
514 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Christian Pierre MOMON <cmomon@april.org>
* Copyright (C) 2011-2013,2017 Nicolas Vinot <aeris@imirhil.fr>
* This file is part of (April) Hebdobot.
* Hebdobot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Hebdobot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with Hebdobot. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
package org.april.hebdobot.bot;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.april.hebdobot.HebdobotException;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.BadCommandHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.CancelPreviousInputHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.CollectiveSubjectHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.CommentHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.CurrentHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.DateHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.DefaultHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.FinishReviewHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.HelloHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.HelpHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.HookManager;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.IndividualSubjectHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.InputReviewHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.LicenseHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.MissingHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.RecordHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.StartReviewHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.StatsHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.StatusHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.StopReviewHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.ThanksHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.TimekeeperHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.hooks.VersionHook;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.review.Message;
import org.april.hebdobot.bot.review.Review;
import org.april.hebdobot.cron.CronManager;
import org.april.hebdobot.cron.CronSettings;
import org.april.hebdobot.identica.IdenticaSettings;
import org.april.hebdobot.privatebin.PrivatebinSettings;
import org.april.hebdobot.twitter.TwitterClient;
import org.april.hebdobot.twitter.TwitterSettings;
import org.april.hebdobot.util.Timekeeper;
import org.jibble.pircbot.IrcException;
import org.jibble.pircbot.NickAlreadyInUseException;
import org.jibble.pircbot.PircBot;
import org.quartz.SchedulerException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import twitter4j.TwitterException;
* The Class Hebdobot.
public class Hebdobot extends PircBot
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Hebdobot.class);
private File homeDirectory;
private String host;
private int port;
private String channel;
private String identifyNick;
private String identifyPassword;
private File reviewDirectory;
private String reviewFileSuffix;
private LocalTime reviewWaitTime;
private Review review;
private Timekeeper timekeeper;
private IdenticaSettings identicaSettings;
private PrivatebinSettings privatebinSettings;
private TwitterSettings twitterSettings;
private CronSettings cronSettings;
private UserAliases aliases;
private CronManager cronManager;
private HookManager hooker;
* Instantiates a new hebdobot.
* @param host
* the host
* @param port
* the port
* @param nickname
* the nickname
* @param channel
* the channel
* @param homeDirectory
* the home directory
* @param reviewDirectory
* the review directory
* @param identifyNick
* the identify nick
* @param identifyPassword
* the identify password
public Hebdobot(final String host, final int port, final String nickname, final String channel, final File homeDirectory,
final File reviewDirectory, final String identifyNick, final String identifyPassword)
this.homeDirectory = homeDirectory;
this.host = host;
this.port = port;
this.channel = channel;
this.identifyNick = identifyNick;
this.identifyPassword = identifyPassword;
this.reviewDirectory = reviewDirectory;
this.reviewFileSuffix = null;
this.reviewWaitTime = null;
this.review = null;
this.timekeeper = new Timekeeper();
this.identicaSettings = new IdenticaSettings();
this.privatebinSettings = new PrivatebinSettings();
this.twitterSettings = new TwitterSettings();
this.cronSettings = new CronSettings();
this.aliases = new UserAliases();
this.cronManager = null;
this.hooker = new HookManager();
this.hooker.add(new CollectiveSubjectHook());
this.hooker.add(new CommentHook());
this.hooker.add(new CurrentHook());
this.hooker.add(new FinishReviewHook());
this.hooker.add(new HelpHook());
this.hooker.add(new IndividualSubjectHook());
this.hooker.add(new MissingHook());
this.hooker.add(new RecordHook());
this.hooker.add(new StartReviewHook());
this.hooker.add(new StopReviewHook());
this.hooker.add(new StatsHook());
this.hooker.add(new StatusHook());
this.hooker.add(new CancelPreviousInputHook());
this.hooker.add(new TimekeeperHook());
this.hooker.add(new DateHook());
this.hooker.add(new HelloHook());
this.hooker.add(new LicenseHook());
this.hooker.add(new ThanksHook());
this.hooker.add(new VersionHook());
this.hooker.add(new BadCommandHook());
this.hooker.add(new InputReviewHook());
this.hooker.add(new DefaultHook());
* Close.
public void close()
* Gets the aliases.
* @return the aliases
public UserAliases getAliases()
return this.aliases;
public CronManager getCronManager()
return this.cronManager;
* Gets the cron settings.
* @return the cron settings
public CronSettings getCronSettings()
return this.cronSettings;
* Gets the home directory.
* @return the home directory
public File getHomeDirectory()
return this.homeDirectory;
* Gets the identica settings.
* @return the identica settings
public IdenticaSettings getIdenticaSettings()
return this.identicaSettings;
* Gets the privatebin settings.
* @return the privatebin settings
public PrivatebinSettings getPrivatebinSettings()
return this.privatebinSettings;
public Review getReview()
return this.review;
public File getReviewDirectory()
return this.reviewDirectory;
public String getReviewFileSuffix()
return this.reviewFileSuffix;
public LocalTime getReviewWaitTime()
return this.reviewWaitTime;
public Timekeeper getTimekeeper()
return this.timekeeper;
* Gets the twitter settings.
* @return the twitter settings
public TwitterSettings getTwitterSettings()
return this.twitterSettings;
* Notify irc.
* @param message
* the message
public void notifyIrc(final String message)
* Notify twitter.
* @param message
* the message
public void notifyTwitter(final String message)
notifyTwitter(message, null);
* Notify twitter.
* @param message
* the message
* @param imageFile
* the image file
public void notifyTwitter(final String message, final File imageFile)
if ((this.twitterSettings.isValid()) && (StringUtils.isNotBlank(message)))
TwitterClient twitter = new TwitterClient(this.twitterSettings.getConsumerKey(), this.twitterSettings.getConsumerSecret(),
this.twitterSettings.getAccessToken(), this.twitterSettings.getAccessTokenSecret());
twitter.tweet(message, imageFile);
catch (TwitterException exception)
logger.error("Error in tweet", exception);
sendMessage("(pour information, la notification par Tweet a échoué : " + exception.getErrorMessage() + ")");
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.jibble.pircbot.PircBot#onMessage(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
protected void onMessage(final String channel, final String sender, final String login, final String hostname, final String message)
logger.debug("Message received - channel : {}, sender : {}, message : {}", channel, sender, message);
if (channel.equalsIgnoreCase(this.channel))
String text = message.trim();
if (this.review != null)
this.review.addRaw(new Message(sender, text));
text = text.replaceAll("^" + getName().replace("[", "\\[").replaceAll("]", "\\]") + "[,:]\\s*", "!");
this.hooker.attemptProcess(this, channel, sender, login, hostname, text);
catch (Exception exception)
logger.error("Error managing post.", exception);
sendMessage("/me a choppé un bug : ", exception.getMessage());
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.jibble.pircbot.PircBot#onPrivateMessage(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
protected void onPrivateMessage(final String sender, final String login, final String hostname, final String message)
logger.debug("Private message received - sender : {}, message : {}", sender, message);
String text = message.trim();
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(text, "!vaten"))
logger.info("!die caught.");
// Die.
if (this.review == null)
sendMessage(sender + ", ok bye.");
sendMessage(sender, "ok bye.");
catch (InterruptedException exception)
logger.warn("Pause abort: " + exception.getMessage());
sendMessage("% Une revue est en cours, abandon impossible.");
else if (text.startsWith("!"))
logger.info("!??? caught.");
// Command unknown.
sendMessage(sender + ", command unknown: " + text);
// Nothing to say.
* Run.
* @throws HebdobotException
* the hebdobot exception
public void run() throws HebdobotException
logger.info("Cron initializing.");
this.cronManager = new CronManager(this, this.cronSettings);
logger.info("Cron initialized.");
catch (SchedulerException | ParseException exception)
throw new HebdobotException("Error in cron settings.", exception);
// Manage "Caused by: java.net.UnknownHostException: irc.freenode.org".
boolean ended = false;
while (!ended)
logger.info("Bot connection.");
this.connect(this.host, this.port);
logger.info("Bot connected.");
ended = true;
catch (NickAlreadyInUseException exception)
throw new HebdobotException(exception);
catch (IOException exception)
catch (InterruptedException subException)
catch (IrcException exception)
throw new HebdobotException(exception);
if (this.identifyPassword == null)
logger.info("Skipped identify.");
logger.info("Apply identify.");
sendMessage("NickServ", "identify " + this.identifyNick + " " + this.identifyPassword);
logger.info("Applied identify.");
logger.info("Bot joining channel ({}).", this.channel);
logger.info("Bot ready.");
* Send message.
* @param message
* the message
public void sendMessage(final String message)
logger.debug("Send message : {}", message);
this.sendMessage(this.channel, message);
if (this.review != null)
this.review.addRaw(new Message("Hebdobot", message));
* Sets the home directory.
* @param homeDirectory
* the new home directory
public void setHomeDirectory(final File homeDirectory)
this.homeDirectory = homeDirectory;
public void setReview(final Review review)
this.review = review;
public void setReviewDirectory(final File reviewDirectory)
this.reviewDirectory = reviewDirectory;
public void setReviewFileSuffix(final String reviewFileSuffix)
this.reviewFileSuffix = reviewFileSuffix;
public void setReviewWaitTime(final LocalTime reviewWaitTime)
this.reviewWaitTime = reviewWaitTime;