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Steven Lehrburger 426f1107c5 Fix issue with ejabberd_xmlrpc user auth and SCRAM
After enabling SCRAM password hashing and SSL in ejabberd, XMLRPC ejabberdctl commands were resulting in errors like this:

	W(<0.2623.0>:ejabberd_xmlrpc:328) : Error -118
	A problem '{error,invalid_account_data}' occurred executing the command user_sessions_info with arguments

It seems that this because ejabberd_commands was using a different authentication check than everything else, which wasn't properly taking account for potential password hashing. (Note I'm not really sure what AccountPassMD5 is doing, but it seems to be different than the ejabberd_auth_internal's SCRAM hasing.)
2013-02-04 12:57:56 +01:00

423 lines
14 KiB

%%% File : ejabberd_commands.erl
%%% Author : Badlop <badlop@process-one.net>
%%% Purpose : Management of ejabberd commands
%%% Created : 20 May 2008 by Badlop <badlop@process-one.net>
%%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2013 ProcessOne
%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
%%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%% General Public License for more details.
%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
%%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
%%% 02111-1307 USA
%%% @headerfile "ejabberd_commands.hrl"
%%% @doc Management of ejabberd commands.
%%% An ejabberd command is an abstract function identified by a name,
%%% with a defined number and type of calling arguments and type of
%%% result, that can be defined in any Erlang module and executed
%%% using any valid frontend.
%%% == Define a new ejabberd command ==
%%% ejabberd commands can be defined and registered in
%%% any Erlang module.
%%% Some commands are procedures; and their purpose is to perform an
%%% action in the server, so the command result is only some result
%%% code or result tuple. Other commands are inspectors, and their
%%% purpose is to gather some information about the server and return
%%% a detailed response: it can be integer, string, atom, tuple, list
%%% or a mix of those ones.
%%% The arguments and result of an ejabberd command are strictly
%%% defined. The number and format of the arguments provided when
%%% calling an ejabberd command must match the definition of that
%%% command. The format of the result provided by an ejabberd command
%%% must be exactly its definition. For example, if a command is said
%%% to return an integer, it must always return an integer (except in
%%% case of a crash).
%%% If you are developing an Erlang module that will run inside
%%% ejabberd and you want to provide a new ejabberd command to
%%% administer some task related to your module, you only need to:
%%% implement a function, define the command, and register it.
%%% === Define a new ejabberd command ===
%%% An ejabberd command is defined using the Erlang record
%%% 'ejabberd_commands'. This record has several elements that you
%%% must define. Note that 'tags', 'desc' and 'longdesc' are optional.
%%% For example let's define an ejabberd command 'pow' that gets the
%%% integers 'base' and 'exponent'. Its result will be an integer
%%% 'power':
%%% <pre>#ejabberd_commands{name = pow, tags = [test],
%%% desc = "Return the power of base for exponent",
%%% longdesc = "This is an example command. The formula is:\n"
%%% " power = base ^ exponent",
%%% module = ?MODULE, function = pow,
%%% args = [{base, integer}, {exponent, integer}],
%%% result = {power, integer}}</pre>
%%% === Implement the function associated to the command ===
%%% Now implement a function in your module that matches the arguments
%%% and result of the ejabberd command.
%%% For example the function calc_power gets two integers Base and
%%% Exponent. It calculates the power and rounds to an integer:
%%% <pre>calc_power(Base, Exponent) ->
%%% PowFloat = math:pow(Base, Exponent),
%%% round(PowFloat).</pre>
%%% Since this function will be called by ejabberd_commands, it must be exported.
%%% Add to your module:
%%% <pre>-export([calc_power/2]).</pre>
%%% Only some types of result formats are allowed.
%%% If the format is defined as 'rescode', then your function must return:
%%% ok | true | atom()
%%% where the atoms ok and true as considered positive answers,
%%% and any other response atom is considered negative.
%%% If the format is defined as 'restuple', then the command must return:
%%% {rescode(), string()}
%%% If the format is defined as '{list, something()}', then the command
%%% must return a list of something().
%%% === Register the command ===
%%% Define this function and put inside the #ejabberd_command you
%%% defined in the beginning:
%%% <pre>commands() ->
%%% [
%%% ].</pre>
%%% You need to include this header file in order to use the record:
%%% <pre>-include("ejabberd_commands.hrl").</pre>
%%% When your module is initialized or started, register your commands:
%%% <pre>ejabberd_commands:register_commands(commands()),</pre>
%%% And when your module is stopped, unregister your commands:
%%% <pre>ejabberd_commands:unregister_commands(commands()),</pre>
%%% That's all! Now when your module is started, the command will be
%%% registered and any frontend can access it. For example:
%%% <pre>$ ejabberdctl help pow
%%% Command Name: pow
%%% Arguments: base::integer
%%% exponent::integer
%%% Returns: power::integer
%%% Tags: test
%%% Description: Return the power of base for exponent
%%% This is an example command. The formula is:
%%% power = base ^ exponent
%%% $ ejabberdctl pow 3 4
%%% 81
%%% </pre>
%%% == Execute an ejabberd command ==
%%% ejabberd commands are mean to be executed using any valid
%%% frontend. An ejabberd commands is implemented in a regular Erlang
%%% function, so it is also possible to execute this function in any
%%% Erlang module, without dealing with the associated ejabberd
%%% commands.
%%% == Frontend to ejabberd commands ==
%%% Currently there are two frontends to ejabberd commands: the shell
%%% script {@link ejabberd_ctl. ejabberdctl}, and the XML-RPC server
%%% ejabberd_xmlrpc.
%%% === ejabberdctl as a frontend to ejabberd commands ===
%%% It is possible to use ejabberdctl to get documentation of any
%%% command. But ejabberdctl does not support all the argument types
%%% allowed in ejabberd commands, so there are some ejabberd commands
%%% that cannot be executed using ejabberdctl.
%%% Also note that the ejabberdctl shell administration script also
%%% manages ejabberdctl commands, which are unrelated to ejabberd
%%% commands and can only be executed using ejabberdctl.
%%% === ejabberd_xmlrpc as a frontend to ejabberd commands ===
%%% ejabberd_xmlrpc provides an XML-RPC server to execute ejabberd commands.
%%% ejabberd_xmlrpc is a contributed module published in ejabberd-modules SVN.
%%% Since ejabberd_xmlrpc does not provide any method to get documentation
%%% of the ejabberd commands, please use ejabberdctl to know which
%%% commands are available, and their usage.
%%% The number and format of the arguments provided when calling an
%%% ejabberd command must match the definition of that command. Please
%%% make sure the XML-RPC call provides the required arguments, with
%%% the specified format. The order of the arguments in an XML-RPC
%%% call is not important, because all the data is tagged and will be
%%% correctly prepared by ejabberd_xmlrpc before executing the ejabberd
%%% command.
%%% TODO: consider this feature:
%%% All commands are catched. If an error happens, return the restuple:
%%% {error, flattened error string}
%%% This means that ecomm call APIs (ejabberd_ctl, ejabberd_xmlrpc) need to allows this.
%%% And ejabberd_xmlrpc must be prepared to handle such an unexpected response.
init() ->
ets:new(ejabberd_commands, [named_table, set, public,
{keypos, #ejabberd_commands.name}]).
%% @spec ([ejabberd_commands()]) -> ok
%% @doc Register ejabberd commands.
%% If a command is already registered, a warning is printed and the old command is preserved.
register_commands(Commands) ->
fun(Command) ->
case ets:insert_new(ejabberd_commands, Command) of
true ->
false ->
?DEBUG("This command is already defined:~n~p", [Command])
%% @spec ([ejabberd_commands()]) -> ok
%% @doc Unregister ejabberd commands.
unregister_commands(Commands) ->
fun(Command) ->
ets:delete_object(ejabberd_commands, Command)
%% @spec () -> [{Name::atom(), Args::[aterm()], Desc::string()}]
%% @doc Get a list of all the available commands, arguments and description.
list_commands() ->
Commands = ets:match(ejabberd_commands,
#ejabberd_commands{name = '$1',
args = '$2',
desc = '$3',
_ = '_'}),
[{A, B, C} || [A, B, C] <- Commands].
%% @spec (Name::atom()) -> {Args::[aterm()], Result::rterm()} | {error, command_unknown}
%% @doc Get the format of arguments and result of a command.
get_command_format(Name) ->
Matched = ets:match(ejabberd_commands,
#ejabberd_commands{name = Name,
args = '$1',
result = '$2',
_ = '_'}),
case Matched of
[] ->
{error, command_unknown};
[[Args, Result]] ->
{Args, Result}
%% @spec (Name::atom()) -> ejabberd_commands() | command_not_found
%% @doc Get the definition record of a command.
get_command_definition(Name) ->
case ets:lookup(ejabberd_commands, Name) of
[E] -> E;
[] -> command_not_found
%% @spec (Name::atom(), Arguments) -> ResultTerm | {error, command_unknown}
%% @doc Execute a command.
execute_command(Name, Arguments) ->
execute_command([], noauth, Name, Arguments).
%% @spec (AccessCommands, Auth, Name::atom(), Arguments) -> ResultTerm | {error, Error}
%% where
%% AccessCommands = [{Access, CommandNames, Arguments}]
%% Auth = {User::string(), Server::string(), Password::string()} | noauth
%% Method = atom()
%% Arguments = [any()]
%% Error = command_unknown | account_unprivileged | invalid_account_data | no_auth_provided
execute_command(AccessCommands, Auth, Name, Arguments) ->
case ets:lookup(ejabberd_commands, Name) of
[Command] ->
try check_access_commands(AccessCommands, Auth, Name, Command, Arguments) of
ok -> execute_command2(Command, Arguments)
{error, Error} -> {error, Error}
[] -> {error, command_unknown}
execute_command2(Command, Arguments) ->
Module = Command#ejabberd_commands.module,
Function = Command#ejabberd_commands.function,
?DEBUG("Executing command ~p:~p with Args=~p", [Module, Function, Arguments]),
apply(Module, Function, Arguments).
%% @spec () -> [{Tag::string(), [CommandName::string()]}]
%% @doc Get all the tags and associated commands.
get_tags_commands() ->
CommandTags = ets:match(ejabberd_commands,
name = '$1',
tags = '$2',
_ = '_'}),
Dict = lists:foldl(
fun([CommandNameAtom, CTags], D) ->
CommandName = atom_to_list(CommandNameAtom),
case CTags of
[] ->
orddict:append("untagged", CommandName, D);
_ ->
fun(TagAtom, DD) ->
Tag = atom_to_list(TagAtom),
orddict:append(Tag, CommandName, DD)
%% -----------------------------
%% Access verification
%% -----------------------------
%% @spec (AccessCommands, Auth, Method, Command, Arguments) -> ok
%% where
%% AccessCommands = [ {Access, CommandNames, Arguments} ]
%% Auth = {User::string(), Server::string(), Password::string()} | noauth
%% Method = atom()
%% Arguments = [any()]
%% @doc Check access is allowed to that command.
%% At least one AccessCommand must be satisfied.
%% It may throw {error, Error} where:
%% Error = account_unprivileged | invalid_account_data
check_access_commands([], _Auth, _Method, _Command, _Arguments) ->
check_access_commands(AccessCommands, Auth, Method, Command, Arguments) ->
AccessCommandsAllowed =
fun({Access, Commands, ArgumentRestrictions}) ->
case check_access(Access, Auth) of
true ->
check_access_command(Commands, Command, ArgumentRestrictions,
Method, Arguments);
false ->
case AccessCommandsAllowed of
[] -> throw({error, account_unprivileged});
L when is_list(L) -> ok
check_auth(noauth) ->
check_auth({User, Server, Password}) ->
%% Check the account exists and password is valid
case ejabberd_auth:check_password(User, Server, Password) of
true -> {ok, User, Server};
_ -> throw({error, invalid_account_data})
check_access(all, _) ->
check_access(Access, Auth) ->
{ok, User, Server} = check_auth(Auth),
%% Check this user has access permission
case acl:match_rule(Server, Access, jlib:make_jid(User, Server, "")) of
allow -> true;
deny -> false
check_access_command(Commands, Command, ArgumentRestrictions, Method, Arguments) ->
case Commands==all orelse lists:member(Method, Commands) of
true -> check_access_arguments(Command, ArgumentRestrictions, Arguments);
false -> false
check_access_arguments(Command, ArgumentRestrictions, Arguments) ->
ArgumentsTagged = tag_arguments(Command#ejabberd_commands.args, Arguments),
fun({ArgName, ArgAllowedValue}) ->
%% If the call uses the argument, check the value is acceptable
case lists:keysearch(ArgName, 1, ArgumentsTagged) of
{value, {ArgName, ArgValue}} -> ArgValue == ArgAllowedValue;
false -> true
end, ArgumentRestrictions).
tag_arguments(ArgsDefs, Args) ->
fun({ArgName, _ArgType}, ArgValue) ->
{ArgName, ArgValue}