%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author Evgeniy Khramtsov <> %%% @copyright (C) 2013-2016, Evgeniy Khramtsov %%% @doc %%% %%% @end %%% Created : 27 Jun 2013 by Evgeniy Khramtsov <> %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(suite). %% API -compile(export_all). -include("suite.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). -include("mod_roster.hrl"). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== init_config(Config) -> DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), PrivDir = proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config), [_, _|Tail] = lists:reverse(filename:split(DataDir)), BaseDir = filename:join(lists:reverse(Tail)), ConfigPathTpl = filename:join([DataDir, "ejabberd.yml"]), LogPath = filename:join([PrivDir, "ejabberd.log"]), SASLPath = filename:join([PrivDir, "sasl.log"]), MnesiaDir = filename:join([PrivDir, "mnesia"]), CertFile = filename:join([DataDir, "cert.pem"]), SelfSignedCertFile = filename:join([DataDir, "self-signed-cert.pem"]), CAFile = filename:join([DataDir, "ca.pem"]), {ok, CWD} = file:get_cwd(), {ok, _} = file:copy(CertFile, filename:join([CWD, "cert.pem"])), {ok, _} = file:copy(SelfSignedCertFile, filename:join([CWD, "self-signed-cert.pem"])), {ok, _} = file:copy(CAFile, filename:join([CWD, "ca.pem"])), {ok, CfgContentTpl} = file:read_file(ConfigPathTpl), Password = <<"password!@#$%^&*()'\"`~<>+-/;:_=[]{}|\\">>, CfgContent = process_config_tpl(CfgContentTpl, [ {c2s_port, 5222}, {loglevel, 4}, {s2s_port, 5269}, {component_port, 5270}, {web_port, 5280}, {password, Password}, {mysql_server, <<"localhost">>}, {mysql_port, 3306}, {mysql_db, <<"ejabberd_test">>}, {mysql_user, <<"ejabberd_test">>}, {mysql_pass, <<"ejabberd_test">>}, {pgsql_server, <<"localhost">>}, {pgsql_port, 5432}, {pgsql_db, <<"ejabberd_test">>}, {pgsql_user, <<"ejabberd_test">>}, {pgsql_pass, <<"ejabberd_test">>} ]), ConfigPath = filename:join([CWD, "ejabberd.yml"]), ok = file:write_file(ConfigPath, CfgContent), setup_ejabberd_lib_path(Config), ok = application:load(sasl), ok = application:load(mnesia), ok = application:load(ejabberd), application:set_env(ejabberd, config, ConfigPath), application:set_env(ejabberd, log_path, LogPath), application:set_env(sasl, sasl_error_logger, {file, SASLPath}), application:set_env(mnesia, dir, MnesiaDir), [{server_port, ct:get_config(c2s_port, 5222)}, {server_host, "localhost"}, {component_port, ct:get_config(component_port, 5270)}, {s2s_port, ct:get_config(s2s_port, 5269)}, {server, ?COMMON_VHOST}, {user, <<"test_single!#$%^*()`~+-;_=[]{}|\\">>}, {nick, <<"nick!@#$%^&*()'\"`~<>+-/;:_=[]{}|\\">>}, {master_nick, <<"master_nick!@#$%^&*()'\"`~<>+-/;:_=[]{}|\\">>}, {slave_nick, <<"slave_nick!@#$%^&*()'\"`~<>+-/;:_=[]{}|\\">>}, {room_subject, <<"hello, world!@#$%^&*()'\"`~<>+-/;:_=[]{}|\\">>}, {certfile, CertFile}, {persistent_room, true}, {anonymous, false}, {type, client}, {xmlns, ?NS_CLIENT}, {ns_stream, ?NS_STREAM}, {stream_version, {1, 0}}, {stream_id, <<"">>}, {stream_from, <<"">>}, {db_xmlns, <<"">>}, {mechs, []}, {rosterver, false}, {lang, <<"en">>}, {base_dir, BaseDir}, {socket, undefined}, {pubsub_node, <<"node!@#$%^&*()'\"`~<>+-/;:_=[]{}|\\">>}, {pubsub_node_title, <<"title!@#$%^&*()'\"`~<>+-/;:_=[]{}|\\">>}, {resource, <<"resource!@#$%^&*()'\"`~<>+-/;:_=[]{}|\\">>}, {master_resource, <<"master_resource!@#$%^&*()'\"`~<>+-/;:_=[]{}|\\">>}, {slave_resource, <<"slave_resource!@#$%^&*()'\"`~<>+-/;:_=[]{}|\\">>}, {password, Password}, {backends, get_config_backends()} |Config]. find_top_dir(Dir) -> case file:read_file_info(filename:join([Dir, ebin])) of {ok, #file_info{type = directory}} -> Dir; _ -> find_top_dir(filename:dirname(Dir)) end. setup_ejabberd_lib_path(Config) -> case code:lib_dir(ejabberd) of {error, _} -> DataDir = proplists:get_value(data_dir, Config), {ok, CWD} = file:get_cwd(), NewEjPath = filename:join([CWD, "ejabberd-0.0.1"]), TopDir = find_top_dir(DataDir), ok = file:make_symlink(TopDir, NewEjPath), code:replace_path(ejabberd, NewEjPath); _ -> ok end. %% Read environment variable CT_DB=riak,mysql to limit the backends to test. %% You can thus limit the backend you want to test with: %% CT_BACKENDS=riak,mysql rebar ct suites=ejabberd get_config_backends() -> case os:getenv("CT_BACKENDS") of false -> all; String -> Backends0 = string:tokens(String, ","), lists:map(fun(Backend) -> string:strip(Backend, both, $ ) end, Backends0) end. process_config_tpl(Content, []) -> Content; process_config_tpl(Content, [{Name, DefaultValue} | Rest]) -> Val = case ct:get_config(Name, DefaultValue) of V1 when is_integer(V1) -> integer_to_binary(V1); V2 when is_atom(V2) -> atom_to_binary(V2, latin1); V3 -> V3 end, NewContent = binary:replace(Content, <<"@@",(atom_to_binary(Name, latin1))/binary, "@@">>, Val), process_config_tpl(NewContent, Rest). stream_header(Config) -> To = case ?config(server, Config) of <<"">> -> undefined; Server -> jid:make(Server) end, From = case ?config(stream_from, Config) of <<"">> -> undefined; Frm -> jid:make(Frm) end, #stream_start{to = To, from = From, lang = ?config(lang, Config), version = ?config(stream_version, Config), xmlns = ?config(xmlns, Config), db_xmlns = ?config(db_xmlns, Config), stream_xmlns = ?config(ns_stream, Config)}. connect(Config) -> NewConfig = init_stream(Config), case ?config(type, NewConfig) of client -> process_stream_features(NewConfig); server -> process_stream_features(NewConfig); component -> NewConfig end. tcp_connect(Config) -> case ?config(socket, Config) of undefined -> Owner = self(), NS = case ?config(type, Config) of client -> ?NS_CLIENT; server -> ?NS_SERVER; component -> ?NS_COMPONENT end, ReceiverPid = spawn(fun() -> receiver(NS, Owner) end), {ok, Sock} = ejabberd_socket:connect( ?config(server_host, Config), ?config(server_port, Config), [binary, {packet, 0}, {active, false}], infinity, ReceiverPid), set_opt(socket, Sock, Config); _ -> Config end. init_stream(Config) -> Version = ?config(stream_version, Config), NewConfig = tcp_connect(Config), send(NewConfig, stream_header(NewConfig)), XMLNS = case ?config(type, Config) of client -> ?NS_CLIENT; component -> ?NS_COMPONENT; server -> ?NS_SERVER end, receive #stream_start{id = ID, xmlns = XMLNS, version = Version} -> set_opt(stream_id, ID, NewConfig) end. process_stream_features(Config) -> receive #stream_features{sub_els = Fs} -> Mechs = lists:flatmap( fun(#sasl_mechanisms{list = Ms}) -> Ms; (_) -> [] end, Fs), lists:foldl( fun(#feature_register{}, Acc) -> set_opt(register, true, Acc); (#starttls{}, Acc) -> set_opt(starttls, true, Acc); (#compression{methods = Ms}, Acc) -> set_opt(compression, Ms, Acc); (_, Acc) -> Acc end, set_opt(mechs, Mechs, Config), Fs) end. disconnect(Config) -> ct:comment("Disconnecting"), Socket = ?config(socket, Config), try ok = send_text(Config, ?STREAM_TRAILER) catch exit:normal -> ok end, receive {xmlstreamend, <<"stream:stream">>} -> ok end, flush(Config), ejabberd_socket:close(Socket), ct:comment("Disconnected"), set_opt(socket, undefined, Config). close_socket(Config) -> Socket = ?config(socket, Config), ejabberd_socket:close(Socket), Config. starttls(Config) -> starttls(Config, false). starttls(Config, ShouldFail) -> send(Config, #starttls{}), receive #starttls_proceed{} when ShouldFail -> ct:fail(starttls_should_have_failed); #starttls_failure{} when ShouldFail -> Config; #starttls_failure{} -> ct:fail(starttls_failed); #starttls_proceed{} -> TLSSocket = ejabberd_socket:starttls( ?config(socket, Config), [{certfile, ?config(certfile, Config)}, connect]), set_opt(socket, TLSSocket, Config) end. zlib(Config) -> send(Config, #compress{methods = [<<"zlib">>]}), receive #compressed{} -> ok end, ZlibSocket = ejabberd_socket:compress(?config(socket, Config)), process_stream_features(init_stream(set_opt(socket, ZlibSocket, Config))). auth(Config) -> auth(Config, false). auth(Config, ShouldFail) -> Type = ?config(type, Config), IsAnonymous = ?config(anonymous, Config), Mechs = ?config(mechs, Config), HaveMD5 = lists:member(<<"DIGEST-MD5">>, Mechs), HavePLAIN = lists:member(<<"PLAIN">>, Mechs), HaveExternal = lists:member(<<"EXTERNAL">>, Mechs), HaveAnonymous = lists:member(<<"ANONYMOUS">>, Mechs), if HaveAnonymous and IsAnonymous -> auth_SASL(<<"ANONYMOUS">>, Config, ShouldFail); HavePLAIN -> auth_SASL(<<"PLAIN">>, Config, ShouldFail); HaveMD5 -> auth_SASL(<<"DIGEST-MD5">>, Config, ShouldFail); HaveExternal andalso Type == server -> auth_SASL(<<"EXTERNAL">>, Config, ShouldFail); Type == client -> auth_legacy(Config, false, ShouldFail); Type == component -> auth_component(Config, ShouldFail); true -> ct:fail(no_known_sasl_mechanism_available) end. bind(Config) -> U = ?config(user, Config), S = ?config(server, Config), R = ?config(resource, Config), case ?config(type, Config) of client -> #iq{type = result, sub_els = [#bind{jid = JID}]} = send_recv( Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#bind{resource = R}]}), case ?config(anonymous, Config) of false -> {U, S, R} = jid:tolower(JID), Config; true -> {User, S, Resource} = jid:tolower(JID), set_opt(user, User, set_opt(resource, Resource, Config)) end; component -> Config end. open_session(Config) -> open_session(Config, false). open_session(Config, Force) -> if Force -> #iq{type = result, sub_els = []} = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = set, sub_els = [#xmpp_session{}]}); true -> ok end, Config. auth_legacy(Config, IsDigest) -> auth_legacy(Config, IsDigest, false). auth_legacy(Config, IsDigest, ShouldFail) -> ServerJID = server_jid(Config), U = ?config(user, Config), R = ?config(resource, Config), P = ?config(password, Config), #iq{type = result, from = ServerJID, sub_els = [#legacy_auth{username = <<"">>, password = <<"">>, resource = <<"">>} = Auth]} = send_recv(Config, #iq{to = ServerJID, type = get, sub_els = [#legacy_auth{}]}), Res = case Auth#legacy_auth.digest of <<"">> when IsDigest -> StreamID = ?config(stream_id, Config), D = p1_sha:sha(<>), send_recv(Config, #iq{to = ServerJID, type = set, sub_els = [#legacy_auth{username = U, resource = R, digest = D}]}); _ when not IsDigest -> send_recv(Config, #iq{to = ServerJID, type = set, sub_els = [#legacy_auth{username = U, resource = R, password = P}]}) end, case Res of #iq{from = ServerJID, type = result, sub_els = []} -> if ShouldFail -> ct:fail(legacy_auth_should_have_failed); true -> Config end; #iq{from = ServerJID, type = error} -> if ShouldFail -> Config; true -> ct:fail(legacy_auth_failed) end end. auth_component(Config, ShouldFail) -> StreamID = ?config(stream_id, Config), Password = ?config(password, Config), Digest = p1_sha:sha(<>), send(Config, #handshake{data = Digest}), receive #handshake{} when ShouldFail -> ct:fail(component_auth_should_have_failed); #handshake{} -> Config; #stream_error{reason = 'not-authorized'} when ShouldFail -> Config; #stream_error{reason = 'not-authorized'} -> ct:fail(component_auth_failed) end. auth_SASL(Mech, Config) -> auth_SASL(Mech, Config, false). auth_SASL(Mech, Config, ShouldFail) -> {Response, SASL} = sasl_new(Mech, ?config(user, Config), ?config(server, Config), ?config(password, Config)), send(Config, #sasl_auth{mechanism = Mech, text = Response}), wait_auth_SASL_result(set_opt(sasl, SASL, Config), ShouldFail). wait_auth_SASL_result(Config, ShouldFail) -> receive #sasl_success{} when ShouldFail -> ct:fail(sasl_auth_should_have_failed); #sasl_success{} -> ejabberd_socket:reset_stream(?config(socket, Config)), send(Config, stream_header(Config)), Type = ?config(type, Config), NS = if Type == client -> ?NS_CLIENT; Type == server -> ?NS_SERVER end, receive #stream_start{xmlns = NS, version = {1,0}} -> ok end, receive #stream_features{sub_els = Fs} -> if Type == client -> #xmpp_session{optional = true} = lists:keyfind(xmpp_session, 1, Fs); true -> ok end, lists:foldl( fun(#feature_sm{}, ConfigAcc) -> set_opt(sm, true, ConfigAcc); (#feature_csi{}, ConfigAcc) -> set_opt(csi, true, ConfigAcc); (#rosterver_feature{}, ConfigAcc) -> set_opt(rosterver, true, ConfigAcc); (_, ConfigAcc) -> ConfigAcc end, Config, Fs) end; #sasl_challenge{text = ClientIn} -> {Response, SASL} = (?config(sasl, Config))(ClientIn), send(Config, #sasl_response{text = Response}), wait_auth_SASL_result(set_opt(sasl, SASL, Config), ShouldFail); #sasl_failure{} when ShouldFail -> Config; #sasl_failure{} -> ct:fail(sasl_auth_failed) end. re_register(Config) -> User = ?config(user, Config), Server = ?config(server, Config), Pass = ?config(password, Config), {atomic, ok} = ejabberd_auth:try_register(User, Server, Pass), ok. match_failure(Received, [Match]) when is_list(Match)-> ct:fail("Received input:~n~n~p~n~ndon't match expected patterns:~n~n~s", [Received, Match]); match_failure(Received, Matches) -> ct:fail("Received input:~n~n~p~n~ndon't match expected patterns:~n~n~p", [Received, Matches]). recv(_Config) -> receive {fail, El, Why} -> ct:fail("recv failed: ~p->~n~s", [El, xmpp:format_error(Why)]); Event -> Event end. recv_iq(_Config) -> receive #iq{} = IQ -> IQ end. recv_presence(_Config) -> receive #presence{} = Pres -> Pres end. recv_message(_Config) -> receive #message{} = Msg -> Msg end. decode_stream_element(NS, El) -> decode(El, NS, []). format_element(El) -> case erlang:function_exported(ct, log, 5) of true -> ejabberd_web_admin:pretty_print_xml(El); false -> io_lib:format(" ~s~n", El) end. decode(El, NS, Opts) -> try Pkt = xmpp:decode(El, NS, Opts), ct:pal("RECV:~n~s~n~s", [format_element(El), xmpp:pp(Pkt)]), Pkt catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} -> ct:fail("recv failed: ~p->~n~s", [El, xmpp:format_error(Why)]) end. send_text(Config, Text) -> ejabberd_socket:send(?config(socket, Config), Text). send(State, Pkt) -> {NewID, NewPkt} = case Pkt of #message{id = I} -> ID = id(I), {ID, Pkt#message{id = ID}}; #presence{id = I} -> ID = id(I), {ID, Pkt#presence{id = ID}}; #iq{id = I} -> ID = id(I), {ID, Pkt#iq{id = ID}}; _ -> {undefined, Pkt} end, El = xmpp:encode(NewPkt), ct:pal("SENT:~n~s~n~s", [format_element(El), xmpp:pp(NewPkt)]), Data = case NewPkt of #stream_start{} -> fxml:element_to_header(El); _ -> fxml:element_to_binary(El) end, ok = send_text(State, Data), NewID. send_recv(State, #message{} = Msg) -> ID = send(State, Msg), receive #message{id = ID} = Result -> Result end; send_recv(State, #presence{} = Pres) -> ID = send(State, Pres), receive #presence{id = ID} = Result -> Result end; send_recv(State, #iq{} = IQ) -> ID = send(State, IQ), receive #iq{id = ID} = Result -> Result end. sasl_new(<<"PLAIN">>, User, Server, Password) -> {<>, fun (_) -> {error, <<"Invalid SASL challenge">>} end}; sasl_new(<<"EXTERNAL">>, _User, _Server, _Password) -> {<<"">>, fun(_) -> ct:fail(sasl_challenge_is_not_expected) end}; sasl_new(<<"ANONYMOUS">>, _User, _Server, _Password) -> {<<"">>, fun(_) -> ct:fail(sasl_challenge_is_not_expected) end}; sasl_new(<<"DIGEST-MD5">>, User, Server, Password) -> {<<"">>, fun (ServerIn) -> case cyrsasl_digest:parse(ServerIn) of bad -> {error, <<"Invalid SASL challenge">>}; KeyVals -> Nonce = fxml:get_attr_s(<<"nonce">>, KeyVals), CNonce = id(), Realm = proplists:get_value(<<"realm">>, KeyVals, Server), DigestURI = <<"xmpp/", Realm/binary>>, NC = <<"00000001">>, QOP = <<"auth">>, AuthzId = <<"">>, MyResponse = response(User, Password, Nonce, AuthzId, Realm, CNonce, DigestURI, NC, QOP, <<"AUTHENTICATE">>), SUser = << <<(case Char of $" -> <<"\\\"">>; $\\ -> <<"\\\\">>; _ -> <> end)/binary>> || <> <= User >>, Resp = <<"username=\"", SUser/binary, "\",realm=\"", Realm/binary, "\",nonce=\"", Nonce/binary, "\",cnonce=\"", CNonce/binary, "\",nc=", NC/binary, ",qop=", QOP/binary, ",digest-uri=\"", DigestURI/binary, "\",response=\"", MyResponse/binary, "\"">>, {Resp, fun (ServerIn2) -> case cyrsasl_digest:parse(ServerIn2) of bad -> {error, <<"Invalid SASL challenge">>}; _KeyVals2 -> {<<"">>, fun (_) -> {error, <<"Invalid SASL challenge">>} end} end end} end end}. hex(S) -> p1_sha:to_hexlist(S). response(User, Passwd, Nonce, AuthzId, Realm, CNonce, DigestURI, NC, QOP, A2Prefix) -> A1 = case AuthzId of <<"">> -> <<((erlang:md5(<>)))/binary, ":", Nonce/binary, ":", CNonce/binary>>; _ -> <<((erlang:md5(<>)))/binary, ":", Nonce/binary, ":", CNonce/binary, ":", AuthzId/binary>> end, A2 = case QOP of <<"auth">> -> <>; _ -> <> end, T = <<(hex((erlang:md5(A1))))/binary, ":", Nonce/binary, ":", NC/binary, ":", CNonce/binary, ":", QOP/binary, ":", (hex((erlang:md5(A2))))/binary>>, hex((erlang:md5(T))). my_jid(Config) -> jid:make(?config(user, Config), ?config(server, Config), ?config(resource, Config)). server_jid(Config) -> jid:make(<<>>, ?config(server, Config), <<>>). pubsub_jid(Config) -> Server = ?config(server, Config), jid:make(<<>>, <<"pubsub.", Server/binary>>, <<>>). proxy_jid(Config) -> Server = ?config(server, Config), jid:make(<<>>, <<"proxy.", Server/binary>>, <<>>). muc_jid(Config) -> Server = ?config(server, Config), jid:make(<<>>, <<"conference.", Server/binary>>, <<>>). muc_room_jid(Config) -> Server = ?config(server, Config), jid:make(<<"test">>, <<"conference.", Server/binary>>, <<>>). my_muc_jid(Config) -> Nick = ?config(nick, Config), RoomJID = muc_room_jid(Config), jid:replace_resource(RoomJID, Nick). peer_muc_jid(Config) -> PeerNick = ?config(peer_nick, Config), RoomJID = muc_room_jid(Config), jid:replace_resource(RoomJID, PeerNick). alt_room_jid(Config) -> Server = ?config(server, Config), jid:make(<<"alt">>, <<"conference.", Server/binary>>, <<>>). mix_jid(Config) -> Server = ?config(server, Config), jid:make(<<>>, <<"mix.", Server/binary>>, <<>>). mix_room_jid(Config) -> Server = ?config(server, Config), jid:make(<<"test">>, <<"mix.", Server/binary>>, <<>>). id() -> id(<<>>). id(<<>>) -> randoms:get_string(); id(ID) -> ID. get_features(Config) -> get_features(Config, server_jid(Config)). get_features(Config, To) -> ct:comment("Getting features of ~s", [jid:to_string(To)]), #iq{type = result, sub_els = [#disco_info{features = Features}]} = send_recv(Config, #iq{type = get, sub_els = [#disco_info{}], to = To}), Features. is_feature_advertised(Config, Feature) -> is_feature_advertised(Config, Feature, server_jid(Config)). is_feature_advertised(Config, Feature, To) -> Features = get_features(Config, To), lists:member(Feature, Features). set_opt(Opt, Val, Config) -> [{Opt, Val}|lists:keydelete(Opt, 1, Config)]. wait_for_master(Config) -> put_event(Config, peer_ready), case get_event(Config) of peer_ready -> ok; Other -> suite:match_failure(Other, peer_ready) end. wait_for_slave(Config) -> put_event(Config, peer_ready), case get_event(Config) of peer_ready -> ok; Other -> suite:match_failure(Other, peer_ready) end. make_iq_result(#iq{from = From} = IQ) -> IQ#iq{type = result, to = From, from = undefined, sub_els = []}. self_presence(Config, Type) -> MyJID = my_jid(Config), ct:comment("Sending self-presence"), #presence{type = Type, from = MyJID} = send_recv(Config, #presence{type = Type}). set_roster(Config, Subscription, Groups) -> MyJID = my_jid(Config), {U, S, _} = jid:tolower(MyJID), PeerJID = ?config(peer, Config), PeerBareJID = jid:remove_resource(PeerJID), PeerLJID = jid:tolower(PeerBareJID), ct:comment("Adding ~s to roster with subscription '~s' in groups ~p", [jid:to_string(PeerBareJID), Subscription, Groups]), {atomic, _} = mod_roster:set_roster(#roster{usj = {U, S, PeerLJID}, us = {U, S}, jid = PeerLJID, subscription = Subscription, groups = Groups}), Config. del_roster(Config) -> del_roster(Config, ?config(peer, Config)). del_roster(Config, PeerJID) -> MyJID = my_jid(Config), {U, S, _} = jid:tolower(MyJID), PeerBareJID = jid:remove_resource(PeerJID), PeerLJID = jid:tolower(PeerBareJID), ct:comment("Removing ~s from roster", [jid:to_string(PeerBareJID)]), {atomic, _} = mod_roster:del_roster(U, S, PeerLJID), Config. get_roster(Config) -> {LUser, LServer, _} = jid:tolower(my_jid(Config)), mod_roster:get_roster(LUser, LServer). receiver(NS, Owner) -> MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Owner), receiver(NS, Owner, MRef). receiver(NS, Owner, MRef) -> receive {'$gen_event', {xmlstreamelement, El}} -> Owner ! decode_stream_element(NS, El), receiver(NS, Owner, MRef); {'$gen_event', {xmlstreamstart, Name, Attrs}} -> Owner ! decode(#xmlel{name = Name, attrs = Attrs}, <<>>, []), receiver(NS, Owner, MRef); {'$gen_event', Event} -> Owner ! Event, receiver(NS, Owner, MRef); {'DOWN', MRef, process, Owner, _} -> ok end. %%%=================================================================== %%% Clients puts and gets events via this relay. %%%=================================================================== start_event_relay() -> spawn(fun event_relay/0). stop_event_relay(Config) -> Pid = ?config(event_relay, Config), exit(Pid, normal). event_relay() -> event_relay([], []). event_relay(Events, Subscribers) -> receive {subscribe, From} -> erlang:monitor(process, From), From ! {ok, self()}, lists:foreach( fun(Event) -> From ! {event, Event, self()} end, Events), event_relay(Events, [From|Subscribers]); {put, Event, From} -> From ! {ok, self()}, lists:foreach( fun(Pid) when Pid /= From -> Pid ! {event, Event, self()}; (_) -> ok end, Subscribers), event_relay([Event|Events], Subscribers); {'DOWN', _MRef, process, Pid, _Info} -> case lists:member(Pid, Subscribers) of true -> NewSubscribers = lists:delete(Pid, Subscribers), lists:foreach( fun(Subscriber) -> Subscriber ! {event, peer_down, self()} end, NewSubscribers), event_relay(Events, NewSubscribers); false -> event_relay(Events, Subscribers) end end. subscribe_to_events(Config) -> Relay = ?config(event_relay, Config), Relay ! {subscribe, self()}, receive {ok, Relay} -> ok end. put_event(Config, Event) -> Relay = ?config(event_relay, Config), Relay ! {put, Event, self()}, receive {ok, Relay} -> ok end. get_event(Config) -> Relay = ?config(event_relay, Config), receive {event, Event, Relay} -> Event end. flush(Config) -> receive {event, peer_down, _} -> flush(Config); closed -> flush(Config); Msg -> ct:fail({unexpected_msg, Msg}) after 0 -> ok end.