Migration to tinymce v5
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ gem 'geocoder'
# Tiny MCE integration
gem 'tinymce-rails'
gem 'tinymce-rails-langs'
gem 'acts-as-taggable-on'
gem 'tagsinput-rails'
@ -397,10 +397,8 @@ GEM
thor (0.20.3)
thread_safe (0.3.6)
tilt (2.0.9)
tinymce-rails (4.9.4)
tinymce-rails (5.0.3)
railties (>= 3.1.1)
tinymce-rails-langs (4.20180103)
tinymce-rails (~> 4.1, >= 4.1.10)
turbolinks (5.2.0)
turbolinks-source (~> 5.2)
turbolinks-source (5.2.0)
@ -497,7 +495,6 @@ DEPENDENCIES
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
$(document).on 'turbolinks:load', ->
# Setup the graphical editor for event's description
schema: 'html5'
width: '100%'
height: '40em'
menubar: false
branding: false
@ -11,18 +11,15 @@ $(document).on 'turbolinks:load', ->
entity_encoding: 'raw'
add_unload_trigger: true
browser_spellcheck: true
style_formats_autohide: true
toolbar: [
' cut copy paste
| undo redo
| searchreplace
| link image media charmap table
| code visualblocks preview fullscreen',
' removeformat
| bold italic strikethrough
| superscript subscript
| bullist numlist
| alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify alignnone
| outdent indent'
| code visualblocks searchreplace',
' removeformat bold italic strikethrough superscript subscript
| bullist numlist outdent indent
| alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify alignnone'
plugins: 'lists, advlist, autolink, link, image, charmap, paste, print,
preview, table, fullscreen, searchreplace, media, insertdatetime,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
"Redo": "R\u00e9tablir",
"Undo": "Annuler",
"Cut": "Couper",
"Copy": "Copier",
"Paste": "Coller",
"Select all": "Tout s\u00e9lectionner",
"New document": "Nouveau document",
"Ok": "Ok",
"Cancel": "Annuler",
"Visual aids": "Aides visuelle",
"Bold": "Gras",
"Italic": "Italique",
"Underline": "Soulign\u00e9",
"Strikethrough": "Barr\u00e9",
"Superscript": "Exposant",
"Subscript": "Indice",
"Clear formatting": "Effacer la mise en forme",
"Align left": "Aligner \u00e0 gauche",
"Align center": "Centrer",
"Align right": "Aligner \u00e0 droite",
"Justify": "Justifier",
"Bullet list": "Puces",
"Numbered list": "Num\u00e9rotation",
"Decrease indent": "Diminuer le retrait",
"Increase indent": "Augmenter le retrait",
"Close": "Fermer",
"Formats": "Formats",
"Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X\/C\/V keyboard shortcuts instead.": "Votre navigateur ne supporte pas la copie directe. Merci d'utiliser les touches Ctrl+X\/C\/V.",
"Headers": "Titres",
"Header 1": "Titre 1",
"Header 2": "Titre 2",
"Header 3": "Titre 3",
"Header 4": "Titre 4",
"Header 5": "Titre 5",
"Header 6": "Titre 6",
"Headings": "En-t\u00eates",
"Heading 1": "En-t\u00eate 1",
"Heading 2": "En-t\u00eate 2",
"Heading 3": "En-t\u00eate 3",
"Heading 4": "En-t\u00eate 4",
"Heading 5": "En-t\u00eate 5",
"Heading 6": "En-t\u00eate 6",
"Preformatted": "Pr\u00e9-formatt\u00e9",
"Div": "Div",
"Pre": "Pre",
"Code": "Code",
"Paragraph": "Paragraphe",
"Blockquote": "Citation",
"Inline": "En ligne",
"Blocks": "Blocs",
"Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.": "Le presse-papiers est maintenant en mode \"texte plein\". Les contenus seront coll\u00e9s sans retenir les formatages jusqu'\u00e0 ce que vous d\u00e9sactiviez cette option.",
"Fonts": "Polices",
"Font Sizes": "Taille de police",
"Class": "Classe",
"Browse for an image": "Parcourir pour s\u00e9lectionner une image",
"OR": "OU",
"Drop an image here": "Glisser une image ici",
"Upload": "D\u00e9poser",
"Block": "Bloquer",
"Align": "Aligner",
"Default": "Par d\u00e9faut",
"Circle": "Cercle",
"Disc": "Disque",
"Square": "Carr\u00e9",
"Lower Alpha": "Alpha minuscule",
"Lower Greek": "Grec minuscule",
"Lower Roman": "Romain minuscule",
"Upper Alpha": "Alpha majuscule",
"Upper Roman": "Romain majuscule",
"Anchor...": "Ancre...",
"Name": "Nom",
"Id": "Id",
"Id should start with a letter, followed only by letters, numbers, dashes, dots, colons or underscores.": "L'Id doit commencer par une lettre suivi par des lettres, nombres, tirets, points, deux-points ou underscores",
"You have unsaved changes are you sure you want to navigate away?": "Vous avez des modifications non enregistr\u00e9es, \u00eates-vous s\u00fbr de quitter la page?",
"Restore last draft": "Restaurer le dernier brouillon",
"Special characters...": "Caract\u00e8res sp\u00e9ciaux...",
"Source code": "Code source",
"Insert\/Edit code sample": "Ins\u00e9rer \/ modifier une exemple de code",
"Language": "Langue",
"Code sample...": "Extrait de code...",
"Color Picker": "S\u00e9lecteur de couleur",
"R": "R",
"G": "V",
"B": "B",
"Left to right": "Gauche \u00e0 droite",
"Right to left": "Droite \u00e0 gauche",
"Emoticons...": "\u00c9motic\u00f4nes...",
"Metadata and Document Properties": "M\u00e9tadonn\u00e9es et propri\u00e9t\u00e9s du document",
"Title": "Titre",
"Keywords": "Mots-cl\u00e9s",
"Description": "Description",
"Robots": "Robots",
"Author": "Auteur",
"Encoding": "Encodage",
"Fullscreen": "Plein \u00e9cran",
"Action": "Action",
"Shortcut": "Raccourci",
"Help": "Aide",
"Address": "Adresse",
"Focus to menubar": "Cibler la barre de menu",
"Focus to toolbar": "Cibler la barre d'outils",
"Focus to element path": "Cibler le chemin vers l'\u00e9l\u00e9ment",
"Focus to contextual toolbar": "Cibler la barre d'outils contextuelle",
"Insert link (if link plugin activated)": "Ins\u00e9rer un lien (si le module link est activ\u00e9)",
"Save (if save plugin activated)": "Enregistrer (si le module save est activ\u00e9)",
"Find (if searchreplace plugin activated)": "Rechercher (si le module searchreplace est activ\u00e9)",
"Plugins installed ({0}):": "Modules install\u00e9s ({0}) : ",
"Premium plugins:": "Modules premium :",
"Learn more...": "En savoir plus...",
"You are using {0}": "Vous utilisez {0}",
"Plugins": "Plugins",
"Handy Shortcuts": "Raccourcis utiles",
"Horizontal line": "Ligne horizontale",
"Insert\/edit image": "Ins\u00e9rer\/modifier une image",
"Image description": "Description de l'image",
"Source": "Source",
"Dimensions": "Dimensions",
"Constrain proportions": "Conserver les proportions",
"General": "G\u00e9n\u00e9ral",
"Advanced": "Avanc\u00e9",
"Style": "Style",
"Vertical space": "Espacement vertical",
"Horizontal space": "Espacement horizontal",
"Border": "Bordure",
"Insert image": "Ins\u00e9rer une image",
"Image...": "Image...",
"Image list": "Liste d'images",
"Rotate counterclockwise": "Rotation anti-horaire",
"Rotate clockwise": "Rotation horaire",
"Flip vertically": "Retournement vertical",
"Flip horizontally": "Retournement horizontal",
"Edit image": "Modifier l'image",
"Image options": "Options de l'image",
"Zoom in": "Zoomer",
"Zoom out": "D\u00e9zoomer",
"Crop": "Rogner",
"Resize": "Redimensionner",
"Orientation": "Orientation",
"Brightness": "Luminosit\u00e9",
"Sharpen": "Affiner",
"Contrast": "Contraste",
"Color levels": "Niveaux de couleur",
"Gamma": "Gamma",
"Invert": "Inverser",
"Apply": "Appliquer",
"Back": "Retour",
"Insert date\/time": "Ins\u00e9rer date\/heure",
"Date\/time": "Date\/heure",
"Insert\/Edit Link": "Ins\u00e9rer\/Modifier un lien",
"Insert\/edit link": "Ins\u00e9rer\/modifier un lien",
"Text to display": "Texte \u00e0 afficher",
"Url": "Url",
"Open link in...": "Ouvrir le lien dans...",
"Current window": "Fen\u00eatre courante",
"None": "n\/a",
"New window": "Nouvelle fen\u00eatre",
"Remove link": "Enlever le lien",
"Anchors": "Ancres",
"Link...": "Lien...",
"Paste or type a link": "Coller ou taper un lien",
"The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?": "L'URL que vous avez entr\u00e9e semble \u00eatre une adresse e-mail. Voulez-vous ajouter le pr\u00e9fixe mailto: n\u00e9cessaire?",
"The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:\/\/ prefix?": "L'URL que vous avez entr\u00e9e semble \u00eatre un lien externe. Voulez-vous ajouter le pr\u00e9fixe http:\/\/ n\u00e9cessaire?",
"Link list": "Liste de liens",
"Insert video": "Ins\u00e9rer une vid\u00e9o",
"Insert\/edit video": "Ins\u00e9rer\/modifier une vid\u00e9o",
"Insert\/edit media": "Ins\u00e9rer\/modifier un m\u00e9dia",
"Alternative source": "Source alternative",
"Alternative source URL": "Source alternative",
"Media poster (Image URL)": "Affiche de m\u00e9dia (URL d'image)",
"Paste your embed code below:": "Collez votre code d'int\u00e9gration ci-dessous :",
"Embed": "Int\u00e9grer",
"Media...": "M\u00e9dia...",
"Nonbreaking space": "Espace ins\u00e9cable",
"Page break": "Saut de page",
"Paste as text": "Coller comme texte",
"Preview": "Pr\u00e9visualiser",
"Print...": "Imprimer...",
"Save": "Enregistrer",
"Find": "Chercher",
"Replace with": "Remplacer par",
"Replace": "Remplacer",
"Replace all": "Tout remplacer",
"Previous": "Pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent",
"Next": "Suiv",
"Find and replace...": "Chercher et remplacer...",
"Could not find the specified string.": "Impossible de trouver la cha\u00eene sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9e.",
"Match case": "Respecter la casse",
"Find whole words only": "Chercher uniquement les mots entiers",
"Spell check": "Lancer la correction orthographique",
"Ignore": "Ignorer",
"Ignore all": "Tout ignorer",
"Finish": "Finie",
"Add to Dictionary": "Ajouter au dictionnaire",
"Insert table": "Ins\u00e9rer un tableau",
"Table properties": "Propri\u00e9t\u00e9s du tableau",
"Delete table": "Supprimer le tableau",
"Cell": "Cellule",
"Row": "Ligne",
"Column": "Colonne",
"Cell properties": "Propri\u00e9t\u00e9s de la cellule",
"Merge cells": "Fusionner les cellules",
"Split cell": "Diviser la cellule",
"Insert row before": "Ins\u00e9rer une ligne avant",
"Insert row after": "Ins\u00e9rer une ligne apr\u00e8s",
"Delete row": "Effacer la ligne",
"Row properties": "Propri\u00e9t\u00e9s de la ligne",
"Cut row": "Couper la ligne",
"Copy row": "Copier la ligne",
"Paste row before": "Coller la ligne avant",
"Paste row after": "Coller la ligne apr\u00e8s",
"Insert column before": "Ins\u00e9rer une colonne avant",
"Insert column after": "Ins\u00e9rer une colonne apr\u00e8s",
"Delete column": "Effacer la colonne",
"Cols": "Colonnes",
"Rows": "Lignes",
"Width": "Largeur",
"Height": "Hauteur",
"Cell spacing": "Espacement inter-cellulles",
"Cell padding": "Espacement interne cellule",
"Show caption": "Afficher le sous-titre",
"Left": "Gauche",
"Center": "Centr\u00e9",
"Right": "Droite",
"Cell type": "Type de cellule",
"Scope": "Etendue",
"Alignment": "Alignement",
"H Align": "Alignement H",
"V Align": "Alignement V",
"Top": "Haut",
"Middle": "Milieu",
"Bottom": "Bas",
"Header cell": "Cellule d'en-t\u00eate",
"Row group": "Groupe de lignes",
"Column group": "Groupe de colonnes",
"Row type": "Type de ligne",
"Header": "En-t\u00eate",
"Body": "Corps",
"Footer": "Pied",
"Border color": "Couleur de la bordure",
"Insert template...": "Ins\u00e9rer un mod\u00e8le...",
"Templates": "Th\u00e8mes",
"Template": "Mod\u00e8le",
"Text color": "Couleur du texte",
"Background color": "Couleur d'arri\u00e8re-plan",
"Custom...": "Personnalis\u00e9...",
"Custom color": "Couleur personnalis\u00e9e",
"No color": "Aucune couleur",
"Remove color": "Supprimer la couleur",
"Table of Contents": "Table des mati\u00e8res",
"Show blocks": "Afficher les blocs",
"Show invisible characters": "Afficher les caract\u00e8res invisibles",
"Word count": "Nombre de mots",
"Words: {0}": "Mots : {0}",
"{0} words": "{0} mots",
"File": "Fichier",
"Edit": "Editer",
"Insert": "Ins\u00e9rer",
"View": "Voir",
"Format": "Format",
"Table": "Tableau",
"Tools": "Outils",
"Powered by {0}": "Propuls\u00e9 par {0}",
"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help": "Zone Texte Riche. Appuyer sur ALT-F9 pour le menu. Appuyer sur ALT-F10 pour la barre d'outils. Appuyer sur ALT-0 pour de l'aide.",
"Image title": "Titre d'image",
"Border width": "\u00c9paisseur de la bordure",
"Border style": "Style de la bordure",
"Error": "\u00c9rreur",
"Warn": "Avertissement",
"Valid": "Valide",
"To open the popup, press Shift+Enter": "Pour ouvrir la popup, presser Shift+Entr\u00e9e",
"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-0 for help.": "Zone de texte riche. Presser ALT-0 pour l'aide.",
"System Font": "Police syst\u00e8me",
"Failed to upload image: {0}": "\u00c9chec d'envoi de l'image : {0}",
"Failed to load plugin: {0} from url {1}": "\u00c9chec de chargement du module : {0} \u00e0 partir de l'URL {1}",
"Failed to load plugin url: {0}": "\u00c9chec de chargement de l'URL de module : {0}",
"Failed to initialize plugin: {0}": "\u00c9chec d'initialisation du module : {0}",
"example": "exemple",
"Search": "Rechercher",
"All": "Tous",
"Currency": "Mon\u00e9taire",
"Text": "Texte",
"Quotations": "Citations",
"Mathematical": "Math\u00e9matique",
"Extended Latin": "Latin \u00e9tendu",
"Symbols": "Symboles",
"Arrows": "Fl\u00e8ches",
"User Defined": "D\u00e9fini par l'utilisateur",
"dollar sign": "Symbole dollar",
"currency sign": "Symbole devise",
"euro-currency sign": "Symbole euro",
"colon sign": "Symbole col\u00f3n",
"cruzeiro sign": "Symbole cruzeiro",
"french franc sign": "Symbole franc fran\u00e7ais",
"lira sign": "Symbole lire",
"mill sign": "Symbole milli\u00e8me",
"naira sign": "Symbole naira",
"peseta sign": "Symbole peseta",
"rupee sign": "Symbole roupie",
"won sign": "Symbole won",
"new sheqel sign": "Symbole nouveau ch\u00e9kel",
"dong sign": "Symbole dong",
"kip sign": "Symbole kip",
"tugrik sign": "Symbole tougrik",
"drachma sign": "Symbole drachme",
"german penny symbol": "Symbole pfennig",
"peso sign": "Symbole peso",
"guarani sign": "Symbole guarani",
"austral sign": "Symbole austral",
"hryvnia sign": "Symbole hryvnia",
"cedi sign": "Symbole cedi",
"livre tournois sign": "Symbole livre tournois",
"spesmilo sign": "Symbole spesmilo",
"tenge sign": "Symbole tenge",
"indian rupee sign": "Symbole roupie indienne",
"turkish lira sign": "Symbole lire turque",
"nordic mark sign": "Symbole du mark nordique",
"manat sign": "Symbole manat",
"ruble sign": "Symbole rouble",
"yen character": "Sinogramme Yen",
"yuan character": "Sinogramme Yuan",
"yuan character, in hong kong and taiwan": "Sinogramme Yuan, Hong Kong et Taiwan",
"yen\/yuan character variant one": "Symbole Yen\/Yuan",
"Loading emoticons...": "Chargement des \u00e9motic\u00f4nes...",
"Could not load emoticons": "\u00c9chec de chargement des \u00e9motic\u00f4nes",
"People": "Smileys et personnes",
"Animals and Nature": "Animaux & nature",
"Food and Drink": "Nourriture & boisson",
"Activity": "Activit\u00e9",
"Travel and Places": "Voyages & lieux",
"Objects": "Objets",
"Flags": "Drapeaux",
"Characters": "Caract\u00e8res",
"Characters (no spaces)": "Caract\u00e8res (espaces non compris)",
"Error: Form submit field collision.": "Erreur : conflit de champ lors de la soumission du formulaire",
"Error: No form element found.": "Erreur : aucun \u00e9l\u00e9ment de formulaire trouv\u00e9.",
"Update": "Mettre \u00e0 jour",
"Color swatch": "Palette de couleurs",
"Turquoise": "Turquoise",
"Green": "Vert",
"Blue": "Bleu",
"Purple": "Violet",
"Navy Blue": "Bleu oc\u00e9an",
"Dark Turquoise": "Turquoise fonc\u00e9",
"Dark Green": "Vert fonc\u00e9",
"Medium Blue": "Bleu moyen",
"Medium Purple": "Violet moyen",
"Midnight Blue": "Bleu nuit",
"Yellow": "Jaune",
"Orange": "Orange",
"Red": "Rouge",
"Light Gray": "Gris clair",
"Gray": "Gris",
"Dark Yellow": "Jaune fonc\u00e9",
"Dark Orange": "Orange fonc\u00e9",
"Dark Red": "Rouge fonc\u00e9",
"Medium Gray": "Gris moyen",
"Dark Gray": "Gris fonc\u00e9",
"Black": "Noir",
"White": "Blanc",
"Switch to or from fullscreen mode": "Activer ou quitter le mode plein \u00e9cran",
"Open help dialog": "Ouvrir l'aide",
"history": "historique",
"styles": "styles",
"formatting": "mise en forme",
"alignment": "alignement",
"indentation": "indentation",
"permanent pen": "crayon ind\u00e9l\u00e9bile",
"comments": "commentaires",
"Anchor": "Ancre",
"Special character": "Caract\u00e8res sp\u00e9ciaux",
"Code sample": "Extrait de code",
"Color": "Couleur",
"Emoticons": "Emotic\u00f4nes",
"Document properties": "Propri\u00e9t\u00e9 du document",
"Image": "Image",
"Insert link": "Ins\u00e9rer un lien",
"Target": "Cible",
"Link": "Lien",
"Poster": "Publier",
"Media": "M\u00e9dia",
"Print": "Imprimer",
"Prev": "Pr\u00e9c ",
"Find and replace": "Trouver et remplacer",
"Whole words": "Mots entiers",
"Spellcheck": "V\u00e9rification orthographique",
"Caption": "Titre",
"Insert template": "Ajouter un th\u00e8me"
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
* Copyright (c) Tiny Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the LGPL or a commercial license.
* For LGPL see License.txt in the project root for license information.
* For commercial licenses see https://www.tiny.cloud/
* Jquery integration plugin.
* @class tinymce.core.JqueryIntegration
* @private
!function(){var f,c,u,p,d,s=[];d="undefined"!=typeof global?global:window,p=d.jQuery;var v=function(){
// Reference to tinymce needs to be lazily evaluated since tinymce
// might be loaded through the compressor or other means
return d.tinymce};p.fn.tinymce=function(o){var e,t,i,l=this,r="";
// No match then just ignore the call
if(!l.length)return l;
// Get editor instance
if(!o)return v()?v().get(l[0].id):null;l.css("visibility","hidden");// Hide textarea to avoid flicker
var n=function(){var a=[],c=0;
// Apply patches to the jQuery object, only once
// Create an editor instance for each matched node
l.each(function(e,t){var n,i=t.id,r=o.oninit;
// Generate unique id for target element if needed
// Only init the editor once
// Create editor instance and render it
n=v().createEditor(i,o),a.push(n),n.on("init",function(){var e,t=r;l.css("visibility",""),
// Run this if the oninit setting is defined
// this logic will fire the oninit callback ones each
// matched editor instance is initialized
r&&++c==a.length&&("string"==typeof t&&(e=-1===t.indexOf(".")?null:v().resolve(t.replace(/\.\w+$/,"")),t=v().resolve(t)),
// Call the oninit function with the object
// Render the editor instances in a separate loop since we
// need to have the full editors array used in the onInit calls
// Load TinyMCE on demand, if we need to
// Delay the init call until tinymce is loaded
// Check if it's a dev/src version they want to load then
// make sure that all plugins, themes etc are loaded in source mode as well
// Setup tinyMCEPreInit object this will later be used by the TinyMCE
// core script to locate other resources like CSS files, dialogs etc
// You can also predefined a tinyMCEPreInit object and then it will use that instead
// url contains gzip then we assume it's a compressor
// Check if compressor script is already loaded otherwise setup a basic one
d.tinyMCE_GZ||(d.tinyMCE_GZ={start:function(){var n=function(e){v().ScriptLoader.markDone(v().baseURI.toAbsolute(e))};
// Add core languages
// Add themes with languages
// Add plugins with languages
p.each(o.plugins.split(","),function(e,t){t&&(n("plugins/"+t+"/plugin"+r+".js"),n("plugins/"+t+"/langs/"+i+".js"))})},end:function(){}}));var a=document.createElement("script");a.type="text/javascript",a.onload=a.onreadystatechange=function(e){e=e||window.event,2===c||"load"!=e.type&&!/complete|loaded/.test(a.readyState)||(v().dom.Event.domLoaded=1,c=2,
// Execute callback after mainscript has been loaded and before the initialization occurs
o.script_loaded&&o.script_loaded(),n(),p.each(s,function(e,t){t()}))},a.src=e,document.body.appendChild(a)}return l},
// Add :tinymce pseudo selector this will select elements that has been converted into editor instances
// it's now possible to use things like $('*:tinymce') to get all TinyMCE bound elements.
p.extend(p.expr[":"],{tinymce:function(e){var t;return!!(e.id&&"tinymce"in d&&(t=v().get(e.id))&&t.editorManager===v())}});
// This function patches internal jQuery functions so that if
// you for example remove an div element containing an editor it's
// automatically destroyed by the TinyMCE API
var m=function(){
// Removes any child editor instances by looking for editor wrapper elements
var r=function(e){
// If the function is remove
"remove"===e&&this.each(function(e,t){var n=l(t);n&&n.remove()}),this.find("span.mceEditor,div.mceEditor").each(function(e,t){var n=v().get(t.id.replace(/_parent$/,""));n&&n.remove()})},o=function(i){var e,t=this;
// Handle set value
/*jshint eqnull:true */if(null!=i)r.call(t),
// Saves the contents before get/set value of textarea/div
t.each(function(e,t){var n;(n=v().get(t.id))&&n.setContent(i)});else if(0<t.length&&(e=v().get(t[0].id)))return e.getContent()},l=function(e){var t=null;return e&&e.id&&d.tinymce&&(t=v().get(e.id)),t},u=function(e){return!!(e&&e.length&&d.tinymce&&e.is(":tinymce"))},s={};
// Loads or saves contents from/to textarea if the value
// argument is defined it will set the TinyMCE internal contents
// Patch some setter/getter functions these will
// now be able to set/get the contents of editor instances for
// example $('#editorid').html('Content'); will update the TinyMCE iframe instance
p.each(["text","html","val"],function(e,t){var a=s[t]=p.fn[t],c="text"===t;p.fn[t]=function(e){var t=this;if(!u(t))return a.apply(t,arguments);if(e!==f)return o.call(t.filter(":tinymce"),e),a.apply(t.not(":tinymce"),arguments),t;// return original set for chaining
var i="",r=arguments;return(c?t:t.eq(0)).each(function(e,t){var n=l(t);i+=n?c?n.getContent().replace(/<(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">])*>/g,""):n.getContent({save:!0}):a.apply(p(t),r)}),i}}),
// Makes it possible to use $('#id').append("content"); to append contents to the TinyMCE editor iframe
p.each(["append","prepend"],function(e,t){var n=s[t]=p.fn[t],r="prepend"===t;p.fn[t]=function(i){var e=this;return u(e)?i!==f?("string"==typeof i&&e.filter(":tinymce").each(function(e,t){var n=l(t);n&&n.setContent(r?i+n.getContent():n.getContent()+i)}),n.apply(e.not(":tinymce"),arguments),e):void 0:n.apply(e,arguments)}}),
// Makes sure that the editor instance gets properly destroyed when the parent element is removed
p.each(["remove","replaceWith","replaceAll","empty"],function(e,t){var n=s[t]=p.fn[t];p.fn[t]=function(){return r.call(this,t),n.apply(this,arguments)}}),s.attr=p.fn.attr,
// Makes sure that $('#tinymce_id').attr('value') gets the editors current HTML contents
p.fn.attr=function(e,t){var n=this,i=arguments;if(!e||"value"!==e||!u(n))return s.attr.apply(n,i);if(t!==f)return o.call(n.filter(":tinymce"),t),s.attr.apply(n.not(":tinymce"),i),n;// return original set for chaining
var r=n[0],a=l(r);return a?a.getContent({save:!0}):s.attr.apply(p(r),i)}}}();
Binary file not shown.
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"Redo": "R\u00e9tablir",
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"Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X\/C\/V keyboard shortcuts instead.": "Votre navigateur ne supporte pas la copie directe. Merci d'utiliser les touches Ctrl+X\/C\/V.",
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"Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.": "Le presse-papiers est maintenant en mode \"texte plein\". Les contenus seront coll\u00e9s sans retenir les formatages jusqu'\u00e0 ce que vous d\u00e9sactiviez cette option.",
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"Anchor...": "Ancre...",
"Name": "Nom",
"Id": "Id",
"Id should start with a letter, followed only by letters, numbers, dashes, dots, colons or underscores.": "L'Id doit commencer par une lettre suivi par des lettres, nombres, tirets, points, deux-points ou underscores",
"You have unsaved changes are you sure you want to navigate away?": "Vous avez des modifications non enregistr\u00e9es, \u00eates-vous s\u00fbr de quitter la page?",
"Restore last draft": "Restaurer le dernier brouillon",
"Special characters...": "Caract\u00e8res sp\u00e9ciaux...",
"Source code": "Code source",
"Insert\/Edit code sample": "Ins\u00e9rer \/ modifier une exemple de code",
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"Code sample...": "Extrait de code...",
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"B": "B",
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"Right to left": "Droite \u00e0 gauche",
"Emoticons...": "\u00c9motic\u00f4nes...",
"Metadata and Document Properties": "M\u00e9tadonn\u00e9es et propri\u00e9t\u00e9s du document",
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"Help": "Aide",
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"Focus to toolbar": "Cibler la barre d'outils",
"Focus to element path": "Cibler le chemin vers l'\u00e9l\u00e9ment",
"Focus to contextual toolbar": "Cibler la barre d'outils contextuelle",
"Insert link (if link plugin activated)": "Ins\u00e9rer un lien (si le module link est activ\u00e9)",
"Save (if save plugin activated)": "Enregistrer (si le module save est activ\u00e9)",
"Find (if searchreplace plugin activated)": "Rechercher (si le module searchreplace est activ\u00e9)",
"Plugins installed ({0}):": "Modules install\u00e9s ({0}) : ",
"Premium plugins:": "Modules premium :",
"Learn more...": "En savoir plus...",
"You are using {0}": "Vous utilisez {0}",
"Plugins": "Plugins",
"Handy Shortcuts": "Raccourcis utiles",
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"Insert\/edit image": "Ins\u00e9rer\/modifier une image",
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"Source": "Source",
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"Insert image": "Ins\u00e9rer une image",
"Image...": "Image...",
"Image list": "Liste d'images",
"Rotate counterclockwise": "Rotation anti-horaire",
"Rotate clockwise": "Rotation horaire",
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"Flip horizontally": "Retournement horizontal",
"Edit image": "Modifier l'image",
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"Back": "Retour",
"Insert date\/time": "Ins\u00e9rer date\/heure",
"Date\/time": "Date\/heure",
"Insert\/Edit Link": "Ins\u00e9rer\/Modifier un lien",
"Insert\/edit link": "Ins\u00e9rer\/modifier un lien",
"Text to display": "Texte \u00e0 afficher",
"Url": "Url",
"Open link in...": "Ouvrir le lien dans...",
"Current window": "Fen\u00eatre courante",
"None": "n\/a",
"New window": "Nouvelle fen\u00eatre",
"Remove link": "Enlever le lien",
"Anchors": "Ancres",
"Link...": "Lien...",
"Paste or type a link": "Coller ou taper un lien",
"The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?": "L'URL que vous avez entr\u00e9e semble \u00eatre une adresse e-mail. Voulez-vous ajouter le pr\u00e9fixe mailto: n\u00e9cessaire?",
"The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:\/\/ prefix?": "L'URL que vous avez entr\u00e9e semble \u00eatre un lien externe. Voulez-vous ajouter le pr\u00e9fixe http:\/\/ n\u00e9cessaire?",
"Link list": "Liste de liens",
"Insert video": "Ins\u00e9rer une vid\u00e9o",
"Insert\/edit video": "Ins\u00e9rer\/modifier une vid\u00e9o",
"Insert\/edit media": "Ins\u00e9rer\/modifier un m\u00e9dia",
"Alternative source": "Source alternative",
"Alternative source URL": "Source alternative",
"Media poster (Image URL)": "Affiche de m\u00e9dia (URL d'image)",
"Paste your embed code below:": "Collez votre code d'int\u00e9gration ci-dessous :",
"Embed": "Int\u00e9grer",
"Media...": "M\u00e9dia...",
"Nonbreaking space": "Espace ins\u00e9cable",
"Page break": "Saut de page",
"Paste as text": "Coller comme texte",
"Preview": "Pr\u00e9visualiser",
"Print...": "Imprimer...",
"Save": "Enregistrer",
"Find": "Chercher",
"Replace with": "Remplacer par",
"Replace": "Remplacer",
"Replace all": "Tout remplacer",
"Previous": "Pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent",
"Next": "Suiv",
"Find and replace...": "Chercher et remplacer...",
"Could not find the specified string.": "Impossible de trouver la cha\u00eene sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9e.",
"Match case": "Respecter la casse",
"Find whole words only": "Chercher uniquement les mots entiers",
"Spell check": "Lancer la correction orthographique",
"Ignore": "Ignorer",
"Ignore all": "Tout ignorer",
"Finish": "Finie",
"Add to Dictionary": "Ajouter au dictionnaire",
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"Table properties": "Propri\u00e9t\u00e9s du tableau",
"Delete table": "Supprimer le tableau",
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"Split cell": "Diviser la cellule",
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"Insert row after": "Ins\u00e9rer une ligne apr\u00e8s",
"Delete row": "Effacer la ligne",
"Row properties": "Propri\u00e9t\u00e9s de la ligne",
"Cut row": "Couper la ligne",
"Copy row": "Copier la ligne",
"Paste row before": "Coller la ligne avant",
"Paste row after": "Coller la ligne apr\u00e8s",
"Insert column before": "Ins\u00e9rer une colonne avant",
"Insert column after": "Ins\u00e9rer une colonne apr\u00e8s",
"Delete column": "Effacer la colonne",
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"Cell padding": "Espacement interne cellule",
"Show caption": "Afficher le sous-titre",
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"Right": "Droite",
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"H Align": "Alignement H",
"V Align": "Alignement V",
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"Column group": "Groupe de colonnes",
"Row type": "Type de ligne",
"Header": "En-t\u00eate",
"Body": "Corps",
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"Border color": "Couleur de la bordure",
"Insert template...": "Ins\u00e9rer un mod\u00e8le...",
"Templates": "Th\u00e8mes",
"Template": "Mod\u00e8le",
"Text color": "Couleur du texte",
"Background color": "Couleur d'arri\u00e8re-plan",
"Custom...": "Personnalis\u00e9...",
"Custom color": "Couleur personnalis\u00e9e",
"No color": "Aucune couleur",
"Remove color": "Supprimer la couleur",
"Table of Contents": "Table des mati\u00e8res",
"Show blocks": "Afficher les blocs",
"Show invisible characters": "Afficher les caract\u00e8res invisibles",
"Word count": "Nombre de mots",
"Words: {0}": "Mots : {0}",
"{0} words": "{0} mots",
"File": "Fichier",
"Edit": "Editer",
"Insert": "Ins\u00e9rer",
"View": "Voir",
"Format": "Format",
"Table": "Tableau",
"Tools": "Outils",
"Powered by {0}": "Propuls\u00e9 par {0}",
"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help": "Zone Texte Riche. Appuyer sur ALT-F9 pour le menu. Appuyer sur ALT-F10 pour la barre d'outils. Appuyer sur ALT-0 pour de l'aide.",
"Image title": "Titre d'image",
"Border width": "\u00c9paisseur de la bordure",
"Border style": "Style de la bordure",
"Error": "\u00c9rreur",
"Warn": "Avertissement",
"Valid": "Valide",
"To open the popup, press Shift+Enter": "Pour ouvrir la popup, presser Shift+Entr\u00e9e",
"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-0 for help.": "Zone de texte riche. Presser ALT-0 pour l'aide.",
"System Font": "Police syst\u00e8me",
"Failed to upload image: {0}": "\u00c9chec d'envoi de l'image : {0}",
"Failed to load plugin: {0} from url {1}": "\u00c9chec de chargement du module : {0} \u00e0 partir de l'URL {1}",
"Failed to load plugin url: {0}": "\u00c9chec de chargement de l'URL de module : {0}",
"Failed to initialize plugin: {0}": "\u00c9chec d'initialisation du module : {0}",
"example": "exemple",
"Search": "Rechercher",
"All": "Tous",
"Currency": "Mon\u00e9taire",
"Text": "Texte",
"Quotations": "Citations",
"Mathematical": "Math\u00e9matique",
"Extended Latin": "Latin \u00e9tendu",
"Symbols": "Symboles",
"Arrows": "Fl\u00e8ches",
"User Defined": "D\u00e9fini par l'utilisateur",
"dollar sign": "Symbole dollar",
"currency sign": "Symbole devise",
"euro-currency sign": "Symbole euro",
"colon sign": "Symbole col\u00f3n",
"cruzeiro sign": "Symbole cruzeiro",
"french franc sign": "Symbole franc fran\u00e7ais",
"lira sign": "Symbole lire",
"mill sign": "Symbole milli\u00e8me",
"naira sign": "Symbole naira",
"peseta sign": "Symbole peseta",
"rupee sign": "Symbole roupie",
"won sign": "Symbole won",
"new sheqel sign": "Symbole nouveau ch\u00e9kel",
"dong sign": "Symbole dong",
"kip sign": "Symbole kip",
"tugrik sign": "Symbole tougrik",
"drachma sign": "Symbole drachme",
"german penny symbol": "Symbole pfennig",
"peso sign": "Symbole peso",
"guarani sign": "Symbole guarani",
"austral sign": "Symbole austral",
"hryvnia sign": "Symbole hryvnia",
"cedi sign": "Symbole cedi",
"livre tournois sign": "Symbole livre tournois",
"spesmilo sign": "Symbole spesmilo",
"tenge sign": "Symbole tenge",
"indian rupee sign": "Symbole roupie indienne",
"turkish lira sign": "Symbole lire turque",
"nordic mark sign": "Symbole du mark nordique",
"manat sign": "Symbole manat",
"ruble sign": "Symbole rouble",
"yen character": "Sinogramme Yen",
"yuan character": "Sinogramme Yuan",
"yuan character, in hong kong and taiwan": "Sinogramme Yuan, Hong Kong et Taiwan",
"yen\/yuan character variant one": "Symbole Yen\/Yuan",
"Loading emoticons...": "Chargement des \u00e9motic\u00f4nes...",
"Could not load emoticons": "\u00c9chec de chargement des \u00e9motic\u00f4nes",
"People": "Smileys et personnes",
"Animals and Nature": "Animaux & nature",
"Food and Drink": "Nourriture & boisson",
"Activity": "Activit\u00e9",
"Travel and Places": "Voyages & lieux",
"Objects": "Objets",
"Flags": "Drapeaux",
"Characters": "Caract\u00e8res",
"Characters (no spaces)": "Caract\u00e8res (espaces non compris)",
"Error: Form submit field collision.": "Erreur : conflit de champ lors de la soumission du formulaire",
"Error: No form element found.": "Erreur : aucun \u00e9l\u00e9ment de formulaire trouv\u00e9.",
"Update": "Mettre \u00e0 jour",
"Color swatch": "Palette de couleurs",
"Turquoise": "Turquoise",
"Green": "Vert",
"Blue": "Bleu",
"Purple": "Violet",
"Navy Blue": "Bleu oc\u00e9an",
"Dark Turquoise": "Turquoise fonc\u00e9",
"Dark Green": "Vert fonc\u00e9",
"Medium Blue": "Bleu moyen",
"Medium Purple": "Violet moyen",
"Midnight Blue": "Bleu nuit",
"Yellow": "Jaune",
"Orange": "Orange",
"Red": "Rouge",
"Light Gray": "Gris clair",
"Gray": "Gris",
"Dark Yellow": "Jaune fonc\u00e9",
"Dark Orange": "Orange fonc\u00e9",
"Dark Red": "Rouge fonc\u00e9",
"Medium Gray": "Gris moyen",
"Dark Gray": "Gris fonc\u00e9",
"Black": "Noir",
"White": "Blanc",
"Switch to or from fullscreen mode": "Activer ou quitter le mode plein \u00e9cran",
"Open help dialog": "Ouvrir l'aide",
"history": "historique",
"styles": "styles",
"formatting": "mise en forme",
"alignment": "alignement",
"indentation": "indentation",
"permanent pen": "crayon ind\u00e9l\u00e9bile",
"comments": "commentaires",
"Anchor": "Ancre",
"Special character": "Caract\u00e8res sp\u00e9ciaux",
"Code sample": "Extrait de code",
"Color": "Couleur",
"Emoticons": "Emotic\u00f4nes",
"Document properties": "Propri\u00e9t\u00e9 du document",
"Image": "Image",
"Insert link": "Ins\u00e9rer un lien",
"Target": "Cible",
"Link": "Lien",
"Poster": "Publier",
"Media": "M\u00e9dia",
"Print": "Imprimer",
"Prev": "Pr\u00e9c ",
"Find and replace": "Trouver et remplacer",
"Whole words": "Mots entiers",
"Spellcheck": "V\u00e9rification orthographique",
"Caption": "Titre",
"Insert template": "Ajouter un th\u00e8me"
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* Copyright (c) Tiny Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the LGPL or a commercial license.
* For LGPL see License.txt in the project root for license information.
* For commercial licenses see https://www.tiny.cloud/
* Version: 5.0.3 (2019-03-19)
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* Copyright (c) Tiny Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the LGPL or a commercial license.
* For LGPL see License.txt in the project root for license information.
* For commercial licenses see https://www.tiny.cloud/
* Version: 5.0.3 (2019-03-19)
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* Copyright (c) Tiny Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the LGPL or a commercial license.
* For LGPL see License.txt in the project root for license information.
* For commercial licenses see https://www.tiny.cloud/
* Version: 5.0.3 (2019-03-19)
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Binary file not shown.
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* Copyright (c) Tiny Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the LGPL or a commercial license.
* For LGPL see License.txt in the project root for license information.
* For commercial licenses see https://www.tiny.cloud/
* Version: 5.0.3 (2019-03-19)
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* Copyright (c) Tiny Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the LGPL or a commercial license.
* For LGPL see License.txt in the project root for license information.
* For commercial licenses see https://www.tiny.cloud/
* Version: 5.0.3 (2019-03-19)
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* Copyright (c) Tiny Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the LGPL or a commercial license.
* For LGPL see License.txt in the project root for license information.
* For commercial licenses see https://www.tiny.cloud/
* Version: 5.0.3 (2019-03-19)
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