%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : acl.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : %%% Created : 18 Jan 2003 by Alexey Shchepin %%% Id : $Id$ %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(acl). -author('alexey@sevcom.net'). -vsn('$Revision$ '). -export([start/0, add/2, match_rule/2, match_acl/2]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). start() -> ets:new(acls, [bag, named_table, public]). add(ACLName, ACLData) -> ets:insert(acls, {ACLName, ACLData}). match_rule(Rule, JID) -> case ejabberd_config:get_option(Rule) of undefined -> deny; ACLs -> match_acls(ACLs, JID) end. match_acls([], _) -> deny; match_acls([{Access, ACL} | ACLs], JID) -> case match_acl(ACL, JID) of true -> Access; _ -> match_acls(ACLs, JID) end. match_acl(ACL, JID) -> {User, Server, Resource} = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), lists:any(fun({_, Spec}) -> case Spec of all -> true; {user, U} -> (U == User) and (?MYNAME == Server); {user, U, S} -> (U == User) and (S == Server); {server, S} -> S == Server end end, ets:lookup(acls, ACL)).