%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : pubsub_migrate.erl %%% Author : Christophe Romain %%% Purpose : Migration/Upgrade code put out of mod_pubsub %%% Created : 26 Jul 2014 by Christophe Romain %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2015 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(pubsub_migrate). -include("pubsub.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -export([update_node_database/2, update_state_database/2]). -export([update_item_database/2, update_lastitem_database/2]). update_item_database_binary() -> F = fun () -> case catch mnesia:read({pubsub_last_item, mnesia:first(pubsub_last_item)}) of [First] when is_list(First#pubsub_last_item.itemid) -> ?INFO_MSG("Binarization of pubsub items table...", []), lists:foreach(fun (Id) -> [Node] = mnesia:read({pubsub_last_item, Id}), ItemId = iolist_to_binary(Node#pubsub_last_item.itemid), ok = mnesia:delete({pubsub_last_item, Id}), ok = mnesia:write(Node#pubsub_last_item{itemid=ItemId}) end, mnesia:all_keys(pubsub_last_item)); _-> no_need end end, case mnesia:transaction(F) of {aborted, Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to binarize pubsub items table: ~p", [Reason]); {atomic, no_need} -> ok; {atomic, Result} -> ?INFO_MSG("Pubsub items table has been binarized: ~p", [Result]) end. update_item_database(_Host, _ServerHost) -> F = fun() -> ?INFO_MSG("Migration of old pubsub items...", []), lists:foreach(fun (Key) -> [Item] = mnesia:read({pubsub_item, Key}), Payload = [xmlelement_to_xmlel(El) || El <- Item#pubsub_item.payload], mnesia:write(Item#pubsub_item{payload=Payload}) end, mnesia:all_keys(pubsub_item)) end, case mnesia:transaction(F) of {aborted, Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to migrate old pubsub items to xmlel: ~p", [Reason]); {atomic, Result} -> ?INFO_MSG("Pubsub items has been migrated: ~p", [Result]) end. xmlelement_to_xmlel({xmlelement, A, B, C}) when is_list(C) -> {xmlel, A, B, [xmlelement_to_xmlel(El) || El <- C]}; xmlelement_to_xmlel(El) -> El. update_node_database_binary() -> F = fun () -> case catch mnesia:read({pubsub_node, mnesia:first(pubsub_node)}) of [First] when is_list(First#pubsub_node.type) -> ?INFO_MSG("Binarization of pubsub nodes table...", []), lists:foreach(fun ({H, N}) -> [Node] = mnesia:read({pubsub_node, {H, N}}), Type = iolist_to_binary(Node#pubsub_node.type), BN = case N of Binary when is_binary(Binary) -> N; _ -> {result, BN1} = mod_pubsub:node_call(H, Type, path_to_node, [N]), BN1 end, BP = case [case P of Binary2 when is_binary(Binary2) -> P; _ -> element(2, mod_pubsub:node_call(H, Type, path_to_node, [P])) end || P <- Node#pubsub_node.parents] of [<<>>] -> []; Parents -> Parents end, BH = case H of {U, S, R} -> {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S), iolist_to_binary(R)}; String -> iolist_to_binary(String) end, Owners = [{iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S), iolist_to_binary(R)} || {U, S, R} <- Node#pubsub_node.owners], ok = mnesia:delete({pubsub_node, {H, N}}), ok = mnesia:write(Node#pubsub_node{nodeid = {BH, BN}, parents = BP, type = Type, owners = Owners}); (_) -> ok end, mnesia:all_keys(pubsub_node)); _-> no_need end end, case mnesia:transaction(F) of {aborted, Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to binarize pubsub node table: ~p", [Reason]); {atomic, no_need} -> ok; {atomic, Result} -> ?INFO_MSG("Pubsub nodes table has been binarized: ~p", [Result]) end. update_node_database(Host, ServerHost) -> mnesia:del_table_index(pubsub_node, type), mnesia:del_table_index(pubsub_node, parentid), case catch mnesia:table_info(pubsub_node, attributes) of [host_node, host_parent, info] -> ?INFO_MSG("Upgrading pubsub nodes table...", []), F = fun () -> {Result, LastIdx} = lists:foldl(fun ({pubsub_node, NodeId, ParentId, {nodeinfo, Items, Options, Entities}}, {RecList, NodeIdx}) -> ItemsList = lists:foldl(fun ({item, IID, Publisher, Payload}, Acc) -> C = {unknown, Publisher}, M = {now(), Publisher}, mnesia:write(#pubsub_item{itemid = {IID, NodeIdx}, creation = C, modification = M, payload = Payload}), [{Publisher, IID} | Acc] end, [], Items), Owners = dict:fold(fun (JID, {entity, Aff, Sub}, Acc) -> UsrItems = lists:foldl(fun ({P, I}, IAcc) -> case P of JID -> [I | IAcc]; _ -> IAcc end end, [], ItemsList), mnesia:write({pubsub_state, {JID, NodeIdx}, UsrItems, Aff, Sub}), case Aff of owner -> [JID | Acc]; _ -> Acc end end, [], Entities), mnesia:delete({pubsub_node, NodeId}), {[#pubsub_node{nodeid = NodeId, id = NodeIdx, parents = [element(2, ParentId)], owners = Owners, options = Options} | RecList], NodeIdx + 1} end, {[], 1}, mnesia:match_object({pubsub_node, {Host, '_'}, '_', '_'})), mnesia:write(#pubsub_index{index = node, last = LastIdx, free = []}), Result end, {atomic, NewRecords} = mnesia:transaction(F), {atomic, ok} = mnesia:delete_table(pubsub_node), {atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table(pubsub_node, [{disc_copies, [node()]}, {attributes, record_info(fields, pubsub_node)}]), FNew = fun () -> lists:foreach(fun (Record) -> mnesia:write(Record) end, NewRecords) end, case mnesia:transaction(FNew) of {atomic, Result} -> ?INFO_MSG("Pubsub nodes table upgraded: ~p", [Result]); {aborted, Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Problem upgrading Pubsub nodes table:~n~p", [Reason]) end; [nodeid, parentid, type, owners, options] -> F = fun ({pubsub_node, NodeId, {_, Parent}, Type, Owners, Options}) -> #pubsub_node{nodeid = NodeId, id = 0, parents = [Parent], type = Type, owners = Owners, options = Options} end, mnesia:transform_table(pubsub_node, F, [nodeid, id, parents, type, owners, options]), FNew = fun () -> LastIdx = lists:foldl(fun (#pubsub_node{nodeid = NodeId} = PubsubNode, NodeIdx) -> mnesia:write(PubsubNode#pubsub_node{id = NodeIdx}), lists:foreach(fun (#pubsub_state{stateid = StateId} = State) -> {JID, _} = StateId, mnesia:delete({pubsub_state, StateId}), mnesia:write(State#pubsub_state{stateid = {JID, NodeIdx}}) end, mnesia:match_object(#pubsub_state{stateid = {'_', NodeId}, _ = '_'})), lists:foreach(fun (#pubsub_item{itemid = ItemId} = Item) -> {IID, _} = ItemId, {M1, M2} = Item#pubsub_item.modification, {C1, C2} = Item#pubsub_item.creation, mnesia:delete({pubsub_item, ItemId}), mnesia:write(Item#pubsub_item{itemid = {IID, NodeIdx}, modification = {M2, M1}, creation = {C2, C1}}) end, mnesia:match_object(#pubsub_item{itemid = {'_', NodeId}, _ = '_'})), NodeIdx + 1 end, 1, mnesia:match_object({pubsub_node, {Host, '_'}, '_', '_', '_', '_', '_'}) ++ mnesia:match_object({pubsub_node, {{'_', ServerHost, '_'}, '_'}, '_', '_', '_', '_', '_'})), mnesia:write(#pubsub_index{index = node, last = LastIdx, free = []}) end, case mnesia:transaction(FNew) of {atomic, Result} -> rename_default_nodeplugin(), ?INFO_MSG("Pubsub nodes table upgraded: ~p", [Result]); {aborted, Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Problem upgrading Pubsub nodes table:~n~p", [Reason]) end; [nodeid, id, parent, type, owners, options] -> F = fun ({pubsub_node, NodeId, Id, Parent, Type, Owners, Options}) -> #pubsub_node{nodeid = NodeId, id = Id, parents = [Parent], type = Type, owners = Owners, options = Options} end, mnesia:transform_table(pubsub_node, F, [nodeid, id, parents, type, owners, options]), rename_default_nodeplugin(); _ -> ok end, update_node_database_binary(). rename_default_nodeplugin() -> lists:foreach(fun (Node) -> mnesia:dirty_write(Node#pubsub_node{type = <<"hometree">>}) end, mnesia:dirty_match_object(#pubsub_node{type = <<"default">>, _ = '_'})). update_state_database(_Host, _ServerHost) -> case catch mnesia:table_info(pubsub_state, attributes) of [stateid, nodeidx, items, affiliation, subscriptions] -> ?INFO_MSG("Upgrading pubsub states table...", []), F = fun ({pubsub_state, {{U,S,R}, NodeID}, _NodeIdx, Items, Aff, Sub}, Acc) -> JID = {iolist_to_binary(U), iolist_to_binary(S), iolist_to_binary(R)}, Subs = case Sub of none -> []; [] -> []; _ -> {result, SubID} = pubsub_subscription:subscribe_node(JID, NodeID, []), [{Sub, SubID}] end, NewState = #pubsub_state{stateid = {JID, NodeID}, items = Items, affiliation = Aff, subscriptions = Subs}, [NewState | Acc] end, {atomic, NewRecs} = mnesia:transaction(fun mnesia:foldl/3, [F, [], pubsub_state]), {atomic, ok} = mnesia:delete_table(pubsub_state), {atomic, ok} = mnesia:create_table(pubsub_state, [{disc_copies, [node()]}, {attributes, record_info(fields, pubsub_state)}]), FNew = fun () -> lists:foreach(fun mnesia:write/1, NewRecs) end, case mnesia:transaction(FNew) of {atomic, Result} -> ?INFO_MSG("Pubsub states table upgraded: ~p", [Result]); {aborted, Reason} -> ?ERROR_MSG("Problem upgrading Pubsub states table:~n~p", [Reason]) end; _ -> ok end. update_lastitem_database(_Host, _ServerHost) -> update_item_database_binary().