# Setting up OpenStreeMap from a generic #map element $(document).ready -> $('#map.list').each -> map = L.map 'map' L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', attribution: '© OpenStreetMap' ).addTo map controls = L.control.layers(null, null, collapsed: false).addTo map $('li a', this).each -> url = $(this).attr 'href' text = $(this).html() if location.search && url.indexOf('?') >= 0 url += '&' + location.search.substr 1 else url += location.search $.getJSON url, (json) -> if json count = 0 layer = L.markerClusterGroup(maxClusterRadius: 30).addLayer L.geoJson json, onEachFeature: (feature, layer) -> # Does this feature have a property named popupContent? if (feature.properties && feature.properties.popupContent) layer.bindPopup feature.properties.popupContent count++ map.addLayer layer controls.addOverlay layer, text + ' - ' + count if (location.href.contains('maps/') || url.contains('maps.json')) && layer.getBounds()._northEast && layer.getBounds()._southWest # Automatic focus to all displayed events map.fitBounds layer.getBounds() $('#map.event, #map.orga').each -> coord = [$(this).data('latitude'), $(this).data('longitude')] map = L.map('map').setView [coord[0], coord[1]], 16 L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', attribution: '© OpenStreetMap' ).addTo map url = $(this).data 'url' if location.search && url.indexOf('?') >= 0 url += '&' + location.search.substr 1 else url += location.search $.getJSON url, (json) -> layer = L.markerClusterGroup(maxClusterRadius: 30).addLayer L.geoJson json, onEachFeature: (feature, layer) -> # Does this feature have a property named popupContent? if (feature.properties && feature.properties.popupContent) layer.bindPopup(feature.properties.popupContent) map.addLayer layer marker = L.marker([coord[0], coord[1]]).addTo map