La page trouve ton Gull est mieux présentée

This commit is contained in:
echarp 2014-07-27 02:06:54 +02:00
parent 1947463e83
commit 5de285378d
3 changed files with 16 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -150,7 +150,6 @@ main
font-size: larger
line-height: 1.1em
font-weight: bolder
vertical-align: middle
background-color: #9CC5EE
@include box-shadow(2px 2px 2px gray)
select, option

View File

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
- @lugs.each do |lug|
- if lug.url =~ /^http/
= image_tag lug.url+'/favicon.ico', alt: '', class: :favicon
@ -21,10 +23,8 @@
= lug.related_region
- if lug.url =~ /^http/
= image_tag lug.url+'/favicon.ico', alt: '', class: :favicon
= link_to lug.url, lug.url
= link_to t('show'), lug_url(lug, q: params[:q]), class: :view_link
= link_to t('show'), lug_url(lug, q: params[:q], page: params[:page]), class: :view_link
= paginate @lugs

View File

@ -6,19 +6,23 @@
= image_tag @lug.url+'/favicon.ico', alt: '', class: :favicon
%dt= Lug.human_attribute_name :city
%dt= Lug.human_attribute_name :department
%dd= @lug.department
%dt= Lug.human_attribute_name :related_region
%dd= @lug.related_region
%dt= Lug.human_attribute_name :url
%dd= link_to @lug.url, @lug.url
- if
%dt= Lug.human_attribute_name :city
- if @lug.department.present?
%dt= Lug.human_attribute_name :department
%dd= @lug.department
- if @lug.related_region.present?
%dt= Lug.human_attribute_name :related_region
%dd= @lug.related_region
- if @lug.url.present?
%dt= Lug.human_attribute_name :url
%dd= link_to @lug.url, @lug.url
%iframe(src="#{@lug.url}" width='1000' height='400' frameborder='none'
= link_to lugs_path(q: params[:q]), class: :back do
= link_to lugs_path(q: params[:q], page: params[:page]), class: :back do
= Lug.model_name.human.pluralize