
401 lines
17 KiB

%%% @author Evgeny Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>
%%% Created : 15 July 2018 by Evgeny Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>
%%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2018 ProcessOne
%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
%%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%% General Public License for more details.
%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
%%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
%%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
%% API
-export([load/3, list_tables/2]).
%%% API
load(Host, Mod, Type) when Type == mysql; Type == pgsql; Type == sqlite ->
Dir = misc:sql_dir(),
File = filename:join([Dir, Type, atom_to_list(Mod) ++ ".sql"]),
case read_queries(File) of
{ok, Queries} ->
case exec_queries(Host, Mod, Type, Queries) of
ok -> ok;
{error, Why} ->
?CRITICAL_MSG("Failed to create tables for ~s: ~p",
[Mod, Why]),
{error, db_failure}
{error, _} = Err ->
load(_, _, _) ->
list_tables(Host, Type) ->
Query = list_tables_query(Type),
case ejabberd_sql:sql_query(Host, Query) of
{selected, _, Res} ->
{ok, [T || [T|_] <- Res]};
{error, _} = Err ->
%%% Internal functions
format_syntax_error({Line, Mod, Reason}) ->
io_lib:format("at line ~B: ~s", [Line, Mod:format_error(Reason)]).
read_queries(File) ->
case file:read_file(File) of
{ok, Data} ->
case parse_queries(binary_to_list(Data)) of
{error, Why} ->
?ERROR_MSG("Failed to parse SQL file ~s: ~s",
[File, format_syntax_error(Why)]),
{error, parse_error};
{ok, Queries} ->
RawQueries = re:split(Data, ";\\s*", [trim]),
{ok, group_queries(lists:zip(Queries, RawQueries))}
{error, Why} = Err ->
?ERROR_MSG("Failed to read SQL queries from ~s: ~s",
[File, file:format_error(Why)]),
parse_queries(Queries) ->
case sql_lexer:string(Queries) of
{ok, Tokens, _} ->
{error, Why, _} ->
{error, Why}
group_queries(Queries) ->
fun({Query, Raw}, Acc) when element(1, Query) == create_table ->
Table = element(2, Query),
Columns = [element(1, Col) || Col <- element(3, Query)],
maps:put(Table, {Columns, [Raw]}, Acc);
({Query, Raw}, Acc) when element(1, Query) == create_index ->
Table = element(4, Query),
{Cols, Qs} = maps:get(Table, Acc),
maps:put(Table, {Cols, Qs++[Raw]}, Acc)
end, #{}, Queries).
exec_queries(Host, Mod, Type, Map) ->
?DEBUG("Creating/altering tables for ~s", [Mod]),
Escape = case Type of
mssql -> fun ejabberd_sql:standard_escape/1;
sqlite -> fun ejabberd_sql:standard_escape/1;
_ -> fun ejabberd_sql:escape/1
F = fun() ->
fun({Tab, {NewCols, Queries}}) ->
case table_exists(Type, Tab) of
{true, OldCols} ->
alter_table(Host, Type, Tab, Escape,
NewCols, OldCols, Queries);
false ->
?INFO_MSG("Creating SQL table: ~s", [Tab]),
fun ejabberd_sql:sql_query_t/1,
end, maps:to_list(Map))
case ejabberd_sql:sql_transaction(Host, F) of
{atomic, _} -> ok;
{aborted, Reason} -> {error, Reason}
table_exists(Type, Table) ->
Q1 = table_exists_query(Type, Table),
case sql_query(Q1) of
{selected, _, [_|_]} ->
Q2 = table_columns_query(Type, Table),
case sql_query(Q2) of
{selected, Columns, _} ->
{true, Columns};
Err ->
{selected, _, []} -> false;
Err -> Err
list_tables_query(sqlite) ->
["SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'"];
list_tables_query(mysql) ->
list_tables_query(pgsql) ->
["SELECT tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables where schemaname NOT IN ",
"('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')"].
table_exists_query(pgsql, T) ->
["SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables where tablename='", T, "'"];
table_exists_query(mysql, T) ->
["SHOW TABLES LIKE '", T, "'"];
table_exists_query(sqlite, T) ->
["SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and name='", T, "'"].
table_columns_query(_, T) ->
["SELECT * FROM ", T, " where 0=1"].
sql_query(Query) ->
alter_table(Host, Type, Tab, Escape, NewCols, OldCols, Queries) ->
alter_server_host(Host, Type, Tab, Escape, NewCols, OldCols, Queries).
%%% SQL queries to upgrade to the New(R)(TM) Schema
alter_server_host(Host, Type, Tab, Escape, NewCols, OldCols, Queries) ->
Add = NewCols -- OldCols,
case lists:member(<<"server_host">>, Add) of
true ->
Keep = misc:intersection(NewCols, OldCols),
?WARNING_MSG("Upgrading table ~s to multi-domain schema", [Tab]),
binary_to_list(Tab), Type, Host, Escape, Keep, Queries);
false ->
Del = OldCols -- NewCols,
case lists:member(<<"server_host">>, Del) of
true ->
?ERROR_MSG("Cannot downgrade table ~s from multi-domain "
"schema", [Tab]),
false ->
add_server_host(Table, sqlite, _Host, _Escape, Cols, [TabQuery|IdxQueries]) ->
%% We cannot alter an SQLite table in any significant way
%% So we create a new table and copy old content there
%% Then we delete old table, recreate indexes, and rename new table
TmpTable = Table ++ "_tmp",
TabQuery1 = re:replace(TabQuery, Table, TmpTable, [{return, binary}]),
SCols = str:join(Cols, <<", ">>),
sql_query(["INSERT INTO ", TmpTable, " (", SCols, ") ",
"SELECT ", SCols, " FROM ", Table]),
sql_query(["DROP TABLE ", Table]),
sql_query(["ALTER TABLE ", TmpTable, " RENAME TO ", Table]),
lists:foreach(fun sql_query/1, IdxQueries);
add_server_host("users", Type , Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "users", Host, Escape),
drop_pkey(Type, "users"),
add_pkey(Type, "users", ["server_host", "username"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "users", Host, Escape);
add_server_host("last", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "last", Host, Escape),
drop_pkey(Type, "last"),
add_pkey(Type, "last", ["server_host", "username"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "last", Host, Escape);
add_server_host("rosterusers", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "rosterusers", Host, Escape),
drop_index(Type, "i_rosteru_user_jid"),
drop_index(Type, "i_rosteru_username"),
drop_index(Type, "i_rosteru_jid"),
create_unique_index(Type, "rosterusers", "i_rosteru_sh_user_jid", ["server_host", "username", "jid"]),
create_index(Type, "rosterusers", "i_rosteru_sh_username", ["server_host", "username"]),
create_index(Type, "rosterusers", "i_rosteru_sh_jid", ["server_host", "jid"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "rosterusers", Host, Escape);
add_server_host("rostergroups", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "rostergroups", Host, Escape),
drop_index(Type, "pk_rosterg_user_jid"),
create_index(Type, "rostergroups", "i_rosterg_sh_user_jid", ["server_host", "username", "jid"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "rostergroups", Host, Escape);
add_server_host("roster_version", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "roster_version", Host, Escape),
drop_pkey(Type, "roster_version"),
add_pkey(Type, "roster_version", ["server_host", "username"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "roster_version", Host, Escape);
add_server_host("sr_group", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "sr_group", Host, Escape),
add_pkey(Type, "sr_group", ["server_host", "name"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "sr_group", Host, Escape);
add_server_host("sr_user", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "sr_user", Host, Escape),
drop_index(Type, "i_sr_user_jid_grp"),
drop_index(Type, "i_sr_user_jid"),
drop_index(Type, "i_sr_user_grp"),
add_pkey(Type, "sr_user", ["server_host", "jid", "grp"]),
create_index(Type, "sr_user", "i_sr_user_sh_jid", ["server_host", "jid"]),
create_index(Type, "sr_user", "i_sr_user_sh_grp", ["server_host", "grp"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "sr_user", Host, Escape);
add_server_host("spool", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "spool", Host, Escape),
drop_index(Type, "i_despool"),
create_index(Type, "spool", "i_spool_sh_username", ["server_host", "username"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "spool", Host, Escape);
add_server_host("archive", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "archive", Host, Escape),
drop_index(Type, "i_username"),
drop_index(Type, "i_username_timestamp"),
drop_index(Type, "i_timestamp"),
drop_index(Type, "i_peer"),
drop_index(Type, "i_bare_peer"),
create_index(Type, "archive", "i_archive_sh_username_timestamp", ["server_host", "username", "timestamp"]),
create_index(Type, "archive", "i_archive_sh_timestamp", ["server_host", "timestamp"]),
create_index(Type, "archive", "i_archive_sh_peer", ["server_host", "peer"]),
create_index(Type, "archive", "i_archive_sh_bare_peer", ["server_host", "bare_peer"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "archive", Host, Escape);
add_server_host("archive_prefs", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "archive_prefs", Host, Escape),
drop_pkey(Type, "archive_prefs"),
add_pkey(Type, "archive_prefs", ["server_host", "username"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "archive_prefs", Host, Escape);
add_server_host("vcard", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "vcard", Host, Escape),
drop_pkey(Type, "vcard"),
add_pkey(Type, "vcard", ["server_host", "username"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "vcard", Host, Escape);
add_server_host("vcard_search", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "vcard_search", Host, Escape),
drop_pkey(Type, "vcard_search"),
drop_index(Type, "i_vcard_search_lfn"),
drop_index(Type, "i_vcard_search_lfamily"),
drop_index(Type, "i_vcard_search_lgiven"),
drop_index(Type, "i_vcard_search_lmiddle"),
drop_index(Type, "i_vcard_search_lnickname"),
drop_index(Type, "i_vcard_search_lbday"),
drop_index(Type, "i_vcard_search_lctry"),
drop_index(Type, "i_vcard_search_llocality"),
drop_index(Type, "i_vcard_search_lemail"),
drop_index(Type, "i_vcard_search_lorgname"),
drop_index(Type, "i_vcard_search_lorgunit"),
add_pkey(Type, "vcard_search", ["server_host", "username"]),
create_index(Type, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lfn", ["server_host", "lfn"]),
create_index(Type, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lfamily", ["server_host", "lfamily"]),
create_index(Type, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lgiven", ["server_host", "lgiven"]),
create_index(Type, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lmiddle", ["server_host", "lmiddle"]),
create_index(Type, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lnickname", ["server_host", "lnickname"]),
create_index(Type, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lbday", ["server_host", "lbday"]),
create_index(Type, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lctry", ["server_host", "lctry"]),
create_index(Type, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_llocality", ["server_host", "llocality"]),
create_index(Type, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lemail", ["server_host", "lemail"]),
create_index(Type, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lorgname", ["server_host", "lorgname"]),
create_index(Type, "vcard_search", "i_vcard_search_sh_lorgunit", ["server_host", "lorgunit"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "vcard_search", Host, Escape);
add_server_host("privacy_default_list", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "privacy_default_list", Host, Escape),
drop_pkey(Type, "privacy_default_list"),
add_pkey(Type, "privacy_default_list", ["server_host", "username"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "privacy_default_list", Host, Escape);
add_server_host("privacy_list", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "privacy_list", Host, Escape),
drop_index(Type, "i_privacy_list_username"),
drop_index(Type, "i_privacy_list_username_name"),
create_index(Type, "privacy_list", "i_privacy_list_sh_username", ["server_host", "username"]),
create_unique_index(Type, "privacy_list", "i_privacy_list_sh_username_name",
["server_host", "username", "name"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "privacy_list", Host, Escape);
add_server_host("private_storage", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "private_storage", Host, Escape),
drop_index(Type, "i_private_storage_username"),
drop_index(Type, "i_private_storage_username_namespace"),
add_pkey(Type, "private_storage", ["server_host", "username", "namespace"]),
create_index(Type, "private_storage", "i_private_storage_sh_username", ["server_host", "username"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "private_storage", Host, Escape);
add_server_host(Tab, Type, Host, Escape, _, _) when Tab == "muc_room";
Tab == "muc_registered";
Tab == "muc_online_room";
Tab == "muc_online_users" ->
add_sh_column(Type, Tab, Host, Escape),
drop_sh_default(Type, Tab, Host, Escape);
add_server_host("motd", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "motd", Host, Escape),
drop_pkey(Type, "motd"),
add_pkey(Type, "motd", ["server_host", "username"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "motd", Host, Escape);
add_server_host("sm", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "sm", Host, Escape),
drop_index(Type, "i_sm_sid"),
drop_index(Type, "i_sm_username"),
add_pkey(Type, "sm", ["usec", "pid"]),
create_index(Type, "sm", "i_sm_sh_username", ["server_host", "username"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "sm", Host, Escape);
add_server_host("carboncopy", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "carboncopy", Host, Escape),
drop_index(Type, "i_carboncopy_ur"),
drop_index(Type, "i_carboncopy_user"),
add_pkey(Type, "carboncopy", ["server_host", "username", "resource"]),
create_index(Type, "carboncopy", "i_carboncopy_sh_user", ["server_host", "username"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "carboncopy", Host, Escape);
add_server_host("push_session", Type, Host, Escape, _, _) ->
add_sh_column(Type, "push_session", Host, Escape),
drop_index(Type, "i_push_usn"),
drop_index(Type, "i_push_ut"),
add_pkey(Type, "push_session", ["server_host", "username", "timestamp"]),
create_index(Type, "push_session", "i_push_session_susn", ["server_host", "username", "service", "node"]),
drop_sh_default(Type, "push_session", Host, Escape);
add_server_host(Tab, _, _, _, _, _) ->
?WARNING_MSG("Unknown table to convert: ~s", [Tab]).
add_sh_column(mysql, Table, Host, Escape) ->
["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " ADD COLUMN server_host varchar(191) NOT NULL DEFAULT '",
Escape(Host), "'"]);
add_sh_column(pgsql, Table, Host, Escape) ->
["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " ADD COLUMN server_host text NOT NULL DEFAULT '",
Escape(Host), "'"]).
drop_pkey(mysql, Table) ->
sql_query(["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " DROP PRIMARY KEY"]);
drop_pkey(pgsql, Table) ->
sql_query(["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " DROP CONSTRAINT ", Table, "_pkey"]).
add_pkey(mysql, Table, Cols) ->
SCols = string:join(Cols, ", "),
sql_query(["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " ADD PRIMARY KEY (", SCols, ")"]);
add_pkey(pgsql, Table, Cols) ->
SCols = string:join(Cols, ", "),
sql_query(["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " ADD PRIMARY KEY (", SCols, ")"]).
drop_sh_default(_, Table, _Host, _Escape) ->
sql_query(["ALTER TABLE ", Table, " ALTER COLUMN server_host DROP DEFAULT"]).
drop_index(mysql, Index) ->
sql_query(["DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ", Index]);
drop_index(pgsql, Index) ->
sql_query(["DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ", Index]).
create_unique_index(mysql, Table, Index, Cols) ->
Cols2 = [C ++ "(75)" || C <- Cols],
SCols = string:join(Cols2, ", "),
sql_query(["CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ", Index, " ON ", Table, "(", SCols, ")"]);
create_unique_index(pgsql, Table, Index, Cols) ->
SCols = string:join(Cols, ", "),
sql_query(["CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ", Index, " ON ", Table, " (", SCols, ")"]).
create_index(mysql, Table, Index, Cols) ->
Cols2 = [C ++ "(75)" || C <- Cols],
SCols = string:join(Cols2, ", "),
sql_query(["CREATE INDEX ", Index, " ON ", Table, "(", SCols, ")"]);
create_index(pgsql, Table, Index, Cols) ->
SCols = string:join(Cols, ", "),
sql_query(["CREATE INDEX ", Index, " ON ", Table, " (", SCols, ")"]).