envoie les emails via les templates jinja2 et données csv

This commit is contained in:
François Poulain 2020-08-25 08:42:17 +02:00
parent 33bad1748d
commit 7df57d5f85
1 changed files with 20 additions and 87 deletions

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@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ def read_templates(args):
return templates
def read_join(args):
def read_attachments(args):
r = []
for attachement in args.attachement:
for attachement in args.attachement or []:
with open(attachement, "rb") as fp:
ctype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(attachement)
@ -119,76 +119,21 @@ def read_join(args):
return r
def replace_values(bodytemplate, values):
body = bodytemplate
for i in range(len(values)):
i = i + 1
pattern = "${{%02d}}" % i
body = body.replace(pattern, values[i - 1])
return body
# patterns for header of the mail
FROMPATTERN = re.compile(r"^From: *(.*)")
SUBJECTPATTERN = re.compile(r"^Subject: *(.*)")
CCPATTERN = re.compile(r"^Cc: *(.*)")
BCCPATTERN = re.compile(r"^Bcc: *(.*)")
REPLYTOPATTERN = re.compile(r"^Reply-To: *(.*)")
def send_message(message, to, attachments, args):
lines = message.split("\n")
# identify headers in the template
fromvalue = None
subjectvalue = None
ccvalue = None
bccvalue = None
replytovalue = None
for index, line in enumerate(lines):
if not line:
body = "\n".join(lines[index + 1 :])
frommatches = FROMPATTERN.match(line)
subjectmatches = SUBJECTPATTERN.match(line)
ccmatches = CCPATTERN.match(line)
bccmatches = BCCPATTERN.match(line)
replytomatches = REPLYTOPATTERN.match(line)
if frommatches:
fromvalue = frommatches.group(1)
if subjectmatches:
subjectvalue = subjectmatches.group(1)
if ccmatches:
ccvalue = ccmatches.group(1)
if bccmatches:
bccvalue = bccmatches.group(1)
if replytomatches:
replytovalue = replytomatches.group(1)
# lists all addresses to which the mail will be sent
dests = [to]
if ccvalue:
if bccvalue:
def send_message(templates, data, attachments, args):
dests = [data["to"]]
msg = EmailMessage()
msg["Subject"] = subjectvalue
msg["From"] = fromvalue
msg["To"] = to
if replytovalue:
msg["Reply-To"] = replytovalue
if ccvalue:
msg["Cc"] = ccvalue
msg["Subject"] = templates[0].render(**data).strip()
msg["From"] = data["from"]
msg["To"] = data["to"]
if "reply-to" in data:
msg["Reply-To"] = data["reply-to"]
if "cc" in data:
msg["Cc"] = data["cc"]
if "bcc" in data:
if attachments:
for attachment in attachments:
msg.add_attachment(attachment[0], **attachment[1])
@ -199,7 +144,7 @@ def send_message(message, to, attachments, args):
"Sending : %s, from %s to %s, dests : %s"
% (subjectvalue, fromvalue, dests[0], repr(dests))
% (msg["Subject"], data["from"], dests[0], repr(dests))
if not args.dry_run:
@ -217,32 +162,20 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# read the recipients file
datas = read_recipients_datas(args)
# read the template of the mail
# read the templates of the mail
templates = read_templates(args)
# optionnaly read the attachment of the mail
attachment = None
if args.attachement:
attachments = read_join(args)
attachments = read_attachments(args)
# counter to be able to pause each 10 mails send
counter = 0
# send mail to each recipient
for set in sets:
values = set
# the recipient is always in first column
recipient = values[0]
# replace substitution variables in the template for each recipient
body = replace_values(bodytemplate, values)
for data in datas:
# send message
send_message(body, recipient, attachments, args)
send_message(templates, data, attachments, args)
# pause every 10 mails for 5 secs so that the MTA doesn't explode
counter = counter + 1