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%%% @author Evgeny Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>
%%% @copyright (C) 2016, Evgeny Khramtsov
%%% @doc
%%% @end
%%% Created : 16 Nov 2016 by Evgeny Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>
%% API
-import(suite, [send/2, recv/1, close_socket/1, set_opt/3, my_jid/1,
recv_message/1, disconnect/1]).
%%% API
%%% Single user tests
single_cases() ->
{sm_single, [sequence],
feature_enabled(Config) ->
true = ?config(sm, Config),
enable(Config) ->
Server = ?config(server, Config),
ServerJID = jid:make(<<"">>, Server, <<"">>),
%% Send messages of type 'headline' so the server discards them silently
Msg = #message{to = ServerJID, type = headline,
body = [#text{data = <<"body">>}]},
%% Enable the session management with resumption enabled
send(Config, #sm_enable{resume = true, xmlns = ?NS_STREAM_MGMT_3}),
#sm_enabled{id = ID, resume = true} = recv(Config),
%% Initial request; 'h' should be 0.
send(Config, #sm_r{xmlns = ?NS_STREAM_MGMT_3}),
#sm_a{h = 0} = recv(Config),
%% sending two messages and requesting again; 'h' should be 3.
send(Config, Msg),
send(Config, Msg),
send(Config, Msg),
send(Config, #sm_r{xmlns = ?NS_STREAM_MGMT_3}),
#sm_a{h = 3} = recv(Config),
{save_config, set_opt(sm_previd, ID, Config)}.
resume(Config) ->
{_, SMConfig} = ?config(saved_config, Config),
ID = ?config(sm_previd, SMConfig),
Server = ?config(server, Config),
ServerJID = jid:make(<<"">>, Server, <<"">>),
MyJID = my_jid(Config),
Txt = #text{data = <<"body">>},
Msg = #message{from = ServerJID, to = MyJID, body = [Txt]},
%% Route message. The message should be queued by the C2S process.
ejabberd_router:route(ServerJID, MyJID, Msg),
send(Config, #sm_resume{previd = ID, h = 0, xmlns = ?NS_STREAM_MGMT_3}),
#sm_resumed{previd = ID, h = 3} = recv(Config),
#message{from = ServerJID, to = MyJID, body = [Txt]} = recv_message(Config),
#sm_r{} = recv(Config),
send(Config, #sm_a{h = 1, xmlns = ?NS_STREAM_MGMT_3}),
%% Send another stanza to increment the server's 'h' for sm_resume_failed.
send(Config, #presence{to = ServerJID}),
{save_config, set_opt(sm_previd, ID, Config)}.
resume_failed(Config) ->
{_, SMConfig} = ?config(saved_config, Config),
ID = ?config(sm_previd, SMConfig),
ct:sleep(5000), % Wait for session to time out.
send(Config, #sm_resume{previd = ID, h = 1, xmlns = ?NS_STREAM_MGMT_3}),
#sm_failed{reason = 'item-not-found', h = 4} = recv(Config),
%%% Master-slave tests
master_slave_cases() ->
{sm_master_slave, [sequence], []}.
%%% Internal functions
single_test(T) ->
list_to_atom("sm_" ++ atom_to_list(T)).
master_slave_test(T) ->
{list_to_atom("sm_" ++ atom_to_list(T)), [parallel],
[list_to_atom("sm_" ++ atom_to_list(T) ++ "_master"),
list_to_atom("sm_" ++ atom_to_list(T) ++ "_slave")]}.