/** * Copyright (C) 2011-2013,2017 Nicolas Vinot * Copyright (C) 2017 Christian Pierre MOMON * * This file is part of (April) Hebdobot. * * Hebdobot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Hebdobot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Hebdobot. If not, see */ package org.april.hebdobot.model; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Collection; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.april.hebdobot.HebdobotException; import org.april.hebdobot.cron.CronManager; import org.april.hebdobot.cron.CronSettings; import org.april.hebdobot.identica.IdenticaSettings; import org.april.hebdobot.pastebin.PastebinClient; import org.april.hebdobot.pastebin.PastebinSettings; import org.april.hebdobot.pastebin.Private; import org.april.hebdobot.review.CollectiveTopic; import org.april.hebdobot.review.IndividualTopic; import org.april.hebdobot.review.Message; import org.april.hebdobot.review.Review; import org.april.hebdobot.review.Topic; import org.april.hebdobot.twitter.TwitterClient; import org.april.hebdobot.twitter.TwitterSettings; import org.jibble.pircbot.IrcException; import org.jibble.pircbot.NickAlreadyInUseException; import org.jibble.pircbot.PircBot; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat; import org.quartz.SchedulerException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import fr.devinsy.util.strings.StringsUtils; import twitter4j.TwitterException; /** * The Class Hebdobot. */ public class Hebdobot extends PircBot { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Hebdobot.class); private File homeDirectory; private String host; private int port; private String channel; private String reviewFileSuffix; private Review review; private IdenticaSettings identicaSettings; private PastebinSettings pastebinSettings; private TwitterSettings twitterSettings; private CronSettings cronSettings; private UserAliases aliases; private CronManager cronManager; /** * Instantiates a new hebdobot. * * @param host * the host * @param port * the port * @param name * the name * @param channel * the channel * @param homeDirectory * the home directory * @param reviewFileSuffix * the review file suffix */ public Hebdobot(final String host, final int port, final String name, final String channel, final File homeDirectory, final String reviewFileSuffix) { this.homeDirectory = homeDirectory; this.host = host; this.port = port; this.channel = channel; this.setName(name); this.reviewFileSuffix = reviewFileSuffix; this.review = null; this.identicaSettings = new IdenticaSettings(); this.pastebinSettings = new PastebinSettings(); this.twitterSettings = new TwitterSettings(); this.cronSettings = new CronSettings(); this.aliases = new UserAliases(); this.cronManager = null; } /** * Close. */ public void close() { this.disconnect(); this.dispose(); } /** * Gets the aliases. * * @return the aliases */ public UserAliases getAliases() { return this.aliases; } /** * Gets the cron settings. * * @return the cron settings */ public CronSettings getCronSettings() { return this.cronSettings; } /** * Gets the home directory. * * @return the home directory */ public File getHomeDirectory() { return this.homeDirectory; } /** * Gets the identica settings. * * @return the identica settings */ public IdenticaSettings getIdenticaSettings() { return this.identicaSettings; } /** * Gets the pastebin settings. * * @return the pastebin settings */ public PastebinSettings getPastebinSettings() { return this.pastebinSettings; } /** * Gets the twitter settings. * * @return the twitter settings */ public TwitterSettings getTwitterSettings() { return this.twitterSettings; } /** * Notify irc. * * @param message * the message */ public void notifyIrc(final String message) { sendMessage(message); } /** * Notify twitter. * * @param message * the message */ public void notifyTwitter(final String message) { if (this.twitterSettings.isValid()) { try { TwitterClient twitter = new TwitterClient(this.twitterSettings.getConsumerKey(), this.twitterSettings.getConsumerSecret(), this.twitterSettings.getAccessToken(), this.twitterSettings.getAccessTokenSecret()); twitter.tweet(message); } catch (TwitterException exception) { logger.error("Error in tweet", exception); sendMessage("(pour information, la notification par Tweet a échoué : " + exception.getErrorMessage() + ")"); } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.jibble.pircbot.PircBot#onMessage(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ @Override protected void onMessage(final String channel, final String sender, final String login, final String hostname, final String message) { logger.debug("Message received - channel : {}, sender : {}, message : {}", channel, sender, message); if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.channel)) { String text = message.trim(); if ((StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(text, "!aide")) || (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(text, "!help"))) { logger.info("!help caught."); // Help. sendMessage(sender, "Bienvenue " + sender); sendMessage(sender, "Je suis " + getName() + ", le robot de gestion des revues hebdomadaires de l'APRIL."); sendMessage(sender, "Voici les commandes que je comprends :"); sendMessage(sender, " "); sendMessage(sender, " !debut,!début : commencer une nouvelle revue"); sendMessage(sender, " # titre : démarrer un sujet individuel"); sendMessage(sender, " ## titre : démarrer un sujet collectif"); sendMessage(sender, " % message : un commentaire"); sendMessage(sender, " !courant : affiche le sujet en cours"); sendMessage(sender, " !manquants : affiche les participants qui n'ont pas répondu sur le dernier sujet"); sendMessage(sender, " !fin : terminer la revue en cours"); sendMessage(sender, " !aide : afficher cette aide"); sendMessage(sender, " !licence,!license : affiche la licence du logiciel Hebdobot et le lien vers ses sources"); sendMessage(sender, " !stop : abandonner la revue en cours"); } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(text, "!stop")) { logger.info("!stop caught."); // Stop. if (this.review == null) { sendMessage("Aucune revue en cours, abandon impossible."); } else { sendMessage("Abandon de la revue en cours."); this.review = null; } } else if (StringsUtils.equalsAnyIgnoreCase(text, "!debut", "!début")) { logger.info("!debut caught."); // Start. if (this.cronManager != null) { try { this.cronManager.shutdown(); } catch (SchedulerException exception) { logger.warn("Scheduler shutdown failed.", exception); } } this.review = new Review(sender, this.aliases); sendMessage(sender, "Bonjour " + sender + ", vous êtes le conducteur de réunion."); sendMessage(sender, "Pour terminer la réunion, tapez \"!fin\""); sendMessage("% Début de la réunion hebdomadaire"); sendMessage("% rappel : toute ligne commençant par % sera considérée comme un commentaire et non prise en compte dans la synthèse"); } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(text, "!fin")) { logger.info("!fin caught."); // Stop. if (this.review == null) { sendMessage(sender + ", pas de revue en cours."); } else if (!this.review.isOwner(sender)) { sendMessage(sender + ", vous n'êtes pas le conducteur de la réunion"); } else { { String date = ISODateTimeFormat.basicDate().print(new DateTime()); String textReview = this.review.toString(); if (this.pastebinSettings.isValid()) { logger.info("Pastebin the review."); try { PastebinClient pastebinClient = new PastebinClient(this.pastebinSettings.getApiKey()); String returnValue = pastebinClient.paste(textReview, "Revue APRIL " + date, Private.UNLISTED); sendMessage("% Compte-rendu de la revue : " + returnValue); } catch (final Exception exception) { logger.error("Error during Pastebin submit.", exception); } } if (this.reviewFileSuffix != null) { logger.info("Write review file."); try { File file = new File(this.homeDirectory, date + "_" + this.reviewFileSuffix); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, textReview, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); sendMessage("% Compte-rendu de la revue : " + file.getName()); } catch (final Exception exception) { logger.error("Error during file generation", exception); } } } sendMessage("% " + this.review.getOwner() + ", ne pas oublier d'ajouter le compte-rendu de la revue sur https://agir.april.org/issues/135"); String participants = StringUtils.join(this.review.getParticipants(), " "); sendMessage("% " + participants + ", pensez à noter votre bénévalo : http://www.april.org/my?action=benevalo"); sendMessage("% Fin de la revue hebdomadaire"); this.review = null; } } else if (text.matches("\\s*##.*")) { logger.info("\\s*##.* caught."); // Collective topic, must be before individual topic. if (this.review != null) { if (this.review.isOwner(sender)) { CollectiveTopic topic = new CollectiveTopic(text.replaceFirst("##", "").trim()); if (!this.review.isEmpty()) { String participants = StringUtils.join(this.review.getParticipants(), " "); sendMessage(String.format("%% %s, on va passer à la suite : %s", participants, topic.getTitle())); } this.review.begin(topic); sendMessage("Sujet collectif : " + topic.getTitle()); sendMessage("% 1 minute max"); sendMessage("% si rien à signaler vous pouvez écrire %ras"); sendMessage("% quand vous avez fini vous le dites par % fini"); } else { sendMessage(sender + ", vous n'êtes pas le conducteur de la réunion"); } } } else if (text.matches("\\s*#[^#].*")) { logger.info("\\s*#[^#].* caught."); // Individual topic. if (this.review != null) { if (this.review.isOwner(sender)) { IndividualTopic topic = new IndividualTopic(text.replaceFirst("#", "").trim()); if (!this.review.isEmpty()) { String participants = StringUtils.join(this.review.getParticipants(), " "); sendMessage(String.format("%% %s, on va passer à la suite : %s", participants, topic.getTitle())); } this.review.begin(topic); sendMessage("Sujet individuel : " + topic.getTitle()); sendMessage("% si rien à signaler vous pouvez écrire %ras"); sendMessage("% quand vous avez fini vous le dites par % fini"); } else { sendMessage(sender + ", vous n'êtes pas le conducteur de la réunion"); } } } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(text, "!manquants")) { logger.info("!manquants caught."); // Missing. if (this.review == null) { sendMessage("Pas de revue en cours."); } else { Topic topic = this.review.getCurrentTopic(); if (topic == null) { sendMessage("Aucun sujet traité"); } else { Collection participants = this.review.getParticipants(); Collection currentParticipants = topic.getParticipants(); Collection missing = CollectionUtils.subtract(participants, currentParticipants); if (missing.isEmpty()) { sendMessage("Aucun participant manquant \\o/"); } else { sendMessage(String.format("Les participants suivants sont manquants : %1s", StringUtils.join(missing, ", "))); } } } } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(text, "!courant")) { logger.info("!courant caught."); // Current. if (this.review == null) { sendMessage("Pas de revue en cours."); } else { Topic current = this.review.getCurrentTopic(); if (current == null) { sendMessage("% Pas de sujet en cours"); } else if (current instanceof IndividualTopic) { sendMessage("% Sujet individuel en cours : " + current.getTitle()); } else if (current instanceof CollectiveTopic) { sendMessage("% Sujet collectif en cours : " + current.getTitle()); } } } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(text, "!statut")) { logger.info("!status caught."); sendMessage(sender, sender + ", voici l'état d'Hebdobot :"); sendMessage(sender, " revue en cours : " + (this.review != null)); if (this.review == null) { sendMessage(sender, " animateur revue : none"); } else { sendMessage(sender, " animateur revue : " + this.review.getOwner()); } sendMessage(sender, " Alias settings : " + (this.aliases.size())); sendMessage(sender, " Identica settings : " + (this.identicaSettings.isValid())); sendMessage(sender, " Pastebin settings : " + (this.pastebinSettings.isValid())); sendMessage(sender, " Twitter settings : " + (this.twitterSettings.isValid())); sendMessage(sender, " Cron settings : " + (this.cronSettings.size())); } else if (StringsUtils.equalsAnyIgnoreCase(text, "!licence", "!license")) { logger.info("!licence caught."); sendMessage(sender + ", Hebdobot est un logiciel libre de l'April sous licence GNU AGPL (sources : https://agir.april.org/projects/hebdobot/repository)."); } else if (text.startsWith("%")) { logger.info("% caught."); // Ignore. } else if (StringsUtils.equalsAnyIgnoreCase(text, "!salut", "!bonjour", "!hello")) { logger.info("!salut caught."); // Command unknown. sendMessage(sender + ", bonjour \\o/"); } else if (text.startsWith("!")) { logger.info("!??? caught."); // Command unknown. sendMessage(sender + ", command unknown: " + text); } else { logger.info("Else caught."); // Topic message. if (this.review == null) { if ((StringsUtils.containsAnyIgnoreCase(text, "bonjour", "salut", "hello")) && (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(text, "hebdobot"))) { sendMessage(sender + ", bonjour \\o/"); } } else { this.review.add(new Message(sender, text)); } } /* else { logger.info("Else caught."); // All the other. if (this.review != null) { this.review.addRaw(new Message(sender, text)); } }*/ } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.jibble.pircbot.PircBot#onPrivateMessage(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ @Override protected void onPrivateMessage(final String sender, final String login, final String hostname, final String message) { logger.debug("Private message received - sender : {}, message : {}", sender, message); String text = message.trim(); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(text, "!vaten")) { logger.info("!die caught."); // Die. if (this.review == null) { try { sendMessage(sender + ", ok bye."); Thread.sleep(1000); System.exit(0); } catch (InterruptedException exception) { logger.warn("Pause abort: " + exception.getMessage()); } } else { sendMessage("% Une revue est en cours, abandon impossible."); } } else if (text.startsWith("!")) { logger.info("!??? caught."); // Command unknown. sendMessage(sender + ", command unknown: " + text); } else { // Nothing to say. } } /** * Run. * * @throws HebdobotException * the hebdobot exception */ public void run() throws HebdobotException { try { logger.info("Cron initializing."); { this.cronManager = new CronManager(this, this.cronSettings); this.cronManager.start(); } logger.info("Cron initialized."); logger.info("Bot connection."); this.connect(this.host, this.port); logger.info("Bot connected."); logger.info("Bot joining channel ({}).", this.channel); this.joinChannel(this.channel); logger.info("Bot ready."); } catch (NickAlreadyInUseException exception) { throw new HebdobotException(exception); } catch (IOException exception) { throw new HebdobotException(exception); } catch (IrcException exception) { throw new HebdobotException(exception); } catch (SchedulerException exception) { throw new HebdobotException("Error in cron settings.", exception); } } /** * Send message. * * @param message * the message */ public void sendMessage(final String message) { logger.debug("Send message : {}", message); this.sendMessage(this.channel, message); } /** * Sets the home directory. * * @param homeDirectory * the new home directory */ public void setHomeDirectory(final File homeDirectory) { this.homeDirectory = homeDirectory; } }