%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejabberd_ctl.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : ejabberd command line admin tool %%% Created : 11 Jan 2004 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2023 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_ctl). -behaviour(gen_server). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -export([start/0, start_link/0, process/1, process2/2]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -include("ejabberd_ctl.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_commands.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_stacktrace.hrl"). -define(DEFAULT_VERSION, 1000000). -record(state, {}). %%----------------------------- %% Module %%----------------------------- start() -> disable_logging(), [SNode, Timeout, Args] = case init:get_plain_arguments() of [SNode2, "--no-timeout" | Args2] -> [SNode2, infinity, Args2]; [SNode3 | Args3] -> [SNode3, 60000, Args3]; _ -> print_usage(?DEFAULT_VERSION), halt(?STATUS_USAGE) end, SNode1 = case string:tokens(SNode, "@") of [_Node, _Server] -> SNode; _ -> case net_kernel:longnames() of true -> lists:flatten([SNode, "@", inet_db:gethostname(), ".", inet_db:res_option(domain)]); false -> lists:flatten([SNode, "@", inet_db:gethostname()]); _ -> SNode end end, Node = list_to_atom(SNode1), Status = case ejabberd_cluster:call(Node, ?MODULE, process, [Args], Timeout) of {badrpc, Reason} -> print("Failed RPC connection to the node ~p: ~p~n", [Node, Reason]), %% TODO: show minimal start help ?STATUS_BADRPC; {invalid_version, V} -> print("Invalid API version number: ~p~n", [V]), ?STATUS_ERROR; S -> S end, halt(Status). start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []). init([]) -> {ok, #state{}}. handle_call(Request, From, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected call from ~p: ~p", [From, Request]), {noreply, State}. handle_cast(Msg, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected cast: ~p", [Msg]), {noreply, State}. handle_info(Info, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected info: ~p", [Info]), {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%----------------------------- %% Process %%----------------------------- -spec process([string()]) -> non_neg_integer(). process(Args) -> process(Args, ?DEFAULT_VERSION). -spec process([string()], non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer(). %% The commands status, stop and restart are defined here to ensure %% they are usable even if ejabberd is completely stopped. process(["status"], _Version) -> {InternalStatus, ProvidedStatus} = init:get_status(), print("The node ~p is ~p with status: ~p~n", [node(), InternalStatus, ProvidedStatus]), case lists:keymember(ejabberd, 1, application:which_applications()) of false -> EjabberdLogPath = ejabberd_logger:get_log_path(), print("ejabberd is not running in that node~n" "Check for error messages: ~ts~n" "or other files in that directory.~n", [EjabberdLogPath]), ?STATUS_ERROR; true -> print("ejabberd ~ts is running in that node~n", [ejabberd_option:version()]), ?STATUS_SUCCESS end; %% TODO: Mnesia operations should not be hardcoded in ejabberd_ctl module. %% For now, I leave them there to avoid breaking those commands for people that %% may be using it (as format of response is going to change). process(["mnesia"], _Version) -> print("~p~n", [mnesia:system_info(all)]), ?STATUS_SUCCESS; process(["mnesia", "info"], _Version) -> mnesia:info(), ?STATUS_SUCCESS; process(["mnesia", Arg], _Version) -> case catch mnesia:system_info(list_to_atom(Arg)) of {'EXIT', Error} -> print("Error: ~p~n", [Error]); Return -> print("~p~n", [Return]) end, ?STATUS_SUCCESS; %% The arguments --long and --dual are not documented because they are %% automatically selected depending in the number of columns of the shell process(["help" | Mode], Version) -> {MaxC, ShCode} = get_shell_info(), case Mode of [] -> print_usage_help(MaxC, ShCode), ?STATUS_SUCCESS; ["--dual"] -> print_usage(dual, MaxC, ShCode, Version), ?STATUS_USAGE; ["--long"] -> print_usage(long, MaxC, ShCode, Version), ?STATUS_USAGE; ["tags"] -> print_usage_tags(MaxC, ShCode, Version), ?STATUS_SUCCESS; ["--tags"] -> % deprecated in favor of "tags" print_usage_tags(MaxC, ShCode, Version), ?STATUS_SUCCESS; ["commands"] -> print_usage_tags_long(MaxC, ShCode, Version), ?STATUS_SUCCESS; ["--tags", Tag] -> % deprecated in favor of simply "Tag" print_usage_tags(Tag, MaxC, ShCode, Version), ?STATUS_SUCCESS; [String | _] -> case determine_string_type(String, Version) of no_idea -> io:format("No tag or command matches '~ts'~n", [String]); both -> print_usage_tags(String, MaxC, ShCode, Version), print_usage_commands2(String, MaxC, ShCode, Version); tag -> print_usage_tags(String, MaxC, ShCode, Version); command -> print_usage_commands2(String, MaxC, ShCode, Version) end, ?STATUS_SUCCESS end; process(["--version", Arg | Args], _) -> Version = try list_to_integer(Arg) catch _:_ -> throw({invalid_version, Arg}) end, process(Args, Version); process(Args, Version) -> {String, Code} = process2(Args, [], Version), case String of [] -> ok; _ -> io:format("~ts~n", [String]) end, Code. -spec process2(Args::[string()], AccessCommands::any()) -> {String::string(), Code::integer()}. process2(Args, AccessCommands) -> process2(Args, AccessCommands, ?DEFAULT_VERSION). process2(["--auth", User, Server, Pass | Args], AccessCommands, Version) -> process2(Args, AccessCommands, {list_to_binary(User), list_to_binary(Server), list_to_binary(Pass), true}, Version); process2(Args, AccessCommands, Version) -> process2(Args, AccessCommands, noauth, Version). process2(Args, AccessCommands, Auth, Version) -> case try_run_ctp(Args, Auth, AccessCommands, Version) of {String, wrong_command_arguments} when is_list(String) -> io:format(lists:flatten(["\n" | String]++["\n"])), [CommandString | _] = Args, process(["help" | [CommandString]], Version), {lists:flatten(String), ?STATUS_ERROR}; {String, Code} when is_list(String) and is_integer(Code) -> {lists:flatten(String), Code}; String when is_list(String) -> {lists:flatten(String), ?STATUS_SUCCESS}; Code when is_integer(Code) -> {"", Code}; Other -> {"Erroneous result: " ++ io_lib:format("~p", [Other]), ?STATUS_ERROR} end. determine_string_type(String, Version) -> TagsCommands = ejabberd_commands:get_tags_commands(Version), CommandsNames = case lists:keysearch(String, 1, TagsCommands) of {value, {String, CNs}} -> CNs; false -> [] end, AllCommandsNames = [atom_to_list(Name) || {Name, _, _} <- ejabberd_commands:list_commands(Version)], Cmds = filter_commands(AllCommandsNames, String), case {CommandsNames, Cmds} of {[], []} -> no_idea; {[], _} -> command; {_, []} -> tag; {_, _} -> both end. %%----------------------------- %% Command calling %%----------------------------- try_run_ctp(Args, Auth, AccessCommands, Version) -> try ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(ejabberd_ctl_process, false, [Args]) of false when Args /= [] -> try_call_command(Args, Auth, AccessCommands, Version); false -> print_usage(Version), {"", ?STATUS_USAGE}; Status -> {"", Status} catch exit:Why -> print_usage(Version), {io_lib:format("Error in ejabberd ctl process: ~p", [Why]), ?STATUS_USAGE}; Error:Why -> %% In this case probably ejabberd is not started, so let's show Status process(["status"], Version), print("~n", []), {io_lib:format("Error in ejabberd ctl process: '~p' ~p", [Error, Why]), ?STATUS_USAGE} end. try_call_command(Args, Auth, AccessCommands, Version) -> try call_command(Args, Auth, AccessCommands, Version) of {Reason, wrong_command_arguments} -> {Reason, ?STATUS_ERROR}; Res -> Res catch throw:{error, unknown_command} -> KnownCommands = [Cmd || {Cmd, _, _} <- ejabberd_commands:list_commands(Version)], UnknownCommand = list_to_atom(hd(Args)), {io_lib:format( "Error: unknown command '~ts'. Did you mean '~ts'?", [hd(Args), misc:best_match(UnknownCommand, KnownCommands)]), ?STATUS_ERROR}; throw:Error -> {io_lib:format("~p", [Error]), ?STATUS_ERROR}; ?EX_RULE(A, Why, Stack) -> StackTrace = ?EX_STACK(Stack), {io_lib:format("Unhandled exception occurred executing the command:~n** ~ts", [misc:format_exception(2, A, Why, StackTrace)]), ?STATUS_ERROR} end. -spec call_command(Args::[string()], Auth::noauth | {binary(), binary(), binary(), true}, AccessCommands::[any()], Version::integer()) -> string() | integer() | {string(), integer()} | {error, ErrorType::any()}. call_command([CmdString | Args], Auth, _AccessCommands, Version) -> CmdStringU = ejabberd_regexp:greplace( list_to_binary(CmdString), <<"-">>, <<"_">>), Command = list_to_atom(binary_to_list(CmdStringU)), {ArgsFormat, _, ResultFormat} = ejabberd_commands:get_command_format(Command, Auth, Version), case (catch format_args(Args, ArgsFormat)) of ArgsFormatted when is_list(ArgsFormatted) -> CI = case Auth of {U, S, _, _} -> #{usr => {U, S, <<"">>}, caller_host => S}; _ -> #{} end, CI2 = CI#{caller_module => ?MODULE}, Result = ejabberd_commands:execute_command2(Command, ArgsFormatted, CI2, Version), format_result_preliminary(Result, ResultFormat, Version); {'EXIT', {function_clause,[{lists,zip,[A1,A2|_], _} | _]}} -> {NumCompa, TextCompa} = case {length(A1), length(A2)} of {L1, L2} when L1 < L2 -> {L2-L1, "less argument"}; {L1, L2} when L1 > L2 -> {L1-L2, "more argument"} end, process(["help" | [CmdString]], Version), {io_lib:format("Error: the command '~ts' requires ~p ~ts.", [CmdString, NumCompa, TextCompa]), wrong_command_arguments} end. %%----------------------------- %% Format arguments %%----------------------------- format_args(Args, ArgsFormat) -> lists:foldl( fun({{_ArgName, ArgFormat}, Arg}, Res) -> Formatted = format_arg(Arg, ArgFormat), Res ++ [Formatted] end, [], lists:zip(ArgsFormat, Args)). format_arg(Arg, integer) -> format_arg2(Arg, "~d"); format_arg(Arg, binary) -> unicode:characters_to_binary(Arg, utf8); format_arg("", string) -> ""; format_arg(Arg, string) -> NumChars = integer_to_list(length(Arg)), Parse = "~" ++ NumChars ++ "c", format_arg2(Arg, Parse); format_arg(Arg, {list, {_ArgName, ArgFormat}}) -> [format_arg(Element, ArgFormat) || Element <- string:tokens(Arg, ",")]; format_arg(Arg, {list, ArgFormat}) -> [format_arg(Element, ArgFormat) || Element <- string:tokens(Arg, ",")]; format_arg(Arg, {tuple, Elements}) -> Args = string:tokens(Arg, ":"), list_to_tuple(format_args(Args, Elements)); format_arg(Arg, Format) -> S = unicode:characters_to_binary(Arg, utf8), JSON = jiffy:decode(S), mod_http_api:format_arg(JSON, Format). format_arg2(Arg, Parse)-> {ok, [Arg2], _RemainingArguments} = io_lib:fread(Parse, Arg), Arg2. %%----------------------------- %% Format result %%----------------------------- format_result_preliminary(Result, {A, {list, B}}, Version) -> format_result(Result, {A, {top_result_list, B}}, Version); format_result_preliminary(Result, ResultFormat, Version) -> format_result(Result, ResultFormat, Version). format_result({error, ErrorAtom}, _, _Version) -> {io_lib:format("Error: ~p", [ErrorAtom]), make_status(error)}; %% An error should always be allowed to return extended error to help with API. %% Extended error is of the form: %% {error, type :: atom(), code :: int(), Desc :: string()} format_result({error, ErrorAtom, Code, Msg}, _, _Version) -> {io_lib:format("Error: ~p: ~s", [ErrorAtom, Msg]), make_status(Code)}; format_result(Atom, {_Name, atom}, _Version) -> io_lib:format("~p", [Atom]); format_result(Int, {_Name, integer}, _Version) -> io_lib:format("~p", [Int]); format_result([A|_]=String, {_Name, string}, _Version) when is_list(String) and is_integer(A) -> io_lib:format("~ts", [String]); format_result(Binary, {_Name, string}, _Version) when is_binary(Binary) -> io_lib:format("~ts", [binary_to_list(Binary)]); format_result(Atom, {_Name, string}, _Version) when is_atom(Atom) -> io_lib:format("~ts", [atom_to_list(Atom)]); format_result(Integer, {_Name, string}, _Version) when is_integer(Integer) -> io_lib:format("~ts", [integer_to_list(Integer)]); format_result(Other, {_Name, string}, _Version) -> io_lib:format("~p", [Other]); format_result(Code, {_Name, rescode}, _Version) -> make_status(Code); format_result({Code, Text}, {_Name, restuple}, _Version) -> {io_lib:format("~ts", [Text]), make_status(Code)}; format_result([], {_Name, {top_result_list, _ElementsDef}}, _Version) -> ""; format_result([FirstElement | Elements], {_Name, {top_result_list, ElementsDef}}, Version) -> [format_result(FirstElement, ElementsDef, Version) | lists:map( fun(Element) -> ["\n" | format_result(Element, ElementsDef, Version)] end, Elements)]; %% The result is a list of something: [something()] format_result([], {_Name, {list, _ElementsDef}}, _Version) -> ""; format_result([FirstElement | Elements], {_Name, {list, ElementsDef}}, Version) -> Separator = case Version of 0 -> ";"; _ -> "," end, %% Start formatting the first element [format_result(FirstElement, ElementsDef, Version) | %% If there are more elements, put always first a newline character lists:map( fun(Element) -> [Separator | format_result(Element, ElementsDef, Version)] end, Elements)]; %% The result is a tuple with several elements: {something1(), something2(),...} %% NOTE: the elements in the tuple are separated with tabular characters, %% if a string is empty, it will be difficult to notice in the shell, %% maybe a different separation character should be used, like ;;? format_result(ElementsTuple, {_Name, {tuple, ElementsDef}}, Version) -> ElementsList = tuple_to_list(ElementsTuple), [{FirstE, FirstD} | ElementsAndDef] = lists:zip(ElementsList, ElementsDef), [format_result(FirstE, FirstD, Version) | lists:map( fun({Element, ElementDef}) -> ["\t" | format_result(Element, ElementDef, Version)] end, ElementsAndDef)]; format_result(404, {_Name, _}, _Version) -> make_status(not_found). make_status(ok) -> ?STATUS_SUCCESS; make_status(true) -> ?STATUS_SUCCESS; make_status(Code) when is_integer(Code), Code > 255 -> ?STATUS_ERROR; make_status(Code) when is_integer(Code), Code > 0 -> Code; make_status(Error) -> io:format("Error: ~p~n", [Error]), ?STATUS_ERROR. get_list_commands(Version) -> try ejabberd_commands:list_commands(Version) of Commands -> [tuple_command_help(Command) || {N,_,_}=Command <- Commands, %% Don't show again those commands, because they are already %% announced by ejabberd_ctl itself N /= status, N /= stop, N /= restart] catch exit:_ -> [] end. %% Return: {string(), [string()], string()} tuple_command_help({Name, _Args, Desc}) -> {Args, _, _} = ejabberd_commands:get_command_format(Name, admin), Arguments = [atom_to_list(ArgN) || {ArgN, _ArgF} <- Args], CallString = atom_to_list(Name), {CallString, Arguments, Desc}. has_tuple_args(Args) -> lists:any( fun({_Name, tuple}) -> true; ({_Name, {tuple, _}}) -> true; ({_Name, {list, SubArg}}) -> has_tuple_args([SubArg]); (_) -> false end, Args). has_list_args(Args) -> lists:any( fun({_Name, list}) -> true; ({_Name, {list, _}}) -> true; (_) -> false end, Args). %%----------------------------- %% Print help %%----------------------------- %% Commands are Bold -define(B1, "\e[1m"). -define(B2, "\e[22m"). -define(C(S), case ShCode of true -> [?B1, S, ?B2]; false -> S end). %% Arguments are Dim -define(D1, "\e[2m"). -define(D2, "\e[22m"). -define(A(S), case ShCode of true -> [?D1, S, ?D2]; false -> S end). %% Tags are Underline -define(U1, "\e[4m"). -define(U2, "\e[24m"). -define(G(S), case ShCode of true -> [?U1, S, ?U2]; false -> S end). %% B are Nothing -define(N1, "\e[0m"). -define(N2, "\e[0m"). -define(B(S), case ShCode of true -> [?N1, S, ?N2]; false -> S end). print_usage(Version) -> {MaxC, ShCode} = get_shell_info(), print_usage(dual, MaxC, ShCode, Version). print_usage(HelpMode, MaxC, ShCode, Version) -> AllCommands = [ {"help", ["[arguments]"], "Get help"}, {"status", [], "Get ejabberd status"}, {"stop", [], "Stop ejabberd"}, {"restart", [], "Restart ejabberd"}, {"mnesia", ["[info]"], "show information of Mnesia system"}] ++ get_list_commands(Version), print( ["Usage: ", "ejabberdctl", " [--no-timeout] [--node ", ?A("nodename"), "] [--version ", ?A("api_version"), "] ", ?C("command"), " [", ?A("arguments"), "]\n" "\n" "Available commands in this ejabberd node:\n"], []), print_usage_commands(HelpMode, MaxC, ShCode, AllCommands). print_usage_commands(HelpMode, MaxC, ShCode, Commands) -> CmdDescsSorted = lists:keysort(1, Commands), %% What is the length of the largest command? {CmdArgsLenDescsSorted, Lens} = lists:mapfoldl( fun({Cmd, Args, Desc}, Lengths) -> Len = length(Cmd) + lists:foldl(fun(Arg, R) -> R + 1 + length(Arg) end, 0, Args), {{Cmd, Args, Len, Desc}, [Len | Lengths]} end, [], CmdDescsSorted), MaxCmdLen = case Lens of [] -> 80; _ -> lists:max(Lens) end, %% For each command in the list of commands %% Convert its definition to a line FmtCmdDescs = format_command_lines(CmdArgsLenDescsSorted, MaxCmdLen, MaxC, ShCode, HelpMode), print([FmtCmdDescs], []). %% Get some info about the shell: %% how many columns of width %% and guess if it supports text formatting codes. get_shell_info() -> %% This function was introduced in OTP R12B-0 try io:columns() of {ok, C} -> {C-2, true}; {error, enotsup} -> {78, false} catch _:_ -> {78, false} end. %% Erlang/OTP 20.0 introduced string:find/2, but we must support old 19.3 string_find([], _SearchPattern) -> nomatch; string_find([A | String], [A]) -> String; string_find([_ | String], SearchPattern) -> string_find(String, SearchPattern). %% Split this command description in several lines of proper length prepare_description(DescInit, MaxC, Desc) -> case string_find(Desc, "\n") of nomatch -> prepare_description2(DescInit, MaxC, Desc); _ -> Desc end. prepare_description2(DescInit, MaxC, Desc) -> Words = string:tokens(Desc, " "), prepare_long_line(DescInit, MaxC, Words). prepare_long_line(DescInit, MaxC, Words) -> MaxSegmentLen = MaxC - DescInit, MarginString = lists:duplicate(DescInit, $\s), % Put spaces [FirstSegment | MoreSegments] = split_desc_segments(MaxSegmentLen, Words), MoreSegmentsMixed = mix_desc_segments(MarginString, MoreSegments), [FirstSegment | MoreSegmentsMixed]. mix_desc_segments(MarginString, Segments) -> [["\n", MarginString, Segment] || Segment <- Segments]. split_desc_segments(MaxL, Words) -> join(MaxL, Words). %% Join words in a segment, %% but stop adding to a segment if adding this word would pass L join(L, Words) -> join(L, Words, 0, [], []). join(_Len, [], _CurSegLen, CurSeg, AllSegs) -> lists:reverse([CurSeg | AllSegs]); join(Len, [Word | Tail], CurSegLen, CurSeg, AllSegs) -> WordLen = length(Word), SegSize = WordLen + CurSegLen + 1, {NewCurSeg, NewAllSegs, NewCurSegLen} = if SegSize < Len -> {[CurSeg, " ", Word], AllSegs, SegSize}; true -> {Word, [CurSeg | AllSegs], WordLen} end, NewLen = case string:str(Word, "\n") of 0 -> NewCurSegLen; _ -> 0 end, join(Len, Tail, NewLen, NewCurSeg, NewAllSegs). format_command_lines(CALD, MaxCmdLen, MaxC, ShCode, dual) when MaxC - MaxCmdLen < 40 -> %% If the space available for descriptions is too narrow, enforce long help mode format_command_lines(CALD, MaxCmdLen, MaxC, ShCode, long); format_command_lines(CALD, _MaxCmdLen, _MaxC, ShCode, short) -> lists:map( fun({Cmd, Args, _CmdArgsL, _Desc}) -> [" ", ?C(Cmd), [[" ", ?A(Arg)] || Arg <- Args], "\n"] end, CALD); format_command_lines(CALD, MaxCmdLen, MaxC, ShCode, dual) -> lists:map( fun({Cmd, Args, CmdArgsL, Desc}) -> DescFmt = prepare_description(MaxCmdLen+4, MaxC, Desc), [" ", ?C(Cmd), [[" ", ?A(Arg)] || Arg <- Args], lists:duplicate(MaxCmdLen - CmdArgsL + 1, $\s), DescFmt, "\n"] end, CALD); format_command_lines(CALD, _MaxCmdLen, MaxC, ShCode, long) -> lists:map( fun({Cmd, Args, _CmdArgsL, Desc}) -> DescFmt = prepare_description(13, MaxC, Desc), [" ", ?C(Cmd), [[" ", ?A(Arg)] || Arg <- Args], "\n", " ", DescFmt, "\n"] end, CALD). %%----------------------------- %% Print Tags %%----------------------------- print_usage_tags(MaxC, ShCode, Version) -> print("Available tags and list of commands:", []), TagsCommands = ejabberd_commands:get_tags_commands(Version), lists:foreach( fun({Tag, Commands} = _TagCommands) -> print(["\n\n ", ?G(Tag), "\n "], []), Words = lists:sort(Commands), Desc = prepare_long_line(5, MaxC, Words), print(?C(Desc), []) end, TagsCommands), print("\n\n", []). print_usage_tags_long(MaxC, ShCode, Version) -> print("Available tags and commands details:", []), TagsCommands = ejabberd_commands:get_tags_commands(Version), print("\n", []), lists:foreach( fun({Tag, CommandsNames} = _TagCommands) -> print(["\n ", ?G(Tag), "\n"], []), CommandsList = lists:map( fun(NameString) -> C = ejabberd_commands:get_command_definition( list_to_atom(NameString), Version), #ejabberd_commands{name = Name, args = Args, desc = Desc} = C, tuple_command_help({Name, Args, Desc}) end, CommandsNames), print_usage_commands(short, MaxC, ShCode, CommandsList) end, TagsCommands), print("\n", []). print_usage_tags(Tag, MaxC, ShCode, Version) -> print(["Available commands with tag ", ?G(Tag), ":", "\n", "\n"], []), HelpMode = long, TagsCommands = ejabberd_commands:get_tags_commands(Version), CommandsNames = case lists:keysearch(Tag, 1, TagsCommands) of {value, {Tag, CNs}} -> CNs; false -> [] end, CommandsList = lists:map( fun(NameString) -> C = ejabberd_commands:get_command_definition( list_to_atom(NameString), Version), #ejabberd_commands{name = Name, args = Args, desc = Desc} = C, tuple_command_help({Name, Args, Desc}) end, CommandsNames), print_usage_commands(HelpMode, MaxC, ShCode, CommandsList), print("\n", []). %%----------------------------- %% Print usage of 'help' command %%----------------------------- print_usage_help(MaxC, ShCode) -> LongDesc = ["This special ", ?C("help"), " command provides help of ejabberd commands.\n\n" "The format is:\n ", ?B("ejabberdctl"), " ", ?C("help"), " [", ?A("tags"), " | ", ?A("commands"), " | ", ?G("tag"), " | ", ?C("command"), " | ", ?C("com?*"), "]\n\n" "The optional arguments:\n" " ",?A("tags")," Show all tags and commands names in each tag\n" " ",?A("commands")," Show all tags and commands details in each tag\n" " ",?G("tag")," Show commands related to this tag\n" " ",?C("command")," Show detailed description of this command\n" " ",?C("com?*")," Show commands that match this glob.\n" " (? will match a simple character, and\n" " * will match several characters)\n" "\n", "Some example usages:\n", " ejabberdctl ", ?C("help"), "\n", " ejabberdctl ", ?C("help"), " ", ?A("tags"), "\n", " ejabberdctl ", ?C("help"), " ", ?A("commands"), "\n", " ejabberdctl ", ?C("help"), " ", ?G("accounts"), "\n", " ejabberdctl ", ?C("help"), " ", ?C("register"), "\n", " ejabberdctl ", ?C("help"), " ", ?C("regist*"), "\n", "\n", "Some command arguments are lists or tuples, like add_rosteritem and create_room_with_opts.\n", "Separate the elements in a list with the , character.\n", "Separate the elements in a tuple with the : character.\n", "\n", "Some commands results are lists or tuples, like get_roster and get_user_subscriptions.\n", "The elements in a list are separated with a , character.\n", "The elements in a tuple are separated with a tabular character.\n"], ArgsDef = [], C = #ejabberd_commands{ name = help, desc = "Show help of ejabberd commands", longdesc = lists:flatten(LongDesc), args = ArgsDef, result = {help, string}}, print_usage_command2("help", C, MaxC, ShCode). %%----------------------------- %% Print usage command %%----------------------------- -spec print_usage_commands2(CmdSubString::string(), MaxC::integer(), ShCode::boolean(), Version::integer()) -> ok. print_usage_commands2(CmdSubString, MaxC, ShCode, Version) -> %% Get which command names match this substring AllCommandsNames = [atom_to_list(Name) || {Name, _, _} <- ejabberd_commands:list_commands(Version)], Cmds = filter_commands(AllCommandsNames, CmdSubString), case Cmds of [] -> io:format("Error: no command found that match '~ts'~n", [CmdSubString]); _ -> print_usage_commands3(lists:sort(Cmds), MaxC, ShCode, Version) end. print_usage_commands3([Cmd], MaxC, ShCode, Version) -> print_usage_command(Cmd, MaxC, ShCode, Version); print_usage_commands3(Cmds, MaxC, ShCode, Version) -> CommandsList = lists:map( fun(NameString) -> C = ejabberd_commands:get_command_definition( list_to_atom(NameString), Version), #ejabberd_commands{name = Name, args = Args, desc = Desc} = C, tuple_command_help({Name, Args, Desc}) end, Cmds), print_usage_commands(long, MaxC, ShCode, CommandsList), %% que aqui solo muestre un par de lineas ok. filter_commands(All, SubString) -> case lists:member(SubString, All) of true -> [SubString]; false -> filter_commands_regexp(All, SubString) end. filter_commands_regexp(All, Glob) -> RegExp = ejabberd_regexp:sh_to_awk(list_to_binary(Glob)), lists:filter( fun(Command) -> case ejabberd_regexp:run(list_to_binary(Command), RegExp) of match -> true; nomatch -> false end end, All). maybe_add_policy_arguments(Args, user) -> [{user, binary}, {host, binary} | Args]; maybe_add_policy_arguments(Args, _) -> Args. -spec print_usage_command(Cmd::string(), MaxC::integer(), ShCode::boolean(), Version::integer()) -> ok. print_usage_command(Cmd, MaxC, ShCode, Version) -> Name = list_to_atom(Cmd), C = ejabberd_commands:get_command_definition(Name, Version), print_usage_command2(Cmd, C, MaxC, ShCode). print_usage_command2(Cmd, C, MaxC, ShCode) -> #ejabberd_commands{ tags = TagsAtoms, definer = Definer, desc = Desc, args = ArgsDefPreliminary, policy = Policy, longdesc = LongDesc, result = ResultDef} = C, NameFmt = [" ", ?B("Command Name"), ": ", ?C(Cmd), "\n"], %% Initial indentation of result is 13 = length(" Arguments: ") ArgsDef = maybe_add_policy_arguments(ArgsDefPreliminary, Policy), Args = [format_usage_ctype(ArgDef, 13) || ArgDef <- ArgsDef], ArgsMargin = lists:duplicate(13, $\s), ArgsListFmt = case Args of [] -> "\n"; _ -> [ [Arg, "\n", ArgsMargin] || Arg <- Args] end, ArgsFmt = [" ", ?B("Arguments"), ": ", ArgsListFmt], %% Initial indentation of result is 11 = length(" Returns: ") ResultFmt = format_usage_ctype(ResultDef, 11), ReturnsFmt = [" ",?B("Returns"),": ", ResultFmt], XmlrpcFmt = "", %%+++ [" ",?B("XML-RPC"),": ", format_usage_xmlrpc(ArgsDef, ResultDef), "\n\n"], TagsFmt = [" ",?B("Tags"),":", prepare_long_line(8, MaxC, [?G(atom_to_list(TagA)) || TagA <- TagsAtoms])], IsDefinerMod = case Definer of unknown -> true; _ -> lists:member(gen_mod, proplists:get_value(behaviour, Definer:module_info(attributes))) end, ModuleFmt = case IsDefinerMod of true -> [" ",?B("Module"),": ", atom_to_list(Definer), "\n\n"]; false -> [] end, DescFmt = [" ",?B("Description"),":", prepare_description(15, MaxC, Desc)], LongDescFmt = case LongDesc of "" -> ""; _ -> ["", prepare_description(0, MaxC, LongDesc), "\n\n"] end, NoteEjabberdctlList = case has_list_args(ArgsDef) of true -> [" ", ?B("Note:"), " In a list argument, separate the elements using the , character for example: one,two,three\n\n"]; false -> "" end, NoteEjabberdctlTuple = case has_tuple_args(ArgsDef) of true -> [" ", ?B("Note:"), " In a tuple argument, separate the elements using the : character for example: members_only:true\n\n"]; false -> "" end, case Cmd of "help" -> ok; _ -> print([NameFmt, "\n", ArgsFmt, "\n", ReturnsFmt, "\n\n", XmlrpcFmt, TagsFmt, "\n\n", ModuleFmt, DescFmt, "\n\n"], []) end, print([LongDescFmt, NoteEjabberdctlList, NoteEjabberdctlTuple], []). format_usage_ctype(Type, _Indentation) when (Type==atom) or (Type==integer) or (Type==string) or (Type==binary) or (Type==rescode) or (Type==restuple)-> io_lib:format("~p", [Type]); format_usage_ctype({Name, Type}, _Indentation) when (Type==atom) or (Type==integer) or (Type==string) or (Type==binary) or (Type==rescode) or (Type==restuple)-> io_lib:format("~p::~p", [Name, Type]); format_usage_ctype({Name, {list, ElementDef}}, Indentation) -> NameFmt = atom_to_list(Name), Indentation2 = Indentation + length(NameFmt) + 4, ElementFmt = format_usage_ctype(ElementDef, Indentation2), [NameFmt, "::[ ", ElementFmt, " ]"]; format_usage_ctype({Name, {tuple, ElementsDef}}, Indentation) -> NameFmt = atom_to_list(Name), Indentation2 = Indentation + length(NameFmt) + 4, ElementsFmt = format_usage_tuple(ElementsDef, Indentation2), [NameFmt, "::{ " | ElementsFmt]. format_usage_tuple([], _Indentation) -> []; format_usage_tuple([ElementDef], Indentation) -> [format_usage_ctype(ElementDef, Indentation) , " }"]; format_usage_tuple([ElementDef | ElementsDef], Indentation) -> ElementFmt = format_usage_ctype(ElementDef, Indentation), MarginString = lists:duplicate(Indentation, $\s), % Put spaces [ElementFmt, ",\n", MarginString, format_usage_tuple(ElementsDef, Indentation)]. print(Format, Args) -> io:format(lists:flatten(Format), Args). -ifdef(LAGER). disable_logging() -> ok. -else. disable_logging() -> logger:set_primary_config(level, none). -endif.