# This is the central ADL class, where are managed all events class Event < ActiveRecord::Base extend SimpleCalendar belongs_to :related_region, foreign_key: 'region', class_name: Region has_many :notes, dependent: :destroy has_one :related_city, foreign_key: :name, primary_key: :city, class_name: City validates :title, presence: true validates :description, presence: true validates :city, presence: true validates :related_region, presence: true validates :url, presence: true, format: %r{\Ahttps?:\/\/.*\z} validates :contact, presence: true validates :contact, email: true validates :submitter, email: true geocoded_by :full_address, lookup: :nominatim # after_validation :geocode, if: -> (obj) { obj.address_changed? } after_validation :geocode scope :moderated, -> { where moderated: true } scope :unmoderated, -> { where moderated: false } scope :last_year, -> { where 'start_time >= ?', 360.days.ago } scope :past, (lambda do where('end_time < ?', DateTime.now).order start_time: :desc end) scope :future, (lambda do where('? <= end_time', DateTime.now).order start_time: :asc end) scope :future_in, (lambda do |days| days ||= '30' where('? <= start_time and end_time <= ?', DateTime.now, days.to_i.days.from_now) .order :start_time end) scope :year, (lambda do |year| where '? <= end_time and start_time <= ?', Date.new(year, 1, 1).beginning_of_week, Date.new(year, 12, 31).end_of_week end) scope :month, (lambda do |start_date| start_date ||= Date.today.beginning_of_month where '? <= end_time and start_time <= ?', start_date.beginning_of_week, start_date.end_of_month.end_of_week end) scope :region, -> region { where 'region = ? or locality', region } scope :tag, -> tag { where 'tags like ?', "%#{tag}%" } scope :geo, -> { where 'latitude is not null and longitude is not null' } before_validation on: :create do self.submission_time = DateTime.now self.decision_time = DateTime.now self.submitter = contact if submitter.empty? end before_validation on: :update do if address_changed? self.latitude = nil self.longitude = nil end end before_create do self.secret = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32)[0...32] self.moderator_mail_id = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32)[0...32] self.submitter_mail_id = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32)[0...32] end before_update do if moderated? && moderated_was != moderated self.decision_time = DateTime.now end end def same_day? start_time.to_date == end_time.to_date end def to_json { type: 'Feature', properties: { name: title, popupContent: "#{city}: #{title}" }, geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [longitude, latitude] } } end def full_address [address, city, related_region.name].compact.join(', ') end end