%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : gen_mod.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : %%% Created : 24 Jan 2003 by Alexey Shchepin %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2018 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(gen_mod). -behaviour(ejabberd_config). -behaviour(supervisor). -author('alexey@process-one.net'). -export([init/1, start_link/0, start_child/3, start_child/4, stop_child/1, stop_child/2, config_reloaded/0]). -export([start_module/2, start_module/3, stop_module/2, stop_module_keep_config/2, get_opt/2, get_opt_hosts/2, opt_type/1, is_equal_opt/3, get_module_opt/3, get_module_opt_host/3, loaded_modules/1, loaded_modules_with_opts/1, get_hosts/2, get_module_proc/2, is_loaded/2, is_loaded_elsewhere/2, start_modules/0, start_modules/1, stop_modules/0, stop_modules/1, db_mod/2, db_mod/3, ram_db_mod/2, ram_db_mod/3, is_db_configured/2]). %% Deprecated functions -export([get_opt/3, get_opt/4, get_module_opt/4, get_module_opt/5, get_opt_host/3, get_opt_hosts/3, db_type/2, db_type/3, ram_db_type/2, ram_db_type/3]). -deprecated([{get_opt, 3}, {get_opt, 4}, {get_opt_host, 3}, {get_opt_hosts, 3}, {get_module_opt, 4}, {get_module_opt, 5}, {db_type, 2}, {db_type, 3}, {ram_db_type, 2}, {ram_db_type, 3}]). -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include_lib("stdlib/include/ms_transform.hrl"). -record(ejabberd_module, {module_host = {undefined, <<"">>} :: {atom(), binary()}, opts = [] :: opts() | '_' | '$2'}). -type opts() :: [{atom(), any()}]. -type db_type() :: atom(). -callback start(binary(), opts()) -> ok | {ok, pid()}. -callback stop(binary()) -> any(). -callback reload(binary(), opts(), opts()) -> ok | {ok, pid()}. -callback mod_opt_type(atom()) -> fun((term()) -> term()) | [atom()]. -callback mod_options(binary()) -> opts(). -callback depends(binary(), opts()) -> [{module(), hard | soft}]. -optional_callbacks([mod_opt_type/1, reload/3]). -export_type([opts/0]). -export_type([db_type/0]). -ifndef(GEN_SERVER). -define(GEN_SERVER, gen_server). -endif. start_link() -> case supervisor:start_link({local, ejabberd_gen_mod_sup}, ?MODULE, []) of {ok, Pid} -> start_modules(), {ok, Pid}; Err -> Err end. init([]) -> ejabberd_hooks:add(config_reloaded, ?MODULE, config_reloaded, 50), ejabberd_hooks:add(host_up, ?MODULE, start_modules, 40), ejabberd_hooks:add(host_down, ?MODULE, stop_modules, 70), ets:new(ejabberd_modules, [named_table, public, {keypos, #ejabberd_module.module_host}, {read_concurrency, true}]), {ok, {{one_for_one, 10, 1}, []}}. -spec start_child(module(), binary() | global, opts()) -> ok | {error, any()}. start_child(Mod, Host, Opts) -> start_child(Mod, Host, Opts, get_module_proc(Host, Mod)). -spec start_child(module(), binary() | global, opts(), atom()) -> ok | {error, any()}. start_child(Mod, Host, Opts, Proc) -> Spec = {Proc, {?GEN_SERVER, start_link, [{local, Proc}, Mod, [Host, Opts], []]}, transient, timer:minutes(1), worker, [Mod]}, supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_gen_mod_sup, Spec). -spec stop_child(module(), binary() | global) -> ok | {error, any()}. stop_child(Mod, Host) -> stop_child(get_module_proc(Host, Mod)). -spec stop_child(atom()) -> ok | {error, any()}. stop_child(Proc) -> supervisor:terminate_child(ejabberd_gen_mod_sup, Proc), supervisor:delete_child(ejabberd_gen_mod_sup, Proc). -spec start_modules() -> any(). %% Start all the modules in all the hosts start_modules() -> lists:foreach( fun(Host) -> start_modules(Host) end, ?MYHOSTS). get_modules_options(Host) -> sort_modules(Host, ejabberd_config:get_option({modules, Host}, [])). sort_modules(Host, ModOpts) -> G = digraph:new([acyclic]), lists:foreach( fun({Mod, Opts}) -> digraph:add_vertex(G, Mod, Opts), Deps = try Mod:depends(Host, Opts) catch _:undef -> [] end, lists:foreach( fun({DepMod, Type}) -> case lists:keyfind(DepMod, 1, ModOpts) of false when Type == hard -> ErrTxt = io_lib:format( "Failed to load module '~s' " "because it depends on module '~s' " "which is not found in the config", [Mod, DepMod]), ?ERROR_MSG(ErrTxt, []), digraph:del_vertex(G, Mod), maybe_halt_ejabberd(ErrTxt); false when Type == soft -> ?WARNING_MSG("Module '~s' is recommended for " "module '~s' but is not found in " "the config", [DepMod, Mod]); {DepMod, DepOpts} -> digraph:add_vertex(G, DepMod, DepOpts), case digraph:add_edge(G, DepMod, Mod) of {error, {bad_edge, Path}} -> ?WARNING_MSG("Cyclic dependency detected " "between modules: ~p", [Path]); _ -> ok end end end, Deps) end, ModOpts), Result = [digraph:vertex(G, V) || V <- digraph_utils:topsort(G)], digraph:delete(G), Result. -spec start_modules(binary()) -> ok. start_modules(Host) -> Modules = get_modules_options(Host), lists:foreach( fun({Module, Opts}) -> start_module(Host, Module, Opts) end, Modules). -spec start_module(binary(), atom()) -> ok | {ok, pid()} | {error, not_found_in_config}. start_module(Host, Module) -> Modules = get_modules_options(Host), case lists:keyfind(Module, 1, Modules) of {_, Opts} -> start_module(Host, Module, Opts); false -> {error, not_found_in_config} end. -spec start_module(binary(), atom(), opts()) -> ok | {ok, pid()}. start_module(Host, Module, Opts) -> start_module(Host, Module, Opts, true). -spec start_module(binary(), atom(), opts(), boolean()) -> ok | {ok, pid()}. start_module(Host, Module, Opts0, NeedValidation) -> ?DEBUG("Loading ~s at ~s", [Module, Host]), Res = if NeedValidation -> validate_opts(Host, Module, Opts0); true -> {ok, Opts0} end, case Res of {ok, Opts} -> store_options(Host, Module, Opts), try case Module:start(Host, Opts) of ok -> ok; {ok, Pid} when is_pid(Pid) -> {ok, Pid}; Err -> erlang:error(Err) end catch Class:Reason -> ets:delete(ejabberd_modules, {Module, Host}), ErrorText = io_lib:format("Problem starting the module ~s for host " "~s ~n options: ~p~n ~p: ~p~n~p", [Module, Host, Opts, Class, Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()]), ?CRITICAL_MSG(ErrorText, []), maybe_halt_ejabberd(ErrorText), erlang:raise(Class, Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()) end; {error, ErrorText} -> maybe_halt_ejabberd(ErrorText) end. -spec reload_modules(binary()) -> ok. reload_modules(Host) -> NewMods = ejabberd_config:get_option({modules, Host}, []), OldMods = ets:select( ejabberd_modules, ets:fun2ms( fun(#ejabberd_module{module_host = {M, H}, opts = O}) when H == Host -> {M, O} end)), lists:foreach( fun({Mod, _Opts}) -> case lists:keymember(Mod, 1, NewMods) of false -> stop_module(Host, Mod); true -> ok end end, OldMods), lists:foreach( fun({Mod, Opts}) -> case lists:keymember(Mod, 1, OldMods) of false -> start_module(Host, Mod, Opts); true -> ok end end, NewMods), lists:foreach( fun({Mod, OldOpts}) -> case lists:keyfind(Mod, 1, NewMods) of {_, NewOpts0} -> case validate_opts(Host, Mod, NewOpts0) of {ok, OldOpts} -> ok; {ok, NewOpts} -> reload_module(Host, Mod, NewOpts, OldOpts); {error, _} -> ok end; _ -> ok end end, OldMods). -spec reload_module(binary(), module(), opts(), opts()) -> ok | {ok, pid()}. reload_module(Host, Module, NewOpts, OldOpts) -> case erlang:function_exported(Module, reload, 3) of true -> ?DEBUG("Reloading ~s at ~s", [Module, Host]), store_options(Host, Module, NewOpts), try case Module:reload(Host, NewOpts, OldOpts) of ok -> ok; {ok, Pid} when is_pid(Pid) -> {ok, Pid}; Err -> erlang:error(Err) end catch Class:Reason -> StackTrace = erlang:get_stacktrace(), ?CRITICAL_MSG("Failed to reload module ~s at ~s:~n" "** Reason = ~p", [Module, Host, {Class, {Reason, StackTrace}}]), erlang:raise(Class, Reason, StackTrace) end; false -> ?WARNING_MSG("Module ~s doesn't support reloading " "and will be restarted", [Module]), stop_module(Host, Module), start_module(Host, Module, NewOpts, false) end. -spec store_options(binary(), module(), opts()) -> true. store_options(Host, Module, Opts) -> ets:insert(ejabberd_modules, #ejabberd_module{module_host = {Module, Host}, opts = Opts}). maybe_halt_ejabberd(ErrorText) -> case is_app_running(ejabberd) of false -> ?CRITICAL_MSG("ejabberd initialization was aborted " "because a module start failed.", []), timer:sleep(3000), erlang:halt(string:substr(lists:flatten(ErrorText), 1, 199)); true -> ok end. is_app_running(AppName) -> Timeout = 15000, lists:keymember(AppName, 1, application:which_applications(Timeout)). -spec stop_modules() -> ok. stop_modules() -> lists:foreach( fun(Host) -> stop_modules(Host) end, ?MYHOSTS). -spec stop_modules(binary()) -> ok. stop_modules(Host) -> Modules = lists:reverse(get_modules_options(Host)), lists:foreach( fun({Module, _Args}) -> stop_module_keep_config(Host, Module) end, Modules). -spec stop_module(binary(), atom()) -> error | {aborted, any()} | {atomic, any()}. stop_module(Host, Module) -> case stop_module_keep_config(Host, Module) of error -> error; ok -> ok end. -spec stop_module_keep_config(binary(), atom()) -> error | ok. stop_module_keep_config(Host, Module) -> ?DEBUG("Stopping ~s at ~s", [Module, Host]), case catch Module:stop(Host) of {'EXIT', Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("~p", [Reason]), error; {wait, ProcList} when is_list(ProcList) -> lists:foreach(fun wait_for_process/1, ProcList), ets:delete(ejabberd_modules, {Module, Host}), ok; {wait, Process} -> wait_for_process(Process), ets:delete(ejabberd_modules, {Module, Host}), ok; _ -> ets:delete(ejabberd_modules, {Module, Host}), ok end. wait_for_process(Process) -> MonitorReference = erlang:monitor(process, Process), wait_for_stop(Process, MonitorReference). wait_for_stop(Process, MonitorReference) -> receive {'DOWN', MonitorReference, _Type, _Object, _Info} -> ok after 5000 -> catch exit(whereis(Process), kill), wait_for_stop1(MonitorReference) end. wait_for_stop1(MonitorReference) -> receive {'DOWN', MonitorReference, _Type, _Object, _Info} -> ok after 5000 -> ok end. -type check_fun() :: fun((any()) -> any()) | {module(), atom()}. -spec get_opt(atom(), opts()) -> any(). get_opt(Opt, Opts) -> case lists:keyfind(Opt, 1, Opts) of {_, Val} -> Val; false -> ?DEBUG("Attempt to read unspecified option ~s", [Opt]), undefined end. -spec get_opt(atom(), opts(), check_fun() | any()) -> any(). get_opt(Opt, Opts, F) when is_function(F) -> get_opt(Opt, Opts, undefined); get_opt(Opt, Opts, Default) -> case lists:keyfind(Opt, 1, Opts) of false -> Default; {_, Val} -> Val end. -spec get_opt(atom() | {atom(), binary()}, opts(), check_fun(), any()) -> any(). get_opt(Opt, Opts, _, Default) -> get_opt(Opt, Opts, Default). -spec get_module_opt(global | binary(), atom(), atom()) -> any(). get_module_opt(Host, Module, Opt) -> get_module_opt(Host, Module, Opt, undefined). -spec get_module_opt(global | binary(), atom(), atom(), any()) -> any(). get_module_opt(Host, Module, Opt, F) when is_function(F) -> get_module_opt(Host, Module, Opt, undefined); get_module_opt(global, Module, Opt, Default) -> Hosts = (?MYHOSTS), [Value | Values] = lists:map(fun (Host) -> get_module_opt(Host, Module, Opt, Default) end, Hosts), Same_all = lists:all(fun (Other_value) -> Other_value == Value end, Values), case Same_all of true -> Value; false -> Default end; get_module_opt(Host, Module, Opt, Default) -> OptsList = ets:lookup(ejabberd_modules, {Module, Host}), case OptsList of [] -> Default; [#ejabberd_module{opts = Opts} | _] -> get_opt(Opt, Opts, Default) end. -spec get_module_opt(global | binary(), atom(), atom(), check_fun(), any()) -> any(). get_module_opt(Host, Module, Opt, _, Default) -> get_module_opt(Host, Module, Opt, Default). -spec get_module_opt_host(global | binary(), atom(), binary()) -> binary(). get_module_opt_host(Host, Module, Default) -> Val = get_module_opt(Host, Module, host, Default), ejabberd_regexp:greplace(Val, <<"@HOST@">>, Host). -spec get_opt_host(binary(), opts(), binary()) -> binary(). get_opt_host(Host, Opts, Default) -> Val = get_opt(host, Opts, Default), ejabberd_regexp:greplace(Val, <<"@HOST@">>, Host). -spec get_opt_hosts(binary(), opts()) -> [binary()]. get_opt_hosts(Host, Opts) -> get_opt_hosts(Host, Opts, undefined). -spec get_opt_hosts(binary(), opts(), binary()) -> [binary()]. get_opt_hosts(Host, Opts, Default) -> Vals = case get_opt(hosts, Opts) of L when L == [] orelse L == undefined -> case get_opt(host, Opts) of undefined -> [Default]; H -> [H] end; L -> L end, [ejabberd_regexp:greplace(V, <<"@HOST@">>, Host) || V <- Vals]. -spec get_validators(binary(), {module(), [module()]}) -> list() | undef. get_validators(Host, {Module, SubMods}) -> Validators = dict:to_list( lists:foldl( fun(Mod, D) -> try list_known_opts(Host, Mod) of Os -> lists:foldl( fun({Opt, SubOpt} = O, Acc) -> SubF = Mod:mod_opt_type(O), F = try Mod:mod_opt_type(Opt) catch _:_ -> fun(X) -> X end end, dict:append_list( Opt, [F, {SubOpt, [SubF]}], Acc); (O, Acc) -> F = Mod:mod_opt_type(O), dict:store(O, [F], Acc) end, D, Os) catch _:undef -> D end end, dict:new(), [Module|SubMods])), case Validators of [] -> case have_validators(Module) of false -> ?WARNING_MSG("Third-party module '~s' doesn't export " "options validator; consider to upgrade " "the module", [Module]), undef; true -> [] end; _ -> Validators end. -spec have_validators(module()) -> boolean(). have_validators(Module) -> erlang:function_exported(Module, mod_options, 1) orelse erlang:function_exported(Module, mod_opt_type, 1). -spec validate_opts(binary(), module(), opts()) -> {ok, opts()} | {error, string()}. validate_opts(Host, Module, Opts0) -> SubMods = get_submodules(Host, Module, Opts0), DefaultOpts = lists:flatmap( fun(M) -> try M:mod_options(Host) catch _:undef -> [] end end, [Module|SubMods]), Required = lists:filter(fun is_atom/1, DefaultOpts), try Opts = merge_opts(Opts0, DefaultOpts), {ok, case get_validators(Host, {Module, SubMods}) of undef -> Opts; Validators -> validate_opts(Host, Module, Opts, Required, Validators) end} catch _:{missing_required_option, Opt} -> ErrTxt = io_lib:format("Module '~s' is missing required option '~s'", [Module, Opt]), ?ERROR_MSG(ErrTxt, []), {error, ErrTxt} end. validate_opts(Host, Module, Opts, Required, Validators) when is_list(Opts) -> lists:flatmap( fun({Opt, Val}) when is_atom(Opt) -> case lists:keyfind(Opt, 1, Validators) of {_, L} -> case lists:partition(fun is_function/1, L) of {[VFun|_], []} -> validate_opt(Module, Opt, Val, Required, VFun); {[VFun|_], SubValidators} -> try validate_opts(Host, Module, Val, Required, SubValidators) of SubOpts -> validate_opt(Module, Opt, SubOpts, Required, VFun) catch _:bad_option -> ?ERROR_MSG("Ignoring invalid value '~p' for " "option '~s' of module '~s'", [Val, Opt, Module]), fail_if_option_is_required(Opt, Required), [] end end; false -> case Validators of [] -> ?ERROR_MSG("Ignoring unknown option '~s' of '~s':" " the module doesn't have any options", [Opt, Module]); _ -> ?ERROR_MSG("Ignoring unknown option '~s' of '~s'," " available options are: ~s", [Opt, Module, misc:join_atoms( [K || {K, _} <- Validators], <<", ">>)]) end, [] end; (_) -> erlang:error(bad_option) end, Opts); validate_opts(_, _, _, _, _) -> erlang:error(bad_option). -spec validate_opt(module(), atom(), any(), [atom()], [{atom(), check_fun(), any()}]) -> [{atom(), any()}]. validate_opt(Module, Opt, Val, Required, VFun) -> try VFun(Val) of NewVal -> [{Opt, NewVal}] catch {invalid_syntax, Error} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Ignoring invalid value '~p' for " "option '~s' of module '~s': ~s", [Val, Opt, Module, Error]), fail_if_option_is_required(Opt, Required), []; _:_ -> ?ERROR_MSG("Ignoring invalid value '~p' for " "option '~s' of module '~s'", [Val, Opt, Module]), fail_if_option_is_required(Opt, Required), [] end. -spec fail_if_option_is_required(atom(), [atom()]) -> ok | no_return(). fail_if_option_is_required(Opt, Required) -> case lists:member(Opt, Required) of true -> erlang:error({missing_required_option, Opt}); false -> ok end. -spec list_known_opts(binary(), module()) -> [atom() | {atom(), atom()}]. list_known_opts(Host, Module) -> try Module:mod_options(Host) of DefaultOpts -> lists:flatmap( fun({Opt, [{A, _}|_] = Vals}) when is_atom(A) -> [{Opt, Val} || {Val, _} <- Vals]; ({Opt, _}) -> [Opt]; (Opt) -> [Opt] end, DefaultOpts) catch _:undef -> Module:mod_opt_type('') end. -spec merge_opts(opts(), opts()) -> opts(). merge_opts(Opts, DefaultOpts) -> Result = lists:foldr( fun({Opt, Default}, Acc) -> case lists:keyfind(Opt, 1, Opts) of {_, Val} -> case Default of [{A, _}|_] when is_atom(A) andalso is_list(Val) -> [{Opt, merge_opts(Val, Default)}|Acc]; Val -> [{Opt, Default}|Acc]; _ -> [{Opt, Val}, {Opt, Default}|Acc] end; _ -> [{Opt, Default}|Acc] end; (Opt, Acc) -> case lists:keyfind(Opt, 1, Opts) of {_, Val} -> [{Opt, Val}|Acc]; false -> erlang:error({missing_required_option, Opt}) end end, [], DefaultOpts), lists:foldl( fun({Opt, Val}, Acc) -> case lists:keymember(Opt, 1, Result) of true -> Acc; false -> [{Opt, Val}|Acc] end end, Result, Opts). -spec get_submodules(binary(), module(), opts()) -> [module()]. get_submodules(Host, Module, Opts) -> try Module:mod_options(Host) of DefaultOpts -> Mod1 = case lists:keyfind(db_type, 1, DefaultOpts) of {_, T1} -> DBType = proplists:get_value(db_type, Opts, T1), [db_mod(DBType, Module)]; false -> [] end, Mod2 = case lists:keyfind(ram_db_type, 1, DefaultOpts) of {_, T2} -> RamDBType = proplists:get_value(ram_db_type, Opts, T2), [ram_db_mod(RamDBType, Module)]; false -> [] end, Mod1 ++ Mod2 catch _:undef -> [] end. -spec db_type(binary() | global, module()) -> db_type(); (opts(), module()) -> db_type(). db_type(Opts, Module) when is_list(Opts) -> db_type(global, Opts, Module); db_type(Host, Module) when is_atom(Module) -> case get_module_opt(Host, Module, db_type) of undefined -> ejabberd_config:default_db(Host, Module); Type -> Type end. -spec db_type(binary() | global, opts(), module()) -> db_type(). db_type(Host, Opts, Module) -> case get_opt(db_type, Opts) of undefined -> ejabberd_config:default_db(Host, Module); Type -> Type end. -spec db_mod(binary() | global | db_type(), module()) -> module(). db_mod(Type, Module) when is_atom(Type) -> list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Module) ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(Type)); db_mod(Host, Module) when is_binary(Host) orelse Host == global -> db_mod(db_type(Host, Module), Module). -spec db_mod(binary() | global, opts(), module()) -> module(). db_mod(Host, Opts, Module) when is_list(Opts) -> db_mod(db_type(Host, Opts, Module), Module). -spec ram_db_type(binary() | global, module()) -> db_type(); (opts(), module()) -> db_type(). ram_db_type(Opts, Module) when is_list(Opts) -> ram_db_type(global, Opts, Module); ram_db_type(Host, Module) when is_atom(Module) -> case get_module_opt(Host, Module, ram_db_type) of undefined -> ejabberd_config:default_ram_db(Host, Module); Type -> Type end. -spec ram_db_type(binary() | global, opts(), module()) -> db_type(). ram_db_type(Host, Opts, Module) -> case get_opt(ram_db_type, Opts) of undefined -> ejabberd_config:default_ram_db(Host, Module); Type -> Type end. -spec ram_db_mod(binary() | global | db_type(), module()) -> module(). ram_db_mod(Type, Module) when is_atom(Type), Type /= global -> list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Module) ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(Type)); ram_db_mod(Host, Module) when is_binary(Host) orelse Host == global -> ram_db_mod(ram_db_type(Host, Module), Module). -spec ram_db_mod(binary() | global, opts(), module()) -> module(). ram_db_mod(Host, Opts, Module) when is_list(Opts) -> ram_db_mod(ram_db_type(Host, Opts, Module), Module). is_db_configured(Type, Host) -> lists:any( fun(#ejabberd_module{module_host = {_, H}, opts = Opts}) when H == Host orelse Host == global -> case lists:keyfind(db_type, 1, Opts) of {_, Type} -> true; _ -> case lists:keyfind(ram_db_type, 1, Opts) of {_, Type} -> true; _ -> false end end; (_) -> false end, ets:tab2list(ejabberd_modules)). -spec loaded_modules(binary()) -> [atom()]. loaded_modules(Host) -> ets:select(ejabberd_modules, [{#ejabberd_module{_ = '_', module_host = {'$1', Host}}, [], ['$1']}]). -spec loaded_modules_with_opts(binary()) -> [{atom(), opts()}]. loaded_modules_with_opts(Host) -> ets:select(ejabberd_modules, [{#ejabberd_module{_ = '_', module_host = {'$1', Host}, opts = '$2'}, [], [{{'$1', '$2'}}]}]). -spec get_hosts(opts(), binary()) -> [binary()]. get_hosts(Opts, Prefix) -> case get_opt(hosts, Opts) of undefined -> case get_opt(host, Opts) of undefined -> [<> || Host <- ?MYHOSTS]; Host -> [Host] end; Hosts -> Hosts end. -spec get_module_proc(binary(), {frontend, atom()} | atom()) -> atom(). get_module_proc(Host, {frontend, Base}) -> get_module_proc(<<"frontend_", Host/binary>>, Base); get_module_proc(Host, Base) -> binary_to_atom( <<(erlang:atom_to_binary(Base, latin1))/binary, "_", Host/binary>>, latin1). -spec is_loaded(binary(), atom()) -> boolean(). is_loaded(Host, Module) -> ets:member(ejabberd_modules, {Module, Host}). -spec is_loaded_elsewhere(binary(), atom()) -> boolean(). is_loaded_elsewhere(Host, Module) -> ets:select_count( ejabberd_modules, ets:fun2ms( fun(#ejabberd_module{module_host = {Mod, H}}) -> (Mod == Module) and (H /= Host) end)) /= 0. -spec config_reloaded() -> ok. config_reloaded() -> lists:foreach( fun(Host) -> reload_modules(Host) end, ?MYHOSTS). -spec is_equal_opt(atom(), opts(), opts()) -> true | {false, any(), any()}. is_equal_opt(Opt, NewOpts, OldOpts) -> NewVal = get_opt(Opt, NewOpts), OldVal = get_opt(Opt, OldOpts), if NewVal /= OldVal -> {false, NewVal, OldVal}; true -> true end. -spec opt_type(modules) -> fun(([{atom(), list()}]) -> [{atom(), list()}]); (atom()) -> [atom()]. opt_type(modules) -> fun(Mods) -> lists:map( fun({M, A}) when is_atom(M), is_list(A) -> {M, A} end, Mods) end; opt_type(_) -> [modules].