%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : cyrsasl.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Cyrus SASL-like library %%% Created : 8 Mar 2003 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2014 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(cyrsasl). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -export([start/0, register_mechanism/3, listmech/1, server_new/7, server_start/3, server_step/2]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). %% -export_type([ mechanism/0, mechanisms/0, sasl_mechanism/0 ]). -record(sasl_mechanism, {mechanism = <<"">> :: mechanism() | '$1', module :: atom(), password_type = plain :: password_type() | '$2'}). -type(mechanism() :: binary()). -type(mechanisms() :: [mechanism(),...]). -type(password_type() :: plain | digest | scram). -type(props() :: [{username, binary()} | {authzid, binary()} | {auth_module, atom()}]). -type(sasl_mechanism() :: #sasl_mechanism{}). -record(sasl_state, { service, myname, realm, get_password, check_password, check_password_digest, mech_mod, mech_state }). -callback mech_new(binary(), fun(), fun(), fun()) -> any(). -callback mech_step(any(), binary()) -> {ok, props()} | {ok, props(), binary()} | {continue, binary(), any()} | {error, binary()} | {error, binary(), binary()}. start() -> ets:new(sasl_mechanism, [named_table, public, {keypos, #sasl_mechanism.mechanism}]), cyrsasl_plain:start([]), cyrsasl_digest:start([]), cyrsasl_scram:start([]), cyrsasl_anonymous:start([]), ok. %% -spec(register_mechanism/3 :: ( Mechanim :: mechanism(), Module :: module(), PasswordType :: password_type()) -> any() ). register_mechanism(Mechanism, Module, PasswordType) -> ets:insert(sasl_mechanism, #sasl_mechanism{mechanism = Mechanism, module = Module, password_type = PasswordType}). %%% TODO: use callbacks %%-include("ejabberd.hrl"). %%-include("jlib.hrl"). %%check_authzid(_State, Props) -> %% AuthzId = xml:get_attr_s(authzid, Props), %% case jlib:string_to_jid(AuthzId) of %% error -> %% {error, "invalid-authzid"}; %% JID -> %% LUser = jlib:nodeprep(xml:get_attr_s(username, Props)), %% {U, S, R} = jlib:jid_tolower(JID), %% case R of %% "" -> %% {error, "invalid-authzid"}; %% _ -> %% case {LUser, ?MYNAME} of %% {U, S} -> %% ok; %% _ -> %% {error, "invalid-authzid"} %% end %% end %% end. check_credentials(_State, Props) -> User = proplists:get_value(username, Props, <<>>), case jlib:nodeprep(User) of error -> {error, <<"not-authorized">>}; <<"">> -> {error, <<"not-authorized">>}; _LUser -> ok end. -spec(listmech/1 :: ( Host ::binary()) -> Mechanisms::mechanisms() ). listmech(Host) -> Mechs = ets:select(sasl_mechanism, [{#sasl_mechanism{mechanism = '$1', password_type = '$2', _ = '_'}, case catch ejabberd_auth:store_type(Host) of external -> [{'==', '$2', plain}]; scram -> [{'/=', '$2', digest}]; {'EXIT', {undef, [{Module, store_type, []} | _]}} -> ?WARNING_MSG("~p doesn't implement the function store_type/0", [Module]), []; _Else -> [] end, ['$1']}]), filter_anonymous(Host, Mechs). server_new(Service, ServerFQDN, UserRealm, _SecFlags, GetPassword, CheckPassword, CheckPasswordDigest) -> #sasl_state{service = Service, myname = ServerFQDN, realm = UserRealm, get_password = GetPassword, check_password = CheckPassword, check_password_digest = CheckPasswordDigest}. server_start(State, Mech, ClientIn) -> case lists:member(Mech, listmech(State#sasl_state.myname)) of true -> case ets:lookup(sasl_mechanism, Mech) of [#sasl_mechanism{module = Module}] -> {ok, MechState} = Module:mech_new(State#sasl_state.myname, State#sasl_state.get_password, State#sasl_state.check_password, State#sasl_state.check_password_digest), server_step(State#sasl_state{mech_mod = Module, mech_state = MechState}, ClientIn); _ -> {error, <<"no-mechanism">>} end; false -> {error, <<"no-mechanism">>} end. server_step(State, ClientIn) -> Module = State#sasl_state.mech_mod, MechState = State#sasl_state.mech_state, case Module:mech_step(MechState, ClientIn) of {ok, Props} -> case check_credentials(State, Props) of ok -> {ok, Props}; {error, Error} -> {error, Error} end; {ok, Props, ServerOut} -> case check_credentials(State, Props) of ok -> {ok, Props, ServerOut}; {error, Error} -> {error, Error} end; {continue, ServerOut, NewMechState} -> {continue, ServerOut, State#sasl_state{mech_state = NewMechState}}; {error, Error, Username} -> {error, Error, Username}; {error, Error} -> {error, Error} end. %% Remove the anonymous mechanism from the list if not enabled for the given %% host %% -spec(filter_anonymous/2 :: ( Host :: binary(), Mechs :: mechanisms()) -> mechanisms() ). filter_anonymous(Host, Mechs) -> case ejabberd_auth_anonymous:is_sasl_anonymous_enabled(Host) of true -> Mechs; false -> Mechs -- [<<"ANONYMOUS">>] end.