%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author Evgeny Khramtsov %%% @copyright (C) 2002-2019 ProcessOne, SARL. All Rights Reserved. %%% %%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %%% You may obtain a copy of the License at %%% %%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %%% %%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %%% limitations under the License. %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_mqtt). -behaviour(p1_server). -behaviour(gen_mod). -behaviour(ejabberd_listener). %% gen_mod API -export([start/2, stop/1, reload/3, depends/2, mod_options/1, mod_opt_type/1]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). %% ejabberd_listener API -export([start/3, start_link/3, listen_opt_type/1, listen_options/0, accept/1]). %% Legacy ejabberd_listener API -export([become_controller/2, socket_type/0]). %% API -export([open_session/1, close_session/1, lookup_session/1, publish/3, subscribe/4, unsubscribe/2, select_retained/4, check_publish_access/2, check_subscribe_access/2]). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("mqtt.hrl"). -define(MQTT_TOPIC_CACHE, mqtt_topic_cache). -define(MQTT_PAYLOAD_CACHE, mqtt_payload_cache). -type continuation() :: term(). -type seconds() :: non_neg_integer(). %% RAM backend callbacks -callback init() -> ok | {error, any()}. -callback open_session(jid:ljid()) -> ok | {error, db_failure}. -callback close_session(jid:ljid()) -> ok | {error, db_failure}. -callback lookup_session(jid:ljid()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, notfound | db_failure}. -callback subscribe(jid:ljid(), binary(), sub_opts(), non_neg_integer()) -> ok | {error, db_failure}. -callback unsubscribe(jid:ljid(), binary()) -> ok | {error, notfound | db_failure}. -callback find_subscriber(binary(), binary() | continuation()) -> {ok, {pid(), qos()}, continuation()} | {error, notfound | db_failure}. %% Disc backend callbacks -callback init(binary(), gen_mod:opts()) -> ok | {error, any()}. -callback publish(jid:ljid(), binary(), binary(), qos(), properties(), seconds()) -> ok | {error, db_failure}. -callback delete_published(jid:ljid(), binary()) -> ok | {error, db_failure}. -callback lookup_published(jid:ljid(), binary()) -> {ok, {binary(), qos(), properties(), seconds()}} | {error, notfound | db_failure}. -callback list_topics(binary()) -> {ok, [binary()]} | {error, db_failure}. -callback use_cache(binary()) -> boolean(). -callback cache_nodes(binary()) -> [node()]. -optional_callbacks([use_cache/1, cache_nodes/1]). -record(state, {}). %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== start(SockMod, Sock, ListenOpts) -> mod_mqtt_session:start(SockMod, Sock, ListenOpts). start(Host, Opts) -> gen_mod:start_child(?MODULE, Host, Opts). start_link(SockMod, Sock, ListenOpts) -> mod_mqtt_session:start_link(SockMod, Sock, ListenOpts). stop(Host) -> gen_mod:stop_child(?MODULE, Host). reload(_Host, _NewOpts, _OldOpts) -> ok. depends(_Host, _Opts) -> []. socket_type() -> raw. become_controller(Pid, _) -> accept(Pid). accept(Pid) -> mod_mqtt_session:accept(Pid). open_session({U, S, R}) -> Mod = gen_mod:ram_db_mod(S, ?MODULE), Mod:open_session({U, S, R}). close_session({U, S, R}) -> Mod = gen_mod:ram_db_mod(S, ?MODULE), Mod:close_session({U, S, R}). lookup_session({U, S, R}) -> Mod = gen_mod:ram_db_mod(S, ?MODULE), Mod:lookup_session({U, S, R}). -spec publish(jid:ljid(), publish(), seconds()) -> {ok, non_neg_integer()} | {error, db_failure | publish_forbidden}. publish({_, S, _} = USR, Pkt, ExpiryTime) -> case check_publish_access(Pkt#publish.topic, USR) of allow -> case retain(USR, Pkt, ExpiryTime) of ok -> Mod = gen_mod:ram_db_mod(S, ?MODULE), route(Mod, S, Pkt, ExpiryTime); {error, _} = Err -> Err end; deny -> {error, publish_forbidden} end. -spec subscribe(jid:ljid(), binary(), sub_opts(), non_neg_integer()) -> ok | {error, db_failure | subscribe_forbidden}. subscribe({_, S, _} = USR, TopicFilter, SubOpts, ID) -> Mod = gen_mod:ram_db_mod(S, ?MODULE), Limit = gen_mod:get_module_opt(S, ?MODULE, max_topic_depth), case check_topic_depth(TopicFilter, Limit) of allow -> case check_subscribe_access(TopicFilter, USR) of allow -> Mod:subscribe(USR, TopicFilter, SubOpts, ID); deny -> {error, subscribe_forbidden} end; deny -> {error, subscribe_forbidden} end. -spec unsubscribe(jid:ljid(), binary()) -> ok | {error, notfound | db_failure}. unsubscribe({U, S, R}, Topic) -> Mod = gen_mod:ram_db_mod(S, ?MODULE), Mod:unsubscribe({U, S, R}, Topic). -spec select_retained(jid:ljid(), binary(), qos(), non_neg_integer()) -> [{publish(), seconds()}]. select_retained({_, S, _} = USR, TopicFilter, QoS, SubID) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(S, ?MODULE), Limit = gen_mod:get_module_opt(S, ?MODULE, match_retained_limit), select_retained(Mod, USR, TopicFilter, QoS, SubID, Limit). %%%=================================================================== %%% gen_server callbacks %%%=================================================================== init([Host, Opts]) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(Host, Opts, ?MODULE), RMod = gen_mod:ram_db_mod(Host, Opts, ?MODULE), try ok = Mod:init(Host, Opts), ok = RMod:init(), ok = init_cache(Mod, Host, Opts), {ok, #state{}} catch _:{badmatch, {error, Why}} -> {stop, Why} end. handle_call(_Request, _From, State) -> Reply = ok, {reply, Reply, State}. handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}. handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %%%=================================================================== %%% Options %%%=================================================================== mod_options(Host) -> [{match_retained_limit, 1000}, {max_topic_depth, 8}, {max_topic_aliases, 100}, {session_expiry, 300}, {max_queue, 5000}, {access_subscribe, []}, {access_publish, []}, {db_type, ejabberd_config:default_db(Host, ?MODULE)}, {ram_db_type, ejabberd_config:default_ram_db(Host, ?MODULE)}, {queue_type, ejabberd_config:default_queue_type(Host)}, {use_cache, ejabberd_config:use_cache(Host)}, {cache_size, ejabberd_config:cache_size(Host)}, {cache_missed, ejabberd_config:cache_missed(Host)}, {cache_life_time, ejabberd_config:cache_life_time(Host)}]. mod_opt_type(max_queue) -> fun(I) when is_integer(I), I > 0 -> I; (infinity) -> unlimited; (unlimited) -> unlimited end; mod_opt_type(session_expiry) -> fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>= 0 -> I end; mod_opt_type(match_retained_limit) -> fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>0 -> I; (unlimited) -> infinity; (infinity) -> infinity end; mod_opt_type(max_topic_depth) -> fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>0 -> I; (unlimited) -> infinity; (infinity) -> infinity end; mod_opt_type(max_topic_aliases) -> fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>=0, I<65536 -> I end; mod_opt_type(access_subscribe) -> fun validate_topic_access/1; mod_opt_type(access_publish) -> fun validate_topic_access/1; mod_opt_type(db_type) -> fun(T) -> ejabberd_config:v_db(?MODULE, T) end; mod_opt_type(ram_db_type) -> fun(T) -> ejabberd_config:v_db(?MODULE, T) end; mod_opt_type(queue_type) -> fun(ram) -> ram; (file) -> file end; mod_opt_type(O) when O == cache_life_time; O == cache_size -> fun(I) when is_integer(I), I > 0 -> I; (infinity) -> infinity end; mod_opt_type(O) when O == use_cache; O == cache_missed -> fun (B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end. listen_opt_type(tls_verify) -> fun(B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end; listen_opt_type(max_payload_size) -> fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>0 -> I; (unlimited) -> infinity; (infinity) -> infinity end. listen_options() -> [{max_fsm_queue, 5000}, {max_payload_size, infinity}, {tls, false}, {tls_verify, false}]. %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== route(Mod, LServer, Pkt, ExpiryTime) -> route(Mod, LServer, Pkt, ExpiryTime, Pkt#publish.topic, 0). route(Mod, LServer, Pkt, ExpiryTime, Continuation, Num) -> case Mod:find_subscriber(LServer, Continuation) of {ok, {Pid, #sub_opts{no_local = true}, _}, Continuation1} when Pid == self() -> route(Mod, LServer, Pkt, ExpiryTime, Continuation1, Num); {ok, {Pid, SubOpts, ID}, Continuation1} -> ?DEBUG("Route to ~p: ~s", [Pid, Pkt#publish.topic]), MinQoS = min(SubOpts#sub_opts.qos, Pkt#publish.qos), Retain = case SubOpts#sub_opts.retain_as_published of false -> false; true -> Pkt#publish.retain end, Props = set_sub_id(ID, Pkt#publish.properties), mod_mqtt_session:route( Pid, {Pkt#publish{qos = MinQoS, dup = false, retain = Retain, properties = Props}, ExpiryTime}), route(Mod, LServer, Pkt, ExpiryTime, Continuation1, Num+1); {error, _} -> {ok, Num} end. select_retained(Mod, {_, LServer, _} = USR, TopicFilter, QoS, SubID, Limit) -> Topics = match_topics(TopicFilter, LServer, Limit), lists:filtermap( fun({{Filter, _}, Topic}) -> case lookup_published(Mod, USR, Topic) of {ok, {Payload, QoS1, Props, ExpiryTime}} -> Props1 = set_sub_id(SubID, Props), {true, {#publish{topic = Topic, payload = Payload, retain = true, properties = Props1, qos = min(QoS, QoS1)}, ExpiryTime}}; error -> ets:delete(?MQTT_TOPIC_CACHE, {Filter, LServer}), false; _ -> false end end, Topics). match_topics(Topic, LServer, Limit) -> Filter = topic_filter(Topic), case Limit of infinity -> ets:match_object(?MQTT_TOPIC_CACHE, {{Filter, LServer}, '_'}); _ -> case ets:select(?MQTT_TOPIC_CACHE, [{{{Filter, LServer}, '_'}, [], ['$_']}], Limit) of {Topics, _} -> Topics; '$end_of_table' -> [] end end. retain({_, S, _} = USR, #publish{retain = true, topic = Topic, payload = Data, qos = QoS, properties = Props}, ExpiryTime) -> Mod = gen_mod:db_mod(S, ?MODULE), TopicKey = topic_key(Topic), case Data of <<>> -> ets:delete(?MQTT_TOPIC_CACHE, {TopicKey, S}), case use_cache(Mod, S) of true -> ets_cache:delete(?MQTT_PAYLOAD_CACHE, {S, Topic}, cache_nodes(Mod, S)); false -> ok end, Mod:delete_published(USR, Topic); _ -> ets:insert(?MQTT_TOPIC_CACHE, {{TopicKey, S}, Topic}), case use_cache(Mod, S) of true -> case ets_cache:update( ?MQTT_PAYLOAD_CACHE, {S, Topic}, {ok, {Data, QoS, Props, ExpiryTime}}, fun() -> Mod:publish(USR, Topic, Data, QoS, Props, ExpiryTime) end, cache_nodes(Mod, S)) of {ok, _} -> ok; {error, _} = Err -> Err end; false -> Mod:publish(USR, Topic, Data, QoS, Props, ExpiryTime) end end; retain(_, _, _) -> ok. lookup_published(Mod, {_, LServer, _} = USR, Topic) -> case use_cache(Mod, LServer) of true -> ets_cache:lookup( ?MQTT_PAYLOAD_CACHE, {LServer, Topic}, fun() -> Mod:lookup_published(USR, Topic) end); false -> Mod:lookup_published(USR, Topic) end. set_sub_id(0, Props) -> Props; set_sub_id(ID, Props) -> Props#{subscription_identifier => [ID]}. %%%=================================================================== %%% Matching functions %%%=================================================================== topic_key(S) -> Parts = split_path(S), case join_key(Parts) of [<<>>|T] -> T; T -> T end. topic_filter(S) -> Parts = split_path(S), case join_filter(Parts) of [<<>>|T] -> T; T -> T end. join_key([X,Y|T]) -> [X, $/|join_key([Y|T])]; join_key([X]) -> [X]; join_key([]) -> []. join_filter([X, <<$#>>]) -> [wildcard(X)|'_']; join_filter([X,Y|T]) -> [wildcard(X), $/|join_filter([Y|T])]; join_filter([<<>>]) -> []; join_filter([<<$#>>]) -> '_'; join_filter([X]) -> [wildcard(X)]; join_filter([]) -> []. wildcard(<<$+>>) -> '_'; wildcard(Bin) -> Bin. check_topic_depth(_Topic, infinity) -> allow; check_topic_depth(_, N) when N=<0 -> deny; check_topic_depth(<<$/, T/binary>>, N) -> check_topic_depth(T, N-1); check_topic_depth(<<_, T/binary>>, N) -> check_topic_depth(T, N); check_topic_depth(<<>>, _) -> allow. split_path(Path) -> binary:split(Path, <<$/>>, [global]). %%%=================================================================== %%% Validators %%%=================================================================== validate_topic_access(FilterRules) -> lists:map( fun({TopicFilter, Access}) -> Rule = acl:access_rules_validator(Access), try mqtt_codec:topic_filter(TopicFilter), {split_path(TopicFilter), Rule} catch _:_ -> ?ERROR_MSG("Invalid topic filter: ~s", [TopicFilter]), erlang:error(badarg) end end, lists:reverse(lists:keysort(1, FilterRules))). %%%=================================================================== %%% ACL checks %%%=================================================================== check_subscribe_access(Topic, {_, S, _} = USR) -> Rules = gen_mod:get_module_opt(S, mod_mqtt, access_subscribe), check_access(Topic, USR, Rules). check_publish_access(<<$$, _/binary>>, _) -> deny; check_publish_access(Topic, {_, S, _} = USR) -> Rules = gen_mod:get_module_opt(S, mod_mqtt, access_publish), check_access(Topic, USR, Rules). check_access(_, _, []) -> allow; check_access(Topic, {U, S, R} = USR, FilterRules) -> TopicParts = binary:split(Topic, <<$/>>, [global]), case lists:any( fun({FilterParts, Rule}) -> case match(TopicParts, FilterParts, U, S, R) of true -> allow == acl:match_rule(S, Rule, USR); false -> false end end, FilterRules) of true -> allow; false -> deny end. match(_, [<<"#">>|_], _, _, _) -> true; match([], [<<>>, <<"#">>|_], _, _, _) -> true; match([_|T1], [<<"+">>|T2], U, S, R) -> match(T1, T2, U, S, R); match([H|T1], [<<"%u">>|T2], U, S, R) -> case jid:nodeprep(H) of U -> match(T1, T2, U, S, R); _ -> false end; match([H|T1], [<<"%d">>|T2], U, S, R) -> case jid:nameprep(H) of S -> match(T1, T2, U, S, R); _ -> false end; match([H|T1], [<<"%c">>|T2], U, S, R) -> case jid:resourceprep(H) of R -> match(T1, T2, U, S, R); _ -> false end; match([H|T1], [H|T2], U, S, R) -> match(T1, T2, U, S, R); match([], [], _, _, _) -> true; match(_, _, _, _, _) -> false. %%%=================================================================== %%% Cache stuff %%%=================================================================== -spec init_cache(module(), binary(), gen_mod:opts()) -> ok | {error, db_failure}. init_cache(Mod, Host, Opts) -> init_payload_cache(Mod, Host, Opts), init_topic_cache(Mod, Host). -spec init_topic_cache(module(), binary()) -> ok | {error, db_failure}. init_topic_cache(Mod, Host) -> catch ets:new(?MQTT_TOPIC_CACHE, [named_table, ordered_set, public, {heir, erlang:group_leader(), none}]), ?INFO_MSG("Building MQTT cache for ~s, this may take a while", [Host]), case Mod:list_topics(Host) of {ok, Topics} -> lists:foreach( fun(Topic) -> ets:insert(?MQTT_TOPIC_CACHE, {{topic_key(Topic), Host}, Topic}) end, Topics); {error, _} = Err -> Err end. -spec init_payload_cache(module(), binary(), gen_mod:opts()) -> ok. init_payload_cache(Mod, Host, Opts) -> case use_cache(Mod, Host) of true -> CacheOpts = cache_opts(Opts), ets_cache:new(?MQTT_PAYLOAD_CACHE, CacheOpts); false -> ets_cache:delete(?MQTT_PAYLOAD_CACHE) end. -spec cache_opts(gen_mod:opts()) -> [proplists:property()]. cache_opts(Opts) -> MaxSize = gen_mod:get_opt(cache_size, Opts), CacheMissed = gen_mod:get_opt(cache_missed, Opts), LifeTime = case gen_mod:get_opt(cache_life_time, Opts) of infinity -> infinity; I -> timer:seconds(I) end, [{max_size, MaxSize}, {cache_missed, CacheMissed}, {life_time, LifeTime}]. -spec use_cache(module(), binary()) -> boolean(). use_cache(Mod, Host) -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, use_cache, 1) of true -> Mod:use_cache(Host); false -> gen_mod:get_module_opt(Host, ?MODULE, use_cache) end. -spec cache_nodes(module(), binary()) -> [node()]. cache_nodes(Mod, Host) -> case erlang:function_exported(Mod, cache_nodes, 1) of true -> Mod:cache_nodes(Host); false -> ejabberd_cluster:get_nodes() end.