%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2024 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- Vars = case file:consult(filename:join([filename:dirname(SCRIPT),"vars.config"])) of {ok, Terms} -> Terms; _Err -> [] end ++ [{cflags, "-g -O2 -Wall"}, {cppflags, "-g -O2 -Wall"}, {ldflags, ""}, {system_deps, false}], {cflags, CFlags} = lists:keyfind(cflags, 1, Vars), {cppflags, CPPFlags} = lists:keyfind(cppflags, 1, Vars), {ldflags, LDFlags} = lists:keyfind(ldflags, 1, Vars), {system_deps, SystemDeps} = lists:keyfind(system_deps, 1, Vars), GetCfg = fun GetCfg(Cfg, [Key | Tail], Default) -> Val = case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, Cfg) of {Key, V1} -> V1; false -> Default end, case Tail of [] -> Val; _ -> GetCfg(Val, Tail, Default) end end, ModCfg = fun ModCfg(Cfg, [Key | Tail], Op, Default) -> {OldVal, PartCfg} = case lists:keytake(Key, 1, Cfg) of {value, {_, V1}, V2} -> {V1, V2}; false -> {if Tail == [] -> Default; true -> [] end, Cfg} end, case Tail of [] -> [{Key, Op(OldVal)} | PartCfg]; _ -> [{Key, ModCfg(OldVal, Tail, Op, Default)} | PartCfg] end end, FilterConfig = fun FilterConfig(Cfg, [{Path, true, ModFun, Default} | Tail]) -> FilterConfig(ModCfg(Cfg, Path, ModFun, Default), Tail); FilterConfig(Cfg, [{Path, SourcePath, true, ModFun, Default, SourceDefault} | Tail]) -> SourceVal = GetCfg(Cfg, SourcePath, SourceDefault), ModFun2 = fun(V) -> ModFun(V, SourceVal) end, FilterConfig(ModCfg(Cfg, Path, ModFun2, Default), Tail); FilterConfig(Cfg, [_ | Tail]) -> FilterConfig(Cfg, Tail); FilterConfig(Cfg, []) -> Cfg end, IsRebar3 = case application:get_key(rebar, vsn) of {ok, VSN} -> [VSN1 | _] = string:tokens(VSN, "-"), [Maj|_] = string:tokens(VSN1, "."), (list_to_integer(Maj) >= 3); undefined -> lists:keymember(mix, 1, application:loaded_applications()) end, SysVer = erlang:system_info(otp_release), ProcessSingleVar = fun(F, Var, Tail) -> case F([Var], []) of [] -> Tail; [Val] -> [Val | Tail] end end, ProcessVars = fun F([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); F([{Type, Ver, Value} | Tail], Acc) when Type == if_version_above orelse Type == if_version_below -> SysVer = erlang:system_info(otp_release), Include = if Type == if_version_above -> SysVer > Ver; true -> SysVer < Ver end, if Include -> F(Tail, ProcessSingleVar(F, Value, Acc)); true -> F(Tail, Acc) end; F([{Type, Ver, Value, ElseValue} | Tail], Acc) when Type == if_version_above orelse Type == if_version_below -> Include = if Type == if_version_above -> SysVer > Ver; true -> SysVer < Ver end, if Include -> F(Tail, ProcessSingleVar(F, Value, Acc)); true -> F(Tail, ProcessSingleVar(F, ElseValue, Acc)) end; F([{Type, Var, Value} | Tail], Acc) when Type == if_var_true orelse Type == if_var_false -> Flag = Type == if_var_true, case proplists:get_bool(Var, Vars) of V when V == Flag -> F(Tail, ProcessSingleVar(F, Value, Acc)); _ -> F(Tail, Acc) end; F([{Type, Value} | Tail], Acc) when Type == if_rebar3 orelse Type == if_not_rebar3 -> Flag = Type == if_rebar3, case IsRebar3 == Flag of true -> F(Tail, ProcessSingleVar(F, Value, Acc)); _ -> F(Tail, Acc) end; F([{Type, Var, Match, Value} | Tail], Acc) when Type == if_var_match orelse Type == if_var_no_match -> case proplists:get_value(Var, Vars) of V when V == Match -> F(Tail, ProcessSingleVar(F, Value, Acc)); _ -> F(Tail, Acc) end; F([{if_have_fun, MFA, Value} | Tail], Acc) -> {Mod, Fun, Arity} = MFA, code:ensure_loaded(Mod), case erlang:function_exported(Mod, Fun, Arity) of true -> F(Tail, ProcessSingleVar(F, Value, Acc)); false -> F(Tail, Acc) end; F([{Type, {Mod, TypeDef}, Value} | Tail], Acc) when Type == if_type_exported orelse Type == if_type_not_exported -> try {ok, Concrete} = dialyzer_utils:get_core_from_beam(code:which(Mod)), {ok, Types} = dialyzer_utils:get_record_and_type_info(Concrete), maps:get(TypeDef, Types, undefined) of undefined when Type == if_type_not_exported -> F(Tail, ProcessSingleVar(F, Value, Acc)); undefined -> F(Tail, Acc); _ when Type == if_type_exported -> F(Tail, ProcessSingleVar(F, Value, Acc)); _ -> F(Tail, Acc) catch _:_ -> if Type == if_type_not_exported -> F(Tail, ProcessSingleVar(F, Value, Acc)); true -> F(Tail, Acc) end end; F([Other1 | Tail1], Acc) -> F(Tail1, [F(Other1, []) | Acc]); F(Val, Acc) when is_tuple(Val) -> list_to_tuple(F(tuple_to_list(Val), Acc)); F(Other2, _Acc) -> Other2 end, MaybeApply = fun(Val) when is_function(Val) -> Val(); (Val) -> Val end, MaybeApply2 = fun(Val, Arg) when is_function(Val) -> Val(Arg); (Val, _) -> Val end, AppendStr = fun(Append) -> fun("") -> lists:flatten(MaybeApply(Append)); (Val) -> lists:flatten([Val, " ", MaybeApply(Append)]) end end, AppendList = fun(Append) -> fun(Val) -> Val ++ MaybeApply(Append) end end, AppendStr2 = fun(Append) -> fun("", Arg) -> lists:flatten(MaybeApply2(Append, Arg)); (Val, Arg) -> lists:flatten([Val, " ", MaybeApply2(Append, Arg)]) end end, AppendList2 = fun(Append) -> fun(Val, Arg) -> Val ++ MaybeApply2(Append, Arg) end end, % Convert our rich deps syntax to rebar2 format: % https://github.com/rebar/rebar/wiki/Dependency-management Rebar2DepsFilter = fun(DepsList, GitOnlyDeps) -> lists:map(fun({DepName, _HexVersion, Source}) -> {DepName, ".*", Source} end, DepsList) end, % Convert our rich deps syntax to rebar3 version definition format: % https://rebar3.org/docs/configuration/dependencies/#dependency-version-handling % https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Version.html Rebar3DepsFilter = fun(DepsList, GitOnlyDeps) -> lists:map(fun({DepName, HexVersion, {git, _, {tag, GitVersion}} = Source}) -> case {lists:member(DepName, GitOnlyDeps), HexVersion == ".*"} of {true, _} -> {DepName, ".*", Source}; {false, true} -> {DepName, GitVersion}; {false, false} -> {DepName, HexVersion} end; ({DepName, _HexVersion, Source}) -> {DepName, ".*", Source} end, DepsList) end, DepAlts = fun("esip") -> ["esip", "p1_sip"]; ("xmpp") -> ["xmpp", "p1_xmpp"]; ("fast_xml") -> ["fast_xml", "p1_xml"]; (Val) -> [Val] end, LibDirInt = fun F([Dep|Rest], Suffix) -> case code:lib_dir(Dep) of {error, _} -> F(Rest, Suffix); V -> V ++ Suffix end; F([], _) -> error end, LibDir = fun(Name, Suffix) -> LibDirInt(DepAlts(Name), Suffix) end, GlobalDepsFilter = fun(Deps) -> DepNames = lists:map(fun({DepName, _, _}) -> DepName; ({DepName, _}) -> DepName; (DepName) -> DepName end, Deps), lists:filtermap(fun(Dep) -> case LibDir(atom_to_list(Dep), "") of error -> exit("Unable to locate dep '" ++ atom_to_list(Dep) ++ "' in system deps."); _ -> false end end, DepNames) end, {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(), TestConfigFile = filename:join([Cwd, "test", "config.ctc"]), TestConfig = case file:read_file_info(TestConfigFile) of {ok, _} -> [" -userconfig ct_config_plain ", TestConfigFile, " "]; _ -> "" end, ResolveDepPath = case {SystemDeps, IsRebar3} of {true, _} -> fun("deps/" ++ Rest) -> Slash = string:str(Rest, "/"), case LibDir(string:sub_string(Rest, 1, Slash -1), string:sub_string(Rest, Slash)) of error -> Rest; V -> V end; (Path) -> Path end; {_, true} -> fun("deps/" ++ Rest) -> Slash = string:str(Rest, "/"), "_build/default/lib/" ++ string:sub_string(Rest, 1, Slash - 1) ++ string:sub_string(Rest, Slash); (Path) -> Path end; _ -> fun(P) -> P end end, CtParams = fun(CompileOpts) -> ["-ct_hooks cth_surefire ", lists:map(fun({i, IncPath}) -> [" -include ", filename:absname(ResolveDepPath(IncPath), Cwd)] end, CompileOpts), TestConfig] end, GenDepConfigureLine = fun(DepPath, Flags) -> ["sh -c 'if test ! -f config.status -o ", "../../config.status -nt config.status; ", "then (", "CFLAGS=\"", CFlags,"\" ", "CPPFLAGS=\"", CPPFlags, "\" " "LDFLAGS=\"", LDFlags, "\"", " ./configure ", string:join(Flags, " "), "); fi'"] end, GenDepsConfigure = fun(Hooks) -> lists:map(fun({Pkg, Flags}) -> DepPath = ResolveDepPath("deps/" ++ Pkg ++ "/"), Line = lists:flatten(GenDepConfigureLine(DepPath, Flags)), {add, list_to_atom(Pkg), [{pre_hooks, [{{pc, compile}, Line}, {'compile', Line}, {'configure-deps', Line}]}]} end, Hooks) end, ProcessErlOpt = fun(Vals) -> R = lists:map( fun({i, Path}) -> {i, ResolveDepPath(Path)}; (ErlOpt) -> ErlOpt end, Vals), M = lists:filter(fun({d, M}) -> true; (_) -> false end, R), [{d, 'ALL_DEFS', M} | R] end, ProcssXrefExclusions = fun(Items) -> [{lists:flatten(["(XC - UC) || (XU - X - B ", [[" - ", V] || V <- Items], ")"]), []}] end, ProcessFloatingDeps = fun(Deps, FDeps) -> lists:map(fun({DepName, _Ver, {git, Repo, _Commit}} = Dep) -> case lists:member(DepName, FDeps) of true -> {DepName, ".*", {git, Repo}}; _ -> Dep end; (Dep2) -> Dep2 end, Deps) end, VarsApps = case file:consult(filename:join([filename:dirname(SCRIPT),"vars.config"])) of {ok, TermsV} -> case proplists:get_bool(odbc, TermsV) of true -> [odbc]; false -> [] end; _-> [] end, ProcessRelx = fun(Relx, Deps) -> {value, {release, NameVersion, DefaultApps}, RelxTail} = lists:keytake(release, 1, Relx), DepApps = lists:map(fun({DepName, _, _}) -> DepName; ({DepName, _}) -> DepName; (DepName) -> DepName end, Deps), [{release, NameVersion, DefaultApps ++ VarsApps ++ DepApps} | RelxTail] end, GithubConfig = case {os:getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS"), os:getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")} of {"true", Token} when is_list(Token) -> CONFIG1 = [{coveralls_repo_token, Token}, {coveralls_service_job_id, os:getenv("GITHUB_RUN_ID")}, {coveralls_commit_sha, os:getenv("GITHUB_SHA")}, {coveralls_service_number, os:getenv("GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER")}], case os:getenv("GITHUB_EVENT_NAME") =:= "pull_request" andalso string:tokens(os:getenv("GITHUB_REF"), "/") of [_, "pull", PRNO, _] -> [{coveralls_service_pull_request, PRNO} | CONFIG1]; _ -> CONFIG1 end; _ -> [] end, Rules = [ {[provider_hooks], IsRebar3, AppendList([{pre, [ {compile, {asn, compile}}, {clean, {asn, clean}} ]}]), []}, {[plugins], IsRebar3 and (os:getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS") == "true"), AppendList([{coveralls, {git, "https://github.com/processone/coveralls-erl.git", {branch, "addjsonfile"}}} ]), []}, {[overrides], [post_hook_configure], SystemDeps == false, AppendList2(GenDepsConfigure), [], []}, {[ct_extra_params], [eunit_compile_opts], true, AppendStr2(CtParams), "", []}, {[erl_opts], true, ProcessErlOpt, []}, {[xref_queries], [xref_exclusions], true, AppendList2(ProcssXrefExclusions), [], []}, {[relx], [deps], IsRebar3, ProcessRelx, [], []}, {[deps], [floating_deps], true, ProcessFloatingDeps, [], []}, {[deps], [gitonly_deps], (not IsRebar3), Rebar2DepsFilter, [], []}, {[deps], [gitonly_deps], IsRebar3, Rebar3DepsFilter, [], []}, {[deps], SystemDeps /= false, GlobalDepsFilter, []} ], Config = [{plugin_dir, filename:join([filename:dirname(SCRIPT),"plugins"])}]++ FilterConfig(ProcessVars(CONFIG, []), Rules)++ GithubConfig, %io:format("ejabberd configuration:~n ~p~n", [Config]), Config. %% Local Variables: %% mode: erlang %% End: %% vim: set filetype=erlang tabstop=8: