> SJID = ejabberd_odbc:escape( jlib:jid_to_string( jlib:make_jid(U, S, ""))), SNick = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Nick), SRoomHost = ejabberd_odbc:escape(RoomHost), ["delete from muc_registered where jid='", SJID, "' and host='", SRoomHost, "';" "insert into muc_registered(jid, host, nick) values (" "'", SJID, "', '", SRoomHost, "', '", SNick, "');"]; false -> [] end end). export_irc_custom(Server, Output) -> export_common( Server, irc_custom, Output, fun(Host, #irc_custom{us_host = {{U, S}, IRCHost}, data = Data}) -> case lists:suffix(Host, IRCHost) of true -> SJID = ejabberd_odbc:escape( jlib:jid_to_string( jlib:make_jid(U, S, ""))), SIRCHost = ejabberd_odbc:escape(IRCHost), SData = ejabberd_odbc:encode_term(Data), ["delete from irc_custom where jid='", SJID, "' and host='", SIRCHost, "';" "insert into irc_custom(jid, host, data) values (" "'", SJID, "', '", SIRCHost, "', '", SData, "');"]; false -> [] end end). export_privacy(Server, Output) -> case ejabberd_odbc:sql_query( jlib:nameprep(Server), ["select id from privacy_list order by id desc limit 1;"]) of {selected, ["id"], [{I}]} -> put(id, list_to_integer(I)); _ -> put(id, 0) end, export_common( Server, privacy, Output, fun(Host, #privacy{us = {LUser, LServer}, lists = Lists, default = Default}) when LServer == Host -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), if Default /= none -> SDefault = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Default), ["delete from privacy_default_list where ", "username='", Username, "';", "insert into privacy_default_list(username, name) ", "values ('", Username, "', '", SDefault, "');"]; true -> [] end ++ lists:flatmap( fun({Name, List}) -> SName = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Name), RItems = lists:map( fun mod_privacy:item_to_raw/1, List), ID = integer_to_list(get_id()), ["delete from privacy_list " "where username='", Username, "' and name='", SName, "';" "insert into privacy_list(username, name, id) " "values ('", Username, "', '", SName, "', '", ID, "');", "delete from privacy_list_data where id='", ID, "';" |[["insert into privacy_list_data(" "id, t, value, action, ord, match_all, match_iq, " "match_message, match_presence_in, " "match_presence_out) values ('", ID, "', '", string:join(Items, "', '"), "');"] || Items <- RItems]] end, Lists); (_Host, _R) -> [] end). export_sr_group(Server, Output) -> export_common( Server, sr_group, Output, fun(Host, #sr_group{group_host = {Group, LServer}, opts = Opts}) when LServer == Host -> SGroup = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Group), SOpts = ejabberd_odbc:encode_term(Opts), ["delete from sr_group where name='", Group, "';" "insert into sr_group(name, opts) values ('", SGroup, "', '", SOpts, "');"]; (_Host, _R) -> [] end). export_sr_user(Server, Output) -> export_common( Server, sr_user, Output, fun(Host, #sr_user{us = {U, S}, group_host = {Group, LServer}}) when LServer == Host -> SGroup = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Group), SJID = ejabberd_odbc:escape( jlib:jid_to_string( jlib:jid_tolower( jlib:make_jid(U, S, "")))), ["delete from sr_user where jid='", SJID, "'and grp='", Group, "';" "insert into sr_user(jid, grp) values ('", SJID, "', '", SGroup, "');"]; (_Host, _R) -> [] end). export_motd(Server, Output) -> export_common( Server, motd, Output, fun(Host, #motd{server = LServer, packet = El}) when LServer == Host -> ["delete from motd where username='';" "insert into motd(username, xml) values ('', '", ejabberd_odbc:escape(xml:element_to_binary(El)), "');"]; (_Host, _R) -> [] end). export_motd_users(Server, Output) -> export_common( Server, motd_users, Output, fun(Host, #motd_users{us = {LUser, LServer}}) when LServer == Host, LUser /= "" -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser), ["delete from motd where username='", Username, "';" "insert into motd(username, xml) values ('", Username, "', '');"]; (_Host, _R) -> [] end). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- export_common(Server, Table, Output, ConvertFun) -> IO = case Output of odbc -> odbc; _ -> {ok, IODevice} = file:open(Output, [write, raw]), IODevice end, mnesia:transaction( fun() -> mnesia:read_lock_table(Table), LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server), {_N, SQLs} = mnesia:foldl( fun(R, {N, SQLs} = Acc) -> case ConvertFun(LServer, R) of [] -> Acc; SQL -> if N < ?MAX_RECORDS_PER_TRANSACTION - 1 -> {N + 1, [SQL | SQLs]}; true -> %% Execute full SQL transaction output(LServer, IO, ["begin;", lists:reverse([SQL | SQLs]), "commit"]), {0, []} end end end, {0, []}, Table), %% Execute SQL transaction with remaining records output(LServer, IO, ["begin;", lists:reverse(SQLs), "commit"]) end). output(LServer, IO, SQL) -> case IO of odbc -> catch ejabberd_odbc:sql_query(LServer, SQL); _ -> file:write(IO, [SQL, $;, $\n]) end. record_to_string(#roster{usj = {User, _Server, JID}, name = Name, subscription = Subscription, ask = Ask, askmessage = AskMessage}) -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(User), SJID = ejabberd_odbc:escape(jlib:jid_to_string(JID)), Nick = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Name), SSubscription = case Subscription of both -> "B"; to -> "T"; from -> "F"; none -> "N" end, SAsk = case Ask of subscribe -> "S"; unsubscribe -> "U"; both -> "B"; out -> "O"; in -> "I"; none -> "N" end, SAskMessage = case catch ejabberd_odbc:escape( binary_to_list(list_to_binary([AskMessage]))) of {'EXIT', _Reason} -> []; SAM -> SAM end, ["(" "'", Username, "'," "'", SJID, "'," "'", Nick, "'," "'", SSubscription, "'," "'", SAsk, "'," "'", SAskMessage, "'," "'N', '', 'item')"]. groups_to_string(#roster{usj = {User, _Server, JID}, groups = Groups}) -> Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(User), SJID = ejabberd_odbc:escape(jlib:jid_to_string(JID)), [["(" "'", Username, "'," "'", SJID, "'," "'", ejabberd_odbc:escape(Group), "')"] || Group <- Groups]. get_id() -> ID = get(id), put(id, ID+1), ID+1.