mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-06-20 22:22:09 +02:00
Paweł Chmielowski 1bd560f3f2 Fix potential message loss in terminating c2s sessions
Calling sync version of xmpp_stream_in/out:stop could lead to messages
never being processed by c2s process if they were queued in p1_server.

This could be reproduced by when having messages in offline storage,
starting sessions, enabling stream_mgmt, sending initial presence, and then immediately
</stream:stream>, messages that mod_offline would send process would not
be bounced back by stream_mgmt.
2020-04-01 14:36:01 +02:00

384 lines
15 KiB

%%% Created : 16 Dec 2016 by Evgeny Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>
%%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2020 ProcessOne
%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
%%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%% General Public License for more details.
%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
%%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
%%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-protocol({xep, 220, '1.1.1'}).
-protocol({xep, 185, '1.0'}).
%% gen_mod API
-export([start/2, stop/1, reload/3, depends/2, mod_opt_type/1, mod_options/1]).
%% Hooks
-export([s2s_out_auth_result/2, s2s_out_downgraded/2,
s2s_in_packet/2, s2s_out_packet/2, s2s_in_recv/3,
s2s_in_features/2, s2s_out_init/2, s2s_out_closed/2,
%%% API
start(Host, _Opts) ->
ejabberd_hooks:add(s2s_out_init, Host, ?MODULE, s2s_out_init, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(s2s_out_closed, Host, ?MODULE, s2s_out_closed, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(s2s_in_pre_auth_features, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_in_features, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(s2s_in_post_auth_features, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_in_features, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(s2s_in_handle_recv, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_in_recv, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(s2s_in_unauthenticated_packet, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_in_packet, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(s2s_in_authenticated_packet, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_in_packet, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(s2s_out_packet, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_out_packet, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(s2s_out_downgraded, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_out_downgraded, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(s2s_out_auth_result, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_out_auth_result, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:add(s2s_out_tls_verify, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_out_tls_verify, 50).
stop(Host) ->
ejabberd_hooks:delete(s2s_out_init, Host, ?MODULE, s2s_out_init, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(s2s_out_closed, Host, ?MODULE, s2s_out_closed, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(s2s_in_pre_auth_features, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_in_features, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(s2s_in_post_auth_features, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_in_features, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(s2s_in_handle_recv, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_in_recv, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(s2s_in_unauthenticated_packet, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_in_packet, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(s2s_in_authenticated_packet, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_in_packet, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(s2s_out_packet, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_out_packet, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(s2s_out_downgraded, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_out_downgraded, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(s2s_out_auth_result, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_out_auth_result, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(s2s_out_tls_verify, Host, ?MODULE,
s2s_out_tls_verify, 50).
reload(_Host, _NewOpts, _OldOpts) ->
depends(_Host, _Opts) ->
mod_opt_type(access) ->
mod_options(_Host) ->
[{access, all}].
mod_doc() ->
#{desc =>
[?T("The module adds support for "
"[XEP-0220: Server Dialback] to provide server identity "
"verification based on DNS."), "",
?T("WARNING: DNS-based verification is vulnerable to "
"[DNS cache poisoning], so modern servers rely on "
"verification based on PKIX certificates. Thus this module "
"is only recommended for backward compatibility "
"with servers running outdated software or non-TLS servers, "
"or those with invalid certificates (as long as you accept "
"the risks, e.g. you assume that the remote server has "
"an invalid certificate due to poor administration and "
"not because it's compromised).")],
opts =>
#{value => ?T("AccessName"),
desc =>
?T("An access rule that can be used to restrict "
"dialback for some servers. The default value "
"is 'all'.")}}],
example =>
" ...",
" mod_s2s_dialback:",
" access:",
" allow:",
" server: legacy.domain.tld",
" server: invalid-cert.example.org",
" deny: all",
" ..."]}.
s2s_in_features(Acc, _) ->
[#db_feature{errors = true}|Acc].
s2s_out_init({ok, State}, Opts) ->
case proplists:get_value(db_verify, Opts) of
{StreamID, Key, Pid} ->
%% This is an outbound s2s connection created at step 1.
%% The purpose of this connection is to verify dialback key ONLY.
%% The connection is not registered in s2s table and thus is not
%% seen by anyone.
%% The connection will be closed immediately after receiving the
%% verification response (at step 3)
{ok, State#{db_verify => {StreamID, Key, Pid}}};
undefined ->
{ok, State#{db_enabled => true}}
s2s_out_init(Acc, _Opts) ->
s2s_out_closed(#{server := LServer,
remote_server := RServer,
lang := Lang,
db_verify := {StreamID, _Key, _Pid}} = State, Reason) ->
%% Outbound s2s verificating connection (created at step 1) is
%% closed suddenly without receiving the response.
%% Building a response on our own
Response = #db_verify{from = RServer, to = LServer,
id = StreamID, type = error,
sub_els = [mk_error(Reason, Lang)]},
s2s_out_packet(State, Response);
s2s_out_closed(State, _Reason) ->
s2s_out_auth_result(#{db_verify := _} = State, _) ->
%% The temporary outbound s2s connect (intended for verification)
%% has passed authentication state (either successfully or not, no matter)
%% and at this point we can send verification request as described
%% in section 2.1.2, step 2
{stop, send_verify_request(State)};
s2s_out_auth_result(#{db_enabled := true,
socket := Socket, ip := IP,
server := LServer,
remote_server := RServer} = State, {false, _}) ->
%% SASL authentication has failed, retrying with dialback
%% Sending dialback request, section 2.1.1, step 1
?INFO_MSG("(~ts) Retrying with s2s dialback authentication: ~ts -> ~ts (~ts)",
[xmpp_socket:pp(Socket), LServer, RServer,
State1 = maps:remove(stop_reason, State#{on_route => queue}),
{stop, send_db_request(State1)};
s2s_out_auth_result(State, _) ->
s2s_out_downgraded(#{db_verify := _} = State, _) ->
%% The verifying outbound s2s connection detected non-RFC compliant
%% server, send verification request immediately without auth phase,
%% section 2.1.2, step 2
{stop, send_verify_request(State)};
s2s_out_downgraded(#{db_enabled := true,
socket := Socket, ip := IP,
server := LServer,
remote_server := RServer} = State, _) ->
%% non-RFC compliant server detected, send dialback request instantly,
%% section 2.1.1, step 1
?INFO_MSG("(~ts) Trying s2s dialback authentication with "
"non-RFC compliant server: ~ts -> ~ts (~ts)",
[xmpp_socket:pp(Socket), LServer, RServer,
{stop, send_db_request(State)};
s2s_out_downgraded(State, _) ->
s2s_in_packet(#{stream_id := StreamID, lang := Lang} = State,
#db_result{from = From, to = To, key = Key, type = undefined}) ->
%% Received dialback request, section 2.2.1, step 1
ok = check_from_to(From, To),
%% We're creating a temporary outbound s2s connection to
%% send verification request and to receive verification response
{ok, Pid} = ejabberd_s2s_out:start(
To, From, [{db_verify, {StreamID, Key, self()}}]),
{stop, State}
catch _:{badmatch, {error, Reason}} ->
#db_verify{from = From, to = To, type = error,
sub_els = [mk_error(Reason, Lang)]})}
s2s_in_packet(State, #db_verify{to = To, from = From, key = Key,
id = StreamID, type = undefined}) ->
%% Received verification request, section 2.2.2, step 2
Type = case make_key(To, From, StreamID) of
Key -> valid;
_ -> invalid
Response = #db_verify{from = To, to = From, id = StreamID, type = Type},
{stop, ejabberd_s2s_in:send(State, Response)};
s2s_in_packet(State, Pkt) when is_record(Pkt, db_result);
is_record(Pkt, db_verify) ->
?WARNING_MSG("Got stray dialback packet:~n~ts", [xmpp:pp(Pkt)]),
s2s_in_packet(State, _) ->
s2s_in_recv(#{lang := Lang} = State, El, {error, Why}) ->
case xmpp:get_name(El) of
Tag when Tag == <<"db:result">>;
Tag == <<"db:verify">> ->
case xmpp:get_type(El) of
T when T /= <<"valid">>,
T /= <<"invalid">>,
T /= <<"error">> ->
Err = xmpp:make_error(El, mk_error({codec_error, Why}, Lang)),
{stop, ejabberd_s2s_in:send(State, Err)};
_ ->
_ ->
s2s_in_recv(State, _El, _Pkt) ->
s2s_out_packet(#{server := LServer,
remote_server := RServer,
db_verify := {StreamID, _Key, Pid}} = State,
#db_verify{from = RServer, to = LServer,
id = StreamID, type = Type} = Response)
when Type /= undefined ->
%% Received verification response, section 2.1.2, step 3
%% This is a response for the request sent at step 2
Pid, fun(S) -> send_db_result(S, Response) end),
%% At this point the connection is no longer needed and we can terminate it
s2s_out_packet(#{server := LServer, remote_server := RServer} = State,
#db_result{to = LServer, from = RServer,
type = Type} = Result) when Type /= undefined ->
%% Received dialback response, section 2.1.1, step 4
%% This is a response to the request sent at step 1
State1 = maps:remove(db_enabled, State),
case Type of
valid ->
State2 = ejabberd_s2s_out:handle_auth_success(<<"dialback">>, State1),
_ ->
Reason = str:format("Peer responded with error: ~s",
<<"dialback">>, {auth, Reason}, State1)
s2s_out_packet(State, Pkt) when is_record(Pkt, db_result);
is_record(Pkt, db_verify) ->
?WARNING_MSG("Got stray dialback packet:~n~ts", [xmpp:pp(Pkt)]),
s2s_out_packet(State, _) ->
-spec s2s_out_tls_verify(boolean(), ejabberd_s2s_out:state()) -> boolean().
s2s_out_tls_verify(_, #{server_host := ServerHost, remote_server := RServer}) ->
Access = mod_s2s_dialback_opt:access(ServerHost),
case acl:match_rule(ServerHost, Access, jid:make(RServer)) of
allow -> false;
deny -> true
%%% Internal functions
-spec make_key(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> binary().
make_key(From, To, StreamID) ->
Secret = ejabberd_config:get_shared_key(),
crypto:hmac(sha256, str:to_hexlist(crypto:hash(sha256, Secret)),
[To, " ", From, " ", StreamID])).
-spec send_verify_request(ejabberd_s2s_out:state()) -> ejabberd_s2s_out:state().
send_verify_request(#{server := LServer,
remote_server := RServer,
db_verify := {StreamID, Key, _Pid}} = State) ->
Request = #db_verify{from = LServer, to = RServer,
key = Key, id = StreamID},
ejabberd_s2s_out:send(State, Request).
-spec send_db_request(ejabberd_s2s_out:state()) -> ejabberd_s2s_out:state().
send_db_request(#{server := LServer,
remote_server := RServer,
stream_remote_id := StreamID} = State) ->
Key = make_key(LServer, RServer, StreamID),
ejabberd_s2s_out:send(State, #db_result{from = LServer,
to = RServer,
key = Key}).
-spec send_db_result(ejabberd_s2s_in:state(), db_verify()) -> ejabberd_s2s_in:state().
send_db_result(State, #db_verify{from = From, to = To,
type = Type, sub_els = Els}) ->
%% Sending dialback response, section 2.2.1, step 4
%% This is a response to the request received at step 1
Response = #db_result{from = To, to = From, type = Type, sub_els = Els},
State1 = ejabberd_s2s_in:send(State, Response),
case Type of
valid ->
State2 = ejabberd_s2s_in:handle_auth_success(
From, <<"dialback">>, undefined, State1),
_ ->
Reason = str:format("Verification failed: ~s",
From, <<"dialback">>, Reason, State1)
-spec check_from_to(binary(), binary()) -> ok | {error, forbidden | host_unknown}.
check_from_to(From, To) ->
case ejabberd_router:is_my_route(To) of
false -> {error, host_unknown};
true ->
LServer = ejabberd_router:host_of_route(To),
case ejabberd_s2s:allow_host(LServer, From) of
true -> ok;
false -> {error, forbidden}
-spec mk_error(term(), binary()) -> stanza_error().
mk_error(forbidden, Lang) ->
xmpp:err_forbidden(?T("Access denied by service policy"), Lang);
mk_error(host_unknown, Lang) ->
xmpp:err_not_allowed(?T("Host unknown"), Lang);
mk_error({codec_error, Why}, Lang) ->
xmpp:err_bad_request(xmpp:io_format_error(Why), Lang);
mk_error({_Class, _Reason} = Why, Lang) ->
Txt = xmpp_stream_out:format_error(Why),
xmpp:err_remote_server_not_found(Txt, Lang);
mk_error(_, _) ->
-spec format_error(db_result()) -> binary().
format_error(#db_result{type = invalid}) ->
<<"invalid dialback key">>;
format_error(#db_result{type = error} = Result) ->
case xmpp:get_error(Result) of
#stanza_error{} = Err ->
undefined ->
<<"unrecognized error">>
format_error(_) ->
<<"unexpected dialback result">>.