/** * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Nicolas Vinot * Copyright (C) 2017 Christian Pierre MOMON * * This file is part of (April) Hebdobot. * * Hebdobot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Hebdobot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Hebdobot. If not, see */ package org.april.hebdobot.review; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.april.hebdobot.model.UserAliases; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import fr.devinsy.util.strings.StringSet; /** * The Class Review. */ public class Review { private static final int LENGTH = 80; private final StringSet participants; private final List individualTopics; private final List collectiveTopics; private Topic currentTopic; private final MessageList messages; private final String owner; private final UserAliases aliases; /** * Instantiates a new review. * * @param owner * the owner * @param aliases * the aliases */ public Review(final String owner, final UserAliases aliases) { this.participants = new StringSet(); this.individualTopics = new LinkedList(); this.collectiveTopics = new LinkedList(); this.messages = new MessageList(); this.owner = owner; this.aliases = aliases; } /** * Adds the. * * @param message * the message */ public void add(final Message message) { if (this.currentTopic != null) { this.participants.add(message.getAuthor()); this.currentTopic.add(message); } } /** * Adds the raw. * * @param message * the message */ public void addRaw(final Message message) { this.messages.add(message); } /** * Begin. * * @param topic * the topic */ public void begin(final CollectiveTopic topic) { this.collectiveTopics.add(topic); this.currentTopic = topic; } /** * Begin. * * @param topic * the topic */ public void begin(final IndividualTopic topic) { this.individualTopics.add(topic); this.currentTopic = topic; } /** * Gets the current topic. * * @return the current topic */ public Topic getCurrentTopic() { return this.currentTopic; } /** * Gets the owner. * * @return the owner */ public String getOwner() { return this.owner; } /** * Gets the participants. * * @return the participants */ public Collection getParticipants() { Collection result; result = new HashSet(); for (final Topic topic : this.individualTopics) { result.addAll(topic.getParticipants()); } for (final Topic topic : this.collectiveTopics) { result.addAll(topic.getParticipants()); } // return result; } /** * Checks if is empty. * * @return true, if is empty */ public boolean isEmpty() { boolean result; if ((this.individualTopics.isEmpty()) && (this.collectiveTopics.isEmpty())) { result = true; } else { result = false; } // return result; } /** * Checks if is owner. * * @param name * the name * @return true, if is owner */ public boolean isOwner(final String name) { boolean result; result = this.owner.equalsIgnoreCase(name); // return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { String result; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); addLine(buffer, '='); addCenter(buffer, "Revue de la semaine en cours"); addEmpty(buffer); addCenter(buffer, DateTimeFormat.fullDate().print(new DateTime())); addLine(buffer, '='); addEmpty(buffer); addEmpty(buffer); addLine(buffer, '='); addEmpty(buffer); addCenter(buffer, "Participants", '-'); for (final String participant : this.participants) { addChunk(buffer, "* " + this.aliases.getRealName(participant) + "\n"); } if (!this.individualTopics.isEmpty()) { for (final String participant : this.participants) { addEmpty(buffer); addLine(buffer, '='); addEmpty(buffer); addCenter(buffer, this.aliases.getRealName(participant), '-'); for (final IndividualTopic topic : this.individualTopics) { if (topic.hasParticipant(participant)) { addEmpty(buffer); add(buffer, getTopic(topic)); addEmpty(buffer); for (final Message message : topic.getMessages(participant)) { addChunk(buffer, "* " + message.getContent() + "\n"); } } } } } if (!this.collectiveTopics.isEmpty()) { for (final CollectiveTopic topic : this.collectiveTopics) { addEmpty(buffer); addLine(buffer, '='); addCenter(buffer, topic.getTitle()); addLine(buffer, '='); addEmpty(buffer); for (final Message message : topic.getMessages()) { addChunk(buffer, "* " + message.getAuthor() + " : " + message.getContent() + "\n"); } } } addEmpty(buffer); addCenter(buffer, "Log IRC brut"); addEmpty(buffer); for (final Message message : this.messages) { addChunk(buffer, "* " + message.getAuthor() + " : " + message.getContent() + "\n"); } result = buffer.toString(); // return result; } /** * Adds the. * * @param buffer * the buffer * @param content * the content */ private static void add(final StringBuffer buffer, final String content) { buffer.append(content); } /** * Adds the center. * * @param buffer * the buffer * @param content * the content */ private static void addCenter(final StringBuffer buffer, final String content) { addCenter(buffer, content, ' '); } /** * Adds the center. * * @param buffer * the buffer * @param content * the content * @param c * the c */ private static void addCenter(final StringBuffer buffer, final String content, final char c) { buffer.append(getLine(content, c)); } /** * Adds the chunk. * * @param buffer * the buffer * @param content * the content */ private static void addChunk(final StringBuffer buffer, final String content) { add(buffer, chunk(content)); } /** * Adds the empty. * * @param buffer * the buffer */ private static void addEmpty(final StringBuffer buffer) { buffer.append("\n"); } /** * Adds the line. * * @param buffer * the buffer * @param c * the c */ private static void addLine(final StringBuffer buffer, final char c) { buffer.append(getLine(c)); } /** * Chunk. * * @param content * the content * @return the string */ private static String chunk(final String content) { return chunk(content, LENGTH); } /** * Chunk. * * @param content * the content * @param length * the length * @return the string */ private static String chunk(final String content, final int length) { String result; final String[] words = content.split(" "); final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer current = new StringBuffer(); for (final String word : words) { if (current.length() + word.length() > length) { if (buffer.length() > 0) { buffer.append("\n"); } buffer.append(current); current = new StringBuffer(word); } else { if (current.length() > 0) { current.append(" "); } current.append(word); } } if (current.length() > 0) { if (buffer.length() > 0) { buffer.append("\n"); } buffer.append(current); } result = buffer.toString(); // return result; } /** * Gets the line. * * @param letter * the letter * @return the line */ private static String getLine(final Character letter) { String result; result = StringUtils.repeat(letter.toString(), LENGTH) + "\n"; // return result; } /** * Gets the line. * * @param content * the content * @param letter * the c * @return the line */ private static String getLine(final String content, final char letter) { String result; result = StringUtils.center(" " + content + " ", LENGTH, letter) + "\n"; // return result; } /** * Gets the topic. * * @param topic * the topic * @return the topic */ private static String getTopic(final Topic topic) { String result; result = "=== " + topic.getTitle() + " ===\n"; // return result; } }