%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : idna.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Support for IDNA (RFC3490) %%% Created : 10 Apr 2004 by Alexey Shchepin %%% Id : $Id$ %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(idna). -author('alexey@sevcom.net'). %-compile(export_all). -export([domain_utf8_to_ascii/1, domain_ucs2_to_ascii/1]). domain_utf8_to_ascii(Domain) -> domain_ucs2_to_ascii(utf8_to_ucs2(Domain)). utf8_to_ucs2(S) -> utf8_to_ucs2(S, ""). utf8_to_ucs2([], R) -> lists:reverse(R); utf8_to_ucs2([C | S], R) when C < 16#80 -> utf8_to_ucs2(S, [C | R]); utf8_to_ucs2([C1, C2 | S], R) when C1 < 16#E0 -> utf8_to_ucs2(S, [((C1 band 16#1F) bsl 6) bor (C2 band 16#3F) | R]); utf8_to_ucs2([C1, C2, C3 | S], R) when C1 < 16#F0 -> utf8_to_ucs2(S, [((C1 band 16#0F) bsl 12) bor ((C2 band 16#3F) bsl 6) bor (C3 band 16#3F) | R]). domain_ucs2_to_ascii(Domain) -> case catch domain_ucs2_to_ascii1(Domain) of {'EXIT', _Reason} -> false; Res -> Res end. domain_ucs2_to_ascii1(Domain) -> Parts = string:tokens(Domain, [16#002E, 16#3002, 16#FF0E, 16#FF61]), ASCIIParts = lists:map(fun(P) -> to_ascii(P) end, Parts), string:strip(lists:flatmap(fun(P) -> [$. | P] end, ASCIIParts), left, $.). % Domain names are already nameprep'ed in ejabberd, so we skiping this step to_ascii(Name) -> false = lists:any( fun(C) when ( 0 =< C) and (C =< 16#2C) or (16#2E =< C) and (C =< 16#2F) or (16#3A =< C) and (C =< 16#40) or (16#5B =< C) and (C =< 16#60) or (16#7B =< C) and (C =< 16#7F) -> true; (_) -> false end, Name), case Name of [H | _] when H /= $- -> true = lists:last(Name) /= $- end, ASCIIName = case lists:any(fun(C) -> C > 16#7F end, Name) of true -> true = case Name of "xn--" ++ _ -> false; _ -> true end, "xn--" ++ punycode_encode(Name); false -> Name end, L = length(ASCIIName), true = (1 =< L) and (L =< 63), ASCIIName. %%% PUNYCODE (RFC3492) -define(BASE, 36). -define(TMIN, 1). -define(TMAX, 26). -define(SKEW, 38). -define(DAMP, 700). -define(INITIAL_BIAS, 72). -define(INITIAL_N, 128). punycode_encode(Input) -> N = ?INITIAL_N, Delta = 0, Bias = ?INITIAL_BIAS, Basic = lists:filter(fun(C) -> C =< 16#7f end, Input), NonBasic = lists:filter(fun(C) -> C > 16#7f end, Input), L = length(Input), B = length(Basic), SNonBasic = lists:usort(NonBasic), Output1 = if B > 0 -> Basic ++ "-"; true -> "" end, Output2 = punycode_encode1(Input, SNonBasic, B, B, L, N, Delta, Bias, ""), Output1 ++ Output2. punycode_encode1(Input, [M | SNonBasic], B, H, L, N, Delta, Bias, Out) when H < L -> Delta1 = Delta + (M - N) * (H + 1), % let n = m {NewDelta, NewBias, NewH, NewOut} = lists:foldl( fun(C, {ADelta, ABias, AH, AOut}) -> if C < M -> {ADelta + 1, ABias, AH, AOut}; C == M -> NewOut = punycode_encode_delta(ADelta, ABias, AOut), NewBias = adapt(ADelta, H + 1, H == B), {0, NewBias, AH + 1, NewOut}; true -> {ADelta, ABias, AH, AOut} end end, {Delta1, Bias, H, Out}, Input), punycode_encode1( Input, SNonBasic, B, NewH, L, M + 1, NewDelta + 1, NewBias, NewOut); punycode_encode1(Input, SNonBasic, B, H, L, N, Delta, Bias, Out) -> lists:reverse(Out). punycode_encode_delta(Delta, Bias, Out) -> punycode_encode_delta(Delta, Bias, Out, ?BASE). punycode_encode_delta(Delta, Bias, Out, K) -> T = if K =< Bias -> ?TMIN; K >= Bias + ?TMAX -> ?TMAX; true -> K - Bias end, if Delta < T -> [codepoint(Delta) | Out]; true -> C = T + ((Delta - T) rem (?BASE - T)), punycode_encode_delta((Delta - T) div (?BASE - T), Bias, [codepoint(C) | Out], K + ?BASE) end. adapt(Delta, NumPoints, FirstTime) -> Delta1 = if FirstTime -> Delta div ?DAMP; true -> Delta div 2 end, Delta2 = Delta1 + (Delta1 div NumPoints), adapt1(Delta2, 0). adapt1(Delta, K) -> if Delta > ((?BASE - ?TMIN) * ?TMAX) div 2 -> adapt1(Delta div (?BASE - ?TMIN), K + ?BASE); true -> K + (((?BASE - ?TMIN + 1) * Delta) div (Delta + ?SKEW)) end. codepoint(C) -> if (0 =< C) and (C =< 25) -> C + 97; (26 =< C) and (C =< 35) -> C + 22 end.