%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : shaper.erl %%% Author : Alexey Shchepin %%% Purpose : Functions to control connections traffic %%% Created : 9 Feb 2003 by Alexey Shchepin %%% Id : $Id$ %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(shaper). -author('alexey@sevcom.net'). -vsn('$Revision$ '). -export([new/1, new1/1, update/2]). -record(maxrate, {maxrate, lastrate, lasttime}). new(Name) -> Data = case ejabberd_config:get_global_option({shaper, Name}) of undefined -> none; D -> D end, new1(Data). new1(none) -> none; new1({maxrate, MaxRate}) -> #maxrate{maxrate = MaxRate, lastrate = 0, lasttime = now_to_usec(now())}. update(none, Size) -> none; update(#maxrate{} = State, Size) -> MinInterv = 1000 * Size / (2 * State#maxrate.maxrate - State#maxrate.lastrate), Interv = (now_to_usec(now()) - State#maxrate.lasttime) / 1000, %io:format("State: ~p, Size=~p~nM=~p, I=~p~n", % [State, Size, MinInterv, Interv]), if MinInterv > Interv -> timer:sleep(1 + trunc(MinInterv - Interv)); true -> ok end, Now = now_to_usec(now()), State#maxrate{ lastrate = (State#maxrate.lastrate + 1000000 * Size / (Now - State#maxrate.lasttime))/2, lasttime = Now}. now_to_usec({MSec, Sec, USec}) -> (MSec*1000000 + Sec)*1000000 + USec.