mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-09-27 14:30:55 +02:00
Paweł Chmielowski f75909db4c Allow pubsub node owner to overwrite items published by other persons
Owner is already permitted to delete those items, so it could do that by
deleting old item, and publishing it again, so i don't see reason to not
allow that overwrite.
2023-10-12 13:16:32 +02:00

996 lines
37 KiB

%%% File : node_flat.erl
%%% Author : Christophe Romain <christophe.romain@process-one.net>
%%% Purpose : Standard PubSub node plugin
%%% Created : 1 Dec 2007 by Christophe Romain <christophe.romain@process-one.net>
%%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2023 ProcessOne
%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
%%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%% General Public License for more details.
%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
%%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
%%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
%%% @doc The module <strong>{@module}</strong> is the default PubSub plugin.
%%% <p>It is used as a default for all unknown PubSub node type. It can serve
%%% as a developer basis and reference to build its own custom pubsub node
%%% types.</p>
%%% <p>PubSub plugin nodes are using the {@link gen_node} behaviour.</p>
-export([init/3, terminate/2, options/0, features/0,
create_node_permission/6, create_node/2, delete_node/1,
purge_node/2, subscribe_node/8, unsubscribe_node/4,
publish_item/7, delete_item/4,
remove_extra_items/2, remove_extra_items/3, remove_expired_items/2,
get_entity_affiliations/2, get_node_affiliations/1,
get_affiliation/2, set_affiliation/3,
get_entity_subscriptions/2, get_node_subscriptions/1,
get_subscriptions/2, set_subscriptions/4,
get_pending_nodes/2, get_states/1, get_state/2,
set_state/1, get_items/7, get_items/3, get_item/7,
get_last_items/3, get_only_item/2,
get_item/2, set_item/1, get_item_name/3, node_to_path/1,
path_to_node/1, can_fetch_item/2, is_subscribed/1, transform/1]).
init(_Host, _ServerHost, _Opts) ->
%pubsub_subscription:init(Host, ServerHost, Opts),
ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, pubsub_state,
[{disc_copies, [node()]}, {index, [nodeidx]},
{type, ordered_set},
{attributes, record_info(fields, pubsub_state)}]),
ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, pubsub_item,
[{disc_only_copies, [node()]}, {index, [nodeidx]},
{attributes, record_info(fields, pubsub_item)}]),
ejabberd_mnesia:create(?MODULE, pubsub_orphan,
[{disc_copies, [node()]},
{attributes, record_info(fields, pubsub_orphan)}]),
ItemsFields = record_info(fields, pubsub_item),
case mnesia:table_info(pubsub_item, attributes) of
ItemsFields -> ok;
_ -> mnesia:transform_table(pubsub_item, ignore, ItemsFields)
terminate(_Host, _ServerHost) ->
options() ->
[{deliver_payloads, true},
{notify_config, false},
{notify_delete, false},
{notify_retract, true},
{purge_offline, false},
{persist_items, true},
{max_items, ?MAXITEMS},
{subscribe, true},
{access_model, open},
{roster_groups_allowed, []},
{publish_model, publishers},
{notification_type, headline},
{max_payload_size, ?MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE},
{send_last_published_item, on_sub_and_presence},
{deliver_notifications, true},
{presence_based_delivery, false},
{itemreply, none}].
features() ->
%% @doc Checks if the current user has the permission to create the requested node
%% <p>In flat node, any unused node name is allowed. The access parameter is also
%% checked. This parameter depends on the value of the
%% <tt>access_createnode</tt> ACL value in ejabberd config file.</p>
create_node_permission(Host, ServerHost, _Node, _ParentNode, Owner, Access) ->
LOwner = jid:tolower(Owner),
Allowed = case LOwner of
{<<"">>, Host, <<"">>} ->
true; % pubsub service always allowed
_ ->
acl:match_rule(ServerHost, Access, LOwner) =:= allow
{result, Allowed}.
create_node(Nidx, Owner) ->
OwnerKey = jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(Owner)),
set_state(#pubsub_state{stateid = {OwnerKey, Nidx},
nodeidx = Nidx, affiliation = owner}),
{result, {default, broadcast}}.
delete_node(Nodes) ->
Tr = fun (#pubsub_state{stateid = {J, _}, subscriptions = Ss}) ->
lists:map(fun (S) -> {J, S} end, Ss)
Reply = lists:map(fun (#pubsub_node{id = Nidx} = PubsubNode) ->
{result, States} = get_states(Nidx),
lists:foreach(fun (State) ->
del_items(Nidx, State#pubsub_state.items),
del_state(State#pubsub_state{items = []})
end, States),
{PubsubNode, lists:flatmap(Tr, States)}
end, Nodes),
{result, {default, broadcast, Reply}}.
%% @doc <p>Accepts or rejects subcription requests on a PubSub node.</p>
%% <p>The mechanism works as follow:
%% <ul>
%% <li>The main PubSub module prepares the subscription and passes the
%% result of the preparation as a record.</li>
%% <li>This function gets the prepared record and several other parameters and
%% can decide to:<ul>
%% <li>reject the subscription;</li>
%% <li>allow it as is, letting the main module perform the database
%% persistence;</li>
%% <li>allow it, modifying the record. The main module will store the
%% modified record;</li>
%% <li>allow it, but perform the needed persistence operations.</li></ul>
%% </li></ul></p>
%% <p>The selected behaviour depends on the return parameter:
%% <ul>
%% <li><tt>{error, Reason}</tt>: an IQ error result will be returned. No
%% subscription will actually be performed.</li>
%% <li><tt>true</tt>: Subscribe operation is allowed, based on the
%% unmodified record passed in parameter <tt>SubscribeResult</tt>. If this
%% parameter contains an error, no subscription will be performed.</li>
%% <li><tt>{true, PubsubState}</tt>: Subscribe operation is allowed, but
%% the {@link mod_pubsub:pubsubState()} record returned replaces the value
%% passed in parameter <tt>SubscribeResult</tt>.</li>
%% <li><tt>{true, done}</tt>: Subscribe operation is allowed, but the
%% {@link mod_pubsub:pubsubState()} will be considered as already stored and
%% no further persistence operation will be performed. This case is used,
%% when the plugin module is doing the persistence by itself or when it want
%% to completely disable persistence.</li></ul>
%% </p>
%% <p>In the default plugin module, the record is unchanged.</p>
subscribe_node(Nidx, Sender, Subscriber, AccessModel,
SendLast, PresenceSubscription, RosterGroup, _Options) ->
SubKey = jid:tolower(Subscriber),
GenKey = jid:remove_resource(SubKey),
Authorized = jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(Sender)) == GenKey,
GenState = get_state(Nidx, GenKey),
SubState = case SubKey of
GenKey -> GenState;
_ -> get_state(Nidx, SubKey)
Affiliation = GenState#pubsub_state.affiliation,
Subscriptions = SubState#pubsub_state.subscriptions,
Whitelisted = lists:member(Affiliation, [member, publisher, owner]),
PendingSubscription = lists:any(fun
({pending, _}) -> true;
(_) -> false
Owner = Affiliation == owner,
if not Authorized ->
mod_pubsub:extended_error((xmpp:err_bad_request()), mod_pubsub:err_invalid_jid())};
(Affiliation == outcast) or (Affiliation == publish_only) ->
{error, xmpp:err_forbidden()};
PendingSubscription ->
mod_pubsub:extended_error((xmpp:err_not_authorized()), mod_pubsub:err_pending_subscription())};
(AccessModel == presence) and (not PresenceSubscription) and (not Owner) ->
mod_pubsub:extended_error((xmpp:err_not_authorized()), mod_pubsub:err_presence_subscription_required())};
(AccessModel == roster) and (not RosterGroup) and (not Owner) ->
mod_pubsub:extended_error((xmpp:err_not_authorized()), mod_pubsub:err_not_in_roster_group())};
(AccessModel == whitelist) and (not Whitelisted) and (not Owner) ->
mod_pubsub:extended_error((xmpp:err_not_allowed()), mod_pubsub:err_closed_node())};
%%MustPay ->
%% % Payment is required for a subscription
%%ForbiddenAnonymous ->
%% % Requesting entity is anonymous
%% {error, xmpp:err_forbidden()};
true ->
%%SubId = pubsub_subscription:add_subscription(Subscriber, Nidx, Options),
{NewSub, SubId} = case Subscriptions of
[{subscribed, Id}|_] ->
{subscribed, Id};
[] ->
Id = pubsub_subscription:make_subid(),
Sub = case AccessModel of
authorize -> pending;
_ -> subscribed
set_state(SubState#pubsub_state{subscriptions =
[{Sub, Id} | Subscriptions]}),
{Sub, Id}
case {NewSub, SendLast} of
{subscribed, never} ->
{result, {default, subscribed, SubId}};
{subscribed, _} ->
{result, {default, subscribed, SubId, send_last}};
{_, _} ->
{result, {default, pending, SubId}}
%% @doc <p>Unsubscribe the <tt>Subscriber</tt> from the <tt>Node</tt>.</p>
unsubscribe_node(Nidx, Sender, Subscriber, SubId) ->
SubKey = jid:tolower(Subscriber),
GenKey = jid:remove_resource(SubKey),
Authorized = jid:tolower(jid:remove_resource(Sender)) == GenKey,
GenState = get_state(Nidx, GenKey),
SubState = case SubKey of
GenKey -> GenState;
_ -> get_state(Nidx, SubKey)
Subscriptions = lists:filter(fun
({_Sub, _SubId}) -> true;
(_SubId) -> false
SubIdExists = case SubId of
<<>> -> false;
Binary when is_binary(Binary) -> true;
_ -> false
%% Requesting entity is prohibited from unsubscribing entity
not Authorized ->
{error, xmpp:err_forbidden()};
%% Entity did not specify SubId
%%SubId == "", ?? ->
%% {error, mod_pubsub:extended_error(xmpp:err_bad_request(), "subid-required")};
%% Invalid subscription identifier
%%InvalidSubId ->
%% {error, mod_pubsub:extended_error(?ERR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "invalid-subid")};
%% Requesting entity is not a subscriber
Subscriptions == [] ->
mod_pubsub:extended_error(xmpp:err_unexpected_request(), mod_pubsub:err_not_subscribed())};
%% Subid supplied, so use that.
SubIdExists ->
Sub = first_in_list(fun
({_, S}) when S == SubId -> true;
(_) -> false
case Sub of
{value, S} ->
delete_subscriptions(SubState, [S]),
{result, default};
false ->
mod_pubsub:extended_error(xmpp:err_unexpected_request(), mod_pubsub:err_not_subscribed())}
%% Asking to remove all subscriptions to the given node
SubId == all ->
delete_subscriptions(SubState, Subscriptions),
{result, default};
%% No subid supplied, but there's only one matching subscription
length(Subscriptions) == 1 ->
delete_subscriptions(SubState, Subscriptions),
{result, default};
%% No subid and more than one possible subscription match.
true ->
mod_pubsub:extended_error((xmpp:err_bad_request()), mod_pubsub:err_subid_required())}
delete_subscriptions(SubState, Subscriptions) ->
NewSubs = lists:foldl(fun ({Subscription, SubId}, Acc) ->
%%pubsub_subscription:delete_subscription(SubKey, Nidx, SubId),
Acc -- [{Subscription, SubId}]
end, SubState#pubsub_state.subscriptions, Subscriptions),
case {SubState#pubsub_state.affiliation, NewSubs} of
{none, []} -> del_state(SubState);
_ -> set_state(SubState#pubsub_state{subscriptions = NewSubs})
%% @doc <p>Publishes the item passed as parameter.</p>
%% <p>The mechanism works as follow:
%% <ul>
%% <li>The main PubSub module prepares the item to publish and passes the
%% result of the preparation as a {@link mod_pubsub:pubsubItem()} record.</li>
%% <li>This function gets the prepared record and several other parameters and can decide to:<ul>
%% <li>reject the publication;</li>
%% <li>allow the publication as is, letting the main module perform the database persistence;</li>
%% <li>allow the publication, modifying the record. The main module will store the modified record;</li>
%% <li>allow it, but perform the needed persistence operations.</li></ul>
%% </li></ul></p>
%% <p>The selected behaviour depends on the return parameter:
%% <ul>
%% <li><tt>{error, Reason}</tt>: an iq error result will be return. No
%% publication is actually performed.</li>
%% <li><tt>true</tt>: Publication operation is allowed, based on the
%% unmodified record passed in parameter <tt>Item</tt>. If the <tt>Item</tt>
%% parameter contains an error, no subscription will actually be
%% performed.</li>
%% <li><tt>{true, Item}</tt>: Publication operation is allowed, but the
%% {@link mod_pubsub:pubsubItem()} record returned replaces the value passed
%% in parameter <tt>Item</tt>. The persistence will be performed by the main
%% module.</li>
%% <li><tt>{true, done}</tt>: Publication operation is allowed, but the
%% {@link mod_pubsub:pubsubItem()} will be considered as already stored and
%% no further persistence operation will be performed. This case is used,
%% when the plugin module is doing the persistence by itself or when it want
%% to completely disable persistence.</li></ul>
%% </p>
%% <p>In the default plugin module, the record is unchanged.</p>
publish_item(Nidx, Publisher, PublishModel, MaxItems, ItemId, Payload,
_PubOpts) ->
SubKey = jid:tolower(Publisher),
GenKey = jid:remove_resource(SubKey),
GenState = get_state(Nidx, GenKey),
SubState = case SubKey of
GenKey -> GenState;
_ -> get_state(Nidx, SubKey)
Affiliation = GenState#pubsub_state.affiliation,
Subscribed = case PublishModel of
subscribers -> is_subscribed(GenState#pubsub_state.subscriptions) orelse
_ -> undefined
if not ((PublishModel == open) or
(PublishModel == publishers) and
((Affiliation == owner)
or (Affiliation == publisher)
or (Affiliation == publish_only))
or (Subscribed == true)) ->
{error, xmpp:err_forbidden()};
true ->
if MaxItems > 0;
MaxItems == unlimited ->
Now = erlang:timestamp(),
case get_item(Nidx, ItemId) of
{result, #pubsub_item{creation = {_, GenKey}} = OldItem} ->
modification = {Now, SubKey},
payload = Payload}),
{result, {default, broadcast, []}};
% Allow node owner to modify any item, he can also delete it and recreate
{result, #pubsub_item{creation = {CreationTime, _}} = OldItem} when Affiliation == owner->
creation = {CreationTime, GenKey},
modification = {Now, SubKey},
payload = Payload}),
{result, {default, broadcast, []}};
{result, _} ->
{error, xmpp:err_forbidden()};
_ ->
Items = [ItemId | GenState#pubsub_state.items],
{result, {NI, OI}} = remove_extra_items(Nidx, MaxItems, Items),
set_state(GenState#pubsub_state{items = NI}),
itemid = {ItemId, Nidx},
nodeidx = Nidx,
creation = {Now, GenKey},
modification = {Now, SubKey},
payload = Payload}),
{result, {default, broadcast, OI}}
true ->
{result, {default, broadcast, []}}
remove_extra_items(Nidx, MaxItems) ->
{result, States} = get_states(Nidx),
Records = States ++ mnesia:read({pubsub_orphan, Nidx}),
ItemIds = lists:flatmap(fun(#pubsub_state{items = Is}) ->
(#pubsub_orphan{items = Is}) ->
end, Records),
remove_extra_items(Nidx, MaxItems, ItemIds).
%% @doc <p>This function is used to remove extra items, most notably when the
%% maximum number of items has been reached.</p>
%% <p>This function is used internally by the core PubSub module, as no
%% permission check is performed.</p>
%% <p>In the default plugin module, the oldest items are removed, but other
%% rules can be used.</p>
%% <p>If another PubSub plugin wants to delegate the item removal (and if the
%% plugin is using the default pubsub storage), it can implements this function like this:
%% ```remove_extra_items(Nidx, MaxItems, ItemIds) ->
%% node_default:remove_extra_items(Nidx, MaxItems, ItemIds).'''</p>
remove_extra_items(_Nidx, unlimited, ItemIds) ->
{result, {ItemIds, []}};
remove_extra_items(Nidx, MaxItems, ItemIds) ->
NewItems = lists:sublist(ItemIds, MaxItems),
OldItems = lists:nthtail(length(NewItems), ItemIds),
del_items(Nidx, OldItems),
{result, {NewItems, OldItems}}.
remove_expired_items(_Nidx, infinity) ->
{result, []};
remove_expired_items(Nidx, Seconds) ->
Items = mnesia:index_read(pubsub_item, Nidx, #pubsub_item.nodeidx),
ExpT = misc:usec_to_now(
erlang:system_time(microsecond) - (Seconds * 1000000)),
ExpItems = lists:filtermap(
fun(#pubsub_item{itemid = {ItemId, _},
modification = {ModT, _}}) when ModT < ExpT ->
{true, ItemId};
(#pubsub_item{}) ->
end, Items),
del_items(Nidx, ExpItems),
{result, ExpItems}.
%% @doc <p>Triggers item deletion.</p>
%% <p>Default plugin: The user performing the deletion must be the node owner
%% or a publisher, or PublishModel being open.</p>
delete_item(Nidx, Publisher, PublishModel, ItemId) ->
SubKey = jid:tolower(Publisher),
GenKey = jid:remove_resource(SubKey),
GenState = get_state(Nidx, GenKey),
#pubsub_state{affiliation = Affiliation, items = Items} = GenState,
Allowed = Affiliation == publisher orelse
Affiliation == owner orelse
(PublishModel == open andalso
case get_item(Nidx, ItemId) of
{result, #pubsub_item{creation = {_, GenKey}}} -> true;
_ -> false
if not Allowed ->
{error, xmpp:err_forbidden()};
true ->
case lists:member(ItemId, Items) of
true ->
del_item(Nidx, ItemId),
set_state(GenState#pubsub_state{items = lists:delete(ItemId, Items)}),
{result, {default, broadcast}};
false ->
case Affiliation of
owner ->
{result, States} = get_states(Nidx),
Records = States ++ mnesia:read({pubsub_orphan, Nidx}),
(#pubsub_state{items = RI} = S, Res) ->
case lists:member(ItemId, RI) of
true ->
NI = lists:delete(ItemId, RI),
del_item(Nidx, ItemId),
mnesia:write(S#pubsub_state{items = NI}),
{result, {default, broadcast}};
false ->
(#pubsub_orphan{items = RI} = S, Res) ->
case lists:member(ItemId, RI) of
true ->
NI = lists:delete(ItemId, RI),
del_item(Nidx, ItemId),
mnesia:write(S#pubsub_orphan{items = NI}),
{result, {default, broadcast}};
false ->
{error, xmpp:err_item_not_found()}, Records);
_ ->
{error, xmpp:err_forbidden()}
purge_node(Nidx, Owner) ->
SubKey = jid:tolower(Owner),
GenKey = jid:remove_resource(SubKey),
GenState = get_state(Nidx, GenKey),
case GenState of
#pubsub_state{affiliation = owner} ->
{result, States} = get_states(Nidx),
(#pubsub_state{items = []}) ->
(#pubsub_state{items = Items} = S) ->
del_items(Nidx, Items),
set_state(S#pubsub_state{items = []})
{result, {default, broadcast}};
_ ->
{error, xmpp:err_forbidden()}
%% @doc <p>Return the current affiliations for the given user</p>
%% <p>The default module reads affiliations in the main Mnesia
%% <tt>pubsub_state</tt> table. If a plugin stores its data in the same
%% table, it should return an empty list, as the affiliation will be read by
%% the default PubSub module. Otherwise, it should return its own affiliation,
%% that will be added to the affiliation stored in the main
%% <tt>pubsub_state</tt> table.</p>
get_entity_affiliations(Host, Owner) ->
SubKey = jid:tolower(Owner),
GenKey = jid:remove_resource(SubKey),
States = mnesia:match_object(#pubsub_state{stateid = {GenKey, '_'}, _ = '_'}),
NodeTree = mod_pubsub:tree(Host),
Reply = lists:foldl(fun (#pubsub_state{stateid = {_, N}, affiliation = A}, Acc) ->
case NodeTree:get_node(N) of
#pubsub_node{nodeid = {Host, _}} = Node -> [{Node, A} | Acc];
_ -> Acc
[], States),
{result, Reply}.
get_node_affiliations(Nidx) ->
{result, States} = get_states(Nidx),
Tr = fun (#pubsub_state{stateid = {J, _}, affiliation = A}) -> {J, A} end,
{result, lists:map(Tr, States)}.
get_affiliation(Nidx, Owner) ->
SubKey = jid:tolower(Owner),
GenKey = jid:remove_resource(SubKey),
#pubsub_state{affiliation = Affiliation} = get_state(Nidx, GenKey),
{result, Affiliation}.
set_affiliation(Nidx, Owner, Affiliation) ->
SubKey = jid:tolower(Owner),
GenKey = jid:remove_resource(SubKey),
GenState = get_state(Nidx, GenKey),
case {Affiliation, GenState#pubsub_state.subscriptions} of
{none, []} -> {result, del_state(GenState)};
_ -> {result, set_state(GenState#pubsub_state{affiliation = Affiliation})}
%% @doc <p>Return the current subscriptions for the given user</p>
%% <p>The default module reads subscriptions in the main Mnesia
%% <tt>pubsub_state</tt> table. If a plugin stores its data in the same
%% table, it should return an empty list, as the affiliation will be read by
%% the default PubSub module. Otherwise, it should return its own affiliation,
%% that will be added to the affiliation stored in the main
%% <tt>pubsub_state</tt> table.</p>
get_entity_subscriptions(Host, Owner) ->
{U, D, _} = SubKey = jid:tolower(Owner),
GenKey = jid:remove_resource(SubKey),
States = case SubKey of
GenKey ->
mnesia:match_object(#pubsub_state{stateid = {{U, D, '_'}, '_'}, _ = '_'});
_ ->
mnesia:match_object(#pubsub_state{stateid = {GenKey, '_'}, _ = '_'})
mnesia:match_object(#pubsub_state{stateid = {SubKey, '_'}, _ = '_'})
NodeTree = mod_pubsub:tree(Host),
Reply = lists:foldl(fun (#pubsub_state{stateid = {J, N}, subscriptions = Ss}, Acc) ->
case NodeTree:get_node(N) of
#pubsub_node{nodeid = {Host, _}} = Node ->
lists:foldl(fun ({Sub, SubId}, Acc2) ->
[{Node, Sub, SubId, J} | Acc2]
Acc, Ss);
_ ->
[], States),
{result, Reply}.
get_node_subscriptions(Nidx) ->
{result, States} = get_states(Nidx),
Tr = fun (#pubsub_state{stateid = {J, _}, subscriptions = Subscriptions}) ->
lists:foldl(fun ({S, SubId}, Acc) ->
[{J, S, SubId} | Acc]
[], Subscriptions)
{result, lists:flatmap(Tr, States)}.
get_subscriptions(Nidx, Owner) ->
SubKey = jid:tolower(Owner),
SubState = get_state(Nidx, SubKey),
{result, SubState#pubsub_state.subscriptions}.
set_subscriptions(Nidx, Owner, Subscription, SubId) ->
SubKey = jid:tolower(Owner),
SubState = get_state(Nidx, SubKey),
case {SubId, SubState#pubsub_state.subscriptions} of
{_, []} ->
case Subscription of
none ->
mod_pubsub:extended_error((xmpp:err_bad_request()), mod_pubsub:err_not_subscribed())};
_ ->
new_subscription(Nidx, Owner, Subscription, SubState)
{<<>>, [{_, SID}]} ->
case Subscription of
none -> unsub_with_subid(SubState, SID);
_ -> replace_subscription({Subscription, SID}, SubState)
{<<>>, [_ | _]} ->
mod_pubsub:extended_error((xmpp:err_bad_request()), mod_pubsub:err_subid_required())};
_ ->
case Subscription of
none -> unsub_with_subid(SubState, SubId);
_ -> replace_subscription({Subscription, SubId}, SubState)
replace_subscription(NewSub, SubState) ->
NewSubs = replace_subscription(NewSub, SubState#pubsub_state.subscriptions, []),
{result, set_state(SubState#pubsub_state{subscriptions = NewSubs})}.
replace_subscription(_, [], Acc) -> Acc;
replace_subscription({Sub, SubId}, [{_, SubId} | T], Acc) ->
replace_subscription({Sub, SubId}, T, [{Sub, SubId} | Acc]).
new_subscription(_Nidx, _Owner, Sub, SubState) ->
%%SubId = pubsub_subscription:add_subscription(Owner, Nidx, []),
SubId = pubsub_subscription:make_subid(),
Subs = SubState#pubsub_state.subscriptions,
set_state(SubState#pubsub_state{subscriptions = [{Sub, SubId} | Subs]}),
{result, {Sub, SubId}}.
unsub_with_subid(SubState, SubId) ->
%%pubsub_subscription:delete_subscription(SubState#pubsub_state.stateid, Nidx, SubId),
NewSubs = [{S, Sid}
|| {S, Sid} <- SubState#pubsub_state.subscriptions,
SubId =/= Sid],
case {NewSubs, SubState#pubsub_state.affiliation} of
{[], none} -> {result, del_state(SubState)};
_ -> {result, set_state(SubState#pubsub_state{subscriptions = NewSubs})}
%% @doc <p>Returns a list of Owner's nodes on Host with pending
%% subscriptions.</p>
get_pending_nodes(Host, Owner) ->
GenKey = jid:remove_resource(jid:tolower(Owner)),
States = mnesia:match_object(#pubsub_state{stateid = {GenKey, '_'},
affiliation = owner,
_ = '_'}),
NodeIdxs = [Nidx || #pubsub_state{stateid = {_, Nidx}} <- States],
NodeTree = mod_pubsub:tree(Host),
Reply = mnesia:foldl(fun (#pubsub_state{stateid = {_, Nidx}} = S, Acc) ->
case lists:member(Nidx, NodeIdxs) of
true ->
case get_nodes_helper(NodeTree, S) of
{value, Node} -> [Node | Acc];
false -> Acc
false ->
[], pubsub_state),
{result, Reply}.
get_nodes_helper(NodeTree, #pubsub_state{stateid = {_, N}, subscriptions = Subs}) ->
HasPending = fun
({pending, _}) -> true;
(pending) -> true;
(_) -> false
case lists:any(HasPending, Subs) of
true ->
case NodeTree:get_node(N) of
#pubsub_node{nodeid = {_, Node}} -> {value, Node};
_ -> false
false ->
%% @doc Returns the list of stored states for a given node.
%% <p>For the default PubSub module, states are stored in Mnesia database.</p>
%% <p>We can consider that the pubsub_state table have been created by the main
%% mod_pubsub module.</p>
%% <p>PubSub plugins can store the states where they wants (for example in a
%% relational database).</p>
%% <p>If a PubSub plugin wants to delegate the states storage to the default node,
%% they can implement this function like this:
%% ```get_states(Nidx) ->
%% node_default:get_states(Nidx).'''</p>
get_states(Nidx) ->
States = case catch mnesia:index_read(pubsub_state, Nidx, #pubsub_state.nodeidx) of
List when is_list(List) -> List;
_ -> []
{result, States}.
%% @doc <p>Returns a state (one state list), given its reference.</p>
get_state(Nidx, Key) ->
StateId = {Key, Nidx},
case catch mnesia:read({pubsub_state, StateId}) of
[State] when is_record(State, pubsub_state) -> State;
_ -> #pubsub_state{stateid = StateId, nodeidx = Nidx}
%% @doc <p>Write a state into database.</p>
set_state(State) when is_record(State, pubsub_state) ->
%set_state(_) -> {error, ?ERR_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR}.
%% @doc <p>Delete a state from database.</p>
del_state(#pubsub_state{stateid = {Key, Nidx}, items = Items}) ->
case Items of
[] ->
_ ->
Orphan = #pubsub_orphan{nodeid = Nidx, items =
case mnesia:read({pubsub_orphan, Nidx}) of
[#pubsub_orphan{items = ItemIds}] ->
_ ->
mnesia:delete({pubsub_state, {Key, Nidx}}).
%% @doc Returns the list of stored items for a given node.
%% <p>For the default PubSub module, items are stored in Mnesia database.</p>
%% <p>We can consider that the pubsub_item table have been created by the main
%% mod_pubsub module.</p>
%% <p>PubSub plugins can store the items where they wants (for example in a
%% relational database), or they can even decide not to persist any items.</p>
get_items(Nidx, _From, undefined) ->
RItems = lists:keysort(#pubsub_item.creation,
mnesia:index_read(pubsub_item, Nidx, #pubsub_item.nodeidx)),
{result, {RItems, undefined}};
get_items(Nidx, _From, #rsm_set{max = Max, index = IncIndex,
'after' = After, before = Before}) ->
case lists:keysort(#pubsub_item.creation,
mnesia:index_read(pubsub_item, Nidx, #pubsub_item.nodeidx)) of
[] ->
{result, {[], #rsm_set{count = 0}}};
RItems ->
Count = length(RItems),
Limit = case Max of
undefined -> ?MAXITEMS;
_ -> Max
{Offset, ItemsPage} =
case {IncIndex, Before, After} of
{undefined, undefined, undefined} ->
{0, lists:sublist(RItems, Limit)};
{I, undefined, undefined} ->
SubList = lists:nthtail(I, RItems),
{I, lists:sublist(SubList, Limit)};
{_, <<>>, undefined} ->
%% 2.5 Requesting the Last Page in a Result Set
SubList = lists:reverse(RItems),
{Count-Limit, lists:reverse(lists:sublist(SubList, Limit))};
{_, Stamp, undefined} ->
BeforeNow = encode_stamp(Stamp),
{NewIndex, SubList} = extract_sublist(before_now, BeforeNow,
0, lists:reverse(RItems)),
{Count-NewIndex-Limit, lists:reverse(lists:sublist(SubList, Limit))};
{_, undefined, Stamp} ->
AfterNow = encode_stamp(Stamp),
{NewIndex, SubList} = extract_sublist(after_now, AfterNow,
0, RItems),
{NewIndex, lists:sublist(SubList, Limit)}
Rsm = rsm_page(Count, IncIndex, Offset, ItemsPage),
{result, {ItemsPage, Rsm}}
get_items(Nidx, JID, AccessModel, PresenceSubscription, RosterGroup, _SubId, RSM) ->
SubKey = jid:tolower(JID),
GenKey = jid:remove_resource(SubKey),
GenState = get_state(Nidx, GenKey),
SubState = get_state(Nidx, SubKey),
Affiliation = GenState#pubsub_state.affiliation,
BareSubscriptions = GenState#pubsub_state.subscriptions,
FullSubscriptions = SubState#pubsub_state.subscriptions,
Whitelisted = can_fetch_item(Affiliation, BareSubscriptions) orelse
can_fetch_item(Affiliation, FullSubscriptions),
if %%SubId == "", ?? ->
%% Entity has multiple subscriptions to the node but does not specify a subscription ID
%{error, mod_pubsub:extended_error(xmpp:err_bad_request(), "subid-required")};
%%InvalidSubId ->
%% Entity is subscribed but specifies an invalid subscription ID
%{error, mod_pubsub:extended_error(?ERR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "invalid-subid")};
(Affiliation == outcast) or (Affiliation == publish_only) ->
{error, xmpp:err_forbidden()};
(AccessModel == presence) and not PresenceSubscription ->
mod_pubsub:extended_error((xmpp:err_not_authorized()), mod_pubsub:err_presence_subscription_required())};
(AccessModel == roster) and not RosterGroup ->
mod_pubsub:extended_error((xmpp:err_not_authorized()), mod_pubsub:err_not_in_roster_group())};
(AccessModel == whitelist) and not Whitelisted ->
mod_pubsub:extended_error((xmpp:err_not_allowed()), mod_pubsub:err_closed_node())};
(AccessModel == authorize) and not Whitelisted ->
{error, xmpp:err_forbidden()};
%%MustPay ->
%% % Payment is required for a subscription
true ->
get_items(Nidx, JID, RSM)
extract_sublist(A, Now, Index, [#pubsub_item{creation = {Creation, _}} | RItems])
when ((A == before_now) and (Creation >= Now))
or ((A == after_now) and (Creation =< Now)) ->
extract_sublist(A, Now, Index+1, RItems);
extract_sublist(_, _, Index, RItems) ->
{Index, RItems}.
get_only_item(Nidx, From) ->
get_last_items(Nidx, From, 1).
get_last_items(Nidx, _From, Count) when Count > 0 ->
Items = mnesia:index_read(pubsub_item, Nidx, #pubsub_item.nodeidx),
LastItems = lists:reverse(lists:keysort(#pubsub_item.modification, Items)),
{result, lists:sublist(LastItems, Count)};
get_last_items(_Nidx, _From, _Count) ->
{result, []}.
%% @doc <p>Returns an item (one item list), given its reference.</p>
get_item(Nidx, ItemId) ->
case mnesia:read({pubsub_item, {ItemId, Nidx}}) of
[Item] when is_record(Item, pubsub_item) -> {result, Item};
_ -> {error, xmpp:err_item_not_found()}
get_item(Nidx, ItemId, JID, AccessModel, PresenceSubscription, RosterGroup, _SubId) ->
SubKey = jid:tolower(JID),
GenKey = jid:remove_resource(SubKey),
GenState = get_state(Nidx, GenKey),
Affiliation = GenState#pubsub_state.affiliation,
Subscriptions = GenState#pubsub_state.subscriptions,
Whitelisted = can_fetch_item(Affiliation, Subscriptions),
if %%SubId == "", ?? ->
%% Entity has multiple subscriptions to the node but does not specify a subscription ID
%{error, mod_pubsub:extended_error(xmpp:err_bad_request(), "subid-required")};
%%InvalidSubId ->
%% Entity is subscribed but specifies an invalid subscription ID
%{error, mod_pubsub:extended_error(?ERR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "invalid-subid")};
(Affiliation == outcast) or (Affiliation == publish_only) ->
{error, xmpp:err_forbidden()};
(AccessModel == presence) and not PresenceSubscription ->
mod_pubsub:extended_error((xmpp:err_not_authorized()), mod_pubsub:err_presence_subscription_required())};
(AccessModel == roster) and not RosterGroup ->
mod_pubsub:extended_error((xmpp:err_not_authorized()), mod_pubsub:err_not_in_roster_group())};
(AccessModel == whitelist) and not Whitelisted ->
mod_pubsub:extended_error((xmpp:err_not_allowed()), mod_pubsub:err_closed_node())};
(AccessModel == authorize) and not Whitelisted ->
{error, xmpp:err_forbidden()};
%%MustPay ->
%% % Payment is required for a subscription
true ->
get_item(Nidx, ItemId)
%% @doc <p>Write an item into database.</p>
set_item(Item) when is_record(Item, pubsub_item) ->
%set_item(_) -> {error, ?ERR_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR}.
%% @doc <p>Delete an item from database.</p>
del_item(Nidx, ItemId) ->
mnesia:delete({pubsub_item, {ItemId, Nidx}}).
del_items(Nidx, ItemIds) ->
lists:foreach(fun (ItemId) -> del_item(Nidx, ItemId)
del_orphan_items(Nidx) ->
case mnesia:read({pubsub_orphan, Nidx}) of
[#pubsub_orphan{items = ItemIds}] ->
del_items(Nidx, ItemIds),
mnesia:delete({pubsub_orphan, Nidx});
_ ->
get_item_name(_Host, _Node, Id) ->
{result, Id}.
%% @doc <p>Return the path of the node. In flat it's just node id.</p>
node_to_path(Node) ->
{result, [Node]}.
path_to_node(Path) ->
case Path of
%% default slot
[Node] -> iolist_to_binary(Node);
%% handle old possible entries, used when migrating database content to new format
[Node | _] when is_binary(Node) ->
iolist_to_binary(str:join([<<"">> | Path], <<"/">>));
%% default case (used by PEP for example)
_ -> iolist_to_binary(Path)
can_fetch_item(owner, _) -> true;
can_fetch_item(member, _) -> true;
can_fetch_item(publisher, _) -> true;
can_fetch_item(publish_only, _) -> false;
can_fetch_item(outcast, _) -> false;
can_fetch_item(none, Subscriptions) -> is_subscribed(Subscriptions).
%can_fetch_item(_Affiliation, _Subscription) -> false.
is_subscribed(Subscriptions) ->
({subscribed, _SubId}) -> true;
(_) -> false
first_in_list(_Pred, []) ->
first_in_list(Pred, [H | T]) ->
case Pred(H) of
true -> {value, H};
_ -> first_in_list(Pred, T)
rsm_page(Count, _, _, []) ->
#rsm_set{count = Count};
rsm_page(Count, Index, Offset, Items) ->
FirstItem = hd(Items),
LastItem = lists:last(Items),
First = decode_stamp(element(1, FirstItem#pubsub_item.creation)),
Last = decode_stamp(element(1, LastItem#pubsub_item.creation)),
#rsm_set{count = Count, index = Index,
first = #rsm_first{index = Offset, data = First},
last = Last}.
encode_stamp(Stamp) ->
try xmpp_util:decode_timestamp(Stamp)
catch _:{bad_timestamp, _} ->
Stamp % We should return a proper error to the client instead.
decode_stamp(Stamp) ->
transform({pubsub_state, {Id, Nidx}, Is, A, Ss}) ->
{pubsub_state, {Id, Nidx}, Nidx, Is, A, Ss};
transform({pubsub_item, {Id, Nidx}, C, M, P}) ->
{pubsub_item, {Id, Nidx}, Nidx, C, M, P};
transform(Rec) ->