2014-07-17 16:45:12 +02:00
//this might was already extended by ES5 shim feature
( function ( $ ) {
"use strict" ;
var webshims = window . webshims ;
if ( webshims . defineProperties ) { return ; }
var defineProperty = 'defineProperty' ;
var has = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ;
var descProps = [ 'configurable' , 'enumerable' , 'writable' ] ;
var extendUndefined = function ( prop ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i ++ ) {
if ( prop [ descProps [ i ] ] === undefined && ( descProps [ i ] !== 'writable' || prop . value !== undefined ) ) {
prop [ descProps [ i ] ] = true ;
} ;
var extendProps = function ( props ) {
if ( props ) {
for ( var i in props ) {
if ( has . call ( props , i ) ) {
extendUndefined ( props [ i ] ) ;
} ;
if ( Object . create ) {
webshims . objectCreate = function ( proto , props , opts ) {
extendProps ( props ) ;
var o = Object . create ( proto , props ) ;
if ( opts ) {
o . options = $ . extend ( true , { } , o . options || { } , opts ) ;
opts = o . options ;
if ( o . _create && $ . isFunction ( o . _create ) ) {
o . _create ( opts ) ;
return o ;
} ;
if ( Object [ defineProperty ] ) {
webshims [ defineProperty ] = function ( obj , prop , desc ) {
extendUndefined ( desc ) ;
return Object [ defineProperty ] ( obj , prop , desc ) ;
} ;
if ( Object . defineProperties ) {
webshims . defineProperties = function ( obj , props ) {
extendProps ( props ) ;
return Object . defineProperties ( obj , props ) ;
} ;
webshims . getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ;
webshims . getPrototypeOf = Object . getPrototypeOf ;
} ) ( window . webshims . $ ) ;
//DOM-Extension helper
webshims . register ( 'dom-extend' , function ( $ , webshims , window , document , undefined ) {
"use strict" ;
var supportHrefNormalized = ! ( 'hrefNormalized' in $ . support ) || $ . support . hrefNormalized ;
var supportGetSetAttribute = ! ( 'getSetAttribute' in $ . support ) || $ . support . getSetAttribute ;
var has = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ;
webshims . assumeARIA = true ;
if ( $ ( '<input type="email" />' ) . attr ( 'type' ) == 'text' || $ ( '<form />' ) . attr ( 'novalidate' ) === "" || ( 'required' in $ ( '<input />' ) [ 0 ] . attributes ) ) {
webshims . error ( "IE browser modes are busted in IE10+. Please test your HTML/CSS/JS with a real IE version or at least IETester or similiar tools" ) ;
if ( 'debug' in webshims ) {
webshims . error ( 'Use webshims.setOptions("debug", true||false||"noCombo"); to debug flag' ) ;
if ( ! webshims . cfg . no$Switch ) {
var switch $ = function ( ) {
if ( window . jQuery && ( ! window . $ || window . jQuery == window . $ ) && ! window . jQuery . webshims ) {
webshims . error ( "jQuery was included more than once. Make sure to include it only once or try the $.noConflict(extreme) feature! Webshims and other Plugins might not work properly. Or set webshims.cfg.no$Switch to 'true'." ) ;
if ( window . $ ) {
window . $ = webshims . $ ;
window . jQuery = webshims . $ ;
} ;
switch $ ( ) ;
setTimeout ( switch $ , 90 ) ;
webshims . ready ( 'DOM' , switch $ ) ;
$ ( switch $ ) ;
webshims . ready ( 'WINDOWLOAD' , switch $ ) ;
var modules = webshims . modules ;
var listReg = /\s*,\s*/ ;
//proxying attribute
var olds = { } ;
var havePolyfill = { } ;
var hasPolyfillMethod = { } ;
var extendedProps = { } ;
var extendQ = { } ;
var modifyProps = { } ;
var oldVal = $ . fn . val ;
var singleVal = function ( elem , name , val , pass , _argless ) {
return ( _argless ) ? oldVal . call ( $ ( elem ) ) : oldVal . call ( $ ( elem ) , val ) ;
} ;
//jquery mobile and jquery ui
if ( ! $ . widget ) {
( function ( ) {
var _cleanData = $ . cleanData ;
$ . cleanData = function ( elems ) {
if ( ! $ . widget ) {
for ( var i = 0 , elem ; ( elem = elems [ i ] ) != null ; i ++ ) {
try {
$ ( elem ) . triggerHandler ( "remove" ) ;
// http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/8235
} catch ( e ) { }
_cleanData ( elems ) ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
$ . fn . val = function ( val ) {
var elem = this [ 0 ] ;
if ( arguments . length && val == null ) {
val = '' ;
if ( ! arguments . length ) {
if ( ! elem || elem . nodeType !== 1 ) { return oldVal . call ( this ) ; }
return $ . prop ( elem , 'value' , val , 'val' , true ) ;
if ( $ . isArray ( val ) ) {
return oldVal . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
var isFunction = $ . isFunction ( val ) ;
return this . each ( function ( i ) {
elem = this ;
if ( elem . nodeType === 1 ) {
if ( isFunction ) {
var genVal = val . call ( elem , i , $ . prop ( elem , 'value' , undefined , 'val' , true ) ) ;
if ( genVal == null ) {
genVal = '' ;
$ . prop ( elem , 'value' , genVal , 'val' ) ;
} else {
$ . prop ( elem , 'value' , val , 'val' ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
$ . fn . onTrigger = function ( evt , fn ) {
return this . on ( evt , fn ) . each ( fn ) ;
} ;
$ . fn . onWSOff = function ( evt , fn , trigger , evtDel ) {
if ( ! evtDel ) {
evtDel = document ;
$ ( evtDel ) [ trigger ? 'onTrigger' : 'on' ] ( evt , fn ) ;
this . on ( 'remove' , function ( e ) {
if ( ! e . originalEvent ) {
$ ( evtDel ) . off ( evt , fn ) ;
} ) ;
return this ;
} ;
var idCount = 0 ;
var dataID = '_webshims' + ( Math . round ( Math . random ( ) * 1000 ) ) ;
var elementData = function ( elem , key , val ) {
elem = elem . jquery ? elem [ 0 ] : elem ;
if ( ! elem ) { return val || { } ; }
var data = $ . data ( elem , dataID ) ;
if ( val !== undefined ) {
if ( ! data ) {
data = $ . data ( elem , dataID , { } ) ;
if ( key ) {
data [ key ] = val ;
return key ? data && data [ key ] : data ;
} ;
[ { name : 'getNativeElement' , prop : 'nativeElement' } , { name : 'getShadowElement' , prop : 'shadowElement' } , { name : 'getShadowFocusElement' , prop : 'shadowFocusElement' } ] . forEach ( function ( data ) {
$ . fn [ data . name ] = function ( ) {
var elems = [ ] ;
this . each ( function ( ) {
var shadowData = elementData ( this , 'shadowData' ) ;
var elem = shadowData && shadowData [ data . prop ] || this ;
if ( $ . inArray ( elem , elems ) == - 1 ) {
elems . push ( elem ) ;
} ) ;
return this . pushStack ( elems ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
function clone ( elem , dataAndEvents , uniqueIds ) {
var cloned = $ . clone ( elem , dataAndEvents , false ) ;
$ ( cloned . querySelectorAll ( '.' + webshims . shadowClass ) ) . detach ( ) ;
if ( uniqueIds ) {
idCount ++ ;
$ ( cloned . querySelectorAll ( '[id]' ) ) . prop ( 'id' , function ( i , id ) {
return id + idCount ;
} ) ;
} else {
$ ( cloned . querySelectorAll ( 'audio[id^="ID-"], video[id^="ID-"], label[id^="ID-"]' ) ) . removeAttr ( 'id' ) ;
return cloned ;
$ . fn . clonePolyfill = function ( dataAndEvents , uniqueIds ) {
dataAndEvents = dataAndEvents || false ;
return this
. map ( function ( ) {
var cloned = clone ( this , dataAndEvents , uniqueIds ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
if ( $ . contains ( document . body , cloned ) ) {
$ ( cloned ) . updatePolyfill ( ) ;
} ) ;
return cloned ;
} )
} ;
//add support for $('video').trigger('play') in case extendNative is set to false
if ( ! webshims . cfg . extendNative && ! webshims . cfg . noTriggerOverride ) {
( function ( oldTrigger ) {
$ . event . trigger = function ( event , data , elem , onlyHandlers ) {
if ( ! hasPolyfillMethod [ event ] || onlyHandlers || ! elem || elem . nodeType !== 1 ) {
return oldTrigger . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
var ret , isOrig , origName ;
var origFn = elem [ event ] ;
var polyfilledFn = $ . prop ( elem , event ) ;
var changeFn = polyfilledFn && origFn != polyfilledFn ;
if ( changeFn ) {
origName = '__ws' + event ;
isOrig = ( event in elem ) && has . call ( elem , event ) ;
elem [ event ] = polyfilledFn ;
elem [ origName ] = origFn ;
ret = oldTrigger . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
if ( changeFn ) {
if ( isOrig ) {
elem [ event ] = origFn ;
} else {
delete elem [ event ] ;
delete elem [ origName ] ;
return ret ;
} ;
} ) ( $ . event . trigger ) ;
[ 'removeAttr' , 'prop' , 'attr' ] . forEach ( function ( type ) {
olds [ type ] = $ [ type ] ;
$ [ type ] = function ( elem , name , value , pass , _argless ) {
var isVal = ( pass == 'val' ) ;
var oldMethod = ! isVal ? olds [ type ] : singleVal ;
if ( ! elem || ! havePolyfill [ name ] || elem . nodeType !== 1 || ( ! isVal && pass && type == 'attr' && $ . attrFn [ name ] ) ) {
return oldMethod ( elem , name , value , pass , _argless ) ;
var nodeName = ( elem . nodeName || '' ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
var desc = extendedProps [ nodeName ] ;
var curType = ( type == 'attr' && ( value === false || value === null ) ) ? 'removeAttr' : type ;
var propMethod ;
var oldValMethod ;
var ret ;
if ( ! desc ) {
desc = extendedProps [ '*' ] ;
if ( desc ) {
desc = desc [ name ] ;
if ( desc ) {
propMethod = desc [ curType ] ;
if ( propMethod ) {
if ( name == 'value' ) {
oldValMethod = propMethod . isVal ;
propMethod . isVal = isVal ;
if ( curType === 'removeAttr' ) {
return propMethod . value . call ( elem ) ;
} else if ( value === undefined ) {
return ( propMethod . get ) ?
propMethod . get . call ( elem ) :
propMethod . value
} else if ( propMethod . set ) {
if ( type == 'attr' && value === true ) {
value = name ;
ret = propMethod . set . call ( elem , value ) ;
if ( name == 'value' ) {
propMethod . isVal = oldValMethod ;
} else {
ret = oldMethod ( elem , name , value , pass , _argless ) ;
if ( ( value !== undefined || curType === 'removeAttr' ) && modifyProps [ nodeName ] && modifyProps [ nodeName ] [ name ] ) {
var boolValue ;
if ( curType == 'removeAttr' ) {
boolValue = false ;
} else if ( curType == 'prop' ) {
boolValue = ! ! ( value ) ;
} else {
boolValue = true ;
modifyProps [ nodeName ] [ name ] . forEach ( function ( fn ) {
if ( ! fn . only || ( fn . only = 'prop' && type == 'prop' ) || ( fn . only == 'attr' && type != 'prop' ) ) {
fn . call ( elem , value , boolValue , ( isVal ) ? 'val' : curType , type ) ;
} ) ;
return ret ;
} ;
extendQ [ type ] = function ( nodeName , prop , desc ) {
if ( ! extendedProps [ nodeName ] ) {
extendedProps [ nodeName ] = { } ;
if ( ! extendedProps [ nodeName ] [ prop ] ) {
extendedProps [ nodeName ] [ prop ] = { } ;
var oldDesc = extendedProps [ nodeName ] [ prop ] [ type ] ;
var getSup = function ( propType , descriptor , oDesc ) {
var origProp ;
if ( descriptor && descriptor [ propType ] ) {
return descriptor [ propType ] ;
if ( oDesc && oDesc [ propType ] ) {
return oDesc [ propType ] ;
if ( type == 'prop' && prop == 'value' ) {
return function ( value ) {
var elem = this ;
return ( desc . isVal ) ?
singleVal ( elem , prop , value , false , ( arguments . length === 0 ) ) :
olds [ type ] ( elem , prop , value )
} ;
if ( type == 'prop' && propType == 'value' && desc . value . apply ) {
origProp = '__ws' + prop ;
hasPolyfillMethod [ prop ] = true ;
return function ( value ) {
var sup = this [ origProp ] || olds [ type ] ( this , prop ) ;
if ( sup && sup . apply ) {
sup = sup . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
return sup ;
} ;
return function ( value ) {
return olds [ type ] ( this , prop , value ) ;
} ;
} ;
extendedProps [ nodeName ] [ prop ] [ type ] = desc ;
if ( desc . value === undefined ) {
if ( ! desc . set ) {
desc . set = desc . writeable ?
getSup ( 'set' , desc , oldDesc ) :
( webshims . cfg . useStrict && prop == 'prop' ) ?
function ( ) { throw ( prop + ' is readonly on ' + nodeName ) ; } :
function ( ) { webshims . info ( prop + ' is readonly on ' + nodeName ) ; }
if ( ! desc . get ) {
desc . get = getSup ( 'get' , desc , oldDesc ) ;
[ 'value' , 'get' , 'set' ] . forEach ( function ( descProp ) {
if ( desc [ descProp ] ) {
desc [ '_sup' + descProp ] = getSup ( descProp , oldDesc ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
var extendNativeValue = ( function ( ) {
var UNKNOWN = webshims . getPrototypeOf ( document . createElement ( 'foobar' ) ) ;
//see also: https://github.com/lojjic/PIE/issues/40 | https://prototype.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8886/tickets/1107-ie8-fatal-crash-when-prototypejs-is-loaded-with-rounded-cornershtc
var isExtendNativeSave = webshims . support . advancedObjectProperties && webshims . support . objectAccessor ;
return function ( nodeName , prop , desc ) {
var elem , elemProto ;
if ( isExtendNativeSave && ( elem = document . createElement ( nodeName ) ) && ( elemProto = webshims . getPrototypeOf ( elem ) ) && UNKNOWN !== elemProto && ( ! elem [ prop ] || ! has . call ( elem , prop ) ) ) {
var sup = elem [ prop ] ;
desc . _supvalue = function ( ) {
if ( sup && sup . apply ) {
return sup . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
return sup ;
} ;
elemProto [ prop ] = desc . value ;
} else {
desc . _supvalue = function ( ) {
var data = elementData ( this , 'propValue' ) ;
if ( data && data [ prop ] && data [ prop ] . apply ) {
return data [ prop ] . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
return data && data [ prop ] ;
} ;
initProp . extendValue ( nodeName , prop , desc . value ) ;
desc . value . _supvalue = desc . _supvalue ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
var initProp = ( function ( ) {
var initProps = { } ;
webshims . addReady ( function ( context , contextElem ) {
var nodeNameCache = { } ;
var getElementsByName = function ( name ) {
if ( ! nodeNameCache [ name ] ) {
nodeNameCache [ name ] = $ ( context . getElementsByTagName ( name ) ) ;
if ( contextElem [ 0 ] && $ . nodeName ( contextElem [ 0 ] , name ) ) {
nodeNameCache [ name ] = nodeNameCache [ name ] . add ( contextElem ) ;
} ;
$ . each ( initProps , function ( name , fns ) {
getElementsByName ( name ) ;
if ( ! fns || ! fns . forEach ) {
webshims . warn ( 'Error: with ' + name + '-property. methods: ' + fns ) ;
return ;
fns . forEach ( function ( fn ) {
nodeNameCache [ name ] . each ( fn ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
nodeNameCache = null ;
} ) ;
var tempCache ;
var emptyQ = $ ( [ ] ) ;
var createNodeNameInit = function ( nodeName , fn ) {
if ( ! initProps [ nodeName ] ) {
initProps [ nodeName ] = [ fn ] ;
} else {
initProps [ nodeName ] . push ( fn ) ;
if ( $ . isDOMReady ) {
( tempCache || $ ( document . getElementsByTagName ( nodeName ) ) ) . each ( fn ) ;
} ;
var elementExtends = { } ;
return {
createTmpCache : function ( nodeName ) {
if ( $ . isDOMReady ) {
tempCache = tempCache || $ ( document . getElementsByTagName ( nodeName ) ) ;
return tempCache || emptyQ ;
} ,
flushTmpCache : function ( ) {
tempCache = null ;
} ,
content : function ( nodeName , prop ) {
createNodeNameInit ( nodeName , function ( ) {
var val = $ . attr ( this , prop ) ;
if ( val != null ) {
$ . attr ( this , prop , val ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
createElement : function ( nodeName , fn ) {
createNodeNameInit ( nodeName , fn ) ;
} ,
extendValue : function ( nodeName , prop , value ) {
createNodeNameInit ( nodeName , function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . each ( function ( ) {
var data = elementData ( this , 'propValue' , { } ) ;
data [ prop ] = this [ prop ] ;
this [ prop ] = value ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
var createPropDefault = function ( descs , removeType ) {
if ( descs . defaultValue === undefined ) {
descs . defaultValue = '' ;
if ( ! descs . removeAttr ) {
descs . removeAttr = {
value : function ( ) {
descs [ removeType || 'prop' ] . set . call ( this , descs . defaultValue ) ;
descs . removeAttr . _supvalue . call ( this ) ;
} ;
if ( ! descs . attr ) {
descs . attr = { } ;
} ;
$ . extend ( webshims , {
getID : ( function ( ) {
var ID = new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) ;
return function ( elem ) {
elem = $ ( elem ) ;
var id = elem . prop ( 'id' ) ;
if ( ! id ) {
ID ++ ;
id = 'ID-' + ID ;
elem . eq ( 0 ) . prop ( 'id' , id ) ;
return id ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ,
shadowClass : 'wsshadow-' + ( Date . now ( ) ) ,
implement : function ( elem , type ) {
var data = elementData ( elem , 'implemented' ) || elementData ( elem , 'implemented' , { } ) ;
if ( data [ type ] ) {
webshims . warn ( type + ' already implemented for element #' + elem . id ) ;
return false ;
2014-07-20 02:43:13 +02:00
2014-07-17 16:45:12 +02:00
data [ type ] = true ;
2014-07-20 02:43:13 +02:00
return ! $ ( elem ) . hasClass ( 'ws-nopolyfill' ) ;
2014-07-17 16:45:12 +02:00
} ,
extendUNDEFProp : function ( obj , props ) {
$ . each ( props , function ( name , prop ) {
if ( ! ( name in obj ) ) {
obj [ name ] = prop ;
} ) ;
} ,
getOptions : ( function ( ) {
var normalName = /\-([a-z])/g ;
var regs = { } ;
var nameRegs = { } ;
var regFn = function ( f , upper ) {
return upper . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} ;
var nameFn = function ( f , dashed ) {
return dashed . toUpperCase ( ) ;
} ;
return function ( elem , name , bases , stringAllowed ) {
if ( nameRegs [ name ] ) {
name = nameRegs [ name ] ;
} else {
nameRegs [ name ] = name . replace ( normalName , nameFn ) ;
name = nameRegs [ name ] ;
var data = elementData ( elem , 'cfg' + name ) ;
var dataName ;
var cfg = { } ;
if ( data ) {
return data ;
data = $ ( elem ) . data ( ) ;
if ( data && typeof data [ name ] == 'string' ) {
if ( stringAllowed ) {
return elementData ( elem , 'cfg' + name , data [ name ] ) ;
webshims . error ( 'data-' + name + ' attribute has to be a valid JSON, was: ' + data [ name ] ) ;
if ( ! bases ) {
bases = [ true , { } ] ;
} else if ( ! Array . isArray ( bases ) ) {
bases = [ true , { } , bases ] ;
} else {
bases . unshift ( true , { } ) ;
if ( data && typeof data [ name ] == 'object' ) {
bases . push ( data [ name ] ) ;
if ( ! regs [ name ] ) {
regs [ name ] = new RegExp ( '^' + name + '([A-Z])' ) ;
for ( dataName in data ) {
if ( regs [ name ] . test ( dataName ) ) {
cfg [ dataName . replace ( regs [ name ] , regFn ) ] = data [ dataName ] ;
bases . push ( cfg ) ;
return elementData ( elem , 'cfg' + name , $ . extend . apply ( $ , bases ) ) ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ,
createPropDefault : createPropDefault ,
data : elementData ,
moveToFirstEvent : function ( elem , eventType , bindType ) {
var events = ( $ . _data ( elem , 'events' ) || { } ) [ eventType ] ;
var fn ;
if ( events && events . length > 1 ) {
fn = events . pop ( ) ;
if ( ! bindType ) {
bindType = 'bind' ;
if ( bindType == 'bind' && events . delegateCount ) {
events . splice ( events . delegateCount , 0 , fn ) ;
} else {
events . unshift ( fn ) ;
elem = null ;
} ,
addShadowDom : ( function ( ) {
var resizeTimer ;
var lastHeight ;
var lastWidth ;
var $window = $ ( window ) ;
var docObserve = {
init : false ,
runs : 0 ,
test : function ( ) {
var height = docObserve . getHeight ( ) ;
var width = docObserve . getWidth ( ) ;
if ( height != docObserve . height || width != docObserve . width ) {
docObserve . height = height ;
docObserve . width = width ;
docObserve . handler ( { type : 'docresize' } ) ;
docObserve . runs ++ ;
if ( docObserve . runs < 9 ) {
setTimeout ( docObserve . test , 90 ) ;
} else {
docObserve . runs = 0 ;
} ,
handler : ( function ( ) {
var trigger = function ( ) {
$ ( document ) . triggerHandler ( 'updateshadowdom' ) ;
} ;
return function ( e ) {
clearTimeout ( resizeTimer ) ;
resizeTimer = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
if ( e . type == 'resize' ) {
var width = $window . width ( ) ;
var height = $window . width ( ) ;
if ( height == lastHeight && width == lastWidth ) {
return ;
lastHeight = height ;
lastWidth = width ;
docObserve . height = docObserve . getHeight ( ) ;
docObserve . width = docObserve . getWidth ( ) ;
if ( window . requestAnimationFrame ) {
requestAnimationFrame ( trigger ) ;
} else {
setTimeout ( trigger , 0 ) ;
} , ( e . type == 'resize' && ! window . requestAnimationFrame ) ? 50 : 9 ) ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ,
_create : function ( ) {
$ . each ( { Height : "getHeight" , Width : "getWidth" } , function ( name , type ) {
var body = document . body ;
var doc = document . documentElement ;
docObserve [ type ] = function ( ) {
return Math . max (
body [ "scroll" + name ] , doc [ "scroll" + name ] ,
body [ "offset" + name ] , doc [ "offset" + name ] ,
doc [ "client" + name ]
) ;
} ;
} ) ;
} ,
start : function ( ) {
if ( ! this . init && document . body ) {
this . init = true ;
this . _create ( ) ;
this . height = docObserve . getHeight ( ) ;
this . width = docObserve . getWidth ( ) ;
setInterval ( this . test , 999 ) ;
$ ( this . test ) ;
if ( $ . support . boxSizing == null ) {
$ ( function ( ) {
if ( $ . support . boxSizing ) {
docObserve . handler ( { type : 'boxsizing' } ) ;
} ) ;
webshims . ready ( 'WINDOWLOAD' , this . test ) ;
$ ( document ) . on ( 'updatelayout.webshim pageinit popupafteropen panelbeforeopen tabsactivate collapsibleexpand shown.bs.modal shown.bs.collapse slid.bs.carousel playerdimensionchange' , this . handler ) ;
$ ( window ) . on ( 'resize' , this . handler ) ;
} ;
webshims . docObserve = function ( ) {
webshims . ready ( 'DOM' , function ( ) {
docObserve . start ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
return function ( nativeElem , shadowElem , opts ) {
if ( nativeElem && shadowElem ) {
opts = opts || { } ;
if ( nativeElem . jquery ) {
nativeElem = nativeElem [ 0 ] ;
if ( shadowElem . jquery ) {
shadowElem = shadowElem [ 0 ] ;
var nativeData = $ . data ( nativeElem , dataID ) || $ . data ( nativeElem , dataID , { } ) ;
var shadowData = $ . data ( shadowElem , dataID ) || $ . data ( shadowElem , dataID , { } ) ;
var shadowFocusElementData = { } ;
if ( ! opts . shadowFocusElement ) {
opts . shadowFocusElement = shadowElem ;
} else if ( opts . shadowFocusElement ) {
if ( opts . shadowFocusElement . jquery ) {
opts . shadowFocusElement = opts . shadowFocusElement [ 0 ] ;
shadowFocusElementData = $ . data ( opts . shadowFocusElement , dataID ) || $ . data ( opts . shadowFocusElement , dataID , shadowFocusElementData ) ;
$ ( nativeElem ) . on ( 'remove' , function ( e ) {
if ( ! e . originalEvent ) {
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
$ ( shadowElem ) . remove ( ) ;
} , 4 ) ;
} ) ;
nativeData . hasShadow = shadowElem ;
shadowFocusElementData . nativeElement = shadowData . nativeElement = nativeElem ;
shadowFocusElementData . shadowData = shadowData . shadowData = nativeData . shadowData = {
nativeElement : nativeElem ,
shadowElement : shadowElem ,
shadowFocusElement : opts . shadowFocusElement
} ;
if ( opts . shadowChilds ) {
opts . shadowChilds . each ( function ( ) {
elementData ( this , 'shadowData' , shadowData . shadowData ) ;
} ) ;
if ( opts . data ) {
shadowFocusElementData . shadowData . data = shadowData . shadowData . data = nativeData . shadowData . data = opts . data ;
opts = null ;
webshims . docObserve ( ) ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ,
propTypes : {
standard : function ( descs , name ) {
createPropDefault ( descs ) ;
if ( descs . prop ) { return ; }
descs . prop = {
set : function ( val ) {
descs . attr . set . call ( this , '' + val ) ;
} ,
get : function ( ) {
return descs . attr . get . call ( this ) || descs . defaultValue ;
} ;
} ,
"boolean" : function ( descs , name ) {
createPropDefault ( descs ) ;
if ( descs . prop ) { return ; }
descs . prop = {
set : function ( val ) {
if ( val ) {
descs . attr . set . call ( this , "" ) ;
} else {
descs . removeAttr . value . call ( this ) ;
} ,
get : function ( ) {
return descs . attr . get . call ( this ) != null ;
} ;
} ,
"src" : ( function ( ) {
var anchor = document . createElement ( 'a' ) ;
anchor . style . display = "none" ;
return function ( descs , name ) {
createPropDefault ( descs ) ;
if ( descs . prop ) { return ; }
descs . prop = {
set : function ( val ) {
descs . attr . set . call ( this , val ) ;
} ,
get : function ( ) {
var href = this . getAttribute ( name ) ;
var ret ;
if ( href == null ) { return '' ; }
anchor . setAttribute ( 'href' , href + '' ) ;
if ( ! supportHrefNormalized ) {
try {
$ ( anchor ) . insertAfter ( this ) ;
ret = anchor . getAttribute ( 'href' , 4 ) ;
} catch ( er ) {
ret = anchor . getAttribute ( 'href' , 4 ) ;
$ ( anchor ) . detach ( ) ;
return ret || anchor . href ;
} ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ,
enumarated : function ( descs , name ) {
createPropDefault ( descs ) ;
if ( descs . prop ) { return ; }
descs . prop = {
set : function ( val ) {
descs . attr . set . call ( this , val ) ;
} ,
get : function ( ) {
var val = ( descs . attr . get . call ( this ) || '' ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( ! val || descs . limitedTo . indexOf ( val ) == - 1 ) {
val = descs . defaultValue ;
return val ;
} ;
// ,unsignedLong: $.noop
// ,"doubble": $.noop
// ,"long": $.noop
// ,tokenlist: $.noop
// ,settableTokenlist: $.noop
} ,
reflectProperties : function ( nodeNames , props ) {
if ( typeof props == 'string' ) {
props = props . split ( listReg ) ;
props . forEach ( function ( prop ) {
webshims . defineNodeNamesProperty ( nodeNames , prop , {
prop : {
set : function ( val ) {
$ . attr ( this , prop , val ) ;
} ,
get : function ( ) {
return $ . attr ( this , prop ) || '' ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
defineNodeNameProperty : function ( nodeName , prop , descs ) {
havePolyfill [ prop ] = true ;
if ( descs . reflect ) {
if ( descs . propType && ! webshims . propTypes [ descs . propType ] ) {
webshims . error ( 'could not finde propType ' + descs . propType ) ;
} else {
webshims . propTypes [ descs . propType || 'standard' ] ( descs , prop ) ;
[ 'prop' , 'attr' , 'removeAttr' ] . forEach ( function ( type ) {
var desc = descs [ type ] ;
if ( desc ) {
if ( type === 'prop' ) {
desc = $ . extend ( { writeable : true } , desc ) ;
} else {
desc = $ . extend ( { } , desc , { writeable : true } ) ;
extendQ [ type ] ( nodeName , prop , desc ) ;
if ( nodeName != '*' && webshims . cfg . extendNative && type == 'prop' && desc . value && $ . isFunction ( desc . value ) ) {
extendNativeValue ( nodeName , prop , desc ) ;
descs [ type ] = desc ;
} ) ;
if ( descs . initAttr ) {
initProp . content ( nodeName , prop ) ;
return descs ;
} ,
defineNodeNameProperties : function ( name , descs , propType , _noTmpCache ) {
var olddesc ;
for ( var prop in descs ) {
if ( ! _noTmpCache && descs [ prop ] . initAttr ) {
initProp . createTmpCache ( name ) ;
if ( propType ) {
if ( descs [ prop ] [ propType ] ) {
//webshims.log('override: '+ name +'['+prop +'] for '+ propType);
} else {
descs [ prop ] [ propType ] = { } ;
[ 'value' , 'set' , 'get' ] . forEach ( function ( copyProp ) {
if ( copyProp in descs [ prop ] ) {
descs [ prop ] [ propType ] [ copyProp ] = descs [ prop ] [ copyProp ] ;
delete descs [ prop ] [ copyProp ] ;
} ) ;
descs [ prop ] = webshims . defineNodeNameProperty ( name , prop , descs [ prop ] ) ;
if ( ! _noTmpCache ) {
initProp . flushTmpCache ( ) ;
return descs ;
} ,
createElement : function ( nodeName , create , descs ) {
var ret ;
if ( $ . isFunction ( create ) ) {
create = {
after : create
} ;
initProp . createTmpCache ( nodeName ) ;
if ( create . before ) {
initProp . createElement ( nodeName , create . before ) ;
if ( descs ) {
ret = webshims . defineNodeNameProperties ( nodeName , descs , false , true ) ;
if ( create . after ) {
initProp . createElement ( nodeName , create . after ) ;
initProp . flushTmpCache ( ) ;
return ret ;
} ,
onNodeNamesPropertyModify : function ( nodeNames , props , desc , only ) {
if ( typeof nodeNames == 'string' ) {
nodeNames = nodeNames . split ( listReg ) ;
if ( $ . isFunction ( desc ) ) {
desc = { set : desc } ;
nodeNames . forEach ( function ( name ) {
if ( ! modifyProps [ name ] ) {
modifyProps [ name ] = { } ;
if ( typeof props == 'string' ) {
props = props . split ( listReg ) ;
if ( desc . initAttr ) {
initProp . createTmpCache ( name ) ;
props . forEach ( function ( prop ) {
if ( ! modifyProps [ name ] [ prop ] ) {
modifyProps [ name ] [ prop ] = [ ] ;
havePolyfill [ prop ] = true ;
if ( desc . set ) {
if ( only ) {
desc . set . only = only ;
modifyProps [ name ] [ prop ] . push ( desc . set ) ;
if ( desc . initAttr ) {
initProp . content ( name , prop ) ;
} ) ;
initProp . flushTmpCache ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
defineNodeNamesBooleanProperty : function ( elementNames , prop , descs ) {
if ( ! descs ) {
descs = { } ;
if ( $ . isFunction ( descs ) ) {
descs . set = descs ;
webshims . defineNodeNamesProperty ( elementNames , prop , {
attr : {
set : function ( val ) {
if ( descs . useContentAttribute ) {
webshims . contentAttr ( this , prop , val ) ;
} else {
this . setAttribute ( prop , val ) ;
if ( descs . set ) {
descs . set . call ( this , true ) ;
} ,
get : function ( ) {
var ret = ( descs . useContentAttribute ) ? webshims . contentAttr ( this , prop ) : this . getAttribute ( prop ) ;
return ( ret == null ) ? undefined : prop ;
} ,
removeAttr : {
value : function ( ) {
this . removeAttribute ( prop ) ;
if ( descs . set ) {
descs . set . call ( this , false ) ;
} ,
reflect : true ,
propType : 'boolean' ,
initAttr : descs . initAttr || false
} ) ;
} ,
contentAttr : function ( elem , name , val ) {
if ( ! elem . nodeName ) { return ; }
var attr ;
if ( val === undefined ) {
attr = ( elem . attributes [ name ] || { } ) ;
val = attr . specified ? attr . value : null ;
return ( val == null ) ? undefined : val ;
if ( typeof val == 'boolean' ) {
if ( ! val ) {
elem . removeAttribute ( name ) ;
} else {
elem . setAttribute ( name , name ) ;
} else {
elem . setAttribute ( name , val ) ;
} ,
activeLang : ( function ( ) {
var curLang = [ ] ;
var langDatas = [ ] ;
var loading = { } ;
var load = function ( src , obj , loadingLang ) {
obj . _isLoading = true ;
if ( loading [ src ] ) {
loading [ src ] . push ( obj ) ;
} else {
loading [ src ] = [ obj ] ;
webshims . loader . loadScript ( src , function ( ) {
if ( loadingLang == curLang . join ( ) ) {
$ . each ( loading [ src ] , function ( i , obj ) {
select ( obj ) ;
} ) ;
delete loading [ src ] ;
} ) ;
} ;
var select = function ( obj ) {
var oldLang = obj . _ _active ;
var selectLang = function ( i , lang ) {
obj . _isLoading = false ;
if ( obj [ lang ] || obj . availableLangs . indexOf ( lang ) != - 1 ) {
if ( obj [ lang ] ) {
obj . _ _active = obj [ lang ] ;
obj . _ _activeName = lang ;
} else {
load ( obj . langSrc + lang , obj , curLang . join ( ) ) ;
return false ;
} ;
$ . each ( curLang , selectLang ) ;
if ( ! obj . _ _active ) {
obj . _ _active = obj [ '' ] ;
obj . _ _activeName = '' ;
if ( oldLang != obj . _ _active ) {
$ ( obj ) . trigger ( 'change' ) ;
} ;
return function ( lang ) {
var shortLang ;
if ( typeof lang == 'string' ) {
if ( curLang [ 0 ] != lang ) {
curLang = [ lang ] ;
shortLang = curLang [ 0 ] . split ( '-' ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( shortLang && shortLang != lang ) {
curLang . push ( shortLang ) ;
langDatas . forEach ( select ) ;
} else if ( typeof lang == 'object' ) {
if ( ! lang . _ _active ) {
langDatas . push ( lang ) ;
select ( lang ) ;
return lang . _ _active ;
return curLang [ 0 ] ;
} ;
} ) ( )
} ) ;
$ . each ( {
defineNodeNamesProperty : 'defineNodeNameProperty' ,
defineNodeNamesProperties : 'defineNodeNameProperties' ,
createElements : 'createElement'
} , function ( name , baseMethod ) {
webshims [ name ] = function ( names , a , b , c ) {
if ( typeof names == 'string' ) {
names = names . split ( listReg ) ;
var retDesc = { } ;
names . forEach ( function ( nodeName ) {
retDesc [ nodeName ] = webshims [ baseMethod ] ( nodeName , a , b , c ) ;
} ) ;
return retDesc ;
} ;
} ) ;
webshims . isReady ( 'webshimLocalization' , true ) ;
//html5a11y + hidden attribute
( function ( ) {
if ( ( 'content' in document . createElement ( 'template' ) ) ) { return ; }
$ ( function ( ) {
var main = $ ( 'main' ) . attr ( { role : 'main' } ) ;
if ( main . length > 1 ) {
webshims . error ( 'only one main element allowed in document' ) ;
} else if ( main . is ( 'article *, section *' ) ) {
webshims . error ( 'main not allowed inside of article/section elements' ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ( 'hidden' in document . createElement ( 'a' ) ) ) {
return ;
webshims . defineNodeNamesBooleanProperty ( [ '*' ] , 'hidden' ) ;
var elemMappings = {
article : "article" ,
aside : "complementary" ,
section : "region" ,
nav : "navigation" ,
address : "contentinfo"
} ;
var addRole = function ( elem , role ) {
var hasRole = elem . getAttribute ( 'role' ) ;
if ( ! hasRole ) {
elem . setAttribute ( 'role' , role ) ;
} ;
$ . webshims . addReady ( function ( context , contextElem ) {
$ . each ( elemMappings , function ( name , role ) {
var elems = $ ( name , context ) . add ( contextElem . filter ( name ) ) ;
for ( var i = 0 , len = elems . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
addRole ( elems [ i ] , role ) ;
} ) ;
if ( context === document ) {
var header = document . getElementsByTagName ( 'header' ) [ 0 ] ;
var footers = document . getElementsByTagName ( 'footer' ) ;
var footerLen = footers . length ;
if ( header && ! $ ( header ) . closest ( 'section, article' ) [ 0 ] ) {
addRole ( header , 'banner' ) ;
if ( ! footerLen ) {
return ;
var footer = footers [ footerLen - 1 ] ;
if ( ! $ ( footer ) . closest ( 'section, article' ) [ 0 ] ) {
addRole ( footer , 'contentinfo' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ( ) ;
} ) ;
; webshims . register ( 'track' , function ( $ , webshims , window , document , undefined ) {
"use strict" ;
var mediaelement = webshims . mediaelement ;
var id = new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) ;
//descriptions are not really shown, but they are inserted into the dom
var showTracks = { subtitles : 1 , captions : 1 , descriptions : 1 } ;
var dummyTrack = $ ( '<track />' ) ;
var support = webshims . support ;
var supportTrackMod = support . ES5 && support . objectAccessor ;
var createEventTarget = function ( obj ) {
var eventList = { } ;
obj . addEventListener = function ( name , fn ) {
if ( eventList [ name ] ) {
webshims . error ( 'always use $.on to the shimed event: ' + name + ' already bound fn was: ' + eventList [ name ] + ' your fn was: ' + fn ) ;
eventList [ name ] = fn ;
} ;
obj . removeEventListener = function ( name , fn ) {
if ( eventList [ name ] && eventList [ name ] != fn ) {
webshims . error ( 'always use $.on/$.off to the shimed event: ' + name + ' already bound fn was: ' + eventList [ name ] + ' your fn was: ' + fn ) ;
if ( eventList [ name ] ) {
delete eventList [ name ] ;
} ;
return obj ;
} ;
var cueListProto = {
getCueById : function ( id ) {
var cue = null ;
for ( var i = 0 , len = this . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( this [ i ] . id === id ) {
cue = this [ i ] ;
break ;
return cue ;
} ;
var numericModes = {
0 : 'disabled' ,
1 : 'hidden' ,
2 : 'showing'
} ;
var textTrackProto = {
shimActiveCues : null ,
_shimActiveCues : null ,
activeCues : null ,
cues : null ,
kind : 'subtitles' ,
label : '' ,
language : '' ,
id : '' ,
mode : 'disabled' ,
oncuechange : null ,
toString : function ( ) {
return "[object TextTrack]" ;
} ,
addCue : function ( cue ) {
if ( ! this . cues ) {
this . cues = mediaelement . createCueList ( ) ;
} else {
var lastCue = this . cues [ this . cues . length - 1 ] ;
if ( lastCue && lastCue . startTime > cue . startTime ) {
webshims . error ( "cue startTime higher than previous cue's startTime" ) ;
if ( cue . track && cue . track . removeCue ) {
cue . track . removeCue ( cue ) ;
cue . track = this ;
this . cues . push ( cue ) ;
} ,
//ToDo: make it more dynamic
removeCue : function ( cue ) {
var cues = this . cues || [ ] ;
var i = 0 ;
var len = cues . length ;
if ( cue . track != this ) {
webshims . error ( "cue not part of track" ) ;
return ;
for ( ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( cues [ i ] === cue ) {
cues . splice ( i , 1 ) ;
cue . track = null ;
break ;
if ( cue . track ) {
webshims . error ( "cue not part of track" ) ;
return ;
} / * ,
DISABLED : 'disabled' ,
OFF : 'disabled' ,
HIDDEN : 'hidden' ,
SHOWING : 'showing' ,
ERROR : 3 ,
LOADED : 2 ,
NONE : 0 * /
} ;
var copyProps = [ 'kind' , 'label' , 'srclang' ] ;
var copyName = { srclang : 'language' } ;
var updateMediaTrackList = function ( baseData , trackList ) {
var removed = [ ] ;
var added = [ ] ;
var newTracks = [ ] ;
var i , len ;
if ( ! baseData ) {
baseData = webshims . data ( this , 'mediaelementBase' ) || webshims . data ( this , 'mediaelementBase' , { } ) ;
if ( ! trackList ) {
baseData . blockTrackListUpdate = true ;
trackList = $ . prop ( this , 'textTracks' ) ;
baseData . blockTrackListUpdate = false ;
clearTimeout ( baseData . updateTrackListTimer ) ;
$ ( 'track' , this ) . each ( function ( ) {
var track = $ . prop ( this , 'track' ) ;
newTracks . push ( track ) ;
if ( trackList . indexOf ( track ) == - 1 ) {
added . push ( track ) ;
} ) ;
if ( baseData . scriptedTextTracks ) {
for ( i = 0 , len = baseData . scriptedTextTracks . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
newTracks . push ( baseData . scriptedTextTracks [ i ] ) ;
if ( trackList . indexOf ( baseData . scriptedTextTracks [ i ] ) == - 1 ) {
added . push ( baseData . scriptedTextTracks [ i ] ) ;
for ( i = 0 , len = trackList . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( newTracks . indexOf ( trackList [ i ] ) == - 1 ) {
removed . push ( trackList [ i ] ) ;
if ( removed . length || added . length ) {
trackList . splice ( 0 ) ;
for ( i = 0 , len = newTracks . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
trackList . push ( newTracks [ i ] ) ;
for ( i = 0 , len = removed . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
$ ( [ trackList ] ) . triggerHandler ( $ . Event ( { type : 'removetrack' , track : removed [ i ] } ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 , len = added . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
$ ( [ trackList ] ) . triggerHandler ( $ . Event ( { type : 'addtrack' , track : added [ i ] } ) ) ;
if ( baseData . scriptedTextTracks || removed . length ) {
$ ( this ) . triggerHandler ( 'updatetrackdisplay' ) ;
} ;
var refreshTrack = function ( track , trackData ) {
if ( ! trackData ) {
trackData = webshims . data ( track , 'trackData' ) ;
if ( trackData && ! trackData . isTriggering ) {
trackData . isTriggering = true ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
$ ( track ) . closest ( 'audio, video' ) . triggerHandler ( 'updatetrackdisplay' ) ;
trackData . isTriggering = false ;
} , 1 ) ;
} ;
var isDefaultTrack = ( function ( ) {
var defaultKinds = {
subtitles : {
subtitles : 1 ,
captions : 1
} ,
descriptions : { descriptions : 1 } ,
chapters : { chapters : 1 }
} ;
defaultKinds . captions = defaultKinds . subtitles ;
return function ( track ) {
var kind , firstDefaultTrack ;
var isDefault = $ . prop ( track , 'default' ) ;
if ( isDefault && ( kind = $ . prop ( track , 'kind' ) ) != 'metadata' ) {
firstDefaultTrack = $ ( track )
. parent ( )
. find ( 'track[default]' )
. filter ( function ( ) {
return ! ! ( defaultKinds [ kind ] [ $ . prop ( this , 'kind' ) ] ) ;
} ) [ 0 ]
if ( firstDefaultTrack != track ) {
isDefault = false ;
webshims . error ( 'more than one default track of a specific kind detected. Fall back to default = false' ) ;
return isDefault ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
var emptyDiv = $ ( '<div />' ) [ 0 ] ;
function VTTCue ( startTime , endTime , text ) {
if ( arguments . length != 3 ) {
webshims . error ( "wrong arguments.length for VTTCue.constructor" ) ;
this . startTime = startTime ;
this . endTime = endTime ;
this . text = text ;
this . onenter = null ;
this . onexit = null ;
this . pauseOnExit = false ;
this . track = null ;
this . id = null ;
this . getCueAsHTML = ( function ( ) {
var lastText = "" ;
var parsedText = "" ;
var fragment ;
return function ( ) {
var i , len ;
if ( ! fragment ) {
fragment = document . createDocumentFragment ( ) ;
if ( lastText != this . text ) {
lastText = this . text ;
parsedText = mediaelement . parseCueTextToHTML ( lastText ) ;
emptyDiv . innerHTML = parsedText ;
for ( i = 0 , len = emptyDiv . childNodes . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
fragment . appendChild ( emptyDiv . childNodes [ i ] . cloneNode ( true ) ) ;
return fragment . cloneNode ( true ) ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
window . VTTCue = VTTCue ;
window . TextTrackCue = function ( ) {
webshims . error ( "Use VTTCue constructor instead of abstract TextTrackCue constructor." ) ;
VTTCue . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
} ;
window . TextTrackCue . prototype = VTTCue . prototype ;
mediaelement . createCueList = function ( ) {
return $ . extend ( [ ] , cueListProto ) ;
} ;
mediaelement . parseCueTextToHTML = ( function ( ) {
var tagSplits = /(<\/?[^>]+>)/ig ;
var allowedTags = /^(?:c|v|ruby|rt|b|i|u)/ ;
var regEnd = /\<\s*\// ;
var addToTemplate = function ( localName , attribute , tag , html ) {
var ret ;
if ( regEnd . test ( html ) ) {
ret = '</' + localName + '>' ;
} else {
tag . splice ( 0 , 1 ) ;
ret = '<' + localName + ' ' + attribute + '="' + ( tag . join ( ' ' ) . replace ( /\"/g , '"' ) ) + '">' ;
return ret ;
} ;
var replacer = function ( html ) {
var tag = html . replace ( /[<\/>]+/ig , "" ) . split ( /[\s\.]+/ ) ;
if ( tag [ 0 ] ) {
tag [ 0 ] = tag [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( allowedTags . test ( tag [ 0 ] ) ) {
if ( tag [ 0 ] == 'c' ) {
html = addToTemplate ( 'span' , 'class' , tag , html ) ;
} else if ( tag [ 0 ] == 'v' ) {
html = addToTemplate ( 'q' , 'title' , tag , html ) ;
} else {
html = "" ;
return html ;
} ;
return function ( cueText ) {
return cueText . replace ( tagSplits , replacer ) ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
var mapTtmlToVtt = function ( i ) {
var content = i + '' ;
var begin = this . getAttribute ( 'begin' ) || '' ;
var end = this . getAttribute ( 'end' ) || '' ;
var text = $ . trim ( $ . text ( this ) ) ;
if ( ! /\./ . test ( begin ) ) {
begin += '.000' ;
if ( ! /\./ . test ( end ) ) {
end += '.000' ;
content += '\n' ;
content += begin + ' --> ' + end + '\n' ;
content += text ;
return content ;
} ;
var ttmlTextToVTT = function ( ttml ) {
ttml = $ . parseXML ( ttml ) || [ ] ;
return $ ( ttml ) . find ( '[begin][end]' ) . map ( mapTtmlToVtt ) . get ( ) . join ( '\n\n' ) || '' ;
} ;
var loadingTracks = 0 ;
mediaelement . loadTextTrack = function ( mediaelem , track , trackData , _default ) {
var loadEvents = 'play playing loadedmetadata loadstart' ;
var obj = trackData . track ;
var load = function ( ) {
var error , ajax , createAjax ;
var isDisabled = obj . mode == 'disabled' ;
var videoState = ! ! ( $ . prop ( mediaelem , 'readyState' ) > 0 || $ . prop ( mediaelem , 'networkState' ) == 2 || ! $ . prop ( mediaelem , 'paused' ) ) ;
var src = ( ! isDisabled || videoState ) && ( $ . attr ( track , 'src' ) && $ . prop ( track , 'src' ) ) ;
if ( src ) {
$ ( mediaelem ) . off ( loadEvents , load ) . off ( 'updatetrackdisplay' , load ) ;
if ( ! trackData . readyState ) {
error = function ( ) {
loadingTracks -- ;
trackData . readyState = 3 ;
obj . cues = null ;
obj . activeCues = obj . shimActiveCues = obj . _shimActiveCues = null ;
$ ( track ) . triggerHandler ( 'error' ) ;
} ;
trackData . readyState = 1 ;
try {
obj . cues = mediaelement . createCueList ( ) ;
obj . activeCues = obj . shimActiveCues = obj . _shimActiveCues = mediaelement . createCueList ( ) ;
loadingTracks ++ ;
createAjax = function ( ) {
ajax = $ . ajax ( {
dataType : 'text' ,
url : src ,
success : function ( text ) {
loadingTracks -- ;
var contentType = ajax . getResponseHeader ( 'content-type' ) || '' ;
if ( ! contentType . indexOf ( 'application/xml' ) ) {
text = ttmlTextToVTT ( text ) ;
} else if ( contentType . indexOf ( 'text/vtt' ) ) {
webshims . error ( 'set the mime-type of your WebVTT files to text/vtt. see: http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/#text/vtt' ) ;
mediaelement . parseCaptions ( text , obj , function ( cues ) {
if ( cues && 'length' in cues ) {
trackData . readyState = 2 ;
$ ( track ) . triggerHandler ( 'load' ) ;
$ ( mediaelem ) . triggerHandler ( 'updatetrackdisplay' ) ;
} else {
error ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
error : error
} ) ;
} ;
if ( $ . ajax && $ . ajaxSettings . xhr ) {
if ( isDisabled ) {
setTimeout ( createAjax , loadingTracks * 2 ) ;
} else {
createAjax ( ) ;
} else {
webshims . ready ( 'jajax' , createAjax ) ;
webshims . loader . loadList ( [ 'jajax' ] ) ;
} catch ( er ) {
error ( ) ;
webshims . error ( er ) ;
} ;
trackData . readyState = 0 ;
obj . shimActiveCues = null ;
obj . _shimActiveCues = null ;
obj . activeCues = null ;
obj . cues = null ;
$ ( mediaelem ) . on ( loadEvents , load ) ;
if ( _default ) {
obj . mode = showTracks [ obj . kind ] ? 'showing' : 'hidden' ;
load ( ) ;
} else {
$ ( mediaelem ) . on ( 'updatetrackdisplay' , load ) ;
} ;
mediaelement . createTextTrack = function ( mediaelem , track ) {
var obj , trackData ;
if ( track . nodeName ) {
trackData = webshims . data ( track , 'trackData' ) ;
if ( trackData ) {
refreshTrack ( track , trackData ) ;
obj = trackData . track ;
if ( ! obj ) {
obj = createEventTarget ( webshims . objectCreate ( textTrackProto ) ) ;
if ( ! supportTrackMod ) {
copyProps . forEach ( function ( copyProp ) {
var prop = $ . prop ( track , copyProp ) ;
if ( prop ) {
obj [ copyName [ copyProp ] || copyProp ] = prop ;
} ) ;
if ( track . nodeName ) {
if ( supportTrackMod ) {
copyProps . forEach ( function ( copyProp ) {
webshims . defineProperty ( obj , copyName [ copyProp ] || copyProp , {
get : function ( ) {
return $ . prop ( track , copyProp ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
obj . id = $ ( track ) . prop ( 'id' ) ;
trackData = webshims . data ( track , 'trackData' , { track : obj } ) ;
mediaelement . loadTextTrack ( mediaelem , track , trackData , isDefaultTrack ( track ) ) ;
} else {
if ( supportTrackMod ) {
copyProps . forEach ( function ( copyProp ) {
webshims . defineProperty ( obj , copyName [ copyProp ] || copyProp , {
value : track [ copyProp ] ,
writeable : false
} ) ;
} ) ;
obj . cues = mediaelement . createCueList ( ) ;
obj . activeCues = obj . _shimActiveCues = obj . shimActiveCues = mediaelement . createCueList ( ) ;
obj . mode = 'hidden' ;
obj . readyState = 2 ;
if ( obj . kind == 'subtitles' && ! obj . language ) {
webshims . error ( 'you must provide a language for track in subtitles state' ) ;
obj . _ _wsmode = obj . mode ;
return obj ;
} ;
/ *
taken from :
Captionator 0.5 . 1 [ CaptionCrunch ]
Christopher Giffard , 2011
Share and enjoy
https : //github.com/cgiffard/Captionator
modified for webshims
* /
mediaelement . parseCaptionChunk = ( function ( ) {
// Set up timestamp parsers
var WebVTTTimestampParser = /^(\d{2})?:?(\d{2}):(\d{2})\.(\d+)\s+\-\-\>\s+(\d{2})?:?(\d{2}):(\d{2})\.(\d+)\s*(.*)/ ;
var WebVTTDEFAULTSCueParser = /^(DEFAULTS|DEFAULT)\s+\-\-\>\s+(.*)/g ;
var WebVTTSTYLECueParser = /^(STYLE|STYLES)\s+\-\-\>\s*\n([\s\S]*)/g ;
var WebVTTCOMMENTCueParser = /^(COMMENT|COMMENTS)\s+\-\-\>\s+(.*)/g ;
var SRTTimestampParser = /^(\d{2})?:?(\d{2}):(\d{2})[\.\,](\d+)\s+\-\-\>\s+(\d{2})?:?(\d{2}):(\d{2})[\.\,](\d+)\s*(.*)/ ;
return function ( subtitleElement , objectCount ) {
var subtitleParts , timeIn , timeOut , html , timeData , subtitlePartIndex , id ;
var timestampMatch , tmpCue ;
// WebVTT Special Cue Logic
if ( WebVTTDEFAULTSCueParser . exec ( subtitleElement ) || WebVTTCOMMENTCueParser . exec ( subtitleElement ) || WebVTTSTYLECueParser . exec ( subtitleElement ) ) {
return null ;
subtitleParts = subtitleElement . split ( /\n/g ) ;
// Trim off any blank lines (logically, should only be max. one, but loop to be sure)
while ( ! subtitleParts [ 0 ] . replace ( /\s+/ig , "" ) . length && subtitleParts . length > 0 ) {
subtitleParts . shift ( ) ;
if ( subtitleParts [ 0 ] . match ( /^\s*[a-z0-9-\_]+\s*$/ig ) ) {
// The identifier becomes the cue ID (when *we* load the cues from file. Programatically created cues can have an ID of whatever.)
id = String ( subtitleParts . shift ( ) . replace ( /\s*/ig , "" ) ) ;
for ( subtitlePartIndex = 0 ; subtitlePartIndex < subtitleParts . length ; subtitlePartIndex ++ ) {
var timestamp = subtitleParts [ subtitlePartIndex ] ;
if ( ( timestampMatch = WebVTTTimestampParser . exec ( timestamp ) ) || ( timestampMatch = SRTTimestampParser . exec ( timestamp ) ) ) {
// WebVTT
timeData = timestampMatch . slice ( 1 ) ;
timeIn = parseInt ( ( timeData [ 0 ] || 0 ) * 60 * 60 , 10 ) + // Hours
parseInt ( ( timeData [ 1 ] || 0 ) * 60 , 10 ) + // Minutes
parseInt ( ( timeData [ 2 ] || 0 ) , 10 ) + // Seconds
parseFloat ( "0." + ( timeData [ 3 ] || 0 ) ) ; // MS
timeOut = parseInt ( ( timeData [ 4 ] || 0 ) * 60 * 60 , 10 ) + // Hours
parseInt ( ( timeData [ 5 ] || 0 ) * 60 , 10 ) + // Minutes
parseInt ( ( timeData [ 6 ] || 0 ) , 10 ) + // Seconds
parseFloat ( "0." + ( timeData [ 7 ] || 0 ) ) ; // MS
/ *
if ( timeData [ 8 ] ) {
cueSettings = timeData [ 8 ] ;
* /
// We've got the timestamp - return all the other unmatched lines as the raw subtitle data
subtitleParts = subtitleParts . slice ( 0 , subtitlePartIndex ) . concat ( subtitleParts . slice ( subtitlePartIndex + 1 ) ) ;
break ;
if ( ! timeIn && ! timeOut ) {
// We didn't extract any time information. Assume the cue is invalid!
webshims . warn ( "couldn't extract time information: " + [ timeIn , timeOut , subtitleParts . join ( "\n" ) , id ] . join ( ' ; ' ) ) ;
return null ;
/ *
// Consolidate cue settings, convert defaults to object
var compositeCueSettings =
. reduce ( function ( previous , current , index , array ) {
previous [ current . split ( ":" ) [ 0 ] ] = current . split ( ":" ) [ 1 ] ;
return previous ;
} , { } ) ;
// Loop through cue settings, replace defaults with cue specific settings if they exist
compositeCueSettings =
. split ( /\s+/g )
. filter ( function ( set ) { return set && ! ! set . length ; } )
// Convert array to a key/val object
. reduce ( function ( previous , current , index , array ) {
previous [ current . split ( ":" ) [ 0 ] ] = current . split ( ":" ) [ 1 ] ;
return previous ;
} , compositeCueSettings ) ;
// Turn back into string like the VTTCue constructor expects
cueSettings = "" ;
for ( var key in compositeCueSettings ) {
if ( compositeCueSettings . hasOwnProperty ( key ) ) {
cueSettings += ! ! cueSettings . length ? " " : "" ;
cueSettings += key + ":" + compositeCueSettings [ key ] ;
* /
// The remaining lines are the subtitle payload itself (after removing an ID if present, and the time);
html = subtitleParts . join ( "\n" ) ;
tmpCue = new VTTCue ( timeIn , timeOut , html ) ;
if ( id ) {
tmpCue . id = id ;
return tmpCue ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
mediaelement . parseCaptions = function ( captionData , track , complete ) {
var cue , lazyProcess , regWevVTT , startDate , isWEBVTT ;
mediaelement . createCueList ( ) ;
if ( captionData ) {
regWevVTT = /^WEBVTT(\s*FILE)?/ig ;
lazyProcess = function ( i , len ) {
for ( ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
cue = captionData [ i ] ;
if ( regWevVTT . test ( cue ) ) {
isWEBVTT = true ;
} else if ( cue . replace ( /\s*/ig , "" ) . length ) {
cue = mediaelement . parseCaptionChunk ( cue , i ) ;
if ( cue ) {
track . addCue ( cue ) ;
if ( startDate < ( new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) ) - 30 ) {
i ++ ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
startDate = new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) ;
lazyProcess ( i , len ) ;
} , 90 ) ;
break ;
if ( i >= len ) {
if ( ! isWEBVTT ) {
webshims . error ( 'please use WebVTT format. This is the standard' ) ;
complete ( track . cues ) ;
} ;
captionData = captionData . replace ( /\r\n/g , "\n" ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
captionData = captionData . replace ( /\r/g , "\n" ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
startDate = new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) ;
captionData = captionData . split ( /\n\n+/g ) ;
lazyProcess ( 0 , captionData . length ) ;
} , 9 ) ;
} , 9 ) ;
} else {
webshims . error ( "Required parameter captionData not supplied." ) ;
} ;
mediaelement . createTrackList = function ( mediaelem , baseData ) {
baseData = baseData || webshims . data ( mediaelem , 'mediaelementBase' ) || webshims . data ( mediaelem , 'mediaelementBase' , { } ) ;
if ( ! baseData . textTracks ) {
baseData . textTracks = [ ] ;
webshims . defineProperties ( baseData . textTracks , {
onaddtrack : { value : null } ,
onremovetrack : { value : null } ,
onchange : { value : null } ,
getTrackById : {
value : function ( id ) {
var track = null ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < baseData . textTracks . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( id == baseData . textTracks [ i ] . id ) {
track = baseData . textTracks [ i ] ;
break ;
return track ;
} ) ;
createEventTarget ( baseData . textTracks ) ;
$ ( mediaelem ) . on ( 'updatetrackdisplay' , function ( ) {
var track ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < baseData . textTracks . length ; i ++ ) {
track = baseData . textTracks [ i ] ;
if ( track . _ _wsmode != track . mode ) {
track . _ _wsmode = track . mode ;
$ ( [ baseData . textTracks ] ) . triggerHandler ( 'change' ) ;
} ) ;
return baseData . textTracks ;
} ;
if ( ! support . track ) {
webshims . defineNodeNamesBooleanProperty ( [ 'track' ] , 'default' ) ;
webshims . reflectProperties ( [ 'track' ] , [ 'srclang' , 'label' ] ) ;
webshims . defineNodeNameProperties ( 'track' , {
src : {
//attr: {},
reflect : true ,
propType : 'src'
} ) ;
webshims . defineNodeNameProperties ( 'track' , {
kind : {
attr : support . track ? {
set : function ( value ) {
var trackData = webshims . data ( this , 'trackData' ) ;
this . setAttribute ( 'data-kind' , value ) ;
if ( trackData ) {
trackData . attrKind = value ;
} ,
get : function ( ) {
var trackData = webshims . data ( this , 'trackData' ) ;
if ( trackData && ( 'attrKind' in trackData ) ) {
return trackData . attrKind ;
return this . getAttribute ( 'kind' ) ;
} : { } ,
reflect : true ,
propType : 'enumarated' ,
defaultValue : 'subtitles' ,
limitedTo : [ 'subtitles' , 'captions' , 'descriptions' , 'chapters' , 'metadata' ]
} ) ;
$ . each ( copyProps , function ( i , copyProp ) {
var name = copyName [ copyProp ] || copyProp ;
webshims . onNodeNamesPropertyModify ( 'track' , copyProp , function ( ) {
var trackData = webshims . data ( this , 'trackData' ) ;
var track = this ;
if ( trackData ) {
if ( copyProp == 'kind' ) {
refreshTrack ( this , trackData ) ;
if ( ! supportTrackMod ) {
trackData . track [ name ] = $ . prop ( this , copyProp ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
webshims . onNodeNamesPropertyModify ( 'track' , 'src' , function ( val ) {
if ( val ) {
var data = webshims . data ( this , 'trackData' ) ;
var media ;
if ( data ) {
media = $ ( this ) . closest ( 'video, audio' ) ;
if ( media [ 0 ] ) {
mediaelement . loadTextTrack ( media , this , data ) ;
} ) ;
webshims . defineNodeNamesProperties ( [ 'track' ] , {
value : 3
} ,
value : 2
} ,
value : 1
} ,
NONE : {
value : 0
} ,
readyState : {
get : function ( ) {
return ( webshims . data ( this , 'trackData' ) || { readyState : 0 } ) . readyState ;
} ,
writeable : false
} ,
track : {
get : function ( ) {
return mediaelement . createTextTrack ( $ ( this ) . closest ( 'audio, video' ) [ 0 ] , this ) ;
} ,
writeable : false
} , 'prop' ) ;
webshims . defineNodeNamesProperties ( [ 'audio' , 'video' ] , {
textTracks : {
get : function ( ) {
var media = this ;
var baseData = webshims . data ( media , 'mediaelementBase' ) || webshims . data ( media , 'mediaelementBase' , { } ) ;
var tracks = mediaelement . createTrackList ( media , baseData ) ;
if ( ! baseData . blockTrackListUpdate ) {
updateMediaTrackList . call ( media , baseData , tracks ) ;
return tracks ;
} ,
writeable : false
} ,
addTextTrack : {
value : function ( kind , label , lang ) {
var textTrack = mediaelement . createTextTrack ( this , {
kind : dummyTrack . prop ( 'kind' , kind || '' ) . prop ( 'kind' ) ,
label : label || '' ,
srclang : lang || ''
} ) ;
var baseData = webshims . data ( this , 'mediaelementBase' ) || webshims . data ( this , 'mediaelementBase' , { } ) ;
if ( ! baseData . scriptedTextTracks ) {
baseData . scriptedTextTracks = [ ] ;
baseData . scriptedTextTracks . push ( textTrack ) ;
updateMediaTrackList . call ( this ) ;
return textTrack ;
} , 'prop' ) ;
var thUpdateList = function ( e ) {
if ( $ ( e . target ) . is ( 'audio, video' ) ) {
var baseData = webshims . data ( e . target , 'mediaelementBase' ) ;
if ( baseData ) {
clearTimeout ( baseData . updateTrackListTimer ) ;
baseData . updateTrackListTimer = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
updateMediaTrackList . call ( e . target , baseData ) ;
} , 0 ) ;
} ;
var getNativeReadyState = function ( trackElem , textTrack ) {
return textTrack . readyState || trackElem . readyState ;
} ;
var stopOriginalEvent = function ( e ) {
if ( e . originalEvent ) {
e . stopImmediatePropagation ( ) ;
} ;
var hideNativeTracks = function ( ) {
if ( webshims . implement ( this , 'track' ) ) {
var kind ;
var origTrack = this . track ;
if ( origTrack ) {
if ( ! webshims . bugs . track && ( origTrack . mode || getNativeReadyState ( this , origTrack ) ) ) {
$ . prop ( this , 'track' ) . mode = numericModes [ origTrack . mode ] || origTrack . mode ;
//disable track from showing + remove UI
kind = $ . prop ( this , 'kind' ) ;
origTrack . mode = ( typeof origTrack . mode == 'string' ) ? 'disabled' : 0 ;
this . kind = 'metadata' ;
$ ( this ) . attr ( { kind : kind } ) ;
$ ( this ) . on ( 'load error' , stopOriginalEvent ) ;
} ;
webshims . addReady ( function ( context , insertedElement ) {
var insertedMedia = insertedElement . filter ( 'video, audio, track' ) . closest ( 'audio, video' ) ;
$ ( 'video, audio' , context )
. add ( insertedMedia )
. each ( function ( ) {
updateMediaTrackList . call ( this ) ;
} )
. on ( 'emptied updatetracklist wsmediareload' , thUpdateList )
. each ( function ( ) {
if ( support . track ) {
var shimedTextTracks = $ . prop ( this , 'textTracks' ) ;
var origTextTracks = this . textTracks ;
if ( shimedTextTracks . length != origTextTracks . length ) {
webshims . warn ( "textTracks couldn't be copied" ) ;
$ ( 'track' , this ) . each ( hideNativeTracks ) ;
} )
insertedMedia . each ( function ( ) {
var media = this ;
var baseData = webshims . data ( media , 'mediaelementBase' ) ;
if ( baseData ) {
clearTimeout ( baseData . updateTrackListTimer ) ;
baseData . updateTrackListTimer = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
updateMediaTrackList . call ( media , baseData ) ;
} , 9 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
if ( support . texttrackapi ) {
$ ( 'video, audio' ) . trigger ( 'trackapichange' ) ;
} ) ;