%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author Evgeny Khramtsov %%% @copyright (C) 2016, Evgeny Khramtsov %%% @doc %%% %%% @end %%% Created : 14 Dec 2016 by Evgeny Khramtsov %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(xmpp_stream_out). -behaviour(gen_server). -protocol({rfc, 6120}). %% API -export([start/3, start_link/3, call/3, cast/2, reply/2, connect/1, stop/1, send/2, close/1, close/2, establish/1, format_error/1, set_timeout/2, get_transport/1, change_shaper/2]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). %%-define(DBGFSM, true). -ifdef(DBGFSM). -define(FSMOPTS, [{debug, [trace]}]). -else. -define(FSMOPTS, []). -endif. -define(TCP_SEND_TIMEOUT, 15000). -include("xmpp.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/inet.hrl"). -type state() :: map(). -type noreply() :: {noreply, state(), timeout()}. -type host_port() :: {inet:hostname(), inet:port_number()}. -type ip_port() :: {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()}. -type network_error() :: {error, inet:posix() | inet_res:res_error()}. -type stop_reason() :: {idna, bad_string} | {dns, inet:posix() | inet_res:res_error()} | {stream, reset | stream_error()} | {tls, term()} | {pkix, binary()} | {auth, atom() | binary() | string()} | {socket, inet:posix() | closed | timeout} | internal_failure. -callback init(list()) -> {ok, state()} | {stop, term()} | ignore. %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== start(Mod, Args, Opts) -> gen_server:start(?MODULE, [Mod|Args], Opts ++ ?FSMOPTS). start_link(Mod, Args, Opts) -> gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [Mod|Args], Opts ++ ?FSMOPTS). call(Ref, Msg, Timeout) -> gen_server:call(Ref, Msg, Timeout). cast(Ref, Msg) -> gen_server:cast(Ref, Msg). reply(Ref, Reply) -> gen_server:reply(Ref, Reply). -spec connect(pid()) -> ok. connect(Ref) -> cast(Ref, connect). -spec stop(pid()) -> ok; (state()) -> no_return(). stop(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) -> cast(Pid, stop); stop(#{owner := Owner} = State) when Owner == self() -> terminate(normal, State), exit(normal); stop(_) -> erlang:error(badarg). -spec send(pid(), xmpp_element()) -> ok; (state(), xmpp_element()) -> state(). send(Pid, Pkt) when is_pid(Pid) -> cast(Pid, {send, Pkt}); send(#{owner := Owner} = State, Pkt) when Owner == self() -> send_element(State, Pkt); send(_, _) -> erlang:error(badarg). -spec close(pid()) -> ok; (state()) -> state(). close(Ref) -> close(Ref, true). -spec close(pid(), boolean()) -> ok; (state(), boolean()) -> state(). close(Pid, SendTrailer) when is_pid(Pid) -> cast(Pid, {close, SendTrailer}); close(#{owner := Owner} = State, SendTrailer) when Owner == self() -> if SendTrailer -> send_trailer(State); true -> close_socket(State) end; close(_, _) -> erlang:error(badarg). -spec establish(state()) -> state(). establish(State) -> process_stream_established(State). -spec set_timeout(state(), timeout()) -> state(). set_timeout(#{owner := Owner} = State, Timeout) when Owner == self() -> case Timeout of infinity -> State#{stream_timeout => infinity}; _ -> Time = p1_time_compat:monotonic_time(milli_seconds), State#{stream_timeout => {Timeout, Time}} end; set_timeout(_, _) -> erlang:error(badarg). get_transport(#{sockmod := SockMod, socket := Socket, owner := Owner}) when Owner == self() -> SockMod:get_transport(Socket); get_transport(_) -> erlang:error(badarg). -spec change_shaper(state(), shaper:shaper()) -> ok. change_shaper(#{sockmod := SockMod, socket := Socket, owner := Owner}, Shaper) when Owner == self() -> SockMod:change_shaper(Socket, Shaper); change_shaper(_, _) -> erlang:error(badarg). -spec format_error(stop_reason()) -> binary(). format_error({idna, _}) -> <<"Not an IDN hostname">>; format_error({dns, Reason}) -> format("DNS lookup failed: ~s", [format_inet_error(Reason)]); format_error({socket, Reason}) -> format("Connection failed: ~s", [format_inet_error(Reason)]); format_error({pkix, Reason}) -> format("Peer certificate rejected: ~s", [Reason]); format_error({stream, reset}) -> <<"Stream reset by peer">>; format_error({stream, #stream_error{reason = Reason, text = Txt}}) -> format("Stream failed: ~s", [format_stream_error(Reason, Txt)]); format_error({tls, Reason}) -> format("TLS failed: ~w", [Reason]); format_error({auth, Reason}) -> format("Authentication failed: ~s", [Reason]); format_error(internal_failure) -> <<"Internal server error">>; format_error(Err) -> format("Unrecognized error: ~w", [Err]). %%%=================================================================== %%% gen_server callbacks %%%=================================================================== -spec init(list()) -> {ok, state(), timeout()} | {stop, term()} | ignore. init([Mod, SockMod, From, To, Opts]) -> Time = p1_time_compat:monotonic_time(milli_seconds), State = #{owner => self(), mod => Mod, sockmod => SockMod, server => From, user => <<"">>, resource => <<"">>, lang => <<"">>, remote_server => To, xmlns => ?NS_SERVER, stream_direction => out, stream_timeout => {timer:seconds(30), Time}, stream_id => new_id(), stream_encrypted => false, stream_verified => false, stream_authenticated => false, stream_restarted => false, stream_state => connecting}, case try Mod:init([State, Opts]) catch _:undef -> {ok, State} end of {ok, State1} -> {_, State2, Timeout} = noreply(State1), {ok, State2, Timeout}; Err -> Err end. -spec handle_call(term(), term(), state()) -> noreply(). handle_call(Call, From, #{mod := Mod} = State) -> noreply(try Mod:handle_call(Call, From, State) catch _:undef -> State end). -spec handle_cast(term(), state()) -> noreply(). handle_cast(connect, #{remote_server := RemoteServer, sockmod := SockMod, stream_state := connecting} = State) -> noreply( case ejabberd_idna:domain_utf8_to_ascii(RemoteServer) of false -> process_stream_end({idna, bad_string}, State); ASCIIName -> case resolve(binary_to_list(ASCIIName), State) of {ok, AddrPorts} -> case connect(AddrPorts, State) of {ok, Socket, AddrPort} -> SocketMonitor = SockMod:monitor(Socket), State1 = State#{ip => AddrPort, socket => Socket, socket_monitor => SocketMonitor}, State2 = State1#{stream_state => wait_for_stream}, send_header(State2); {error, Why} -> process_stream_end({socket, Why}, State) end; {error, Why} -> process_stream_end({dns, Why}, State) end end); handle_cast(connect, State) -> %% Ignoring connection attempts in other states noreply(State); handle_cast({send, Pkt}, State) -> noreply(send_element(State, Pkt)); handle_cast(stop, State) -> {stop, normal, State}; handle_cast(Cast, #{mod := Mod} = State) -> noreply(try Mod:handle_cast(Cast, State) catch _:undef -> State end). -spec handle_info(term(), state()) -> noreply(). handle_info({'$gen_event', {xmlstreamstart, Name, Attrs}}, #{stream_state := wait_for_stream, xmlns := XMLNS, lang := MyLang} = State) -> El = #xmlel{name = Name, attrs = Attrs}, noreply( try xmpp:decode(El, XMLNS, []) of #stream_start{} = Pkt -> process_stream(Pkt, State); _ -> send_element(State, xmpp:serr_invalid_xml()) catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} -> Txt = xmpp:io_format_error(Why), Lang = select_lang(MyLang, xmpp:get_lang(El)), Err = xmpp:serr_invalid_xml(Txt, Lang), send_element(State, Err) end); handle_info({'$gen_event', {xmlstreamerror, Reason}}, #{lang := Lang}= State) -> State1 = send_header(State), noreply( case is_disconnected(State1) of true -> State1; false -> Err = case Reason of <<"XML stanza is too big">> -> xmpp:serr_policy_violation(Reason, Lang); _ -> xmpp:serr_not_well_formed() end, send_element(State1, Err) end); handle_info({'$gen_event', {xmlstreamelement, El}}, #{xmlns := NS, lang := MyLang, mod := Mod} = State) -> noreply( try xmpp:decode(El, NS, [ignore_els]) of Pkt -> State1 = try Mod:handle_recv(El, Pkt, State) catch _:undef -> State end, case is_disconnected(State1) of true -> State1; false -> process_element(Pkt, State1) end catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} -> State1 = try Mod:handle_recv(El, undefined, State) catch _:undef -> State end, case is_disconnected(State1) of true -> State1; false -> Txt = xmpp:io_format_error(Why), Lang = select_lang(MyLang, xmpp:get_lang(El)), send_error(State1, El, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang)) end end); handle_info({'$gen_all_state_event', {xmlstreamcdata, Data}}, #{mod := Mod} = State) -> noreply(try Mod:handle_cdata(Data, State) catch _:undef -> State end); handle_info({'$gen_event', {xmlstreamend, _}}, State) -> noreply(process_stream_end({stream, reset}, State)); handle_info({'$gen_event', closed}, State) -> noreply(process_stream_end({socket, closed}, State)); handle_info(timeout, #{mod := Mod} = State) -> Disconnected = is_disconnected(State), noreply(try Mod:handle_timeout(State) catch _:undef when not Disconnected -> send_element(State, xmpp:serr_connection_timeout()); _:undef -> stop(State) end); handle_info({'DOWN', MRef, _Type, _Object, _Info}, #{socket_monitor := MRef} = State) -> noreply(process_stream_end({socket, closed}, State)); handle_info(Info, #{mod := Mod} = State) -> noreply(try Mod:handle_info(Info, State) catch _:undef -> State end). -spec terminate(term(), state()) -> any(). terminate(Reason, #{mod := Mod} = State) -> case get(already_terminated) of true -> State; _ -> put(already_terminated, true), try Mod:terminate(Reason, State) catch _:undef -> ok end, send_trailer(State) end. code_change(OldVsn, #{mod := Mod} = State, Extra) -> Mod:code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra). %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== -spec noreply(state()) -> noreply(). noreply(#{stream_timeout := infinity} = State) -> {noreply, State, infinity}; noreply(#{stream_timeout := {MSecs, OldTime}} = State) -> NewTime = p1_time_compat:monotonic_time(milli_seconds), Timeout = max(0, MSecs - NewTime + OldTime), {noreply, State, Timeout}. -spec new_id() -> binary(). new_id() -> randoms:get_string(). -spec is_disconnected(state()) -> boolean(). is_disconnected(#{stream_state := StreamState}) -> StreamState == disconnected. -spec process_stream_end(stop_reason(), state()) -> state(). process_stream_end(_, #{stream_state := disconnected} = State) -> State; process_stream_end(Reason, #{mod := Mod} = State) -> State1 = send_trailer(State), try Mod:handle_stream_end(Reason, State1) catch _:undef -> stop(State1) end. -spec process_stream(stream_start(), state()) -> state(). process_stream(#stream_start{xmlns = XML_NS, stream_xmlns = STREAM_NS}, #{xmlns := NS} = State) when XML_NS /= NS; STREAM_NS /= ?NS_STREAM -> send_element(State, xmpp:serr_invalid_namespace()); process_stream(#stream_start{version = {N, _}}, State) when N > 1 -> send_element(State, xmpp:serr_unsupported_version()); process_stream(#stream_start{lang = Lang, id = ID, version = Version} = StreamStart, #{mod := Mod} = State) -> State1 = State#{stream_remote_id => ID, lang => Lang}, State2 = try Mod:handle_stream_start(StreamStart, State1) catch _:undef -> State1 end, case is_disconnected(State2) of true -> State2; false -> case Version of {1, _} -> State2#{stream_state => wait_for_features}; _ -> process_stream_downgrade(StreamStart, State2) end end. -spec process_element(xmpp_element(), state()) -> state(). process_element(Pkt, #{stream_state := StateName} = State) -> case Pkt of #stream_features{} when StateName == wait_for_features -> process_features(Pkt, State); #starttls_proceed{} when StateName == wait_for_starttls_response -> process_starttls(State); #sasl_success{} when StateName == wait_for_sasl_response -> process_sasl_success(State); #sasl_failure{} when StateName == wait_for_sasl_response -> process_sasl_failure(Pkt, State); #stream_error{} -> process_stream_end({stream, Pkt}, State); _ when is_record(Pkt, stream_features); is_record(Pkt, starttls_proceed); is_record(Pkt, starttls); is_record(Pkt, sasl_auth); is_record(Pkt, sasl_success); is_record(Pkt, sasl_failure); is_record(Pkt, sasl_response); is_record(Pkt, sasl_abort); is_record(Pkt, compress); is_record(Pkt, handshake) -> %% Do not pass this crap upstream State; _ -> process_packet(Pkt, State) end. -spec process_features(stream_features(), state()) -> state(). process_features(StreamFeatures, #{stream_authenticated := true, mod := Mod} = State) -> State1 = try Mod:handle_authenticated_features(StreamFeatures, State) catch _:undef -> State end, process_stream_established(State1); process_features(#stream_features{sub_els = Els} = StreamFeatures, #{stream_encrypted := Encrypted, mod := Mod, lang := Lang} = State) -> State1 = try Mod:handle_unauthenticated_features(StreamFeatures, State) catch _:undef -> State end, case is_disconnected(State1) of true -> State1; false -> TLSRequired = is_starttls_required(State1), %% TODO: improve xmpp.erl Msg = #message{sub_els = Els}, case xmpp:get_subtag(Msg, #starttls{}) of false when TLSRequired and not Encrypted -> Txt = <<"Use of STARTTLS required">>, send_element(State1, xmpp:err_policy_violation(Txt, Lang)); #starttls{} when not Encrypted -> State2 = State1#{stream_state => wait_for_starttls_response}, send_element(State2, #starttls{}); _ -> State2 = process_cert_verification(State1), case is_disconnected(State2) of true -> State2; false -> case xmpp:get_subtag(Msg, #sasl_mechanisms{}) of #sasl_mechanisms{list = Mechs} -> process_sasl_mechanisms(Mechs, State2); false -> process_sasl_failure( #sasl_failure{reason = 'invalid-mechanism'}, State2) end end end end. -spec process_stream_established(state()) -> state(). process_stream_established(#{stream_state := StateName} = State) when StateName == disconnected; StateName == established -> State; process_stream_established(#{mod := Mod} = State) -> State1 = State#{stream_authenticated := true, stream_state => established, stream_timeout => infinity}, try Mod:handle_stream_established(State1) catch _:undef -> State1 end. -spec process_sasl_mechanisms([binary()], state()) -> state(). process_sasl_mechanisms(Mechs, #{user := User, server := Server} = State) -> %% TODO: support other mechanisms Mech = <<"EXTERNAL">>, case lists:member(<<"EXTERNAL">>, Mechs) of true -> State1 = State#{stream_state => wait_for_sasl_response}, Authzid = jid:to_string(jid:make(User, Server)), send_element(State1, #sasl_auth{mechanism = Mech, text = Authzid}); false -> process_sasl_failure( #sasl_failure{reason = 'invalid-mechanism'}, State) end. -spec process_starttls(state()) -> state(). process_starttls(#{sockmod := SockMod, socket := Socket, mod := Mod} = State) -> TLSOpts = try Mod:tls_options(State) catch _:undef -> [] end, case SockMod:starttls(Socket, [connect|TLSOpts]) of {ok, TLSSocket} -> State1 = State#{socket => TLSSocket, stream_id => new_id(), stream_restarted => true, stream_state => wait_for_stream, stream_encrypted => true}, send_header(State1); {error, Why} -> process_stream_end({tls, Why}, State) end. -spec process_stream_downgrade(stream_start(), state()) -> state(). process_stream_downgrade(StreamStart, #{mod := Mod, lang := Lang, stream_encrypted := Encrypted} = State) -> TLSRequired = is_starttls_required(State), if not Encrypted and TLSRequired -> Txt = <<"Use of STARTTLS required">>, send_element(State, xmpp:err_policy_violation(Txt, Lang)); true -> State1 = State#{stream_state => downgraded}, try Mod:handle_stream_downgraded(StreamStart, State1) catch _:undef -> send_element(State1, xmpp:serr_unsupported_version()) end end. -spec process_cert_verification(state()) -> state(). process_cert_verification(#{stream_encrypted := true, stream_verified := false, mod := Mod} = State) -> case try Mod:tls_verify(State) catch _:undef -> true end of true -> case xmpp_stream_pkix:authenticate(State) of {ok, _} -> State#{stream_verified => true}; {error, Why, _Peer} -> process_stream_end({pkix, Why}, State) end; false -> State#{stream_verified => true} end; process_cert_verification(State) -> State. -spec process_sasl_success(state()) -> state(). process_sasl_success(#{mod := Mod, sockmod := SockMod, socket := Socket} = State) -> State1 = try Mod:handle_auth_success(<<"EXTERNAL">>, State) catch _:undef -> State end, case is_disconnected(State1) of true -> State1; false -> SockMod:reset_stream(Socket), State2 = State1#{stream_id => new_id(), stream_restarted => true, stream_state => wait_for_stream, stream_authenticated => true}, send_header(State2) end. -spec process_sasl_failure(sasl_failure(), state()) -> state(). process_sasl_failure(#sasl_failure{reason = Reason}, #{mod := Mod} = State) -> try Mod:handle_auth_failure(<<"EXTERNAL">>, Reason, State) catch _:undef -> process_stream_end({auth, Reason}, State) end. -spec process_packet(xmpp_element(), state()) -> state(). process_packet(Pkt, #{mod := Mod} = State) -> try Mod:handle_packet(Pkt, State) catch _:undef -> State end. -spec is_starttls_required(state()) -> boolean(). is_starttls_required(#{mod := Mod} = State) -> try Mod:tls_required(State) catch _:undef -> false end. -spec send_header(state()) -> state(). send_header(#{remote_server := RemoteServer, stream_encrypted := Encrypted, lang := Lang, xmlns := NS, user := User, resource := Resource, server := Server} = State) -> NS_DB = if NS == ?NS_SERVER -> ?NS_SERVER_DIALBACK; true -> <<"">> end, From = if Encrypted -> jid:make(User, Server, Resource); NS == ?NS_SERVER -> jid:make(Server); true -> undefined end, Header = xmpp:encode( #stream_start{xmlns = NS, lang = Lang, stream_xmlns = ?NS_STREAM, db_xmlns = NS_DB, from = From, to = jid:make(RemoteServer), version = {1,0}}), case send_text(State, fxml:element_to_header(Header)) of ok -> State; {error, Why} -> process_stream_end({socket, Why}, State) end. -spec send_element(state(), xmpp_element()) -> state(). send_element(#{xmlns := NS, mod := Mod} = State, Pkt) -> El = xmpp:encode(Pkt, NS), Data = fxml:element_to_binary(El), State1 = try Mod:handle_send(Pkt, El, Data, State) catch _:undef -> State end, case is_disconnected(State1) of true -> State1; false -> case send_text(State1, Data) of _ when is_record(Pkt, stream_error) -> process_stream_end({stream, Pkt}, State1); ok -> State1; {error, Why} -> process_stream_end({socket, Why}, State1) end end. -spec send_error(state(), xmpp_element(), stanza_error()) -> state(). send_error(State, Pkt, Err) -> case xmpp:is_stanza(Pkt) of true -> case xmpp:get_type(Pkt) of result -> State; error -> State; <<"result">> -> State; <<"error">> -> State; _ -> ErrPkt = xmpp:make_error(Pkt, Err), send_element(State, ErrPkt) end; false -> State end. -spec send_text(state(), binary()) -> ok | {error, inet:posix()}. send_text(#{sockmod := SockMod, socket := Socket, stream_state := StateName}, Data) when StateName /= disconnected -> SockMod:send(Socket, Data); send_text(_, _) -> {error, closed}. -spec send_trailer(state()) -> state(). send_trailer(State) -> send_text(State, <<"">>), close_socket(State). -spec close_socket(state()) -> state(). close_socket(State) -> case State of #{sockmod := SockMod, socket := Socket} -> SockMod:close(Socket); _ -> ok end, State#{stream_timeout => infinity, stream_state => disconnected}. -spec select_lang(binary(), binary()) -> binary(). select_lang(Lang, <<"">>) -> Lang; select_lang(_, Lang) -> Lang. -spec format_inet_error(atom()) -> string(). format_inet_error(Reason) -> case inet:format_error(Reason) of "unknown POSIX error" -> atom_to_list(Reason); Txt -> Txt end. -spec format_stream_error(atom() | 'see-other-host'(), undefined | text()) -> string(). format_stream_error(Reason, Txt) -> Slogan = case Reason of #'see-other-host'{} -> "see-other-host"; _ -> atom_to_list(Reason) end, case Txt of undefined -> Slogan; #text{data = <<"">>} -> Slogan; #text{data = Data} -> binary_to_list(Data) ++ " (" ++ Slogan ++ ")" end. -spec format(io:format(), list()) -> binary(). format(Fmt, Args) -> iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format(Fmt, Args)). %%%=================================================================== %%% Connection stuff %%%=================================================================== -spec resolve(string(), state()) -> {ok, [host_port()]} | network_error(). resolve(Host, State) -> case srv_lookup(Host, State) of {error, _Reason} -> DefaultPort = get_default_port(State), a_lookup([{Host, DefaultPort}], State); {ok, HostPorts} -> a_lookup(HostPorts, State) end. -spec srv_lookup(string(), state()) -> {ok, [host_port()]} | network_error(). srv_lookup(Host, State) -> %% Only perform SRV lookups for FQDN names case string:chr(Host, $.) of 0 -> {error, nxdomain}; _ -> case inet_parse:address(Host) of {ok, _} -> {error, nxdomain}; {error, _} -> Timeout = get_dns_timeout(State), Retries = get_dns_retries(State), srv_lookup(Host, Timeout, Retries) end end. -spec srv_lookup(string(), non_neg_integer(), integer()) -> {ok, [host_port()]} | network_error(). srv_lookup(_Host, _Timeout, Retries) when Retries < 1 -> {error, timeout}; srv_lookup(Host, Timeout, Retries) -> SRVName = "_xmpp-server._tcp." ++ Host, case inet_res:getbyname(SRVName, srv, Timeout) of {ok, HostEntry} -> host_entry_to_host_ports(HostEntry); {error, _} -> LegacySRVName = "_jabber._tcp." ++ Host, case inet_res:getbyname(LegacySRVName, srv, Timeout) of {error, timeout} -> srv_lookup(Host, Timeout, Retries - 1); {error, _} = Err -> Err; {ok, HostEntry} -> host_entry_to_host_ports(HostEntry) end end. -spec a_lookup([{inet:hostname(), inet:port_number()}], state()) -> {ok, [ip_port()]} | network_error(). a_lookup(HostPorts, State) -> HostPortFamilies = [{Host, Port, Family} || {Host, Port} <- HostPorts, Family <- get_address_families(State)], a_lookup(HostPortFamilies, State, {error, nxdomain}). -spec a_lookup([{inet:hostname(), inet:port_number(), inet:address_family()}], state(), network_error()) -> {ok, [ip_port()]} | network_error(). a_lookup([{Host, Port, Family}|HostPortFamilies], State, _) -> Timeout = get_dns_timeout(State), Retries = get_dns_retries(State), case a_lookup(Host, Port, Family, Timeout, Retries) of {error, _} = Err -> a_lookup(HostPortFamilies, State, Err); {ok, AddrPorts} -> {ok, AddrPorts} end; a_lookup([], _State, Err) -> Err. -spec a_lookup(inet:hostname(), inet:port_number(), inet:address_family(), non_neg_integer(), integer()) -> {ok, [ip_port()]} | network_error(). a_lookup(_Host, _Port, _Family, _Timeout, Retries) when Retries < 1 -> {error, timeout}; a_lookup(Host, Port, Family, Timeout, Retries) -> case inet:gethostbyname(Host, Family, Timeout) of {error, timeout} -> a_lookup(Host, Port, Family, Timeout, Retries - 1); {error, _} = Err -> Err; {ok, HostEntry} -> host_entry_to_addr_ports(HostEntry, Port) end. -spec host_entry_to_host_ports(inet:hostent()) -> {ok, [host_port()]} | {error, nxdomain}. host_entry_to_host_ports(#hostent{h_addr_list = AddrList}) -> PrioHostPorts = lists:flatmap( fun({Priority, Weight, Port, Host}) -> N = case Weight of 0 -> 0; _ -> (Weight + 1) * randoms:uniform() end, [{Priority * 65536 - N, Host, Port}]; (_) -> [] end, AddrList), HostPorts = [{Host, Port} || {_Priority, Host, Port} <- lists:usort(PrioHostPorts)], case HostPorts of [] -> {error, nxdomain}; _ -> {ok, HostPorts} end. -spec host_entry_to_addr_ports(inet:hostent(), inet:port_number()) -> {ok, [ip_port()]} | {error, nxdomain}. host_entry_to_addr_ports(#hostent{h_addr_list = AddrList}, Port) -> AddrPorts = lists:flatmap( fun(Addr) -> try get_addr_type(Addr) of _ -> [{Addr, Port}] catch _:_ -> [] end end, AddrList), case AddrPorts of [] -> {error, nxdomain}; _ -> {ok, AddrPorts} end. -spec connect([ip_port()], state()) -> {ok, term(), ip_port()} | network_error(). connect(AddrPorts, #{sockmod := SockMod} = State) -> Timeout = get_connect_timeout(State), connect(AddrPorts, SockMod, Timeout, {error, nxdomain}). -spec connect([ip_port()], module(), non_neg_integer(), network_error()) -> {ok, term(), ip_port()} | network_error(). connect([{Addr, Port}|AddrPorts], SockMod, Timeout, _) -> Type = get_addr_type(Addr), case SockMod:connect(Addr, Port, [binary, {packet, 0}, {send_timeout, ?TCP_SEND_TIMEOUT}, {send_timeout_close, true}, {active, false}, Type], Timeout) of {ok, Socket} -> {ok, Socket, {Addr, Port}}; Err -> connect(AddrPorts, SockMod, Timeout, Err) end; connect([], _SockMod, _Timeout, Err) -> Err. -spec get_addr_type(inet:ip_address()) -> inet:address_family(). get_addr_type({_, _, _, _}) -> inet; get_addr_type({_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _}) -> inet6. -spec get_dns_timeout(state()) -> non_neg_integer(). get_dns_timeout(#{mod := Mod} = State) -> timer:seconds( try Mod:dns_timeout(State) catch _:undef -> 10 end). -spec get_dns_retries(state()) -> non_neg_integer(). get_dns_retries(#{mod := Mod} = State) -> try Mod:dns_retries(State) catch _:undef -> 2 end. -spec get_default_port(state()) -> inet:port_number(). get_default_port(#{mod := Mod, xmlns := NS} = State) -> try Mod:default_port(State) catch _:undef when NS == ?NS_SERVER -> 5269; _:undef when NS == ?NS_CLIENT -> 5222 end. -spec get_address_families(state()) -> [inet:address_family()]. get_address_families(#{mod := Mod} = State) -> try Mod:address_families(State) catch _:undef -> [inet, inet6] end. -spec get_connect_timeout(state()) -> non_neg_integer(). get_connect_timeout(#{mod := Mod} = State) -> timer:seconds( try Mod:connect_timeout(State) catch _:undef -> 10 end).