%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : extract_translations.erl %%% Author : Sergei Golovan %%% Purpose : Auxiliary tool for interface/messages translators %%% Created : 23 Apr 2005 by Sergei Golovan %%% Id : $Id$ %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(extract_translations). -author('sgolovan@nes.ru'). -export([start/0]). -define(STATUS_SUCCESS, 0). -define(STATUS_ERROR, 1). -define(STATUS_USAGE, 2). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). start() -> ets:new(translations, [named_table, public]), ets:new(translations_obsolete, [named_table, public]), ets:new(files, [named_table, public]), ets:new(vars, [named_table, public]), case init:get_plain_arguments() of ["-srcmsg2po", Dir, File] -> print_po_header(File), Status = process(Dir, File, srcmsg2po), halt(Status); ["-unused", Dir, File] -> Status = process(Dir, File, unused), halt(Status); [Dir, File] -> Status = process(Dir, File, used), halt(Status); _ -> print_usage(), halt(?STATUS_USAGE) end. process(Dir, File, Used) -> case load_file(File) of {error, Reason} -> io:format("~s: ~s~n", [File, file:format_error(Reason)]), ?STATUS_ERROR; _ -> FileList = find_src_files(Dir), lists:foreach( fun(F) -> parse_file(Dir, F, Used) end, FileList), case Used of unused -> ets:foldl(fun({Key, _}, _) -> io:format("~p~n", [Key]) end, ok, translations); srcmsg2po -> ets:foldl(fun({Key, Trans}, _) -> print_translation_obsolete(Key, Trans) end, ok, translations_obsolete); _ -> ok end, ?STATUS_SUCCESS end. parse_file(Dir, File, Used) -> ets:delete_all_objects(vars), case epp:parse_file(File, [Dir, filename:dirname(File) | code:get_path()], []) of {ok, Forms} -> lists:foreach( fun(F) -> parse_form(Dir, File, F, Used) end, Forms); _ -> ok end. parse_form(Dir, File, Form, Used) -> case Form of %%{undefined, Something} -> %% io:format("Undefined: ~p~n", [Something]); {call, _, {remote, _, {atom, _, translate}, {atom, _, translate}}, [_, {string, Line, Str}] } -> process_string(Dir, File, Line, Str, Used); {call, _, {remote, _, {atom, _, translate}, {atom, _, translate}}, [_, {var, _, Name}] } -> case ets:lookup(vars, Name) of [{_Name, Value, Line}] -> process_string(Dir, File, Line, Value, Used); _ -> ok end; {match, _, {var, _, Name}, {string, Line, Value} } -> ets:insert(vars, {Name, Value, Line}); L when is_list(L) -> lists:foreach( fun(F) -> parse_form(Dir, File, F, Used) end, L); T when is_tuple(T) -> lists:foreach( fun(F) -> parse_form(Dir, File, F, Used) end, tuple_to_list(T)); _ -> ok end. process_string(_Dir, _File, _Line, "", _Used) -> ok; process_string(_Dir, File, Line, Str, Used) -> case {ets:lookup(translations, Str), Used} of {[{_Key, _Trans}], unused} -> ets:delete(translations, Str); {[{_Key, _Trans}], used} -> ok; {[{_Key, Trans}], srcmsg2po} -> ets:delete(translations_obsolete, Str), print_translation(File, Line, Str, Trans); {_, used} -> case ets:lookup(files, File) of [{_}] -> ok; _ -> io:format("~n% ~s~n", [File]), ets:insert(files, {File}) end, case Str of [] -> ok; _ -> io:format("{~p, \"\"}.~n", [Str]) end, ets:insert(translations, {Str, ""}); {_, srcmsg2po} -> case ets:lookup(files, File) of [{_}] -> ok; _ -> ets:insert(files, {File}) end, ets:insert(translations, {Str, ""}), print_translation(File, Line, Str, ""); _ -> ok end. load_file(File) -> case file:consult(File) of {ok, Terms} -> lists:foreach( fun({Orig, Trans}) -> case Trans of "" -> ok; _ -> ets:insert(translations, {Orig, Trans}), ets:insert(translations_obsolete, {Orig, Trans}) end end, Terms); Err -> Err end. find_src_files(Dir) -> case file:list_dir(Dir) of {ok, FileList} -> recurse_filelist( lists:map( fun(F) -> filename:join(Dir, F) end, FileList)); _ -> [] end. recurse_filelist(FileList) -> recurse_filelist(FileList, []). recurse_filelist([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); recurse_filelist([H | T], Acc) -> case file:read_file_info(H) of {ok, #file_info{type = directory}} -> recurse_filelist(T, lists:reverse(find_src_files(H)) ++ Acc); {ok, #file_info{type = regular}} -> case string:substr(H, string:len(H) - 3) of ".erl" -> recurse_filelist(T, [H | Acc]); ".hrl" -> recurse_filelist(T, [H | Acc]); _ -> recurse_filelist(T, Acc) end; _ -> recurse_filelist(T, Acc) end. print_usage() -> io:format( "Usage: extract_translations [-unused] dir file~n" "~n" "Example:~n" " extract_translations . ./msgs/ru.msg~n" ). %%% %%% Gettext %%% print_po_header(File) -> MsgProps = get_msg_header_props(File), {Language, [LastT | AddT]} = prepare_props(MsgProps), application:load(ejabberd), {ok, Version} = application:get_key(ejabberd, vsn), print_po_header(Version, Language, LastT, AddT). get_msg_header_props(File) -> {ok, F} = file:open(File, [read]), Lines = get_msg_header_props(F, []), file:close(F), Lines. get_msg_header_props(F, Lines) -> String = io:get_line(F, ""), case io_lib:fread("% ", String) of {ok, [], RemString} -> case io_lib:fread("~s", RemString) of {ok, [Key], Value} when Value /= "\n" -> %% The first character in Value is a blankspace: %% And the last characters are 'slash n' ValueClean = string:substr(Value, 2, string:len(Value)-2), get_msg_header_props(F, Lines ++ [{Key, ValueClean}]); _ -> get_msg_header_props(F, Lines) end; _ -> Lines end. prepare_props(MsgProps) -> Language = proplists:get_value("Language:", MsgProps), Authors = proplists:get_all_values("Author:", MsgProps), {Language, Authors}. print_po_header(Version, Language, LastTranslator, AdditionalTranslatorsList) -> AdditionalTranslatorsString = build_additional_translators(AdditionalTranslatorsList), HeaderString = "msgid \"\"\n" "msgstr \"\"\n" "\"Project-Id-Version: " ++ Version ++ "\\n\"\n" ++ "\"X-Language: " ++ Language ++ "\\n\"\n" "\"Last-Translator: " ++ LastTranslator ++ "\\n\"\n" ++ AdditionalTranslatorsString ++ "\"MIME-Version: 1.0\\n\"\n" "\"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\n\"\n" "\"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n\"\n", io:format("~s~n", [HeaderString]). build_additional_translators(List) -> lists:foldl( fun(T, Str) -> Str ++ "\"X-Additional-Translator: " ++ T ++ "\\n\"\n" end, "", List). print_translation(File, Line, Str, StrT) -> StrQ = re:replace(Str, "\\\"", "\\\\\\\"", [global, {return, list}]), StrTQ = re:replace(StrT, "\\\"", "\\\\\\\"", [global, {return, list}]), io:format("#: ~s:~p~nmsgid \"~s\"~nmsgstr \"~s\"~n~n", [File, Line, StrQ, StrTQ]). print_translation_obsolete(Str, StrT) -> File = "unknown.erl", Line = 1, StrQ = re:replace(Str, "\\\"", "\\\\\\\"", [global, {return, list}]), StrTQ = re:replace(StrT, "\\\"", "\\\\\\\"", [global, {return, list}]), io:format("#: ~s:~p~n#~~ msgid \"~s\"~n#~~ msgstr \"~s\"~n~n", [File, Line, StrQ, StrTQ]).