%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejabberd_auth.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Authentification %%% Created : 23 Nov 2002 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2013 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %%% 02111-1307 USA %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% TODO: Use the functions in ejabberd auth to add and remove users. -module(ejabberd_auth). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). %% External exports -export([start/0, set_password/3, check_password/3, check_password/5, check_password_with_authmodule/3, check_password_with_authmodule/5, try_register/3, dirty_get_registered_users/0, get_vh_registered_users/1, get_vh_registered_users/2, export/1, import/1, get_vh_registered_users_number/1, import/3, get_vh_registered_users_number/2, get_password/2, get_password_s/2, get_password_with_authmodule/2, is_user_exists/2, is_user_exists_in_other_modules/3, remove_user/2, remove_user/3, plain_password_required/1, store_type/1, entropy/1]). -export([auth_modules/1]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% API %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -type opts() :: [{prefix, binary()} | {from, integer()} | {to, integer()} | {limit, integer()} | {offset, integer()}]. -callback start(binary()) -> any(). -callback plain_password_required() -> boolean(). -callback store_type() -> plain | external | scram. -callback set_password(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> ok | {error, atom()}. -callback remove_user(binary(), binary()) -> any(). -callback remove_user(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> any(). -callback is_user_exists(binary(), binary()) -> boolean() | {error, atom()}. -callback check_password(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> boolean(). -callback check_password(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary(), fun((binary()) -> binary())) -> boolean(). -callback try_register(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> {atomic, atom()} | {error, atom()}. -callback dirty_get_registered_users() -> [{binary(), binary()}]. -callback get_vh_registered_users(binary()) -> [{binary(), binary()}]. -callback get_vh_registered_users(binary(), opts()) -> [{binary(), binary()}]. -callback get_vh_registered_users_number(binary()) -> number(). -callback get_vh_registered_users_number(binary(), opts()) -> number(). -callback get_password(binary(), binary()) -> false | binary(). -callback get_password_s(binary(), binary()) -> binary(). start() -> %% This is only executed by ejabberd_c2s for non-SASL auth client lists:foreach(fun (Host) -> lists:foreach(fun (M) -> M:start(Host) end, auth_modules(Host)) end, ?MYHOSTS). plain_password_required(Server) -> lists:any(fun (M) -> M:plain_password_required() end, auth_modules(Server)). store_type(Server) -> %% @doc Check if the user and password can login in server. %% @spec (User::string(), Server::string(), Password::string()) -> %% true | false lists:foldl(fun (_, external) -> external; (M, scram) -> case M:store_type() of external -> external; _Else -> scram end; (M, plain) -> M:store_type() end, plain, auth_modules(Server)). -spec check_password(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> boolean(). check_password(User, Server, Password) -> case check_password_with_authmodule(User, Server, Password) of {true, _AuthModule} -> true; false -> false end. %% @doc Check if the user and password can login in server. %% @spec (User::string(), Server::string(), Password::string(), %% Digest::string(), DigestGen::function()) -> %% true | false -spec check_password(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary(), fun((binary()) -> binary())) -> boolean(). check_password(User, Server, Password, Digest, DigestGen) -> case check_password_with_authmodule(User, Server, Password, Digest, DigestGen) of {true, _AuthModule} -> true; false -> false end. %% @doc Check if the user and password can login in server. %% The user can login if at least an authentication method accepts the user %% and the password. %% The first authentication method that accepts the credentials is returned. %% @spec (User::string(), Server::string(), Password::string()) -> %% {true, AuthModule} | false %% where %% AuthModule = ejabberd_auth_anonymous | ejabberd_auth_external %% | ejabberd_auth_internal | ejabberd_auth_ldap %% | ejabberd_auth_odbc | ejabberd_auth_pam -spec check_password_with_authmodule(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> false | {true, atom()}. check_password_with_authmodule(User, Server, Password) -> check_password_loop(auth_modules(Server), [User, Server, Password]). -spec check_password_with_authmodule(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary(), fun((binary()) -> binary())) -> false | {true, atom()}. check_password_with_authmodule(User, Server, Password, Digest, DigestGen) -> check_password_loop(auth_modules(Server), [User, Server, Password, Digest, DigestGen]). check_password_loop([], _Args) -> false; check_password_loop([AuthModule | AuthModules], Args) -> case apply(AuthModule, check_password, Args) of true -> {true, AuthModule}; false -> check_password_loop(AuthModules, Args) end. -spec set_password(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> ok | {error, atom()}. %% @spec (User::string(), Server::string(), Password::string()) -> %% ok | {error, ErrorType} %% where ErrorType = empty_password | not_allowed | invalid_jid set_password(_User, _Server, <<"">>) -> {error, empty_password}; set_password(User, Server, Password) -> %% @spec (User, Server, Password) -> {atomic, ok} | {atomic, exists} | {error, not_allowed} lists:foldl(fun (M, {error, _}) -> M:set_password(User, Server, Password); (_M, Res) -> Res end, {error, not_allowed}, auth_modules(Server)). -spec try_register(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> {atomic, atom()} | {error, atom()}. try_register(_User, _Server, <<"">>) -> {error, not_allowed}; try_register(User, Server, Password) -> case is_user_exists(User, Server) of true -> {atomic, exists}; false -> case lists:member(jlib:nameprep(Server), ?MYHOSTS) of true -> Res = lists:foldl(fun (_M, {atomic, ok} = Res) -> Res; (M, _) -> M:try_register(User, Server, Password) end, {error, not_allowed}, auth_modules(Server)), case Res of {atomic, ok} -> ejabberd_hooks:run(register_user, Server, [User, Server]), {atomic, ok}; _ -> Res end; false -> {error, not_allowed} end end. %% Registered users list do not include anonymous users logged -spec dirty_get_registered_users() -> [{binary(), binary()}]. dirty_get_registered_users() -> lists:flatmap(fun (M) -> M:dirty_get_registered_users() end, auth_modules()). -spec get_vh_registered_users(binary()) -> [{binary(), binary()}]. %% Registered users list do not include anonymous users logged get_vh_registered_users(Server) -> lists:flatmap(fun (M) -> M:get_vh_registered_users(Server) end, auth_modules(Server)). -spec get_vh_registered_users(binary(), opts()) -> [{binary(), binary()}]. get_vh_registered_users(Server, Opts) -> lists:flatmap(fun (M) -> case erlang:function_exported(M, get_vh_registered_users, 2) of true -> M:get_vh_registered_users(Server, Opts); false -> M:get_vh_registered_users(Server) end end, auth_modules(Server)). get_vh_registered_users_number(Server) -> lists:sum(lists:map(fun (M) -> case erlang:function_exported(M, get_vh_registered_users_number, 1) of true -> M:get_vh_registered_users_number(Server); false -> length(M:get_vh_registered_users(Server)) end end, auth_modules(Server))). -spec get_vh_registered_users_number(binary(), opts()) -> number(). get_vh_registered_users_number(Server, Opts) -> %% @doc Get the password of the user. %% @spec (User::string(), Server::string()) -> Password::string() lists:sum(lists:map(fun (M) -> case erlang:function_exported(M, get_vh_registered_users_number, 2) of true -> M:get_vh_registered_users_number(Server, Opts); false -> length(M:get_vh_registered_users(Server)) end end, auth_modules(Server))). -spec get_password(binary(), binary()) -> false | binary(). get_password(User, Server) -> lists:foldl(fun (M, false) -> M:get_password(User, Server); (_M, Password) -> Password end, false, auth_modules(Server)). -spec get_password_s(binary(), binary()) -> binary(). get_password_s(User, Server) -> case get_password(User, Server) of false -> <<"">>; Password -> Password end. %% @doc Get the password of the user and the auth module. %% @spec (User::string(), Server::string()) -> %% {Password::string(), AuthModule::atom()} | {false, none} -spec get_password_with_authmodule(binary(), binary()) -> {false | binary(), atom()}. get_password_with_authmodule(User, Server) -> %% Returns true if the user exists in the DB or if an anonymous user is logged %% under the given name lists:foldl(fun (M, {false, _}) -> {M:get_password(User, Server), M}; (_M, {Password, AuthModule}) -> {Password, AuthModule} end, {false, none}, auth_modules(Server)). -spec is_user_exists(binary(), binary()) -> boolean(). is_user_exists(User, Server) -> %% Check if the user exists in all authentications module except the module %% passed as parameter %% @spec (Module::atom(), User, Server) -> true | false | maybe lists:any(fun (M) -> case M:is_user_exists(User, Server) of {error, Error} -> ?ERROR_MSG("The authentication module ~p returned " "an error~nwhen checking user ~p in server " "~p~nError message: ~p", [M, User, Server, Error]), false; Else -> Else end end, auth_modules(Server)). -spec is_user_exists_in_other_modules(atom(), binary(), binary()) -> boolean() | maybe. is_user_exists_in_other_modules(Module, User, Server) -> is_user_exists_in_other_modules_loop(auth_modules(Server) -- [Module], User, Server). is_user_exists_in_other_modules_loop([], _User, _Server) -> false; is_user_exists_in_other_modules_loop([AuthModule | AuthModules], User, Server) -> case AuthModule:is_user_exists(User, Server) of true -> true; false -> is_user_exists_in_other_modules_loop(AuthModules, User, Server); {error, Error} -> ?DEBUG("The authentication module ~p returned " "an error~nwhen checking user ~p in server " "~p~nError message: ~p", [AuthModule, User, Server, Error]), maybe end. -spec remove_user(binary(), binary()) -> ok. %% @spec (User, Server) -> ok %% @doc Remove user. %% Note: it may return ok even if there was some problem removing the user. remove_user(User, Server) -> lists:foreach(fun (M) -> M:remove_user(User, Server) end, auth_modules(Server)), ejabberd_hooks:run(remove_user, jlib:nameprep(Server), [User, Server]), ok. %% @spec (User, Server, Password) -> ok | not_exists | not_allowed | bad_request | error %% @doc Try to remove user if the provided password is correct. %% The removal is attempted in each auth method provided: %% when one returns 'ok' the loop stops; %% if no method returns 'ok' then it returns the error message indicated by the last method attempted. -spec remove_user(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> any(). remove_user(User, Server, Password) -> R = lists:foldl(fun (_M, ok = Res) -> Res; (M, _) -> M:remove_user(User, Server, Password) end, error, auth_modules(Server)), case R of ok -> ejabberd_hooks:run(remove_user, jlib:nameprep(Server), [User, Server]); _ -> none end, R. %% @spec (IOList) -> non_negative_float() %% @doc Calculate informational entropy. entropy(B) -> case binary_to_list(B) of "" -> 0.0; S -> Set = lists:foldl(fun (C, [Digit, Printable, LowLetter, HiLetter, Other]) -> if C >= $a, C =< $z -> [Digit, Printable, 26, HiLetter, Other]; C >= $0, C =< $9 -> [9, Printable, LowLetter, HiLetter, Other]; C >= $A, C =< $Z -> [Digit, Printable, LowLetter, 26, Other]; C >= 33, C =< 126 -> [Digit, 33, LowLetter, HiLetter, Other]; true -> [Digit, Printable, LowLetter, HiLetter, 128] end end, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], S), length(S) * math:log(lists:sum(Set)) / math:log(2) end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Return the lists of all the auth modules actually used in the %% configuration auth_modules() -> lists:usort(lists:flatmap(fun (Server) -> auth_modules(Server) end, ?MYHOSTS)). -spec auth_modules(binary()) -> [atom()]. %% Return the list of authenticated modules for a given host auth_modules(Server) -> LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server), Methods = ejabberd_config:get_local_option( {auth_method, LServer}, fun(V) when is_list(V) -> true = lists:all(fun is_atom/1, V), V; (V) when is_atom(V) -> [V] end, []), [jlib:binary_to_atom(<<"ejabberd_auth_", (jlib:atom_to_binary(M))/binary>>) || M <- Methods]. export(Server) -> ejabberd_auth_internal:export(Server). import(Server) -> ejabberd_auth_internal:import(Server). import(Server, mnesia, Passwd) -> ejabberd_auth_internal:import(Server, mnesia, Passwd); import(_, _, _) -> pass.