# Spamotron Simple mailing script. **Table of content** - [Installation](#installation) - [Input format](#input-format) - [Licence](#licence) ## Installation ### Requirements On a Debian-based host running at least Debian Stretch, you will need the following packages: - git (recommended for getting the source) - python3 - python3-jinja2 ### Manual installation 1. Clone repo $ git clone https://forge.april.org/adminsys/spamotron $ cd spamotron $ chmod a+x mailing.py 2. Try it $ ./mailing.py --help $ ./mailing.py -t test-recipients-data -b test-emailling --dry-run --verbose ## Input format The « to-file » is expected to be csv with the [default dialect](https://docs.python.org/3/library/csv.html?highlight=csv#dialects-and-formatting-parameters) (delimiter = `,` and char delimiter =`"`). The first line declare columns headers. The `from` and `to` headers are expected the be found. To avoid boring repetition it is possible to declare a default column value using `:` in header. The default value is considered when the column is lacking, not when the column is empty. ## License Spamotron is developed by April and licensed under the [GPLv2+](LICENSE).