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synced 2024-12-18 17:24:31 +01:00
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466 lines
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{" (Add * to the end of field to match substring)"," Isi formulir untuk pencarian pengguna Jabber yang cocok (Tambahkan * ke mengakhiri pengisian untuk menyamakan kata)"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," telah menetapkan topik yaitu: "}.
{"# participants","# pengguna"}.
{"A description of the node","Deskripsi node"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Nama yang dikenal untuk node"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Diperlukan kata sandi untuk masuk ruangan ini"}.
{"A Web Page","Halaman web"}.
{"Access denied by service policy","Akses ditolak oleh kebijakan layanan"}.
{"Access model","Model akses"}.
{"Account doesn't exist","Akun tidak ada"}.
{"Action on user","Tindakan pada pengguna"}.
{"Add User","Tambah Pengguna"}.
{"Administration of ","Administrasi "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Hak istimewa Administrator dibutuhkan"}.
{"All activity","Semua aktifitas"}.
{"All Users","Semua Pengguna"}.
{"Allow subscription","Ijinkan berlangganan"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Izinkan ID Jabber ini untuk berlangganan pada node pubsub ini?"}.
{"Allow this person to register with the room?","Ijinkan orang ini mendaftar masuk kamar?"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Perbolehkan pengguna untuk mengganti topik"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Perbolehkan pengguna untuk mengetahui pengguna lain"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Perbolehkan pengguna mengirimkan undangan"}.
{"Allow users to send private messages","perbolehkan pengguna mengirimkan pesan ke pengguna lain secara pribadi"}.
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Perbolehkan visitor mengganti nama julukan"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Izinkan pengunjung mengirimkan pesan privat ke"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Izinkan pengunjung untuk mengirim teks status terbaru"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Izinkan pengunjung mengirim permintaan suara"}.
{"Answer associated with a picture","Jawaban yang berhubungan dengan gambar"}.
{"Answer associated with a video","Jawaban yang berhubungan dengan video"}.
{"Answer associated with speech","Jawaban yang berhubungan dengan ucapan"}.
{"Answer to a question","Jawaban pertanyaan"}.
{"Anyone in the specified roster group(s) may subscribe and retrieve items","Siapapun dalam keanggotaan grup tertentu dapat berlangganan dan mengambil item"}.
{"Anyone may publish","Siapapun dapat mempublikasi"}.
{"Anyone may subscribe and retrieve items","Siapapun dapat berlangganan dan mengambil item"}.
{"Anyone with Voice","Siapapun dengan fungsi suara"}.
{"Attribute 'channel' is required for this request","Atribut 'channel' diperlukan untuk permintaan ini"}.
{"Attribute 'id' is mandatory for MIX messages","Atribut 'id' harus ada untuk pesan MIX"}.
{"Attribute 'jid' is not allowed here","Atribut 'jid' tidak diijinkan disini"}.
{"Attribute 'node' is not allowed here","Atribut 'node' tidak diijinkan disini"}.
{"Attribute 'to' of stanza that triggered challenge","Atribut 'to' dari stanza yang memicu respon"}.
{"Automatic node creation is not enabled","Pembuatan node otomatis tidak diijinkan"}.
{"Backup Management","Manajemen Backup"}.
{"Backup of ~p","Cadangan dari ~p"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Backup ke File di lokasi "}.
{"Bad format","Format yang buruk"}.
{"Birthday","Hari Lahir"}.
{"Both the username and the resource are required","Baik nama pengguna dan sumber daya diperlukan"}.
{"Bytestream already activated","Bytestream telah aktif"}.
{"Cannot remove active list","Tidak bisa menghapus daftar aktif"}.
{"Cannot remove default list","Tidak bisa menghapus daftar standar"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","CAPTCHA laman web"}.
{"Challenge ID","ID tantangan"}.
{"Change Password","Ubah Kata Sandi"}.
{"Change User Password","Ubah User Password"}.
{"Changing password is not allowed","Tidak diijinkan mengubah kata sandi"}.
{"Changing role/affiliation is not allowed","Tidak diijinkan mengubah peran/afiliasi"}.
{"Channel already exists","Channel sudah ada"}.
{"Channel does not exist","Channel tidak ada"}.
{"Characters not allowed:","Karakter tidak diperbolehkan:"}.
{"Chatroom configuration modified","Konfigurasi ruang chat diubah"}.
{"Chatroom is created","Ruang chat telah dibuat"}.
{"Chatroom is destroyed","Ruang chat dilenyapkan"}.
{"Chatroom is started","Ruang chat dimulai"}.
{"Chatroom is stopped","Ruang chat dihentikan"}.
{"Chatrooms","Ruangan Chat"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Pilih nama pengguna dan kata sandi untuk mendaftar dengan layanan ini"}.
{"Choose storage type of tables","Pilih jenis penyimpanan tabel"}.
{"Choose whether to approve this entity's subscription.","Pilih apakah akan menyetujui hubungan pertemanan ini."}.
{"Client acknowledged more stanzas than sent by server","Klien menerima lebih banyak stanza daripada yang dikirim oleh server"}.
{"Conference room does not exist","Ruang Konferensi tidak ada"}.
{"Configuration of room ~s","Pengaturan ruangan ~s"}.
{"Contact Addresses (normally, room owner or owners)","Alamat Kontak (biasanya, pemilik atau pemilik kamar)"}.
{"Current Discussion Topic","Topik diskusi saat ini"}.
{"Database failure","Kegagalan database"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Konfigurasi Tabel Database pada "}.
{"Default users as participants","pengguna pertama kali masuk sebagai participant"}.
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Hapus pesan harian pada semua host"}.
{"Delete message of the day","Hapus pesan harian"}.
{"Delete User","Hapus Pengguna"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Memberikan pemberitahuan acara"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Memberikan muatan dengan pemberitahuan acara"}.
{"Disc only copy","Hanya salinan dari disc"}.
{"Don't tell your password to anybody, not even the administrators of the XMPP server.","Jangan beritahukan kata sandi Anda ke siapapun, bahkan ke administrator layanan XMPP."}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Dump Backup menjadi File Teks di "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Dump menjadi File Teks"}.
{"Duplicated groups are not allowed by RFC6121","Grup duplikat tidak diperbolehkan oleh RFC6121"}.
{"Edit Properties","Ganti Properti"}.
{"Either approve or decline the voice request.","Antara terima atau tolak permintaan suara."}.
{"ejabberd HTTP Upload service","Layanan HTTP Upload ejabberd"}.
{"ejabberd MUC module","Modul MUC ejabberd"}.
{"ejabberd Multicast service","Layanan Multicast ejabberd"}.
{"ejabberd Publish-Subscribe module","Modul ejabberd Setujui-Pertemanan"}.
{"ejabberd SOCKS5 Bytestreams module","modul ejabberd SOCKS5 Bytestreams"}.
{"ejabberd vCard module","Modul ejabberd vCard"}.
{"ejabberd Web Admin","Admin Web ejabberd"}.
{"Email Address","Alamat email"}.
{"Enable logging","Aktifkan log"}.
{"Enable message archiving","Aktifkan pengarsipan pesan"}.
{"Enabling push without 'node' attribute is not supported","Aktivasi push tanpa atribut 'node' tidak didukung"}.
{"End User Session","Akhir Sesi Pengguna"}.
{"Enter nickname you want to register","Masukkan nama julukan Anda jika ingin mendaftar"}.
{"Enter path to backup file","Masukkan path untuk file cadangan"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool dir","Masukkan path ke direktori spool jabberd14"}.
{"Enter path to jabberd14 spool file","Masukkan path ke file jabberd14 spool"}.
{"Enter path to text file","Masukkan path ke file teks"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Masukkan teks yang Anda lihat"}.
{"Erlang XMPP Server","Server Erlang XMPP"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Kecualikan Jabber IDs dari tantangan CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Ekspor semua tabel sebagai kueri SQL ke file:"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Ekspor data dari semua pengguna pada layanan ke berkas PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Ekspor data pengguna pada sebuah host ke berkas PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"External component failure","Kegagalan komponen eksternal"}.
{"External component timeout","Komponen eksternal kehabisan waktu"}.
{"Failed to activate bytestream","Gagal mengaktifkan bytestream"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Gagal mendapatkan JID dari permintaan akses suara"}.
{"Failed to parse HTTP response","Gagal mengurai respon HTTP"}.
{"Failed to process option '~s'","Gagal memproses dengan opsi '~s'"}.
{"Family Name","Nama Keluarga (marga)"}.
{"FAQ Entry","Entri FAQ"}.
{"File larger than ~w bytes","File lebih besar dari ~w bytes"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching XMPP User","Isi kolom untuk mencari pengguna XMPP"}.
{"From ~ts","Dari ~ts"}.
{"Full List of Room Admins","Daftar Lengkap Admin Kamar"}.
{"Full List of Room Owners","Daftar Lengkap Pemilik Kamar"}.
{"Full Name","Nama Lengkap"}.
{"Get Number of Online Users","Dapatkan Jumlah User Yang Online"}.
{"Get Number of Registered Users","Dapatkan Jumlah Pengguna Yang Terdaftar"}.
{"Get Pending","Lihat yang tertunda"}.
{"Get User Last Login Time","Lihat Waktu Login Terakhir Pengguna"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Dapatkan Statistik Pengguna"}.
{"Given Name","Nama"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","Ijinkan akses suara kepadanya?"}.
{"has been banned","telah dibanned"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","telah dikick karena sistem shutdown"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","telah dikick karena perubahan afiliasi"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","telah dikick karena ruangan telah diubah menjadi hanya untuk member"}.
{"has been kicked","telah dikick"}.
{"Host unknown","Host tidak dikenal"}.
{"HTTP File Upload","Unggah Berkas HTTP"}.
{"Idle connection","Koneksi menganggur"}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Jika Anda tidak melihat gambar CAPTCHA disini, silahkan kunjungi halaman web."}.
{"Import Directory","Impor Direktori"}.
{"Import File","Impor File"}.
{"Import user data from jabberd14 spool file:","Impor data pengguna dari sekumpulan berkas jabberd14:"}.
{"Import User from File at ","Impor Pengguna dari File pada "}.
{"Import users data from a PIEFXIS file (XEP-0227):","impor data-data pengguna dari sebuah PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Import users data from jabberd14 spool directory:","Импорт пользовательских данных из буферной директории jabberd14:"}.
{"Import Users from Dir at ","Impor Pengguna dari Dir di "}.
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Impor Pengguna Dari jabberd14 Spool File"}.
{"Improper message type","Jenis pesan yang tidak benar"}.
{"Incorrect CAPTCHA submit","Isian CAPTCHA salah"}.
{"Incorrect data form","Formulir data salah"}.
{"Incorrect password","Kata sandi salah"}.
{"Incorrect value of 'action' attribute","Nilai atribut 'aksi' salah"}.
{"Incorrect value of 'action' in data form","Nilai 'tindakan' yang salah dalam formulir data"}.
{"Insufficient privilege","Hak tidak mencukupi"}.
{"Internal server error","Galat server internal"}.
{"Invalid node name","Nama node tidak valid"}.
{"IP addresses","Alamat IP"}.
{"is now known as","sekarang dikenal sebagai"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi jenis \"groupchat \""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi ke konferensi"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"joins the room","bergabung ke ruangan"}.
{"Last Activity","Aktifitas Terakhir"}.
{"Last login","Terakhir Login"}.
{"Last month","Akhir bulan"}.
{"Last year","Akhir tahun"}.
{"leaves the room","meninggalkan ruangan"}.
{"Make participants list public","Buat daftar participant diketahui oleh public"}.
{"Make room CAPTCHA protected","Buat ruangan dilindungi dengan CAPTCHA"}.
{"Make room members-only","Buat ruangan hanya untuk member saja"}.
{"Make room moderated","Buat ruangan hanya untuk moderator saja"}.
{"Make room password protected","Buat ruangan yang dilindungi dengan kata sandi"}.
{"Make room persistent","Buat ruangan menjadi permanent"}.
{"Make room public searchable","Buat ruangan dapat dicari"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Max kapasitas ukuran dalam bytes"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Maksimum Jumlah Penghuni"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Hanya Member yang dapat masuk ruangan ini"}.
{"Message body","Isi Pesan"}.
{"Middle Name","Nama Tengah"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Hak istimewa moderator dibutuhkan"}.
{"Multiple <item/> elements are not allowed by RFC6121","Beberapa elemen <item/> tidak diizinkan oleh RFC6121"}.
{"Never","Tidak Pernah"}.
{"New Password:","Password Baru:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Pendaftaran Julukan pada "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Nama Julukan ~s tidak berada di dalam ruangan"}.
{"Nickname","Nama Julukan"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Tidak ada isi pesan yang disediakan untuk mengirimkan pesan"}.
{"No Data","Tidak Ada Data"}.
{"No <forwarded/> element found","Tidak ada elemen <forwarded/> yang ditemukan"}.
{"No limit","Tidak terbatas"}.
{"Node ID","ID Node"}.
{"Node not found","Node tidak ditemukan"}.
{"None","Tak satupun"}.
{"Not Found","Tidak Ditemukan"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Beritahu pelanggan ketika item tersebut dikeluarkan dari node"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Beritahu pelanggan ketika ada perubahan konfigurasi node"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Beritahu pelanggan ketika node dihapus"}.
{"Number of occupants","Jumlah Penghuni"}.
{"Number of online users","Jumlah pengguna online"}.
{"Number of registered users","Jumlah pengguna terdaftar"}.
{"Old Password:","Password Lama:"}.
{"Online Users","Pengguna Yang Online"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Hanya mengirimkan pemberitahuan kepada pengguna yang tersedia"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Hanya moderator dan peserta yang diizinkan untuk mengganti topik pembicaraan di ruangan ini"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Hanya moderator yang diperbolehkan untuk mengubah topik dalam ruangan ini"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference","Hanya penghuni yang diizinkan untuk mengirim pesan ke konferensi"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send queries to the conference","Hanya penghuni diizinkan untuk mengirim permintaan ke konferensi"}.
{"Only service administrators are allowed to send service messages","Layanan hanya diperuntukan kepada administrator yang diizinkan untuk mengirim layanan pesan"}.
{"Organization Name","Nama Organisasi"}.
{"Organization Unit","Unit Organisasi"}.
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","Koneksi Keluar s2s"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Hak istimewa owner dibutuhkan"}.
{"Password Verification:","Verifikasi Kata Sandi:"}.
{"Password Verification","Verifikasi Sandi"}.
{"Password:","Kata Sandi:"}.
{"Path to Dir","Jalur ke Dir"}.
{"Path to File","Jalur ke File"}.
{"Period: ","Periode: "}.
{"Persist items to storage","Pertahankan item ke penyimpanan"}.
{"Ping query is incorrect","Kueri ping salah"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Harap dicatat bahwa pilihan ini hanya akan membuat cadangan builtin Mnesia database. Jika Anda menggunakan modul ODBC, anda juga perlu untuk membuat cadangan database SQL Anda secara terpisah."}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Tampilkan Jabber ID secara lengkap"}.
{"Previous session not found","Sesi sebelumnya tidak ditemukan"}.
{"Previous session PID has been killed","Sesi PID sebelumnya telah dimatikan"}.
{"Previous session PID has exited","Sesi PID sebelumnya telah keluar"}.
{"Previous session PID is dead","Sesi PID sebelumnya mati"}.
{"Previous session timed out","Sesi sebelumnya habis waktu"}.
{"private, ","pribadi, "}.
{"Publish model","Model penerbitan"}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","Permintaan pertemanan PubSub"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Bersihkan semua item ketika penerbit yang relevan telah offline"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","Permintaan untuk para anggota konferensi tidak diperbolehkan di ruangan ini"}.
{"Query to another users is forbidden","Kueri ke pengguna lain dilarang"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","RAM dan disc salinan"}.
{"RAM copy","Salinan RAM"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Benar-benar ingin menghapus pesan harian?"}.
{"Receive notification from all descendent nodes","Terima notifikasi dari semua node turunan"}.
{"Receive notification from direct child nodes only","Terima notifikasi dari child node saja"}.
{"Receive notification of new items only","Terima notifikasi dari item baru saja"}.
{"Receive notification of new nodes only","Terima notifikasi dari node baru saja"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","Penerima tidak berada di ruangan konferensi"}.
{"Register an XMPP account","Daftarkan sebuah akun XMPP"}.
{"Remote copy","Salinan Remote"}.
{"Remove User","Hapus Pengguna"}.
{"Replaced by new connection","Diganti dengan koneksi baru"}.
{"Request has timed out","Waktu permintaan telah habis"}.
{"Request is ignored","Permintaan diabaikan"}.
{"Requested role","Peran yang diminta"}.
{"Resources","Sumber daya"}.
{"Restart Service","Restart Layanan"}.
{"Restore Backup from File at ","Kembalikan Backup dari File pada "}.
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Mengembalikan cadangan yang berpasanagn setelah ejabberd berikutnya dijalankan ulang (memerlukan memori lebih sedikit):"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Segera mengembalikan cadangan yang berpasangan:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Segera mengembalikan cadangan teks biasa:"}.
{"Roles that May Send Private Messages","Peran yang Dapat Mengirim Pesan Pribadi"}.
{"Room Configuration","Konfigurasi Ruangan"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Pembuatan Ruangan ditolak oleh kebijakan layanan"}.
{"Room description","Keterangan ruangan"}.
{"Room Occupants","Penghuni Ruangan"}.
{"Room terminates","Ruang dihentikan"}.
{"Room title","Nama Ruangan"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Kelompok kontak yang diizinkan untuk berlangganan"}.
{"Roster size","Ukuran Daftar Kontak"}.
{"Running Nodes","Menjalankan Node"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s mengundang anda masuk kamar ~s"}.
{"Search from the date","Cari dari tanggal"}.
{"Search Results for ","Hasil Pencarian untuk "}.
{"Search the text","Cari teks"}.
{"Search until the date","Cari sampai tanggal"}.
{"Search users in ","Pencarian pengguna dalam "}.
{"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Kirim pengumuman untuk semua pengguna yang online pada semua host"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users","Kirim pengumuman untuk semua pengguna yang online"}.
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Kirim pengumuman untuk semua pengguna pada semua host"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Kirim pengumuman untuk semua pengguna"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Mengatur pesan harian dan mengirimkan ke pengguna yang online"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Mengatur pesan harian pada semua host dan kirimkan ke pengguna yang online"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","Berbagi grup kontak"}.
{"Show Integral Table","Tampilkan Tabel Terpisah"}.
{"Show Ordinary Table","Tampilkan Tabel Normal"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Shut Down Layanan"}.
{"SOCKS5 Bytestreams","SOCKS5 Bytestreams"}.
{"Specify the access model","Tentukan model akses"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Tentukan jenis acara pesan"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Tentukan model penerbitan"}.
{"Stanza ID","ID Stanza"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Menghentikan node"}.
{"Store binary backup:","Penyimpanan cadangan yang berpasangan:"}.
{"Store plain text backup:","Simpan cadangan teks biasa:"}.
{"Stream management is already enabled","Manajemen stream sudah diaktifkan"}.
{"Stream management is not enabled","Manajemen stream tidak diaktifkan"}.
{"Submitted","Ulangi masukan"}.
{"Subscriber Address","Alamat Pertemanan"}.
{"Subscribers may publish","Pelanggan dapat mempublikasikan"}.
{"Subscriptions are not allowed","Langganan tidak diperbolehkan"}.
{"Text associated with a picture","Teks yang terkait dengan gambar"}.
{"Text associated with a sound","Teks yang terkait dengan suara"}.
{"Text associated with a video","Teks yang terkait dengan video"}.
{"Text associated with speech","Teks yang terkait dengan ucapan"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Julukan itu sudah digunakan oleh penghuni lain"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Julukan tersebut telah didaftarkan oleh orang lain"}.
{"The account was not unregistered","Akun tidak terdaftar"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Captcha ini benar."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Verifikasi CAPTCHA telah gagal"}.
{"The captcha you entered is wrong","Isian captcha yang anda masukkan salah"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Koleksi dengan yang berafiliasi dengan sebuah node"}.
{"The JID of the node creator","JID dari pembuat node"}.
{"The JIDs of those to contact with questions","JID dari mereka untuk dihubungi dengan pertanyaan"}.
{"The JIDs of those with an affiliation of owner","JID dari mereka yang memiliki afiliasi pemilik"}.
{"The JIDs of those with an affiliation of publisher","JID dari mereka yang memiliki afiliasi penerbit"}.
{"The name of the node","Nama node"}.
{"The node is a collection node","Node adalah node koleksi"}.
{"The node is a leaf node (default)","Node adalah leaf node (default)"}.
{"The NodeID of the relevant node","NodeID dari node yang relevan"}.
{"The number of subscribers to the node","Jumlah pendaftar di node"}.
{"The number of unread or undelivered messages","Jumlah pesan yang belum dibaca atau tidak terkirim"}.
{"The password contains unacceptable characters","Kata sandi mengandung karakter yang tidak dapat diterima"}.
{"The password is too weak","Kata sandi terlalu lemah"}.
{"the password is","kata sandinya"}.
{"The password was not changed","Kata sandi belum berubah"}.
{"The passwords are different","Kata sandi berbeda"}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Ada kesalahan saat merubah kata kunci: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Ada kesalahan saat membuat akun: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Ada kesalahan saat menghapus akun: "}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ruangan ini tidak dikenal"}.
{"This service can not process the address: ~s","Layanan ini tidak dapat memproses alamat: ~s"}.
{"Time delay","Waktu tunda"}.
{"To register, visit ~s","Untuk mendaftar, kunjungi ~s"}.
{"To ~ts","Kepada ~ts"}.
{"Token TTL","TTL Token"}.
{"Too many active bytestreams","Terlalu banyak bytestream aktif"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Terlalu banyak permintaan CAPTCHA"}.
{"Too many child elements","Terlalu banyak elemen turunan"}.
{"Too many <item/> elements","Terlalu banyak <item/> elemen"}.
{"Too many <list/> elements","Terlalu banyak <list/> elemen"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Terlalu banyak (~p) percobaan otentifikasi yang gagal dari alamat IP (~s). Alamat akan di unblok pada ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many receiver fields were specified","Terlalu banyak bidang penerima yang ditentukan"}.
{"Too many users in this conference","Terlalu banyak pengguna di grup ini"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Batas tingkat lalu lintas terlampaui"}.
{"~ts's Offline Messages Queue","~ts's antrian Pesan Offline"}.
{"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","Tidak dapat menghasilkan CAPTCHA"}.
{"Unable to register route on existing local domain","Tidak dapat mendaftarkan rute di domain lokal yang ada"}.
{"Unexpected action","Aksi yang tidak diharapkan"}.
{"Unexpected error condition: ~p","Kondisi kerusakan yang tidak diduga: ~p"}.
{"Unregister an XMPP account","Nonaktifkan akun XMPP"}.
{"Unsupported <index/> element","Elemen <index/> tidak didukung"}.
{"Unsupported version","Versi tidak didukung"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Rubah pesan harian (tidak dikirim)"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Rubah pesan harian pada semua host (tidak dikirim)"}.
{"User already exists","Pengguna sudah ada"}.
{"User (jid)","Pengguna (jid)"}.
{"User JID","Pengguna JID"}.
{"User Management","Manajemen Pengguna"}.
{"User removed","Pengguna dipindahkan"}.
{"User session not found","Sesi pengguna tidak ditemukan"}.
{"User session terminated","Sesi pengguna dihentikan"}.
{"User ~ts","Pengguna ~ts"}.
{"Username:","Nama Pengguna:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Pengguna tidak diperkenankan untuk mendaftar akun begitu cepat"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Aktifitas terakhir para pengguna"}.
{"Value 'get' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Nilai 'get' dari 'type' atribut tidak diperbolehkan"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be boolean","Nilai '~ s' harus boolean"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be datetime string","Nilai '~s' harus string datetime"}.
{"Value of '~s' should be integer","Nilai '~ s' harus integer"}.
{"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed","Nilai 'set' dari 'type' atribut tidak diperbolehkan"}.
{"vCard User Search","vCard Pencarian Pengguna"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Host Virtual"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Tamu tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengubah nama panggilan di ruangan ini"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Tamu tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan ke semua penghuni"}.
{"Voice request","Permintaan suara"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Permintaan suara dinonaktifkan dalam konferensi ini"}.
{"When a new subscription is processed and whenever a subscriber comes online","Saat langganan baru diproses dan tiap kali pelanggan online"}.
{"When a new subscription is processed","Saat langganan baru diproses"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Ketika untuk mengirim item terakhir yang dipublikasikan"}.
{"Whether an entity wants to receive an XMPP message body in addition to the payload format","Apakah entitas ingin menerima isi pesan XMPP selain format payload"}.
{"Whether an entity wants to receive digests (aggregations) of notifications or all notifications individually","Apakah entitas ingin menerima ringkasan(agregasi) pemberitahuan atau semua pemberitahuan satu per satu"}.
{"Whether an entity wants to receive or disable notifications","Apakah entitas ingin menerima atau menonaktifkan pemberitahuan"}.
{"Whether owners or publisher should receive replies to items","Apakah pemilik atau penerbit harus menerima balasan dari item"}.
{"Whether the node is a leaf (default) or a collection","Apakah node adalah leaf (default) atau koleksi"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Apakah diperbolehkan untuk berlangganan"}.
{"Whether to make all subscriptions temporary, based on subscriber presence","Apakah akan menjadikan semua langganan sementara, berdasarkan keberadaan pelanggan"}.
{"Whether to notify owners about new subscribers and unsubscribes","Apakah akan memberi tahu pemilik tentang pelanggan baru dan berhenti berlangganan"}.
{"Who may associate leaf nodes with a collection","Siapa yang dapat mengaitkan leaf node dengan koleksi"}.
{"Wrong parameters in the web formulary","Parameter yang salah di formula web"}.
{"Wrong xmlns","xmlns salah"}.
{"XMPP Account Registration","Pendaftaran Akun XMPP"}.
{"XMPP Domains","Domain XMPP"}.
{"XMPP Show Value of Away","XMPP menunjukkan status Away"}.
{"XMPP Show Value of Chat","XMPP menunjukkan status Chat"}.
{"XMPP Show Value of DND (Do Not Disturb)","XMPP menunjukkan status DND (Do Not Disturb)"}.
{"XMPP Show Value of XA (Extended Away)","XMPP menunjukkan status XA (Extended Away)"}.
{"XMPP URI of Associated Publish-Subscribe Node","XMPP URI dari node Associated Publish-Subscribe"}.
{"You are being removed from the room because of a system shutdown","Anda sedang dikeluarkan dari kamar karena sistem shutdown"}.
{"You are not joined to the channel","Anda tidak bergabung ke channel"}.
{"You can later change your password using an XMPP client.","Anda dapat mengubah kata sandi menggunakan aplikasi XMPP."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Anda telah diblokir dari ruangan ini"}.
{"You have joined too many conferences","Anda telah mengikuti terlalu banyak grup"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Anda harus mengisi kolom \"Panggilan\" dalam formulir"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Anda memerlukan klien yang mendukung x:data dan CAPTCHA untuk mendaftar"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Anda memerlukan klien yang mendukung x:data untuk mendaftar julukan"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Anda memerlukan x:data klien untuk melakukan pencarian"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Daftar privasi aktif Anda telah menolak routing stanza ini."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Kontak offline Anda pada antrian pesan sudah penuh. Pesan telah dibuang."}.
{"Your subscription request and/or messages to ~s have been blocked. To unblock your subscription request, visit ~s","Pesan Anda untuk ~s sedang diblokir. Untuk membuka blokir tersebut, kunjungi ~s"}.
{"Your XMPP account was successfully registered.","Akun XMPP Anda berhasil didaftarkan."}.
{"Your XMPP account was successfully unregistered.","Akun XMPP Anda berhasil dihapus."}.
{"You're not allowed to create nodes","Anda tidak diizinkan membuat node"}.