%%% ==================================================================== %%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/. %%% %%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %%% under the License. %%% %%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ProcessOne. %%% Portions created by ProcessOne are Copyright 2006-2013, ProcessOne %%% All Rights Reserved.'' %%% This software is copyright 2006-2013, ProcessOne. %%% %%% @copyright 2006-2013 ProcessOne %%% @author Karim Gemayel %%% [http://www.process-one.net/] %%% @version {@vsn}, {@date} {@time} %%% @end %%% ==================================================================== %%% @headerfile "pubsub_dev.hrl" -module(pubsub_groups). -author('karim.gemayel@process-one.net'). -compile(export_all). -include("pubsub_dev.hrl"). -import(pubsub_tools, [ get_option/2, get_option/3, get_value/2, get_value/3, set_value/3, %% check_acces_model/3, check_acces_model/7, check_publish_model/3, get_entity_roster/1, is_contact_subscribed_to_node_owners/3, is_contact_in_allowed_roster_groups/2, has_subscriptions/1, get_resources/2, get_resources_show/2, rosters_groups_allowed_cache/2 ]). -import(pubsub_db_mnesia, [ table/2 ]). -type(group() :: binary()). -type(node_group() :: group()). -type(roster_group() :: group()). -type(node_groups() :: [Node_Group::node_group(),...]). -type(roster_groups() :: [Roster_Group::roster_group(),...]). -type(nodeIdxs() :: [NodeIdx::exmpp_pubsub:nodeIdx(),...]). -type(n0de() :: {NodeIdx :: exmpp_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Groups :: node_groups()} ). -type(n0des() :: [Node::n0de(),...]). -type(subscription() :: {NodeIdx :: exmpp_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Groups :: roster_groups()} ). -type(subscriptions() :: [Subscription::subscription(),...]). -type(contact() :: {Entity :: xmpp_jid:usr_bare(), Subscriptions :: subscriptions()} ). -type(contacts() :: [Contact::contact(),...]). -record(pubsub_groups, { owner :: xmpp_jid:usr_bare(), nodes = [] :: n0des(), contacts = [] :: [] | contacts() }). create_table_pubsub_groups(Suffix) -> mnesia:create_table(table('pubsub_groups', Suffix), [{type, set}, {disc_copies, [node()]}, {record_name, pubsub_groups}, {attributes, record_info(fields, pubsub_groups)}]). %% -spec(register_groups/4 :: ( Suffix :: atom(), NodeIdx :: exmpp_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Owner :: xmpp_jid:usr_bare(), Groups :: [] | node_groups()) -> undefined % | {Subscribers :: [Entity::xmpp_jid:usr_bare()], Unsubscribers :: [Entity::xmpp_jid:usr_bare()]} ). register_groups(Suffix, NodeIdx, Owner, [] = _Groups) -> case mnesia:read(Table_Pubsub_Groups = table('pubsub_groups', 'dev'), Owner, write) of %% [] -> undefined; %% [#pubsub_groups{nodes = [{NodeIdx, _Node_Groups}]} = Pubsub_Groups] -> mnesia:delete_object(Table_Pubsub_Groups, Pubsub_Groups, write), % {_Subscribers = [], _Unsubscribers = lists:foldl(fun ({Entity, Subscriptions}, Unsubscribers) -> case lists:keymember(NodeIdx, 1, Subscriptions) of true -> [Entity | Unsubscribers]; false -> Unsubscribers end % end, [], Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.contacts)}; %% [Pubsub_Groups] -> case lists:keyfind(NodeIdx, 1, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.nodes) of {_NodeIdx, Node_Groups} -> {Contacts, Unsubscribers} = subscriptions1(NodeIdx, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.contacts), % mnesia:write(Table_Pubsub_Groups, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups{ contacts = Contacts }, write), % {_Subscribers = [], _Unsubscribers = Unsubscribers}; false -> undefined end end; %% register_groups(Suffix, NodeIdx, Owner, Groups) -> case mnesia:read(Table_Pubsub_Groups = table('pubsub_groups', 'dev'), Owner, write) of [] -> {Contacts, Subscribers} = subscriptions2(NodeIdx, Owner, Groups), % mnesia:write(Table_Pubsub_Groups, #pubsub_groups{ owner = Owner, nodes = [{NodeIdx, Groups}], contacts = Contacts }, write), % {_Subscribers = Subscribers, _Unsubscribers = []}; [Pubsub_Groups] -> case lists:keyfind(NodeIdx, 1, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.nodes) of {_NodeIdx, Node_Groups} -> case diff_groups(Groups, Node_Groups) of %% {[] = _New_Groups, [] = _Old_Groups} -> {_Subscribers = [], _Unsubscribers = []}; %% {[] = _New_Groups, Old_Groups} -> {Contacts, Unsubscribers} = subscriptions3(NodeIdx, Old_Groups, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.contacts), % mnesia:write(Table_Pubsub_Groups, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups{ nodes = lists:keyreplace(NodeIdx, 1, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.nodes, {NodeIdx, Groups}), contacts = Contacts }, write), % {_Subscribers = [], _Unsubscribers = Unsubscribers}; %% {_New_Groups, _Old_Groups} -> {Contacts, Subscribers, Unsubscribers} = subscriptions4(NodeIdx, Owner, Node_Groups, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.contacts), % mnesia:write(Table_Pubsub_Groups, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups{ nodes = lists:keyreplace(NodeIdx, 1, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.nodes, {NodeIdx, Node_Groups}), contacts = Contacts }, write), % {Subscribers = Subscribers, _Unsubscribers = Unsubscribers} end; false -> {Contacts, Subscribers} = subscriptions5(NodeIdx, Owner, Groups, _Contacts = Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.contacts), % mnesia:write(Table_Pubsub_Groups, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups{ nodes = [{NodeIdx, Groups} | Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.nodes], contacts = Contacts }, write), % {_Subscribers = Subscribers, _Unsubscribers = []} end end. %% TODO : fix this hook managment -spec(monitor_contacts/3 :: ( _ :: 'subscribed', Entity :: xmpp_jid:usr_bare(), Jid_Contacts :: xmpp_jid:entity_bare()) -> undefined % | {Server :: xmpp_jid:raw_jid_component_bare(), Entity :: xmpp_jid:usr_bare(), Contact :: xmpp_jid:usr_bare(), _ :: {'subscribed', NodeIdxs :: nodeIdxs()}} ). monitor_contacts('subscribed', {_, Server, _} = Entity, Jid_Contact) -> case roster_groups(Entity, Contact = jlid:jid_to_lower(Jid_Contact)) of [] -> undefined; Roster_Groups -> case mnesia:read(Table_Pubsub_Groups = table('pubsub_groups', dev), _Owner = Entity, write) of [] -> undefined; [Pubsub_Groups] -> case filter_subscriptions(Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.nodes, Roster_Groups) of [] -> undefined; Subscriptions -> mnesia:write(Table_Pubsub_Groups, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups{ contacts = case lists:keyreplace(Contact, 1, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.contacts, {Contact, Subscriptions}) of _Contacts when _Contacts == Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.contacts -> [{Contact, Subscriptions} | Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.contacts]; Contacts -> Contacts end }, write), {Server, Entity, Contact, {'subscribed', _NodeIdx = lists:map(fun ({NodeIdx, _Groups}) -> NodeIdx end, Subscriptions)}} end end end. %% -spec(monitor_groups/2 :: ( Server :: xmpp_jid:raw_jid_component_bare(), Roster :: #roster{groups :: [] | roster_groups()}) -> undefined % | {Server :: xmpp_jid:raw_jid_component_bare(), Entity :: xmpp_jid:usr_bare(), Diff_NodeIdxs :: {NodeIdxs_Subscriptions :: [] | nodeIdxs(), NodeIdxs_Unsubscriptions :: [] | nodeIdxs()}} ). monitor_groups(Server, #roster{us = {U,S}} = _Roster) -> case mnesia:read(Table_Pubsub_Groups = table('pubsub_groups', dev), _Owner = {U,S,undefined}, write) of [] -> undefined; [Pubsub_Groups] -> case lists:keyfind(_Roster#roster.jid, 1, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.contacts) of %% {_Entity, Old_Subscriptions} when _Roster#roster.subscription == 'delete' orelse _Roster#roster.subscription == 'none' -> mnesia:write(Table_Pubsub_Groups, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups{ contacts = lists:keydelete(_Roster#roster.jid, 1, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.contacts) }, write), {Server, _Entity = _Roster#roster.jid, _Diff_NodeIdxs = diff_nodeidxs(_New_Subscriptions = [], Old_Subscriptions)}; %% {_Entity, Old_Subscriptions} when (_Roster#roster.subscription == 'both' orelse _Roster#roster.subscription == 'from') andalso _Roster#roster.groups == [] -> mnesia:write(Table_Pubsub_Groups, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups{ contacts = lists:keydelete(_Roster#roster.jid, 1, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.contacts) }, write), {Server, _Roster#roster.jid, _Diff_NodeIdxs = diff_nodeidxs(_New_Subscriptions = [], Old_Subscriptions)}; %% {_Entity, Old_Subscriptions} when _Roster#roster.subscription == 'both' orelse _Roster#roster.subscription == 'from' -> case filter_subscriptions(Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.nodes, _Roster#roster.groups) of [] -> mnesia:write(Table_Pubsub_Groups, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups{ contacts = lists:keydelete(_Roster#roster.jid, 1, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.contacts) }, write), {Server, _Roster#roster.jid, diff_nodeidxs(_New_Subscriptions = [], Old_Subscriptions)}; New_Subscriptions -> mnesia:write(Table_Pubsub_Groups, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups{ contacts = lists:keyreplace(_Roster#roster.jid, 1, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.contacts, {_Roster#roster.jid, New_Subscriptions}) }, write), {Server, _Entity = _Roster#roster.jid, _Diff_NodeIdxs = diff_nodeidxs(New_Subscriptions, Old_Subscriptions)} end; %% false when (_Roster#roster.subscription == 'both' orelse _Roster#roster.subscription == 'from') andalso _Roster#roster.groups =/= [] -> case filter_subscriptions(Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.nodes, _Roster#roster.groups) of [] -> undefined; New_Subscriptions -> mnesia:write(Table_Pubsub_Groups, Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups{ contacts = [{_Roster#roster.jid, New_Subscriptions} | Pubsub_Groups#pubsub_groups.contacts] }, write), {Server, _Entity = _Roster#roster.jid, _Diff_NodeIdxs = diff_nodeidxs(New_Subscriptions, _Old_Subscriptions = [])} end; %% _ -> undefined end end. %% %% -spec(subscriptions1/2 :: ( NodeIdx :: exmpp_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Old_Contacts :: [] | contacts()) -> Diff_Contacts :: {New_Contacts :: [] | contacts(), Unsubscribers :: [Entity::xmpp_jid:usr_bare()]} ). subscriptions1(NodeIdx, Contacts) -> _Diff_Contacts = subscriptions1(NodeIdx, _Old_Contacts = Contacts, {_New_Contacts = [], _Unsubscribers = []}). %% -spec(subscriptions1/3 :: ( NodeIdx :: exmpp_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Old_Contacts :: [] | contacts(), Diff_Contacts :: {Contacts :: [] | contacts(), Unsubscribers :: [Entity::xmpp_jid:usr_bare()]}) -> Diff_Contacts :: {New_Contacts :: [] | contacts(), Unsubscribers :: [Entity::xmpp_jid:usr_bare()]} ). subscriptions1(_NodeIdx, [] = _Old_Contacts, Diff_Contacts) -> Diff_Contacts; %% subscriptions1(NodeIdx, [{Entity, Subscriptions} | Old_Contacts], {Contacts, Unsubscribers}) -> subscriptions1(NodeIdx, Old_Contacts, _Diff_Contacts = case lists:keydelete(NodeIdx, 1, Subscriptions) of [] -> {_Contacts = Contacts, _Unsubscribers = [Entity | Unsubscribers]}; Subscriptions -> {_Contacts = [{Entity, Subscriptions} | Contacts], _Unsubscribers = Unsubscribers}; New_Subscriptions -> {_Contacts = [{Entity, New_Subscriptions} | Contacts], _Unsubscribers = [Entity | Unsubscribers]} end). %% -spec(subscriptions2/3 :: ( NodeIdx :: exmpp_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Owner :: xmpp_jid:usr_bare(), Node_Groups :: node_groups()) -> Diff_Contacts :: {Contacts :: [] | contacts(), Subscribers :: [Entity::xmpp_jid:usr_bare()]} ). subscriptions2(NodeIdx, Owner, Node_Groups) -> subscriptions2(NodeIdx, _Rosters = get_entity_roster(Owner), Node_Groups, {_New_Contacts = [], _Subscribers = []}). %% -spec(subscriptions2/4 :: ( NodeIdx :: exmpp_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Rosters :: [Roster::#roster{groups :: [] | roster_groups()}], Node_Groups :: node_groups(), Diff_Contacts :: {Contacts :: [] | contacts(), Subscribers :: [Entity::xmpp_jid:usr_bare()]}) -> Diff_Contacts :: {Contacts :: [] | contacts(), Subscribers :: [Entity::xmpp_jid:usr_bare()]} ). subscriptions2(_NodeIdx, [] = _Rosters, _Node_Groups, Diff_Contacts) -> Diff_Contacts; %% subscriptions2(NodeIdx, [_Roster | Rosters], Node_Groups, {Contacts, Subscribers}) when _Roster#roster.groups =/= [] -> subscriptions2(NodeIdx, Rosters, Node_Groups, _Diff_Contacts = case filter_groups(_Roster#roster.groups, Node_Groups, []) of [] -> {_Contacts = Contacts, _Subscribers = Subscribers}; Roster_Groups -> {_Contacts = [{_Roster#roster.jid, [{NodeIdx, Roster_Groups}]} | Contacts], _Subscribers = [_Roster#roster.jid | Subscribers]} end); %% subscriptions2(NodeIdx, [_Roster | Rosters], Node_Groups, Diff_Contacts) -> subscriptions2(NodeIdx, Rosters, Node_Groups, Diff_Contacts). %% -spec(subscriptions3/3 :: ( NodeIdx :: exmpp_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Old_Groups :: roster_groups(), Contacts :: contacts() | []) -> Diff_Contacts :: {Contacts :: [] | contacts(), Unsubscribers :: [Entity::xmpp_jid:usr_bare()]} ). subscriptions3(NodeIdx, Old_Groups, Contacts) -> subscriptions3(NodeIdx, Contacts, Old_Groups, {[],[]}). %% -spec(subscriptions3/4 :: ( NodeIdx :: exmpp_pubsub:nodeIdx(), Old_Contacts :: contacts() | [], Old_Groups :: roster_groups(), Diff_Contacts :: {Contacts :: [] | contacts(), Unsubscribers :: [Entity::xmpp_jid:usr_bare()]}) -> Diff_Contacts :: {Contacts :: [] | contacts(), Unsubscribers :: [Entity::xmpp_jid:usr_bare()]} ). subscriptions3(_NodeIdx, [] = _Contacts, _Old_Groups, Diff_Contacts) -> Diff_Contacts; %% subscriptions3(NodeIdx, [{Entity, Subscriptions} | Old_Contacts], Old_Groups, {Contacts, Unsubscribers}) -> subscriptions3(NodeIdx, Old_Contacts, Old_Groups, _Diff_Contacts = case lists:keyfind(NodeIdx, 1, Subscriptions) of {_NodeIdx, Roster_Groups} -> case delete_groups(Old_Groups, Roster_Groups) of [] -> {_Contacts = Contacts, _Unsubscribers = [Entity | Unsubscribers]}; Groups -> {_Contacts = [{Entity, lists:keyreplace(NodeIdx, 1, Subscriptions, {NodeIdx, Groups})} | Contacts], _Unsubscribers = Unsubscribers} end; false -> {_Contacts = [{Entity, Subscriptions} | Contacts], _Unsubscribers = Unsubscribers} end). %% -spec(subscriptions4/4 :: ( NodeIdx :: exmpp_pubsub:nodeIdx(), _ :: xmpp_jid:usr_bare() | [Roster::#roster{groups :: [] | roster_groups()}], Node_Groups :: node_groups(), _ :: [] | contacts() | {Contacts :: [] | contacts(), Subscribers :: [Entity::xmpp_jid:usr_bare()], Unsubscribers :: [Entity::xmpp_jid:usr_bare()]}) -> Diff_Contacts :: {Contacts :: [] | contacts(), Subscribers :: [Entity::xmpp_jid:usr_bare()], Unsubscribers :: [Entity::xmpp_jid:usr_bare()]} ). subscriptions4(_NodeIdx, [] = _Rosters, _Node_Groups, Diff_Contacts) -> Diff_Contacts; %% subscriptions4(NodeIdx, [_Roster | Rosters], Node_Groups, {Contacts, Subscribers, Unsubscribers}) when _Roster#roster.groups =/= [] -> subscriptions4(NodeIdx, Rosters, Node_Groups, _Diff_Contacts = case {lists:keyfind(Entity = _Roster#roster.jid, 1, Contacts), filter_groups(_Roster#roster.groups, Node_Groups, [])} of %% {false, [] = _Groups} -> {_Contacts = Contacts, _Subscribers = Subscribers, _Unsubscribers = Unsubscribers}; %% {false, Groups} -> {_Contacts = [{Entity, [{NodeIdx, Groups}]} | Contacts], _Subscribers = [Entity | Subscribers], _Unsubscribers = Unsubscribers}; %% {{_Entity, [{NodeIdx, _Roster_Groups}] = _Subscriptions}, [] = _Groups} -> {_Contacts = lists:keydelete(Entity, 1, Contacts), _Subscribers = Subscribers, _Unsubscribers = [Entity | Unsubscribers]}; %% {{_Entity, Subscriptions}, [] = _Groups} -> case lists:keydelete(NodeIdx, 1, Subscriptions) of Subscriptions -> {_Contacts = Contacts, _Subscribers = Subscribers, _Unsubscribers = Unsubscribers}; New_Subscriptions -> {_Contacts = lists:keyreplace(Entity, 1, Contacts, {Entity, New_Subscriptions}), _Subscribers = Subscribers, _Unsubscribers = [Entity | Unsubscribers]} end; {{_Entity, Subscriptions}, Groups} -> case lists:keyreplace(NodeIdx, 1, Subscriptions, {NodeIdx, Groups}) of Subscriptions -> {_Contacts = lists:keyreplace(Entity, 1, Contacts, {Entity, [{NodeIdx, Groups} | Subscriptions]}), _Subscribers = [Entity | Subscribers], _Unsubscribers = Unsubscribers}; New_Subscriptions -> {_Contacts = lists:keyreplace(Entity, 1, Contacts, {Entity, New_Subscriptions}), _Subscribers = Subscribers, _Unsubscribers = Unsubscribers} end end); %% subscriptions4(NodeIdx, [_Roster | Rosters], Node_Groups, Diff_Contacts) -> subscriptions4(NodeIdx, Rosters, Node_Groups, Diff_Contacts); %% subscriptions4(NodeIdx, Owner, Node_Groups, Contacts) -> subscriptions4(NodeIdx, _Rosters = get_entity_roster(Owner), Node_Groups, _Diff_Contacts = {Contacts, _Subscribers = [], _Unsubscribers = []}). -spec(subscriptions5/4 :: ( NodeIdx :: exmpp_pubsub:nodeIdx(), _ :: xmpp_jid:usr_bare() | [Roster::#roster{groups :: [] | roster_groups()}], Node_Groups :: node_groups(), _ :: [] | contacts() | {Contacts :: [] | contacts(), Subscribers :: [Entity::xmpp_jid:usr_bare()]}) -> Diff_Contacts :: {Contacts :: [] | contacts(), Subscribers :: [Entity::xmpp_jid:usr_bare()]} ). subscriptions5(NodeIdx, [_Roster | Rosters], Node_Groups, {Contacts, Subscribers}) when _Roster#roster.groups =/= [] -> subscriptions5(NodeIdx, Rosters, Node_Groups, _Diff_Contacts = case filter_groups(_Roster#roster.groups, Node_Groups, []) of [] -> {_Contacts = Contacts, _Subscribers = Subscribers}; Groups -> {_Contacts = case lists:keyfind(_Roster#roster.jid, 1, Contacts) of false -> [{_Roster#roster.jid, [{NodeIdx, Groups}]} | Contacts]; {Entity, Subscriptions} -> lists:keyreplace(Entity, 1, Contacts, {Entity, [{NodeIdx, Groups} | Subscriptions]}) end, _Subscribers = [_Roster#roster.jid | Subscribers]} end); %% subscriptions5(NodeIdx, [_Roster | Rosters], Node_Groups, Diff_Contacts) -> subscriptions5(NodeIdx, Rosters, Node_Groups, Diff_Contacts); %% subscriptions5(NodeIdx, Owner, Node_Groups, Contacts) -> subscriptions5(NodeIdx, _Rosters = get_entity_roster(Owner), Node_Groups, _Diff_Contacts = {Contacts, _Subscribers = []}). %% -spec(delete_groups/2 :: ( Old_Groups :: roster_groups(), Groups :: [] | roster_groups()) -> Groups :: [] | roster_groups() ). delete_groups(_Old_Groups, [] = _Groups) -> _Groups = []; %% delete_groups([] = _Old_Groups, Groups) -> Groups; %% delete_groups([Old_Group | Old_Groups], Groups) -> _Groups = delete_groups(Old_Groups, lists:delete(Old_Group, Groups)). %% -spec(diff_groups/2 :: ( Groups :: node_groups() | [], _ :: node_groups() | {New_Groups :: [] | node_groups(), Old_Groups :: [] | node_groups()}) -> Diff_Groups :: {New_Groups :: [] | node_groups(), Old_Groups :: [] | node_groups()} ). diff_groups([] = _Groups, Diff_Groups) -> %% when is_tuple(Diff_Groups) Diff_Groups; %% diff_groups([Group | Groups], {New_Groups, Old_Groups}) -> diff_groups(Groups, _Diff_Groups = case lists:delete(Group, Old_Groups) of Old_Groups -> {[Group | New_Groups], Old_Groups}; Old_Groups2 -> {New_Groups, Old_Groups2} end); %% diff_groups(New_Groups, Old_Groups) -> diff_groups(New_Groups, {[], Old_Groups}). %% -spec(filter_groups/3 :: ( Roster_Groups :: roster_groups() | [], Node_Groups :: node_groups(), Groups :: [] | roster_groups()) -> Groups :: [] | roster_groups() ). filter_groups([] = _Roster_Groups, _Node_Groups, Groups) -> Groups; %% filter_groups([Roster_Group | Roster_Groups], Node_Groups, Groups) -> filter_groups(Roster_Groups, Node_Groups, _Groups = case lists:member(Roster_Group, Node_Groups) of true -> [Roster_Group | Groups]; false -> Groups end). %% -spec(filter_subscriptions/2 :: ( Nodes :: n0des(), Roster_Groups :: roster_groups()) -> Subscriptions :: [] | subscriptions() ). filter_subscriptions(Nodes, Roster_Groups) -> _Subscriptions = filter_subscriptions(Nodes, Roster_Groups, []). %% -spec(filter_subscriptions/3 :: ( Nodes :: n0des(), Roster_Groups :: roster_groups(), Subscriptions :: [] | subscriptions()) -> Subscriptions :: [] | subscriptions() ). filter_subscriptions([] = _Nodes, _Roster_Groups, Subscriptions) -> Subscriptions; %% filter_subscriptions([{NodeIdx, Node_Groups} | Nodes], Roster_Groups, Subscriptions) -> filter_subscriptions(Nodes, Roster_Groups, _Subscriptions = case filter_groups(Roster_Groups, Node_Groups, []) of [] -> Subscriptions; Groups -> [{NodeIdx, Groups} | Subscriptions] end). %% -spec(diff_nodeidxs/2 :: ( New_Subscriptions :: [] | subscriptions(), Old_Subscriptions :: [] | subscriptions()) -> Diff_NodeIdxs :: {NodeIdxs_Subscriptions :: [] | nodeIdxs(), NodeIdxs_Unsubscriptions :: [] | nodeIdxs()} ). diff_nodeidxs(New_Subscriptions, Old_Subscriptions) -> _Diff_NodeIdxs = diff_nodeidxs(New_Subscriptions, Old_Subscriptions, []). %% -spec(diff_nodeidxs/3 :: ( New_Subscriptions :: [] | subscriptions(), Old_Subscriptions :: [] | subscriptions(), NodeIdxs_Subscriptions :: [] | nodeIdxs()) -> Diff_NodeIdxs :: {NodeIdxs_Subscriptions :: [] | nodeIdxs(), NodeIdxs_Unsubscriptions :: [] | nodeIdxs()} ). diff_nodeidxs([] = _New_Subscriptions, Old_Subscriptions, NodeIdxs_Subscriptions) -> _Diff_NodeIdxs = { _NodeIdxs_Subscriptions = NodeIdxs_Subscriptions, _NodeIdxs_Unsubscriptions = lists:map(fun ({NodeIdx, _Roster_Groups}) -> NodeIdx end, Old_Subscriptions)}; %% diff_nodeidxs([{NodeIdx, _Groups} | New_Subscriptions], [] = Old_Subscriptions, NodeIdxs_Subscriptions) -> diff_nodeidxs(New_Subscriptions, Old_Subscriptions, [NodeIdx | NodeIdxs_Subscriptions]); %% diff_nodeidxs([{NodeIdx, _Groups} | New_Subscriptions], Old_Subscriptions, NodeIdxs_Subscriptions) -> case lists:keydelete(NodeIdx, 1, Old_Subscriptions) of Old_Subscriptions -> diff_nodeidxs(New_Subscriptions, Old_Subscriptions, [NodeIdx | NodeIdxs_Subscriptions]); Subscriptions -> diff_nodeidxs(New_Subscriptions, _Old_Subscriptions = Subscriptions, NodeIdxs_Subscriptions) end. %% TODO : use a new mod_roster_api for this call -spec(roster_groups/2 :: ( Entity :: xmpp_jid:usr_bare(), Contact :: xmpp_jid:usr_bare()) -> Roster_Groups :: [] | roster_groups() ). roster_groups({User, Server, _} = _Entity, Contact) -> _Roster_Groups = case gen_storage:transaction(Server, rosteritem, fun() -> gen_storage:select(Server, rostergroup, [{'=', user_host_jid, {User, Server, Contact}}]) end) of {atomic, _RosterGroups} -> lists:map(fun (_RosterGroup) -> _RosterGroup#roster.groups end, _RosterGroups); _Error -> {error, 'internal-server-error'} end. %% -spec(select_roster_groups/1 :: ( Entity :: xmpp_jid:usr_entity()) -> Roster_Groups :: [] | roster_groups() ). select_roster_groups({User, Server, _} = Entity) -> _Roster_Groups = case gen_storage:transaction(Server, rosteritem, fun() -> gen_storage:select(Server, rostergroup, [{'=', user_host_jid, {User, Server, '_'}}]) end) of {atomic, _RosterGroups} -> lists:map(fun (_RosterGroup) -> _RosterGroup#roster.groups end, _RosterGroups); _Error -> {error, 'internal-server-error'} end. %% TESTS %% monitor_roster_groups(Server, Roster) -> ?INFO_MSG("SERVER ~p ROSTER ~p", [Server, Roster]), Result = pubsub_db:transaction('mnesia', ?MODULE, monitor_groups, [Server, Roster]), ?INFO_MSG("MONITOR ROSTER GROUPS ~p", [Result]). monitor_contacts2('subscribed', Entity, Jid_Contact) -> Result = pubsub_db:transaction('mnesia', ?MODULE, monitor_contacts, ['subscribed', Entity, Jid_Contact]), ?INFO_MSG("MONITOR CONTACTS2 ~p", [Result]). register1(NodeIdx, User, Groups) -> Server = <<"localhost">>, Owner = {list_to_binary(atom_to_list(User)), Server, undefined}, Groups_B = lists:map(fun(Group) -> list_to_binary(atom_to_list(Group)) end, Groups), register_groups(dev, NodeIdx, Owner, Groups_B). register(NodeIdx, User, Groups) -> pubsub_db:transaction('mnesia', ?MODULE, register1, [NodeIdx, User, Groups]).