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-module (ejabberd_acme).
-export([ scenario/3
, scenario0/1
, directory/1
, get_account/3
, new_account/4
, update_account/4
, delete_account/3
% , key_roll_over/5
, new_authz/4
% , get_authz/3
-define(REQUEST_TIMEOUT, 5000). % 5 seconds.
-type nonce() :: string().
-type url() :: string().
-type proplist() :: [{_, _}].
-type jws() :: map().
-type handle_resp_fun() :: fun(({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, _, nonce()}).
-spec directory(url()) ->
{ok, map(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
directory(Url) ->
Options = [],
HttpOptions = [{timeout, ?REQUEST_TIMEOUT}],
case httpc:request(get, {Url, []}, HttpOptions, Options) of
{ok, {{_, Code, _}, Head, Body}} when Code >= 200, Code =< 299 ->
case decode(Body) of
{ok, Directories} ->
StrDirectories = [{bitstring_to_list(X), bitstring_to_list(Y)} ||
{X,Y} <- Directories],
Nonce = get_nonce(Head),
%% Return Map of Directories
NewDirs = maps:from_list(StrDirectories),
{ok, NewDirs, Nonce};
{error, Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("Problem decoding: ~s", [Body]),
{error, Reason}
Error ->
failed_http_request(Error, Url)
%% Account Handling
-spec new_account(url(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
new_account(Url, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
%% Make the request body
EJson = {[{ <<"resource">>, <<"new-reg">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_tos/1).
-spec update_account(url(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
update_account(Url, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
%% Make the request body
EJson = {[{ <<"resource">>, <<"reg">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1).
-spec get_account(url(), jose_jwk:key(), nonce()) ->
{ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()} | {error, _}.
get_account(Url, PrivateKey, Nonce) ->
%% Make the request body
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"reg">>}]},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response_tos/1).
-spec delete_account(url(), jose_jwk:key(), nonce()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
delete_account(Url, PrivateKey, Nonce) ->
EJson = {
[ {<<"resource">>, <<"reg">>}
, {<<"status">>, <<"deactivated">>}
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1).
%% Authorization Handling
-spec new_authz(url(), jose_jwk:key(), proplist(), nonce()) ->
{ok, proplist(), nonce()} | {error, _}.
new_authz(Url, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce) ->
EJson = {[{<<"resource">>, <<"new-authz">>}] ++ Req},
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, fun get_response/1).
%% Useful funs
-spec get_nonce(proplist()) -> nonce() | 'none'.
get_nonce(Head) ->
case proplists:lookup("replay-nonce", Head) of
{"replay-nonce", Nonce} -> Nonce;
none -> none
%% Very bad way to extract this
%% TODO: Find a better way
-spec get_tos(proplist()) -> url() | 'none'.
get_tos(Head) ->
[{_, Link}] = [{K, V} || {K, V} <- Head,
K =:= "link" andalso lists:suffix("\"terms-of-service\"", V)],
[Link1, _] = string:tokens(Link, ";"),
Link2 = string:strip(Link1, left, $<),
string:strip(Link2, right, $>)
_:_ ->
-spec make_post_request(url(), bitstring()) ->
{ok, proplist(), proplist()} | {error, _}.
make_post_request(Url, ReqBody) ->
Options = [],
HttpOptions = [{timeout, ?REQUEST_TIMEOUT}],
case httpc:request(post,
{Url, [], "application/jose+json", ReqBody}, HttpOptions, Options) of
{ok, {{_, Code, _}, Head, Body}} when Code >= 200, Code =< 299 ->
case decode(Body) of
{ok, Return} ->
{ok, Head, Return};
{error, Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("Problem decoding: ~s", [Body]),
{error, Reason}
Error ->
failed_http_request(Error, Url)
-spec prepare_post_request(url(), jose_jwk:key(), jiffy:json_value(),
nonce(), handle_resp_fun()) -> {ok, _, nonce()} | {error, _}.
prepare_post_request(Url, PrivateKey, EJson, Nonce, HandleRespFun) ->
case encode(EJson) of
{ok, ReqBody} ->
FinalBody = sign_encode_json_jose(PrivateKey, ReqBody, Nonce),
case make_post_request(Url, FinalBody) of
{ok, Head, Return} ->
HandleRespFun({ok, Head, Return});
Error ->
{error, Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p when encoding: ~p", [Reason, EJson]),
{error, Reason}
-spec sign_json_jose(jose_jwk:key(), string()) -> jws().
sign_json_jose(Key, Json) ->
PubKey = jose_jwk:to_public(Key),
{_, BinaryPubKey} = jose_jwk:to_binary(PubKey),
PubKeyJson = jiffy:decode(BinaryPubKey),
% Jws object containing the algorithm
%% TODO: Dont hardcode the alg
JwsObj = jose_jws:from(
#{ <<"alg">> => <<"ES256">>
% , <<"b64">> => true
, <<"jwk">> => PubKeyJson
%% Signed Message
jose_jws:sign(Key, Json, JwsObj).
-spec sign_json_jose(jose_jwk:key(), string(), nonce()) -> jws().
sign_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce) ->
% Generate a public key
PubKey = jose_jwk:to_public(Key),
% ?INFO_MSG("Key: ~p", [Key]),
{_, BinaryPubKey} = jose_jwk:to_binary(PubKey),
% ?INFO_MSG("Key Record: ~p", [jose_jwk:to_map(Key)]),
PubKeyJson = jiffy:decode(BinaryPubKey),
% Jws object containing the algorithm
%% TODO: Dont hardcode the alg
JwsObj = jose_jws:from(
#{ <<"alg">> => <<"ES256">>
% , <<"b64">> => true
, <<"jwk">> => PubKeyJson
, <<"nonce">> => list_to_bitstring(Nonce)
%% Signed Message
jose_jws:sign(Key, Json, JwsObj).
-spec sign_encode_json_jose(jose_jwk:key(), string(), nonce()) -> bitstring().
sign_encode_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce) ->
{_, Signed} = sign_json_jose(Key, Json, Nonce),
%% This depends on jose library, so we can consider it safe
encode(EJson) ->
{ok, jiffy:encode(EJson)}
_:Reason ->
{error, Reason}
decode(Json) ->
{Result} = jiffy:decode(Json),
{ok, Result}
_:Reason ->
{error, Reason}
%% Handle Response Functions
-spec get_response({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, proplist(), nonce()}.
get_response({ok, Head, Return}) ->
NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
{ok, Return, NewNonce}.
-spec get_response_tos({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, {url(), proplist()}, nonce()}.
get_response_tos({ok, Head, Return}) ->
TOSUrl = get_tos(Head),
NewNonce = get_nonce(Head),
{ok, {TOSUrl, Return}, NewNonce}.
%% Handle Failed HTTP Requests
-spec failed_http_request({ok, _} | {error, _}, url()) -> {error, _}.
failed_http_request({ok, {{_, Code, _}, _Head, Body}}, Url) ->
?ERROR_MSG("Got unexpected status code from <~s>: ~B, Body: ~s",
[Url, Code, Body]),
{error, unexpected_code};
failed_http_request({error, Reason}, Url) ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error making a request to <~s>: ~p",
[Url, Reason]),
{error, Reason}.
%% Debugging Funcs -- They are only used for the development phase
%% A typical acme workflow
scenario(CAUrl, AccId, PrivateKey) ->
DirURL = CAUrl ++ "/directory",
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = directory(DirURL),
AccURL = CAUrl ++ "/acme/reg/" ++ AccId,
{ok, {_TOS, Account}, Nonce1} = get_account(AccURL, PrivateKey, Nonce0),
#{"new-authz" := NewAuthz} = Dirs,
Req =
[ { <<"identifier">>, {
[ {<<"type">>, <<"dns">>}
, {<<"value">>, <<"my-acme-test-ejabberd.com">>}
] }}
, {<<"existing">>, <<"accept">>}
{ok, Authz, Nonce2} = new_authz(NewAuthz, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce1),
{Account, Authz, PrivateKey}.
new_user_scenario(CAUrl) ->
PrivateKey = generate_key(),
DirURL = CAUrl ++ "/directory",
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = directory(DirURL),
?INFO_MSG("Directories: ~p", [Dirs]),
#{"new-reg" := NewAccURL} = Dirs,
Req0 = [{ <<"contact">>, [<<"mailto:cert-example-admin@example2.com">>]}],
{ok, {TOS, Account}, Nonce1} = new_account(NewAccURL, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0),
{_, AccId} = proplists:lookup(<<"id">>, Account),
AccURL = CAUrl ++ "/acme/reg/" ++ integer_to_list(AccId),
{ok, {_TOS, Account1}, Nonce2} = get_account(AccURL, PrivateKey, Nonce1),
?INFO_MSG("Old account: ~p~n", [Account1]),
Req1 = [{ <<"agreement">>, list_to_bitstring(TOS)}],
{ok, Account2, Nonce3} = update_account(AccURL, PrivateKey, Req1, Nonce2),
%% Delete account
{ok, Account3, Nonce4} = delete_account(AccURL, PrivateKey, Nonce3),
{ok, {_TOS, Account4}, Nonce5} = get_account(AccURL, PrivateKey, Nonce4),
?INFO_MSG("New account: ~p~n", [Account4]),
% NewKey = generate_key(),
% KeyChangeUrl = CAUrl ++ "/acme/key-change/",
% {ok, Account3, Nonce4} = key_roll_over(KeyChangeUrl, AccURL, PrivateKey, NewKey, Nonce3),
% ?INFO_MSG("Changed key: ~p~n", [Account3]),
% {ok, {_TOS, Account4}, Nonce5} = get_account(AccURL, NewKey, Nonce4),
% ?INFO_MSG("New account:~p~n", [Account4]),
{Account4, PrivateKey}.
generate_key() ->
jose_jwk:generate_key({ec, secp256r1}).
%% Just a test
scenario0(KeyFile) ->
PrivateKey = jose_jwk:from_file(KeyFile),
% scenario("http://localhost:4000", "2", PrivateKey).
% ejabberd_acme:scenario0("/home/konstantinos/Desktop/Programming/ejabberd/private_key_temporary").