%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : ejabberd_piefxis.erl %%% Author : Pablo Polvorin, Vidal Santiago Martinez %%% Purpose : XEP-0227: Portable Import/Export Format for XMPP-IM Servers %%% Created : 17 Jul 2008 by Pablo Polvorin %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author Evgeniy Khramtsov %%% @doc %%% %%% %%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2016 ProcessOne %%% %%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the %%% License, or (at your option) any later version. %%% %%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU %%% General Public License for more details. %%% %%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along %%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., %%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. %%% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Not implemented: %%% - write mod_piefxis with ejabberdctl commands %%% - Export from mod_offline_odbc.erl %%% - Export from mod_private_odbc.erl %%% - XEP-227: 6. Security Considerations %%% - Other schemas of XInclude are not tested, and may not be imported correctly. %%% - If a host has many users, split that host in XML files with 50 users each. %%%% Headers -module(ejabberd_piefxis). -behaviour(ejabberd_config). -protocol({xep, 227, '1.0'}). -export([import_file/1, export_server/1, export_host/2, opt_type/1]). -define(CHUNK_SIZE, 1024*20). %20k -include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl"). -include("jlib.hrl"). -include("mod_privacy.hrl"). -include("mod_roster.hrl"). %%-include_lib("exmpp/include/exmpp.hrl"). %%-include_lib("exmpp/include/exmpp_client.hrl"). %% Copied from exmpp header files: %% Copied from mod_private.erl %%-define(ERROR_MSG(M,Args),io:format(M,Args)). %%-define(INFO_MSG(M,Args),ok). %%%================================== %%%% Import file -define(NS_PIE, <<"urn:xmpp:pie:0">>). -define(NS_PIEFXIS, <<"http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0227.html#ns">>). -define(NS_XI, <<"http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">>). -record(state, {xml_stream_state :: fxml_stream:xml_stream_state(), user = <<"">> :: binary(), server = <<"">> :: binary(), fd :: file:io_device(), dir = <<"">> :: binary()}). -type state() :: #state{}. %%File could be large.. we read it in chunks %%%=================================================================== %%% API %%%=================================================================== import_file(FileName) -> import_file(FileName, #state{}). -spec import_file(binary(), state()) -> ok | {error, atom()}. import_file(FileName, State) -> case file:open(FileName, [read, binary]) of {ok, Fd} -> Dir = filename:dirname(FileName), XMLStreamState = fxml_stream:new(self(), infinity), Res = process(State#state{xml_stream_state = XMLStreamState, fd = Fd, dir = Dir}), file:close(Fd), Res; {error, Reason} -> ErrTxt = file:format_error(Reason), ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to open file '~s': ~s", [FileName, ErrTxt]), {error, Reason} end. %%%================================== %%%% Process Elements %%%================================== %%%% Process Element %%%================================== %%%% Add user %% @spec (El::xmlel(), Domain::string(), User::binary(), Password::binary() | none) %% -> ok | {error, ErrorText::string()} %% @doc Add a new user to the database. %% If user already exists, it will be only updated. -spec export_server(binary()) -> any(). %% @spec (User::string(), Password::string(), Domain::string()) %% -> ok | {atomic, exists} | {error, not_allowed} %% @doc Create a new user export_server(Dir) -> export_hosts(?MYHOSTS, Dir). %%%================================== %%%% Populate user %% @spec (User::string(), Domain::string(), El::xml()) %% -> ok | {error, not_found} %% %% @doc Add a new user from a XML file with a roster list. %% %% Example of a file: %% ``` %% %% %% %% %% %% %% Friends %% %% %% %% %% %% ''' -spec export_host(binary(), binary()) -> any(). export_host(Dir, Host) -> export_hosts([Host], Dir). %% @spec User = String with the user name %% Domain = String with a domain name %% El = Sub XML element with vCard tags values %% @ret ok | {error, not_found} %% @doc Read vcards from the XML and send it to the server %% %% Example: %% ``` %% %% %% %% %% %% Admin %% %% %% %% %% ''' %%%=================================================================== %%% Internal functions %%%=================================================================== export_hosts(Hosts, Dir) -> FnT = make_filename_template(), DFn = make_main_basefilename(Dir, FnT), case file:open(DFn, [raw, write]) of {ok, Fd} -> print(Fd, make_piefxis_xml_head()), print(Fd, make_piefxis_server_head()), FilesAndHosts = [{make_host_filename(FnT, Host), Host} || Host <- Hosts], lists:foreach( fun({FnH, _}) -> print(Fd, make_xinclude(FnH)) end, FilesAndHosts), print(Fd, make_piefxis_server_tail()), print(Fd, make_piefxis_xml_tail()), file:close(Fd), lists:foldl( fun({FnH, Host}, ok) -> export_host(Dir, FnH, Host); (_, Err) -> Err end, ok, FilesAndHosts); {error, Reason} -> ErrTxt = file:format_error(Reason), ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to open file '~s': ~s", [DFn, ErrTxt]), {error, Reason} end. %% @spec User = String with the user name %% Domain = String with a domain name %% El = Sub XML element with offline messages values %% @ret ok | {error, not_found} %% @doc Read off-line message from the XML and send it to the server export_host(Dir, FnH, Host) -> DFn = make_host_basefilename(Dir, FnH), case file:open(DFn, [raw, write]) of {ok, Fd} -> print(Fd, make_piefxis_xml_head()), print(Fd, make_piefxis_host_head(Host)), Users = ejabberd_auth:get_vh_registered_users(Host), case export_users(Users, Host, Fd) of ok -> print(Fd, make_piefxis_host_tail()), print(Fd, make_piefxis_xml_tail()), file:close(Fd), ok; Err -> file:close(Fd), file:delete(DFn), Err end; {error, Reason} -> ErrTxt = file:format_error(Reason), ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to open file '~s': ~s", [DFn, ErrTxt]), {error, Reason} end. %% @spec User = String with the user name %% Domain = String with a domain name %% El = Sub XML element with private storage values %% @ret ok | {error, not_found} %% @doc Private storage parsing export_users([{User, _S}|Users], Server, Fd) -> case export_user(User, Server, Fd) of ok -> export_users(Users, Server, Fd); Err -> Err end; export_users([], _Server, _Fd) -> ok. %%%================================== %%%% Utilities export_user(User, Server, Fd) -> Password = ejabberd_auth:get_password_s(User, Server), LServer = jid:nameprep(Server), PasswordFormat = ejabberd_config:get_option({auth_password_format, LServer}, fun(X) -> X end, plain), Pass = case Password of {_,_,_,_} -> case PasswordFormat of scram -> format_scram_password(Password); _ -> <<"">> end; _ -> Password end, Els = get_offline(User, Server) ++ get_vcard(User, Server) ++ get_privacy(User, Server) ++ get_roster(User, Server) ++ get_private(User, Server), print(Fd, fxml:element_to_binary( #xmlel{name = <<"user">>, attrs = [{<<"name">>, User}, {<<"password">>, Pass}], children = Els})). format_scram_password({StoredKey, ServerKey, Salt, IterationCount}) -> StoredKeyB64 = base64:encode(StoredKey), ServerKeyB64 = base64:encode(ServerKey), SaltB64 = base64:encode(Salt), IterationCountBin = list_to_binary(integer_to_list(IterationCount)), <<"scram:", StoredKeyB64/binary, ",", ServerKeyB64/binary, ",", SaltB64/binary, ",", IterationCountBin/binary>>. parse_scram_password(PassData) -> Split = binary:split(PassData, <<",">>, [global]), [StoredKeyB64, ServerKeyB64, SaltB64, IterationCountBin] = Split, #scram{ storedkey = StoredKeyB64, serverkey = ServerKeyB64, salt = SaltB64, iterationcount = list_to_integer(binary_to_list(IterationCountBin)) }. get_vcard(User, Server) -> JID = jid:make(User, Server, <<>>), case mod_vcard:process_sm_iq(JID, JID, #iq{type = get}) of #iq{type = result, sub_el = [_|_] = VCardEls} -> VCardEls; _ -> [] end. %%%================================== get_offline(User, Server) -> case mod_offline:get_offline_els(User, Server) of [] -> []; Els -> NewEls = lists:map( fun(#xmlel{attrs = Attrs} = El) -> NewAttrs = lists:keystore(<<"xmlns">>, 1, Attrs, {<<"xmlns">>, <<"jabber:client">>}), El#xmlel{attrs = NewAttrs} end, Els), [#xmlel{name = <<"offline-messages">>, children = NewEls}] end. %%%% Export hosts get_privacy(User, Server) -> case mod_privacy:get_user_lists(User, Server) of {ok, #privacy{default = Default, lists = [_|_] = Lists}} -> XLists = lists:map( fun({Name, Items}) -> XItems = lists:map( fun mod_privacy:item_to_xml/1, Items), #xmlel{name = <<"list">>, attrs = [{<<"name">>, Name}], children = XItems} end, Lists), DefaultEl = case Default of none -> []; _ -> [#xmlel{name = <<"default">>, attrs = [{<<"name">>, Default}]}] end, [#xmlel{name = <<"query">>, attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_PRIVACY}], children = DefaultEl ++ XLists}]; _ -> [] end. %% @spec (Dir::string(), Hosts::[string()]) -> ok get_roster(User, Server) -> JID = jid:make(User, Server, <<>>), case mod_roster:get_roster(User, Server) of [_|_] = Items -> Subs = lists:flatmap( fun(#roster{ask = Ask, askmessage = Msg} = R) when Ask == in; Ask == both -> Status = if is_binary(Msg) -> (Msg); true -> <<"">> end, [#xmlel{name = <<"presence">>, attrs = [{<<"from">>, jid:to_string(R#roster.jid)}, {<<"to">>, jid:to_string(JID)}, {<<"xmlns">>, <<"jabber:client">>}, {<<"type">>, <<"subscribe">>}], children = [#xmlel{name = <<"status">>, attrs = [], children = [{xmlcdata, Status}]}]}]; (_) -> [] end, Items), Rs = lists:flatmap( fun(#roster{ask = in, subscription = none}) -> []; (R) -> [mod_roster:item_to_xml(R)] end, Items), [#xmlel{name = <<"query">>, attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_ROSTER}], children = Rs} | Subs]; _ -> [] end. get_private(User, Server) -> case mod_private:get_data(User, Server) of [_|_] = Els -> [#xmlel{name = <<"query">>, attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_PRIVATE}], children = Els}]; _ -> [] end. process(#state{xml_stream_state = XMLStreamState, fd = Fd} = State) -> case file:read(Fd, ?CHUNK_SIZE) of {ok, Data} -> NewXMLStreamState = fxml_stream:parse(XMLStreamState, Data), case process_els(State#state{xml_stream_state = NewXMLStreamState}) of {ok, NewState} -> process(NewState); Err -> fxml_stream:close(NewXMLStreamState), Err end; eof -> fxml_stream:close(XMLStreamState), ok end. process_els(State) -> receive {'$gen_event', El} -> case process_el(El, State) of {ok, NewState} -> process_els(NewState); Err -> Err end after 0 -> {ok, State} end. process_el({xmlstreamstart, <<"server-data">>, Attrs}, State) -> case fxml:get_attr_s(<<"xmlns">>, Attrs) of ?NS_PIEFXIS -> {ok, State}; ?NS_PIE -> {ok, State}; NS -> stop("Unknown 'server-data' namespace = ~s", [NS]) end; process_el({xmlstreamend, _}, State) -> {ok, State}; process_el({xmlstreamcdata, _}, State) -> {ok, State}; process_el({xmlstreamelement, #xmlel{name = <<"xi:include">>, attrs = Attrs}}, #state{dir = Dir, user = <<"">>} = State) -> FileName = fxml:get_attr_s(<<"href">>, Attrs), case import_file(filename:join([Dir, FileName]), State) of ok -> {ok, State}; Err -> Err end; process_el({xmlstreamstart, <<"host">>, Attrs}, State) -> process_el({xmlstreamelement, #xmlel{name = <<"host">>, attrs = Attrs}}, State); process_el({xmlstreamelement, #xmlel{name = <<"host">>, attrs = Attrs, children = Els}}, State) -> JIDS = fxml:get_attr_s(<<"jid">>, Attrs), case jid:from_string(JIDS) of #jid{lserver = S} -> case lists:member(S, ?MYHOSTS) of true -> process_users(Els, State#state{server = S}); false -> stop("Unknown host: ~s", [S]) end; error -> stop("Invalid 'jid': ~s", [JIDS]) end; process_el({xmlstreamstart, <<"user">>, Attrs}, State = #state{server = S}) when S /= <<"">> -> process_el({xmlstreamelement, #xmlel{name = <<"user">>, attrs = Attrs}}, State); process_el({xmlstreamelement, #xmlel{name = <<"user">>} = El}, State = #state{server = S}) when S /= <<"">> -> process_user(El, State); process_el({xmlstreamelement, El}, State = #state{server = S, user = U}) when S /= <<"">>, U /= <<"">> -> process_user_el(El, State); process_el({xmlstreamelement, El}, _State) -> stop("Unexpected tag: ~p", [El]); process_el({xmlstreamstart, El, Attrs}, _State) -> stop("Unexpected payload: ~p", [{El, Attrs}]); process_el({xmlstreamerror, Err}, _State) -> stop("Failed to process element = ~p", [Err]). process_users([#xmlel{} = El|Els], State) -> case process_user(El, State) of {ok, NewState} -> process_users(Els, NewState); Err -> Err end; process_users([_|Els], State) -> process_users(Els, State); process_users([], State) -> {ok, State}. process_user(#xmlel{name = <<"user">>, attrs = Attrs, children = Els}, #state{server = LServer} = State) -> Name = fxml:get_attr_s(<<"name">>, Attrs), Password = fxml:get_attr_s(<<"password">>, Attrs), PasswordFormat = ejabberd_config:get_option({auth_password_format, LServer}, fun(X) -> X end, plain), Pass = case PasswordFormat of scram -> case Password of <<"scram:", PassData/binary>> -> parse_scram_password(PassData); P -> P end; _ -> Password end, case jid:nodeprep(Name) of error -> stop("Invalid 'user': ~s", [Name]); LUser -> case ejabberd_auth:try_register(LUser, LServer, Pass) of {atomic, _} -> process_user_els(Els, State#state{user = LUser}); Err -> stop("Failed to create user '~s': ~p", [Name, Err]) end end. process_user_els([#xmlel{} = El|Els], State) -> case process_user_el(El, State) of {ok, NewState} -> process_user_els(Els, NewState); Err -> Err end; process_user_els([_|Els], State) -> process_user_els(Els, State); process_user_els([], State) -> {ok, State}. process_user_el(#xmlel{name = Name, attrs = Attrs, children = Els} = El, State) -> case {Name, fxml:get_attr_s(<<"xmlns">>, Attrs)} of {<<"query">>, ?NS_ROSTER} -> process_roster(El, State); {<<"query">>, ?NS_PRIVACY} -> %% Make sure elements go before and NewEls = lists:reverse(lists:keysort(#xmlel.name, Els)), process_privacy_el(El#xmlel{children = NewEls}, State); {<<"query">>, ?NS_PRIVATE} -> process_private(El, State); {<<"vCard">>, ?NS_VCARD} -> process_vcard(El, State); {<<"offline-messages">>, _} -> process_offline_msgs(Els, State); {<<"presence">>, <<"jabber:client">>} -> process_presence(El, State); _ -> {ok, State} end. process_privacy_el(#xmlel{children = [#xmlel{} = SubEl|SubEls]} = El, State) -> case process_privacy(#xmlel{children = [SubEl]}, State) of {ok, NewState} -> process_privacy_el(El#xmlel{children = SubEls}, NewState); Err -> Err end; process_privacy_el(#xmlel{children = [_|SubEls]} = El, State) -> process_privacy_el(El#xmlel{children = SubEls}, State); process_privacy_el(#xmlel{children = []}, State) -> {ok, State}. process_offline_msgs([#xmlel{} = El|Els], State) -> case process_offline_msg(El, State) of {ok, NewState} -> process_offline_msgs(Els, NewState); Err -> Err end; process_offline_msgs([_|Els], State) -> process_offline_msgs(Els, State); process_offline_msgs([], State) -> {ok, State}. process_roster(El, State = #state{user = U, server = S}) -> case mod_roster:set_items(U, S, El) of {atomic, _} -> {ok, State}; Err -> stop("Failed to write roster: ~p", [Err]) end. %%%================================== %%%% Export server process_privacy(El, State = #state{user = U, server = S}) -> JID = jid:make(U, S, <<"">>), case mod_privacy:process_iq_set( [], JID, JID, #iq{type = set, sub_el = El}) of {error, Error} = Err -> #xmlel{children = Els} = El, Name = case fxml:remove_cdata(Els) of [#xmlel{name = N}] -> N; _ -> undefined end, #xmlel{attrs = Attrs} = Error, ErrorCode = case lists:keysearch(<<"code">>, 1, Attrs) of {value, {_, V}} -> V; false -> undefined end, if ErrorCode == <<"404">>, Name == <<"default">> -> {ok, State}; true -> stop("Failed to write privacy: ~p", [Err]) end; _ -> {ok, State} end. %% @spec (Dir::string()) -> ok process_private(El, State = #state{user = U, server = S}) -> JID = jid:make(U, S, <<"">>), case mod_private:process_sm_iq( JID, JID, #iq{type = set, sub_el = El}) of #iq{type = result} -> {ok, State}; Err -> stop("Failed to write private: ~p", [Err]) end. %%%================================== %%%% Export host process_vcard(El, State = #state{user = U, server = S}) -> JID = jid:make(U, S, <<"">>), case mod_vcard:process_sm_iq( JID, JID, #iq{type = set, sub_el = El}) of #iq{type = result} -> {ok, State}; Err -> stop("Failed to write vcard: ~p", [Err]) end. %% @spec (Dir::string(), Host::string()) -> ok process_offline_msg(El, State = #state{user = U, server = S}) -> FromS = fxml:get_attr_s(<<"from">>, El#xmlel.attrs), case jid:from_string(FromS) of #jid{} = From -> To = jid:make(U, S, <<>>), NewEl = jlib:replace_from_to(From, To, El), case catch mod_offline:store_packet(From, To, NewEl) of {'EXIT', _} = Err -> stop("Failed to store offline message: ~p", [Err]); _ -> {ok, State} end; _ -> stop("Invalid 'from' = ~s", [FromS]) end. %% @spec (Dir::string(), Fn::string(), Host::string()) -> ok process_presence(El, #state{user = U, server = S} = State) -> FromS = fxml:get_attr_s(<<"from">>, El#xmlel.attrs), case jid:from_string(FromS) of #jid{} = From -> To = jid:make(U, S, <<>>), NewEl = jlib:replace_from_to(From, To, El), ejabberd_router:route(From, To, NewEl), {ok, State}; _ -> stop("Invalid 'from' = ~s", [FromS]) end. stop(Fmt, Args) -> ?ERROR_MSG(Fmt, Args), {error, import_failed}. make_filename_template() -> {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}} = calendar:local_time(), list_to_binary( io_lib:format("~4..0w~2..0w~2..0w-~2..0w~2..0w~2..0w", [Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second])). make_main_basefilename(Dir, FnT) -> Filename2 = <>, filename:join([Dir, Filename2]). %% @doc Make the filename for the host. %% Example: ``(<<"20080804-231550">>, <<"jabber.example.org">>) -> %% <<"20080804-231550_jabber_example_org.xml">>'' make_host_filename(FnT, Host) -> Host2 = str:join(str:tokens(Host, <<".">>), <<"_">>), <>. %%%================================== %%%% PIEFXIS formatting make_host_basefilename(Dir, FnT) -> filename:join([Dir, FnT]). %% @spec () -> string() make_piefxis_xml_head() -> "". %% @spec () -> string() make_piefxis_xml_tail() -> "". %% @spec () -> string() make_piefxis_server_head() -> io_lib:format("", [?NS_PIE, ?NS_XI]). %% @spec () -> string() make_piefxis_server_tail() -> "". %% @spec (Host::string()) -> string() make_piefxis_host_head(Host) -> io_lib:format("", [?NS_PIE, ?NS_XI, Host]). %% @spec () -> string() make_piefxis_host_tail() -> "". %% @spec (Fn::string()) -> string() make_xinclude(Fn) -> Base = filename:basename(Fn), io_lib:format("", [Base]). print(Fd, String) -> file:write(Fd, String). opt_type(auth_password_format) -> fun (X) -> X end; opt_type(_) -> [auth_password_format].