# Adding parent regions class AddParentRegionToRegion < ActiveRecord::Migration def change add_reference :regions, :region, index: true, foreign_key: true add_column :regions, :code, :string add_column :regions, :url, :string reversible do |dir| dir.up { create_countries } dir.down { destroy_countries } end to = current_instance Region.where(url: nil).each { |r| r.update region_id: to } if to end private # Creates the 5 countries corresponding to the 5 main adl instances def create_countries say 'Creates one country/region per (known) agenda: BE, BR, FR, CA-QC, CH' [ { name: 'Belgique', code: :BE, url: '//www.agendadulibre.be' }, { name: 'Brasil', code: :BR, url: 'http://agenda.softwarelivre.org' }, { name: 'France', code: :FR, url: '//www.agendadulibre.org' }, { name: 'Québec', code: 'CA-QC', url: 'http://agendadulibre.qc.ca' }, { name: 'Suisse', code: :CH, url: '//www.agendadulibre.ch' } ].each { |country| Region.create country } end # Attemps to find the proper country associated with your instance def current_instance [ ['Namur', :BE], ['Acre', :BR], %w[Montréal CA-QC], ['Berne', :CH], ['Bretagne', :FR] ].find do |data| return Region.find_by(code: data[1]).id if Region.exists? name: data[0] end end # Removes the 5 countries corresponding to the main known instances def destroy_countries Region.find_by(name: 'Belgique').try :destroy Region.find_by(name: 'Brasil').try :destroy Region.find_by(name: 'France').try :destroy Region.find_by(name: 'Québec').try :destroy Region.find_by(name: 'Suisse').try :destroy end end