# frozen_string_literal: true require 'i18n/tasks' class I18nTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup @i18n = I18n::Tasks::BaseTask.new @missing_keys = @i18n.missing_keys @unused_keys = @i18n.unused_keys end def disable_test_no_missing_keys assert_empty @missing_keys, "Missing #{@missing_keys.leaves.count} i18n keys, run `i18n-tasks missing' to show them" end def disable_test_no_unused_keys assert_empty @unused_keys, "#{@unused_keys.leaves.count} unused i18n keys, run `i18n-tasks unused' to show them" end def disable_test_files_are_normalized non_normalized = @i18n.non_normalized_paths error_message = "The following files need to be normalized:\n" \ "#{non_normalized.map { |path| " #{path}" }.join("\n")}\n" \ "Please run `i18n-tasks normalize' to fix" assert_empty non_normalized, error_message end def disable_test_no_inconsistent_interpolations inconsistent_interpolations = @i18n.inconsistent_interpolations error_message = "#{inconsistent_interpolations.leaves.count} i18n keys have inconsistent interpolations.\n" \ "Please run `i18n-tasks check-consistent-interpolations' to show them" assert_empty inconsistent_interpolations, error_message end end