diff --git a/.rubocop.yml b/.rubocop.yml index f0e0587f..350e6b2b 100644 --- a/.rubocop.yml +++ b/.rubocop.yml @@ -6,10 +6,11 @@ AllCops: Exclude: - db/schema.rb TargetRubyVersion: 2.5 -BlockLength: +Metrics/BlockLength: Exclude: - app/admin/*.rb - config/routes.rb + - config/environments/*.rb Rails/HttpPositionalArguments: Enabled: false Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile index 9ce15764..8851602a 100644 --- a/Gemfile +++ b/Gemfile @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ group :development do # running in the background. Read more: # https://github.com/rails/spring gem 'spring' - gem 'spring-watcher-listen', '~> 2.0.0' + gem 'spring-watcher-listen' # Use Puma as the app server gem 'puma' diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock index c1bc3d43..7a751c2b 100644 --- a/Gemfile.lock +++ b/Gemfile.lock @@ -27,18 +27,17 @@ GEM rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.3) actionview-encoded_mail_to (1.0.9) rails - activeadmin (2.4.0) + activeadmin (2.6.0) arbre (~> 1.2, >= 1.2.1) formtastic (~> 3.1) formtastic_i18n (~> 0.4) inherited_resources (~> 1.7) jquery-rails (~> 4.2) kaminari (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.1) - railties (>= 5.0, < 6.1) + railties (>= 5.2, < 6.1) ransack (~> 2.1, >= 2.1.1) sassc-rails (~> 2.1) sprockets (>= 3.0, < 4.1) - sprockets-es6 (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.2) activejob (5.2.3) activesupport (= 5.2.3) globalid (>= 0.3.6) @@ -65,15 +64,11 @@ GEM activesupport (>= 3.0.0) arel (9.0.0) ast (2.4.0) - babel-source (5.8.35) - babel-transpiler (0.7.0) - babel-source (>= 4.0, < 6) - execjs (~> 2.0) bcrypt (3.1.13) bindex (0.8.1) - brakeman (4.7.1) + brakeman (4.7.2) buftok (0.2.0) - builder (3.2.3) + builder (3.2.4) bundler-audit (0.6.1) bundler (>= 1.2.0, < 3) thor (~> 0.18) @@ -94,8 +89,8 @@ GEM railties (>= 4.1.0) responders warden (~> 1.2.3) - devise-i18n (1.8.2) - devise (>= 4.6) + devise-i18n (1.9.0) + devise (>= 4.7.1) differ (0.1.2) domain_name (0.5.20190701) unf (>= 0.0.5, < 1.0.0) @@ -109,10 +104,10 @@ GEM erubis (2.7.0) eventmachine (1.2.7) execjs (2.7.0) - ffi (1.11.1) + ffi (1.11.3) flag-icons-rails (3.1.0) sass (~> 3.2) - font-awesome-sass (5.11.2) + font-awesome-sass (5.12.0) sassc (>= 1.11) formatador (0.2.5) formtastic (3.1.5) @@ -166,7 +161,7 @@ GEM haml (>= 4.0.6, < 6.0) html2haml (>= 1.0.1) railties (>= 5.1) - haml_lint (0.34.0) + haml_lint (0.34.1) haml (>= 4.0, < 5.2) rainbow rubocop (>= 0.50.0) @@ -208,7 +203,7 @@ GEM rails-i18n rainbow (>= 2.2.2, < 4.0) terminal-table (>= 1.5.1) - icalendar (2.5.3) + icalendar (2.6.1) ice_cube (~> 0.16) ice_cube (0.16.3) inherited_resources (1.11.0) @@ -243,7 +238,7 @@ GEM rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4) rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7) ruby_dep (~> 1.2) - loofah (2.3.1) + loofah (2.4.0) crass (~> 1.0.2) nokogiri (>= 1.5.9) lumberjack (1.0.13) @@ -263,11 +258,11 @@ GEM modernizr-rails (2.7.1) multi_json (1.14.1) multipart-post (2.1.1) - mysql2 (0.5.2) + mysql2 (0.5.3) naught (1.1.0) nenv (0.3.0) nio4r (2.5.2) - nokogiri (1.10.5) + nokogiri (1.10.7) mini_portile2 (~> 2.4.0) notiffany (0.1.3) nenv (~> 0.1) @@ -276,7 +271,7 @@ GEM paper_trail (10.3.1) activerecord (>= 4.2) request_store (~> 1.1) - parallel (1.18.0) + parallel (1.19.1) parser ( ast (~> 2.4.0) piwik_analytics (1.0.2) @@ -291,9 +286,9 @@ GEM coderay (~> 1.1.0) method_source (~> 0.9.0) public_suffix (4.0.1) - puma (4.3.0) + puma (4.3.1) nio4r (~> 2.0) - rack (2.0.7) + rack (2.0.8) rack-livereload (0.3.17) rack rack-test (1.1.0) @@ -338,7 +333,7 @@ GEM rake (>= 0.8.7) thor (>= 0.19.0, < 2.0) rainbow (3.0.0) - rake (13.0.0) + rake (13.0.1) ransack (2.3.0) actionpack (>= 5.0) activerecord (>= 5.0) @@ -350,21 +345,21 @@ GEM ffi (~> 1.0) rdoc (6.2.0) ref (2.0.0) - request_store (1.4.1) + request_store (1.5.0) rack (>= 1.4) responders (3.0.0) actionpack (>= 5.0) railties (>= 5.0) - rubocop (0.76.0) + rubocop (0.78.0) jaro_winkler (~> 1.5.1) parallel (~> 1.10) parser (>= 2.6) rainbow (>= 2.2.2, < 4.0) ruby-progressbar (~> 1.7) unicode-display_width (>= 1.4.0, < 1.7) - rubocop-performance (1.5.0) + rubocop-performance (1.5.1) rubocop (>= 0.71.0) - rubocop-rails (2.3.2) + rubocop-rails (2.4.0) rack (>= 1.1) rubocop (>= 0.72.0) ruby-progressbar (1.10.1) @@ -398,15 +393,11 @@ GEM sprockets (4.0.0) concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) rack (> 1, < 3) - sprockets-es6 (0.9.2) - babel-source (>= 5.8.11) - babel-transpiler - sprockets (>= 3.0.0) sprockets-rails (3.2.1) actionpack (>= 4.0) activesupport (>= 4.0) sprockets (>= 3.0.0) - sqlite3 (1.4.1) + sqlite3 (1.4.2) strip_attributes (1.9.0) activemodel (>= 3.0, < 7.0) sysexits (1.2.0) @@ -421,7 +412,7 @@ GEM thor (0.20.3) thread_safe (0.3.6) tilt (2.0.10) - tinymce-rails (5.1.1) + tinymce-rails (5.1.4) railties (>= 3.1.1) turbolinks (5.2.1) turbolinks-source (~> 5.2) @@ -518,7 +509,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES sdoc simple_calendar spring - spring-watcher-listen (~> 2.0.0) + spring-watcher-listen sqlite3 strip_attributes tagsinput-rails diff --git a/app/models/event.rb b/app/models/event.rb index 635edaf3..c8367bd2 100644 --- a/app/models/event.rb +++ b/app/models/event.rb @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ class Event < ApplicationRecord after_destroy EventCallbacks + default_scope { includes(:taggings, :region) } scope :moderated, ->(*) { where moderated: true } scope :unmoderated, ->(*) { where moderated: false } scope :past, -> { where 'start_time <= ?', Time.zone.now } diff --git a/app/models/region.rb b/app/models/region.rb index ec15e4ec..9308cd24 100644 --- a/app/models/region.rb +++ b/app/models/region.rb @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ class Region < ApplicationRecord has_many :orgas, dependent: :destroy default_scope { order :name } - scope :top, ->(*) { where(region: nil).includes(:regions).reorder :code } - scope :local, ->(*) { where(url: nil).or(Region.where(url: '')) } + scope :top, -> { where(region: nil).includes(:regions).reorder :code } + scope :local, -> { where(url: [nil, '']) } scope :region, (lambda do |region| return if region.nil? || region == 'all' || region.to_i.zero? diff --git a/bin/setup b/bin/setup index e04536d2..3ebbe6fd 100755 --- a/bin/setup +++ b/bin/setup @@ -1,32 +1,34 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby -require 'pathname' require 'fileutils' # path to your application root. -APP_ROOT = Pathname.new File.expand_path('../', __dir__) +APP_ROOT = File.expand_path('..', __dir__) def system!(*args) system(*args) || abort("\n== Command #{args} failed ==") end -Dir.chdir APP_ROOT do - # This script is a starting point to setup your application. +FileUtils.chdir APP_ROOT do + # This script is a way to setup or update your development environment + # automatically. + # This script is idempotent, so that you can run it at anytime and get an + # expectable outcome. # Add necessary setup steps to this file. puts '== Installing dependencies ==' system! 'gem install bundler --conservative' system('bundle check') || system!('bundle install') - # Install JavaScript dependencies if using Yarn + # Install JavaScript dependencies # system('bin/yarn') # puts "\n== Copying sample files ==" # unless File.exist?('config/database.yml') - # cp 'config/database.yml.sample', 'config/database.yml' + # FileUtils.cp 'config/database.yml.sample', 'config/database.yml' # end puts "\n== Preparing database ==" - system! 'bin/rails db:setup' + system! 'bin/rails db:prepare' puts "\n== Removing old logs and tempfiles ==" system! 'bin/rails log:clear tmp:clear' diff --git a/bin/yarn b/bin/yarn index fc0bd659..d3627c34 100755 --- a/bin/yarn +++ b/bin/yarn @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby -VENDOR_PATH = File.expand_path('..', __dir__) -Dir.chdir(VENDOR_PATH) do - exec "yarnpkg #{ARGV.join(' ')}" +APP_ROOT = File.expand_path('..', __dir__) +Dir.chdir(APP_ROOT) do + exec 'yarnpkg', *ARGV rescue Errno::ENOENT warn 'Yarn executable was not detected in the system.' warn 'Download Yarn at https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install' diff --git a/config/application.rb b/config/application.rb index d30c5547..d063ba00 100644 --- a/config/application.rb +++ b/config/application.rb @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -require File.expand_path('boot', __dir__) +require_relative 'boot' require 'rails/all' require 'action_view/encoded_mail_to/mail_to_with_encoding' @@ -12,10 +12,12 @@ module AgendaDuLibreRails class Application < Rails::Application # Initialize configuration defaults for originally generated Rails version. config.load_defaults 5.1 + # Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified # here. - # Application configuration should go into files in config/initializers - # -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded. + # Application configuration can go into files in config/initializers + # -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded after loading + # the framework and any gems in your application. # Set Time.zone default to the specified zone and make Active Record # auto-convert to this zone. @@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ module AgendaDuLibreRails # config.i18n.load_path += # Dir[Rails.root.join('my', 'locales', '*.{rb,yml}').to_s] config.i18n.load_path += - Dir[Rails.root.join('config', 'locales', '**', '*.{rb,yml}')] + Dir[Rails.root.join('config/locales/**/*.{rb,yml}')] # config.i18n.default_locale = :de config.i18n.default_locale = :fr config.i18n.available_locales = %i[de en fr nl pt-BR] diff --git a/config/cable.yml b/config/cable.yml index 785004a8..f2dac6b6 100644 --- a/config/cable.yml +++ b/config/cable.yml @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ development: adapter: async test: - adapter: async + adapter: test production: adapter: redis - url: redis://localhost:6379/1 + url: <%= ENV.fetch("REDIS_URL") { "redis://localhost:6379/1" } %> channel_prefix: agenda_du_libre_rails_production diff --git a/config/environments/development.rb b/config/environments/development.rb index d22c2572..7d9ed225 100644 --- a/config/environments/development.rb +++ b/config/environments/development.rb @@ -14,12 +14,14 @@ Rails.application.configure do config.consider_all_requests_local = true # Enable/disable caching. By default caching is disabled. - if Rails.root.join('tmp', 'caching-dev.txt').exist? + # Run rails dev:cache to toggle caching. + if Rails.root.join('tmp/caching-dev.txt').exist? config.action_controller.perform_caching = true + config.action_controller.enable_fragment_cache_logging = true config.cache_store = :memory_store config.public_file_server.headers = { - 'Cache-Control' => "public, max-age=#{2.days.seconds.to_i}" + 'Cache-Control' => "public, max-age=#{2.days.to_i}" } else config.action_controller.perform_caching = false @@ -27,8 +29,13 @@ Rails.application.configure do config.cache_store = :null_store end + # Store uploaded files on the local file system (see config/storage.yml for + # options). + config.active_storage.service = :local + # Don't care if the mailer can't send. config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false + config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = { openssl_verify_mode: 'none' } config.action_mailer.perform_caching = false @@ -38,6 +45,9 @@ Rails.application.configure do # Raise an error on page load if there are pending migrations. config.active_record.migration_error = :page_load + # Highlight code that triggered database queries in logs. + config.active_record.verbose_query_logs = true + # Debug mode disables concatenation and preprocessing of assets. # This option may cause significant delays in view rendering with a large # number of complex assets. @@ -46,7 +56,7 @@ Rails.application.configure do # Suppress logger output for asset requests. config.assets.quiet = true - # Raises error for missing translations + # Raises error for missing translations. # config.action_view.raise_on_missing_translations = true # To have assets Local Precompilation, we need to use another path in dev diff --git a/config/environments/production.rb b/config/environments/production.rb index 38ec8139..e958d24f 100644 --- a/config/environments/production.rb +++ b/config/environments/production.rb @@ -15,25 +15,22 @@ Rails.application.configure do config.consider_all_requests_local = false config.action_controller.perform_caching = true - # Attempt to read encrypted secrets from `config/secrets.yml.enc`. - # Requires an encryption key in `ENV["RAILS_MASTER_KEY"]` or - # `config/secrets.yml.key`. - config.read_encrypted_secrets = true + # Ensures that a master key has been made available in either + # ENV["RAILS_MASTER_KEY"] + # or in config/master.key. This key is used to decrypt credentials (and other + # encrypted files). + # config.require_master_key = true # Disable serving static files from the `/public` folder by default since # Apache or NGINX already handles this. config.public_file_server.enabled = ENV['RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES'].present? - # Compress JavaScripts and CSS. - config.assets.js_compressor = :uglifier + # Compress CSS using a preprocessor. # config.assets.css_compressor = :sass # Do not fallback to assets pipeline if a precompiled asset is missed. config.assets.compile = false - # `config.assets.precompile` and `config.assets.version` have moved to - # config/initializers/assets.rb - # Enable serving of images, stylesheets, and JavaScripts from an asset server. # config.action_controller.asset_host = 'http://assets.example.com' @@ -41,7 +38,11 @@ Rails.application.configure do # config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Sendfile' # for Apache # config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Accel-Redirect' # for NGINX - # Mount Action Cable outside main process or domain + # Store uploaded files on the local file system (see config/storage.yml for + # options). + config.active_storage.service = :local + + # Mount Action Cable outside main process or domain. # config.action_cable.mount_path = nil # config.action_cable.url = 'wss://example.com/cable' # config.action_cable.allowed_request_origins = [ 'http://example.com', @@ -62,9 +63,10 @@ Rails.application.configure do # config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store # Use a real queuing backend for Active Job (and separate queues per - # environment) + # environment). # config.active_job.queue_adapter = :resque - # config.active_job.queue_name_prefix = "agenda_du_libre_rails_#{Rails.env}" + # config.active_job.queue_name_prefix = "agenda_du_libre_rails_production" + config.action_mailer.perform_caching = false # Ignore bad email addresses and do not raise email delivery errors. @@ -95,4 +97,27 @@ Rails.application.configure do # Do not dump schema after migrations. config.active_record.dump_schema_after_migration = false + + # Inserts middleware to perform automatic connection switching. + # The `database_selector` hash is used to pass options to the DatabaseSelector + # middleware. The `delay` is used to determine how long to wait after a write + # to send a subsequent read to the primary. + # + # The `database_resolver` class is used by the middleware to determine which + # database is appropriate to use based on the time delay. + # + # The `database_resolver_context` class is used by the middleware to set + # timestamps for the last write to the primary. The resolver uses the context + # class timestamps to determine how long to wait before reading from the + # replica. + # + # By default Rails will store a last write timestamp in the session. The + # DatabaseSelector middleware is designed as such you can define your own + # strategy for connection switching and pass that into the middleware through + # these configuration options. + # config.active_record.database_selector = { delay: 2.seconds } + # config.active_record.database_resolver = + # ActiveRecord::Middleware::DatabaseSelector::Resolver + # config.active_record.database_resolver_context = + # ActiveRecord::Middleware::DatabaseSelector::Resolver::Session end diff --git a/config/environments/test.rb b/config/environments/test.rb index 8b646ab5..ccd15662 100644 --- a/config/environments/test.rb +++ b/config/environments/test.rb @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ +# The test environment is used exclusively to run your application's +# test suite. You never need to work with it otherwise. Remember that +# your test database is "scratch space" for the test suite and is wiped +# and recreated between test runs. Don't rely on the data there! + Rails.application.configure do # Settings specified here will take precedence over those in # config/application.rb. - # The test environment is used exclusively to run your application's - # test suite. You never need to work with it otherwise. Remember that - # your test database is "scratch space" for the test suite and is wiped - # and recreated between test runs. Don't rely on the data there! config.cache_classes = true # Do not eager load code on boot. This avoids loading your whole application @@ -16,18 +17,23 @@ Rails.application.configure do # Configure public file server for tests with Cache-Control for performance. config.public_file_server.enabled = true config.public_file_server.headers = { - 'Cache-Control' => "public, max-age=#{1.hour.seconds.to_i}" + 'Cache-Control' => "public, max-age=#{1.hour.to_i}" } # Show full error reports and disable caching. config.consider_all_requests_local = true config.action_controller.perform_caching = false + config.cache_store = :null_store # Raise exceptions instead of rendering exception templates. config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = false # Disable request forgery protection in test environment. config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false + + # Store uploaded files on the local file system in a temporary directory. + config.active_storage.service = :test + config.action_mailer.perform_caching = false # Tell Action Mailer not to deliver emails to the real world. @@ -38,6 +44,6 @@ Rails.application.configure do # Print deprecation notices to the stderr. config.active_support.deprecation = :stderr - # Raises error for missing translations + # Raises error for missing translations. # config.action_view.raise_on_missing_translations = true end diff --git a/config/locales/en.yml b/config/locales/en.yml index 7788d253..59f22962 100644 --- a/config/locales/en.yml +++ b/config/locales/en.yml @@ -1,3 +1,34 @@ +# Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization +# and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other +# than English, add the necessary files in this directory. +# +# To use the locales, use `I18n.t`: +# +# I18n.t 'hello' +# +# In views, this is aliased to just `t`: +# +# <%= t('hello') %> +# +# To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`: +# +# I18n.locale = :es +# +# This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml. +# +# The following keys must be escaped otherwise they will not be retrieved by +# the default I18n backend: +# +# true, false, on, off, yes, no +# +# Instead, surround them with single quotes. +# +# en: +# 'true': 'foo' +# +# To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide +# available at https://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html. + en: date: formats: diff --git a/config/puma.rb b/config/puma.rb index d501a19c..d9cb77c5 100644 --- a/config/puma.rb +++ b/config/puma.rb @@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ # the maximum value specified for Puma. Default is set to 5 threads for minimum # and maximum; this matches the default thread size of Active Record. # -threads_count = ENV.fetch('RAILS_MAX_THREADS') { 5 } -threads threads_count, threads_count +max_threads_count = ENV.fetch('RAILS_MAX_THREADS') { 5 } +min_threads_count = ENV.fetch('RAILS_MIN_THREADS') { max_threads_count } +threads min_threads_count, max_threads_count # Specifies the `port` that Puma will listen on to receive requests; default is # 3000. @@ -16,8 +17,11 @@ port ENV.fetch('PORT') { 3000 } # environment ENV.fetch('RAILS_ENV') { 'development' } +# Specifies the `pidfile` that Puma will use. +pidfile ENV.fetch('PIDFILE') { 'tmp/pids/server.pid' } + # Specifies the number of `workers` to boot in clustered mode. -# Workers are forked webserver processes. If using threads and workers together +# Workers are forked web server processes. If using threads and workers together # the concurrency of the application would be max `threads` * `workers`. # Workers do not work on JRuby or Windows (both of which do not support # processes). @@ -27,31 +31,9 @@ environment ENV.fetch('RAILS_ENV') { 'development' } # Use the `preload_app!` method when specifying a `workers` number. # This directive tells Puma to first boot the application and load code # before forking the application. This takes advantage of Copy On Write -# process behavior so workers use less memory. If you use this option -# you need to make sure to reconnect any threads in the `on_worker_boot` -# block. +# process behavior so workers use less memory. # # preload_app! -# If you are preloading your application and using Active Record, it's -# recommended that you close any connections to the database before workers -# are forked to prevent connection leakage. -# -# before_fork do -# ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.disconnect! if defined?(ActiveRecord) -# end - -# The code in the `on_worker_boot` will be called if you are using -# clustered mode by specifying a number of `workers`. After each worker -# process is booted, this block will be run. If you are using the `preload_app!` -# option, you will want to use this block to reconnect to any threads -# or connections that may have been created at application boot, as Ruby -# cannot share connections between processes. -# -# on_worker_boot do -# ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection if defined?(ActiveRecord) -# end -# - # Allow puma to be restarted by `rails restart` command. plugin :tmp_restart diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb index 0f85ad1b..5ce574cd 100644 --- a/config/routes.rb +++ b/config/routes.rb @@ -108,4 +108,5 @@ Rails.application.routes.draw do # # (app/controllers/admin/products_controller.rb) # resources :products # end + # For details on the DSL available within this file, see https://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html end diff --git a/db/schema.rb b/db/schema.rb index 1b9e697f..9ef62b7d 100644 --- a/db/schema.rb +++ b/db/schema.rb @@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ # of editing this file, please use the migrations feature of Active Record to # incrementally modify your database, and then regenerate this schema definition. # -# Note that this schema.rb definition is the authoritative source for your -# database schema. If you need to create the application database on another -# system, you should be using db:schema:load, not running all the migrations -# from scratch. The latter is a flawed and unsustainable approach (the more migrations -# you'll amass, the slower it'll run and the greater likelihood for issues). +# This file is the source Rails uses to define your schema when running `rails +# db:schema:load`. When creating a new database, `rails db:schema:load` tends to +# be faster and is potentially less error prone than running all of your +# migrations from scratch. Old migrations may fail to apply correctly if those +# migrations use external dependencies or application code. # # It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system. -ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2019_05_09_170714) do +ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2019_11_08_220522) do create_table "active_admin_comments", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "namespace" diff --git a/test/models/region_test.rb b/test/models/region_test.rb index 6158b623..95e33fce 100644 --- a/test/models/region_test.rb +++ b/test/models/region_test.rb @@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ require 'test_helper' class RegionTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test 'proper timezone' do assert regions(:region_one).tzid.present? - assert regions(:region_one).tzid == 'Europe/Paris' + assert_equal 'Europe/Paris', regions(:region_one).tzid end test 'check québec timezone is local timezone' do - assert regions(:region_quebec).tzid == Time.now.zone + assert_equal Time.now.zone, regions(:region_quebec).tzid end test 'check other timezone is local timezone' do - assert regions(:region_other).tzid == 'CEST' + assert_equal 'CET', regions(:region_other).tzid end end