#!/usr/bin/python -u # -*- coding: utf-8 -1 -*- # Import some necessary libraries. import socket, sys, time, csv, Queue, random, re, pdb, select, os.path, datetime from threading import Thread import feedparser import xml.dom.minidom from time import mktime, localtime import iso8601 # IRC configuration default_server = "irc.eu.freenode.net" default_nickname = "bot-cop" ban_list = ["fentanyl scams fraudster scams"] ######################### ### Class Definitions ### ######################### class Project(object): def __init__(self, project, channel): self.name = project self.channel = channel self.bot_next = datetime.datetime.utcnow() self.bot_latest = datetime.datetime.utcnow() def set_ircsock ( self, ircsock ): self.ircsock = ircsock # Defines a bot class Bot(object): def __init__(self, server, botnick): self.botnick = botnick self.ban_regex = re.compile(self.get_regex(ban_list), re.I) self.server = server self.projects = [ ] def connect(self): self.ircsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.ircsock.connect((self.server, 6667)) self.ircsock.send("USER {0} {0} {0} :Robot Agir April" ".\n".format(self.botnick)) # bot authentication self.ircsock.send("NICK {}\n".format(self.botnick)) # Assign the nick to the bot. if os.path.isfile("password.txt"): with open("password.txt", 'r') as f: password = f.read() if registered == True: self.ircsock.send("PRIVMSG {} {} {} {}".format("NickServ","IDENTIFY", self.botnick, password)) def add_project(self, project): project.set_ircsock ( self.ircsock ) self.ircsock.send("JOIN {} \n".format(project.channel)) # Joins channel self.projects.append(project) def get_project(self, name): for project in self.projects: if name[0] != '#' and project.name == name: return project elif name[0] == '#' and project.channel == name: return project # Main loop def loop(self): last_read = datetime.datetime.utcnow() while 1: # Loop forever ready_to_read, b, c = select.select([self.ircsock],[],[], 1) if ready_to_read: last_read = datetime.datetime.utcnow() ircmsg = self.msg_handler() ircmsg, actor, channel = self.parse_messages(ircmsg) if ircmsg is not None: self.message_response(ircmsg, actor, channel) if datetime.datetime.utcnow() - last_read > datetime.timedelta(minutes=10): raise Exception('timeout: nothing to read on socket since 10 minutes') # Responds to server Pings. def pong(self, ircmsg): response = "PONG :" + ircmsg.split("PING :")[1] + "\n" self.ircsock.send(response) # Parses messages and responds to them appropriately. def message_response(self, ircmsg, actor, channel): # If someone talks to (or refers to) the bot. if self.ban_regex.search(ircmsg): self.bot_ban(channel,actor) # If the server pings us then we've got to respond! if ircmsg.find("PING :") != -1: self.pong(ircmsg) # Responds to a user that inputs "Ban Mybot". def bot_ban(self, channel, fucker): self.ircsock.send("KICK {0} :{1}\n".format(channel, fucker)) # Explains what the bot is when queried. def bot_help(self, channel): self.ircsock.send("PRIVMSG {} :Bonjour, je suis un bot qui reconnaƮt les options !help, !refresh et !bonjour\n".format(channel)) # Reads the messages from the server and adds them to the Queue and prints # them to the console. This function will be run in a thread, see below. def msg_handler(self): # pragma: no cover (this excludes this function from testing) new_msg = self.ircsock.recv(2048) # receive data from the server new_msg = new_msg.strip('\n\r') # removing any unnecessary linebreaks if new_msg != '' and new_msg.find("PING :") == -1: print(datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() + " " + new_msg) return new_msg # Checks for messages. def parse_messages(self, ircmsg): try: actor = ircmsg.split(":")[1].split("!")[0] try: target = ircmsg.split(":")[1].split(" ")[2] except: target = None return " ".join(ircmsg.split()), actor, target except: # print "Wrong message:", ircmsg return None, None, None # Compile regex def get_regex(self, options): pattern = "(" for s in options: pattern += s pattern += '|' pattern = pattern[:-1] pattern += ")" return pattern ########################## ### The main function. ### ########################## def main(): cop_bot = Bot(default_server, default_nickname) cop_bot.connect() cop_bot.add_project(Project('admins','#april-admin')) cop_bot.add_project(Project('april','#april')) return cop_bot.loop() if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())