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%%% ====================================================================
%%% This software is copyright 2006, Process-one.
%%% $Id: gen_pubsub_nodetree.erl 100 2007-11-15 13:04:44Z mremond $
%%% @copyright 2006 Process-one
%%% @author Christophe Romain <christophe.romain@process-one.net>
%%% [http://www.process-one.net/]
%%% @version {@vsn}, {@date} {@time}
%%% @end
%%% ====================================================================
%%% @private
%%% @doc <p>The module <strong>{@module}</strong> defines the PubSub node
%%% tree plugin behaviour. This behaviour is used to check that a PubSub
%%% node tree plugin respects the current ejabberd PubSub plugin API.</p>
%% @spec (Query::atom()) -> Callbacks | atom()
%% Callbacks = [{Function,Arity}]
%% Function = atom()
%% Arity = integer()
%% @doc Behaviour definition
behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
[{init, 3},
{terminate, 2},
{options, 0},
{set_node, 1},
{get_node, 2},
{get_nodes, 1},
{get_subnodes, 2},
{get_subnodes_tree, 2},
{create_node, 5},
{delete_node, 2}
behaviour_info(_Other) ->