mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-06-18 22:15:20 +02:00
Evgeniy Khramtsov 7bcbea2108 Deprecate jlib.erl in favor of aux.erl
Since the main goal of jlib.erl is lost, all auxiliary functions
are now moved to aux.erl, and the whole jlib.erl is now deprecated.
2017-03-30 14:17:13 +03:00

1137 lines
39 KiB

%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Created: 12 Oct 2000 by Tobbe <tnt@home.se>
%%% Function: Erlang client LDAP implementation according RFC 2251.
%%% The interface is based on RFC 1823, and
%%% draft-ietf-asid-ldap-c-api-00.txt
%%% Copyright (C) 2000 Torbjorn Tornkvist, tnt@home.se
%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
%%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
%%% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
%%% (at your option) any later version.
%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%% GNU General Public License for more details.
%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
%%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
%%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
%%% Modified by Sean Hinde <shinde@iee.org> 7th Dec 2000
%%% Turned into gen_fsm, made non-blocking, added timers etc to support this.
%%% Now has the concept of a name (string() or atom()) per instance which allows
%%% multiple users to call by name if so desired.
%%% Can be configured with start_link parameters or use a config file to get
%%% host to connect to, dn, password, log function etc.
%%% Modified by Alexey Shchepin <alexey@sevcom.net>
%%% Modified by Evgeniy Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>
%%% Implemented queue for bind() requests to prevent pending binds.
%%% Implemented extensibleMatch/2 function.
%%% Implemented LDAP Extended Operations (currently only Password Modify
%%% is supported - RFC 3062).
%%% Modified by Christophe Romain <christophe.romain@process-one.net>
%%% Improve error case handling
%%% Modified by Mickael Remond <mremond@process-one.net>
%%% Now use ejabberd log mechanism
%%% Modified by:
%%% Thomas Baden <roo@ham9.net> 2008 April 6th
%%% Andy Harb <Ahmad.N.Abou-Harb@jpl.nasa.gov> 2008 April 28th
%%% Anton Podavalov <a.podavalov@gmail.com> 2009 February 22th
%%% Added LDAPS support, modeled off jungerl eldap.erl version.
%%% NOTICE: STARTTLS is not supported.
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
-vc('$Id$ ').
%%% LDAP Client state machine.
%%% Possible states are:
%%% connecting - actually disconnected, but retrying periodically
%%% wait_bind_response - connected and sent bind request
%%% active - bound to LDAP Server and ready to handle commands
%%% active_bind - sent bind() request and waiting for response
%% External exports
-export([start_link/1, start_link/6]).
-export([baseObject/0, singleLevel/0, wholeSubtree/0,
close/1, equalityMatch/2, greaterOrEqual/2,
lessOrEqual/2, approxMatch/2, search/2, substrings/2,
present/1, extensibleMatch/2, 'and'/1, 'or'/1, 'not'/1,
modify/3, mod_add/2, mod_delete/2, mod_replace/2, add/3,
delete/2, modify_dn/5, modify_passwd/3, bind/3]).
-export([init/1, connecting/2, connecting/3,
wait_bind_response/3, active/3, active_bind/3,
handle_event/3, handle_sync_event/4, handle_info/3,
terminate/3, code_change/4]).
-define(LDAP_VERSION, 3).
-define(RETRY_TIMEOUT, 500).
-define(BIND_TIMEOUT, 10000).
-define(CMD_TIMEOUT, 100000).
%% Used in gen_fsm sync calls.
%% Used as a timeout for gen_tcp:send/2
-define(SEND_TIMEOUT, 30000).
-define(MAX_TRANSACTION_ID, 65535).
%% Grace period after "soft" LDAP bind errors:
-define(STARTTLS, <<"">>).
-type handle() :: pid() | atom() | binary().
{version = ?LDAP_VERSION :: non_neg_integer(),
hosts = [] :: [binary()],
host = undefined :: binary() | undefined,
port = 389 :: inet:port_number(),
sockmod = gen_tcp :: ssl | gen_tcp,
tls = none :: none | tls,
tls_options = [] :: [{cacertfile, string()} |
{depth, non_neg_integer()} |
{verify, non_neg_integer()}],
fd :: gen_tcp:socket() | undefined,
rootdn = <<"">> :: binary(),
passwd = <<"">> :: binary(),
id = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
bind_timer = make_ref() :: reference(),
dict = dict:new() :: ?TDICT,
req_q = queue:new() :: ?TQUEUE}).
%%% API
start_link(Name) ->
Reg_name = aux:binary_to_atom(<<"eldap_",
gen_fsm:start_link({local, Reg_name}, ?MODULE, [], []).
-spec start_link(binary(), [binary()], inet:port_number(), binary(),
binary(), tlsopts()) -> any().
start_link(Name, Hosts, Port, Rootdn, Passwd, Opts) ->
Reg_name = aux:binary_to_atom(<<"eldap_",
gen_fsm:start_link({local, Reg_name}, ?MODULE,
[Hosts, Port, Rootdn, Passwd, Opts], []).
-spec get_status(handle()) -> any().
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Get status of connection.
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
get_status(Handle) ->
Handle1 = get_handle(Handle),
gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Handle1, get_status).
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Shutdown connection (and process) asynchronous.
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec close(handle()) -> any().
close(Handle) ->
Handle1 = get_handle(Handle),
gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(Handle1, close).
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Add an entry. The entry field MUST NOT exist for the AddRequest
%%% to succeed. The parent of the entry MUST exist.
%%% Example:
%%% add(Handle,
%%% "cn=Bill Valentine, ou=people, o=Bluetail AB, dc=bluetail, dc=com",
%%% [{"objectclass", ["person"]},
%%% {"cn", ["Bill Valentine"]},
%%% {"sn", ["Valentine"]},
%%% {"telephoneNumber", ["545 555 00"]}]
%%% )
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
add(Handle, Entry, Attributes) ->
Handle1 = get_handle(Handle),
{add, Entry, add_attrs(Attributes)}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT).
%%% Do sanity check !
add_attrs(Attrs) ->
F = fun ({Type, Vals}) ->
{'AddRequest_attributes', Type, Vals}
case catch lists:map(F, Attrs) of
{'EXIT', _} -> throw({error, attribute_values});
Else -> Else
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Delete an entry. The entry consists of the DN of
%%% the entry to be deleted.
%%% Example:
%%% delete(Handle,
%%% "cn=Bill Valentine, ou=people, o=Bluetail AB, dc=bluetail, dc=com"
%%% )
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
delete(Handle, Entry) ->
Handle1 = get_handle(Handle),
gen_fsm:sync_send_event(Handle1, {delete, Entry},
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Modify an entry. Given an entry a number of modification
%%% operations can be performed as one atomic operation.
%%% Example:
%%% modify(Handle,
%%% "cn=Torbjorn Tornkvist, ou=people, o=Bluetail AB, dc=bluetail, dc=com",
%%% [replace("telephoneNumber", ["555 555 00"]),
%%% add("description", ["LDAP hacker"])]
%%% )
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec modify(handle(), any(), [add | delete | replace]) -> any().
modify(Handle, Object, Mods) ->
Handle1 = get_handle(Handle),
gen_fsm:sync_send_event(Handle1, {modify, Object, Mods},
%%% Modification operations.
%%% Example:
%%% replace("telephoneNumber", ["555 555 00"])
mod_add(Type, Values) ->
m(add, Type, Values).
mod_delete(Type, Values) ->
m(delete, Type, Values).
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Modify an entry. Given an entry a number of modification
%%% operations can be performed as one atomic operation.
%%% Example:
%%% modify_dn(Handle,
%%% "cn=Bill Valentine, ou=people, o=Bluetail AB, dc=bluetail, dc=com",
%%% "cn=Ben Emerson",
%%% true,
%%% ""
%%% )
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
mod_replace(Type, Values) ->
m(replace, Type, Values).
m(Operation, Type, Values) ->
#'ModifyRequest_modification_SEQOF'{operation =
modification =
#'AttributeTypeAndValues'{type =
vals =
modify_dn(Handle, Entry, NewRDN, DelOldRDN, NewSup) ->
Handle1 = get_handle(Handle),
{modify_dn, Entry, NewRDN, bool_p(DelOldRDN),
-spec modify_passwd(handle(), binary(), binary()) -> any().
modify_passwd(Handle, DN, Passwd) ->
Handle1 = get_handle(Handle),
{modify_passwd, DN, Passwd}, ?CALL_TIMEOUT).
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Bind.
%%% Example:
%%% bind(Handle,
%%% "cn=Bill Valentine, ou=people, o=Bluetail AB, dc=bluetail, dc=com",
%%% "secret")
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec bind(handle(), binary(), binary()) -> any().
bind(Handle, RootDN, Passwd) ->
Handle1 = get_handle(Handle),
gen_fsm:sync_send_event(Handle1, {bind, RootDN, Passwd},
%%% Sanity checks !
bool_p(Bool) when Bool == true; Bool == false -> Bool.
optional([]) -> asn1_NOVALUE;
optional(Value) -> Value.
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Synchronous search of the Directory returning a
%%% requested set of attributes.
%%% Example:
%%% Filter = eldap:substrings("sn", [{any,"o"}]),
%%% eldap:search(S, [{base, "dc=bluetail, dc=com"},
%%% {filter, Filter},
%%% {attributes,["cn"]}])),
%%% Returned result: {ok, #eldap_search_result{}}
%%% Example:
%%% {ok,{eldap_search_result,
%%% [{eldap_entry,
%%% "cn=Magnus Froberg, dc=bluetail, dc=com",
%%% [{"cn",["Magnus Froberg"]}]},
%%% {eldap_entry,
%%% "cn=Torbjorn Tornkvist, dc=bluetail, dc=com",
%%% [{"cn",["Torbjorn Tornkvist"]}]}],
%%% []}}
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
-type search_args() :: [{base, binary()} |
{filter, filter()} |
{scope, scope()} |
{attributes, [binary()]} |
{types_only, boolean()} |
{timeout, non_neg_integer()} |
{limit, non_neg_integer()} |
{deref_aliases, never | searching | finding | always}].
-spec search(handle(), eldap_search() | search_args()) -> any().
search(Handle, A) when is_record(A, eldap_search) ->
call_search(Handle, A);
search(Handle, L) when is_list(L) ->
case catch parse_search_args(L) of
{error, Emsg} -> {error, Emsg};
{'EXIT', Emsg} -> {error, Emsg};
A when is_record(A, eldap_search) ->
call_search(Handle, A)
call_search(Handle, A) ->
Handle1 = get_handle(Handle),
gen_fsm:sync_send_event(Handle1, {search, A},
-spec parse_search_args(search_args()) -> eldap_search().
parse_search_args(Args) ->
#eldap_search{scope = wholeSubtree}).
parse_search_args([{base, Base} | T], A) ->
parse_search_args(T, A#eldap_search{base = Base});
parse_search_args([{filter, Filter} | T], A) ->
parse_search_args(T, A#eldap_search{filter = Filter});
parse_search_args([{scope, Scope} | T], A) ->
parse_search_args(T, A#eldap_search{scope = Scope});
parse_search_args([{attributes, Attrs} | T], A) ->
A#eldap_search{attributes = Attrs});
parse_search_args([{types_only, TypesOnly} | T], A) ->
A#eldap_search{types_only = TypesOnly});
parse_search_args([{timeout, Timeout} | T], A)
when is_integer(Timeout) ->
parse_search_args(T, A#eldap_search{timeout = Timeout});
parse_search_args([{limit, Limit} | T], A)
when is_integer(Limit) ->
parse_search_args(T, A#eldap_search{limit = Limit});
parse_search_args([{deref_aliases, never} | T], A) ->
A#eldap_search{deref_aliases = neverDerefAliases});
parse_search_args([{deref_aliases, searching} | T],
A) ->
A#eldap_search{deref_aliases = derefInSearching});
parse_search_args([{deref_aliases, finding} | T], A) ->
A#eldap_search{deref_aliases = derefFindingBaseObj});
parse_search_args([{deref_aliases, always} | T], A) ->
A#eldap_search{deref_aliases = derefAlways});
parse_search_args([H | _], _) ->
throw({error, {unknown_arg, H}});
parse_search_args([], A) -> A.
baseObject() -> baseObject.
singleLevel() -> singleLevel.
%%% The Scope parameter
wholeSubtree() -> wholeSubtree.
%%% Boolean filter operations
-type filter() :: 'and'() | 'or'() | 'not'() | equalityMatch() |
greaterOrEqual() | lessOrEqual() | approxMatch() |
present() | substrings() | extensibleMatch().
%%% The following Filter parameters consist of an attribute
%%% and an attribute value. Example: F("uid","tobbe")
-type 'and'() :: {'and', [filter()]}.
-spec 'and'([filter()]) -> 'and'().
'and'(ListOfFilters) when is_list(ListOfFilters) ->
{'and', ListOfFilters}.
-type 'or'() :: {'or', [filter()]}.
-spec 'or'([filter()]) -> 'or'().
'or'(ListOfFilters) when is_list(ListOfFilters) ->
{'or', ListOfFilters}.
-type 'not'() :: {'not', filter()}.
-spec 'not'(filter()) -> 'not'().
'not'(Filter) when is_tuple(Filter) -> {'not', Filter}.
-type equalityMatch() :: {equalityMatch, 'AttributeValueAssertion'()}.
-spec equalityMatch(binary(), binary()) -> equalityMatch().
equalityMatch(Desc, Value) ->
{equalityMatch, av_assert(Desc, Value)}.
-type greaterOrEqual() :: {greaterOrEqual, 'AttributeValueAssertion'()}.
-spec greaterOrEqual(binary(), binary()) -> greaterOrEqual().
greaterOrEqual(Desc, Value) ->
{greaterOrEqual, av_assert(Desc, Value)}.
-type lessOrEqual() :: {lessOrEqual, 'AttributeValueAssertion'()}.
-spec lessOrEqual(binary(), binary()) -> lessOrEqual().
lessOrEqual(Desc, Value) ->
{lessOrEqual, av_assert(Desc, Value)}.
-type approxMatch() :: {approxMatch, 'AttributeValueAssertion'()}.
-spec approxMatch(binary(), binary()) -> approxMatch().
approxMatch(Desc, Value) ->
{approxMatch, av_assert(Desc, Value)}.
-type 'AttributeValueAssertion'() ::
#'AttributeValueAssertion'{attributeDesc :: binary(),
assertionValue :: binary()}.
-spec av_assert(binary(), binary()) -> 'AttributeValueAssertion'().
av_assert(Desc, Value) ->
#'AttributeValueAssertion'{attributeDesc = Desc,
assertionValue = Value}.
%%% Filter to check for the presence of an attribute
-type present() :: {present, binary()}.
-spec present(binary()) -> present().
%%% A substring filter seem to be based on a pattern:
%%% InitValue*AnyValue*FinalValue
%%% where all three parts seem to be optional (at least when
%%% talking with an OpenLDAP server). Thus, the arguments
%%% to substrings/2 looks like this:
%%% Type ::= string( <attribute> )
%%% SubStr ::= listof( {initial,Value} | {any,Value}, {final,Value})
%%% Example: substrings("sn",[{initial,"To"},{any,"kv"},{final,"st"}])
%%% will match entries containing: 'sn: Tornkvist'
present(Attribute) ->
{present, Attribute}.
%%% extensibleMatch filter.
%%% FIXME: Describe the purpose of this filter.
%%% Value ::= string( <attribute> )
%%% Opts ::= listof( {matchingRule, Str} | {type, Str} | {dnAttributes, true} )
%%% Example: extensibleMatch("Fred", [{matchingRule, ""}, {type, "cn"}]).
-type substr() :: [{initial | any | final, binary()}].
-type 'SubstringFilter'() ::
#'SubstringFilter'{type :: binary(),
substrings :: substr()}.
-type substrings() :: {substrings, 'SubstringFilter'()}.
-spec substrings(binary(), substr()) -> substrings().
substrings(Type, SubStr) ->
#'SubstringFilter'{type = Type, substrings = SubStr}}.
-type match_opts() :: [{matchingRule | type, binary()} |
{dnAttributes, boolean()}].
-type 'MatchingRuleAssertion'() ::
#'MatchingRuleAssertion'{matchValue :: binary(),
type :: asn1_NOVALUE | binary(),
matchingRule :: asn1_NOVALUE | binary(),
dnAttributes :: asn1_DEFAULT | true}.
-type extensibleMatch() :: {extensibleMatch, 'MatchingRuleAssertion'()}.
-spec extensibleMatch(binary(), match_opts()) -> extensibleMatch().
extensibleMatch(Value, Opts) ->
MRA = #'MatchingRuleAssertion'{matchValue = Value},
{extensibleMatch, extensibleMatch_opts(Opts, MRA)}.
extensibleMatch_opts([{matchingRule, Rule} | Opts], MRA) ->
MRA#'MatchingRuleAssertion'{matchingRule = Rule});
extensibleMatch_opts([{type, Desc} | Opts], MRA) ->
MRA#'MatchingRuleAssertion'{type = Desc});
extensibleMatch_opts([{dnAttributes, true} | Opts],
MRA) ->
MRA#'MatchingRuleAssertion'{dnAttributes = true});
extensibleMatch_opts([_ | Opts], MRA) ->
extensibleMatch_opts(Opts, MRA);
extensibleMatch_opts([], MRA) -> MRA.
get_handle(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) -> Pid;
get_handle(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) -> Atom;
get_handle(Name) when is_binary(Name) ->
%%% Callback functions from gen_fsm
%% Func: init/1
%% Returns: {ok, StateName, StateData} |
%% {ok, StateName, StateData, Timeout} |
%% ignore |
%% {stop, StopReason}
%% I use the trick of setting a timeout of 0 to pass control into the
%% process.
init([Hosts, Port, Rootdn, Passwd, Opts]) ->
Encrypt = case gen_mod:get_opt(encrypt, Opts,
fun(tls) -> tls;
(starttls) -> starttls;
(none) -> none
end) of
tls -> tls;
_ -> none
PortTemp = case Port of
undefined ->
case Encrypt of
tls -> ?LDAPS_PORT;
PT -> PT
CacertOpts = case gen_mod:get_opt(
tls_cacertfile, Opts,
fun(S) when is_binary(S) ->
(undefined) ->
end) of
undefined ->
Path ->
[{cacertfile, Path}]
DepthOpts = case gen_mod:get_opt(
tls_depth, Opts,
fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>=0 ->
(undefined) ->
end) of
undefined ->
Depth ->
[{depth, Depth}]
Verify = gen_mod:get_opt(tls_verify, Opts,
fun(hard) -> hard;
(soft) -> soft;
(false) -> false
end, false),
TLSOpts = if (Verify == hard orelse Verify == soft)
andalso CacertOpts == [] ->
?WARNING_MSG("TLS verification is enabled but no CA "
"certfiles configured, so verification "
"is disabled.",
Verify == soft ->
[{verify, 1}] ++ CacertOpts ++ DepthOpts;
Verify == hard ->
[{verify, 2}] ++ CacertOpts ++ DepthOpts;
true -> []
{ok, connecting,
#eldap{hosts = Hosts, port = PortTemp, rootdn = Rootdn,
passwd = Passwd, tls = Encrypt, tls_options = TLSOpts,
id = 0, dict = dict:new(), req_q = queue:new()},
connecting(timeout, S) ->
{ok, NextState, NewS} = connect_bind(S),
{next_state, NextState, NewS}.
connecting(Event, From, S) ->
Q = queue:in({Event, From}, S#eldap.req_q),
{next_state, connecting, S#eldap{req_q = Q}}.
wait_bind_response(Event, From, S) ->
Q = queue:in({Event, From}, S#eldap.req_q),
{next_state, wait_bind_response, S#eldap{req_q = Q}}.
active_bind(Event, From, S) ->
Q = queue:in({Event, From}, S#eldap.req_q),
{next_state, active_bind, S#eldap{req_q = Q}}.
active(Event, From, S) ->
process_command(S, Event, From).
%% Func: handle_event/3
%% Called when gen_fsm:send_all_state_event/2 is invoked.
%% Returns: {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData} |
%% {next_state, NextStateName, NextStateData, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData}
handle_event(close, _StateName, S) ->
catch (S#eldap.sockmod):close(S#eldap.fd),
{stop, normal, S};
handle_event(_Event, StateName, S) ->
{next_state, StateName, S}.
handle_sync_event(_Event, _From, StateName, S) ->
{reply, {StateName, S}, StateName, S}.
%% Packets arriving in various states
handle_info({Tag, _Socket, Data}, connecting, S)
when Tag == tcp; Tag == ssl ->
?DEBUG("tcp packet received when disconnected!~n~p", [Data]),
{next_state, connecting, S};
handle_info({Tag, _Socket, Data}, wait_bind_response, S)
when Tag == tcp; Tag == ssl ->
case catch recvd_wait_bind_response(Data, S) of
bound -> dequeue_commands(S);
{fail_bind, Reason} ->
report_bind_failure(S#eldap.host, S#eldap.port, Reason),
{next_state, connecting,
close_and_retry(S, ?GRACEFUL_RETRY_TIMEOUT)};
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
report_bind_failure(S#eldap.host, S#eldap.port, Reason),
{next_state, connecting, close_and_retry(S)};
{error, Reason} ->
report_bind_failure(S#eldap.host, S#eldap.port, Reason),
{next_state, connecting, close_and_retry(S)}
handle_info({Tag, _Socket, Data}, StateName, S)
when (StateName == active orelse StateName == active_bind)
andalso (Tag == tcp orelse Tag == ssl) ->
case catch recvd_packet(Data, S) of
{response, Response, RequestType} ->
NewS = case Response of
{reply, Reply, To, S1} -> gen_fsm:reply(To, Reply), S1;
{ok, S1} -> S1
if StateName == active_bind andalso
RequestType == bindRequest
orelse StateName == active ->
true -> {next_state, StateName, NewS}
_ -> {next_state, StateName, S}
handle_info({Tag, _Socket}, Fsm_state, S)
when Tag == tcp_closed; Tag == ssl_closed ->
?WARNING_MSG("LDAP server closed the connection: ~s:~p~nIn "
"State: ~p",
[S#eldap.host, S#eldap.port, Fsm_state]),
{next_state, connecting, close_and_retry(S)};
handle_info({Tag, _Socket, Reason}, Fsm_state, S)
when Tag == tcp_error; Tag == ssl_error ->
?DEBUG("eldap received tcp_error: ~p~nIn State: ~p",
[Reason, Fsm_state]),
{next_state, connecting, close_and_retry(S)};
%% Timers
handle_info({timeout, Timer, {cmd_timeout, Id}},
StateName, S) ->
case cmd_timeout(Timer, Id, S) of
{reply, To, Reason, NewS} ->
gen_fsm:reply(To, Reason),
{next_state, StateName, NewS};
{error, _Reason} -> {next_state, StateName, S}
handle_info({timeout, retry_connect}, connecting, S) ->
{ok, NextState, NewS} = connect_bind(S),
{next_state, NextState, NewS};
handle_info({timeout, _Timer, bind_timeout}, wait_bind_response, S) ->
{next_state, connecting, close_and_retry(S)};
%% Make sure we don't fill the message queue with rubbish
handle_info(Info, StateName, S) ->
?DEBUG("eldap. Unexpected Info: ~p~nIn state: "
"~p~n when StateData is: ~p",
[Info, StateName, S]),
{next_state, StateName, S}.
%% Func: terminate/3
%% Purpose: Shutdown the fsm
%% Returns: any
terminate(_Reason, _StateName, _StatData) -> ok.
%% Func: code_change/4
%% Purpose: Convert process state when code is changed
%% Returns: {ok, NewState, NewStateData}
code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, S, _Extra) ->
{ok, StateName, S}.
%%% Internal functions
dequeue_commands(S) ->
case queue:out(S#eldap.req_q) of
{{value, {Event, From}}, Q} ->
case process_command(S#eldap{req_q = Q}, Event, From) of
{_, active, NewS} -> dequeue_commands(NewS);
Res -> Res
{empty, _} -> {next_state, active, S}
process_command(S, Event, From) ->
case send_command(Event, From, S) of
{ok, NewS} ->
case Event of
{bind, _, _} -> {next_state, active_bind, NewS};
_ -> {next_state, active, NewS}
{error, _Reason} ->
Q = queue:in_r({Event, From}, S#eldap.req_q),
NewS = close_and_retry(S#eldap{req_q = Q}),
{next_state, connecting, NewS}
send_command(Command, From, S) ->
Id = bump_id(S),
{Name, Request} = gen_req(Command),
Message = #'LDAPMessage'{messageID = Id,
protocolOp = {Name, Request}},
?DEBUG("~p~n", [{Name, ejabberd_config:may_hide_data(Request)}]),
{ok, Bytes} = 'ELDAPv3':encode('LDAPMessage', Message),
case (S#eldap.sockmod):send(S#eldap.fd, Bytes) of
ok ->
Timer = erlang:start_timer(?CMD_TIMEOUT, self(), {cmd_timeout, Id}),
New_dict = dict:store(Id, [{Timer, Command, From, Name}], S#eldap.dict),
{ok, S#eldap{id = Id, dict = New_dict}};
Error ->
gen_req({search, A}) ->
#'SearchRequest'{baseObject = A#eldap_search.base,
scope = A#eldap_search.scope,
derefAliases = A#eldap_search.deref_aliases,
sizeLimit = A#eldap_search.limit,
timeLimit = A#eldap_search.timeout,
typesOnly = A#eldap_search.types_only,
filter = A#eldap_search.filter,
attributes = A#eldap_search.attributes}};
gen_req({add, Entry, Attrs}) ->
#'AddRequest'{entry = Entry, attributes = Attrs}};
gen_req({delete, Entry}) -> {delRequest, Entry};
gen_req({modify, Obj, Mod}) ->
#'ModifyRequest'{object = Obj, modification = Mod}};
gen_req({modify_dn, Entry, NewRDN, DelOldRDN,
NewSup}) ->
#'ModifyDNRequest'{entry = Entry, newrdn = NewRDN,
deleteoldrdn = DelOldRDN, newSuperior = NewSup}};
gen_req({modify_passwd, DN, Passwd}) ->
{ok, ReqVal} = 'ELDAPv3':encode('PasswdModifyRequestValue',
#'PasswdModifyRequestValue'{userIdentity = DN,
newPasswd =
#'ExtendedRequest'{requestName = ?passwdModifyOID,
requestValue = iolist_to_binary(ReqVal)}};
gen_req({bind, RootDN, Passwd}) ->
#'BindRequest'{version = ?LDAP_VERSION, name = RootDN,
authentication = {simple, Passwd}}}.
%% recvd_packet
%% Deals with incoming packets in the active state
%% Will return one of:
%% {ok, NewS} - Don't reply to client yet as this is part of a search
%% result and we haven't got all the answers yet.
%% {reply, Result, From, NewS} - Reply with result to client From
%% {error, Reason}
%% {'EXIT', Reason} - Broke
recvd_packet(Pkt, S) ->
case 'ELDAPv3':decode('LDAPMessage', Pkt) of
{ok, Msg} ->
Op = Msg#'LDAPMessage'.protocolOp,
?DEBUG("~p", [Op]),
Dict = S#eldap.dict,
Id = Msg#'LDAPMessage'.messageID,
{Timer, From, Name, Result_so_far} = get_op_rec(Id,
Answer = case {Name, Op} of
{searchRequest, {searchResEntry, R}}
when is_record(R, 'SearchResultEntry') ->
New_dict = dict:append(Id, R, Dict),
{ok, S#eldap{dict = New_dict}};
{searchRequest, {searchResDone, Result}} ->
Reason = Result#'LDAPResult'.resultCode,
if Reason == success; Reason == sizeLimitExceeded ->
{Res, Ref} = polish(Result_so_far),
New_dict = dict:erase(Id, Dict),
#eldap_search_result{entries = Res,
referrals = Ref},
From, S#eldap{dict = New_dict}};
true ->
New_dict = dict:erase(Id, Dict),
{reply, {error, Reason}, From,
S#eldap{dict = New_dict}}
{searchRequest, {searchResRef, R}} ->
New_dict = dict:append(Id, R, Dict),
{ok, S#eldap{dict = New_dict}};
{addRequest, {addResponse, Result}} ->
New_dict = dict:erase(Id, Dict),
Reply = check_reply(Result, From),
{reply, Reply, From, S#eldap{dict = New_dict}};
{delRequest, {delResponse, Result}} ->
New_dict = dict:erase(Id, Dict),
Reply = check_reply(Result, From),
{reply, Reply, From, S#eldap{dict = New_dict}};
{modifyRequest, {modifyResponse, Result}} ->
New_dict = dict:erase(Id, Dict),
Reply = check_reply(Result, From),
{reply, Reply, From, S#eldap{dict = New_dict}};
{modDNRequest, {modDNResponse, Result}} ->
New_dict = dict:erase(Id, Dict),
Reply = check_reply(Result, From),
{reply, Reply, From, S#eldap{dict = New_dict}};
{bindRequest, {bindResponse, Result}} ->
New_dict = dict:erase(Id, Dict),
Reply = check_bind_reply(Result, From),
{reply, Reply, From, S#eldap{dict = New_dict}};
{extendedReq, {extendedResp, Result}} ->
New_dict = dict:erase(Id, Dict),
Reply = check_extended_reply(Result, From),
{reply, Reply, From, S#eldap{dict = New_dict}};
{OtherName, OtherResult} ->
New_dict = dict:erase(Id, Dict),
{error, {invalid_result, OtherName, OtherResult}},
From, S#eldap{dict = New_dict}}
{response, Answer, Name};
Error -> Error
check_reply(#'LDAPResult'{resultCode = success},
_From) ->
check_reply(#'LDAPResult'{resultCode = Reason},
_From) ->
{error, Reason};
check_reply(Other, _From) -> {error, Other}.
check_bind_reply(#'BindResponse'{resultCode = success},
_From) ->
check_bind_reply(#'BindResponse'{resultCode = Reason},
_From) ->
{error, Reason};
check_bind_reply(Other, _From) -> {error, Other}.
%% TODO: process reply depending on requestName:
%% this requires BER-decoding of #'ExtendedResponse'.response
check_extended_reply(#'ExtendedResponse'{resultCode =
_From) ->
check_extended_reply(#'ExtendedResponse'{resultCode =
_From) ->
{error, Reason};
check_extended_reply(Other, _From) -> {error, Other}.
get_op_rec(Id, Dict) ->
case dict:find(Id, Dict) of
{ok, [{Timer, _Command, From, Name} | Res]} ->
{Timer, From, Name, Res};
error -> throw({error, unkown_id})
%% recvd_wait_bind_response packet
%% Deals with incoming packets in the wait_bind_response state
%% Will return one of:
%% bound - Success - move to active state
%% {fail_bind, Reason} - Failed
%% {error, Reason}
%% {'EXIT', Reason} - Broken packet
recvd_wait_bind_response(Pkt, S) ->
case 'ELDAPv3':decode('LDAPMessage', Pkt) of
{ok, Msg} ->
?DEBUG("~p", [Msg]),
check_id(S#eldap.id, Msg#'LDAPMessage'.messageID),
case Msg#'LDAPMessage'.protocolOp of
{bindResponse, Result} ->
case Result#'BindResponse'.resultCode of
success -> bound;
Error -> {fail_bind, Error}
Else -> {fail_bind, Else}
check_id(Id, Id) -> ok;
check_id(_, _) -> throw({error, wrong_bind_id}).
%% General Helpers
cancel_timer(Timer) ->
receive {timeout, Timer, _} -> ok after 0 -> ok end.
close_and_retry(S, Timeout) ->
catch (S#eldap.sockmod):close(S#eldap.fd),
Queue = dict:fold(fun (_Id,
[{Timer, Command, From, _Name} | _], Q) ->
queue:in_r({Command, From}, Q);
(_, _, Q) -> Q
S#eldap.req_q, S#eldap.dict),
erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(),
{timeout, retry_connect}),
S#eldap{fd = undefined, req_q = Queue, dict = dict:new()}.
close_and_retry(S) ->
close_and_retry(S, ?RETRY_TIMEOUT).
report_bind_failure(Host, Port, Reason) ->
?WARNING_MSG("LDAP bind failed on ~s:~p~nReason: ~p",
[Host, Port, Reason]).
%% Sort out timed out commands
cmd_timeout(Timer, Id, S) ->
Dict = S#eldap.dict,
case dict:find(Id, Dict) of
{ok, [{Timer, _Command, From, Name} | Res]} ->
case Name of
searchRequest ->
{Res1, Ref1} = polish(Res),
New_dict = dict:erase(Id, Dict),
{reply, From,
#eldap_search_result{entries = Res1, referrals = Ref1}},
S#eldap{dict = New_dict}};
_ ->
New_dict = dict:erase(Id, Dict),
{reply, From, {error, timeout},
S#eldap{dict = New_dict}}
error -> {error, timed_out_cmd_not_in_dict}
%% Common stuff for results
%%% Polish the returned search result
polish(Entries) -> polish(Entries, [], []).
polish([H | T], Res, Ref)
when is_record(H, 'SearchResultEntry') ->
ObjectName = H#'SearchResultEntry'.objectName,
F = fun ({_, A, V}) -> {A, V} end,
Attrs = lists:map(F, H#'SearchResultEntry'.attributes),
[#eldap_entry{object_name = ObjectName,
attributes = Attrs}
| Res],
polish([H | T], Res,
Ref) -> % No special treatment of referrals at the moment.
polish(T, Res, [H | Ref]);
polish([], Res, Ref) -> {Res, Ref}.
%% Connect to next server in list and attempt to bind to it.
connect_bind(S) ->
Host = next_host(S#eldap.host, S#eldap.hosts),
?INFO_MSG("LDAP connection on ~s:~p",
[Host, S#eldap.port]),
Opts = if S#eldap.tls == tls ->
[{packet, asn1}, {active, true}, {keepalive, true},
| S#eldap.tls_options];
true ->
[{packet, asn1}, {active, true}, {keepalive, true},
{send_timeout, ?SEND_TIMEOUT}, binary]
HostS = binary_to_list(Host),
SocketData = case S#eldap.tls of
tls ->
SockMod = ssl, ssl:connect(HostS, S#eldap.port, Opts);
%% starttls -> %% TODO: Implement STARTTLS;
_ ->
SockMod = gen_tcp,
gen_tcp:connect(HostS, S#eldap.port, Opts)
case SocketData of
{ok, Socket} ->
case bind_request(Socket, S#eldap{sockmod = SockMod}) of
{ok, NewS} ->
Timer = erlang:start_timer(?BIND_TIMEOUT, self(),
{timeout, bind_timeout}),
{ok, wait_bind_response,
NewS#eldap{fd = Socket, sockmod = SockMod, host = Host,
bind_timer = Timer}};
{error, Reason} ->
report_bind_failure(Host, S#eldap.port, Reason),
NewS = close_and_retry(S),
{ok, connecting, NewS#eldap{host = Host}}
{error, Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("LDAP connection failed:~n** Server: "
"~s:~p~n** Reason: ~p~n** Socket options: ~p",
[Host, S#eldap.port, Reason, Opts]),
NewS = close_and_retry(S),
{ok, connecting, NewS#eldap{host = Host}}
bind_request(Socket, S) ->
Id = bump_id(S),
Req = #'BindRequest'{version = S#eldap.version,
name = S#eldap.rootdn,
authentication = {simple, S#eldap.passwd}},
Message = #'LDAPMessage'{messageID = Id,
protocolOp = {bindRequest, Req}},
?DEBUG("Bind Request Message:~p~n", [ejabberd_config:may_hide_data(Message)]),
{ok, Bytes} = 'ELDAPv3':encode('LDAPMessage', Message),
case (S#eldap.sockmod):send(Socket, Bytes) of
ok -> {ok, S#eldap{id = Id}};
Error -> Error
%% Given last tried Server, find next one to try
next_host(undefined, [H | _]) ->
H; % First time, take first
Hosts) -> % Find next in turn
next_host(Host, Hosts, Hosts).
next_host(Host, [Host], Hosts) ->
hd(Hosts); % Wrap back to first
next_host(Host, [Host | Tail], _Hosts) ->
hd(Tail); % Take next
next_host(_Host, [], Hosts) ->
hd(Hosts); % Never connected before? (shouldn't happen)
next_host(Host, [_ | T], Hosts) ->
next_host(Host, T, Hosts).
bump_id(#eldap{id = Id})
when Id > (?MAX_TRANSACTION_ID) ->
bump_id(#eldap{id = Id}) -> Id + 1.