%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejabberd_auth.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Authentication %%% Created : 23 Nov 2002 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2020 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(ejabberd_auth). -behaviour(gen_server). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). %% External exports -export([start_link/0, host_up/1, host_down/1, config_reloaded/0, set_password/3, check_password/4, check_password/6, check_password_with_authmodule/4, check_password_with_authmodule/6, try_register/3, get_users/0, get_users/1, password_to_scram/1, get_users/2, import_info/0, count_users/1, import/5, import_start/2, count_users/2, get_password/2, get_password_s/2, get_password_with_authmodule/2, user_exists/2, user_exists_in_other_modules/3, remove_user/2, remove_user/3, plain_password_required/1, store_type/1, entropy/1, backend_type/1, password_format/1, which_users_exists/1]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -export([auth_modules/1, convert_to_scram/1]). -include_lib("xmpp/include/scram.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -define(SALT_LENGTH, 16). -record(state, {host_modules = #{} :: host_modules()}). -type host_modules() :: #{binary => [module()]}. -type password() :: binary() | #scram{}. -type digest_fun() :: fun((binary()) -> binary()). -export_type([password/0]). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% API %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -type opts() :: [{prefix, binary()} | {from, integer()} | {to, integer()} | {limit, integer()} | {offset, integer()}]. -callback start(binary()) -> any(). -callback stop(binary()) -> any(). -callback reload(binary()) -> any(). -callback plain_password_required(binary()) -> boolean(). -callback store_type(binary()) -> plain | external | scram. -callback set_password(binary(), binary(), password()) -> {ets_cache:tag(), {ok, password()} | {error, db_failure | not_allowed}}. -callback remove_user(binary(), binary()) -> ok | {error, db_failure | not_allowed}. -callback user_exists(binary(), binary()) -> {ets_cache:tag(), boolean() | {error, db_failure}}. -callback check_password(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary()) -> {ets_cache:tag(), boolean() | {stop, boolean()}}. -callback try_register(binary(), binary(), password()) -> {ets_cache:tag(), {ok, password()} | {error, exists | db_failure | not_allowed}}. -callback get_users(binary(), opts()) -> [{binary(), binary()}]. -callback count_users(binary(), opts()) -> number(). -callback get_password(binary(), binary()) -> {ets_cache:tag(), {ok, password()} | error}. -callback use_cache(binary()) -> boolean(). -callback cache_nodes(binary()) -> boolean(). -optional_callbacks([reload/1, set_password/3, remove_user/2, user_exists/2, check_password/4, try_register/3, get_users/2, count_users/2, get_password/2, use_cache/1, cache_nodes/1]). -spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}. start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []). init([]) -> ejabberd_hooks:add(host_up, ?MODULE, host_up, 30), ejabberd_hooks:add(host_down, ?MODULE, host_down, 80), ejabberd_hooks:add(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 40), HostModules = lists:foldl( fun(Host, Acc) -> Modules = auth_modules(Host), maps:put(Host, Modules, Acc) end, #{}, ejabberd_option:hosts()), lists:foreach( fun({Host, Modules}) -> start(Host, Modules) end, maps:to_list(HostModules)), init_cache(HostModules), {ok, #state{host_modules = HostModules}}. handle_call(Request, From, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected call from ~p: ~p", [From, Request]), {noreply, State}. handle_cast({host_up, Host}, #state{host_modules = HostModules} = State) -> Modules = auth_modules(Host), start(Host, Modules), NewHostModules = maps:put(Host, Modules, HostModules), init_cache(NewHostModules), {noreply, State#state{host_modules = NewHostModules}}; handle_cast({host_down, Host}, #state{host_modules = HostModules} = State) -> Modules = maps:get(Host, HostModules, []), stop(Host, Modules), NewHostModules = maps:remove(Host, HostModules), init_cache(NewHostModules), {noreply, State#state{host_modules = NewHostModules}}; handle_cast(config_reloaded, #state{host_modules = HostModules} = State) -> NewHostModules = lists:foldl( fun(Host, Acc) -> OldModules = maps:get(Host, HostModules, []), NewModules = auth_modules(Host), start(Host, NewModules -- OldModules), stop(Host, OldModules -- NewModules), reload(Host, misc:intersection(OldModules, NewModules)), maps:put(Host, NewModules, Acc) end, HostModules, ejabberd_option:hosts()), init_cache(NewHostModules), {noreply, State#state{host_modules = NewHostModules}}; handle_cast(Msg, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected cast: ~p", [Msg]), {noreply, State}. handle_info(Info, State) -> ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected info: ~p", [Info]), {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, State) -> ejabberd_hooks:delete(host_up, ?MODULE, host_up, 30), ejabberd_hooks:delete(host_down, ?MODULE, host_down, 80), ejabberd_hooks:delete(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 40), lists:foreach( fun({Host, Modules}) -> stop(Host, Modules) end, maps:to_list(State#state.host_modules)). code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. start(Host, Modules) -> lists:foreach(fun(M) -> M:start(Host) end, Modules). stop(Host, Modules) -> lists:foreach(fun(M) -> M:stop(Host) end, Modules). reload(Host, Modules) -> lists:foreach( fun(M) -> case erlang:function_exported(M, reload, 1) of true -> M:reload(Host); false -> ok end end, Modules). host_up(Host) -> gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {host_up, Host}). host_down(Host) -> gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {host_down, Host}). config_reloaded() -> gen_server:cast(?MODULE, config_reloaded). -spec plain_password_required(binary()) -> boolean(). plain_password_required(Server) -> lists:any(fun (M) -> M:plain_password_required(Server) end, auth_modules(Server)). -spec store_type(binary()) -> plain | scram | external. store_type(Server) -> lists:foldl( fun(_, external) -> external; (M, scram) -> case M:store_type(Server) of external -> external; _ -> scram end; (M, plain) -> M:store_type(Server) end, plain, auth_modules(Server)). -spec check_password(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary()) -> boolean(). check_password(User, AuthzId, Server, Password) -> check_password(User, AuthzId, Server, Password, <<"">>, undefined). -spec check_password(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary(), binary(), digest_fun() | undefined) -> boolean(). check_password(User, AuthzId, Server, Password, Digest, DigestGen) -> case check_password_with_authmodule( User, AuthzId, Server, Password, Digest, DigestGen) of {true, _AuthModule} -> true; false -> false end. -spec check_password_with_authmodule(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary()) -> false | {true, atom()}. check_password_with_authmodule(User, AuthzId, Server, Password) -> check_password_with_authmodule( User, AuthzId, Server, Password, <<"">>, undefined). -spec check_password_with_authmodule( binary(), binary(), binary(), binary(), binary(), digest_fun() | undefined) -> false | {true, atom()}. check_password_with_authmodule(User, AuthzId, Server, Password, Digest, DigestGen) -> case validate_credentials(User, Server) of {ok, LUser, LServer} -> case jid:nodeprep(AuthzId) of error -> false; LAuthzId -> untag_stop( lists:foldl( fun(Mod, false) -> case db_check_password( LUser, LAuthzId, LServer, Password, Digest, DigestGen, Mod) of true -> {true, Mod}; false -> false; {stop, true} -> {stop, {true, Mod}}; {stop, false} -> {stop, false} end; (_, Acc) -> Acc end, false, auth_modules(LServer))) end; _ -> false end. -spec set_password(binary(), binary(), password()) -> ok | {error, db_failure | not_allowed | invalid_jid | invalid_password}. set_password(User, Server, Password) -> case validate_credentials(User, Server, Password) of {ok, LUser, LServer} -> lists:foldl( fun(M, {error, _}) -> db_set_password(LUser, LServer, Password, M); (_, ok) -> ok end, {error, not_allowed}, auth_modules(LServer)); Err -> Err end. -spec try_register(binary(), binary(), password()) -> ok | {error, db_failure | not_allowed | exists | invalid_jid | invalid_password}. try_register(User, Server, Password) -> case validate_credentials(User, Server, Password) of {ok, LUser, LServer} -> case user_exists(LUser, LServer) of true -> {error, exists}; false -> case ejabberd_router:is_my_host(LServer) of true -> case lists:foldl( fun(_, ok) -> ok; (Mod, _) -> db_try_register( LUser, LServer, Password, Mod) end, {error, not_allowed}, auth_modules(LServer)) of ok -> ejabberd_hooks:run( register_user, LServer, [LUser, LServer]); {error, _} = Err -> Err end; false -> {error, not_allowed} end end; Err -> Err end. -spec get_users() -> [{binary(), binary()}]. get_users() -> lists:flatmap( fun({Host, Mod}) -> db_get_users(Host, [], Mod) end, auth_modules()). -spec get_users(binary()) -> [{binary(), binary()}]. get_users(Server) -> get_users(Server, []). -spec get_users(binary(), opts()) -> [{binary(), binary()}]. get_users(Server, Opts) -> case jid:nameprep(Server) of error -> []; LServer -> lists:flatmap( fun(M) -> db_get_users(LServer, Opts, M) end, auth_modules(LServer)) end. -spec count_users(binary()) -> non_neg_integer(). count_users(Server) -> count_users(Server, []). -spec count_users(binary(), opts()) -> non_neg_integer(). count_users(Server, Opts) -> case jid:nameprep(Server) of error -> 0; LServer -> lists:sum( lists:map( fun(M) -> db_count_users(LServer, Opts, M) end, auth_modules(LServer))) end. -spec get_password(binary(), binary()) -> false | password(). get_password(User, Server) -> case validate_credentials(User, Server) of {ok, LUser, LServer} -> case lists:foldl( fun(M, error) -> db_get_password(LUser, LServer, M); (_M, Acc) -> Acc end, error, auth_modules(LServer)) of {ok, Password} -> Password; error -> false end; _ -> false end. -spec get_password_s(binary(), binary()) -> password(). get_password_s(User, Server) -> case get_password(User, Server) of false -> <<"">>; Password -> Password end. -spec get_password_with_authmodule(binary(), binary()) -> {false | password(), module()}. get_password_with_authmodule(User, Server) -> case validate_credentials(User, Server) of {ok, LUser, LServer} -> case lists:foldl( fun(M, {error, _}) -> {db_get_password(LUser, LServer, M), M}; (_M, Acc) -> Acc end, {error, undefined}, auth_modules(LServer)) of {{ok, Password}, Module} -> {Password, Module}; {error, Module} -> {false, Module} end; _ -> {false, undefined} end. -spec user_exists(binary(), binary()) -> boolean(). user_exists(_User, <<"">>) -> false; user_exists(User, Server) -> case validate_credentials(User, Server) of {ok, LUser, LServer} -> lists:any( fun(M) -> case db_user_exists(LUser, LServer, M) of {error, _} -> false; Else -> Else end end, auth_modules(LServer)); _ -> false end. -spec user_exists_in_other_modules(atom(), binary(), binary()) -> boolean() | maybe. user_exists_in_other_modules(Module, User, Server) -> user_exists_in_other_modules_loop( auth_modules(Server) -- [Module], User, Server). user_exists_in_other_modules_loop([], _User, _Server) -> false; user_exists_in_other_modules_loop([AuthModule | AuthModules], User, Server) -> case db_user_exists(User, Server, AuthModule) of true -> true; false -> user_exists_in_other_modules_loop(AuthModules, User, Server); {error, _} -> maybe end. -spec which_users_exists(list({binary(), binary()})) -> list({binary(), binary()}). which_users_exists(USPairs) -> ByServer = lists:foldl( fun({User, Server}, Dict) -> LServer = jid:nameprep(Server), LUser = jid:nodeprep(User), case gb_trees:lookup(LServer, Dict) of none -> gb_trees:insert(LServer, gb_sets:singleton(LUser), Dict); {value, Set} -> gb_trees:update(LServer, gb_sets:add(LUser, Set), Dict) end end, gb_trees:empty(), USPairs), Set = lists:foldl( fun({LServer, UsersSet}, Results) -> UsersList = gb_sets:to_list(UsersSet), lists:foldl( fun(M, Results2) -> try M:which_users_exists(LServer, UsersList) of {error, _} -> Results2; Res -> gb_sets:union( gb_sets:from_list([{U, LServer} || U <- Res]), Results2) catch _:undef -> lists:foldl( fun(U, R2) -> case user_exists(U, LServer) of true -> gb_sets:add({U, LServer}, R2); _ -> R2 end end, Results2, UsersList) end end, Results, auth_modules(LServer)) end, gb_sets:empty(), gb_trees:to_list(ByServer)), gb_sets:to_list(Set). -spec remove_user(binary(), binary()) -> ok. remove_user(User, Server) -> case validate_credentials(User, Server) of {ok, LUser, LServer} -> lists:foreach( fun(Mod) -> db_remove_user(LUser, LServer, Mod) end, auth_modules(LServer)), ejabberd_hooks:run(remove_user, LServer, [LUser, LServer]); _Err -> ok end. -spec remove_user(binary(), binary(), password()) -> ok | {error, atom()}. remove_user(User, Server, Password) -> case validate_credentials(User, Server, Password) of {ok, LUser, LServer} -> case lists:foldl( fun (_, ok) -> ok; (Mod, _) -> case db_check_password( LUser, <<"">>, LServer, Password, <<"">>, undefined, Mod) of true -> db_remove_user(LUser, LServer, Mod); {stop, true} -> db_remove_user(LUser, LServer, Mod); false -> {error, not_allowed}; {stop, false} -> {error, not_allowed} end end, {error, not_allowed}, auth_modules(Server)) of ok -> ejabberd_hooks:run( remove_user, LServer, [LUser, LServer]); Err -> Err end; Err -> Err end. %% @doc Calculate informational entropy. -spec entropy(iodata()) -> float(). entropy(B) -> case binary_to_list(B) of "" -> 0.0; S -> Set = lists:foldl(fun (C, [Digit, Printable, LowLetter, HiLetter, Other]) -> if C >= $a, C =< $z -> [Digit, Printable, 26, HiLetter, Other]; C >= $0, C =< $9 -> [9, Printable, LowLetter, HiLetter, Other]; C >= $A, C =< $Z -> [Digit, Printable, LowLetter, 26, Other]; C >= 33, C =< 126 -> [Digit, 33, LowLetter, HiLetter, Other]; true -> [Digit, Printable, LowLetter, HiLetter, 128] end end, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], S), length(S) * math:log(lists:sum(Set)) / math:log(2) end. -spec backend_type(atom()) -> atom(). backend_type(Mod) -> case atom_to_list(Mod) of "ejabberd_auth_" ++ T -> list_to_atom(T); _ -> Mod end. -spec password_format(binary() | global) -> plain | scram. password_format(LServer) -> ejabberd_option:auth_password_format(LServer). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Backend calls %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec db_try_register(binary(), binary(), password(), module()) -> ok | {error, exists | db_failure | not_allowed}. db_try_register(User, Server, Password, Mod) -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, try_register, 3) of true -> Password1 = case Mod:store_type(Server) of scram -> password_to_scram(Password); _ -> Password end, Ret = case use_cache(Mod, Server) of true -> ets_cache:update( cache_tab(Mod), {User, Server}, {ok, Password}, fun() -> Mod:try_register(User, Server, Password1) end, cache_nodes(Mod, Server)); false -> ets_cache:untag(Mod:try_register(User, Server, Password1)) end, case Ret of {ok, _} -> ok; {error, _} = Err -> Err end; false -> {error, not_allowed} end. -spec db_set_password(binary(), binary(), password(), module()) -> ok | {error, db_failure | not_allowed}. db_set_password(User, Server, Password, Mod) -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, set_password, 3) of true -> Password1 = case Mod:store_type(Server) of scram -> password_to_scram(Password); _ -> Password end, Ret = case use_cache(Mod, Server) of true -> ets_cache:update( cache_tab(Mod), {User, Server}, {ok, Password}, fun() -> Mod:set_password(User, Server, Password1) end, cache_nodes(Mod, Server)); false -> ets_cache:untag(Mod:set_password(User, Server, Password1)) end, case Ret of {ok, _} -> ok; {error, _} = Err -> Err end; false -> {error, not_allowed} end. db_get_password(User, Server, Mod) -> UseCache = use_cache(Mod, Server), case erlang:function_exported(Mod, get_password, 2) of false when UseCache -> case ets_cache:lookup(cache_tab(Mod), {User, Server}) of {ok, exists} -> error; Other -> Other end; false -> error; true when UseCache -> ets_cache:lookup( cache_tab(Mod), {User, Server}, fun() -> Mod:get_password(User, Server) end); true -> ets_cache:untag(Mod:get_password(User, Server)) end. db_user_exists(User, Server, Mod) -> case db_get_password(User, Server, Mod) of {ok, _} -> true; error -> case {Mod:store_type(Server), use_cache(Mod, Server)} of {external, true} -> case ets_cache:lookup( cache_tab(Mod), {User, Server}, fun() -> case Mod:user_exists(User, Server) of {CacheTag, true} -> {CacheTag, {ok, exists}}; {CacheTag, false} -> {CacheTag, error}; {_, {error, _}} = Err -> Err end end) of {ok, _} -> true; error -> false; {error, _} = Err -> Err end; {external, false} -> ets_cache:untag(Mod:user_exists(User, Server)); _ -> false end end. db_check_password(User, AuthzId, Server, ProvidedPassword, Digest, DigestFun, Mod) -> case db_get_password(User, Server, Mod) of {ok, ValidPassword} -> match_passwords(ProvidedPassword, ValidPassword, Digest, DigestFun); error -> case {Mod:store_type(Server), use_cache(Mod, Server)} of {external, true} -> case ets_cache:update( cache_tab(Mod), {User, Server}, {ok, ProvidedPassword}, fun() -> case Mod:check_password( User, AuthzId, Server, ProvidedPassword) of {CacheTag, true} -> {CacheTag, {ok, ProvidedPassword}}; {CacheTag, {stop, true}} -> {CacheTag, {ok, ProvidedPassword}}; {CacheTag, false} -> {CacheTag, error}; {CacheTag, {stop, false}} -> {CacheTag, error} end end) of {ok, _} -> true; error -> false end; {external, false} -> ets_cache:untag( Mod:check_password(User, AuthzId, Server, ProvidedPassword)); _ -> false end end. db_remove_user(User, Server, Mod) -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, remove_user, 2) of true -> case Mod:remove_user(User, Server) of ok -> case use_cache(Mod, Server) of true -> ets_cache:delete(cache_tab(Mod), {User, Server}, cache_nodes(Mod, Server)); false -> ok end; {error, _} = Err -> Err end; false -> {error, not_allowed} end. db_get_users(Server, Opts, Mod) -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, get_users, 2) of true -> Mod:get_users(Server, Opts); false -> case use_cache(Mod, Server) of true -> ets_cache:fold( fun({User, S}, {ok, _}, Users) when S == Server -> [{User, Server}|Users]; (_, _, Users) -> Users end, [], cache_tab(Mod)); false -> [] end end. db_count_users(Server, Opts, Mod) -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, count_users, 2) of true -> Mod:count_users(Server, Opts); false -> case use_cache(Mod, Server) of true -> ets_cache:fold( fun({_, S}, {ok, _}, Num) when S == Server -> Num + 1; (_, _, Num) -> Num end, 0, cache_tab(Mod)); false -> 0 end end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% SCRAM stuff %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- is_password_scram_valid(Password, Scram) -> case jid:resourceprep(Password) of error -> false; _ -> IterationCount = Scram#scram.iterationcount, Salt = base64:decode(Scram#scram.salt), SaltedPassword = scram:salted_password(Password, Salt, IterationCount), StoredKey = scram:stored_key(scram:client_key(SaltedPassword)), base64:decode(Scram#scram.storedkey) == StoredKey end. password_to_scram(Password) -> password_to_scram(Password, ?SCRAM_DEFAULT_ITERATION_COUNT). password_to_scram(#scram{} = Password, _IterationCount) -> Password; password_to_scram(Password, IterationCount) -> Salt = p1_rand:bytes(?SALT_LENGTH), SaltedPassword = scram:salted_password(Password, Salt, IterationCount), StoredKey = scram:stored_key(scram:client_key(SaltedPassword)), ServerKey = scram:server_key(SaltedPassword), #scram{storedkey = base64:encode(StoredKey), serverkey = base64:encode(ServerKey), salt = base64:encode(Salt), iterationcount = IterationCount}. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Cache stuff %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec init_cache(host_modules()) -> ok. init_cache(HostModules) -> CacheOpts = cache_opts(), {True, False} = use_cache(HostModules), lists:foreach( fun(Module) -> ets_cache:new(cache_tab(Module), CacheOpts) end, True), lists:foreach( fun(Module) -> ets_cache:delete(cache_tab(Module)) end, False). -spec cache_opts() -> [proplists:property()]. cache_opts() -> MaxSize = ejabberd_option:auth_cache_size(), CacheMissed = ejabberd_option:auth_cache_missed(), LifeTime = ejabberd_option:auth_cache_life_time(), [{max_size, MaxSize}, {cache_missed, CacheMissed}, {life_time, LifeTime}]. -spec use_cache(host_modules()) -> {True :: [module()], False :: [module()]}. use_cache(HostModules) -> {Enabled, Disabled} = maps:fold( fun(Host, Modules, Acc) -> lists:foldl( fun(Module, {True, False}) -> case use_cache(Module, Host) of true -> {sets:add_element(Module, True), False}; false -> {True, sets:add_element(Module, False)} end end, Acc, Modules) end, {sets:new(), sets:new()}, HostModules), {sets:to_list(Enabled), sets:to_list(sets:subtract(Disabled, Enabled))}. -spec use_cache(module(), binary()) -> boolean(). use_cache(Mod, LServer) -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, use_cache, 1) of true -> Mod:use_cache(LServer); false -> ejabberd_option:auth_use_cache(LServer) end. -spec cache_nodes(module(), binary()) -> [node()]. cache_nodes(Mod, LServer) -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, cache_nodes, 1) of true -> Mod:cache_nodes(LServer); false -> ejabberd_cluster:get_nodes() end. -spec cache_tab(module()) -> atom(). cache_tab(Mod) -> list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Mod) ++ "_cache"). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec auth_modules() -> [{binary(), module()}]. auth_modules() -> lists:flatmap( fun(Host) -> [{Host, Mod} || Mod <- auth_modules(Host)] end, ejabberd_option:hosts()). -spec auth_modules(binary()) -> [module()]. auth_modules(Server) -> LServer = jid:nameprep(Server), Methods = ejabberd_option:auth_method(LServer), [ejabberd:module_name([<<"ejabberd">>, <<"auth">>, misc:atom_to_binary(M)]) || M <- Methods]. -spec match_passwords(password(), password(), binary(), digest_fun() | undefined) -> boolean(). match_passwords(Password, #scram{} = Scram, <<"">>, undefined) -> is_password_scram_valid(Password, Scram); match_passwords(Password, #scram{} = Scram, Digest, DigestFun) -> StoredKey = base64:decode(Scram#scram.storedkey), DigRes = if Digest /= <<"">> -> Digest == DigestFun(StoredKey); true -> false end, if DigRes -> true; true -> StoredKey == Password andalso Password /= <<"">> end; match_passwords(ProvidedPassword, ValidPassword, <<"">>, undefined) -> ProvidedPassword == ValidPassword andalso ProvidedPassword /= <<"">>; match_passwords(ProvidedPassword, ValidPassword, Digest, DigestFun) -> DigRes = if Digest /= <<"">> -> Digest == DigestFun(ValidPassword); true -> false end, if DigRes -> true; true -> ValidPassword == ProvidedPassword andalso ProvidedPassword /= <<"">> end. -spec validate_credentials(binary(), binary()) -> {ok, binary(), binary()} | {error, invalid_jid}. validate_credentials(User, Server) -> validate_credentials(User, Server, #scram{}). -spec validate_credentials(binary(), binary(), password()) -> {ok, binary(), binary()} | {error, invalid_jid | invalid_password}. validate_credentials(_User, _Server, <<"">>) -> {error, invalid_password}; validate_credentials(User, Server, Password) -> case jid:nodeprep(User) of error -> {error, invalid_jid}; LUser -> case jid:nameprep(Server) of error -> {error, invalid_jid}; LServer -> if is_record(Password, scram) -> {ok, LUser, LServer}; true -> case jid:resourceprep(Password) of error -> {error, invalid_password}; _ -> {ok, LUser, LServer} end end end end. untag_stop({stop, Val}) -> Val; untag_stop(Val) -> Val. import_info() -> [{<<"users">>, 3}]. import_start(_LServer, mnesia) -> ejabberd_auth_mnesia:init_db(); import_start(_LServer, _) -> ok. import(Server, {sql, _}, mnesia, <<"users">>, Fields) -> ejabberd_auth_mnesia:import(Server, Fields); import(_LServer, {sql, _}, sql, <<"users">>, _) -> ok. -spec convert_to_scram(binary()) -> {error, any()} | ok. convert_to_scram(Server) -> LServer = jid:nameprep(Server), if LServer == error; LServer == <<>> -> {error, {incorrect_server_name, Server}}; true -> lists:foreach( fun({U, S}) -> case get_password(U, S) of Pass when is_binary(Pass) -> SPass = password_to_scram(Pass), set_password(U, S, SPass); _ -> ok end end, get_users(LServer)), ok end.