%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Created : 16 Dec 2016 by Evgeny Khramtsov %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2023 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_s2s_out). -behaviour(xmpp_stream_out). %% xmpp_stream_out callbacks -export([tls_options/1, tls_required/1, tls_verify/1, tls_enabled/1, connect_options/3, connect_timeout/1, address_families/1, default_port/1, dns_retries/1, dns_timeout/1, handle_auth_success/2, handle_auth_failure/3, handle_packet/2, handle_stream_end/2, handle_stream_downgraded/2, handle_recv/3, handle_send/3, handle_cdata/2, handle_stream_established/1, handle_timeout/1]). -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). %% Hooks -export([process_auth_result/2, process_closed/2, handle_unexpected_info/2, handle_unexpected_cast/2, process_downgraded/2]). %% API -export([start/3, start_link/3, connect/1, close/1, close/2, stop_async/1, send/2, route/2, establish/1, update_state/2, host_up/1, host_down/1]). -include_lib("xmpp/include/xmpp.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("translate.hrl"). -type state() :: xmpp_stream_out:state(). -export_type([state/0]). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== start(From, To, Opts) -> case proplists:get_value(supervisor, Opts, true) of true -> case supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_s2s_out_sup, [From, To, Opts]) of {ok, undefined} -> ignore; Res -> Res end; _ -> xmpp_stream_out:start(?MODULE, [From, To, Opts], ejabberd_config:fsm_limit_opts([])) end. start_link(From, To, Opts) -> xmpp_stream_out:start_link(?MODULE, [From, To, Opts], ejabberd_config:fsm_limit_opts([])). -spec connect(pid()) -> ok. connect(Ref) -> xmpp_stream_out:connect(Ref). -spec close(pid()) -> ok; (state()) -> state(). close(Ref) -> xmpp_stream_out:close(Ref). -spec close(pid(), atom()) -> ok. close(Ref, Reason) -> xmpp_stream_out:close(Ref, Reason). -spec stop_async(pid()) -> ok. stop_async(Pid) -> xmpp_stream_out:stop_async(Pid). -spec send(pid(), xmpp_element()) -> ok; (state(), xmpp_element()) -> state(). send(Stream, Pkt) -> xmpp_stream_out:send(Stream, Pkt). -spec route(pid(), xmpp_element()) -> ok. route(Ref, Pkt) -> Ref ! {route, Pkt}, ok. -spec establish(state()) -> state(). establish(State) -> xmpp_stream_out:establish(State). -spec update_state(pid(), fun((state()) -> state()) | {module(), atom(), list()}) -> ok. update_state(Ref, Callback) -> xmpp_stream_out:cast(Ref, {update_state, Callback}). -spec host_up(binary()) -> ok. host_up(Host) -> ejabberd_hooks:add(s2s_out_auth_result, Host, ?MODULE, process_auth_result, 100), ejabberd_hooks:add(s2s_out_closed, Host, ?MODULE, process_closed, 100), ejabberd_hooks:add(s2s_out_handle_info, Host, ?MODULE, handle_unexpected_info, 100), ejabberd_hooks:add(s2s_out_handle_cast, Host, ?MODULE, handle_unexpected_cast, 100), ejabberd_hooks:add(s2s_out_downgraded, Host, ?MODULE, process_downgraded, 100). -spec host_down(binary()) -> ok. host_down(Host) -> ejabberd_hooks:delete(s2s_out_auth_result, Host, ?MODULE, process_auth_result, 100), ejabberd_hooks:delete(s2s_out_closed, Host, ?MODULE, process_closed, 100), ejabberd_hooks:delete(s2s_out_handle_info, Host, ?MODULE, handle_unexpected_info, 100), ejabberd_hooks:delete(s2s_out_handle_cast, Host, ?MODULE, handle_unexpected_cast, 100), ejabberd_hooks:delete(s2s_out_downgraded, Host, ?MODULE, process_downgraded, 100). %%%=================================================================== %%% Hooks %%%=================================================================== process_auth_result(#{server := LServer, remote_server := RServer} = State, {false, Reason}) -> Delay = get_delay(), ?WARNING_MSG("Failed to establish outbound s2s connection ~ts -> ~ts: " "authentication failed; bouncing for ~p seconds", [LServer, RServer, Delay div 1000]), State1 = State#{on_route => bounce, stop_reason => Reason}, State2 = close(State1), State3 = bounce_queue(State2), xmpp_stream_out:set_timeout(State3, Delay); process_auth_result(State, true) -> State. process_closed(#{server := LServer, remote_server := RServer, on_route := send} = State, Reason) -> ?INFO_MSG("Closing outbound s2s connection ~ts -> ~ts: ~ts", [LServer, RServer, format_error(Reason)]), stop_async(self()), State; process_closed(#{server := LServer, remote_server := RServer} = State, Reason) -> Delay = get_delay(), ?WARNING_MSG("Failed to establish outbound s2s connection ~ts -> ~ts: ~ts; " "bouncing for ~p seconds", [LServer, RServer, format_error(Reason), Delay div 1000]), State1 = State#{on_route => bounce}, State2 = bounce_queue(State1), xmpp_stream_out:set_timeout(State2, Delay). handle_unexpected_info(State, Info) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected info: ~p", [Info]), State. handle_unexpected_cast(State, Msg) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected cast: ~p", [Msg]), State. process_downgraded(State, _StreamStart) -> send(State, xmpp:serr_unsupported_version()). %%%=================================================================== %%% xmpp_stream_out callbacks %%%=================================================================== tls_options(#{server := LServer, server_host := ServerHost}) -> ejabberd_s2s:tls_options(LServer, ServerHost, []). tls_required(#{server_host := ServerHost}) -> ejabberd_s2s:tls_required(ServerHost). tls_verify(#{server_host := ServerHost} = State) -> ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(s2s_out_tls_verify, ServerHost, true, [State]). tls_enabled(#{server_host := ServerHost}) -> ejabberd_s2s:tls_enabled(ServerHost). connect_options(Addr, Opts, #{server_host := ServerHost}) -> BindAddr = case get_addr_type(Addr) of inet -> ejabberd_option:outgoing_s2s_ipv4_address(ServerHost); inet6 -> ejabberd_option:outgoing_s2s_ipv6_address(ServerHost) end, case BindAddr of undefined -> Opts; _ -> [{ip, BindAddr} | Opts] end. connect_timeout(#{server_host := ServerHost}) -> ejabberd_option:outgoing_s2s_timeout(ServerHost). default_port(#{server_host := ServerHost}) -> ejabberd_option:outgoing_s2s_port(ServerHost). address_families(#{server_host := ServerHost}) -> ejabberd_option:outgoing_s2s_families(ServerHost). dns_retries(#{server_host := ServerHost}) -> ejabberd_option:s2s_dns_retries(ServerHost). dns_timeout(#{server_host := ServerHost}) -> ejabberd_option:s2s_dns_timeout(ServerHost). handle_auth_success(Mech, #{socket := Socket, ip := IP, remote_server := RServer, server_host := ServerHost, server := LServer} = State) -> ?INFO_MSG("(~ts) Accepted outbound s2s ~ts authentication ~ts -> ~ts (~ts)", [xmpp_socket:pp(Socket), Mech, LServer, RServer, ejabberd_config:may_hide_data(misc:ip_to_list(IP))]), ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(s2s_out_auth_result, ServerHost, State, [true]). handle_auth_failure(Mech, Reason, #{socket := Socket, ip := IP, remote_server := RServer, server_host := ServerHost, server := LServer} = State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("(~ts) Failed outbound s2s ~ts authentication ~ts -> ~ts (~ts): ~ts", [xmpp_socket:pp(Socket), Mech, LServer, RServer, ejabberd_config:may_hide_data(misc:ip_to_list(IP)), xmpp_stream_out:format_error(Reason)]), ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(s2s_out_auth_result, ServerHost, State, [{false, Reason}]). handle_packet(Pkt, #{server_host := ServerHost} = State) -> ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(s2s_out_packet, ServerHost, State, [Pkt]). handle_stream_end(Reason, #{server_host := ServerHost} = State) -> State1 = State#{stop_reason => Reason}, ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(s2s_out_closed, ServerHost, State1, [Reason]). handle_stream_downgraded(StreamStart, #{server_host := ServerHost} = State) -> ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(s2s_out_downgraded, ServerHost, State, [StreamStart]). handle_stream_established(State) -> State1 = State#{on_route => send}, State2 = resend_queue(State1), set_idle_timeout(State2). handle_cdata(Data, #{server_host := ServerHost} = State) -> ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(s2s_out_handle_cdata, ServerHost, State, [Data]). handle_recv(El, Pkt, #{server_host := ServerHost} = State) -> ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(s2s_out_handle_recv, ServerHost, State, [El, Pkt]). handle_send(El, Pkt, #{server_host := ServerHost} = State) -> ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(s2s_out_handle_send, ServerHost, State, [El, Pkt]). handle_timeout(#{on_route := Action, lang := Lang} = State) -> case Action of bounce -> stop_async(self()), State; _ -> Txt = ?T("Idle connection"), send(State, xmpp:serr_connection_timeout(Txt, Lang)) end. init([#{server := LServer, remote_server := RServer} = State, Opts]) -> ServerHost = ejabberd_router:host_of_route(LServer), QueueType = ejabberd_s2s:queue_type(ServerHost), QueueLimit = case lists:keyfind( max_queue, 1, ejabberd_config:fsm_limit_opts([])) of {_, N} -> N; false -> unlimited end, Timeout = ejabberd_option:negotiation_timeout(), State1 = State#{on_route => queue, queue => p1_queue:new(QueueType, QueueLimit), xmlns => ?NS_SERVER, lang => ejabberd_option:language(), server_host => ServerHost, shaper => none}, State2 = xmpp_stream_out:set_timeout(State1, Timeout), ?INFO_MSG("Outbound s2s connection started: ~ts -> ~ts", [LServer, RServer]), ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(s2s_out_init, ServerHost, {ok, State2}, [Opts]). handle_call(Request, From, #{server_host := ServerHost} = State) -> ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(s2s_out_handle_call, ServerHost, State, [Request, From]). handle_cast({update_state, Fun}, State) -> case Fun of {M, F, A} -> erlang:apply(M, F, [State|A]); _ when is_function(Fun) -> Fun(State) end; handle_cast(Msg, #{server_host := ServerHost} = State) -> ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(s2s_out_handle_cast, ServerHost, State, [Msg]). handle_info({route, Pkt}, #{queue := Q, on_route := Action} = State) -> case Action of queue -> try State#{queue => p1_queue:in(Pkt, Q)} catch error:full -> Q1 = p1_queue:set_limit(Q, unlimited), Q2 = p1_queue:in(Pkt, Q1), handle_stream_end(queue_full, State#{queue => Q2}) end; bounce -> bounce_packet(Pkt, State); send -> set_idle_timeout(send(State, Pkt)) end; handle_info(Info, #{server_host := ServerHost} = State) -> ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(s2s_out_handle_info, ServerHost, State, [Info]). terminate(Reason, #{server := LServer, remote_server := RServer} = State) -> State1 = case Reason of normal -> State; _ -> State#{stop_reason => internal_failure} end, State2 = bounce_queue(State1), bounce_message_queue({LServer, RServer}, State2). code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== -spec get_addr_type(inet:ip_address()) -> inet:address_family(). get_addr_type({_, _, _, _}) -> inet; get_addr_type({_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}) -> inet6. -spec resend_queue(state()) -> state(). resend_queue(State) -> queue_fold( fun(Pkt, AccState) -> send(AccState, Pkt) end, State). -spec bounce_queue(state()) -> state(). bounce_queue(State) -> queue_fold( fun(Pkt, AccState) -> bounce_packet(Pkt, AccState) end, State). -spec bounce_message_queue({binary(), binary()}, state()) -> state(). bounce_message_queue(FromTo, State) -> receive {route, Pkt} -> State1 = bounce_packet(Pkt, State), bounce_message_queue(FromTo, State1) after 0 -> State end. -spec bounce_packet(xmpp_element(), state()) -> state(). bounce_packet(Pkt, State) when ?is_stanza(Pkt) -> #{server_host := Host} = State, case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold( s2s_out_bounce_packet, Host, State, [Pkt]) of ignore -> State; State2 -> Lang = xmpp:get_lang(Pkt), Err = mk_bounce_error(Lang, State2), ejabberd_router:route_error(Pkt, Err), State2 end; bounce_packet(_, State) -> State. -spec mk_bounce_error(binary(), state()) -> stanza_error(). mk_bounce_error(Lang, #{stop_reason := Why}) -> Reason = format_error(Why), case Why of internal_failure -> xmpp:err_internal_server_error(Reason, Lang); queue_full -> xmpp:err_resource_constraint(Reason, Lang); {dns, _} -> xmpp:err_remote_server_not_found(Reason, Lang); {idna, _} -> xmpp:err_remote_server_not_found(Reason, Lang); _ -> xmpp:err_remote_server_timeout(Reason, Lang) end; mk_bounce_error(_Lang, _State) -> %% We should not be here. Probably :) xmpp:err_remote_server_not_found(). -spec get_delay() -> non_neg_integer(). get_delay() -> MaxDelay = ejabberd_option:s2s_max_retry_delay(), p1_rand:uniform(MaxDelay). -spec set_idle_timeout(state()) -> state(). set_idle_timeout(#{on_route := send, server_host := ServerHost} = State) -> Timeout = ejabberd_s2s:get_idle_timeout(ServerHost), xmpp_stream_out:set_timeout(State, Timeout); set_idle_timeout(State) -> State. -spec queue_fold(fun((xmpp_element(), state()) -> state()), state()) -> state(). queue_fold(F, #{queue := Q} = State) -> case p1_queue:out(Q) of {{value, Pkt}, Q1} -> State1 = F(Pkt, State#{queue => Q1}), queue_fold(F, State1); {empty, Q1} -> State#{queue => Q1} end. format_error(internal_failure) -> <<"Internal server error">>; format_error(queue_full) -> <<"Stream queue is overloaded">>; format_error(Reason) -> xmpp_stream_out:format_error(Reason).