/* * File: iframeResizer.js * Desc: Force iframes to size to content. * Requires: iframeResizer.contentWindow.js to be loaded into the target frame. * Doc: https://github.com/davidjbradshaw/iframe-resizer * Author: David J. Bradshaw - dave@bradshaw.net * Contributor: Jure Mav - jure.mav@gmail.com * Contributor: Reed Dadoune - reed@dadoune.com */ // eslint-disable-next-line sonarjs/cognitive-complexity, no-shadow-restricted-names ;(function(undefined) { if (typeof window === 'undefined') return // don't run for server side render var count = 0, logEnabled = false, hiddenCheckEnabled = false, msgHeader = 'message', msgHeaderLen = msgHeader.length, msgId = '[iFrameSizer]', // Must match iframe msg ID msgIdLen = msgId.length, pagePosition = null, requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame, resetRequiredMethods = { max: 1, scroll: 1, bodyScroll: 1, documentElementScroll: 1 }, settings = {}, timer = null, defaults = { autoResize: true, bodyBackground: null, bodyMargin: null, bodyMarginV1: 8, bodyPadding: null, checkOrigin: true, inPageLinks: false, enablePublicMethods: true, heightCalculationMethod: 'bodyOffset', id: 'iFrameResizer', interval: 32, log: false, maxHeight: Infinity, maxWidth: Infinity, minHeight: 0, minWidth: 0, resizeFrom: 'parent', scrolling: false, sizeHeight: true, sizeWidth: false, warningTimeout: 5000, tolerance: 0, widthCalculationMethod: 'scroll', onClosed: function() {}, onInit: function() {}, onMessage: function() { warn('onMessage function not defined') }, onResized: function() {}, onScroll: function() { return true } } function getMutationObserver() { return ( window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver ) } function addEventListener(el, evt, func) { el.addEventListener(evt, func, false) } function removeEventListener(el, evt, func) { el.removeEventListener(evt, func, false) } function setupRequestAnimationFrame() { var vendors = ['moz', 'webkit', 'o', 'ms'] var x // Remove vendor prefixing if prefixed and break early if not for (x = 0; x < vendors.length && !requestAnimationFrame; x += 1) { requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x] + 'RequestAnimationFrame'] } if (!requestAnimationFrame) { log('setup', 'RequestAnimationFrame not supported') } } function getMyID(iframeId) { var retStr = 'Host page: ' + iframeId if (window.top !== window.self) { if (window.parentIFrame && window.parentIFrame.getId) { retStr = window.parentIFrame.getId() + ': ' + iframeId } else { retStr = 'Nested host page: ' + iframeId } } return retStr } function formatLogHeader(iframeId) { return msgId + '[' + getMyID(iframeId) + ']' } function isLogEnabled(iframeId) { return settings[iframeId] ? settings[iframeId].log : logEnabled } function log(iframeId, msg) { output('log', iframeId, msg, isLogEnabled(iframeId)) } function info(iframeId, msg) { output('info', iframeId, msg, isLogEnabled(iframeId)) } function warn(iframeId, msg) { output('warn', iframeId, msg, true) } function output(type, iframeId, msg, enabled) { if (true === enabled && 'object' === typeof window.console) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console[type](formatLogHeader(iframeId), msg) } } function iFrameListener(event) { function resizeIFrame() { function resize() { setSize(messageData) setPagePosition(iframeId) on('onResized', messageData) } ensureInRange('Height') ensureInRange('Width') syncResize(resize, messageData, 'init') } function processMsg() { var data = msg.substr(msgIdLen).split(':') return { iframe: settings[data[0]] && settings[data[0]].iframe, id: data[0], height: data[1], width: data[2], type: data[3] } } function ensureInRange(Dimension) { var max = Number(settings[iframeId]['max' + Dimension]), min = Number(settings[iframeId]['min' + Dimension]), dimension = Dimension.toLowerCase(), size = Number(messageData[dimension]) log(iframeId, 'Checking ' + dimension + ' is in range ' + min + '-' + max) if (size < min) { size = min log(iframeId, 'Set ' + dimension + ' to min value') } if (size > max) { size = max log(iframeId, 'Set ' + dimension + ' to max value') } messageData[dimension] = '' + size } function isMessageFromIFrame() { function checkAllowedOrigin() { function checkList() { var i = 0, retCode = false log( iframeId, 'Checking connection is from allowed list of origins: ' + checkOrigin ) for (; i < checkOrigin.length; i++) { if (checkOrigin[i] === origin) { retCode = true break } } return retCode } function checkSingle() { var remoteHost = settings[iframeId] && settings[iframeId].remoteHost log(iframeId, 'Checking connection is from: ' + remoteHost) return origin === remoteHost } return checkOrigin.constructor === Array ? checkList() : checkSingle() } var origin = event.origin, checkOrigin = settings[iframeId] && settings[iframeId].checkOrigin if (checkOrigin && '' + origin !== 'null' && !checkAllowedOrigin()) { throw new Error( 'Unexpected message received from: ' + origin + ' for ' + messageData.iframe.id + '. Message was: ' + event.data + '. This error can be disabled by setting the checkOrigin: false option or by providing of array of trusted domains.' ) } return true } function isMessageForUs() { return ( msgId === ('' + msg).substr(0, msgIdLen) && msg.substr(msgIdLen).split(':')[0] in settings ) // ''+Protects against non-string msg } function isMessageFromMetaParent() { // Test if this message is from a parent above us. This is an ugly test, however, updating // the message format would break backwards compatibity. var retCode = messageData.type in { true: 1, false: 1, undefined: 1 } if (retCode) { log(iframeId, 'Ignoring init message from meta parent page') } return retCode } function getMsgBody(offset) { return msg.substr(msg.indexOf(':') + msgHeaderLen + offset) } function forwardMsgFromIFrame(msgBody) { log( iframeId, 'onMessage passed: {iframe: ' + messageData.iframe.id + ', message: ' + msgBody + '}' ) on('onMessage', { iframe: messageData.iframe, message: JSON.parse(msgBody) }) log(iframeId, '--') } function getPageInfo() { var bodyPosition = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(), iFramePosition = messageData.iframe.getBoundingClientRect() return JSON.stringify({ iframeHeight: iFramePosition.height, iframeWidth: iFramePosition.width, clientHeight: Math.max( document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0 ), clientWidth: Math.max( document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0 ), offsetTop: parseInt(iFramePosition.top - bodyPosition.top, 10), offsetLeft: parseInt(iFramePosition.left - bodyPosition.left, 10), scrollTop: window.pageYOffset, scrollLeft: window.pageXOffset, documentHeight: document.documentElement.clientHeight, documentWidth: document.documentElement.clientWidth, windowHeight: window.innerHeight, windowWidth: window.innerWidth }) } function sendPageInfoToIframe(iframe, iframeId) { function debouncedTrigger() { trigger('Send Page Info', 'pageInfo:' + getPageInfo(), iframe, iframeId) } debounceFrameEvents(debouncedTrigger, 32, iframeId) } function startPageInfoMonitor() { function setListener(type, func) { function sendPageInfo() { if (settings[id]) { sendPageInfoToIframe(settings[id].iframe, id) } else { stop() } } ;['scroll', 'resize'].forEach(function(evt) { log(id, type + evt + ' listener for sendPageInfo') func(window, evt, sendPageInfo) }) } function stop() { setListener('Remove ', removeEventListener) } function start() { setListener('Add ', addEventListener) } var id = iframeId // Create locally scoped copy of iFrame ID start() if (settings[id]) { settings[id].stopPageInfo = stop } } function stopPageInfoMonitor() { if (settings[iframeId] && settings[iframeId].stopPageInfo) { settings[iframeId].stopPageInfo() delete settings[iframeId].stopPageInfo } } function checkIFrameExists() { var retBool = true if (null === messageData.iframe) { warn(iframeId, 'IFrame (' + messageData.id + ') not found') retBool = false } return retBool } function getElementPosition(target) { var iFramePosition = target.getBoundingClientRect() getPagePosition(iframeId) return { x: Math.floor(Number(iFramePosition.left) + Number(pagePosition.x)), y: Math.floor(Number(iFramePosition.top) + Number(pagePosition.y)) } } function scrollRequestFromChild(addOffset) { /* istanbul ignore next */ // Not testable in Karma function reposition() { pagePosition = newPosition scrollTo() log(iframeId, '--') } function calcOffset() { return { x: Number(messageData.width) + offset.x, y: Number(messageData.height) + offset.y } } function scrollParent() { if (window.parentIFrame) { window.parentIFrame['scrollTo' + (addOffset ? 'Offset' : '')]( newPosition.x, newPosition.y ) } else { warn( iframeId, 'Unable to scroll to requested position, window.parentIFrame not found' ) } } var offset = addOffset ? getElementPosition(messageData.iframe) : { x: 0, y: 0 }, newPosition = calcOffset() log( iframeId, 'Reposition requested from iFrame (offset x:' + offset.x + ' y:' + offset.y + ')' ) if (window.top !== window.self) { scrollParent() } else { reposition() } } function scrollTo() { if (false !== on('onScroll', pagePosition)) { setPagePosition(iframeId) } else { unsetPagePosition() } } function findTarget(location) { function jumpToTarget() { var jumpPosition = getElementPosition(target) log( iframeId, 'Moving to in page link (#' + hash + ') at x: ' + jumpPosition.x + ' y: ' + jumpPosition.y ) pagePosition = { x: jumpPosition.x, y: jumpPosition.y } scrollTo() log(iframeId, '--') } function jumpToParent() { if (window.parentIFrame) { window.parentIFrame.moveToAnchor(hash) } else { log( iframeId, 'In page link #' + hash + ' not found and window.parentIFrame not found' ) } } var hash = location.split('#')[1] || '', hashData = decodeURIComponent(hash), target = document.getElementById(hashData) || document.getElementsByName(hashData)[0] if (target) { jumpToTarget() } else if (window.top !== window.self) { jumpToParent() } else { log(iframeId, 'In page link #' + hash + ' not found') } } function on(funcName, val) { return chkEvent(iframeId, funcName, val) } function actionMsg() { if (settings[iframeId] && settings[iframeId].firstRun) firstRun() switch (messageData.type) { case 'close': if (settings[iframeId].closeRequeston) chkEvent(iframeId, 'onCloseRequest', settings[iframeId].iframe) else closeIFrame(messageData.iframe) break case 'message': forwardMsgFromIFrame(getMsgBody(6)) break case 'scrollTo': scrollRequestFromChild(false) break case 'scrollToOffset': scrollRequestFromChild(true) break case 'pageInfo': sendPageInfoToIframe( settings[iframeId] && settings[iframeId].iframe, iframeId ) startPageInfoMonitor() break case 'pageInfoStop': stopPageInfoMonitor() break case 'inPageLink': findTarget(getMsgBody(9)) break case 'reset': resetIFrame(messageData) break case 'init': resizeIFrame() on('onInit', messageData.iframe) break default: resizeIFrame() } } function hasSettings(iframeId) { var retBool = true if (!settings[iframeId]) { retBool = false warn( messageData.type + ' No settings for ' + iframeId + '. Message was: ' + msg ) } return retBool } function iFrameReadyMsgReceived() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax, guard-for-in for (var iframeId in settings) { trigger( 'iFrame requested init', createOutgoingMsg(iframeId), document.getElementById(iframeId), iframeId ) } } function firstRun() { if (settings[iframeId]) { settings[iframeId].firstRun = false } } var msg = event.data, messageData = {}, iframeId = null if ('[iFrameResizerChild]Ready' === msg) { iFrameReadyMsgReceived() } else if (isMessageForUs()) { messageData = processMsg() iframeId = messageData.id if (settings[iframeId]) { settings[iframeId].loaded = true } if (!isMessageFromMetaParent() && hasSettings(iframeId)) { log(iframeId, 'Received: ' + msg) if (checkIFrameExists() && isMessageFromIFrame()) { actionMsg() } } } else { info(iframeId, 'Ignored: ' + msg) } } function chkEvent(iframeId, funcName, val) { var func = null, retVal = null if (settings[iframeId]) { func = settings[iframeId][funcName] if ('function' === typeof func) { retVal = func(val) } else { throw new TypeError( funcName + ' on iFrame[' + iframeId + '] is not a function' ) } } return retVal } function removeIframeListeners(iframe) { var iframeId = iframe.id delete settings[iframeId] } function closeIFrame(iframe) { var iframeId = iframe.id log(iframeId, 'Removing iFrame: ' + iframeId) try { // Catch race condition error with React if (iframe.parentNode) { iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe) } } catch (error) { warn(error) } chkEvent(iframeId, 'onClosed', iframeId) log(iframeId, '--') removeIframeListeners(iframe) } function getPagePosition(iframeId) { if (null === pagePosition) { pagePosition = { x: window.pageXOffset !== undefined ? window.pageXOffset : document.documentElement.scrollLeft, y: window.pageYOffset !== undefined ? window.pageYOffset : document.documentElement.scrollTop } log( iframeId, 'Get page position: ' + pagePosition.x + ',' + pagePosition.y ) } } function setPagePosition(iframeId) { if (null !== pagePosition) { window.scrollTo(pagePosition.x, pagePosition.y) log( iframeId, 'Set page position: ' + pagePosition.x + ',' + pagePosition.y ) unsetPagePosition() } } function unsetPagePosition() { pagePosition = null } function resetIFrame(messageData) { function reset() { setSize(messageData) trigger('reset', 'reset', messageData.iframe, messageData.id) } log( messageData.id, 'Size reset requested by ' + ('init' === messageData.type ? 'host page' : 'iFrame') ) getPagePosition(messageData.id) syncResize(reset, messageData, 'reset') } function setSize(messageData) { function setDimension(dimension) { if (!messageData.id) { log('undefined', 'messageData id not set') return } messageData.iframe.style[dimension] = messageData[dimension] + 'px' log( messageData.id, 'IFrame (' + iframeId + ') ' + dimension + ' set to ' + messageData[dimension] + 'px' ) } function chkZero(dimension) { // FireFox sets dimension of hidden iFrames to zero. // So if we detect that set up an event to check for // when iFrame becomes visible. /* istanbul ignore next */ // Not testable in PhantomJS if (!hiddenCheckEnabled && '0' === messageData[dimension]) { hiddenCheckEnabled = true log(iframeId, 'Hidden iFrame detected, creating visibility listener') fixHiddenIFrames() } } function processDimension(dimension) { setDimension(dimension) chkZero(dimension) } var iframeId = messageData.iframe.id if (settings[iframeId]) { if (settings[iframeId].sizeHeight) { processDimension('height') } if (settings[iframeId].sizeWidth) { processDimension('width') } } } function syncResize(func, messageData, doNotSync) { /* istanbul ignore if */ // Not testable in PhantomJS if (doNotSync !== messageData.type && requestAnimationFrame) { log(messageData.id, 'Requesting animation frame') requestAnimationFrame(func) } else { func() } } function trigger(calleeMsg, msg, iframe, id, noResponseWarning) { function postMessageToIFrame() { var target = settings[id] && settings[id].targetOrigin log( id, '[' + calleeMsg + '] Sending msg to iframe[' + id + '] (' + msg + ') targetOrigin: ' + target ) iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(msgId + msg, target) } function iFrameNotFound() { warn(id, '[' + calleeMsg + '] IFrame(' + id + ') not found') } function chkAndSend() { if ( iframe && 'contentWindow' in iframe && null !== iframe.contentWindow ) { // Null test for PhantomJS postMessageToIFrame() } else { iFrameNotFound() } } function warnOnNoResponse() { function warning() { if (settings[id] && !settings[id].loaded && !errorShown) { errorShown = true warn( id, 'IFrame has not responded within ' + settings[id].warningTimeout / 1000 + ' seconds. Check iFrameResizer.contentWindow.js has been loaded in iFrame. This message can be ignored if everything is working, or you can set the warningTimeout option to a higher value or zero to suppress this warning.' ) } } if ( !!noResponseWarning && settings[id] && !!settings[id].warningTimeout ) { settings[id].msgTimeout = setTimeout( warning, settings[id].warningTimeout ) } } var errorShown = false id = id || iframe.id if (settings[id]) { chkAndSend() warnOnNoResponse() } } function createOutgoingMsg(iframeId) { return ( iframeId + ':' + settings[iframeId].bodyMarginV1 + ':' + settings[iframeId].sizeWidth + ':' + settings[iframeId].log + ':' + settings[iframeId].interval + ':' + settings[iframeId].enablePublicMethods + ':' + settings[iframeId].autoResize + ':' + settings[iframeId].bodyMargin + ':' + settings[iframeId].heightCalculationMethod + ':' + settings[iframeId].bodyBackground + ':' + settings[iframeId].bodyPadding + ':' + settings[iframeId].tolerance + ':' + settings[iframeId].inPageLinks + ':' + settings[iframeId].resizeFrom + ':' + settings[iframeId].widthCalculationMethod ) } function setupIFrame(iframe, options) { function setLimits() { function addStyle(style) { if ( Infinity !== settings[iframeId][style] && 0 !== settings[iframeId][style] ) { iframe.style[style] = settings[iframeId][style] + 'px' log( iframeId, 'Set ' + style + ' = ' + settings[iframeId][style] + 'px' ) } } function chkMinMax(dimension) { if ( settings[iframeId]['min' + dimension] > settings[iframeId]['max' + dimension] ) { throw new Error( 'Value for min' + dimension + ' can not be greater than max' + dimension ) } } chkMinMax('Height') chkMinMax('Width') addStyle('maxHeight') addStyle('minHeight') addStyle('maxWidth') addStyle('minWidth') } function newId() { var id = (options && options.id) || defaults.id + count++ if (null !== document.getElementById(id)) { id += count++ } return id } function ensureHasId(iframeId) { if ('' === iframeId) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-multi-assign iframe.id = iframeId = newId() logEnabled = (options || {}).log log( iframeId, 'Added missing iframe ID: ' + iframeId + ' (' + iframe.src + ')' ) } return iframeId } function setScrolling() { log( iframeId, 'IFrame scrolling ' + (settings[iframeId] && settings[iframeId].scrolling ? 'enabled' : 'disabled') + ' for ' + iframeId ) iframe.style.overflow = false === (settings[iframeId] && settings[iframeId].scrolling) ? 'hidden' : 'auto' switch (settings[iframeId] && settings[iframeId].scrolling) { case 'omit': break case true: iframe.scrolling = 'yes' break case false: iframe.scrolling = 'no' break default: iframe.scrolling = settings[iframeId] ? settings[iframeId].scrolling : 'no' } } // The V1 iFrame script expects an int, where as in V2 expects a CSS // string value such as '1px 3em', so if we have an int for V2, set V1=V2 // and then convert V2 to a string PX value. function setupBodyMarginValues() { if ( 'number' === typeof (settings[iframeId] && settings[iframeId].bodyMargin) || '0' === (settings[iframeId] && settings[iframeId].bodyMargin) ) { settings[iframeId].bodyMarginV1 = settings[iframeId].bodyMargin settings[iframeId].bodyMargin = '' + settings[iframeId].bodyMargin + 'px' } } function checkReset() { // Reduce scope of firstRun to function, because IE8's JS execution // context stack is borked and this value gets externally // changed midway through running this function!!! var firstRun = settings[iframeId] && settings[iframeId].firstRun, resetRequertMethod = settings[iframeId] && settings[iframeId].heightCalculationMethod in resetRequiredMethods if (!firstRun && resetRequertMethod) { resetIFrame({ iframe: iframe, height: 0, width: 0, type: 'init' }) } } function setupIFrameObject() { if (settings[iframeId]) { settings[iframeId].iframe.iFrameResizer = { close: closeIFrame.bind(null, settings[iframeId].iframe), removeListeners: removeIframeListeners.bind( null, settings[iframeId].iframe ), resize: trigger.bind( null, 'Window resize', 'resize', settings[iframeId].iframe ), moveToAnchor: function(anchor) { trigger( 'Move to anchor', 'moveToAnchor:' + anchor, settings[iframeId].iframe, iframeId ) }, sendMessage: function(message) { message = JSON.stringify(message) trigger( 'Send Message', 'message:' + message, settings[iframeId].iframe, iframeId ) } } } } // We have to call trigger twice, as we can not be sure if all // iframes have completed loading when this code runs. The // event listener also catches the page changing in the iFrame. function init(msg) { function iFrameLoaded() { trigger('iFrame.onload', msg, iframe, undefined, true) checkReset() } function createDestroyObserver(MutationObserver) { if (!iframe.parentNode) { return } var destroyObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { var removedNodes = Array.prototype.slice.call(mutation.removedNodes) // Transform NodeList into an Array removedNodes.forEach(function(removedNode) { if (removedNode === iframe) { closeIFrame(iframe) } }) }) }) destroyObserver.observe(iframe.parentNode, { childList: true }) } var MutationObserver = getMutationObserver() if (MutationObserver) { createDestroyObserver(MutationObserver) } addEventListener(iframe, 'load', iFrameLoaded) trigger('init', msg, iframe, undefined, true) } function checkOptions(options) { if ('object' !== typeof options) { throw new TypeError('Options is not an object') } } function copyOptions(options) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax for (var option in defaults) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(defaults, option)) { settings[iframeId][option] = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( options, option ) ? options[option] : defaults[option] } } } function getTargetOrigin(remoteHost) { return '' === remoteHost || 'file://' === remoteHost ? '*' : remoteHost } function depricate(key) { var splitName = key.split('Callback') if (splitName.length === 2) { var name = 'on' + splitName[0].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + splitName[0].slice(1) this[name] = this[key] delete this[key] warn( iframeId, "Deprecated: '" + key + "' has been renamed '" + name + "'. The old method will be removed in the next major version." ) } } function processOptions(options) { options = options || {} settings[iframeId] = { firstRun: true, iframe: iframe, remoteHost: iframe.src .split('/') .slice(0, 3) .join('/') } checkOptions(options) Object.keys(options).forEach(depricate, options) copyOptions(options) if (settings[iframeId]) { settings[iframeId].targetOrigin = true === settings[iframeId].checkOrigin ? getTargetOrigin(settings[iframeId].remoteHost) : '*' } } function beenHere() { return iframeId in settings && 'iFrameResizer' in iframe } var iframeId = ensureHasId(iframe.id) if (!beenHere()) { processOptions(options) setScrolling() setLimits() setupBodyMarginValues() init(createOutgoingMsg(iframeId)) setupIFrameObject() } else { warn(iframeId, 'Ignored iFrame, already setup.') } } function debouce(fn, time) { if (null === timer) { timer = setTimeout(function() { timer = null fn() }, time) } } var frameTimer = {} function debounceFrameEvents(fn, time, frameId) { if (!frameTimer[frameId]) { frameTimer[frameId] = setTimeout(function() { frameTimer[frameId] = null fn() }, time) } } // Not testable in PhantomJS /* istanbul ignore next */ function fixHiddenIFrames() { function checkIFrames() { function checkIFrame(settingId) { function chkDimension(dimension) { return ( '0px' === (settings[settingId] && settings[settingId].iframe.style[dimension]) ) } function isVisible(el) { return null !== el.offsetParent } if ( settings[settingId] && isVisible(settings[settingId].iframe) && (chkDimension('height') || chkDimension('width')) ) { trigger( 'Visibility change', 'resize', settings[settingId].iframe, settingId ) } } Object.keys(settings).forEach(function(key) { checkIFrame(settings[key]) }) } function mutationObserved(mutations) { log( 'window', 'Mutation observed: ' + mutations[0].target + ' ' + mutations[0].type ) debouce(checkIFrames, 16) } function createMutationObserver() { var target = document.querySelector('body'), config = { attributes: true, attributeOldValue: false, characterData: true, characterDataOldValue: false, childList: true, subtree: true }, observer = new MutationObserver(mutationObserved) observer.observe(target, config) } var MutationObserver = getMutationObserver() if (MutationObserver) { createMutationObserver() } } function resizeIFrames(event) { function resize() { sendTriggerMsg('Window ' + event, 'resize') } log('window', 'Trigger event: ' + event) debouce(resize, 16) } // Not testable in PhantomJS /* istanbul ignore next */ function tabVisible() { function resize() { sendTriggerMsg('Tab Visable', 'resize') } if ('hidden' !== document.visibilityState) { log('document', 'Trigger event: Visiblity change') debouce(resize, 16) } } function sendTriggerMsg(eventName, event) { function isIFrameResizeEnabled(iframeId) { return ( settings[iframeId] && 'parent' === settings[iframeId].resizeFrom && settings[iframeId].autoResize && !settings[iframeId].firstRun ) } Object.keys(settings).forEach(function(iframeId) { if (isIFrameResizeEnabled(iframeId)) { trigger(eventName, event, document.getElementById(iframeId), iframeId) } }) } function setupEventListeners() { addEventListener(window, 'message', iFrameListener) addEventListener(window, 'resize', function() { resizeIFrames('resize') }) addEventListener(document, 'visibilitychange', tabVisible) addEventListener(document, '-webkit-visibilitychange', tabVisible) } function factory() { function init(options, element) { function chkType() { if (!element.tagName) { throw new TypeError('Object is not a valid DOM element') } else if ('IFRAME' !== element.tagName.toUpperCase()) { throw new TypeError( 'Expected ') !== -1; }; var createFragmentedLevel = function (fragments) { return { type: 'fragmented', fragments: fragments, content: '', bookmark: null, beforeBookmark: null }; }; var createCompleteLevel = function (content) { return { type: 'complete', fragments: null, content: content, bookmark: null, beforeBookmark: null }; }; var createFromEditor = function (editor) { var fragments, content, trimmedFragments; fragments = Fragments.read(editor.getBody()); trimmedFragments = bind(fragments, function (html) { var trimmed = TrimHtml.trimInternal(editor.serializer, html); return trimmed.length > 0 ? [trimmed] : []; }); content = trimmedFragments.join(''); return hasIframes(content) ? createFragmentedLevel(trimmedFragments) : createCompleteLevel(content); }; var applyToEditor = function (editor, level, before) { if (level.type === 'fragmented') { Fragments.write(level.fragments, editor.getBody()); } else { editor.setContent(level.content, { format: 'raw' }); } editor.selection.moveToBookmark(before ? level.beforeBookmark : level.bookmark); }; var getLevelContent = function (level) { return level.type === 'fragmented' ? level.fragments.join('') : level.content; }; var getCleanLevelContent = function (level) { var elm = Element.fromTag('body', lazyTempDocument()); set$1(elm, getLevelContent(level)); each(descendants$1(elm, '*[data-mce-bogus]'), unwrap); return get$5(elm); }; var hasEqualContent = function (level1, level2) { return getLevelContent(level1) === getLevelContent(level2); }; var hasEqualCleanedContent = function (level1, level2) { return getCleanLevelContent(level1) === getCleanLevelContent(level2); }; var isEq$2 = function (level1, level2) { if (!level1 || !level2) { return false; } else if (hasEqualContent(level1, level2)) { return true; } else { return hasEqualCleanedContent(level1, level2); } }; var Levels = { createFragmentedLevel: createFragmentedLevel, createCompleteLevel: createCompleteLevel, createFromEditor: createFromEditor, applyToEditor: applyToEditor, isEq: isEq$2 }; var isUnlocked = function (locks) { return locks.get() === 0; }; var setTyping = function (undoManager, typing, locks) { if (isUnlocked(locks)) { undoManager.typing = typing; } }; var endTyping = function (undoManager, locks) { if (undoManager.typing) { setTyping(undoManager, false, locks); undoManager.add(); } }; var endTypingLevelIgnoreLocks = function (undoManager) { if (undoManager.typing) { undoManager.typing = false; undoManager.add(); } }; var beforeChange = function (editor, locks, beforeBookmark) { if (isUnlocked(locks)) { beforeBookmark.set(Option.some(GetBookmark.getUndoBookmark(editor.selection))); } }; var addUndoLevel = function (editor, undoManager, index, locks, beforeBookmark, level, event) { var settings = editor.settings; var currentLevel = Levels.createFromEditor(editor); level = level || {}; level = Tools.extend(level, currentLevel); if (isUnlocked(locks) === false || editor.removed) { return null; } var lastLevel = undoManager.data[index.get()]; if (editor.fire('BeforeAddUndo', { level: level, lastLevel: lastLevel, originalEvent: event }).isDefaultPrevented()) { return null; } if (lastLevel && Levels.isEq(lastLevel, level)) { return null; } if (undoManager.data[index.get()]) { beforeBookmark.get().each(function (bm) { undoManager.data[index.get()].beforeBookmark = bm; }); } if (settings.custom_undo_redo_levels) { if (undoManager.data.length > settings.custom_undo_redo_levels) { for (var i = 0; i < undoManager.data.length - 1; i++) { undoManager.data[i] = undoManager.data[i + 1]; } undoManager.data.length--; index.set(undoManager.data.length); } } level.bookmark = GetBookmark.getUndoBookmark(editor.selection); if (index.get() < undoManager.data.length - 1) { undoManager.data.length = index.get() + 1; } undoManager.data.push(level); index.set(undoManager.data.length - 1); var args = { level: level, lastLevel: lastLevel, originalEvent: event }; editor.fire('AddUndo', args); if (index.get() > 0) { editor.setDirty(true); editor.fire('change', args); } return level; }; var clear = function (editor, undoManager, index) { undoManager.data = []; index.set(0); undoManager.typing = false; editor.fire('ClearUndos'); }; var extra = function (editor, undoManager, index, callback1, callback2) { if (undoManager.transact(callback1)) { var bookmark = undoManager.data[index.get()].bookmark; var lastLevel = undoManager.data[index.get() - 1]; Levels.applyToEditor(editor, lastLevel, true); if (undoManager.transact(callback2)) { undoManager.data[index.get() - 1].beforeBookmark = bookmark; } } }; var redo = function (editor, index, data) { var level; if (index.get() < data.length - 1) { index.set(index.get() + 1); level = data[index.get()]; Levels.applyToEditor(editor, level, false); editor.setDirty(true); editor.fire('Redo', { level: level }); } return level; }; var undo = function (editor, undoManager, locks, index) { var level; if (undoManager.typing) { undoManager.add(); undoManager.typing = false; setTyping(undoManager, false, locks); } if (index.get() > 0) { index.set(index.get() - 1); level = undoManager.data[index.get()]; Levels.applyToEditor(editor, level, true); editor.setDirty(true); editor.fire('Undo', { level: level }); } return level; }; var reset = function (undoManager) { undoManager.clear(); undoManager.add(); }; var hasUndo = function (editor, undoManager, index) { return index.get() > 0 || undoManager.typing && undoManager.data[0] && !Levels.isEq(Levels.createFromEditor(editor), undoManager.data[0]); }; var hasRedo = function (undoManager, index) { return index.get() < undoManager.data.length - 1 && !undoManager.typing; }; var transact = function (undoManager, locks, callback) { endTyping(undoManager, locks); undoManager.beforeChange(); undoManager.ignore(callback); return undoManager.add(); }; var ignore = function (locks, callback) { try { locks.set(locks.get() + 1); callback(); } finally { locks.set(locks.get() - 1); } }; var registerEvents$1 = function (editor, undoManager, locks) { var isFirstTypedCharacter = Cell(false); var addNonTypingUndoLevel = function (e) { setTyping(undoManager, false, locks); undoManager.add({}, e); }; editor.on('init', function () { undoManager.add(); }); editor.on('BeforeExecCommand', function (e) { var cmd = e.command; if (cmd !== 'Undo' && cmd !== 'Redo' && cmd !== 'mceRepaint') { endTyping(undoManager, locks); undoManager.beforeChange(); } }); editor.on('ExecCommand', function (e) { var cmd = e.command; if (cmd !== 'Undo' && cmd !== 'Redo' && cmd !== 'mceRepaint') { addNonTypingUndoLevel(e); } }); editor.on('ObjectResizeStart cut', function () { undoManager.beforeChange(); }); editor.on('SaveContent ObjectResized blur', addNonTypingUndoLevel); editor.on('dragend', addNonTypingUndoLevel); editor.on('keyup', function (e) { var keyCode = e.keyCode; if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } if (keyCode >= 33 && keyCode <= 36 || keyCode >= 37 && keyCode <= 40 || keyCode === 45 || e.ctrlKey) { addNonTypingUndoLevel(); editor.nodeChanged(); } if (keyCode === 46 || keyCode === 8) { editor.nodeChanged(); } if (isFirstTypedCharacter.get() && undoManager.typing && Levels.isEq(Levels.createFromEditor(editor), undoManager.data[0]) === false) { if (editor.isDirty() === false) { editor.setDirty(true); editor.fire('change', { level: undoManager.data[0], lastLevel: null }); } editor.fire('TypingUndo'); isFirstTypedCharacter.set(false); editor.nodeChanged(); } }); editor.on('keydown', function (e) { var keyCode = e.keyCode; if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } if (keyCode >= 33 && keyCode <= 36 || keyCode >= 37 && keyCode <= 40 || keyCode === 45) { if (undoManager.typing) { addNonTypingUndoLevel(e); } return; } var modKey = e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey || e.metaKey; if ((keyCode < 16 || keyCode > 20) && keyCode !== 224 && keyCode !== 91 && !undoManager.typing && !modKey) { undoManager.beforeChange(); setTyping(undoManager, true, locks); undoManager.add({}, e); isFirstTypedCharacter.set(true); } }); editor.on('mousedown', function (e) { if (undoManager.typing) { addNonTypingUndoLevel(e); } }); var isInsertReplacementText = function (event) { return event.inputType === 'insertReplacementText'; }; var isInsertTextDataNull = function (event) { return event.inputType === 'insertText' && event.data === null; }; editor.on('input', function (e) { if (e.inputType && (isInsertReplacementText(e) || isInsertTextDataNull(e))) { addNonTypingUndoLevel(e); } }); editor.on('AddUndo Undo Redo ClearUndos', function (e) { if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) { editor.nodeChanged(); } }); }; var addKeyboardShortcuts = function (editor) { editor.addShortcut('meta+z', '', 'Undo'); editor.addShortcut('meta+y,meta+shift+z', '', 'Redo'); }; var UndoManager = function (editor) { var beforeBookmark = Cell(Option.none()); var locks = Cell(0); var index = Cell(0); var undoManager = { data: [], typing: false, beforeChange: function () { beforeChange(editor, locks, beforeBookmark); }, add: function (level, event) { return addUndoLevel(editor, undoManager, index, locks, beforeBookmark, level, event); }, undo: function () { return undo(editor, undoManager, locks, index); }, redo: function () { return redo(editor, index, undoManager.data); }, clear: function () { clear(editor, undoManager, index); }, reset: function () { reset(undoManager); }, hasUndo: function () { return hasUndo(editor, undoManager, index); }, hasRedo: function () { return hasRedo(undoManager, index); }, transact: function (callback) { return transact(undoManager, locks, callback); }, ignore: function (callback) { ignore(locks, callback); }, extra: function (callback1, callback2) { extra(editor, undoManager, index, callback1, callback2); } }; registerEvents$1(editor, undoManager, locks); addKeyboardShortcuts(editor); return undoManager; }; var getLastChildren$1 = function (elm) { var children = []; var rawNode = elm.dom(); while (rawNode) { children.push(Element.fromDom(rawNode)); rawNode = rawNode.lastChild; } return children; }; var removeTrailingBr = function (elm) { var allBrs = descendants$1(elm, 'br'); var brs = filter(getLastChildren$1(elm).slice(-1), isBr$1); if (allBrs.length === brs.length) { each(brs, remove$1); } }; var fillWithPaddingBr = function (elm) { empty(elm); append(elm, Element.fromHtml('
')); }; var isPaddingContents = function (elm) { return isText$1(elm) ? get$6(elm) === '\xA0' : isBr$1(elm); }; var isPaddedElement = function (elm) { return filter(children(elm), isPaddingContents).length === 1; }; var trimBlockTrailingBr = function (elm) { lastChild(elm).each(function (lastChild) { prevSibling(lastChild).each(function (lastChildPrevSibling) { if (isBlock(elm) && isBr$1(lastChild) && isBlock(lastChildPrevSibling)) { remove$1(lastChild); } }); }); }; var PaddingBr = { removeTrailingBr: removeTrailingBr, fillWithPaddingBr: fillWithPaddingBr, isPaddedElement: isPaddedElement, trimBlockTrailingBr: trimBlockTrailingBr }; var isEq$3 = FormatUtils.isEq; var matchesUnInheritedFormatSelector = function (ed, node, name) { var formatList = ed.formatter.get(name); if (formatList) { for (var i = 0; i < formatList.length; i++) { if (formatList[i].inherit === false && ed.dom.is(node, formatList[i].selector)) { return true; } } } return false; }; var matchParents = function (editor, node, name, vars) { var root = editor.dom.getRoot(); if (node === root) { return false; } node = editor.dom.getParent(node, function (node) { if (matchesUnInheritedFormatSelector(editor, node, name)) { return true; } return node.parentNode === root || !!matchNode(editor, node, name, vars, true); }); return matchNode(editor, node, name, vars); }; var matchName = function (dom, node, format) { if (isEq$3(node, format.inline)) { return true; } if (isEq$3(node, format.block)) { return true; } if (format.selector) { return node.nodeType === 1 && dom.is(node, format.selector); } }; var matchItems = function (dom, node, format, itemName, similar, vars) { var key, value; var items = format[itemName]; var i; if (format.onmatch) { return format.onmatch(node, format, itemName); } if (items) { if (typeof items.length === 'undefined') { for (key in items) { if (items.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (itemName === 'attributes') { value = dom.getAttrib(node, key); } else { value = FormatUtils.getStyle(dom, node, key); } if (similar && !value && !format.exact) { return; } if ((!similar || format.exact) && !isEq$3(value, FormatUtils.normalizeStyleValue(dom, FormatUtils.replaceVars(items[key], vars), key))) { return; } } } } else { for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (itemName === 'attributes' ? dom.getAttrib(node, items[i]) : FormatUtils.getStyle(dom, node, items[i])) { return format; } } } } return format; }; var matchNode = function (ed, node, name, vars, similar) { var formatList = ed.formatter.get(name); var format, i, x, classes; var dom = ed.dom; if (formatList && node) { for (i = 0; i < formatList.length; i++) { format = formatList[i]; if (matchName(ed.dom, node, format) && matchItems(dom, node, format, 'attributes', similar, vars) && matchItems(dom, node, format, 'styles', similar, vars)) { if (classes = format.classes) { for (x = 0; x < classes.length; x++) { if (!ed.dom.hasClass(node, classes[x])) { return; } } } return format; } } } }; var match = function (editor, name, vars, node) { var startNode; if (node) { return matchParents(editor, node, name, vars); } node = editor.selection.getNode(); if (matchParents(editor, node, name, vars)) { return true; } startNode = editor.selection.getStart(); if (startNode !== node) { if (matchParents(editor, startNode, name, vars)) { return true; } } return false; }; var matchAll = function (editor, names, vars) { var startElement; var matchedFormatNames = []; var checkedMap = {}; startElement = editor.selection.getStart(); editor.dom.getParent(startElement, function (node) { var i, name; for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { name = names[i]; if (!checkedMap[name] && matchNode(editor, node, name, vars)) { checkedMap[name] = true; matchedFormatNames.push(name); } } }, editor.dom.getRoot()); return matchedFormatNames; }; var canApply = function (editor, name) { var formatList = editor.formatter.get(name); var startNode, parents, i, x, selector; var dom = editor.dom; if (formatList) { startNode = editor.selection.getStart(); parents = FormatUtils.getParents(dom, startNode); for (x = formatList.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) { selector = formatList[x].selector; if (!selector || formatList[x].defaultBlock) { return true; } for (i = parents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (dom.is(parents[i], selector)) { return true; } } } } return false; }; var MatchFormat = { matchNode: matchNode, matchName: matchName, match: match, matchAll: matchAll, canApply: canApply, matchesUnInheritedFormatSelector: matchesUnInheritedFormatSelector }; var splitText = function (node, offset) { return node.splitText(offset); }; var split$1 = function (rng) { var startContainer = rng.startContainer, startOffset = rng.startOffset, endContainer = rng.endContainer, endOffset = rng.endOffset; if (startContainer === endContainer && NodeType.isText(startContainer)) { if (startOffset > 0 && startOffset < startContainer.nodeValue.length) { endContainer = splitText(startContainer, startOffset); startContainer = endContainer.previousSibling; if (endOffset > startOffset) { endOffset = endOffset - startOffset; startContainer = endContainer = splitText(endContainer, endOffset).previousSibling; endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length; startOffset = 0; } else { endOffset = 0; } } } else { if (NodeType.isText(startContainer) && startOffset > 0 && startOffset < startContainer.nodeValue.length) { startContainer = splitText(startContainer, startOffset); startOffset = 0; } if (NodeType.isText(endContainer) && endOffset > 0 && endOffset < endContainer.nodeValue.length) { endContainer = splitText(endContainer, endOffset).previousSibling; endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length; } } return { startContainer: startContainer, startOffset: startOffset, endContainer: endContainer, endOffset: endOffset }; }; var isCollapsibleWhitespace = function (c) { return ' \f\n\r\t\x0B'.indexOf(c) !== -1; }; var normalizeContent = function (content, isStartOfContent, isEndOfContent) { var result = foldl(content, function (acc, c) { if (isCollapsibleWhitespace(c) || c === '\xA0') { if (acc.previousCharIsSpace || acc.str === '' && isStartOfContent || acc.str.length === content.length - 1 && isEndOfContent) { return { previousCharIsSpace: false, str: acc.str + '\xA0' }; } else { return { previousCharIsSpace: true, str: acc.str + ' ' }; } } else { return { previousCharIsSpace: false, str: acc.str + c }; } }, { previousCharIsSpace: false, str: '' }); return result.str; }; var normalize = function (node, offset, count) { if (count === 0) { return; } var whitespace = node.data.slice(offset, offset + count); var isEndOfContent = offset + count >= node.data.length; var isStartOfContent = offset === 0; node.replaceData(offset, count, normalizeContent(whitespace, isStartOfContent, isEndOfContent)); }; var normalizeWhitespaceAfter = function (node, offset) { var content = node.data.slice(offset); var whitespaceCount = content.length - lTrim(content).length; return normalize(node, offset, whitespaceCount); }; var normalizeWhitespaceBefore = function (node, offset) { var content = node.data.slice(0, offset); var whitespaceCount = content.length - rTrim(content).length; return normalize(node, offset - whitespaceCount, whitespaceCount); }; var mergeTextNodes = function (prevNode, nextNode, normalizeWhitespace) { var whitespaceOffset = rTrim(prevNode.data).length; prevNode.appendData(nextNode.data); remove$1(Element.fromDom(nextNode)); if (normalizeWhitespace) { normalizeWhitespaceAfter(prevNode, whitespaceOffset); } return prevNode; }; var ancestor$2 = function (scope, selector, isRoot) { return ancestor$1(scope, selector, isRoot).isSome(); }; var hasWhitespacePreserveParent = function (rootNode, node) { var rootElement = Element.fromDom(rootNode); var startNode = Element.fromDom(node); return ancestor$2(startNode, 'pre,code', curry(eq, rootElement)); }; var isWhitespace = function (rootNode, node) { return NodeType.isText(node) && /^[ \t\r\n]*$/.test(node.data) && hasWhitespacePreserveParent(rootNode, node) === false; }; var isNamedAnchor = function (node) { return NodeType.isElement(node) && node.nodeName === 'A' && node.hasAttribute('name'); }; var isContent$1 = function (rootNode, node) { return isCaretCandidate(node) && isWhitespace(rootNode, node) === false || isNamedAnchor(node) || isBookmark(node); }; var isBookmark = NodeType.hasAttribute('data-mce-bookmark'); var isBogus$2 = NodeType.hasAttribute('data-mce-bogus'); var isBogusAll$1 = NodeType.hasAttributeValue('data-mce-bogus', 'all'); var isEmptyNode = function (targetNode) { var node, brCount = 0; if (isContent$1(targetNode, targetNode)) { return false; } else { node = targetNode.firstChild; if (!node) { return true; } var walker = new TreeWalker(node, targetNode); do { if (isBogusAll$1(node)) { node = walker.next(true); continue; } if (isBogus$2(node)) { node = walker.next(); continue; } if (NodeType.isBr(node)) { brCount++; node = walker.next(); continue; } if (isContent$1(targetNode, node)) { return false; } node = walker.next(); } while (node); return brCount <= 1; } }; var isEmpty$1 = function (elm) { return isEmptyNode(elm.dom()); }; var Empty = { isEmpty: isEmpty$1 }; var needsReposition = function (pos, elm) { var container = pos.container(); var offset = pos.offset(); return CaretPosition$1.isTextPosition(pos) === false && container === elm.parentNode && offset > CaretPosition$1.before(elm).offset(); }; var reposition = function (elm, pos) { return needsReposition(pos, elm) ? CaretPosition$1(pos.container(), pos.offset() - 1) : pos; }; var beforeOrStartOf = function (node) { return NodeType.isText(node) ? CaretPosition$1(node, 0) : CaretPosition$1.before(node); }; var afterOrEndOf = function (node) { return NodeType.isText(node) ? CaretPosition$1(node, node.data.length) : CaretPosition$1.after(node); }; var getPreviousSiblingCaretPosition = function (elm) { if (isCaretCandidate(elm.previousSibling)) { return Option.some(afterOrEndOf(elm.previousSibling)); } else { return elm.previousSibling ? CaretFinder.lastPositionIn(elm.previousSibling) : Option.none(); } }; var getNextSiblingCaretPosition = function (elm) { if (isCaretCandidate(elm.nextSibling)) { return Option.some(beforeOrStartOf(elm.nextSibling)); } else { return elm.nextSibling ? CaretFinder.firstPositionIn(elm.nextSibling) : Option.none(); } }; var findCaretPositionBackwardsFromElm = function (rootElement, elm) { var startPosition = CaretPosition$1.before(elm.previousSibling ? elm.previousSibling : elm.parentNode); return CaretFinder.prevPosition(rootElement, startPosition).fold(function () { return CaretFinder.nextPosition(rootElement, CaretPosition$1.after(elm)); }, Option.some); }; var findCaretPositionForwardsFromElm = function (rootElement, elm) { return CaretFinder.nextPosition(rootElement, CaretPosition$1.after(elm)).fold(function () { return CaretFinder.prevPosition(rootElement, CaretPosition$1.before(elm)); }, Option.some); }; var findCaretPositionBackwards = function (rootElement, elm) { return getPreviousSiblingCaretPosition(elm).orThunk(function () { return getNextSiblingCaretPosition(elm); }).orThunk(function () { return findCaretPositionBackwardsFromElm(rootElement, elm); }); }; var findCaretPositionForward = function (rootElement, elm) { return getNextSiblingCaretPosition(elm).orThunk(function () { return getPreviousSiblingCaretPosition(elm); }).orThunk(function () { return findCaretPositionForwardsFromElm(rootElement, elm); }); }; var findCaretPosition$1 = function (forward, rootElement, elm) { return forward ? findCaretPositionForward(rootElement, elm) : findCaretPositionBackwards(rootElement, elm); }; var findCaretPosOutsideElmAfterDelete = function (forward, rootElement, elm) { return findCaretPosition$1(forward, rootElement, elm).map(curry(reposition, elm)); }; var setSelection = function (editor, forward, pos) { pos.fold(function () { editor.focus(); }, function (pos) { editor.selection.setRng(pos.toRange(), forward); }); }; var eqRawNode = function (rawNode) { return function (elm) { return elm.dom() === rawNode; }; }; var isBlock$2 = function (editor, elm) { return elm && editor.schema.getBlockElements().hasOwnProperty(name(elm)); }; var paddEmptyBlock = function (elm) { if (Empty.isEmpty(elm)) { var br = Element.fromHtml('
'); empty(elm); append(elm, br); return Option.some(CaretPosition$1.before(br.dom())); } else { return Option.none(); } }; var deleteNormalized = function (elm, afterDeletePosOpt, normalizeWhitespace) { var prevTextOpt = prevSibling(elm).filter(isText$1); var nextTextOpt = nextSibling(elm).filter(isText$1); remove$1(elm); return lift3(prevTextOpt, nextTextOpt, afterDeletePosOpt, function (prev, next, pos) { var prevNode = prev.dom(), nextNode = next.dom(); var offset = prevNode.data.length; mergeTextNodes(prevNode, nextNode, normalizeWhitespace); return pos.container() === nextNode ? CaretPosition$1(prevNode, offset) : pos; }).orThunk(function () { if (normalizeWhitespace) { prevTextOpt.each(function (elm) { return normalizeWhitespaceBefore(elm.dom(), elm.dom().length); }); nextTextOpt.each(function (elm) { return normalizeWhitespaceAfter(elm.dom(), 0); }); } return afterDeletePosOpt; }); }; var isInlineElement = function (editor, element) { return has(editor.schema.getTextInlineElements(), name(element)); }; var deleteElement = function (editor, forward, elm, moveCaret) { if (moveCaret === void 0) { moveCaret = true; } var afterDeletePos = findCaretPosOutsideElmAfterDelete(forward, editor.getBody(), elm.dom()); var parentBlock = ancestor(elm, curry(isBlock$2, editor), eqRawNode(editor.getBody())); var normalizedAfterDeletePos = deleteNormalized(elm, afterDeletePos, isInlineElement(editor, elm)); if (editor.dom.isEmpty(editor.getBody())) { editor.setContent(''); editor.selection.setCursorLocation(); } else { parentBlock.bind(paddEmptyBlock).fold(function () { if (moveCaret) { setSelection(editor, forward, normalizedAfterDeletePos); } }, function (paddPos) { if (moveCaret) { setSelection(editor, forward, Option.some(paddPos)); } }); } }; var DeleteElement = { deleteElement: deleteElement }; var ZWSP$1 = Zwsp.ZWSP, CARET_ID$1 = '_mce_caret'; var importNode = function (ownerDocument, node) { return ownerDocument.importNode(node, true); }; var getEmptyCaretContainers = function (node) { var nodes = []; while (node) { if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue !== ZWSP$1 || node.childNodes.length > 1) { return []; } if (node.nodeType === 1) { nodes.push(node); } node = node.firstChild; } return nodes; }; var isCaretContainerEmpty = function (node) { return getEmptyCaretContainers(node).length > 0; }; var findFirstTextNode = function (node) { if (node) { var walker = new TreeWalker(node, node); for (node = walker.current(); node; node = walker.next()) { if (node.nodeType === 3) { return node; } } } return null; }; var createCaretContainer = function (fill) { var caretContainer = Element.fromTag('span'); setAll(caretContainer, { 'id': CARET_ID$1, 'data-mce-bogus': '1', 'data-mce-type': 'format-caret' }); if (fill) { append(caretContainer, Element.fromText(ZWSP$1)); } return caretContainer; }; var trimZwspFromCaretContainer = function (caretContainerNode) { var textNode = findFirstTextNode(caretContainerNode); if (textNode && textNode.nodeValue.charAt(0) === ZWSP$1) { textNode.deleteData(0, 1); } return textNode; }; var removeCaretContainerNode = function (editor, node, moveCaret) { if (moveCaret === void 0) { moveCaret = true; } var dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection; if (isCaretContainerEmpty(node)) { DeleteElement.deleteElement(editor, false, Element.fromDom(node), moveCaret); } else { var rng = selection.getRng(); var block = dom.getParent(node, dom.isBlock); var textNode = trimZwspFromCaretContainer(node); if (rng.startContainer === textNode && rng.startOffset > 0) { rng.setStart(textNode, rng.startOffset - 1); } if (rng.endContainer === textNode && rng.endOffset > 0) { rng.setEnd(textNode, rng.endOffset - 1); } dom.remove(node, true); if (block && dom.isEmpty(block)) { PaddingBr.fillWithPaddingBr(Element.fromDom(block)); } selection.setRng(rng); } }; var removeCaretContainer = function (editor, node, moveCaret) { if (moveCaret === void 0) { moveCaret = true; } var dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection; if (!node) { node = getParentCaretContainer(editor.getBody(), selection.getStart()); if (!node) { while (node = dom.get(CARET_ID$1)) { removeCaretContainerNode(editor, node, false); } } } else { removeCaretContainerNode(editor, node, moveCaret); } }; var insertCaretContainerNode = function (editor, caretContainer, formatNode) { var dom = editor.dom, block = dom.getParent(formatNode, curry(FormatUtils.isTextBlock, editor)); if (block && dom.isEmpty(block)) { formatNode.parentNode.replaceChild(caretContainer, formatNode); } else { PaddingBr.removeTrailingBr(Element.fromDom(formatNode)); if (dom.isEmpty(formatNode)) { formatNode.parentNode.replaceChild(caretContainer, formatNode); } else { dom.insertAfter(caretContainer, formatNode); } } }; var appendNode = function (parentNode, node) { parentNode.appendChild(node); return node; }; var insertFormatNodesIntoCaretContainer = function (formatNodes, caretContainer) { var innerMostFormatNode = foldr(formatNodes, function (parentNode, formatNode) { return appendNode(parentNode, formatNode.cloneNode(false)); }, caretContainer); return appendNode(innerMostFormatNode, innerMostFormatNode.ownerDocument.createTextNode(ZWSP$1)); }; var applyCaretFormat = function (editor, name, vars) { var rng, caretContainer, textNode, offset, bookmark, container, text; var selection = editor.selection; rng = selection.getRng(); offset = rng.startOffset; container = rng.startContainer; text = container.nodeValue; caretContainer = getParentCaretContainer(editor.getBody(), selection.getStart()); if (caretContainer) { textNode = findFirstTextNode(caretContainer); } var wordcharRegex = /[^\s\u00a0\u00ad\u200b\ufeff]/; if (text && offset > 0 && offset < text.length && wordcharRegex.test(text.charAt(offset)) && wordcharRegex.test(text.charAt(offset - 1))) { bookmark = selection.getBookmark(); rng.collapse(true); rng = ExpandRange.expandRng(editor, rng, editor.formatter.get(name)); rng = split$1(rng); editor.formatter.apply(name, vars, rng); selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark); } else { if (!caretContainer || textNode.nodeValue !== ZWSP$1) { caretContainer = importNode(editor.getDoc(), createCaretContainer(true).dom()); textNode = caretContainer.firstChild; rng.insertNode(caretContainer); offset = 1; editor.formatter.apply(name, vars, caretContainer); } else { editor.formatter.apply(name, vars, caretContainer); } selection.setCursorLocation(textNode, offset); } }; var removeCaretFormat = function (editor, name, vars, similar) { var dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection; var container, offset, bookmark; var hasContentAfter, node, formatNode; var parents = [], rng = selection.getRng(); var caretContainer; container = rng.startContainer; offset = rng.startOffset; node = container; if (container.nodeType === 3) { if (offset !== container.nodeValue.length) { hasContentAfter = true; } node = node.parentNode; } while (node) { if (MatchFormat.matchNode(editor, node, name, vars, similar)) { formatNode = node; break; } if (node.nextSibling) { hasContentAfter = true; } parents.push(node); node = node.parentNode; } if (!formatNode) { return; } if (hasContentAfter) { bookmark = selection.getBookmark(); rng.collapse(true); var expandedRng = ExpandRange.expandRng(editor, rng, editor.formatter.get(name), true); expandedRng = split$1(expandedRng); editor.formatter.remove(name, vars, expandedRng); selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark); } else { caretContainer = getParentCaretContainer(editor.getBody(), formatNode); var newCaretContainer = createCaretContainer(false).dom(); var caretNode = insertFormatNodesIntoCaretContainer(parents, newCaretContainer); if (caretContainer) { insertCaretContainerNode(editor, newCaretContainer, caretContainer); } else { insertCaretContainerNode(editor, newCaretContainer, formatNode); } removeCaretContainerNode(editor, caretContainer, false); selection.setCursorLocation(caretNode, 1); if (dom.isEmpty(formatNode)) { dom.remove(formatNode); } } }; var disableCaretContainer = function (editor, keyCode) { var selection = editor.selection, body = editor.getBody(); removeCaretContainer(editor, null, false); if ((keyCode === 8 || keyCode === 46) && selection.isCollapsed() && selection.getStart().innerHTML === ZWSP$1) { removeCaretContainer(editor, getParentCaretContainer(body, selection.getStart())); } if (keyCode === 37 || keyCode === 39) { removeCaretContainer(editor, getParentCaretContainer(body, selection.getStart())); } }; var setup$5 = function (editor) { editor.on('mouseup keydown', function (e) { disableCaretContainer(editor, e.keyCode); }); }; var replaceWithCaretFormat = function (targetNode, formatNodes) { var caretContainer = createCaretContainer(false); var innerMost = insertFormatNodesIntoCaretContainer(formatNodes, caretContainer.dom()); before(Element.fromDom(targetNode), caretContainer); remove$1(Element.fromDom(targetNode)); return CaretPosition$1(innerMost, 0); }; var isFormatElement = function (editor, element) { var inlineElements = editor.schema.getTextInlineElements(); return inlineElements.hasOwnProperty(name(element)) && !isCaretNode(element.dom()) && !NodeType.isBogus(element.dom()); }; var isEmptyCaretFormatElement = function (element) { return isCaretNode(element.dom()) && isCaretContainerEmpty(element.dom()); }; var postProcessHooks = {}, filter$3 = ArrUtils.filter, each$9 = ArrUtils.each; var addPostProcessHook = function (name, hook) { var hooks = postProcessHooks[name]; if (!hooks) { postProcessHooks[name] = hooks = []; } postProcessHooks[name].push(hook); }; var postProcess = function (name, editor) { each$9(postProcessHooks[name], function (hook) { hook(editor); }); }; addPostProcessHook('pre', function (editor) { var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); var isPre, blocks; var hasPreSibling = function (pre) { return isPre(pre.previousSibling) && ArrUtils.indexOf(blocks, pre.previousSibling) !== -1; }; var joinPre = function (pre1, pre2) { DomQuery(pre2).remove(); DomQuery(pre1).append('

').append(pre2.childNodes); }; isPre = NodeType.matchNodeNames(['pre']); if (!rng.collapsed) { blocks = editor.selection.getSelectedBlocks(); each$9(filter$3(filter$3(blocks, isPre), hasPreSibling), function (pre) { joinPre(pre.previousSibling, pre); }); } }); var Hooks = { postProcess: postProcess }; var each$a = Tools.each; var ElementUtils = function (dom) { this.compare = function (node1, node2) { if (node1.nodeName !== node2.nodeName) { return false; } var getAttribs = function (node) { var attribs = {}; each$a(dom.getAttribs(node), function (attr) { var name = attr.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (name.indexOf('_') !== 0 && name !== 'style' && name.indexOf('data-') !== 0) { attribs[name] = dom.getAttrib(node, name); } }); return attribs; }; var compareObjects = function (obj1, obj2) { var value, name; for (name in obj1) { if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(name)) { value = obj2[name]; if (typeof value === 'undefined') { return false; } if (obj1[name] !== value) { return false; } delete obj2[name]; } } for (name in obj2) { if (obj2.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return false; } } return true; }; if (!compareObjects(getAttribs(node1), getAttribs(node2))) { return false; } if (!compareObjects(dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node1, 'style')), dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node2, 'style')))) { return false; } return !Bookmarks.isBookmarkNode(node1) && !Bookmarks.isBookmarkNode(node2); }; }; var MCE_ATTR_RE = /^(src|href|style)$/; var each$b = Tools.each; var isEq$4 = FormatUtils.isEq; var isTableCell$2 = function (node) { return /^(TH|TD)$/.test(node.nodeName); }; var isChildOfInlineParent = function (dom, node, parent) { return dom.isChildOf(node, parent) && node !== parent && !dom.isBlock(parent); }; var getContainer = function (ed, rng, start) { var container, offset, lastIdx; container = rng[start ? 'startContainer' : 'endContainer']; offset = rng[start ? 'startOffset' : 'endOffset']; if (NodeType.isElement(container)) { lastIdx = container.childNodes.length - 1; if (!start && offset) { offset--; } container = container.childNodes[offset > lastIdx ? lastIdx : offset]; } if (NodeType.isText(container) && start && offset >= container.nodeValue.length) { container = new TreeWalker(container, ed.getBody()).next() || container; } if (NodeType.isText(container) && !start && offset === 0) { container = new TreeWalker(container, ed.getBody()).prev() || container; } return container; }; var wrap$2 = function (dom, node, name, attrs) { var wrapper = dom.create(name, attrs); node.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, node); wrapper.appendChild(node); return wrapper; }; var wrapWithSiblings = function (dom, node, next, name, attrs) { var start = Element.fromDom(node); var wrapper = Element.fromDom(dom.create(name, attrs)); var siblings = next ? nextSiblings(start) : prevSiblings(start); append$1(wrapper, siblings); if (next) { before(start, wrapper); prepend(wrapper, start); } else { after(start, wrapper); append(wrapper, start); } return wrapper.dom(); }; var matchName$1 = function (dom, node, format) { if (isEq$4(node, format.inline)) { return true; } if (isEq$4(node, format.block)) { return true; } if (format.selector) { return NodeType.isElement(node) && dom.is(node, format.selector); } }; var isColorFormatAndAnchor = function (node, format) { return format.links && node.tagName === 'A'; }; var find$3 = function (dom, node, next, inc) { node = FormatUtils.getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, next, inc); return !node || (node.nodeName === 'BR' || dom.isBlock(node)); }; var removeNode$1 = function (ed, node, format) { var parentNode = node.parentNode; var rootBlockElm; var dom = ed.dom, forcedRootBlock = Settings.getForcedRootBlock(ed); if (format.block) { if (!forcedRootBlock) { if (dom.isBlock(node) && !dom.isBlock(parentNode)) { if (!find$3(dom, node, false) && !find$3(dom, node.firstChild, true, 1)) { node.insertBefore(dom.create('br'), node.firstChild); } if (!find$3(dom, node, true) && !find$3(dom, node.lastChild, false, 1)) { node.appendChild(dom.create('br')); } } } else { if (parentNode === dom.getRoot()) { if (!format.list_block || !isEq$4(node, format.list_block)) { each$b(Tools.grep(node.childNodes), function (node) { if (FormatUtils.isValid(ed, forcedRootBlock, node.nodeName.toLowerCase())) { if (!rootBlockElm) { rootBlockElm = wrap$2(dom, node, forcedRootBlock); dom.setAttribs(rootBlockElm, ed.settings.forced_root_block_attrs); } else { rootBlockElm.appendChild(node); } } else { rootBlockElm = 0; } }); } } } } if (format.selector && format.inline && !isEq$4(format.inline, node)) { return; } dom.remove(node, 1); }; var removeFormat = function (ed, format, vars, node, compareNode) { var i, attrs, stylesModified; var dom = ed.dom; if (!matchName$1(dom, node, format) && !isColorFormatAndAnchor(node, format)) { return false; } if (format.remove !== 'all') { each$b(format.styles, function (value, name) { value = FormatUtils.normalizeStyleValue(dom, FormatUtils.replaceVars(value, vars), name); if (typeof name === 'number') { name = value; compareNode = 0; } if (format.remove_similar || (!compareNode || isEq$4(FormatUtils.getStyle(dom, compareNode, name), value))) { dom.setStyle(node, name, ''); } stylesModified = 1; }); if (stylesModified && dom.getAttrib(node, 'style') === '') { node.removeAttribute('style'); node.removeAttribute('data-mce-style'); } each$b(format.attributes, function (value, name) { var valueOut; value = FormatUtils.replaceVars(value, vars); if (typeof name === 'number') { name = value; compareNode = 0; } if (format.remove_similar || (!compareNode || isEq$4(dom.getAttrib(compareNode, name), value))) { if (name === 'class') { value = dom.getAttrib(node, name); if (value) { valueOut = ''; each$b(value.split(/\s+/), function (cls) { if (/mce\-\w+/.test(cls)) { valueOut += (valueOut ? ' ' : '') + cls; } }); if (valueOut) { dom.setAttrib(node, name, valueOut); return; } } } if (name === 'class') { node.removeAttribute('className'); } if (MCE_ATTR_RE.test(name)) { node.removeAttribute('data-mce-' + name); } node.removeAttribute(name); } }); each$b(format.classes, function (value) { value = FormatUtils.replaceVars(value, vars); if (!compareNode || dom.hasClass(compareNode, value)) { dom.removeClass(node, value); } }); attrs = dom.getAttribs(node); for (i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { var attrName = attrs[i].nodeName; if (attrName.indexOf('_') !== 0 && attrName.indexOf('data-') !== 0) { return false; } } } if (format.remove !== 'none') { removeNode$1(ed, node, format); return true; } }; var findFormatRoot = function (editor, container, name, vars, similar) { var formatRoot; each$b(FormatUtils.getParents(editor.dom, container.parentNode).reverse(), function (parent) { var format; if (!formatRoot && parent.id !== '_start' && parent.id !== '_end') { format = MatchFormat.matchNode(editor, parent, name, vars, similar); if (format && format.split !== false) { formatRoot = parent; } } }); return formatRoot; }; var wrapAndSplit = function (editor, formatList, formatRoot, container, target, split, format, vars) { var parent, clone, lastClone, firstClone, i, formatRootParent; var dom = editor.dom; if (formatRoot) { formatRootParent = formatRoot.parentNode; for (parent = container.parentNode; parent && parent !== formatRootParent; parent = parent.parentNode) { clone = dom.clone(parent, false); for (i = 0; i < formatList.length; i++) { if (removeFormat(editor, formatList[i], vars, clone, clone)) { clone = 0; break; } } if (clone) { if (lastClone) { clone.appendChild(lastClone); } if (!firstClone) { firstClone = clone; } lastClone = clone; } } if (split && (!format.mixed || !dom.isBlock(formatRoot))) { container = dom.split(formatRoot, container); } if (lastClone) { target.parentNode.insertBefore(lastClone, target); firstClone.appendChild(target); } } return container; }; var remove$7 = function (ed, name, vars, node, similar) { var formatList = ed.formatter.get(name), format = formatList[0]; var bookmark, rng, contentEditable = true; var dom = ed.dom; var selection = ed.selection; var splitToFormatRoot = function (container) { var formatRoot = findFormatRoot(ed, container, name, vars, similar); return wrapAndSplit(ed, formatList, formatRoot, container, container, true, format, vars); }; var isRemoveBookmarkNode = function (node) { return Bookmarks.isBookmarkNode(node) && NodeType.isElement(node) && (node.id === '_start' || node.id === '_end'); }; var process = function (node) { var children, i, l, lastContentEditable, hasContentEditableState; if (NodeType.isElement(node) && dom.getContentEditable(node)) { lastContentEditable = contentEditable; contentEditable = dom.getContentEditable(node) === 'true'; hasContentEditableState = true; } children = Tools.grep(node.childNodes); if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState) { for (i = 0, l = formatList.length; i < l; i++) { if (removeFormat(ed, formatList[i], vars, node, node)) { break; } } } if (format.deep) { if (children.length) { for (i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) { process(children[i]); } if (hasContentEditableState) { contentEditable = lastContentEditable; } } } }; var unwrap = function (start) { var node = dom.get(start ? '_start' : '_end'); var out = node[start ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild']; if (isRemoveBookmarkNode(out)) { out = out[start ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild']; } if (NodeType.isText(out) && out.data.length === 0) { out = start ? node.previousSibling || node.nextSibling : node.nextSibling || node.previousSibling; } dom.remove(node, true); return out; }; var removeRngStyle = function (rng) { var startContainer, endContainer; var commonAncestorContainer = rng.commonAncestorContainer; rng = ExpandRange.expandRng(ed, rng, formatList, true); if (format.split) { rng = split$1(rng); startContainer = getContainer(ed, rng, true); endContainer = getContainer(ed, rng); if (startContainer !== endContainer) { if (/^(TR|TH|TD)$/.test(startContainer.nodeName) && startContainer.firstChild) { if (startContainer.nodeName === 'TR') { startContainer = startContainer.firstChild.firstChild || startContainer; } else { startContainer = startContainer.firstChild || startContainer; } } if (commonAncestorContainer && /^T(HEAD|BODY|FOOT|R)$/.test(commonAncestorContainer.nodeName) && isTableCell$2(endContainer) && endContainer.firstChild) { endContainer = endContainer.firstChild || endContainer; } if (isChildOfInlineParent(dom, startContainer, endContainer)) { var marker = Option.from(startContainer.firstChild).getOr(startContainer); splitToFormatRoot(wrapWithSiblings(dom, marker, true, 'span', { 'id': '_start', 'data-mce-type': 'bookmark' })); unwrap(true); return; } if (isChildOfInlineParent(dom, endContainer, startContainer)) { var marker = Option.from(endContainer.lastChild).getOr(endContainer); splitToFormatRoot(wrapWithSiblings(dom, marker, false, 'span', { 'id': '_end', 'data-mce-type': 'bookmark' })); unwrap(false); return; } startContainer = wrap$2(dom, startContainer, 'span', { 'id': '_start', 'data-mce-type': 'bookmark' }); endContainer = wrap$2(dom, endContainer, 'span', { 'id': '_end', 'data-mce-type': 'bookmark' }); splitToFormatRoot(startContainer); splitToFormatRoot(endContainer); startContainer = unwrap(true); endContainer = unwrap(); } else { startContainer = endContainer = splitToFormatRoot(startContainer); } rng.startContainer = startContainer.parentNode ? startContainer.parentNode : startContainer; rng.startOffset = dom.nodeIndex(startContainer); rng.endContainer = endContainer.parentNode ? endContainer.parentNode : endContainer; rng.endOffset = dom.nodeIndex(endContainer) + 1; } RangeWalk.walk(dom, rng, function (nodes) { each$b(nodes, function (node) { process(node); if (NodeType.isElement(node) && ed.dom.getStyle(node, 'text-decoration') === 'underline' && node.parentNode && FormatUtils.getTextDecoration(dom, node.parentNode) === 'underline') { removeFormat(ed, { deep: false, exact: true, inline: 'span', styles: { textDecoration: 'underline' } }, null, node); } }); }); }; if (node) { if (node.nodeType) { rng = dom.createRng(); rng.setStartBefore(node); rng.setEndAfter(node); removeRngStyle(rng); } else { removeRngStyle(node); } return; } if (dom.getContentEditable(selection.getNode()) === 'false') { node = selection.getNode(); for (var i = 0, l = formatList.length; i < l; i++) { if (formatList[i].ceFalseOverride) { if (removeFormat(ed, formatList[i], vars, node, node)) { break; } } } return; } if (!selection.isCollapsed() || !format.inline || dom.select('td[data-mce-selected],th[data-mce-selected]').length) { bookmark = GetBookmark.getPersistentBookmark(ed.selection, true); removeRngStyle(selection.getRng()); selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark); if (format.inline && MatchFormat.match(ed, name, vars, selection.getStart())) { FormatUtils.moveStart(dom, selection, selection.getRng()); } ed.nodeChanged(); } else { removeCaretFormat(ed, name, vars, similar); } }; var RemoveFormat = { removeFormat: removeFormat, remove: remove$7 }; var each$c = Tools.each; var isElementNode = function (node) { return node && node.nodeType === 1 && !Bookmarks.isBookmarkNode(node) && !isCaretNode(node) && !NodeType.isBogus(node); }; var findElementSibling = function (node, siblingName) { var sibling; for (sibling = node; sibling; sibling = sibling[siblingName]) { if (sibling.nodeType === 3 && sibling.nodeValue.length !== 0) { return node; } if (sibling.nodeType === 1 && !Bookmarks.isBookmarkNode(sibling)) { return sibling; } } return node; }; var mergeSiblingsNodes = function (dom, prev, next) { var sibling, tmpSibling; var elementUtils = new ElementUtils(dom); if (prev && next) { prev = findElementSibling(prev, 'previousSibling'); next = findElementSibling(next, 'nextSibling'); if (elementUtils.compare(prev, next)) { for (sibling = prev.nextSibling; sibling && sibling !== next;) { tmpSibling = sibling; sibling = sibling.nextSibling; prev.appendChild(tmpSibling); } dom.remove(next); Tools.each(Tools.grep(next.childNodes), function (node) { prev.appendChild(node); }); return prev; } } return next; }; var processChildElements = function (node, filter, process) { each$c(node.childNodes, function (node) { if (isElementNode(node)) { if (filter(node)) { process(node); } if (node.hasChildNodes()) { processChildElements(node, filter, process); } } }); }; var hasStyle = function (dom, name) { return curry(function (name, node) { return !!(node && FormatUtils.getStyle(dom, node, name)); }, name); }; var applyStyle = function (dom, name, value) { return curry(function (name, value, node) { dom.setStyle(node, name, value); if (node.getAttribute('style') === '') { node.removeAttribute('style'); } unwrapEmptySpan(dom, node); }, name, value); }; var unwrapEmptySpan = function (dom, node) { if (node.nodeName === 'SPAN' && dom.getAttribs(node).length === 0) { dom.remove(node, true); } }; var processUnderlineAndColor = function (dom, node) { var textDecoration; if (node.nodeType === 1 && node.parentNode && node.parentNode.nodeType === 1) { textDecoration = FormatUtils.getTextDecoration(dom, node.parentNode); if (dom.getStyle(node, 'color') && textDecoration) { dom.setStyle(node, 'text-decoration', textDecoration); } else if (dom.getStyle(node, 'text-decoration') === textDecoration) { dom.setStyle(node, 'text-decoration', null); } } }; var mergeUnderlineAndColor = function (dom, format, vars, node) { if (format.styles.color || format.styles.textDecoration) { Tools.walk(node, curry(processUnderlineAndColor, dom), 'childNodes'); processUnderlineAndColor(dom, node); } }; var mergeBackgroundColorAndFontSize = function (dom, format, vars, node) { if (format.styles && format.styles.backgroundColor) { processChildElements(node, hasStyle(dom, 'fontSize'), applyStyle(dom, 'backgroundColor', FormatUtils.replaceVars(format.styles.backgroundColor, vars))); } }; var mergeSubSup = function (dom, format, vars, node) { if (format.inline === 'sub' || format.inline === 'sup') { processChildElements(node, hasStyle(dom, 'fontSize'), applyStyle(dom, 'fontSize', '')); dom.remove(dom.select(format.inline === 'sup' ? 'sub' : 'sup', node), true); } }; var mergeSiblings = function (dom, format, vars, node) { if (node && format.merge_siblings !== false) { node = mergeSiblingsNodes(dom, FormatUtils.getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node), node); node = mergeSiblingsNodes(dom, node, FormatUtils.getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, true)); } }; var clearChildStyles = function (dom, format, node) { if (format.clear_child_styles) { var selector = format.links ? '*:not(a)' : '*'; each$c(dom.select(selector, node), function (node) { if (isElementNode(node)) { each$c(format.styles, function (value, name) { dom.setStyle(node, name, ''); }); } }); } }; var mergeWithChildren = function (editor, formatList, vars, node) { each$c(formatList, function (format) { each$c(editor.dom.select(format.inline, node), function (child) { if (!isElementNode(child)) { return; } RemoveFormat.removeFormat(editor, format, vars, child, format.exact ? child : null); }); clearChildStyles(editor.dom, format, node); }); }; var mergeWithParents = function (editor, format, name, vars, node) { if (MatchFormat.matchNode(editor, node.parentNode, name, vars)) { if (RemoveFormat.removeFormat(editor, format, vars, node)) { return; } } if (format.merge_with_parents) { editor.dom.getParent(node.parentNode, function (parent) { if (MatchFormat.matchNode(editor, parent, name, vars)) { RemoveFormat.removeFormat(editor, format, vars, node); return true; } }); } }; var MergeFormats = { mergeWithChildren: mergeWithChildren, mergeUnderlineAndColor: mergeUnderlineAndColor, mergeBackgroundColorAndFontSize: mergeBackgroundColorAndFontSize, mergeSubSup: mergeSubSup, mergeSiblings: mergeSiblings, mergeWithParents: mergeWithParents }; var createRange$1 = function (sc, so, ec, eo) { var rng = domGlobals.document.createRange(); rng.setStart(sc, so); rng.setEnd(ec, eo); return rng; }; var normalizeBlockSelectionRange = function (rng) { var startPos = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(rng); var endPos = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeEnd(rng); var rootNode = rng.commonAncestorContainer; return CaretFinder.fromPosition(false, rootNode, endPos).map(function (newEndPos) { if (!isInSameBlock(startPos, endPos, rootNode) && isInSameBlock(startPos, newEndPos, rootNode)) { return createRange$1(startPos.container(), startPos.offset(), newEndPos.container(), newEndPos.offset()); } else { return rng; } }).getOr(rng); }; var normalize$1 = function (rng) { return rng.collapsed ? rng : normalizeBlockSelectionRange(rng); }; var RangeNormalizer = { normalize: normalize$1 }; var each$d = Tools.each; var isElementNode$1 = function (node) { return node && node.nodeType === 1 && !Bookmarks.isBookmarkNode(node) && !isCaretNode(node) && !NodeType.isBogus(node); }; var applyFormat = function (ed, name, vars, node) { var formatList = ed.formatter.get(name); var format = formatList[0]; var bookmark, rng; var isCollapsed = !node && ed.selection.isCollapsed(); var dom = ed.dom, selection = ed.selection; var setElementFormat = function (elm, fmt) { fmt = fmt || format; if (elm) { if (fmt.onformat) { fmt.onformat(elm, fmt, vars, node); } each$d(fmt.styles, function (value, name) { dom.setStyle(elm, name, FormatUtils.replaceVars(value, vars)); }); if (fmt.styles) { var styleVal = dom.getAttrib(elm, 'style'); if (styleVal) { elm.setAttribute('data-mce-style', styleVal); } } each$d(fmt.attributes, function (value, name) { dom.setAttrib(elm, name, FormatUtils.replaceVars(value, vars)); }); each$d(fmt.classes, function (value) { value = FormatUtils.replaceVars(value, vars); if (!dom.hasClass(elm, value)) { dom.addClass(elm, value); } }); } }; var applyNodeStyle = function (formatList, node) { var found = false; if (!format.selector) { return false; } each$d(formatList, function (format) { if ('collapsed' in format && format.collapsed !== isCollapsed) { return; } if (dom.is(node, format.selector) && !isCaretNode(node)) { setElementFormat(node, format); found = true; return false; } }); return found; }; var applyRngStyle = function (dom, rng, bookmark, nodeSpecific) { var newWrappers = []; var wrapName, wrapElm, contentEditable = true; wrapName = format.inline || format.block; wrapElm = dom.create(wrapName); setElementFormat(wrapElm); RangeWalk.walk(dom, rng, function (nodes) { var currentWrapElm; var process = function (node) { var nodeName, parentName, hasContentEditableState, lastContentEditable; lastContentEditable = contentEditable; nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); parentName = node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (node.nodeType === 1 && dom.getContentEditable(node)) { lastContentEditable = contentEditable; contentEditable = dom.getContentEditable(node) === 'true'; hasContentEditableState = true; } if (FormatUtils.isEq(nodeName, 'br')) { currentWrapElm = 0; if (format.block) { dom.remove(node); } return; } if (format.wrapper && MatchFormat.matchNode(ed, node, name, vars)) { currentWrapElm = 0; return; } if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState && format.block && !format.wrapper && FormatUtils.isTextBlock(ed, nodeName) && FormatUtils.isValid(ed, parentName, wrapName)) { node = dom.rename(node, wrapName); setElementFormat(node); newWrappers.push(node); currentWrapElm = 0; return; } if (format.selector) { var found = applyNodeStyle(formatList, node); if (!format.inline || found) { currentWrapElm = 0; return; } } if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState && FormatUtils.isValid(ed, wrapName, nodeName) && FormatUtils.isValid(ed, parentName, wrapName) && !(!nodeSpecific && node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue.length === 1 && node.nodeValue.charCodeAt(0) === 65279) && !isCaretNode(node) && (!format.inline || !dom.isBlock(node))) { if (!currentWrapElm) { currentWrapElm = dom.clone(wrapElm, false); node.parentNode.insertBefore(currentWrapElm, node); newWrappers.push(currentWrapElm); } currentWrapElm.appendChild(node); } else { currentWrapElm = 0; each$d(Tools.grep(node.childNodes), process); if (hasContentEditableState) { contentEditable = lastContentEditable; } currentWrapElm = 0; } }; each$d(nodes, process); }); if (format.links === true) { each$d(newWrappers, function (node) { var process = function (node) { if (node.nodeName === 'A') { setElementFormat(node, format); } each$d(Tools.grep(node.childNodes), process); }; process(node); }); } each$d(newWrappers, function (node) { var childCount; var getChildCount = function (node) { var count = 0; each$d(node.childNodes, function (node) { if (!FormatUtils.isWhiteSpaceNode(node) && !Bookmarks.isBookmarkNode(node)) { count++; } }); return count; }; var getChildElementNode = function (root) { var child = false; each$d(root.childNodes, function (node) { if (isElementNode$1(node)) { child = node; return false; } }); return child; }; var mergeStyles = function (node) { var child, clone; child = getChildElementNode(node); if (child && !Bookmarks.isBookmarkNode(child) && MatchFormat.matchName(dom, child, format)) { clone = dom.clone(child, false); setElementFormat(clone); dom.replace(clone, node, true); dom.remove(child, 1); } return clone || node; }; childCount = getChildCount(node); if ((newWrappers.length > 1 || !dom.isBlock(node)) && childCount === 0) { dom.remove(node, 1); return; } if (format.inline || format.wrapper) { if (!format.exact && childCount === 1) { node = mergeStyles(node); } MergeFormats.mergeWithChildren(ed, formatList, vars, node); MergeFormats.mergeWithParents(ed, format, name, vars, node); MergeFormats.mergeBackgroundColorAndFontSize(dom, format, vars, node); MergeFormats.mergeSubSup(dom, format, vars, node); MergeFormats.mergeSiblings(dom, format, vars, node); } }); }; if (dom.getContentEditable(selection.getNode()) === 'false') { node = selection.getNode(); for (var i = 0, l = formatList.length; i < l; i++) { if (formatList[i].ceFalseOverride && dom.is(node, formatList[i].selector)) { setElementFormat(node, formatList[i]); return; } } return; } if (format) { if (node) { if (node.nodeType) { if (!applyNodeStyle(formatList, node)) { rng = dom.createRng(); rng.setStartBefore(node); rng.setEndAfter(node); applyRngStyle(dom, ExpandRange.expandRng(ed, rng, formatList), null, true); } } else { applyRngStyle(dom, node, null, true); } } else { if (!isCollapsed || !format.inline || dom.select('td[data-mce-selected],th[data-mce-selected]').length) { var curSelNode = ed.selection.getNode(); if (!ed.settings.forced_root_block && formatList[0].defaultBlock && !dom.getParent(curSelNode, dom.isBlock)) { applyFormat(ed, formatList[0].defaultBlock); } ed.selection.setRng(RangeNormalizer.normalize(ed.selection.getRng())); bookmark = GetBookmark.getPersistentBookmark(ed.selection, true); applyRngStyle(dom, ExpandRange.expandRng(ed, selection.getRng(), formatList)); if (format.styles) { MergeFormats.mergeUnderlineAndColor(dom, format, vars, curSelNode); } selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark); FormatUtils.moveStart(dom, selection, selection.getRng()); ed.nodeChanged(); } else { applyCaretFormat(ed, name, vars); } } Hooks.postProcess(name, ed); } }; var ApplyFormat = { applyFormat: applyFormat }; var setup$6 = function (registeredFormatListeners, editor) { var currentFormats = Cell({}); registeredFormatListeners.set({}); editor.on('NodeChange', function (e) { updateAndFireChangeCallbacks(editor, e.element, currentFormats, registeredFormatListeners.get()); }); }; var updateAndFireChangeCallbacks = function (editor, elm, currentFormats, formatChangeData) { var formatsList = keys(currentFormats.get()); var newFormats = {}; var matchedFormats = {}; var parents = filter(FormatUtils.getParents(editor.dom, elm), function (node) { return node.nodeType === 1 && !node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus'); }); each$1(formatChangeData, function (data, format) { Tools.each(parents, function (node) { if (editor.formatter.matchNode(node, format, {}, data.similar)) { if (formatsList.indexOf(format) === -1) { each(data.callbacks, function (callback) { callback(true, { node: node, format: format, parents: parents }); }); newFormats[format] = data.callbacks; } matchedFormats[format] = data.callbacks; return false; } if (MatchFormat.matchesUnInheritedFormatSelector(editor, node, format)) { return false; } }); }); var remainingFormats = filterRemainingFormats(currentFormats.get(), matchedFormats, elm, parents); currentFormats.set(__assign(__assign({}, newFormats), remainingFormats)); }; var filterRemainingFormats = function (currentFormats, matchedFormats, elm, parents) { return bifilter(currentFormats, function (callbacks, format) { if (!has(matchedFormats, format)) { each(callbacks, function (callback) { callback(false, { node: elm, format: format, parents: parents }); }); return false; } else { return true; } }).t; }; var addListeners = function (registeredFormatListeners, formats, callback, similar) { var formatChangeItems = registeredFormatListeners.get(); each(formats.split(','), function (format) { if (!formatChangeItems[format]) { formatChangeItems[format] = { similar: similar, callbacks: [] }; } formatChangeItems[format].callbacks.push(callback); }); registeredFormatListeners.set(formatChangeItems); }; var removeListeners = function (registeredFormatListeners, formats, callback) { var formatChangeItems = registeredFormatListeners.get(); each(formats.split(','), function (format) { formatChangeItems[format].callbacks = filter(formatChangeItems[format].callbacks, function (c) { return c !== callback; }); if (formatChangeItems[format].callbacks.length === 0) { delete formatChangeItems[format]; } }); registeredFormatListeners.set(formatChangeItems); }; var formatChanged = function (editor, registeredFormatListeners, formats, callback, similar) { if (registeredFormatListeners.get() === null) { setup$6(registeredFormatListeners, editor); } addListeners(registeredFormatListeners, formats, callback, similar); return { unbind: function () { return removeListeners(registeredFormatListeners, formats, callback); } }; }; var get$7 = function (dom) { var formats = { valigntop: [{ selector: 'td,th', styles: { verticalAlign: 'top' } }], valignmiddle: [{ selector: 'td,th', styles: { verticalAlign: 'middle' } }], valignbottom: [{ selector: 'td,th', styles: { verticalAlign: 'bottom' } }], alignleft: [ { selector: 'figure.image', collapsed: false, classes: 'align-left', ceFalseOverride: true, preview: 'font-family font-size' }, { selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li', styles: { textAlign: 'left' }, inherit: false, preview: false, defaultBlock: 'div' }, { selector: 'img,table', collapsed: false, styles: { float: 'left' }, preview: 'font-family font-size' } ], aligncenter: [ { selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li', styles: { textAlign: 'center' }, inherit: false, preview: 'font-family font-size', defaultBlock: 'div' }, { selector: 'figure.image', collapsed: false, classes: 'align-center', ceFalseOverride: true, preview: 'font-family font-size' }, { selector: 'img', collapsed: false, styles: { display: 'block', marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto' }, preview: false }, { selector: 'table', collapsed: false, styles: { marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto' }, preview: 'font-family font-size' } ], alignright: [ { selector: 'figure.image', collapsed: false, classes: 'align-right', ceFalseOverride: true, preview: 'font-family font-size' }, { selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li', styles: { textAlign: 'right' }, inherit: false, preview: 'font-family font-size', defaultBlock: 'div' }, { selector: 'img,table', collapsed: false, styles: { float: 'right' }, preview: 'font-family font-size' } ], alignjustify: [{ selector: 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,tr,div,ul,ol,li', styles: { textAlign: 'justify' }, inherit: false, defaultBlock: 'div', preview: 'font-family font-size' }], bold: [ { inline: 'strong', remove: 'all' }, { inline: 'span', styles: { fontWeight: 'bold' } }, { inline: 'b', remove: 'all' } ], italic: [ { inline: 'em', remove: 'all' }, { inline: 'span', styles: { fontStyle: 'italic' } }, { inline: 'i', remove: 'all' } ], underline: [ { inline: 'span', styles: { textDecoration: 'underline' }, exact: true }, { inline: 'u', remove: 'all' } ], strikethrough: [ { inline: 'span', styles: { textDecoration: 'line-through' }, exact: true }, { inline: 'strike', remove: 'all' } ], forecolor: { inline: 'span', styles: { color: '%value' }, links: true, remove_similar: true, clear_child_styles: true }, hilitecolor: { inline: 'span', styles: { backgroundColor: '%value' }, links: true, remove_similar: true, clear_child_styles: true }, fontname: { inline: 'span', toggle: false, styles: { fontFamily: '%value' }, clear_child_styles: true }, fontsize: { inline: 'span', toggle: false, styles: { fontSize: '%value' }, clear_child_styles: true }, fontsize_class: { inline: 'span', attributes: { class: '%value' } }, blockquote: { block: 'blockquote', wrapper: true, remove: 'all' }, subscript: { inline: 'sub' }, superscript: { inline: 'sup' }, code: { inline: 'code' }, link: { inline: 'a', selector: 'a', remove: 'all', split: true, deep: true, onmatch: function () { return true; }, onformat: function (elm, fmt, vars) { Tools.each(vars, function (value, key) { dom.setAttrib(elm, key, value); }); } }, removeformat: [ { selector: 'b,strong,em,i,font,u,strike,sub,sup,dfn,code,samp,kbd,var,cite,mark,q,del,ins', remove: 'all', split: true, expand: false, block_expand: true, deep: true }, { selector: 'span', attributes: [ 'style', 'class' ], remove: 'empty', split: true, expand: false, deep: true }, { selector: '*', attributes: [ 'style', 'class' ], split: false, expand: false, deep: true } ] }; Tools.each('p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div address pre div dt dd samp'.split(/\s/), function (name) { formats[name] = { block: name, remove: 'all' }; }); return formats; }; var DefaultFormats = { get: get$7 }; function FormatRegistry(editor) { var formats = {}; var get = function (name) { return name ? formats[name] : formats; }; var has$1 = function (name) { return has(formats, name); }; var register = function (name, format) { if (name) { if (typeof name !== 'string') { Tools.each(name, function (format, name) { register(name, format); }); } else { if (!isArray(format)) { format = [format]; } Tools.each(format, function (format) { if (typeof format.deep === 'undefined') { format.deep = !format.selector; } if (typeof format.split === 'undefined') { format.split = !format.selector || format.inline; } if (typeof format.remove === 'undefined' && format.selector && !format.inline) { format.remove = 'none'; } if (format.selector && format.inline) { format.mixed = true; format.block_expand = true; } if (typeof format.classes === 'string') { format.classes = format.classes.split(/\s+/); } }); formats[name] = format; } } }; var unregister = function (name) { if (name && formats[name]) { delete formats[name]; } return formats; }; register(DefaultFormats.get(editor.dom)); register(editor.settings.formats); return { get: get, has: has$1, register: register, unregister: unregister }; } var each$e = Tools.each; var dom = DOMUtils$1.DOM; var parsedSelectorToHtml = function (ancestry, editor) { var elm, item, fragment; var schema = editor && editor.schema || Schema({}); var decorate = function (elm, item) { if (item.classes.length) { dom.addClass(elm, item.classes.join(' ')); } dom.setAttribs(elm, item.attrs); }; var createElement = function (sItem) { var elm; item = typeof sItem === 'string' ? { name: sItem, classes: [], attrs: {} } : sItem; elm = dom.create(item.name); decorate(elm, item); return elm; }; var getRequiredParent = function (elm, candidate) { var name = typeof elm !== 'string' ? elm.nodeName.toLowerCase() : elm; var elmRule = schema.getElementRule(name); var parentsRequired = elmRule && elmRule.parentsRequired; if (parentsRequired && parentsRequired.length) { return candidate && Tools.inArray(parentsRequired, candidate) !== -1 ? candidate : parentsRequired[0]; } else { return false; } }; var wrapInHtml = function (elm, ancestry, siblings) { var parent, parentCandidate, parentRequired; var ancestor = ancestry.length > 0 && ancestry[0]; var ancestorName = ancestor && ancestor.name; parentRequired = getRequiredParent(elm, ancestorName); if (parentRequired) { if (ancestorName === parentRequired) { parentCandidate = ancestry[0]; ancestry = ancestry.slice(1); } else { parentCandidate = parentRequired; } } else if (ancestor) { parentCandidate = ancestry[0]; ancestry = ancestry.slice(1); } else if (!siblings) { return elm; } if (parentCandidate) { parent = createElement(parentCandidate); parent.appendChild(elm); } if (siblings) { if (!parent) { parent = dom.create('div'); parent.appendChild(elm); } Tools.each(siblings, function (sibling) { var siblingElm = createElement(sibling); parent.insertBefore(siblingElm, elm); }); } return wrapInHtml(parent, ancestry, parentCandidate && parentCandidate.siblings); }; if (ancestry && ancestry.length) { item = ancestry[0]; elm = createElement(item); fragment = dom.create('div'); fragment.appendChild(wrapInHtml(elm, ancestry.slice(1), item.siblings)); return fragment; } else { return ''; } }; var selectorToHtml = function (selector, editor) { return parsedSelectorToHtml(parseSelector(selector), editor); }; var parseSelectorItem = function (item) { var tagName; var obj = { classes: [], attrs: {} }; item = obj.selector = Tools.trim(item); if (item !== '*') { tagName = item.replace(/(?:([#\.]|::?)([\w\-]+)|(\[)([^\]]+)\]?)/g, function ($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) { switch ($1) { case '#': obj.attrs.id = $2; break; case '.': obj.classes.push($2); break; case ':': if (Tools.inArray('checked disabled enabled read-only required'.split(' '), $2) !== -1) { obj.attrs[$2] = $2; } break; } if ($3 === '[') { var m = $4.match(/([\w\-]+)(?:\=\"([^\"]+))?/); if (m) { obj.attrs[m[1]] = m[2]; } } return ''; }); } obj.name = tagName || 'div'; return obj; }; var parseSelector = function (selector) { if (!selector || typeof selector !== 'string') { return []; } selector = selector.split(/\s*,\s*/)[0]; selector = selector.replace(/\s*(~\+|~|\+|>)\s*/g, '$1'); return Tools.map(selector.split(/(?:>|\s+(?![^\[\]]+\]))/), function (item) { var siblings = Tools.map(item.split(/(?:~\+|~|\+)/), parseSelectorItem); var obj = siblings.pop(); if (siblings.length) { obj.siblings = siblings; } return obj; }).reverse(); }; var getCssText = function (editor, format) { var name, previewFrag, previewElm, items; var previewCss = '', parentFontSize, previewStyles; previewStyles = editor.settings.preview_styles; if (previewStyles === false) { return ''; } if (typeof previewStyles !== 'string') { previewStyles = 'font-family font-size font-weight font-style text-decoration ' + 'text-transform color background-color border border-radius outline text-shadow'; } var removeVars = function (val) { return val.replace(/%(\w+)/g, ''); }; if (typeof format === 'string') { format = editor.formatter.get(format); if (!format) { return; } format = format[0]; } if ('preview' in format) { previewStyles = format.preview; if (previewStyles === false) { return ''; } } name = format.block || format.inline || 'span'; items = parseSelector(format.selector); if (items.length) { if (!items[0].name) { items[0].name = name; } name = format.selector; previewFrag = parsedSelectorToHtml(items, editor); } else { previewFrag = parsedSelectorToHtml([name], editor); } previewElm = dom.select(name, previewFrag)[0] || previewFrag.firstChild; each$e(format.styles, function (value, name) { value = removeVars(value); if (value) { dom.setStyle(previewElm, name, value); } }); each$e(format.attributes, function (value, name) { value = removeVars(value); if (value) { dom.setAttrib(previewElm, name, value); } }); each$e(format.classes, function (value) { value = removeVars(value); if (!dom.hasClass(previewElm, value)) { dom.addClass(previewElm, value); } }); editor.fire('PreviewFormats'); dom.setStyles(previewFrag, { position: 'absolute', left: -65535 }); editor.getBody().appendChild(previewFrag); parentFontSize = dom.getStyle(editor.getBody(), 'fontSize', true); parentFontSize = /px$/.test(parentFontSize) ? parseInt(parentFontSize, 10) : 0; each$e(previewStyles.split(' '), function (name) { var value = dom.getStyle(previewElm, name, true); if (name === 'background-color' && /transparent|rgba\s*\([^)]+,\s*0\)/.test(value)) { value = dom.getStyle(editor.getBody(), name, true); if (dom.toHex(value).toLowerCase() === '#ffffff') { return; } } if (name === 'color') { if (dom.toHex(value).toLowerCase() === '#000000') { return; } } if (name === 'font-size') { if (/em|%$/.test(value)) { if (parentFontSize === 0) { return; } var numValue = parseFloat(value) / (/%$/.test(value) ? 100 : 1); value = numValue * parentFontSize + 'px'; } } if (name === 'border' && value) { previewCss += 'padding:0 2px;'; } previewCss += name + ':' + value + ';'; }); editor.fire('AfterPreviewFormats'); dom.remove(previewFrag); return previewCss; }; var Preview = { getCssText: getCssText, parseSelector: parseSelector, selectorToHtml: selectorToHtml }; var toggle = function (editor, formats, name, vars, node) { var fmt = formats.get(name); if (MatchFormat.match(editor, name, vars, node) && (!('toggle' in fmt[0]) || fmt[0].toggle)) { RemoveFormat.remove(editor, name, vars, node); } else { ApplyFormat.applyFormat(editor, name, vars, node); } }; var ToggleFormat = { toggle: toggle }; var setup$7 = function (editor) { editor.addShortcut('meta+b', '', 'Bold'); editor.addShortcut('meta+i', '', 'Italic'); editor.addShortcut('meta+u', '', 'Underline'); for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { editor.addShortcut('access+' + i, '', [ 'FormatBlock', false, 'h' + i ]); } editor.addShortcut('access+7', '', [ 'FormatBlock', false, 'p' ]); editor.addShortcut('access+8', '', [ 'FormatBlock', false, 'div' ]); editor.addShortcut('access+9', '', [ 'FormatBlock', false, 'address' ]); }; var FormatShortcuts = { setup: setup$7 }; var Formatter = function (editor) { var formats = FormatRegistry(editor); var formatChangeState = Cell(null); FormatShortcuts.setup(editor); setup$5(editor); return { get: formats.get, has: formats.has, register: formats.register, unregister: formats.unregister, apply: curry(ApplyFormat.applyFormat, editor), remove: curry(RemoveFormat.remove, editor), toggle: curry(ToggleFormat.toggle, editor, formats), match: curry(MatchFormat.match, editor), matchAll: curry(MatchFormat.matchAll, editor), matchNode: curry(MatchFormat.matchNode, editor), canApply: curry(MatchFormat.canApply, editor), formatChanged: curry(formatChanged, editor, formatChangeState), getCssText: curry(Preview.getCssText, editor) }; }; var register$1 = function (htmlParser, settings, dom) { htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-tabindex', function (nodes, name) { var i = nodes.length, node; while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; node.attr('tabindex', node.attr('data-mce-tabindex')); node.attr(name, null); } }); htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('src,href,style', function (nodes, name) { var i = nodes.length, node, value; var internalName = 'data-mce-' + name; var urlConverter = settings.url_converter; var urlConverterScope = settings.url_converter_scope; while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; value = node.attr(internalName); if (value !== undefined) { node.attr(name, value.length > 0 ? value : null); node.attr(internalName, null); } else { value = node.attr(name); if (name === 'style') { value = dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(value), node.name); } else if (urlConverter) { value = urlConverter.call(urlConverterScope, value, name, node.name); } node.attr(name, value.length > 0 ? value : null); } } }); htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('class', function (nodes) { var i = nodes.length, node, value; while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; value = node.attr('class'); if (value) { value = node.attr('class').replace(/(?:^|\s)mce-item-\w+(?!\S)/g, ''); node.attr('class', value.length > 0 ? value : null); } } }); htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-type', function (nodes, name, args) { var i = nodes.length, node; while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; if (node.attr('data-mce-type') === 'bookmark' && !args.cleanup) { var hasChildren = Option.from(node.firstChild).exists(function (firstChild) { return !Zwsp.isZwsp(firstChild.value); }); if (hasChildren) { node.unwrap(); } else { node.remove(); } } } }); htmlParser.addNodeFilter('noscript', function (nodes) { var i = nodes.length, node; while (i--) { node = nodes[i].firstChild; if (node) { node.value = Entities.decode(node.value); } } }); htmlParser.addNodeFilter('script,style', function (nodes, name) { var i = nodes.length, node, value, type; var trim = function (value) { return value.replace(/()/g, '\n').replace(/^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]*$/g, '').replace(/^\s*(()?|\s*\/\/\s*\]\]>(-->)?|\/\/\s*(-->)?|\]\]>|\/\*\s*-->\s*\*\/|\s*-->\s*)\s*$/g, ''); }; while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; value = node.firstChild ? node.firstChild.value : ''; if (name === 'script') { type = node.attr('type'); if (type) { node.attr('type', type === 'mce-no/type' ? null : type.replace(/^mce\-/, '')); } if (settings.element_format === 'xhtml' && value.length > 0) { node.firstChild.value = '// '; } } else { if (settings.element_format === 'xhtml' && value.length > 0) { node.firstChild.value = ''; } } } }); htmlParser.addNodeFilter('#comment', function (nodes) { var i = nodes.length, node; while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; if (node.value.indexOf('[CDATA[') === 0) { node.name = '#cdata'; node.type = 4; node.value = node.value.replace(/^\[CDATA\[|\]\]$/g, ''); } else if (node.value.indexOf('mce:protected ') === 0) { node.name = '#text'; node.type = 3; node.raw = true; node.value = unescape(node.value).substr(14); } } }); htmlParser.addNodeFilter('xml:namespace,input', function (nodes, name) { var i = nodes.length, node; while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; if (node.type === 7) { node.remove(); } else if (node.type === 1) { if (name === 'input' && !node.attr('type')) { node.attr('type', 'text'); } } } }); htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-type', function (nodes) { each(nodes, function (node) { if (node.attr('data-mce-type') === 'format-caret') { if (node.isEmpty(htmlParser.schema.getNonEmptyElements())) { node.remove(); } else { node.unwrap(); } } }); }); htmlParser.addAttributeFilter('data-mce-src,data-mce-href,data-mce-style,' + 'data-mce-selected,data-mce-expando,' + 'data-mce-type,data-mce-resize', function (nodes, name) { var i = nodes.length; while (i--) { nodes[i].attr(name, null); } }); }; var trimTrailingBr = function (rootNode) { var brNode1, brNode2; var isBr = function (node) { return node && node.name === 'br'; }; brNode1 = rootNode.lastChild; if (isBr(brNode1)) { brNode2 = brNode1.prev; if (isBr(brNode2)) { brNode1.remove(); brNode2.remove(); } } }; var DomSerializerFilters = { register: register$1, trimTrailingBr: trimTrailingBr }; var preProcess = function (editor, node, args) { var impl, doc, oldDoc; var dom = editor.dom; node = node.cloneNode(true); impl = domGlobals.document.implementation; if (impl.createHTMLDocument) { doc = impl.createHTMLDocument(''); Tools.each(node.nodeName === 'BODY' ? node.childNodes : [node], function (node) { doc.body.appendChild(doc.importNode(node, true)); }); if (node.nodeName !== 'BODY') { node = doc.body.firstChild; } else { node = doc.body; } oldDoc = dom.doc; dom.doc = doc; } Events.firePreProcess(editor, merge(args, { node: node })); if (oldDoc) { dom.doc = oldDoc; } return node; }; var shouldFireEvent = function (editor, args) { return editor && editor.hasEventListeners('PreProcess') && !args.no_events; }; var process = function (editor, node, args) { return shouldFireEvent(editor, args) ? preProcess(editor, node, args) : node; }; var DomSerializerPreProcess = { process: process }; var removeAttrs = function (node, names) { each(names, function (name) { node.attr(name, null); }); }; var addFontToSpansFilter = function (domParser, styles, fontSizes) { domParser.addNodeFilter('font', function (nodes) { each(nodes, function (node) { var props = styles.parse(node.attr('style')); var color = node.attr('color'); var face = node.attr('face'); var size = node.attr('size'); if (color) { props.color = color; } if (face) { props['font-family'] = face; } if (size) { props['font-size'] = fontSizes[parseInt(node.attr('size'), 10) - 1]; } node.name = 'span'; node.attr('style', styles.serialize(props)); removeAttrs(node, [ 'color', 'face', 'size' ]); }); }); }; var addStrikeToSpanFilter = function (domParser, styles) { domParser.addNodeFilter('strike', function (nodes) { each(nodes, function (node) { var props = styles.parse(node.attr('style')); props['text-decoration'] = 'line-through'; node.name = 'span'; node.attr('style', styles.serialize(props)); }); }); }; var addFilters = function (domParser, settings) { var styles = Styles(); if (settings.convert_fonts_to_spans) { addFontToSpansFilter(domParser, styles, Tools.explode(settings.font_size_legacy_values)); } addStrikeToSpanFilter(domParser, styles); }; var register$2 = function (domParser, settings) { if (settings.inline_styles) { addFilters(domParser, settings); } }; var LegacyFilter = { register: register$2 }; var paddEmptyNode = function (settings, args, blockElements, node) { var brPreferred = settings.padd_empty_with_br || args.insert; if (brPreferred && blockElements[node.name]) { node.empty().append(new Node$1('br', 1)).shortEnded = true; } else { node.empty().append(new Node$1('#text', 3)).value = '\xA0'; } }; var isPaddedWithNbsp = function (node) { return hasOnlyChild(node, '#text') && node.firstChild.value === '\xA0'; }; var hasOnlyChild = function (node, name) { return node && node.firstChild && node.firstChild === node.lastChild && node.firstChild.name === name; }; var isPadded = function (schema, node) { var rule = schema.getElementRule(node.name); return rule && rule.paddEmpty; }; var isEmpty$2 = function (schema, nonEmptyElements, whitespaceElements, node) { return node.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements, whitespaceElements, function (node) { return isPadded(schema, node); }); }; var isLineBreakNode = function (node, blockElements) { return node && (blockElements[node.name] || node.name === 'br'); }; var register$3 = function (parser, settings) { var schema = parser.schema; if (settings.remove_trailing_brs) { parser.addNodeFilter('br', function (nodes, _, args) { var i; var l = nodes.length; var node; var blockElements = Tools.extend({}, schema.getBlockElements()); var nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements(); var parent, lastParent, prev, prevName; var whiteSpaceElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements(); var elementRule, textNode; blockElements.body = 1; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { node = nodes[i]; parent = node.parent; if (blockElements[node.parent.name] && node === parent.lastChild) { prev = node.prev; while (prev) { prevName = prev.name; if (prevName !== 'span' || prev.attr('data-mce-type') !== 'bookmark') { if (prevName !== 'br') { break; } if (prevName === 'br') { node = null; break; } } prev = prev.prev; } if (node) { node.remove(); if (isEmpty$2(schema, nonEmptyElements, whiteSpaceElements, parent)) { elementRule = schema.getElementRule(parent.name); if (elementRule) { if (elementRule.removeEmpty) { parent.remove(); } else if (elementRule.paddEmpty) { paddEmptyNode(settings, args, blockElements, parent); } } } } } else { lastParent = node; while (parent && parent.firstChild === lastParent && parent.lastChild === lastParent) { lastParent = parent; if (blockElements[parent.name]) { break; } parent = parent.parent; } if (lastParent === parent && settings.padd_empty_with_br !== true) { textNode = new Node$1('#text', 3); textNode.value = '\xA0'; node.replace(textNode); } } } }); } parser.addAttributeFilter('href', function (nodes) { var i = nodes.length, node; var appendRel = function (rel) { var parts = rel.split(' ').filter(function (p) { return p.length > 0; }); return parts.concat(['noopener']).sort().join(' '); }; var addNoOpener = function (rel) { var newRel = rel ? Tools.trim(rel) : ''; if (!/\b(noopener)\b/g.test(newRel)) { return appendRel(newRel); } else { return newRel; } }; if (!settings.allow_unsafe_link_target) { while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; if (node.name === 'a' && node.attr('target') === '_blank') { node.attr('rel', addNoOpener(node.attr('rel'))); } } } }); if (!settings.allow_html_in_named_anchor) { parser.addAttributeFilter('id,name', function (nodes) { var i = nodes.length, sibling, prevSibling, parent, node; while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; if (node.name === 'a' && node.firstChild && !node.attr('href')) { parent = node.parent; sibling = node.lastChild; do { prevSibling = sibling.prev; parent.insert(sibling, node); sibling = prevSibling; } while (sibling); } } }); } if (settings.fix_list_elements) { parser.addNodeFilter('ul,ol', function (nodes) { var i = nodes.length, node, parentNode; while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; parentNode = node.parent; if (parentNode.name === 'ul' || parentNode.name === 'ol') { if (node.prev && node.prev.name === 'li') { node.prev.append(node); } else { var li = new Node$1('li', 1); li.attr('style', 'list-style-type: none'); node.wrap(li); } } } }); } if (settings.validate && schema.getValidClasses()) { parser.addAttributeFilter('class', function (nodes) { var i = nodes.length, node, classList, ci, className, classValue; var validClasses = schema.getValidClasses(); var validClassesMap, valid; while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; classList = node.attr('class').split(' '); classValue = ''; for (ci = 0; ci < classList.length; ci++) { className = classList[ci]; valid = false; validClassesMap = validClasses['*']; if (validClassesMap && validClassesMap[className]) { valid = true; } validClassesMap = validClasses[node.name]; if (!valid && validClassesMap && validClassesMap[className]) { valid = true; } if (valid) { if (classValue) { classValue += ' '; } classValue += className; } } if (!classValue.length) { classValue = null; } node.attr('class', classValue); } }); } }; var makeMap$4 = Tools.makeMap, each$f = Tools.each, explode$2 = Tools.explode, extend$2 = Tools.extend; var DomParser = function (settings, schema) { if (schema === void 0) { schema = Schema(); } var nodeFilters = {}; var attributeFilters = []; var matchedNodes = {}; var matchedAttributes = {}; settings = settings || {}; settings.validate = 'validate' in settings ? settings.validate : true; settings.root_name = settings.root_name || 'body'; var fixInvalidChildren = function (nodes) { var ni, node, parent, parents, newParent, currentNode, tempNode, childNode, i; var nonEmptyElements, whitespaceElements, nonSplitableElements, textBlockElements, specialElements, sibling, nextNode; nonSplitableElements = makeMap$4('tr,td,th,tbody,thead,tfoot,table'); nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements(); whitespaceElements = schema.getWhiteSpaceElements(); textBlockElements = schema.getTextBlockElements(); specialElements = schema.getSpecialElements(); for (ni = 0; ni < nodes.length; ni++) { node = nodes[ni]; if (!node.parent || node.fixed) { continue; } if (textBlockElements[node.name] && node.parent.name === 'li') { sibling = node.next; while (sibling) { if (textBlockElements[sibling.name]) { sibling.name = 'li'; sibling.fixed = true; node.parent.insert(sibling, node.parent); } else { break; } sibling = sibling.next; } node.unwrap(node); continue; } parents = [node]; for (parent = node.parent; parent && !schema.isValidChild(parent.name, node.name) && !nonSplitableElements[parent.name]; parent = parent.parent) { parents.push(parent); } if (parent && parents.length > 1) { parents.reverse(); newParent = currentNode = filterNode(parents[0].clone()); for (i = 0; i < parents.length - 1; i++) { if (schema.isValidChild(currentNode.name, parents[i].name)) { tempNode = filterNode(parents[i].clone()); currentNode.append(tempNode); } else { tempNode = currentNode; } for (childNode = parents[i].firstChild; childNode && childNode !== parents[i + 1];) { nextNode = childNode.next; tempNode.append(childNode); childNode = nextNode; } currentNode = tempNode; } if (!isEmpty$2(schema, nonEmptyElements, whitespaceElements, newParent)) { parent.insert(newParent, parents[0], true); parent.insert(node, newParent); } else { parent.insert(node, parents[0], true); } parent = parents[0]; if (isEmpty$2(schema, nonEmptyElements, whitespaceElements, parent) || hasOnlyChild(parent, 'br')) { parent.empty().remove(); } } else if (node.parent) { if (node.name === 'li') { sibling = node.prev; if (sibling && (sibling.name === 'ul' || sibling.name === 'ul')) { sibling.append(node); continue; } sibling = node.next; if (sibling && (sibling.name === 'ul' || sibling.name === 'ul')) { sibling.insert(node, sibling.firstChild, true); continue; } node.wrap(filterNode(new Node$1('ul', 1))); continue; } if (schema.isValidChild(node.parent.name, 'div') && schema.isValidChild('div', node.name)) { node.wrap(filterNode(new Node$1('div', 1))); } else { if (specialElements[node.name]) { node.empty().remove(); } else { node.unwrap(); } } } } }; var filterNode = function (node) { var i, name, list; name = node.name; if (name in nodeFilters) { list = matchedNodes[name]; if (list) { list.push(node); } else { matchedNodes[name] = [node]; } } i = attributeFilters.length; while (i--) { name = attributeFilters[i].name; if (name in node.attributes.map) { list = matchedAttributes[name]; if (list) { list.push(node); } else { matchedAttributes[name] = [node]; } } } return node; }; var addNodeFilter = function (name, callback) { each$f(explode$2(name), function (name) { var list = nodeFilters[name]; if (!list) { nodeFilters[name] = list = []; } list.push(callback); }); }; var getNodeFilters = function () { var out = []; for (var name in nodeFilters) { if (nodeFilters.hasOwnProperty(name)) { out.push({ name: name, callbacks: nodeFilters[name] }); } } return out; }; var addAttributeFilter = function (name, callback) { each$f(explode$2(name), function (name) { var i; for (i = 0; i < attributeFilters.length; i++) { if (attributeFilters[i].name === name) { attributeFilters[i].callbacks.push(callback); return; } } attributeFilters.push({ name: name, callbacks: [callback] }); }); }; var getAttributeFilters = function () { return [].concat(attributeFilters); }; var parse = function (html, args) { var parser, nodes, i, l, fi, fl, list, name; var blockElements; var invalidChildren = []; var isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement; var node; var getRootBlockName = function (name) { if (name === false) { return ''; } else if (name === true) { return 'p'; } else { return name; } }; args = args || {}; matchedNodes = {}; matchedAttributes = {}; blockElements = extend$2(makeMap$4('script,style,head,html,body,title,meta,param'), schema.getBlockElements()); var nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements(); var children = schema.children; var validate = settings.validate; var forcedRootBlockName = 'forced_root_block' in args ? args.forced_root_block : settings.forced_root_block; var rootBlockName = getRootBlockName(forcedRootBlockName); var whiteSpaceElements = schema.getWhiteSpaceElements(); var startWhiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]+/; var endWhiteSpaceRegExp = /[ \t\r\n]+$/; var allWhiteSpaceRegExp = /[ \t\r\n]+/g; var isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp = /^[ \t\r\n]+$/; isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement = whiteSpaceElements.hasOwnProperty(args.context) || whiteSpaceElements.hasOwnProperty(settings.root_name); var addRootBlocks = function () { var node = rootNode.firstChild, next, rootBlockNode; var trim = function (rootBlockNode) { if (rootBlockNode) { node = rootBlockNode.firstChild; if (node && node.type === 3) { node.value = node.value.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, ''); } node = rootBlockNode.lastChild; if (node && node.type === 3) { node.value = node.value.replace(endWhiteSpaceRegExp, ''); } } }; if (!schema.isValidChild(rootNode.name, rootBlockName.toLowerCase())) { return; } while (node) { next = node.next; if (node.type === 3 || node.type === 1 && node.name !== 'p' && !blockElements[node.name] && !node.attr('data-mce-type')) { if (!rootBlockNode) { rootBlockNode = createNode(rootBlockName, 1); rootBlockNode.attr(settings.forced_root_block_attrs); rootNode.insert(rootBlockNode, node); rootBlockNode.append(node); } else { rootBlockNode.append(node); } } else { trim(rootBlockNode); rootBlockNode = null; } node = next; } trim(rootBlockNode); }; var createNode = function (name, type) { var node = new Node$1(name, type); var list; if (name in nodeFilters) { list = matchedNodes[name]; if (list) { list.push(node); } else { matchedNodes[name] = [node]; } } return node; }; var removeWhitespaceBefore = function (node) { var textNode, textNodeNext, textVal, sibling; var blockElements = schema.getBlockElements(); for (textNode = node.prev; textNode && textNode.type === 3;) { textVal = textNode.value.replace(endWhiteSpaceRegExp, ''); if (textVal.length > 0) { textNode.value = textVal; return; } textNodeNext = textNode.next; if (textNodeNext) { if (textNodeNext.type === 3 && textNodeNext.value.length) { textNode = textNode.prev; continue; } if (!blockElements[textNodeNext.name] && textNodeNext.name !== 'script' && textNodeNext.name !== 'style') { textNode = textNode.prev; continue; } } sibling = textNode.prev; textNode.remove(); textNode = sibling; } }; var cloneAndExcludeBlocks = function (input) { var name; var output = {}; for (name in input) { if (name !== 'li' && name !== 'p') { output[name] = input[name]; } } return output; }; parser = SaxParser$1({ validate: validate, allow_script_urls: settings.allow_script_urls, allow_conditional_comments: settings.allow_conditional_comments, self_closing_elements: cloneAndExcludeBlocks(schema.getSelfClosingElements()), cdata: function (text) { node.append(createNode('#cdata', 4)).value = text; }, text: function (text, raw) { var textNode; if (!isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement) { text = text.replace(allWhiteSpaceRegExp, ' '); if (isLineBreakNode(node.lastChild, blockElements)) { text = text.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, ''); } } if (text.length !== 0) { textNode = createNode('#text', 3); textNode.raw = !!raw; node.append(textNode).value = text; } }, comment: function (text) { node.append(createNode('#comment', 8)).value = text; }, pi: function (name, text) { node.append(createNode(name, 7)).value = text; removeWhitespaceBefore(node); }, doctype: function (text) { var newNode; newNode = node.append(createNode('#doctype', 10)); newNode.value = text; removeWhitespaceBefore(node); }, start: function (name, attrs, empty) { var newNode, attrFiltersLen, elementRule, attrName, parent; elementRule = validate ? schema.getElementRule(name) : {}; if (elementRule) { newNode = createNode(elementRule.outputName || name, 1); newNode.attributes = attrs; newNode.shortEnded = empty; node.append(newNode); parent = children[node.name]; if (parent && children[newNode.name] && !parent[newNode.name]) { invalidChildren.push(newNode); } attrFiltersLen = attributeFilters.length; while (attrFiltersLen--) { attrName = attributeFilters[attrFiltersLen].name; if (attrName in attrs.map) { list = matchedAttributes[attrName]; if (list) { list.push(newNode); } else { matchedAttributes[attrName] = [newNode]; } } } if (blockElements[name]) { removeWhitespaceBefore(newNode); } if (!empty) { node = newNode; } if (!isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement && whiteSpaceElements[name]) { isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement = true; } } }, end: function (name) { var textNode, elementRule, text, sibling, tempNode; elementRule = validate ? schema.getElementRule(name) : {}; if (elementRule) { if (blockElements[name]) { if (!isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement) { textNode = node.firstChild; if (textNode && textNode.type === 3) { text = textNode.value.replace(startWhiteSpaceRegExp, ''); if (text.length > 0) { textNode.value = text; textNode = textNode.next; } else { sibling = textNode.next; textNode.remove(); textNode = sibling; while (textNode && textNode.type === 3) { text = textNode.value; sibling = textNode.next; if (text.length === 0 || isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp.test(text)) { textNode.remove(); textNode = sibling; } textNode = sibling; } } } textNode = node.lastChild; if (textNode && textNode.type === 3) { text = textNode.value.replace(endWhiteSpaceRegExp, ''); if (text.length > 0) { textNode.value = text; textNode = textNode.prev; } else { sibling = textNode.prev; textNode.remove(); textNode = sibling; while (textNode && textNode.type === 3) { text = textNode.value; sibling = textNode.prev; if (text.length === 0 || isAllWhiteSpaceRegExp.test(text)) { textNode.remove(); textNode = sibling; } textNode = sibling; } } } } } if (isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement && whiteSpaceElements[name]) { isInWhiteSpacePreservedElement = false; } if (elementRule.removeEmpty && isEmpty$2(schema, nonEmptyElements, whiteSpaceElements, node)) { if (!node.attr('name') && !node.attr('id')) { tempNode = node.parent; if (blockElements[node.name]) { node.empty().remove(); } else { node.unwrap(); } node = tempNode; return; } } if (elementRule.paddEmpty && (isPaddedWithNbsp(node) || isEmpty$2(schema, nonEmptyElements, whiteSpaceElements, node))) { paddEmptyNode(settings, args, blockElements, node); } node = node.parent; } } }, schema); var rootNode = node = new Node$1(args.context || settings.root_name, 11); parser.parse(html); if (validate && invalidChildren.length) { if (!args.context) { fixInvalidChildren(invalidChildren); } else { args.invalid = true; } } if (rootBlockName && (rootNode.name === 'body' || args.isRootContent)) { addRootBlocks(); } if (!args.invalid) { for (name in matchedNodes) { if (!matchedNodes.hasOwnProperty(name)) { continue; } list = nodeFilters[name]; nodes = matchedNodes[name]; fi = nodes.length; while (fi--) { if (!nodes[fi].parent) { nodes.splice(fi, 1); } } for (i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) { list[i](nodes, name, args); } } for (i = 0, l = attributeFilters.length; i < l; i++) { list = attributeFilters[i]; if (list.name in matchedAttributes) { nodes = matchedAttributes[list.name]; fi = nodes.length; while (fi--) { if (!nodes[fi].parent) { nodes.splice(fi, 1); } } for (fi = 0, fl = list.callbacks.length; fi < fl; fi++) { list.callbacks[fi](nodes, list.name, args); } } } } return rootNode; }; var exports = { schema: schema, addAttributeFilter: addAttributeFilter, getAttributeFilters: getAttributeFilters, addNodeFilter: addNodeFilter, getNodeFilters: getNodeFilters, filterNode: filterNode, parse: parse }; register$3(exports, settings); LegacyFilter.register(exports, settings); return exports; }; var addTempAttr = function (htmlParser, tempAttrs, name) { if (Tools.inArray(tempAttrs, name) === -1) { htmlParser.addAttributeFilter(name, function (nodes, name) { var i = nodes.length; while (i--) { nodes[i].attr(name, null); } }); tempAttrs.push(name); } }; var postProcess$1 = function (editor, args, content) { if (!args.no_events && editor) { var outArgs = Events.firePostProcess(editor, merge(args, { content: content })); return outArgs.content; } else { return content; } }; var getHtmlFromNode = function (dom, node, args) { var html = Zwsp.trim(args.getInner ? node.innerHTML : dom.getOuterHTML(node)); return args.selection || isWsPreserveElement(Element.fromDom(node)) ? html : Tools.trim(html); }; var parseHtml = function (htmlParser, html, args) { var parserArgs = args.selection ? merge({ forced_root_block: false }, args) : args; var rootNode = htmlParser.parse(html, parserArgs); DomSerializerFilters.trimTrailingBr(rootNode); return rootNode; }; var serializeNode = function (settings, schema, node) { var htmlSerializer = Serializer(settings, schema); return htmlSerializer.serialize(node); }; var toHtml = function (editor, settings, schema, rootNode, args) { var content = serializeNode(settings, schema, rootNode); return postProcess$1(editor, args, content); }; var DomSerializer = function (settings, editor) { var dom, schema, htmlParser; var tempAttrs = ['data-mce-selected']; dom = editor && editor.dom ? editor.dom : DOMUtils$1.DOM; schema = editor && editor.schema ? editor.schema : Schema(settings); settings.entity_encoding = settings.entity_encoding || 'named'; settings.remove_trailing_brs = 'remove_trailing_brs' in settings ? settings.remove_trailing_brs : true; htmlParser = DomParser(settings, schema); DomSerializerFilters.register(htmlParser, settings, dom); var serialize = function (node, parserArgs) { var args = merge({ format: 'html' }, parserArgs ? parserArgs : {}); var targetNode = DomSerializerPreProcess.process(editor, node, args); var html = getHtmlFromNode(dom, targetNode, args); var rootNode = parseHtml(htmlParser, html, args); return args.format === 'tree' ? rootNode : toHtml(editor, settings, schema, rootNode, args); }; return { schema: schema, addNodeFilter: htmlParser.addNodeFilter, addAttributeFilter: htmlParser.addAttributeFilter, serialize: serialize, addRules: function (rules) { schema.addValidElements(rules); }, setRules: function (rules) { schema.setValidElements(rules); }, addTempAttr: curry(addTempAttr, htmlParser, tempAttrs), getTempAttrs: function () { return tempAttrs; } }; }; var Serializer$1 = function (settings, editor) { var domSerializer = DomSerializer(settings, editor); return { schema: domSerializer.schema, addNodeFilter: domSerializer.addNodeFilter, addAttributeFilter: domSerializer.addAttributeFilter, serialize: domSerializer.serialize, addRules: domSerializer.addRules, setRules: domSerializer.setRules, addTempAttr: domSerializer.addTempAttr, getTempAttrs: domSerializer.getTempAttrs }; }; function BookmarkManager(selection) { return { getBookmark: curry(Bookmarks.getBookmark, selection), moveToBookmark: curry(Bookmarks.moveToBookmark, selection) }; } (function (BookmarkManager) { BookmarkManager.isBookmarkNode = Bookmarks.isBookmarkNode; }(BookmarkManager || (BookmarkManager = {}))); var BookmarkManager$1 = BookmarkManager; var isContentEditableFalse$a = NodeType.isContentEditableFalse; var isContentEditableTrue$5 = NodeType.isContentEditableTrue; var getContentEditableRoot$1 = function (root, node) { while (node && node !== root) { if (isContentEditableTrue$5(node) || isContentEditableFalse$a(node)) { return node; } node = node.parentNode; } return null; }; var ControlSelection = function (selection, editor) { var dom = editor.dom, each = Tools.each; var selectedElm, selectedElmGhost, resizeHelper, resizeHandles, selectedHandle; var startX, startY, selectedElmX, selectedElmY, startW, startH, ratio, resizeStarted; var width, height; var editableDoc = editor.getDoc(), rootDocument = domGlobals.document; var abs = Math.abs, round = Math.round, rootElement = editor.getBody(); var startScrollWidth, startScrollHeight; resizeHandles = { nw: [ 0, 0, -1, -1 ], ne: [ 1, 0, 1, -1 ], se: [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], sw: [ 0, 1, -1, 1 ] }; var isImage = function (elm) { return elm && (elm.nodeName === 'IMG' || editor.dom.is(elm, 'figure.image')); }; var isEventOnImageOutsideRange = function (evt, range) { if (evt.type === 'longpress' || evt.type.indexOf('touch') === 0) { var touch = evt.touches[0]; return isImage(evt.target) && !RangePoint.isXYWithinRange(touch.clientX, touch.clientY, range); } else { return isImage(evt.target) && !RangePoint.isXYWithinRange(evt.clientX, evt.clientY, range); } }; var contextMenuSelectImage = function (evt) { var target = evt.target; if (isEventOnImageOutsideRange(evt, editor.selection.getRng()) && !evt.isDefaultPrevented()) { editor.selection.select(target); } }; var getResizeTarget = function (elm) { return editor.dom.is(elm, 'figure.image') ? elm.querySelector('img') : elm; }; var isResizable = function (elm) { var selector = editor.settings.object_resizing; if (selector === false || Env.iOS) { return false; } if (typeof selector !== 'string') { selector = 'table,img,figure.image,div'; } if (elm.getAttribute('data-mce-resize') === 'false') { return false; } if (elm === editor.getBody()) { return false; } return is(Element.fromDom(elm), selector); }; var resizeGhostElement = function (e) { var deltaX, deltaY, proportional; var resizeHelperX, resizeHelperY; deltaX = e.screenX - startX; deltaY = e.screenY - startY; width = deltaX * selectedHandle[2] + startW; height = deltaY * selectedHandle[3] + startH; width = width < 5 ? 5 : width; height = height < 5 ? 5 : height; if (isImage(selectedElm) && editor.settings.resize_img_proportional !== false) { proportional = !VK.modifierPressed(e); } else { proportional = VK.modifierPressed(e) || isImage(selectedElm) && selectedHandle[2] * selectedHandle[3] !== 0; } if (proportional) { if (abs(deltaX) > abs(deltaY)) { height = round(width * ratio); width = round(height / ratio); } else { width = round(height / ratio); height = round(width * ratio); } } dom.setStyles(getResizeTarget(selectedElmGhost), { width: width, height: height }); resizeHelperX = selectedHandle.startPos.x + deltaX; resizeHelperY = selectedHandle.startPos.y + deltaY; resizeHelperX = resizeHelperX > 0 ? resizeHelperX : 0; resizeHelperY = resizeHelperY > 0 ? resizeHelperY : 0; dom.setStyles(resizeHelper, { left: resizeHelperX, top: resizeHelperY, display: 'block' }); resizeHelper.innerHTML = width + ' × ' + height; if (selectedHandle[2] < 0 && selectedElmGhost.clientWidth <= width) { dom.setStyle(selectedElmGhost, 'left', selectedElmX + (startW - width)); } if (selectedHandle[3] < 0 && selectedElmGhost.clientHeight <= height) { dom.setStyle(selectedElmGhost, 'top', selectedElmY + (startH - height)); } deltaX = rootElement.scrollWidth - startScrollWidth; deltaY = rootElement.scrollHeight - startScrollHeight; if (deltaX + deltaY !== 0) { dom.setStyles(resizeHelper, { left: resizeHelperX - deltaX, top: resizeHelperY - deltaY }); } if (!resizeStarted) { Events.fireObjectResizeStart(editor, selectedElm, startW, startH); resizeStarted = true; } }; var endGhostResize = function () { resizeStarted = false; var setSizeProp = function (name, value) { if (value) { if (selectedElm.style[name] || !editor.schema.isValid(selectedElm.nodeName.toLowerCase(), name)) { dom.setStyle(getResizeTarget(selectedElm), name, value); } else { dom.setAttrib(getResizeTarget(selectedElm), name, value); } } }; setSizeProp('width', width); setSizeProp('height', height); dom.unbind(editableDoc, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement); dom.unbind(editableDoc, 'mouseup', endGhostResize); if (rootDocument !== editableDoc) { dom.unbind(rootDocument, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement); dom.unbind(rootDocument, 'mouseup', endGhostResize); } dom.remove(selectedElmGhost); dom.remove(resizeHelper); showResizeRect(selectedElm); Events.fireObjectResized(editor, selectedElm, width, height); dom.setAttrib(selectedElm, 'style', dom.getAttrib(selectedElm, 'style')); editor.nodeChanged(); }; var showResizeRect = function (targetElm) { var position, targetWidth, targetHeight, e, rect; hideResizeRect(); unbindResizeHandleEvents(); position = dom.getPos(targetElm, rootElement); selectedElmX = position.x; selectedElmY = position.y; rect = targetElm.getBoundingClientRect(); targetWidth = rect.width || rect.right - rect.left; targetHeight = rect.height || rect.bottom - rect.top; if (selectedElm !== targetElm) { selectedElm = targetElm; width = height = 0; } e = editor.fire('ObjectSelected', { target: targetElm }); if (isResizable(targetElm) && !e.isDefaultPrevented()) { each(resizeHandles, function (handle, name) { var handleElm; var startDrag = function (e) { startX = e.screenX; startY = e.screenY; startW = getResizeTarget(selectedElm).clientWidth; startH = getResizeTarget(selectedElm).clientHeight; ratio = startH / startW; selectedHandle = handle; handle.startPos = { x: targetWidth * handle[0] + selectedElmX, y: targetHeight * handle[1] + selectedElmY }; startScrollWidth = rootElement.scrollWidth; startScrollHeight = rootElement.scrollHeight; selectedElmGhost = selectedElm.cloneNode(true); dom.addClass(selectedElmGhost, 'mce-clonedresizable'); dom.setAttrib(selectedElmGhost, 'data-mce-bogus', 'all'); selectedElmGhost.contentEditable = false; selectedElmGhost.unSelectabe = true; dom.setStyles(selectedElmGhost, { left: selectedElmX, top: selectedElmY, margin: 0 }); selectedElmGhost.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected'); rootElement.appendChild(selectedElmGhost); dom.bind(editableDoc, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement); dom.bind(editableDoc, 'mouseup', endGhostResize); if (rootDocument !== editableDoc) { dom.bind(rootDocument, 'mousemove', resizeGhostElement); dom.bind(rootDocument, 'mouseup', endGhostResize); } resizeHelper = dom.add(rootElement, 'div', { 'class': 'mce-resize-helper', 'data-mce-bogus': 'all' }, startW + ' × ' + startH); }; handleElm = dom.get('mceResizeHandle' + name); if (handleElm) { dom.remove(handleElm); } handleElm = dom.add(rootElement, 'div', { 'id': 'mceResizeHandle' + name, 'data-mce-bogus': 'all', 'class': 'mce-resizehandle', 'unselectable': true, 'style': 'cursor:' + name + '-resize; margin:0; padding:0' }); if (Env.ie === 11) { handleElm.contentEditable = false; } dom.bind(handleElm, 'mousedown', function (e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); startDrag(e); }); handle.elm = handleElm; dom.setStyles(handleElm, { left: targetWidth * handle[0] + selectedElmX - handleElm.offsetWidth / 2, top: targetHeight * handle[1] + selectedElmY - handleElm.offsetHeight / 2 }); }); } else { hideResizeRect(); } selectedElm.setAttribute('data-mce-selected', '1'); }; var hideResizeRect = function () { var name, handleElm; unbindResizeHandleEvents(); if (selectedElm) { selectedElm.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected'); } for (name in resizeHandles) { handleElm = dom.get('mceResizeHandle' + name); if (handleElm) { dom.unbind(handleElm); dom.remove(handleElm); } } }; var updateResizeRect = function (e) { var startElm, controlElm; var isChildOrEqual = function (node, parent) { if (node) { do { if (node === parent) { return true; } } while (node = node.parentNode); } }; if (resizeStarted || editor.removed) { return; } each(dom.select('img[data-mce-selected],hr[data-mce-selected]'), function (img) { img.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected'); }); controlElm = e.type === 'mousedown' ? e.target : selection.getNode(); controlElm = dom.$(controlElm).closest('table,img,figure.image,hr')[0]; if (isChildOrEqual(controlElm, rootElement)) { disableGeckoResize(); startElm = selection.getStart(true); if (isChildOrEqual(startElm, controlElm) && isChildOrEqual(selection.getEnd(true), controlElm)) { showResizeRect(controlElm); return; } } hideResizeRect(); }; var isWithinContentEditableFalse = function (elm) { return isContentEditableFalse$a(getContentEditableRoot$1(editor.getBody(), elm)); }; var unbindResizeHandleEvents = function () { for (var name in resizeHandles) { var handle = resizeHandles[name]; if (handle.elm) { dom.unbind(handle.elm); delete handle.elm; } } }; var disableGeckoResize = function () { try { editor.getDoc().execCommand('enableObjectResizing', false, false); } catch (ex) { } }; editor.on('init', function () { disableGeckoResize(); if (Env.browser.isIE() || Env.browser.isEdge()) { editor.on('mousedown click', function (e) { var target = e.target, nodeName = target.nodeName; if (!resizeStarted && /^(TABLE|IMG|HR)$/.test(nodeName) && !isWithinContentEditableFalse(target)) { if (e.button !== 2) { editor.selection.select(target, nodeName === 'TABLE'); } if (e.type === 'mousedown') { editor.nodeChanged(); } } }); editor.dom.bind(rootElement, 'mscontrolselect', function (e) { var delayedSelect = function (node) { Delay.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () { editor.selection.select(node); }); }; if (isWithinContentEditableFalse(e.target)) { e.preventDefault(); delayedSelect(e.target); return; } if (/^(TABLE|IMG|HR)$/.test(e.target.nodeName)) { e.preventDefault(); if (e.target.tagName === 'IMG') { delayedSelect(e.target); } } }); } var throttledUpdateResizeRect = Delay.throttle(function (e) { if (!editor.composing) { updateResizeRect(e); } }); editor.on('nodechange ResizeEditor ResizeWindow drop FullscreenStateChanged', throttledUpdateResizeRect); editor.on('keyup compositionend', function (e) { if (selectedElm && selectedElm.nodeName === 'TABLE') { throttledUpdateResizeRect(e); } }); editor.on('hide blur', hideResizeRect); editor.on('contextmenu longpress', contextMenuSelectImage, true); }); editor.on('remove', unbindResizeHandleEvents); var destroy = function () { selectedElm = selectedElmGhost = null; }; return { isResizable: isResizable, showResizeRect: showResizeRect, hideResizeRect: hideResizeRect, updateResizeRect: updateResizeRect, destroy: destroy }; }; function Dimension (name, getOffset) { var set = function (element, h) { if (!isNumber(h) && !h.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { throw new Error(name + '.set accepts only positive integer values. Value was ' + h); } var dom = element.dom(); if (isSupported(dom)) { dom.style[name] = h + 'px'; } }; var get = function (element) { var r = getOffset(element); if (r <= 0 || r === null) { var css = get$2(element, name); return parseFloat(css) || 0; } return r; }; var getOuter = get; var aggregate = function (element, properties) { return foldl(properties, function (acc, property) { var val = get$2(element, property); var value = val === undefined ? 0 : parseInt(val, 10); return isNaN(value) ? acc : acc + value; }, 0); }; var max = function (element, value, properties) { var cumulativeInclusions = aggregate(element, properties); var absoluteMax = value > cumulativeInclusions ? value - cumulativeInclusions : 0; return absoluteMax; }; return { set: set, get: get, getOuter: getOuter, aggregate: aggregate, max: max }; } var api$1 = Dimension('height', function (element) { var dom = element.dom(); return inBody(element) ? dom.getBoundingClientRect().height : dom.offsetHeight; }); var get$8 = function (element) { return api$1.get(element); }; var walkUp = function (navigation, doc) { var frame = navigation.view(doc); return frame.fold(constant([]), function (f) { var parent = navigation.owner(f); var rest = walkUp(navigation, parent); return [f].concat(rest); }); }; var pathTo = function (element, navigation) { var d = navigation.owner(element); return walkUp(navigation, d); }; var view = function (doc) { var element = doc.dom() === domGlobals.document ? Option.none() : Option.from(doc.dom().defaultView.frameElement); return element.map(Element.fromDom); }; var owner$1 = function (element) { return owner(element); }; var Navigation = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ view: view, owner: owner$1 }); var find$4 = function (element) { var doc = Element.fromDom(domGlobals.document); var scroll = get$3(doc); var frames = pathTo(element, Navigation); var offset = viewport(element); var r = foldr(frames, function (b, a) { var loc = viewport(a); return { left: b.left + loc.left(), top: b.top + loc.top() }; }, { left: 0, top: 0 }); return Position$1(r.left + offset.left() + scroll.left(), r.top + offset.top() + scroll.top()); }; var excludeFromDescend = function (element) { return name(element) === 'textarea'; }; var descend = function (element, offset) { var children$1 = children(element); if (children$1.length === 0 || excludeFromDescend(element)) { return { element: element, offset: offset }; } else if (offset < children$1.length && !excludeFromDescend(children$1[offset])) { return { element: children$1[offset], offset: 0 }; } else { var last = children$1[children$1.length - 1]; if (excludeFromDescend(last)) { return { element: element, offset: offset }; } else { if (name(last) === 'img') { return { element: last, offset: 1 }; } else if (isText$1(last)) { return { element: last, offset: get$6(last).length }; } else { return { element: last, offset: children(last).length }; } } } }; var markerInfo = function (element, cleanupFun) { var pos = absolute(element); var height = get$8(element); return { element: element, bottom: pos.top() + height, pos: pos, cleanup: cleanupFun }; }; var createMarker = function (element, offset) { var startPoint = descend(element, offset); var span = Element.fromHtml('' + Zwsp.ZWSP + ''); before(startPoint.element, span); return markerInfo(span, function () { return remove$1(span); }); }; var elementMarker = function (element) { return markerInfo(Element.fromDom(element), noop); }; var withMarker = function (editor, f, rng, alignToTop) { preserveWith(editor, function (_s, _e) { return applyWithMarker(editor, f, rng, alignToTop); }, rng); }; var applyWithMarker = function (editor, f, rng, alignToTop) { var body = Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()); var doc = Element.fromDom(editor.getDoc()); reflow(body); var scrollTop = get$3(doc).top(); var marker = createMarker(Element.fromDom(rng.startContainer), rng.startOffset); f(doc, scrollTop, marker, alignToTop); marker.cleanup(); }; var withElement = function (editor, element, f, alignToTop) { var doc = Element.fromDom(editor.getDoc()); var scrollTop = get$3(doc).top(); f(doc, scrollTop, element, alignToTop); }; var preserveWith = function (editor, f, rng) { var startElement = rng.startContainer; var startOffset = rng.startOffset; var endElement = rng.endContainer; var endOffset = rng.endOffset; f(Element.fromDom(startElement), Element.fromDom(endElement)); var newRng = editor.dom.createRng(); newRng.setStart(startElement, startOffset); newRng.setEnd(endElement, endOffset); editor.selection.setRng(rng); }; var fireScrollIntoViewEvent = function (editor, elm, alignToTop) { var scrollEvent = editor.fire('ScrollIntoView', { elm: elm, alignToTop: alignToTop }); return scrollEvent.isDefaultPrevented(); }; var scrollTo = function (marker, viewHeight, alignToTop, doc) { var pos = marker.pos; if (alignToTop) { to(pos.left(), pos.top(), doc); } else { var y = pos.top() - viewHeight + (marker.bottom - pos.top()); to(pos.left(), y, doc); } }; var intoWindowIfNeeded = function (doc, scrollTop, viewHeight, marker, alignToTop) { if (marker.pos.top() < scrollTop) { scrollTo(marker, viewHeight, alignToTop !== false, doc); } else if (marker.bottom > viewHeight + scrollTop) { scrollTo(marker, viewHeight, alignToTop === true, doc); } }; var intoWindow = function (doc, scrollTop, marker, alignToTop) { var viewHeight = doc.dom().defaultView.innerHeight; intoWindowIfNeeded(doc, scrollTop, viewHeight, marker, alignToTop); }; var intoFrame = function (editor, doc, scrollTop, marker, alignToTop) { var frameViewHeight = doc.dom().defaultView.innerHeight; intoWindowIfNeeded(doc, scrollTop, frameViewHeight, marker, alignToTop); var op = find$4(marker.element); var viewportBounds = getBounds(domGlobals.window); if (op.top() < viewportBounds.y()) { intoView(marker.element, alignToTop !== false); } else if (op.top() > viewportBounds.bottom()) { intoView(marker.element, alignToTop === true); } }; var rangeIntoWindow = function (editor, rng, alignToTop) { return withMarker(editor, curry(intoWindow), rng, alignToTop); }; var elementIntoWindow = function (editor, element, alignToTop) { return withElement(editor, elementMarker(element), curry(intoWindow), alignToTop); }; var rangeIntoFrame = function (editor, rng, alignToTop) { return withMarker(editor, curry(intoFrame, editor), rng, alignToTop); }; var elementIntoFrame = function (editor, element, alignToTop) { return withElement(editor, elementMarker(element), curry(intoFrame, editor), alignToTop); }; var elementIntoView = function (editor, element, alignToTop) { if (fireScrollIntoViewEvent(editor, element, alignToTop)) { return; } var scroller = editor.inline ? elementIntoWindow : elementIntoFrame; scroller(editor, element, alignToTop); }; var rangeIntoView = function (editor, rng, alignToTop) { var scroller = editor.inline ? rangeIntoWindow : rangeIntoFrame; scroller(editor, rng, alignToTop); }; var ScrollIntoView = { scrollElementIntoView: elementIntoView, scrollRangeIntoView: rangeIntoView }; var hasCeProperty = function (node) { return NodeType.isContentEditableTrue(node) || NodeType.isContentEditableFalse(node); }; var findParent = function (node, rootNode, predicate) { while (node && node !== rootNode) { if (predicate(node)) { return node; } node = node.parentNode; } return null; }; var findClosestIeRange = function (clientX, clientY, doc) { var element, rng, rects; element = doc.elementFromPoint(clientX, clientY); rng = doc.body.createTextRange(); if (!element || element.tagName === 'HTML') { element = doc.body; } rng.moveToElementText(element); rects = Tools.toArray(rng.getClientRects()); rects = rects.sort(function (a, b) { a = Math.abs(Math.max(a.top - clientY, a.bottom - clientY)); b = Math.abs(Math.max(b.top - clientY, b.bottom - clientY)); return a - b; }); if (rects.length > 0) { clientY = (rects[0].bottom + rects[0].top) / 2; try { rng.moveToPoint(clientX, clientY); rng.collapse(true); return rng; } catch (ex) { } } return null; }; var moveOutOfContentEditableFalse = function (rng, rootNode) { var parentElement = rng && rng.parentElement ? rng.parentElement() : null; return NodeType.isContentEditableFalse(findParent(parentElement, rootNode, hasCeProperty)) ? null : rng; }; var fromPoint$1 = function (clientX, clientY, doc) { var rng, point; var pointDoc = doc; if (pointDoc.caretPositionFromPoint) { point = pointDoc.caretPositionFromPoint(clientX, clientY); if (point) { rng = doc.createRange(); rng.setStart(point.offsetNode, point.offset); rng.collapse(true); } } else if (doc.caretRangeFromPoint) { rng = doc.caretRangeFromPoint(clientX, clientY); } else if (pointDoc.body.createTextRange) { rng = pointDoc.body.createTextRange(); try { rng.moveToPoint(clientX, clientY); rng.collapse(true); } catch (ex) { rng = findClosestIeRange(clientX, clientY, doc); } return moveOutOfContentEditableFalse(rng, doc.body); } return rng; }; var CaretRangeFromPoint = { fromPoint: fromPoint$1 }; var processRanges = function (editor, ranges) { return map(ranges, function (range) { var evt = editor.fire('GetSelectionRange', { range: range }); return evt.range !== range ? evt.range : range; }); }; var EventProcessRanges = { processRanges: processRanges }; var fromElements = function (elements, scope) { var doc = scope || domGlobals.document; var fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment(); each(elements, function (element) { fragment.appendChild(element.dom()); }); return Element.fromDom(fragment); }; var tableModel = Immutable('element', 'width', 'rows'); var tableRow = Immutable('element', 'cells'); var cellPosition = Immutable('x', 'y'); var getSpan = function (td, key) { var value = parseInt(get$1(td, key), 10); return isNaN(value) ? 1 : value; }; var fillout = function (table, x, y, tr, td) { var rowspan = getSpan(td, 'rowspan'); var colspan = getSpan(td, 'colspan'); var rows = table.rows(); for (var y2 = y; y2 < y + rowspan; y2++) { if (!rows[y2]) { rows[y2] = tableRow(deep(tr), []); } for (var x2 = x; x2 < x + colspan; x2++) { var cells = rows[y2].cells(); cells[x2] = y2 === y && x2 === x ? td : shallow(td); } } }; var cellExists = function (table, x, y) { var rows = table.rows(); var cells = rows[y] ? rows[y].cells() : []; return !!cells[x]; }; var skipCellsX = function (table, x, y) { while (cellExists(table, x, y)) { x++; } return x; }; var getWidth = function (rows) { return foldl(rows, function (acc, row) { return row.cells().length > acc ? row.cells().length : acc; }, 0); }; var findElementPos = function (table, element) { var rows = table.rows(); for (var y = 0; y < rows.length; y++) { var cells = rows[y].cells(); for (var x = 0; x < cells.length; x++) { if (eq(cells[x], element)) { return Option.some(cellPosition(x, y)); } } } return Option.none(); }; var extractRows = function (table, sx, sy, ex, ey) { var newRows = []; var rows = table.rows(); for (var y = sy; y <= ey; y++) { var cells = rows[y].cells(); var slice = sx < ex ? cells.slice(sx, ex + 1) : cells.slice(ex, sx + 1); newRows.push(tableRow(rows[y].element(), slice)); } return newRows; }; var subTable = function (table, startPos, endPos) { var sx = startPos.x(), sy = startPos.y(); var ex = endPos.x(), ey = endPos.y(); var newRows = sy < ey ? extractRows(table, sx, sy, ex, ey) : extractRows(table, sx, ey, ex, sy); return tableModel(table.element(), getWidth(newRows), newRows); }; var createDomTable = function (table, rows) { var tableElement = shallow(table.element()); var tableBody = Element.fromTag('tbody'); append$1(tableBody, rows); append(tableElement, tableBody); return tableElement; }; var modelRowsToDomRows = function (table) { return map(table.rows(), function (row) { var cells = map(row.cells(), function (cell) { var td = deep(cell); remove(td, 'colspan'); remove(td, 'rowspan'); return td; }); var tr = shallow(row.element()); append$1(tr, cells); return tr; }); }; var fromDom$1 = function (tableElm) { var table = tableModel(shallow(tableElm), 0, []); each(descendants$1(tableElm, 'tr'), function (tr, y) { each(descendants$1(tr, 'td,th'), function (td, x) { fillout(table, skipCellsX(table, x, y), y, tr, td); }); }); return tableModel(table.element(), getWidth(table.rows()), table.rows()); }; var toDom = function (table) { return createDomTable(table, modelRowsToDomRows(table)); }; var subsection = function (table, startElement, endElement) { return findElementPos(table, startElement).bind(function (startPos) { return findElementPos(table, endElement).map(function (endPos) { return subTable(table, startPos, endPos); }); }); }; var SimpleTableModel = { fromDom: fromDom$1, toDom: toDom, subsection: subsection }; var getRanges = function (selection) { var ranges = []; if (selection) { for (var i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i++) { ranges.push(selection.getRangeAt(i)); } } return ranges; }; var getSelectedNodes = function (ranges) { return bind(ranges, function (range) { var node = getSelectedNode(range); return node ? [Element.fromDom(node)] : []; }); }; var hasMultipleRanges = function (selection) { return getRanges(selection).length > 1; }; var MultiRange = { getRanges: getRanges, getSelectedNodes: getSelectedNodes, hasMultipleRanges: hasMultipleRanges }; var getCellsFromRanges = function (ranges) { return filter(MultiRange.getSelectedNodes(ranges), isTableCell); }; var getCellsFromElement = function (elm) { return descendants$1(elm, 'td[data-mce-selected],th[data-mce-selected]'); }; var getCellsFromElementOrRanges = function (ranges, element) { var selectedCells = getCellsFromElement(element); var rangeCells = getCellsFromRanges(ranges); return selectedCells.length > 0 ? selectedCells : rangeCells; }; var getCellsFromEditor = function (editor) { return getCellsFromElementOrRanges(MultiRange.getRanges(editor.selection.getSel()), Element.fromDom(editor.getBody())); }; var TableCellSelection = { getCellsFromRanges: getCellsFromRanges, getCellsFromElement: getCellsFromElement, getCellsFromElementOrRanges: getCellsFromElementOrRanges, getCellsFromEditor: getCellsFromEditor }; var findParentListContainer = function (parents) { return find(parents, function (elm) { return name(elm) === 'ul' || name(elm) === 'ol'; }); }; var getFullySelectedListWrappers = function (parents, rng) { return find(parents, function (elm) { return name(elm) === 'li' && hasAllContentsSelected(elm, rng); }).fold(constant([]), function (li) { return findParentListContainer(parents).map(function (listCont) { return [ Element.fromTag('li'), Element.fromTag(name(listCont)) ]; }).getOr([]); }); }; var wrap$3 = function (innerElm, elms) { var wrapped = foldl(elms, function (acc, elm) { append(elm, acc); return elm; }, innerElm); return elms.length > 0 ? fromElements([wrapped]) : wrapped; }; var directListWrappers = function (commonAnchorContainer) { if (isListItem(commonAnchorContainer)) { return parent(commonAnchorContainer).filter(isList).fold(constant([]), function (listElm) { return [ commonAnchorContainer, listElm ]; }); } else { return isList(commonAnchorContainer) ? [commonAnchorContainer] : []; } }; var getWrapElements = function (rootNode, rng) { var commonAnchorContainer = Element.fromDom(rng.commonAncestorContainer); var parents = Parents.parentsAndSelf(commonAnchorContainer, rootNode); var wrapElements = filter(parents, function (elm) { return isInline(elm) || isHeading(elm); }); var listWrappers = getFullySelectedListWrappers(parents, rng); var allWrappers = wrapElements.concat(listWrappers.length ? listWrappers : directListWrappers(commonAnchorContainer)); return map(allWrappers, shallow); }; var emptyFragment = function () { return fromElements([]); }; var getFragmentFromRange = function (rootNode, rng) { return wrap$3(Element.fromDom(rng.cloneContents()), getWrapElements(rootNode, rng)); }; var getParentTable = function (rootElm, cell) { return ancestor$1(cell, 'table', curry(eq, rootElm)); }; var getTableFragment = function (rootNode, selectedTableCells) { return getParentTable(rootNode, selectedTableCells[0]).bind(function (tableElm) { var firstCell = selectedTableCells[0]; var lastCell = selectedTableCells[selectedTableCells.length - 1]; var fullTableModel = SimpleTableModel.fromDom(tableElm); return SimpleTableModel.subsection(fullTableModel, firstCell, lastCell).map(function (sectionedTableModel) { return fromElements([SimpleTableModel.toDom(sectionedTableModel)]); }); }).getOrThunk(emptyFragment); }; var getSelectionFragment = function (rootNode, ranges) { return ranges.length > 0 && ranges[0].collapsed ? emptyFragment() : getFragmentFromRange(rootNode, ranges[0]); }; var read$2 = function (rootNode, ranges) { var selectedCells = TableCellSelection.getCellsFromElementOrRanges(ranges, rootNode); return selectedCells.length > 0 ? getTableFragment(rootNode, selectedCells) : getSelectionFragment(rootNode, ranges); }; var FragmentReader = { read: read$2 }; var getTextContent = function (editor) { return Option.from(editor.selection.getRng()).map(function (rng) { var bin = editor.dom.add(editor.getBody(), 'div', { 'data-mce-bogus': 'all', 'style': 'overflow: hidden; opacity: 0;' }, rng.cloneContents()); var text = Zwsp.trim(bin.innerText); editor.dom.remove(bin); return text; }).getOr(''); }; var getHtmlContent = function (editor, args) { var rng = editor.selection.getRng(), tmpElm = editor.dom.create('body'); var sel = editor.selection.getSel(); var fragment; var ranges = EventProcessRanges.processRanges(editor, MultiRange.getRanges(sel)); fragment = args.contextual ? FragmentReader.read(Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()), ranges).dom() : rng.cloneContents(); if (fragment) { tmpElm.appendChild(fragment); } return editor.selection.serializer.serialize(tmpElm, args); }; var getContent$1 = function (editor, args) { if (args === void 0) { args = {}; } args.get = true; args.format = args.format || 'html'; args.selection = true; args = editor.fire('BeforeGetContent', args); if (args.isDefaultPrevented()) { editor.fire('GetContent', args); return args.content; } if (args.format === 'text') { return getTextContent(editor); } else { args.getInner = true; var content = getHtmlContent(editor, args); if (args.format === 'tree') { return content; } else { args.content = editor.selection.isCollapsed() ? '' : content; editor.fire('GetContent', args); return args.content; } } }; var GetSelectionContent = { getContent: getContent$1 }; var findParent$1 = function (node, rootNode, predicate) { while (node && node !== rootNode) { if (predicate(node)) { return node; } node = node.parentNode; } return null; }; var hasParent = function (node, rootNode, predicate) { return findParent$1(node, rootNode, predicate) !== null; }; var hasParentWithName = function (node, rootNode, name) { return hasParent(node, rootNode, function (node) { return node.nodeName === name; }); }; var isTable$3 = function (node) { return node && node.nodeName === 'TABLE'; }; var isTableCell$3 = function (node) { return node && /^(TD|TH|CAPTION)$/.test(node.nodeName); }; var isCeFalseCaretContainer = function (node, rootNode) { return isCaretContainer(node) && hasParent(node, rootNode, isCaretNode) === false; }; var hasBrBeforeAfter = function (dom, node, left) { var walker = new TreeWalker(node, dom.getParent(node.parentNode, dom.isBlock) || dom.getRoot()); while (node = walker[left ? 'prev' : 'next']()) { if (NodeType.isBr(node)) { return true; } } }; var isPrevNode = function (node, name) { return node.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.nodeName === name; }; var hasContentEditableFalseParent = function (body, node) { while (node && node !== body) { if (NodeType.isContentEditableFalse(node)) { return true; } node = node.parentNode; } return false; }; var findTextNodeRelative = function (dom, isAfterNode, collapsed, left, startNode) { var lastInlineElement; var body = dom.getRoot(); var node; var nonEmptyElementsMap = dom.schema.getNonEmptyElements(); var parentBlockContainer = dom.getParent(startNode.parentNode, dom.isBlock) || body; if (left && NodeType.isBr(startNode) && isAfterNode && dom.isEmpty(parentBlockContainer)) { return Option.some(CaretPosition(startNode.parentNode, dom.nodeIndex(startNode))); } var walker = new TreeWalker(startNode, parentBlockContainer); while (node = walker[left ? 'prev' : 'next']()) { if (dom.getContentEditableParent(node) === 'false' || isCeFalseCaretContainer(node, body)) { return Option.none(); } if (NodeType.isText(node) && node.nodeValue.length > 0) { if (hasParentWithName(node, body, 'A') === false) { return Option.some(CaretPosition(node, left ? node.nodeValue.length : 0)); } return Option.none(); } if (dom.isBlock(node) || nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) { return Option.none(); } lastInlineElement = node; } if (collapsed && lastInlineElement) { return Option.some(CaretPosition(lastInlineElement, 0)); } return Option.none(); }; var normalizeEndPoint = function (dom, collapsed, start, rng) { var container, offset; var body = dom.getRoot(); var node, nonEmptyElementsMap; var directionLeft, isAfterNode, normalized = false; container = rng[(start ? 'start' : 'end') + 'Container']; offset = rng[(start ? 'start' : 'end') + 'Offset']; isAfterNode = NodeType.isElement(container) && offset === container.childNodes.length; nonEmptyElementsMap = dom.schema.getNonEmptyElements(); directionLeft = start; if (isCaretContainer(container)) { return Option.none(); } if (NodeType.isElement(container) && offset > container.childNodes.length - 1) { directionLeft = false; } if (NodeType.isDocument(container)) { container = body; offset = 0; } if (container === body) { if (directionLeft) { node = container.childNodes[offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : 0]; if (node) { if (isCaretContainer(node)) { return Option.none(); } if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName] || isTable$3(node)) { return Option.none(); } } } if (container.hasChildNodes()) { offset = Math.min(!directionLeft && offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : offset, container.childNodes.length - 1); container = container.childNodes[offset]; offset = NodeType.isText(container) && isAfterNode ? container.data.length : 0; if (!collapsed && container === body.lastChild && isTable$3(container)) { return Option.none(); } if (hasContentEditableFalseParent(body, container) || isCaretContainer(container)) { return Option.none(); } if (container.hasChildNodes() && isTable$3(container) === false) { node = container; var walker = new TreeWalker(container, body); do { if (NodeType.isContentEditableFalse(node) || isCaretContainer(node)) { normalized = false; break; } if (NodeType.isText(node) && node.nodeValue.length > 0) { offset = directionLeft ? 0 : node.nodeValue.length; container = node; normalized = true; break; } if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()] && !isTableCell$3(node)) { offset = dom.nodeIndex(node); container = node.parentNode; if (!directionLeft) { offset++; } normalized = true; break; } } while (node = directionLeft ? walker.next() : walker.prev()); } } } if (collapsed) { if (NodeType.isText(container) && offset === 0) { findTextNodeRelative(dom, isAfterNode, collapsed, true, container).each(function (pos) { container = pos.container(); offset = pos.offset(); normalized = true; }); } if (NodeType.isElement(container)) { node = container.childNodes[offset]; if (!node) { node = container.childNodes[offset - 1]; } if (node && NodeType.isBr(node) && !isPrevNode(node, 'A') && !hasBrBeforeAfter(dom, node, false) && !hasBrBeforeAfter(dom, node, true)) { findTextNodeRelative(dom, isAfterNode, collapsed, true, node).each(function (pos) { container = pos.container(); offset = pos.offset(); normalized = true; }); } } } if (directionLeft && !collapsed && NodeType.isText(container) && offset === container.nodeValue.length) { findTextNodeRelative(dom, isAfterNode, collapsed, false, container).each(function (pos) { container = pos.container(); offset = pos.offset(); normalized = true; }); } return normalized ? Option.some(CaretPosition(container, offset)) : Option.none(); }; var normalize$2 = function (dom, rng) { var collapsed = rng.collapsed, normRng = rng.cloneRange(); var startPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng); normalizeEndPoint(dom, collapsed, true, normRng).each(function (pos) { if (!collapsed || !CaretPosition.isAbove(startPos, pos)) { normRng.setStart(pos.container(), pos.offset()); } }); if (!collapsed) { normalizeEndPoint(dom, collapsed, false, normRng).each(function (pos) { normRng.setEnd(pos.container(), pos.offset()); }); } if (collapsed) { normRng.collapse(true); } return RangeCompare.isEq(rng, normRng) ? Option.none() : Option.some(normRng); }; var NormalizeRange = { normalize: normalize$2 }; var prependData = function (target, data) { target.insertData(0, data); }; var removeEmpty = function (text) { if (text.dom().length === 0) { remove$1(text); return Option.none(); } return Option.some(text); }; var rngSetContent = function (rng, fragment) { var firstChild = Option.from(fragment.firstChild).map(Element.fromDom); var lastChild = Option.from(fragment.lastChild).map(Element.fromDom); rng.deleteContents(); rng.insertNode(fragment); var prevText = firstChild.bind(prevSibling).filter(isText$1).bind(removeEmpty); var nextText = lastChild.bind(nextSibling).filter(isText$1).bind(removeEmpty); lift2(prevText, firstChild.filter(isText$1), function (prev, start) { prependData(start.dom(), prev.dom().data); remove$1(prev); }); lift2(nextText, lastChild.filter(isText$1), function (next, end) { var oldLength = end.dom().length; end.dom().appendData(next.dom().data); rng.setEnd(end.dom(), oldLength); remove$1(next); }); rng.collapse(false); }; var setupArgs = function (args, content) { args = args || { format: 'html' }; args.set = true; args.selection = true; args.content = content; return args; }; var setContent$1 = function (editor, content, args) { args = setupArgs(args, content); if (!args.no_events) { args = editor.fire('BeforeSetContent', args); if (args.isDefaultPrevented()) { editor.fire('SetContent', args); return; } } var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); rngSetContent(rng, rng.createContextualFragment(args.content)); editor.selection.setRng(rng); ScrollIntoView.scrollRangeIntoView(editor, rng); if (!args.no_events) { editor.fire('SetContent', args); } }; var SetSelectionContent = { setContent: setContent$1 }; var getEndpointElement = function (root, rng, start, real, resolve) { var container = start ? rng.startContainer : rng.endContainer; var offset = start ? rng.startOffset : rng.endOffset; return Option.from(container).map(Element.fromDom).map(function (elm) { return !real || !rng.collapsed ? child(elm, resolve(elm, offset)).getOr(elm) : elm; }).bind(function (elm) { return isElement$1(elm) ? Option.some(elm) : parent(elm); }).map(function (elm) { return elm.dom(); }).getOr(root); }; var getStart$2 = function (root, rng, real) { return getEndpointElement(root, rng, true, real, function (elm, offset) { return Math.min(childNodesCount(elm), offset); }); }; var getEnd = function (root, rng, real) { return getEndpointElement(root, rng, false, real, function (elm, offset) { return offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : offset; }); }; var skipEmptyTextNodes = function (node, forwards) { var orig = node; while (node && NodeType.isText(node) && node.length === 0) { node = forwards ? node.nextSibling : node.previousSibling; } return node || orig; }; var getNode$1 = function (root, rng) { var elm, startContainer, endContainer, startOffset, endOffset; if (!rng) { return root; } startContainer = rng.startContainer; endContainer = rng.endContainer; startOffset = rng.startOffset; endOffset = rng.endOffset; elm = rng.commonAncestorContainer; if (!rng.collapsed) { if (startContainer === endContainer) { if (endOffset - startOffset < 2) { if (startContainer.hasChildNodes()) { elm = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset]; } } } if (startContainer.nodeType === 3 && endContainer.nodeType === 3) { if (startContainer.length === startOffset) { startContainer = skipEmptyTextNodes(startContainer.nextSibling, true); } else { startContainer = startContainer.parentNode; } if (endOffset === 0) { endContainer = skipEmptyTextNodes(endContainer.previousSibling, false); } else { endContainer = endContainer.parentNode; } if (startContainer && startContainer === endContainer) { return startContainer; } } } if (elm && elm.nodeType === 3) { return elm.parentNode; } return elm; }; var getSelectedBlocks = function (dom, rng, startElm, endElm) { var node, root; var selectedBlocks = []; root = dom.getRoot(); startElm = dom.getParent(startElm || getStart$2(root, rng, rng.collapsed), dom.isBlock); endElm = dom.getParent(endElm || getEnd(root, rng, rng.collapsed), dom.isBlock); if (startElm && startElm !== root) { selectedBlocks.push(startElm); } if (startElm && endElm && startElm !== endElm) { node = startElm; var walker = new TreeWalker(startElm, root); while ((node = walker.next()) && node !== endElm) { if (dom.isBlock(node)) { selectedBlocks.push(node); } } } if (endElm && startElm !== endElm && endElm !== root) { selectedBlocks.push(endElm); } return selectedBlocks; }; var select$1 = function (dom, node, content) { return Option.from(node).map(function (node) { var idx = dom.nodeIndex(node); var rng = dom.createRng(); rng.setStart(node.parentNode, idx); rng.setEnd(node.parentNode, idx + 1); if (content) { moveEndPoint$1(dom, rng, node, true); moveEndPoint$1(dom, rng, node, false); } return rng; }); }; var deleteFromCallbackMap = function (callbackMap, selector, callback) { if (callbackMap && callbackMap.hasOwnProperty(selector)) { var newCallbacks = filter(callbackMap[selector], function (cb) { return cb !== callback; }); if (newCallbacks.length === 0) { delete callbackMap[selector]; } else { callbackMap[selector] = newCallbacks; } } }; function SelectorChanged (dom, editor) { var selectorChangedData; var currentSelectors; return { selectorChangedWithUnbind: function (selector, callback) { if (!selectorChangedData) { selectorChangedData = {}; currentSelectors = {}; editor.on('NodeChange', function (e) { var node = e.element, parents = dom.getParents(node, null, dom.getRoot()), matchedSelectors = {}; Tools.each(selectorChangedData, function (callbacks, selector) { Tools.each(parents, function (node) { if (dom.is(node, selector)) { if (!currentSelectors[selector]) { Tools.each(callbacks, function (callback) { callback(true, { node: node, selector: selector, parents: parents }); }); currentSelectors[selector] = callbacks; } matchedSelectors[selector] = callbacks; return false; } }); }); Tools.each(currentSelectors, function (callbacks, selector) { if (!matchedSelectors[selector]) { delete currentSelectors[selector]; Tools.each(callbacks, function (callback) { callback(false, { node: node, selector: selector, parents: parents }); }); } }); }); } if (!selectorChangedData[selector]) { selectorChangedData[selector] = []; } selectorChangedData[selector].push(callback); return { unbind: function () { deleteFromCallbackMap(selectorChangedData, selector, callback); deleteFromCallbackMap(currentSelectors, selector, callback); } }; } }; } var isNativeIeSelection = function (rng) { return !!rng.select; }; var isAttachedToDom = function (node) { return !!(node && node.ownerDocument) && contains$2(Element.fromDom(node.ownerDocument), Element.fromDom(node)); }; var isValidRange = function (rng) { if (!rng) { return false; } else if (isNativeIeSelection(rng)) { return true; } else { return isAttachedToDom(rng.startContainer) && isAttachedToDom(rng.endContainer); } }; var Selection$1 = function (dom, win, serializer, editor) { var bookmarkManager; var controlSelection; var selectedRange; var explicitRange; var selectorChangedWithUnbind = SelectorChanged(dom, editor).selectorChangedWithUnbind; var setCursorLocation = function (node, offset) { var rng = dom.createRng(); if (!node) { moveEndPoint$1(dom, rng, editor.getBody(), true); setRng(rng); } else { rng.setStart(node, offset); rng.setEnd(node, offset); setRng(rng); collapse(false); } }; var getContent = function (args) { return GetSelectionContent.getContent(editor, args); }; var setContent = function (content, args) { return SetSelectionContent.setContent(editor, content, args); }; var getStart = function (real) { return getStart$2(editor.getBody(), getRng(), real); }; var getEnd$1 = function (real) { return getEnd(editor.getBody(), getRng(), real); }; var getBookmark = function (type, normalized) { return bookmarkManager.getBookmark(type, normalized); }; var moveToBookmark = function (bookmark) { return bookmarkManager.moveToBookmark(bookmark); }; var select = function (node, content) { select$1(dom, node, content).each(setRng); return node; }; var isCollapsed = function () { var rng = getRng(), sel = getSel(); if (!rng || rng.item) { return false; } if (rng.compareEndPoints) { return rng.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', rng) === 0; } return !sel || rng.collapsed; }; var collapse = function (toStart) { var rng = getRng(); rng.collapse(!!toStart); setRng(rng); }; var getSel = function () { return win.getSelection ? win.getSelection() : win.document.selection; }; var getRng = function () { var selection, rng, elm, doc; var tryCompareBoundaryPoints = function (how, sourceRange, destinationRange) { try { return sourceRange.compareBoundaryPoints(how, destinationRange); } catch (ex) { return -1; } }; if (!win) { return null; } doc = win.document; if (typeof doc === 'undefined' || doc === null) { return null; } if (editor.bookmark !== undefined && EditorFocus.hasFocus(editor) === false) { var bookmark = SelectionBookmark.getRng(editor); if (bookmark.isSome()) { return bookmark.map(function (r) { return EventProcessRanges.processRanges(editor, [r])[0]; }).getOr(doc.createRange()); } } try { if ((selection = getSel()) && !NodeType.isRestrictedNode(selection.anchorNode)) { if (selection.rangeCount > 0) { rng = selection.getRangeAt(0); } else { rng = selection.createRange ? selection.createRange() : doc.createRange(); } } } catch (ex) { } rng = EventProcessRanges.processRanges(editor, [rng])[0]; if (!rng) { rng = doc.createRange ? doc.createRange() : doc.body.createTextRange(); } if (rng.setStart && rng.startContainer.nodeType === 9 && rng.collapsed) { elm = dom.getRoot(); rng.setStart(elm, 0); rng.setEnd(elm, 0); } if (selectedRange && explicitRange) { if (tryCompareBoundaryPoints(rng.START_TO_START, rng, selectedRange) === 0 && tryCompareBoundaryPoints(rng.END_TO_END, rng, selectedRange) === 0) { rng = explicitRange; } else { selectedRange = null; explicitRange = null; } } return rng; }; var setRng = function (rng, forward) { var sel, node, evt; if (!isValidRange(rng)) { return; } var ieRange = isNativeIeSelection(rng) ? rng : null; if (ieRange) { explicitRange = null; try { ieRange.select(); } catch (ex) { } return; } sel = getSel(); evt = editor.fire('SetSelectionRange', { range: rng, forward: forward }); rng = evt.range; if (sel) { explicitRange = rng; try { sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(rng); } catch (ex) { } if (forward === false && sel.extend) { sel.collapse(rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset); sel.extend(rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset); } selectedRange = sel.rangeCount > 0 ? sel.getRangeAt(0) : null; } if (!rng.collapsed && rng.startContainer === rng.endContainer && sel.setBaseAndExtent && !Env.ie) { if (rng.endOffset - rng.startOffset < 2) { if (rng.startContainer.hasChildNodes()) { node = rng.startContainer.childNodes[rng.startOffset]; if (node && node.tagName === 'IMG') { sel.setBaseAndExtent(rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset, rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset); if (sel.anchorNode !== rng.startContainer || sel.focusNode !== rng.endContainer) { sel.setBaseAndExtent(node, 0, node, 1); } } } } } editor.fire('AfterSetSelectionRange', { range: rng, forward: forward }); }; var setNode = function (elm) { setContent(dom.getOuterHTML(elm)); return elm; }; var getNode = function () { return getNode$1(editor.getBody(), getRng()); }; var getSelectedBlocks$1 = function (startElm, endElm) { return getSelectedBlocks(dom, getRng(), startElm, endElm); }; var isForward = function () { var sel = getSel(); var anchorRange, focusRange; if (!sel || !sel.anchorNode || !sel.focusNode) { return true; } anchorRange = dom.createRng(); anchorRange.setStart(sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset); anchorRange.collapse(true); focusRange = dom.createRng(); focusRange.setStart(sel.focusNode, sel.focusOffset); focusRange.collapse(true); return anchorRange.compareBoundaryPoints(anchorRange.START_TO_START, focusRange) <= 0; }; var normalize = function () { var rng = getRng(); var sel = getSel(); if (!MultiRange.hasMultipleRanges(sel) && hasAnyRanges(editor)) { var normRng = NormalizeRange.normalize(dom, rng); normRng.each(function (normRng) { setRng(normRng, isForward()); }); return normRng.getOr(rng); } return rng; }; var selectorChanged = function (selector, callback) { selectorChangedWithUnbind(selector, callback); return exports; }; var getScrollContainer = function () { var scrollContainer; var node = dom.getRoot(); while (node && node.nodeName !== 'BODY') { if (node.scrollHeight > node.clientHeight) { scrollContainer = node; break; } node = node.parentNode; } return scrollContainer; }; var scrollIntoView = function (elm, alignToTop) { return ScrollIntoView.scrollElementIntoView(editor, elm, alignToTop); }; var placeCaretAt = function (clientX, clientY) { return setRng(CaretRangeFromPoint.fromPoint(clientX, clientY, editor.getDoc())); }; var getBoundingClientRect = function () { var rng = getRng(); return rng.collapsed ? CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(rng).getClientRects()[0] : rng.getBoundingClientRect(); }; var destroy = function () { win = selectedRange = explicitRange = null; controlSelection.destroy(); }; var exports = { bookmarkManager: null, controlSelection: null, dom: dom, win: win, serializer: serializer, editor: editor, collapse: collapse, setCursorLocation: setCursorLocation, getContent: getContent, setContent: setContent, getBookmark: getBookmark, moveToBookmark: moveToBookmark, select: select, isCollapsed: isCollapsed, isForward: isForward, setNode: setNode, getNode: getNode, getSel: getSel, setRng: setRng, getRng: getRng, getStart: getStart, getEnd: getEnd$1, getSelectedBlocks: getSelectedBlocks$1, normalize: normalize, selectorChanged: selectorChanged, selectorChangedWithUnbind: selectorChangedWithUnbind, getScrollContainer: getScrollContainer, scrollIntoView: scrollIntoView, placeCaretAt: placeCaretAt, getBoundingClientRect: getBoundingClientRect, destroy: destroy }; bookmarkManager = BookmarkManager$1(exports); controlSelection = ControlSelection(exports, editor); exports.bookmarkManager = bookmarkManager; exports.controlSelection = controlSelection; return exports; }; var isText$8 = NodeType.isText; var startsWithCaretContainer$1 = function (node) { return isText$8(node) && node.data[0] === Zwsp.ZWSP; }; var endsWithCaretContainer$1 = function (node) { return isText$8(node) && node.data[node.data.length - 1] === Zwsp.ZWSP; }; var createZwsp = function (node) { return node.ownerDocument.createTextNode(Zwsp.ZWSP); }; var insertBefore = function (node) { if (isText$8(node.previousSibling)) { if (endsWithCaretContainer$1(node.previousSibling)) { return node.previousSibling; } else { node.previousSibling.appendData(Zwsp.ZWSP); return node.previousSibling; } } else if (isText$8(node)) { if (startsWithCaretContainer$1(node)) { return node; } else { node.insertData(0, Zwsp.ZWSP); return node; } } else { var newNode = createZwsp(node); node.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, node); return newNode; } }; var insertAfter = function (node) { if (isText$8(node.nextSibling)) { if (startsWithCaretContainer$1(node.nextSibling)) { return node.nextSibling; } else { node.nextSibling.insertData(0, Zwsp.ZWSP); return node.nextSibling; } } else if (isText$8(node)) { if (endsWithCaretContainer$1(node)) { return node; } else { node.appendData(Zwsp.ZWSP); return node; } } else { var newNode = createZwsp(node); if (node.nextSibling) { node.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, node.nextSibling); } else { node.parentNode.appendChild(newNode); } return newNode; } }; var insertInline$1 = function (before, node) { return before ? insertBefore(node) : insertAfter(node); }; var insertInlineBefore = curry(insertInline$1, true); var insertInlineAfter = curry(insertInline$1, false); var insertInlinePos = function (pos, before) { if (NodeType.isText(pos.container())) { return insertInline$1(before, pos.container()); } else { return insertInline$1(before, pos.getNode()); } }; var isPosCaretContainer = function (pos, caret) { var caretNode = caret.get(); return caretNode && pos.container() === caretNode && isCaretContainerInline(caretNode); }; var renderCaret = function (caret, location) { return location.fold(function (element) { CaretContainerRemove.remove(caret.get()); var text = insertInlineBefore(element); caret.set(text); return Option.some(CaretPosition$1(text, text.length - 1)); }, function (element) { return CaretFinder.firstPositionIn(element).map(function (pos) { if (!isPosCaretContainer(pos, caret)) { CaretContainerRemove.remove(caret.get()); var text = insertInlinePos(pos, true); caret.set(text); return CaretPosition$1(text, 1); } else { return CaretPosition$1(caret.get(), 1); } }); }, function (element) { return CaretFinder.lastPositionIn(element).map(function (pos) { if (!isPosCaretContainer(pos, caret)) { CaretContainerRemove.remove(caret.get()); var text = insertInlinePos(pos, false); caret.set(text); return CaretPosition$1(text, text.length - 1); } else { return CaretPosition$1(caret.get(), caret.get().length - 1); } }); }, function (element) { CaretContainerRemove.remove(caret.get()); var text = insertInlineAfter(element); caret.set(text); return Option.some(CaretPosition$1(text, 1)); }); }; var BoundaryCaret = { renderCaret: renderCaret }; var strongRtl = /[\u0591-\u07FF\uFB1D-\uFDFF\uFE70-\uFEFC]/; var hasStrongRtl = function (text) { return strongRtl.test(text); }; var isInlineTarget = function (editor, elm) { return is(Element.fromDom(elm), Settings.getInlineBoundarySelector(editor)); }; var isRtl$1 = function (element) { return DOMUtils$1.DOM.getStyle(element, 'direction', true) === 'rtl' || hasStrongRtl(element.textContent); }; var findInlineParents = function (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) { return filter(DOMUtils$1.DOM.getParents(pos.container(), '*', rootNode), isInlineTarget); }; var findRootInline = function (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) { var parents = findInlineParents(isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos); return Option.from(parents[parents.length - 1]); }; var hasSameParentBlock = function (rootNode, node1, node2) { var block1 = getParentBlock(node1, rootNode); var block2 = getParentBlock(node2, rootNode); return block1 && block1 === block2; }; var isAtZwsp = function (pos) { return isBeforeInline(pos) || isAfterInline(pos); }; var normalizePosition = function (forward, pos) { if (!pos) { return pos; } var container = pos.container(), offset = pos.offset(); if (forward) { if (isCaretContainerInline(container)) { if (NodeType.isText(container.nextSibling)) { return CaretPosition$1(container.nextSibling, 0); } else { return CaretPosition$1.after(container); } } else { return isBeforeInline(pos) ? CaretPosition$1(container, offset + 1) : pos; } } else { if (isCaretContainerInline(container)) { if (NodeType.isText(container.previousSibling)) { return CaretPosition$1(container.previousSibling, container.previousSibling.data.length); } else { return CaretPosition$1.before(container); } } else { return isAfterInline(pos) ? CaretPosition$1(container, offset - 1) : pos; } } }; var normalizeForwards = curry(normalizePosition, true); var normalizeBackwards = curry(normalizePosition, false); var InlineUtils = { isInlineTarget: isInlineTarget, findRootInline: findRootInline, isRtl: isRtl$1, isAtZwsp: isAtZwsp, normalizePosition: normalizePosition, normalizeForwards: normalizeForwards, normalizeBackwards: normalizeBackwards, hasSameParentBlock: hasSameParentBlock }; var evaluateUntil = function (fns, args) { for (var i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { var result = fns[i].apply(null, args); if (result.isSome()) { return result; } } return Option.none(); }; var LazyEvaluator = { evaluateUntil: evaluateUntil }; var Location = Adt.generate([ { before: ['element'] }, { start: ['element'] }, { end: ['element'] }, { after: ['element'] } ]); var rescope = function (rootNode, node) { var parentBlock = getParentBlock(node, rootNode); return parentBlock ? parentBlock : rootNode; }; var before$4 = function (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) { var nPos = InlineUtils.normalizeForwards(pos); var scope = rescope(rootNode, nPos.container()); return InlineUtils.findRootInline(isInlineTarget, scope, nPos).fold(function () { return CaretFinder.nextPosition(scope, nPos).bind(curry(InlineUtils.findRootInline, isInlineTarget, scope)).map(function (inline) { return Location.before(inline); }); }, Option.none); }; var isNotInsideFormatCaretContainer = function (rootNode, elm) { return getParentCaretContainer(rootNode, elm) === null; }; var findInsideRootInline = function (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) { return InlineUtils.findRootInline(isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos).filter(curry(isNotInsideFormatCaretContainer, rootNode)); }; var start$1 = function (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) { var nPos = InlineUtils.normalizeBackwards(pos); return findInsideRootInline(isInlineTarget, rootNode, nPos).bind(function (inline) { var prevPos = CaretFinder.prevPosition(inline, nPos); return prevPos.isNone() ? Option.some(Location.start(inline)) : Option.none(); }); }; var end = function (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) { var nPos = InlineUtils.normalizeForwards(pos); return findInsideRootInline(isInlineTarget, rootNode, nPos).bind(function (inline) { var nextPos = CaretFinder.nextPosition(inline, nPos); return nextPos.isNone() ? Option.some(Location.end(inline)) : Option.none(); }); }; var after$3 = function (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) { var nPos = InlineUtils.normalizeBackwards(pos); var scope = rescope(rootNode, nPos.container()); return InlineUtils.findRootInline(isInlineTarget, scope, nPos).fold(function () { return CaretFinder.prevPosition(scope, nPos).bind(curry(InlineUtils.findRootInline, isInlineTarget, scope)).map(function (inline) { return Location.after(inline); }); }, Option.none); }; var isValidLocation = function (location) { return InlineUtils.isRtl(getElement(location)) === false; }; var readLocation = function (isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) { var location = LazyEvaluator.evaluateUntil([ before$4, start$1, end, after$3 ], [ isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos ]); return location.filter(isValidLocation); }; var getElement = function (location) { return location.fold(identity, identity, identity, identity); }; var getName = function (location) { return location.fold(constant('before'), constant('start'), constant('end'), constant('after')); }; var outside = function (location) { return location.fold(Location.before, Location.before, Location.after, Location.after); }; var inside = function (location) { return location.fold(Location.start, Location.start, Location.end, Location.end); }; var isEq$5 = function (location1, location2) { return getName(location1) === getName(location2) && getElement(location1) === getElement(location2); }; var betweenInlines = function (forward, isInlineTarget, rootNode, from, to, location) { return lift2(InlineUtils.findRootInline(isInlineTarget, rootNode, from), InlineUtils.findRootInline(isInlineTarget, rootNode, to), function (fromInline, toInline) { if (fromInline !== toInline && InlineUtils.hasSameParentBlock(rootNode, fromInline, toInline)) { return Location.after(forward ? fromInline : toInline); } else { return location; } }).getOr(location); }; var skipNoMovement = function (fromLocation, toLocation) { return fromLocation.fold(constant(true), function (fromLocation) { return !isEq$5(fromLocation, toLocation); }); }; var findLocationTraverse = function (forward, isInlineTarget, rootNode, fromLocation, pos) { var from = InlineUtils.normalizePosition(forward, pos); var to = CaretFinder.fromPosition(forward, rootNode, from).map(curry(InlineUtils.normalizePosition, forward)); var location = to.fold(function () { return fromLocation.map(outside); }, function (to) { return readLocation(isInlineTarget, rootNode, to).map(curry(betweenInlines, forward, isInlineTarget, rootNode, from, to)).filter(curry(skipNoMovement, fromLocation)); }); return location.filter(isValidLocation); }; var findLocationSimple = function (forward, location) { if (forward) { return location.fold(compose(Option.some, Location.start), Option.none, compose(Option.some, Location.after), Option.none); } else { return location.fold(Option.none, compose(Option.some, Location.before), Option.none, compose(Option.some, Location.end)); } }; var findLocation = function (forward, isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos) { var from = InlineUtils.normalizePosition(forward, pos); var fromLocation = readLocation(isInlineTarget, rootNode, from); return readLocation(isInlineTarget, rootNode, from).bind(curry(findLocationSimple, forward)).orThunk(function () { return findLocationTraverse(forward, isInlineTarget, rootNode, fromLocation, pos); }); }; var BoundaryLocation = { readLocation: readLocation, findLocation: findLocation, prevLocation: curry(findLocation, false), nextLocation: curry(findLocation, true), getElement: getElement, outside: outside, inside: inside }; var hasSelectionModifyApi = function (editor) { return isFunction(editor.selection.getSel().modify); }; var moveRel = function (forward, selection, pos) { var delta = forward ? 1 : -1; selection.setRng(CaretPosition$1(pos.container(), pos.offset() + delta).toRange()); selection.getSel().modify('move', forward ? 'forward' : 'backward', 'word'); return true; }; var moveByWord = function (forward, editor) { var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); var pos = forward ? CaretPosition$1.fromRangeEnd(rng) : CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(rng); if (!hasSelectionModifyApi(editor)) { return false; } else if (forward && isBeforeInline(pos)) { return moveRel(true, editor.selection, pos); } else if (!forward && isAfterInline(pos)) { return moveRel(false, editor.selection, pos); } else { return false; } }; var WordSelection = { hasSelectionModifyApi: hasSelectionModifyApi, moveByWord: moveByWord }; var setCaretPosition = function (editor, pos) { var rng = editor.dom.createRng(); rng.setStart(pos.container(), pos.offset()); rng.setEnd(pos.container(), pos.offset()); editor.selection.setRng(rng); }; var isFeatureEnabled = function (editor) { return editor.settings.inline_boundaries !== false; }; var setSelected = function (state, elm) { if (state) { elm.setAttribute('data-mce-selected', 'inline-boundary'); } else { elm.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected'); } }; var renderCaretLocation = function (editor, caret, location) { return BoundaryCaret.renderCaret(caret, location).map(function (pos) { setCaretPosition(editor, pos); return location; }); }; var findLocation$1 = function (editor, caret, forward) { var rootNode = editor.getBody(); var from = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng()); var isInlineTarget = curry(InlineUtils.isInlineTarget, editor); var location = BoundaryLocation.findLocation(forward, isInlineTarget, rootNode, from); return location.bind(function (location) { return renderCaretLocation(editor, caret, location); }); }; var toggleInlines = function (isInlineTarget, dom, elms) { var selectedInlines = filter(dom.select('*[data-mce-selected="inline-boundary"]'), isInlineTarget); var targetInlines = filter(elms, isInlineTarget); each(difference(selectedInlines, targetInlines), curry(setSelected, false)); each(difference(targetInlines, selectedInlines), curry(setSelected, true)); }; var safeRemoveCaretContainer = function (editor, caret) { if (editor.selection.isCollapsed() && editor.composing !== true && caret.get()) { var pos = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng()); if (CaretPosition$1.isTextPosition(pos) && InlineUtils.isAtZwsp(pos) === false) { setCaretPosition(editor, CaretContainerRemove.removeAndReposition(caret.get(), pos)); caret.set(null); } } }; var renderInsideInlineCaret = function (isInlineTarget, editor, caret, elms) { if (editor.selection.isCollapsed()) { var inlines = filter(elms, isInlineTarget); each(inlines, function (inline) { var pos = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng()); BoundaryLocation.readLocation(isInlineTarget, editor.getBody(), pos).bind(function (location) { return renderCaretLocation(editor, caret, location); }); }); } }; var move$1 = function (editor, caret, forward) { return function () { return isFeatureEnabled(editor) ? findLocation$1(editor, caret, forward).isSome() : false; }; }; var moveWord = function (forward, editor, caret) { return function () { return isFeatureEnabled(editor) ? WordSelection.moveByWord(forward, editor) : false; }; }; var setupSelectedState = function (editor) { var caret = Cell(null); var isInlineTarget = curry(InlineUtils.isInlineTarget, editor); editor.on('NodeChange', function (e) { if (isFeatureEnabled(editor)) { toggleInlines(isInlineTarget, editor.dom, e.parents); safeRemoveCaretContainer(editor, caret); renderInsideInlineCaret(isInlineTarget, editor, caret, e.parents); } }); return caret; }; var moveNextWord = curry(moveWord, true); var movePrevWord = curry(moveWord, false); var BoundarySelection = { move: move$1, moveNextWord: moveNextWord, movePrevWord: movePrevWord, setupSelectedState: setupSelectedState, setCaretPosition: setCaretPosition }; var BreakType; (function (BreakType) { BreakType[BreakType['Br'] = 0] = 'Br'; BreakType[BreakType['Block'] = 1] = 'Block'; BreakType[BreakType['Wrap'] = 2] = 'Wrap'; BreakType[BreakType['Eol'] = 3] = 'Eol'; }(BreakType || (BreakType = {}))); var flip = function (direction, positions) { return direction === HDirection.Backwards ? positions.reverse() : positions; }; var walk$3 = function (direction, caretWalker, pos) { return direction === HDirection.Forwards ? caretWalker.next(pos) : caretWalker.prev(pos); }; var getBreakType = function (scope, direction, currentPos, nextPos) { if (NodeType.isBr(nextPos.getNode(direction === HDirection.Forwards))) { return BreakType.Br; } else if (isInSameBlock(currentPos, nextPos) === false) { return BreakType.Block; } else { return BreakType.Wrap; } }; var getPositionsUntil = function (predicate, direction, scope, start) { var caretWalker = CaretWalker(scope); var currentPos = start, nextPos; var positions = []; while (currentPos) { nextPos = walk$3(direction, caretWalker, currentPos); if (!nextPos) { break; } if (NodeType.isBr(nextPos.getNode(false))) { if (direction === HDirection.Forwards) { return { positions: flip(direction, positions).concat([nextPos]), breakType: BreakType.Br, breakAt: Option.some(nextPos) }; } else { return { positions: flip(direction, positions), breakType: BreakType.Br, breakAt: Option.some(nextPos) }; } } if (!nextPos.isVisible()) { currentPos = nextPos; continue; } if (predicate(currentPos, nextPos)) { var breakType = getBreakType(scope, direction, currentPos, nextPos); return { positions: flip(direction, positions), breakType: breakType, breakAt: Option.some(nextPos) }; } positions.push(nextPos); currentPos = nextPos; } return { positions: flip(direction, positions), breakType: BreakType.Eol, breakAt: Option.none() }; }; var getAdjacentLinePositions = function (direction, getPositionsUntilBreak, scope, start) { return getPositionsUntilBreak(scope, start).breakAt.map(function (pos) { var positions = getPositionsUntilBreak(scope, pos).positions; return direction === HDirection.Backwards ? positions.concat(pos) : [pos].concat(positions); }).getOr([]); }; var findClosestHorizontalPositionFromPoint = function (positions, x) { return foldl(positions, function (acc, newPos) { return acc.fold(function () { return Option.some(newPos); }, function (lastPos) { return lift2(head(lastPos.getClientRects()), head(newPos.getClientRects()), function (lastRect, newRect) { var lastDist = Math.abs(x - lastRect.left); var newDist = Math.abs(x - newRect.left); return newDist <= lastDist ? newPos : lastPos; }).or(acc); }); }, Option.none()); }; var findClosestHorizontalPosition = function (positions, pos) { return head(pos.getClientRects()).bind(function (targetRect) { return findClosestHorizontalPositionFromPoint(positions, targetRect.left); }); }; var getPositionsUntilPreviousLine = curry(getPositionsUntil, CaretPosition.isAbove, -1); var getPositionsUntilNextLine = curry(getPositionsUntil, CaretPosition.isBelow, 1); var isAtFirstLine = function (scope, pos) { return getPositionsUntilPreviousLine(scope, pos).breakAt.isNone(); }; var isAtLastLine = function (scope, pos) { return getPositionsUntilNextLine(scope, pos).breakAt.isNone(); }; var getPositionsAbove = curry(getAdjacentLinePositions, -1, getPositionsUntilPreviousLine); var getPositionsBelow = curry(getAdjacentLinePositions, 1, getPositionsUntilNextLine); var getFirstLinePositions = function (scope) { return CaretFinder.firstPositionIn(scope).map(function (pos) { return [pos].concat(getPositionsUntilNextLine(scope, pos).positions); }).getOr([]); }; var getLastLinePositions = function (scope) { return CaretFinder.lastPositionIn(scope).map(function (pos) { return getPositionsUntilPreviousLine(scope, pos).positions.concat(pos); }).getOr([]); }; var isContentEditableFalse$b = NodeType.isContentEditableFalse; var getSelectedNode$1 = getSelectedNode; var moveToCeFalseHorizontally = function (direction, editor, getNextPosFn, range) { var forwards = direction === HDirection.Forwards; var isBeforeContentEditableFalseFn = forwards ? isBeforeContentEditableFalse : isAfterContentEditableFalse; if (!range.collapsed) { var node = getSelectedNode$1(range); if (isContentEditableFalse$b(node)) { return showCaret(direction, editor, node, direction === HDirection.Backwards, true); } } var rangeIsInContainerBlock = isRangeInCaretContainerBlock(range); var caretPosition = getNormalizedRangeEndPoint(direction, editor.getBody(), range); if (isBeforeContentEditableFalseFn(caretPosition)) { return selectNode(editor, caretPosition.getNode(!forwards)); } var nextCaretPosition = InlineUtils.normalizePosition(forwards, getNextPosFn(caretPosition)); if (!nextCaretPosition) { if (rangeIsInContainerBlock) { return range; } return null; } if (isBeforeContentEditableFalseFn(nextCaretPosition)) { return showCaret(direction, editor, nextCaretPosition.getNode(!forwards), forwards, true); } var peekCaretPosition = getNextPosFn(nextCaretPosition); if (peekCaretPosition && isBeforeContentEditableFalseFn(peekCaretPosition)) { if (isMoveInsideSameBlock(nextCaretPosition, peekCaretPosition)) { return showCaret(direction, editor, peekCaretPosition.getNode(!forwards), forwards, true); } } if (rangeIsInContainerBlock) { return renderRangeCaret(editor, nextCaretPosition.toRange(), true); } return null; }; var moveToCeFalseVertically = function (direction, editor, walkerFn, range) { var caretPosition, linePositions, nextLinePositions; var closestNextLineRect, caretClientRect, clientX; var dist1, dist2, contentEditableFalseNode; contentEditableFalseNode = getSelectedNode$1(range); caretPosition = getNormalizedRangeEndPoint(direction, editor.getBody(), range); linePositions = walkerFn(editor.getBody(), isAboveLine(1), caretPosition); nextLinePositions = filter(linePositions, isLine(1)); caretClientRect = ArrUtils.last(caretPosition.getClientRects()); if (isBeforeContentEditableFalse(caretPosition) || isBeforeTable(caretPosition)) { contentEditableFalseNode = caretPosition.getNode(); } if (isAfterContentEditableFalse(caretPosition) || isAfterTable(caretPosition)) { contentEditableFalseNode = caretPosition.getNode(true); } if (!caretClientRect) { return null; } clientX = caretClientRect.left; closestNextLineRect = findClosestClientRect(nextLinePositions, clientX); if (closestNextLineRect) { if (isContentEditableFalse$b(closestNextLineRect.node)) { dist1 = Math.abs(clientX - closestNextLineRect.left); dist2 = Math.abs(clientX - closestNextLineRect.right); return showCaret(direction, editor, closestNextLineRect.node, dist1 < dist2, true); } } if (contentEditableFalseNode) { var caretPositions = positionsUntil(direction, editor.getBody(), isAboveLine(1), contentEditableFalseNode); closestNextLineRect = findClosestClientRect(filter(caretPositions, isLine(1)), clientX); if (closestNextLineRect) { return renderRangeCaret(editor, closestNextLineRect.position.toRange(), true); } closestNextLineRect = ArrUtils.last(filter(caretPositions, isLine(0))); if (closestNextLineRect) { return renderRangeCaret(editor, closestNextLineRect.position.toRange(), true); } } }; var createTextBlock = function (editor) { var textBlock = editor.dom.create(Settings.getForcedRootBlock(editor)); if (!Env.ie || Env.ie >= 11) { textBlock.innerHTML = '
'; } return textBlock; }; var exitPreBlock = function (editor, direction, range) { var pre, caretPos, newBlock; var caretWalker = CaretWalker(editor.getBody()); var getNextVisualCaretPosition = curry(getVisualCaretPosition, caretWalker.next); var getPrevVisualCaretPosition = curry(getVisualCaretPosition, caretWalker.prev); if (range.collapsed && editor.settings.forced_root_block) { pre = editor.dom.getParent(range.startContainer, 'PRE'); if (!pre) { return; } if (direction === 1) { caretPos = getNextVisualCaretPosition(CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(range)); } else { caretPos = getPrevVisualCaretPosition(CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(range)); } if (!caretPos) { newBlock = createTextBlock(editor); if (direction === 1) { editor.$(pre).after(newBlock); } else { editor.$(pre).before(newBlock); } editor.selection.select(newBlock, true); editor.selection.collapse(); } } }; var getHorizontalRange = function (editor, forward) { var caretWalker = CaretWalker(editor.getBody()); var getNextVisualCaretPosition = curry(getVisualCaretPosition, caretWalker.next); var getPrevVisualCaretPosition = curry(getVisualCaretPosition, caretWalker.prev); var newRange; var direction = forward ? HDirection.Forwards : HDirection.Backwards; var getNextPosFn = forward ? getNextVisualCaretPosition : getPrevVisualCaretPosition; var range = editor.selection.getRng(); newRange = moveToCeFalseHorizontally(direction, editor, getNextPosFn, range); if (newRange) { return newRange; } newRange = exitPreBlock(editor, direction, range); if (newRange) { return newRange; } return null; }; var getVerticalRange = function (editor, down) { var newRange; var direction = down ? 1 : -1; var walkerFn = down ? downUntil : upUntil; var range = editor.selection.getRng(); newRange = moveToCeFalseVertically(direction, editor, walkerFn, range); if (newRange) { return newRange; } newRange = exitPreBlock(editor, direction, range); if (newRange) { return newRange; } return null; }; var moveH = function (editor, forward) { return function () { var newRng = getHorizontalRange(editor, forward); if (newRng) { editor.selection.setRng(newRng); return true; } else { return false; } }; }; var moveV = function (editor, down) { return function () { var newRng = getVerticalRange(editor, down); if (newRng) { editor.selection.setRng(newRng); return true; } else { return false; } }; }; var isCefPosition = function (forward) { return function (pos) { return forward ? isAfterContentEditableFalse(pos) : isBeforeContentEditableFalse(pos); }; }; var moveToLineEndPoint = function (editor, forward) { return function () { var from = forward ? CaretPosition$1.fromRangeEnd(editor.selection.getRng()) : CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng()); var result = forward ? getPositionsUntilNextLine(editor.getBody(), from) : getPositionsUntilPreviousLine(editor.getBody(), from); var to = forward ? last(result.positions) : head(result.positions); return to.filter(isCefPosition(forward)).fold(constant(false), function (pos) { editor.selection.setRng(pos.toRange()); return true; }); }; }; var deflate = function (rect, delta) { return { left: rect.left - delta, top: rect.top - delta, right: rect.right + delta * 2, bottom: rect.bottom + delta * 2, width: rect.width + delta, height: rect.height + delta }; }; var getCorners = function (getYAxisValue, tds) { return bind(tds, function (td) { var rect = deflate(clone$1(td.getBoundingClientRect()), -1); return [ { x: rect.left, y: getYAxisValue(rect), cell: td }, { x: rect.right, y: getYAxisValue(rect), cell: td } ]; }); }; var findClosestCorner = function (corners, x, y) { return foldl(corners, function (acc, newCorner) { return acc.fold(function () { return Option.some(newCorner); }, function (oldCorner) { var oldDist = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(oldCorner.x - x) + Math.abs(oldCorner.y - y)); var newDist = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(newCorner.x - x) + Math.abs(newCorner.y - y)); return Option.some(newDist < oldDist ? newCorner : oldCorner); }); }, Option.none()); }; var getClosestCell = function (getYAxisValue, isTargetCorner, table, x, y) { var cells = descendants$1(Element.fromDom(table), 'td,th,caption').map(function (e) { return e.dom(); }); var corners = filter(getCorners(getYAxisValue, cells), function (corner) { return isTargetCorner(corner, y); }); return findClosestCorner(corners, x, y).map(function (corner) { return corner.cell; }); }; var getBottomValue = function (rect) { return rect.bottom; }; var getTopValue = function (rect) { return rect.top; }; var isAbove$1 = function (corner, y) { return corner.y < y; }; var isBelow$1 = function (corner, y) { return corner.y > y; }; var getClosestCellAbove = curry(getClosestCell, getBottomValue, isAbove$1); var getClosestCellBelow = curry(getClosestCell, getTopValue, isBelow$1); var findClosestPositionInAboveCell = function (table, pos) { return head(pos.getClientRects()).bind(function (rect) { return getClosestCellAbove(table, rect.left, rect.top); }).bind(function (cell) { return findClosestHorizontalPosition(getLastLinePositions(cell), pos); }); }; var findClosestPositionInBelowCell = function (table, pos) { return last(pos.getClientRects()).bind(function (rect) { return getClosestCellBelow(table, rect.left, rect.top); }).bind(function (cell) { return findClosestHorizontalPosition(getFirstLinePositions(cell), pos); }); }; var moveToRange = function (editor, rng) { editor.selection.setRng(rng); ScrollIntoView.scrollRangeIntoView(editor, rng); }; var hasNextBreak = function (getPositionsUntil, scope, lineInfo) { return lineInfo.breakAt.map(function (breakPos) { return getPositionsUntil(scope, breakPos).breakAt.isSome(); }).getOr(false); }; var startsWithWrapBreak = function (lineInfo) { return lineInfo.breakType === BreakType.Wrap && lineInfo.positions.length === 0; }; var startsWithBrBreak = function (lineInfo) { return lineInfo.breakType === BreakType.Br && lineInfo.positions.length === 1; }; var isAtTableCellLine = function (getPositionsUntil, scope, pos) { var lineInfo = getPositionsUntil(scope, pos); if (startsWithWrapBreak(lineInfo) || !NodeType.isBr(pos.getNode()) && startsWithBrBreak(lineInfo)) { return !hasNextBreak(getPositionsUntil, scope, lineInfo); } else { return lineInfo.breakAt.isNone(); } }; var isAtFirstTableCellLine = curry(isAtTableCellLine, getPositionsUntilPreviousLine); var isAtLastTableCellLine = curry(isAtTableCellLine, getPositionsUntilNextLine); var isCaretAtStartOrEndOfTable = function (forward, rng, table) { var caretPos = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(rng); return CaretFinder.positionIn(!forward, table).map(function (pos) { return pos.isEqual(caretPos); }).getOr(false); }; var navigateHorizontally = function (editor, forward, table, td) { var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); var direction = forward ? 1 : -1; if (isFakeCaretTableBrowser() && isCaretAtStartOrEndOfTable(forward, rng, table)) { var newRng = showCaret(direction, editor, table, !forward, true); moveToRange(editor, newRng); return true; } return false; }; var getClosestAbovePosition = function (root, table, start) { return findClosestPositionInAboveCell(table, start).orThunk(function () { return head(start.getClientRects()).bind(function (rect) { return findClosestHorizontalPositionFromPoint(getPositionsAbove(root, CaretPosition$1.before(table)), rect.left); }); }).getOr(CaretPosition$1.before(table)); }; var getClosestBelowPosition = function (root, table, start) { return findClosestPositionInBelowCell(table, start).orThunk(function () { return head(start.getClientRects()).bind(function (rect) { return findClosestHorizontalPositionFromPoint(getPositionsBelow(root, CaretPosition$1.after(table)), rect.left); }); }).getOr(CaretPosition$1.after(table)); }; var getTable = function (previous, pos) { var node = pos.getNode(previous); return NodeType.isElement(node) && node.nodeName === 'TABLE' ? Option.some(node) : Option.none(); }; var renderBlock = function (down, editor, table, pos) { var forcedRootBlock = Settings.getForcedRootBlock(editor); if (forcedRootBlock) { editor.undoManager.transact(function () { var element = Element.fromTag(forcedRootBlock); setAll(element, Settings.getForcedRootBlockAttrs(editor)); append(element, Element.fromTag('br')); if (down) { after(Element.fromDom(table), element); } else { before(Element.fromDom(table), element); } var rng = editor.dom.createRng(); rng.setStart(element.dom(), 0); rng.setEnd(element.dom(), 0); moveToRange(editor, rng); }); } else { moveToRange(editor, pos.toRange()); } }; var moveCaret = function (editor, down, pos) { var table = down ? getTable(true, pos) : getTable(false, pos); var last = down === false; table.fold(function () { return moveToRange(editor, pos.toRange()); }, function (table) { return CaretFinder.positionIn(last, editor.getBody()).filter(function (lastPos) { return lastPos.isEqual(pos); }).fold(function () { return moveToRange(editor, pos.toRange()); }, function (_) { return renderBlock(down, editor, table, pos); }); }); }; var navigateVertically = function (editor, down, table, td) { var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); var pos = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(rng); var root = editor.getBody(); if (!down && isAtFirstTableCellLine(td, pos)) { var newPos = getClosestAbovePosition(root, table, pos); moveCaret(editor, down, newPos); return true; } else if (down && isAtLastTableCellLine(td, pos)) { var newPos = getClosestBelowPosition(root, table, pos); moveCaret(editor, down, newPos); return true; } else { return false; } }; var moveH$1 = function (editor, forward) { return function () { return Option.from(editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getNode(), 'td,th')).bind(function (td) { return Option.from(editor.dom.getParent(td, 'table')).map(function (table) { return navigateHorizontally(editor, forward, table); }); }).getOr(false); }; }; var moveV$1 = function (editor, forward) { return function () { return Option.from(editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getNode(), 'td,th')).bind(function (td) { return Option.from(editor.dom.getParent(td, 'table')).map(function (table) { return navigateVertically(editor, forward, table, td); }); }).getOr(false); }; }; var isTarget = function (node) { return contains(['figcaption'], name(node)); }; var rangeBefore = function (target) { var rng = domGlobals.document.createRange(); rng.setStartBefore(target.dom()); rng.setEndBefore(target.dom()); return rng; }; var insertElement = function (root, elm, forward) { if (forward) { append(root, elm); } else { prepend(root, elm); } }; var insertBr = function (root, forward) { var br = Element.fromTag('br'); insertElement(root, br, forward); return rangeBefore(br); }; var insertBlock$1 = function (root, forward, blockName, attrs) { var block = Element.fromTag(blockName); var br = Element.fromTag('br'); setAll(block, attrs); append(block, br); insertElement(root, block, forward); return rangeBefore(br); }; var insertEmptyLine = function (root, rootBlockName, attrs, forward) { if (rootBlockName === '') { return insertBr(root, forward); } else { return insertBlock$1(root, forward, rootBlockName, attrs); } }; var getClosestTargetBlock = function (pos, root) { var isRoot = curry(eq, root); return closest(Element.fromDom(pos.container()), isBlock, isRoot).filter(isTarget); }; var isAtFirstOrLastLine = function (root, forward, pos) { return forward ? isAtLastLine(root.dom(), pos) : isAtFirstLine(root.dom(), pos); }; var moveCaretToNewEmptyLine = function (editor, forward) { var root = Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()); var pos = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng()); var rootBlock = Settings.getForcedRootBlock(editor); var rootBlockAttrs = Settings.getForcedRootBlockAttrs(editor); return getClosestTargetBlock(pos, root).exists(function () { if (isAtFirstOrLastLine(root, forward, pos)) { var rng = insertEmptyLine(root, rootBlock, rootBlockAttrs, forward); editor.selection.setRng(rng); return true; } else { return false; } }); }; var moveV$2 = function (editor, forward) { return function () { if (editor.selection.isCollapsed()) { return moveCaretToNewEmptyLine(editor, forward); } else { return false; } }; }; var defaultPatterns = function (patterns) { return map(patterns, function (pattern) { return merge({ shiftKey: false, altKey: false, ctrlKey: false, metaKey: false, keyCode: 0, action: noop }, pattern); }); }; var matchesEvent = function (pattern, evt) { return evt.keyCode === pattern.keyCode && evt.shiftKey === pattern.shiftKey && evt.altKey === pattern.altKey && evt.ctrlKey === pattern.ctrlKey && evt.metaKey === pattern.metaKey; }; var match$1 = function (patterns, evt) { return bind(defaultPatterns(patterns), function (pattern) { return matchesEvent(pattern, evt) ? [pattern] : []; }); }; var action = function (f) { var x = []; for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { x[_i - 1] = arguments[_i]; } var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return function () { return f.apply(null, args); }; }; var execute = function (patterns, evt) { return find(match$1(patterns, evt), function (pattern) { return pattern.action(); }); }; var MatchKeys = { match: match$1, action: action, execute: execute }; var executeKeydownOverride = function (editor, caret, evt) { var os = detect$3().os; MatchKeys.execute([ { keyCode: VK.RIGHT, action: moveH(editor, true) }, { keyCode: VK.LEFT, action: moveH(editor, false) }, { keyCode: VK.UP, action: moveV(editor, false) }, { keyCode: VK.DOWN, action: moveV(editor, true) }, { keyCode: VK.RIGHT, action: moveH$1(editor, true) }, { keyCode: VK.LEFT, action: moveH$1(editor, false) }, { keyCode: VK.UP, action: moveV$1(editor, false) }, { keyCode: VK.DOWN, action: moveV$1(editor, true) }, { keyCode: VK.RIGHT, action: BoundarySelection.move(editor, caret, true) }, { keyCode: VK.LEFT, action: BoundarySelection.move(editor, caret, false) }, { keyCode: VK.RIGHT, ctrlKey: !os.isOSX(), altKey: os.isOSX(), action: BoundarySelection.moveNextWord(editor, caret) }, { keyCode: VK.LEFT, ctrlKey: !os.isOSX(), altKey: os.isOSX(), action: BoundarySelection.movePrevWord(editor, caret) }, { keyCode: VK.UP, action: moveV$2(editor, false) }, { keyCode: VK.DOWN, action: moveV$2(editor, true) } ], evt).each(function (_) { evt.preventDefault(); }); }; var setup$8 = function (editor, caret) { editor.on('keydown', function (evt) { if (evt.isDefaultPrevented() === false) { executeKeydownOverride(editor, caret, evt); } }); }; var ArrowKeys = { setup: setup$8 }; var isBeforeRoot = function (rootNode) { return function (elm) { return eq(rootNode, Element.fromDom(elm.dom().parentNode)); }; }; var getParentBlock$1 = function (rootNode, elm) { return contains$2(rootNode, elm) ? closest(elm, function (element) { return isTextBlock(element) || isListItem(element); }, isBeforeRoot(rootNode)) : Option.none(); }; var placeCaretInEmptyBody = function (editor) { var body = editor.getBody(); var node = body.firstChild && editor.dom.isBlock(body.firstChild) ? body.firstChild : body; editor.selection.setCursorLocation(node, 0); }; var paddEmptyBody = function (editor) { if (editor.dom.isEmpty(editor.getBody())) { editor.setContent(''); placeCaretInEmptyBody(editor); } }; var willDeleteLastPositionInElement = function (forward, fromPos, elm) { return lift2(CaretFinder.firstPositionIn(elm), CaretFinder.lastPositionIn(elm), function (firstPos, lastPos) { var normalizedFirstPos = InlineUtils.normalizePosition(true, firstPos); var normalizedLastPos = InlineUtils.normalizePosition(false, lastPos); var normalizedFromPos = InlineUtils.normalizePosition(false, fromPos); if (forward) { return CaretFinder.nextPosition(elm, normalizedFromPos).map(function (nextPos) { return nextPos.isEqual(normalizedLastPos) && fromPos.isEqual(normalizedFirstPos); }).getOr(false); } else { return CaretFinder.prevPosition(elm, normalizedFromPos).map(function (prevPos) { return prevPos.isEqual(normalizedFirstPos) && fromPos.isEqual(normalizedLastPos); }).getOr(false); } }).getOr(true); }; var DeleteUtils = { getParentBlock: getParentBlock$1, paddEmptyBody: paddEmptyBody, willDeleteLastPositionInElement: willDeleteLastPositionInElement }; var blockPosition = function (block, position) { return { block: constant(block), position: constant(position) }; }; var blockBoundary = function (from, to) { return { from: constant(from), to: constant(to) }; }; var getBlockPosition = function (rootNode, pos) { var rootElm = Element.fromDom(rootNode); var containerElm = Element.fromDom(pos.container()); return DeleteUtils.getParentBlock(rootElm, containerElm).map(function (block) { return blockPosition(block, pos); }); }; var isDifferentBlocks = function (blockBoundary) { return eq(blockBoundary.from().block(), blockBoundary.to().block()) === false; }; var hasSameParent = function (blockBoundary) { return parent(blockBoundary.from().block()).bind(function (parent1) { return parent(blockBoundary.to().block()).filter(function (parent2) { return eq(parent1, parent2); }); }).isSome(); }; var isEditable = function (blockBoundary) { return NodeType.isContentEditableFalse(blockBoundary.from().block().dom()) === false && NodeType.isContentEditableFalse(blockBoundary.to().block().dom()) === false; }; var skipLastBr = function (rootNode, forward, blockPosition) { if (NodeType.isBr(blockPosition.position().getNode()) && Empty.isEmpty(blockPosition.block()) === false) { return CaretFinder.positionIn(false, blockPosition.block().dom()).bind(function (lastPositionInBlock) { if (lastPositionInBlock.isEqual(blockPosition.position())) { return CaretFinder.fromPosition(forward, rootNode, lastPositionInBlock).bind(function (to) { return getBlockPosition(rootNode, to); }); } else { return Option.some(blockPosition); } }).getOr(blockPosition); } else { return blockPosition; } }; var readFromRange = function (rootNode, forward, rng) { var fromBlockPos = getBlockPosition(rootNode, CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(rng)); var toBlockPos = fromBlockPos.bind(function (blockPos) { return CaretFinder.fromPosition(forward, rootNode, blockPos.position()).bind(function (to) { return getBlockPosition(rootNode, to).map(function (blockPos) { return skipLastBr(rootNode, forward, blockPos); }); }); }); return lift2(fromBlockPos, toBlockPos, blockBoundary).filter(function (blockBoundary) { return isDifferentBlocks(blockBoundary) && hasSameParent(blockBoundary) && isEditable(blockBoundary); }); }; var read$3 = function (rootNode, forward, rng) { return rng.collapsed ? readFromRange(rootNode, forward, rng) : Option.none(); }; var BlockMergeBoundary = { read: read$3 }; var getChildrenUntilBlockBoundary = function (block) { var children$1 = children(block); return findIndex(children$1, isBlock).fold(function () { return children$1; }, function (index) { return children$1.slice(0, index); }); }; var extractChildren = function (block) { var children = getChildrenUntilBlockBoundary(block); each(children, remove$1); return children; }; var removeEmptyRoot = function (rootNode, block) { var parents = Parents.parentsAndSelf(block, rootNode); return find(parents.reverse(), Empty.isEmpty).each(remove$1); }; var isEmptyBefore = function (el) { return filter(prevSiblings(el), function (el) { return !Empty.isEmpty(el); }).length === 0; }; var nestedBlockMerge = function (rootNode, fromBlock, toBlock, insertionPoint) { if (Empty.isEmpty(toBlock)) { PaddingBr.fillWithPaddingBr(toBlock); return CaretFinder.firstPositionIn(toBlock.dom()); } if (isEmptyBefore(insertionPoint) && Empty.isEmpty(fromBlock)) { before(insertionPoint, Element.fromTag('br')); } var position = CaretFinder.prevPosition(toBlock.dom(), CaretPosition$1.before(insertionPoint.dom())); each(extractChildren(fromBlock), function (child) { before(insertionPoint, child); }); removeEmptyRoot(rootNode, fromBlock); return position; }; var sidelongBlockMerge = function (rootNode, fromBlock, toBlock) { if (Empty.isEmpty(toBlock)) { remove$1(toBlock); if (Empty.isEmpty(fromBlock)) { PaddingBr.fillWithPaddingBr(fromBlock); } return CaretFinder.firstPositionIn(fromBlock.dom()); } var position = CaretFinder.lastPositionIn(toBlock.dom()); each(extractChildren(fromBlock), function (child) { append(toBlock, child); }); removeEmptyRoot(rootNode, fromBlock); return position; }; var findInsertionPoint = function (toBlock, block) { var parentsAndSelf = Parents.parentsAndSelf(block, toBlock); return Option.from(parentsAndSelf[parentsAndSelf.length - 1]); }; var getInsertionPoint = function (fromBlock, toBlock) { return contains$2(toBlock, fromBlock) ? findInsertionPoint(toBlock, fromBlock) : Option.none(); }; var trimBr = function (first, block) { CaretFinder.positionIn(first, block.dom()).map(function (position) { return position.getNode(); }).map(Element.fromDom).filter(isBr$1).each(remove$1); }; var mergeBlockInto = function (rootNode, fromBlock, toBlock) { trimBr(true, fromBlock); trimBr(false, toBlock); return getInsertionPoint(fromBlock, toBlock).fold(curry(sidelongBlockMerge, rootNode, fromBlock, toBlock), curry(nestedBlockMerge, rootNode, fromBlock, toBlock)); }; var mergeBlocks = function (rootNode, forward, block1, block2) { return forward ? mergeBlockInto(rootNode, block2, block1) : mergeBlockInto(rootNode, block1, block2); }; var MergeBlocks = { mergeBlocks: mergeBlocks }; var backspaceDelete = function (editor, forward) { var rootNode = Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()); var position = BlockMergeBoundary.read(rootNode.dom(), forward, editor.selection.getRng()).bind(function (blockBoundary) { return MergeBlocks.mergeBlocks(rootNode, forward, blockBoundary.from().block(), blockBoundary.to().block()); }); position.each(function (pos) { editor.selection.setRng(pos.toRange()); }); return position.isSome(); }; var BlockBoundaryDelete = { backspaceDelete: backspaceDelete }; var deleteRangeMergeBlocks = function (rootNode, selection) { var rng = selection.getRng(); return lift2(DeleteUtils.getParentBlock(rootNode, Element.fromDom(rng.startContainer)), DeleteUtils.getParentBlock(rootNode, Element.fromDom(rng.endContainer)), function (block1, block2) { if (eq(block1, block2) === false) { rng.deleteContents(); MergeBlocks.mergeBlocks(rootNode, true, block1, block2).each(function (pos) { selection.setRng(pos.toRange()); }); return true; } else { return false; } }).getOr(false); }; var isRawNodeInTable = function (root, rawNode) { var node = Element.fromDom(rawNode); var isRoot = curry(eq, root); return ancestor(node, isTableCell, isRoot).isSome(); }; var isSelectionInTable = function (root, rng) { return isRawNodeInTable(root, rng.startContainer) || isRawNodeInTable(root, rng.endContainer); }; var isEverythingSelected = function (root, rng) { var noPrevious = CaretFinder.prevPosition(root.dom(), CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(rng)).isNone(); var noNext = CaretFinder.nextPosition(root.dom(), CaretPosition$1.fromRangeEnd(rng)).isNone(); return !isSelectionInTable(root, rng) && noPrevious && noNext; }; var emptyEditor = function (editor) { editor.setContent(''); editor.selection.setCursorLocation(); return true; }; var deleteRange = function (editor) { var rootNode = Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()); var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); return isEverythingSelected(rootNode, rng) ? emptyEditor(editor) : deleteRangeMergeBlocks(rootNode, editor.selection); }; var backspaceDelete$1 = function (editor, forward) { return editor.selection.isCollapsed() ? false : deleteRange(editor); }; var BlockRangeDelete = { backspaceDelete: backspaceDelete$1 }; var isBr$5 = function (pos) { return getElementFromPosition(pos).exists(isBr$1); }; var findBr = function (forward, root, pos) { var parentBlocks = filter(Parents.parentsAndSelf(Element.fromDom(pos.container()), root), isBlock); var scope = head(parentBlocks).getOr(root); return CaretFinder.fromPosition(forward, scope.dom(), pos).filter(isBr$5); }; var isBeforeBr = function (root, pos) { return getElementFromPosition(pos).exists(isBr$1) || findBr(true, root, pos).isSome(); }; var isAfterBr = function (root, pos) { return getElementFromPrevPosition(pos).exists(isBr$1) || findBr(false, root, pos).isSome(); }; var findPreviousBr = curry(findBr, false); var findNextBr = curry(findBr, true); var isCompoundElement = function (node) { return isTableCell(Element.fromDom(node)) || isListItem(Element.fromDom(node)); }; var DeleteAction = Adt.generate([ { remove: ['element'] }, { moveToElement: ['element'] }, { moveToPosition: ['position'] } ]); var isAtContentEditableBlockCaret = function (forward, from) { var elm = from.getNode(forward === false); var caretLocation = forward ? 'after' : 'before'; return NodeType.isElement(elm) && elm.getAttribute('data-mce-caret') === caretLocation; }; var isDeleteFromCefDifferentBlocks = function (root, forward, from, to) { var inSameBlock = function (elm) { return isInline(Element.fromDom(elm)) && !isInSameBlock(from, to, root); }; return getRelativeCefElm(!forward, from).fold(function () { return getRelativeCefElm(forward, to).fold(constant(false), inSameBlock); }, inSameBlock); }; var deleteEmptyBlockOrMoveToCef = function (root, forward, from, to) { var toCefElm = to.getNode(forward === false); return DeleteUtils.getParentBlock(Element.fromDom(root), Element.fromDom(from.getNode())).map(function (blockElm) { return Empty.isEmpty(blockElm) ? DeleteAction.remove(blockElm.dom()) : DeleteAction.moveToElement(toCefElm); }).orThunk(function () { return Option.some(DeleteAction.moveToElement(toCefElm)); }); }; var findCefPosition = function (root, forward, from) { return CaretFinder.fromPosition(forward, root, from).bind(function (to) { if (isCompoundElement(to.getNode())) { return Option.none(); } else if (isDeleteFromCefDifferentBlocks(root, forward, from, to)) { return Option.none(); } else if (forward && NodeType.isContentEditableFalse(to.getNode())) { return deleteEmptyBlockOrMoveToCef(root, forward, from, to); } else if (forward === false && NodeType.isContentEditableFalse(to.getNode(true))) { return deleteEmptyBlockOrMoveToCef(root, forward, from, to); } else if (forward && isAfterContentEditableFalse(from)) { return Option.some(DeleteAction.moveToPosition(to)); } else if (forward === false && isBeforeContentEditableFalse(from)) { return Option.some(DeleteAction.moveToPosition(to)); } else { return Option.none(); } }); }; var getContentEditableBlockAction = function (forward, elm) { if (forward && NodeType.isContentEditableFalse(elm.nextSibling)) { return Option.some(DeleteAction.moveToElement(elm.nextSibling)); } else if (forward === false && NodeType.isContentEditableFalse(elm.previousSibling)) { return Option.some(DeleteAction.moveToElement(elm.previousSibling)); } else { return Option.none(); } }; var skipMoveToActionFromInlineCefToContent = function (root, from, deleteAction) { return deleteAction.fold(function (elm) { return Option.some(DeleteAction.remove(elm)); }, function (elm) { return Option.some(DeleteAction.moveToElement(elm)); }, function (to) { if (isInSameBlock(from, to, root)) { return Option.none(); } else { return Option.some(DeleteAction.moveToPosition(to)); } }); }; var getContentEditableAction = function (root, forward, from) { if (isAtContentEditableBlockCaret(forward, from)) { return getContentEditableBlockAction(forward, from.getNode(forward === false)).fold(function () { return findCefPosition(root, forward, from); }, Option.some); } else { return findCefPosition(root, forward, from).bind(function (deleteAction) { return skipMoveToActionFromInlineCefToContent(root, from, deleteAction); }); } }; var read$4 = function (root, forward, rng) { var normalizedRange = normalizeRange(forward ? 1 : -1, root, rng); var from = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(normalizedRange); var rootElement = Element.fromDom(root); if (forward === false && isAfterContentEditableFalse(from)) { return Option.some(DeleteAction.remove(from.getNode(true))); } else if (forward && isBeforeContentEditableFalse(from)) { return Option.some(DeleteAction.remove(from.getNode())); } else if (forward === false && isBeforeContentEditableFalse(from) && isAfterBr(rootElement, from)) { return findPreviousBr(rootElement, from).map(function (br) { return DeleteAction.remove(br.getNode()); }); } else if (forward && isAfterContentEditableFalse(from) && isBeforeBr(rootElement, from)) { return findNextBr(rootElement, from).map(function (br) { return DeleteAction.remove(br.getNode()); }); } else { return getContentEditableAction(root, forward, from); } }; var deleteElement$1 = function (editor, forward) { return function (element) { editor._selectionOverrides.hideFakeCaret(); DeleteElement.deleteElement(editor, forward, Element.fromDom(element)); return true; }; }; var moveToElement = function (editor, forward) { return function (element) { var pos = forward ? CaretPosition$1.before(element) : CaretPosition$1.after(element); editor.selection.setRng(pos.toRange()); return true; }; }; var moveToPosition = function (editor) { return function (pos) { editor.selection.setRng(pos.toRange()); return true; }; }; var getAncestorCe = function (editor, node) { return Option.from(getContentEditableRoot$2(editor.getBody(), node)); }; var backspaceDeleteCaret = function (editor, forward) { var selectedNode = editor.selection.getNode(); return getAncestorCe(editor, selectedNode).filter(NodeType.isContentEditableFalse).fold(function () { var result = read$4(editor.getBody(), forward, editor.selection.getRng()).map(function (deleteAction) { return deleteAction.fold(deleteElement$1(editor, forward), moveToElement(editor, forward), moveToPosition(editor)); }); return result.getOr(false); }, function () { return true; }); }; var deleteOffscreenSelection = function (rootElement) { each(descendants$1(rootElement, '.mce-offscreen-selection'), remove$1); }; var backspaceDeleteRange = function (editor, forward) { var selectedNode = editor.selection.getNode(); if (NodeType.isContentEditableFalse(selectedNode)) { var hasCefAncestor = getAncestorCe(editor, selectedNode.parentNode).filter(NodeType.isContentEditableFalse); return hasCefAncestor.fold(function () { deleteOffscreenSelection(Element.fromDom(editor.getBody())); DeleteElement.deleteElement(editor, forward, Element.fromDom(editor.selection.getNode())); DeleteUtils.paddEmptyBody(editor); return true; }, function () { return true; }); } return false; }; var getContentEditableRoot$2 = function (root, node) { while (node && node !== root) { if (NodeType.isContentEditableTrue(node) || NodeType.isContentEditableFalse(node)) { return node; } node = node.parentNode; } return null; }; var paddEmptyElement = function (editor) { var br; var ceRoot = getContentEditableRoot$2(editor.getBody(), editor.selection.getNode()); if (NodeType.isContentEditableTrue(ceRoot) && editor.dom.isBlock(ceRoot) && editor.dom.isEmpty(ceRoot)) { br = editor.dom.create('br', { 'data-mce-bogus': '1' }); editor.dom.setHTML(ceRoot, ''); ceRoot.appendChild(br); editor.selection.setRng(CaretPosition$1.before(br).toRange()); } return true; }; var backspaceDelete$2 = function (editor, forward) { if (editor.selection.isCollapsed()) { return backspaceDeleteCaret(editor, forward); } else { return backspaceDeleteRange(editor, forward); } }; var CefDelete = { backspaceDelete: backspaceDelete$2, paddEmptyElement: paddEmptyElement }; var trimEmptyTextNode$1 = function (dom, node) { if (NodeType.isText(node) && node.data.length === 0) { dom.remove(node); } }; var deleteContentAndShowCaret = function (editor, range, node, direction, forward, peekCaretPosition) { var caretRange = showCaret(direction, editor, peekCaretPosition.getNode(!forward), forward, true); if (range.collapsed) { var deleteRange = range.cloneRange(); if (forward) { deleteRange.setEnd(caretRange.startContainer, caretRange.startOffset); } else { deleteRange.setStart(caretRange.endContainer, caretRange.endOffset); } deleteRange.deleteContents(); } else { range.deleteContents(); } editor.selection.setRng(caretRange); trimEmptyTextNode$1(editor.dom, node); return true; }; var deleteCefBoundaryText = function (editor, forward) { var range = editor.selection.getRng(); if (!NodeType.isText(range.commonAncestorContainer)) { return false; } var direction = forward ? HDirection.Forwards : HDirection.Backwards; var caretWalker = CaretWalker(editor.getBody()); var getNextVisualCaretPosition = curry(getVisualCaretPosition, caretWalker.next); var getPrevVisualCaretPosition = curry(getVisualCaretPosition, caretWalker.prev); var getNextPosFn = forward ? getNextVisualCaretPosition : getPrevVisualCaretPosition; var isBeforeContentEditableFalseFn = forward ? isBeforeContentEditableFalse : isAfterContentEditableFalse; var caretPosition = getNormalizedRangeEndPoint(direction, editor.getBody(), range); var nextCaretPosition = InlineUtils.normalizePosition(forward, getNextPosFn(caretPosition)); if (!nextCaretPosition) { return false; } else if (isBeforeContentEditableFalseFn(nextCaretPosition)) { return deleteContentAndShowCaret(editor, range, caretPosition.getNode(), direction, forward, nextCaretPosition); } var peekCaretPosition = getNextPosFn(nextCaretPosition); if (peekCaretPosition && isBeforeContentEditableFalseFn(peekCaretPosition)) { if (isMoveInsideSameBlock(nextCaretPosition, peekCaretPosition)) { return deleteContentAndShowCaret(editor, range, caretPosition.getNode(), direction, forward, peekCaretPosition); } } return false; }; var backspaceDelete$3 = function (editor, forward) { return deleteCefBoundaryText(editor, forward); }; var CefBoundaryDelete = { backspaceDelete: backspaceDelete$3 }; var isFeatureEnabled$1 = function (editor) { return editor.settings.inline_boundaries !== false; }; var rangeFromPositions = function (from, to) { var range = domGlobals.document.createRange(); range.setStart(from.container(), from.offset()); range.setEnd(to.container(), to.offset()); return range; }; var hasOnlyTwoOrLessPositionsLeft = function (elm) { return lift2(CaretFinder.firstPositionIn(elm), CaretFinder.lastPositionIn(elm), function (firstPos, lastPos) { var normalizedFirstPos = InlineUtils.normalizePosition(true, firstPos); var normalizedLastPos = InlineUtils.normalizePosition(false, lastPos); return CaretFinder.nextPosition(elm, normalizedFirstPos).map(function (pos) { return pos.isEqual(normalizedLastPos); }).getOr(true); }).getOr(true); }; var setCaretLocation = function (editor, caret) { return function (location) { return BoundaryCaret.renderCaret(caret, location).map(function (pos) { BoundarySelection.setCaretPosition(editor, pos); return true; }).getOr(false); }; }; var deleteFromTo = function (editor, caret, from, to) { var rootNode = editor.getBody(); var isInlineTarget = curry(InlineUtils.isInlineTarget, editor); editor.undoManager.ignore(function () { editor.selection.setRng(rangeFromPositions(from, to)); editor.execCommand('Delete'); BoundaryLocation.readLocation(isInlineTarget, rootNode, CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng())).map(BoundaryLocation.inside).map(setCaretLocation(editor, caret)); }); editor.nodeChanged(); }; var rescope$1 = function (rootNode, node) { var parentBlock = getParentBlock(node, rootNode); return parentBlock ? parentBlock : rootNode; }; var backspaceDeleteCollapsed = function (editor, caret, forward, from) { var rootNode = rescope$1(editor.getBody(), from.container()); var isInlineTarget = curry(InlineUtils.isInlineTarget, editor); var fromLocation = BoundaryLocation.readLocation(isInlineTarget, rootNode, from); return fromLocation.bind(function (location) { if (forward) { return location.fold(constant(Option.some(BoundaryLocation.inside(location))), Option.none, constant(Option.some(BoundaryLocation.outside(location))), Option.none); } else { return location.fold(Option.none, constant(Option.some(BoundaryLocation.outside(location))), Option.none, constant(Option.some(BoundaryLocation.inside(location)))); } }).map(setCaretLocation(editor, caret)).getOrThunk(function () { var toPosition = CaretFinder.navigate(forward, rootNode, from); var toLocation = toPosition.bind(function (pos) { return BoundaryLocation.readLocation(isInlineTarget, rootNode, pos); }); if (fromLocation.isSome() && toLocation.isSome()) { return InlineUtils.findRootInline(isInlineTarget, rootNode, from).map(function (elm) { if (hasOnlyTwoOrLessPositionsLeft(elm)) { DeleteElement.deleteElement(editor, forward, Element.fromDom(elm)); return true; } else { return false; } }).getOr(false); } else { return toLocation.bind(function (_) { return toPosition.map(function (to) { if (forward) { deleteFromTo(editor, caret, from, to); } else { deleteFromTo(editor, caret, to, from); } return true; }); }).getOr(false); } }); }; var backspaceDelete$4 = function (editor, caret, forward) { if (editor.selection.isCollapsed() && isFeatureEnabled$1(editor)) { var from = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng()); return backspaceDeleteCollapsed(editor, caret, forward, from); } return false; }; var BoundaryDelete = { backspaceDelete: backspaceDelete$4 }; var getParentInlines = function (rootElm, startElm) { var parents = Parents.parentsAndSelf(startElm, rootElm); return findIndex(parents, isBlock).fold(constant(parents), function (index) { return parents.slice(0, index); }); }; var hasOnlyOneChild = function (elm) { return children(elm).length === 1; }; var deleteLastPosition = function (forward, editor, target, parentInlines) { var isFormatElement$1 = curry(isFormatElement, editor); var formatNodes = map(filter(parentInlines, isFormatElement$1), function (elm) { return elm.dom(); }); if (formatNodes.length === 0) { DeleteElement.deleteElement(editor, forward, target); } else { var pos = replaceWithCaretFormat(target.dom(), formatNodes); editor.selection.setRng(pos.toRange()); } }; var deleteCaret = function (editor, forward) { var rootElm = Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()); var startElm = Element.fromDom(editor.selection.getStart()); var parentInlines = filter(getParentInlines(rootElm, startElm), hasOnlyOneChild); return last(parentInlines).map(function (target) { var fromPos = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng()); if (DeleteUtils.willDeleteLastPositionInElement(forward, fromPos, target.dom()) && !isEmptyCaretFormatElement(target)) { deleteLastPosition(forward, editor, target, parentInlines); return true; } else { return false; } }).getOr(false); }; var backspaceDelete$5 = function (editor, forward) { return editor.selection.isCollapsed() ? deleteCaret(editor, forward) : false; }; var InlineFormatDelete = { backspaceDelete: backspaceDelete$5 }; var tableCellRng = function (start, end) { return { start: constant(start), end: constant(end) }; }; var tableSelection = function (rng, table, cells) { return { rng: constant(rng), table: constant(table), cells: constant(cells) }; }; var deleteAction = Adt.generate([ { removeTable: ['element'] }, { emptyCells: ['cells'] } ]); var isRootFromElement = function (root) { return function (cur) { return eq(root, cur); }; }; var getClosestCell$1 = function (container, isRoot) { return closest$1(Element.fromDom(container), 'td,th', isRoot); }; var getClosestTable = function (cell, isRoot) { return ancestor$1(cell, 'table', isRoot); }; var isExpandedCellRng = function (cellRng) { return eq(cellRng.start(), cellRng.end()) === false; }; var getTableFromCellRng = function (cellRng, isRoot) { return getClosestTable(cellRng.start(), isRoot).bind(function (startParentTable) { return getClosestTable(cellRng.end(), isRoot).bind(function (endParentTable) { return someIf(eq(startParentTable, endParentTable), startParentTable); }); }); }; var getTableCells = function (table) { return descendants$1(table, 'td,th'); }; var getCellRangeFromStartTable = function (cellRng, isRoot) { return getClosestTable(cellRng.start(), isRoot).bind(function (table) { return last(getTableCells(table)).map(function (endCell) { return tableCellRng(cellRng.start(), endCell); }); }); }; var partialSelection = function (isRoot, rng) { var startCell = getClosestCell$1(rng.startContainer, isRoot); var endCell = getClosestCell$1(rng.endContainer, isRoot); return rng.collapsed ? Option.none() : lift2(startCell, endCell, tableCellRng).fold(function () { return startCell.fold(function () { return endCell.bind(function (endCell) { return getClosestTable(endCell, isRoot).bind(function (table) { return head(getTableCells(table)).map(function (startCell) { return tableCellRng(startCell, endCell); }); }); }); }, function (startCell) { return getClosestTable(startCell, isRoot).bind(function (table) { return last(getTableCells(table)).map(function (endCell) { return tableCellRng(startCell, endCell); }); }); }); }, function (cellRng) { return isWithinSameTable(isRoot, cellRng) ? Option.none() : getCellRangeFromStartTable(cellRng, isRoot); }); }; var isWithinSameTable = function (isRoot, cellRng) { return getTableFromCellRng(cellRng, isRoot).isSome(); }; var getCellRng = function (rng, isRoot) { var startCell = getClosestCell$1(rng.startContainer, isRoot); var endCell = getClosestCell$1(rng.endContainer, isRoot); return lift2(startCell, endCell, tableCellRng).filter(isExpandedCellRng).filter(function (cellRng) { return isWithinSameTable(isRoot, cellRng); }).orThunk(function () { return partialSelection(isRoot, rng); }); }; var getTableSelectionFromCellRng = function (cellRng, isRoot) { return getTableFromCellRng(cellRng, isRoot).map(function (table) { return tableSelection(cellRng, table, getTableCells(table)); }); }; var getTableSelectionFromRng = function (root, rng) { var isRoot = isRootFromElement(root); return getCellRng(rng, isRoot).bind(function (cellRng) { return getTableSelectionFromCellRng(cellRng, isRoot); }); }; var getCellIndex = function (cells, cell) { return findIndex(cells, function (x) { return eq(x, cell); }); }; var getSelectedCells = function (tableSelection) { return lift2(getCellIndex(tableSelection.cells(), tableSelection.rng().start()), getCellIndex(tableSelection.cells(), tableSelection.rng().end()), function (startIndex, endIndex) { return tableSelection.cells().slice(startIndex, endIndex + 1); }); }; var getAction = function (tableSelection) { return getSelectedCells(tableSelection).map(function (selected) { var cells = tableSelection.cells(); return selected.length === cells.length ? deleteAction.removeTable(tableSelection.table()) : deleteAction.emptyCells(selected); }); }; var getActionFromRange = function (root, rng) { return getTableSelectionFromRng(root, rng).bind(getAction); }; var emptyCells = function (editor, cells) { each(cells, PaddingBr.fillWithPaddingBr); editor.selection.setCursorLocation(cells[0].dom(), 0); return true; }; var deleteTableElement = function (editor, table) { DeleteElement.deleteElement(editor, false, table); return true; }; var deleteCellRange = function (editor, rootElm, rng) { return getActionFromRange(rootElm, rng).map(function (action) { return action.fold(curry(deleteTableElement, editor), curry(emptyCells, editor)); }); }; var deleteCaptionRange = function (editor, caption) { return emptyElement(editor, caption); }; var deleteTableRange = function (editor, rootElm, rng, startElm) { return getParentCaption(rootElm, startElm).fold(function () { return deleteCellRange(editor, rootElm, rng); }, function (caption) { return deleteCaptionRange(editor, caption); }).getOr(false); }; var deleteRange$1 = function (editor, startElm) { var rootNode = Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()); var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); var selectedCells = TableCellSelection.getCellsFromEditor(editor); return selectedCells.length !== 0 ? emptyCells(editor, selectedCells) : deleteTableRange(editor, rootNode, rng, startElm); }; var getParentCell = function (rootElm, elm) { return find(Parents.parentsAndSelf(elm, rootElm), isTableCell); }; var getParentCaption = function (rootElm, elm) { return find(Parents.parentsAndSelf(elm, rootElm), function (elm) { return name(elm) === 'caption'; }); }; var deleteBetweenCells = function (editor, rootElm, forward, fromCell, from) { return CaretFinder.navigate(forward, editor.getBody(), from).bind(function (to) { return getParentCell(rootElm, Element.fromDom(to.getNode())).map(function (toCell) { return eq(toCell, fromCell) === false; }); }); }; var emptyElement = function (editor, elm) { PaddingBr.fillWithPaddingBr(elm); editor.selection.setCursorLocation(elm.dom(), 0); return Option.some(true); }; var isDeleteOfLastCharPos = function (fromCaption, forward, from, to) { return CaretFinder.firstPositionIn(fromCaption.dom()).bind(function (first) { return CaretFinder.lastPositionIn(fromCaption.dom()).map(function (last) { return forward ? from.isEqual(first) && to.isEqual(last) : from.isEqual(last) && to.isEqual(first); }); }).getOr(true); }; var emptyCaretCaption = function (editor, elm) { return emptyElement(editor, elm); }; var validateCaretCaption = function (rootElm, fromCaption, to) { return getParentCaption(rootElm, Element.fromDom(to.getNode())).map(function (toCaption) { return eq(toCaption, fromCaption) === false; }); }; var deleteCaretInsideCaption = function (editor, rootElm, forward, fromCaption, from) { return CaretFinder.navigate(forward, editor.getBody(), from).bind(function (to) { return isDeleteOfLastCharPos(fromCaption, forward, from, to) ? emptyCaretCaption(editor, fromCaption) : validateCaretCaption(rootElm, fromCaption, to); }).or(Option.some(true)); }; var deleteCaretCells = function (editor, forward, rootElm, startElm) { var from = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng()); return getParentCell(rootElm, startElm).bind(function (fromCell) { return Empty.isEmpty(fromCell) ? emptyElement(editor, fromCell) : deleteBetweenCells(editor, rootElm, forward, fromCell, from); }).getOr(false); }; var deleteCaretCaption = function (editor, forward, rootElm, fromCaption) { var from = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng()); return Empty.isEmpty(fromCaption) ? emptyElement(editor, fromCaption) : deleteCaretInsideCaption(editor, rootElm, forward, fromCaption, from); }; var isNearTable = function (forward, pos) { return forward ? isBeforeTable(pos) : isAfterTable(pos); }; var isBeforeOrAfterTable = function (editor, forward) { var fromPos = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng()); return isNearTable(forward, fromPos) || CaretFinder.fromPosition(forward, editor.getBody(), fromPos).map(function (pos) { return isNearTable(forward, pos); }).getOr(false); }; var deleteCaret$1 = function (editor, forward, startElm) { var rootElm = Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()); return getParentCaption(rootElm, startElm).fold(function () { return deleteCaretCells(editor, forward, rootElm, startElm) || isBeforeOrAfterTable(editor, forward); }, function (fromCaption) { return deleteCaretCaption(editor, forward, rootElm, fromCaption).getOr(false); }); }; var backspaceDelete$6 = function (editor, forward) { var startElm = Element.fromDom(editor.selection.getStart(true)); var cells = TableCellSelection.getCellsFromEditor(editor); return editor.selection.isCollapsed() && cells.length === 0 ? deleteCaret$1(editor, forward, startElm) : deleteRange$1(editor, startElm); }; var TableDelete = { backspaceDelete: backspaceDelete$6 }; var deleteCaret$2 = function (editor, forward) { var fromPos = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng()); return CaretFinder.fromPosition(forward, editor.getBody(), fromPos).filter(function (pos) { return forward ? isBeforeImageBlock(pos) : isAfterImageBlock(pos); }).bind(function (pos) { return Option.from(getChildNodeAtRelativeOffset(forward ? 0 : -1, pos)); }).map(function (elm) { editor.selection.select(elm); return true; }).getOr(false); }; var backspaceDelete$7 = function (editor, forward) { return editor.selection.isCollapsed() ? deleteCaret$2(editor, forward) : false; }; var PageBreakDelete = { backspaceDelete: backspaceDelete$7 }; var isEditable$1 = function (target) { return closest(target, function (elm) { return NodeType.isContentEditableTrue(elm.dom()) || NodeType.isContentEditableFalse(elm.dom()); }).exists(function (elm) { return NodeType.isContentEditableTrue(elm.dom()); }); }; var parseIndentValue = function (value) { var number = parseInt(value, 10); return isNaN(number) ? 0 : number; }; var getIndentStyleName = function (useMargin, element) { var indentStyleName = useMargin || isTable$1(element) ? 'margin' : 'padding'; var suffix = get$2(element, 'direction') === 'rtl' ? '-right' : '-left'; return indentStyleName + suffix; }; var indentElement = function (dom, command, useMargin, value, unit, element) { var indentStyleName = getIndentStyleName(useMargin, Element.fromDom(element)); if (command === 'outdent') { var styleValue = Math.max(0, parseIndentValue(element.style[indentStyleName]) - value); dom.setStyle(element, indentStyleName, styleValue ? styleValue + unit : ''); } else { var styleValue = parseIndentValue(element.style[indentStyleName]) + value + unit; dom.setStyle(element, indentStyleName, styleValue); } }; var validateBlocks = function (editor, blocks) { return forall(blocks, function (block) { var indentStyleName = getIndentStyleName(Settings.shouldIndentUseMargin(editor), block); var intentValue = getRaw(block, indentStyleName).map(parseIndentValue).getOr(0); var contentEditable = editor.dom.getContentEditable(block.dom()); return contentEditable !== 'false' && intentValue > 0; }); }; var canOutdent = function (editor) { var blocks = getBlocksToIndent(editor); return editor.readonly !== true && (blocks.length > 1 || validateBlocks(editor, blocks)); }; var isListComponent = function (el) { return isList(el) || isListItem(el); }; var parentIsListComponent = function (el) { return parent(el).map(isListComponent).getOr(false); }; var getBlocksToIndent = function (editor) { return filter(map(editor.selection.getSelectedBlocks(), Element.fromDom), function (el) { return !isListComponent(el) && !parentIsListComponent(el) && isEditable$1(el); }); }; var handle = function (editor, command) { var dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection, formatter = editor.formatter; var indentation = Settings.getIndentation(editor); var indentUnit = /[a-z%]+$/i.exec(indentation)[0]; var indentValue = parseInt(indentation, 10); var useMargin = Settings.shouldIndentUseMargin(editor); var forcedRootBlock = Settings.getForcedRootBlock(editor); if (!editor.queryCommandState('InsertUnorderedList') && !editor.queryCommandState('InsertOrderedList')) { if (forcedRootBlock === '' && !dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), dom.isBlock)) { formatter.apply('div'); } } each(getBlocksToIndent(editor), function (block) { indentElement(dom, command, useMargin, indentValue, indentUnit, block.dom()); }); }; var navigateIgnoreEmptyTextNodes = function (forward, root, from) { return CaretFinder.navigateIgnore(forward, root, from, isEmptyText); }; var getClosestBlock = function (root, pos) { return find(Parents.parentsAndSelf(Element.fromDom(pos.container()), root), isBlock); }; var isAtBeforeAfterBlockBoundary = function (forward, root, pos) { return navigateIgnoreEmptyTextNodes(forward, root.dom(), pos).forall(function (newPos) { return getClosestBlock(root, pos).fold(function () { return isInSameBlock(newPos, pos, root.dom()) === false; }, function (fromBlock) { return isInSameBlock(newPos, pos, root.dom()) === false && contains$2(fromBlock, Element.fromDom(newPos.container())); }); }); }; var isAtBlockBoundary = function (forward, root, pos) { return getClosestBlock(root, pos).fold(function () { return navigateIgnoreEmptyTextNodes(forward, root.dom(), pos).forall(function (newPos) { return isInSameBlock(newPos, pos, root.dom()) === false; }); }, function (parent) { return navigateIgnoreEmptyTextNodes(forward, parent.dom(), pos).isNone(); }); }; var isAtStartOfBlock = curry(isAtBlockBoundary, false); var isAtEndOfBlock = curry(isAtBlockBoundary, true); var isBeforeBlock = curry(isAtBeforeAfterBlockBoundary, false); var isAfterBlock = curry(isAtBeforeAfterBlockBoundary, true); var backspaceDelete$8 = function (editor, _caret, _forward) { if (editor.selection.isCollapsed() && canOutdent(editor)) { var dom = editor.dom; var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); var pos = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(rng); var block = dom.getParent(rng.startContainer, dom.isBlock); if (block !== null && isAtStartOfBlock(Element.fromDom(block), pos)) { handle(editor, 'outdent'); return true; } } return false; }; var Outdent = { backspaceDelete: backspaceDelete$8 }; var executeKeydownOverride$1 = function (editor, caret, evt) { MatchKeys.execute([ { keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE, action: MatchKeys.action(Outdent.backspaceDelete, editor, false) }, { keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE, action: MatchKeys.action(CefDelete.backspaceDelete, editor, false) }, { keyCode: VK.DELETE, action: MatchKeys.action(CefDelete.backspaceDelete, editor, true) }, { keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE, action: MatchKeys.action(CefBoundaryDelete.backspaceDelete, editor, false) }, { keyCode: VK.DELETE, action: MatchKeys.action(CefBoundaryDelete.backspaceDelete, editor, true) }, { keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE, action: MatchKeys.action(BoundaryDelete.backspaceDelete, editor, caret, false) }, { keyCode: VK.DELETE, action: MatchKeys.action(BoundaryDelete.backspaceDelete, editor, caret, true) }, { keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE, action: MatchKeys.action(TableDelete.backspaceDelete, editor, false) }, { keyCode: VK.DELETE, action: MatchKeys.action(TableDelete.backspaceDelete, editor, true) }, { keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE, action: MatchKeys.action(PageBreakDelete.backspaceDelete, editor, false) }, { keyCode: VK.DELETE, action: MatchKeys.action(PageBreakDelete.backspaceDelete, editor, true) }, { keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE, action: MatchKeys.action(BlockRangeDelete.backspaceDelete, editor, false) }, { keyCode: VK.DELETE, action: MatchKeys.action(BlockRangeDelete.backspaceDelete, editor, true) }, { keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE, action: MatchKeys.action(BlockBoundaryDelete.backspaceDelete, editor, false) }, { keyCode: VK.DELETE, action: MatchKeys.action(BlockBoundaryDelete.backspaceDelete, editor, true) }, { keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE, action: MatchKeys.action(InlineFormatDelete.backspaceDelete, editor, false) }, { keyCode: VK.DELETE, action: MatchKeys.action(InlineFormatDelete.backspaceDelete, editor, true) } ], evt).each(function (_) { evt.preventDefault(); }); }; var executeKeyupOverride = function (editor, evt) { MatchKeys.execute([ { keyCode: VK.BACKSPACE, action: MatchKeys.action(CefDelete.paddEmptyElement, editor) }, { keyCode: VK.DELETE, action: MatchKeys.action(CefDelete.paddEmptyElement, editor) } ], evt); }; var setup$9 = function (editor, caret) { editor.on('keydown', function (evt) { if (evt.isDefaultPrevented() === false) { executeKeydownOverride$1(editor, caret, evt); } }); editor.on('keyup', function (evt) { if (evt.isDefaultPrevented() === false) { executeKeyupOverride(editor, evt); } }); }; var DeleteBackspaceKeys = { setup: setup$9 }; var firstNonWhiteSpaceNodeSibling = function (node) { while (node) { if (node.nodeType === 1 || node.nodeType === 3 && node.data && /[\r\n\s]/.test(node.data)) { return node; } node = node.nextSibling; } }; var moveToCaretPosition = function (editor, root) { var node, rng, lastNode = root; var dom = editor.dom; var moveCaretBeforeOnEnterElementsMap = editor.schema.getMoveCaretBeforeOnEnterElements(); if (!root) { return; } if (/^(LI|DT|DD)$/.test(root.nodeName)) { var firstChild = firstNonWhiteSpaceNodeSibling(root.firstChild); if (firstChild && /^(UL|OL|DL)$/.test(firstChild.nodeName)) { root.insertBefore(dom.doc.createTextNode('\xA0'), root.firstChild); } } rng = dom.createRng(); root.normalize(); if (root.hasChildNodes()) { var walker = new TreeWalker(root, root); while (node = walker.current()) { if (NodeType.isText(node)) { rng.setStart(node, 0); rng.setEnd(node, 0); break; } if (moveCaretBeforeOnEnterElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) { rng.setStartBefore(node); rng.setEndBefore(node); break; } lastNode = node; node = walker.next(); } if (!node) { rng.setStart(lastNode, 0); rng.setEnd(lastNode, 0); } } else { if (NodeType.isBr(root)) { if (root.nextSibling && dom.isBlock(root.nextSibling)) { rng.setStartBefore(root); rng.setEndBefore(root); } else { rng.setStartAfter(root); rng.setEndAfter(root); } } else { rng.setStart(root, 0); rng.setEnd(root, 0); } } editor.selection.setRng(rng); editor.selection.scrollIntoView(root); }; var getEditableRoot = function (dom, node) { var root = dom.getRoot(); var parent, editableRoot; parent = node; while (parent !== root && dom.getContentEditable(parent) !== 'false') { if (dom.getContentEditable(parent) === 'true') { editableRoot = parent; } parent = parent.parentNode; } return parent !== root ? editableRoot : root; }; var getParentBlock$2 = function (editor) { return Option.from(editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(true), editor.dom.isBlock)); }; var getParentBlockName = function (editor) { return getParentBlock$2(editor).fold(constant(''), function (parentBlock) { return parentBlock.nodeName.toUpperCase(); }); }; var isListItemParentBlock = function (editor) { return getParentBlock$2(editor).filter(function (elm) { return isListItem(Element.fromDom(elm)); }).isSome(); }; var NewLineUtils = { moveToCaretPosition: moveToCaretPosition, getEditableRoot: getEditableRoot, getParentBlock: getParentBlock$2, getParentBlockName: getParentBlockName, isListItemParentBlock: isListItemParentBlock }; var hasFirstChild = function (elm, name) { return elm.firstChild && elm.firstChild.nodeName === name; }; var hasParent$1 = function (elm, parentName) { return elm && elm.parentNode && elm.parentNode.nodeName === parentName; }; var isListBlock = function (elm) { return elm && /^(OL|UL|LI)$/.test(elm.nodeName); }; var isNestedList = function (elm) { return isListBlock(elm) && isListBlock(elm.parentNode); }; var getContainerBlock = function (containerBlock) { var containerBlockParent = containerBlock.parentNode; if (/^(LI|DT|DD)$/.test(containerBlockParent.nodeName)) { return containerBlockParent; } return containerBlock; }; var isFirstOrLastLi = function (containerBlock, parentBlock, first) { var node = containerBlock[first ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild']; while (node) { if (NodeType.isElement(node)) { break; } node = node[first ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling']; } return node === parentBlock; }; var insert = function (editor, createNewBlock, containerBlock, parentBlock, newBlockName) { var dom = editor.dom; var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); if (containerBlock === editor.getBody()) { return; } if (isNestedList(containerBlock)) { newBlockName = 'LI'; } var newBlock = newBlockName ? createNewBlock(newBlockName) : dom.create('BR'); if (isFirstOrLastLi(containerBlock, parentBlock, true) && isFirstOrLastLi(containerBlock, parentBlock, false)) { if (hasParent$1(containerBlock, 'LI')) { dom.insertAfter(newBlock, getContainerBlock(containerBlock)); } else { dom.replace(newBlock, containerBlock); } } else if (isFirstOrLastLi(containerBlock, parentBlock, true)) { if (hasParent$1(containerBlock, 'LI')) { dom.insertAfter(newBlock, getContainerBlock(containerBlock)); newBlock.appendChild(dom.doc.createTextNode(' ')); newBlock.appendChild(containerBlock); } else { containerBlock.parentNode.insertBefore(newBlock, containerBlock); } } else if (isFirstOrLastLi(containerBlock, parentBlock, false)) { dom.insertAfter(newBlock, getContainerBlock(containerBlock)); } else { containerBlock = getContainerBlock(containerBlock); var tmpRng = rng.cloneRange(); tmpRng.setStartAfter(parentBlock); tmpRng.setEndAfter(containerBlock); var fragment = tmpRng.extractContents(); if (newBlockName === 'LI' && hasFirstChild(fragment, 'LI')) { newBlock = fragment.firstChild; dom.insertAfter(fragment, containerBlock); } else { dom.insertAfter(fragment, containerBlock); dom.insertAfter(newBlock, containerBlock); } } dom.remove(parentBlock); NewLineUtils.moveToCaretPosition(editor, newBlock); }; var InsertLi = { insert: insert }; var trimZwsp = function (fragment) { each(descendants(Element.fromDom(fragment), isText$1), function (text) { var rawNode = text.dom(); rawNode.nodeValue = Zwsp.trim(rawNode.nodeValue); }); }; var isEmptyAnchor = function (dom, elm) { return elm && elm.nodeName === 'A' && dom.isEmpty(elm); }; var isTableCell$4 = function (node) { return node && /^(TD|TH|CAPTION)$/.test(node.nodeName); }; var emptyBlock = function (elm) { elm.innerHTML = '
'; }; var containerAndSiblingName = function (container, nodeName) { return container.nodeName === nodeName || container.previousSibling && container.previousSibling.nodeName === nodeName; }; var canSplitBlock = function (dom, node) { return node && dom.isBlock(node) && !/^(TD|TH|CAPTION|FORM)$/.test(node.nodeName) && !/^(fixed|absolute)/i.test(node.style.position) && dom.getContentEditable(node) !== 'true'; }; var trimInlineElementsOnLeftSideOfBlock = function (dom, nonEmptyElementsMap, block) { var node = block; var firstChilds = []; var i; if (!node) { return; } while (node = node.firstChild) { if (dom.isBlock(node)) { return; } if (NodeType.isElement(node) && !nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) { firstChilds.push(node); } } i = firstChilds.length; while (i--) { node = firstChilds[i]; if (!node.hasChildNodes() || node.firstChild === node.lastChild && node.firstChild.nodeValue === '') { dom.remove(node); } else { if (isEmptyAnchor(dom, node)) { dom.remove(node); } } } }; var normalizeZwspOffset = function (start, container, offset) { if (NodeType.isText(container) === false) { return offset; } else if (start) { return offset === 1 && container.data.charAt(offset - 1) === Zwsp.ZWSP ? 0 : offset; } else { return offset === container.data.length - 1 && container.data.charAt(offset) === Zwsp.ZWSP ? container.data.length : offset; } }; var includeZwspInRange = function (rng) { var newRng = rng.cloneRange(); newRng.setStart(rng.startContainer, normalizeZwspOffset(true, rng.startContainer, rng.startOffset)); newRng.setEnd(rng.endContainer, normalizeZwspOffset(false, rng.endContainer, rng.endOffset)); return newRng; }; var trimLeadingLineBreaks = function (node) { do { if (NodeType.isText(node)) { node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace(/^[\r\n]+/, ''); } node = node.firstChild; } while (node); }; var getEditableRoot$1 = function (dom, node) { var root = dom.getRoot(); var parent, editableRoot; parent = node; while (parent !== root && dom.getContentEditable(parent) !== 'false') { if (dom.getContentEditable(parent) === 'true') { editableRoot = parent; } parent = parent.parentNode; } return parent !== root ? editableRoot : root; }; var setForcedBlockAttrs = function (editor, node) { var forcedRootBlockName = Settings.getForcedRootBlock(editor); if (forcedRootBlockName && forcedRootBlockName.toLowerCase() === node.tagName.toLowerCase()) { editor.dom.setAttribs(node, Settings.getForcedRootBlockAttrs(editor)); } }; var wrapSelfAndSiblingsInDefaultBlock = function (editor, newBlockName, rng, container, offset) { var newBlock, parentBlock, startNode, node, next, rootBlockName; var blockName = newBlockName || 'P'; var dom = editor.dom, editableRoot = getEditableRoot$1(dom, container); parentBlock = dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock); if (!parentBlock || !canSplitBlock(dom, parentBlock)) { parentBlock = parentBlock || editableRoot; if (parentBlock === editor.getBody() || isTableCell$4(parentBlock)) { rootBlockName = parentBlock.nodeName.toLowerCase(); } else { rootBlockName = parentBlock.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase(); } if (!parentBlock.hasChildNodes()) { newBlock = dom.create(blockName); setForcedBlockAttrs(editor, newBlock); parentBlock.appendChild(newBlock); rng.setStart(newBlock, 0); rng.setEnd(newBlock, 0); return newBlock; } node = container; while (node.parentNode !== parentBlock) { node = node.parentNode; } while (node && !dom.isBlock(node)) { startNode = node; node = node.previousSibling; } if (startNode && editor.schema.isValidChild(rootBlockName, blockName.toLowerCase())) { newBlock = dom.create(blockName); setForcedBlockAttrs(editor, newBlock); startNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newBlock, startNode); node = startNode; while (node && !dom.isBlock(node)) { next = node.nextSibling; newBlock.appendChild(node); node = next; } rng.setStart(container, offset); rng.setEnd(container, offset); } } return container; }; var addBrToBlockIfNeeded = function (dom, block) { var lastChild; block.normalize(); lastChild = block.lastChild; if (!lastChild || /^(left|right)$/gi.test(dom.getStyle(lastChild, 'float', true))) { dom.add(block, 'br'); } }; var insert$1 = function (editor, evt) { var tmpRng, editableRoot, container, offset, parentBlock, shiftKey; var newBlock, fragment, containerBlock, parentBlockName, containerBlockName, newBlockName, isAfterLastNodeInContainer; var dom = editor.dom; var schema = editor.schema, nonEmptyElementsMap = schema.getNonEmptyElements(); var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); var createNewBlock = function (name) { var node = container, block, clonedNode, caretNode; var textInlineElements = schema.getTextInlineElements(); if (name || parentBlockName === 'TABLE' || parentBlockName === 'HR') { block = dom.create(name || newBlockName); setForcedBlockAttrs(editor, block); } else { block = parentBlock.cloneNode(false); } caretNode = block; if (Settings.shouldKeepStyles(editor) === false) { dom.setAttrib(block, 'style', null); dom.setAttrib(block, 'class', null); } else { do { if (textInlineElements[node.nodeName]) { if (isCaretNode(node) || Bookmarks.isBookmarkNode(node)) { continue; } clonedNode = node.cloneNode(false); dom.setAttrib(clonedNode, 'id', ''); if (block.hasChildNodes()) { clonedNode.appendChild(block.firstChild); block.appendChild(clonedNode); } else { caretNode = clonedNode; block.appendChild(clonedNode); } } } while ((node = node.parentNode) && node !== editableRoot); } emptyBlock(caretNode); return block; }; var isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock = function (start) { var node, name; var normalizedOffset = normalizeZwspOffset(start, container, offset); if (NodeType.isText(container) && (start ? normalizedOffset > 0 : normalizedOffset < container.nodeValue.length)) { return false; } if (container.parentNode === parentBlock && isAfterLastNodeInContainer && !start) { return true; } if (start && NodeType.isElement(container) && container === parentBlock.firstChild) { return true; } if (containerAndSiblingName(container, 'TABLE') || containerAndSiblingName(container, 'HR')) { return isAfterLastNodeInContainer && !start || !isAfterLastNodeInContainer && start; } var walker = new TreeWalker(container, parentBlock); if (NodeType.isText(container)) { if (start && normalizedOffset === 0) { walker.prev(); } else if (!start && normalizedOffset === container.nodeValue.length) { walker.next(); } } while (node = walker.current()) { if (NodeType.isElement(node)) { if (!node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus')) { name = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (nonEmptyElementsMap[name] && name !== 'br') { return false; } } } else if (NodeType.isText(node) && !/^[ \t\r\n]*$/.test(node.nodeValue)) { return false; } if (start) { walker.prev(); } else { walker.next(); } } return true; }; var insertNewBlockAfter = function () { if (/^(H[1-6]|PRE|FIGURE)$/.test(parentBlockName) && containerBlockName !== 'HGROUP') { newBlock = createNewBlock(newBlockName); } else { newBlock = createNewBlock(); } if (Settings.shouldEndContainerOnEmptyBlock(editor) && canSplitBlock(dom, containerBlock) && dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) { newBlock = dom.split(containerBlock, parentBlock); } else { dom.insertAfter(newBlock, parentBlock); } NewLineUtils.moveToCaretPosition(editor, newBlock); }; NormalizeRange.normalize(dom, rng).each(function (normRng) { rng.setStart(normRng.startContainer, normRng.startOffset); rng.setEnd(normRng.endContainer, normRng.endOffset); }); container = rng.startContainer; offset = rng.startOffset; newBlockName = Settings.getForcedRootBlock(editor); shiftKey = !!(evt && evt.shiftKey); var ctrlKey = !!(evt && evt.ctrlKey); if (NodeType.isElement(container) && container.hasChildNodes()) { isAfterLastNodeInContainer = offset > container.childNodes.length - 1; container = container.childNodes[Math.min(offset, container.childNodes.length - 1)] || container; if (isAfterLastNodeInContainer && NodeType.isText(container)) { offset = container.nodeValue.length; } else { offset = 0; } } editableRoot = getEditableRoot$1(dom, container); if (!editableRoot) { return; } if (newBlockName && !shiftKey || !newBlockName && shiftKey) { container = wrapSelfAndSiblingsInDefaultBlock(editor, newBlockName, rng, container, offset); } parentBlock = dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock); containerBlock = parentBlock ? dom.getParent(parentBlock.parentNode, dom.isBlock) : null; parentBlockName = parentBlock ? parentBlock.nodeName.toUpperCase() : ''; containerBlockName = containerBlock ? containerBlock.nodeName.toUpperCase() : ''; if (containerBlockName === 'LI' && !ctrlKey) { parentBlock = containerBlock; containerBlock = containerBlock.parentNode; parentBlockName = containerBlockName; } if (/^(LI|DT|DD)$/.test(parentBlockName)) { if (dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) { InsertLi.insert(editor, createNewBlock, containerBlock, parentBlock, newBlockName); return; } } if (newBlockName && parentBlock === editor.getBody()) { return; } newBlockName = newBlockName || 'P'; if (isCaretContainerBlock(parentBlock)) { newBlock = showCaretContainerBlock(parentBlock); if (dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) { emptyBlock(parentBlock); } NewLineUtils.moveToCaretPosition(editor, newBlock); } else if (isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock()) { insertNewBlockAfter(); } else if (isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock(true)) { newBlock = parentBlock.parentNode.insertBefore(createNewBlock(), parentBlock); NewLineUtils.moveToCaretPosition(editor, containerAndSiblingName(parentBlock, 'HR') ? newBlock : parentBlock); } else { tmpRng = includeZwspInRange(rng).cloneRange(); tmpRng.setEndAfter(parentBlock); fragment = tmpRng.extractContents(); trimZwsp(fragment); trimLeadingLineBreaks(fragment); newBlock = fragment.firstChild; dom.insertAfter(fragment, parentBlock); trimInlineElementsOnLeftSideOfBlock(dom, nonEmptyElementsMap, newBlock); addBrToBlockIfNeeded(dom, parentBlock); if (dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) { emptyBlock(parentBlock); } newBlock.normalize(); if (dom.isEmpty(newBlock)) { dom.remove(newBlock); insertNewBlockAfter(); } else { NewLineUtils.moveToCaretPosition(editor, newBlock); } } dom.setAttrib(newBlock, 'id', ''); editor.fire('NewBlock', { newBlock: newBlock }); }; var InsertBlock = { insert: insert$1 }; var hasRightSideContent = function (schema, container, parentBlock) { var walker = new TreeWalker(container, parentBlock); var node; var nonEmptyElementsMap = schema.getNonEmptyElements(); while (node = walker.next()) { if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()] || node.length > 0) { return true; } } }; var scrollToBr = function (dom, selection, brElm) { var marker = dom.create('span', {}, ' '); brElm.parentNode.insertBefore(marker, brElm); selection.scrollIntoView(marker); dom.remove(marker); }; var moveSelectionToBr = function (dom, selection, brElm, extraBr) { var rng = dom.createRng(); if (!extraBr) { rng.setStartAfter(brElm); rng.setEndAfter(brElm); } else { rng.setStartBefore(brElm); rng.setEndBefore(brElm); } selection.setRng(rng); }; var insertBrAtCaret = function (editor, evt) { var selection = editor.selection; var dom = editor.dom; var rng = selection.getRng(); var brElm; var extraBr; NormalizeRange.normalize(dom, rng).each(function (normRng) { rng.setStart(normRng.startContainer, normRng.startOffset); rng.setEnd(normRng.endContainer, normRng.endOffset); }); var offset = rng.startOffset; var container = rng.startContainer; if (container.nodeType === 1 && container.hasChildNodes()) { var isAfterLastNodeInContainer = offset > container.childNodes.length - 1; container = container.childNodes[Math.min(offset, container.childNodes.length - 1)] || container; if (isAfterLastNodeInContainer && container.nodeType === 3) { offset = container.nodeValue.length; } else { offset = 0; } } var parentBlock = dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock); var containerBlock = parentBlock ? dom.getParent(parentBlock.parentNode, dom.isBlock) : null; var containerBlockName = containerBlock ? containerBlock.nodeName.toUpperCase() : ''; var isControlKey = !!(evt && evt.ctrlKey); if (containerBlockName === 'LI' && !isControlKey) { parentBlock = containerBlock; } if (container && container.nodeType === 3 && offset >= container.nodeValue.length) { if (!hasRightSideContent(editor.schema, container, parentBlock)) { brElm = dom.create('br'); rng.insertNode(brElm); rng.setStartAfter(brElm); rng.setEndAfter(brElm); extraBr = true; } } brElm = dom.create('br'); rangeInsertNode(dom, rng, brElm); scrollToBr(dom, selection, brElm); moveSelectionToBr(dom, selection, brElm, extraBr); editor.undoManager.add(); }; var insertBrBefore = function (editor, inline) { var br = Element.fromTag('br'); before(Element.fromDom(inline), br); editor.undoManager.add(); }; var insertBrAfter = function (editor, inline) { if (!hasBrAfter(editor.getBody(), inline)) { after(Element.fromDom(inline), Element.fromTag('br')); } var br = Element.fromTag('br'); after(Element.fromDom(inline), br); scrollToBr(editor.dom, editor.selection, br.dom()); moveSelectionToBr(editor.dom, editor.selection, br.dom(), false); editor.undoManager.add(); }; var isBeforeBr$1 = function (pos) { return NodeType.isBr(pos.getNode()); }; var hasBrAfter = function (rootNode, startNode) { if (isBeforeBr$1(CaretPosition$1.after(startNode))) { return true; } else { return CaretFinder.nextPosition(rootNode, CaretPosition$1.after(startNode)).map(function (pos) { return NodeType.isBr(pos.getNode()); }).getOr(false); } }; var isAnchorLink = function (elm) { return elm && elm.nodeName === 'A' && 'href' in elm; }; var isInsideAnchor = function (location) { return location.fold(constant(false), isAnchorLink, isAnchorLink, constant(false)); }; var readInlineAnchorLocation = function (editor) { var isInlineTarget = curry(InlineUtils.isInlineTarget, editor); var position = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng()); return BoundaryLocation.readLocation(isInlineTarget, editor.getBody(), position).filter(isInsideAnchor); }; var insertBrOutsideAnchor = function (editor, location) { location.fold(noop, curry(insertBrBefore, editor), curry(insertBrAfter, editor), noop); }; var insert$2 = function (editor, evt) { var anchorLocation = readInlineAnchorLocation(editor); if (anchorLocation.isSome()) { anchorLocation.each(curry(insertBrOutsideAnchor, editor)); } else { insertBrAtCaret(editor, evt); } }; var InsertBr = { insert: insert$2 }; var matchesSelector = function (editor, selector) { return NewLineUtils.getParentBlock(editor).filter(function (parentBlock) { return selector.length > 0 && is(Element.fromDom(parentBlock), selector); }).isSome(); }; var shouldInsertBr = function (editor) { return matchesSelector(editor, Settings.getBrNewLineSelector(editor)); }; var shouldBlockNewLine = function (editor) { return matchesSelector(editor, Settings.getNoNewLineSelector(editor)); }; var ContextSelectors = { shouldInsertBr: shouldInsertBr, shouldBlockNewLine: shouldBlockNewLine }; var newLineAction = Adt.generate([ { br: [] }, { block: [] }, { none: [] } ]); var shouldBlockNewLine$1 = function (editor, shiftKey) { return ContextSelectors.shouldBlockNewLine(editor); }; var isBrMode = function (requiredState) { return function (editor, shiftKey) { var brMode = Settings.getForcedRootBlock(editor) === ''; return brMode === requiredState; }; }; var inListBlock = function (requiredState) { return function (editor, shiftKey) { return NewLineUtils.isListItemParentBlock(editor) === requiredState; }; }; var inBlock = function (blockName, requiredState) { return function (editor, shiftKey) { var state = NewLineUtils.getParentBlockName(editor) === blockName.toUpperCase(); return state === requiredState; }; }; var inPreBlock = function (requiredState) { return inBlock('pre', requiredState); }; var inSummaryBlock = function () { return inBlock('summary', true); }; var shouldPutBrInPre$1 = function (requiredState) { return function (editor, shiftKey) { return Settings.shouldPutBrInPre(editor) === requiredState; }; }; var inBrContext = function (editor, shiftKey) { return ContextSelectors.shouldInsertBr(editor); }; var hasShiftKey = function (editor, shiftKey) { return shiftKey; }; var canInsertIntoEditableRoot = function (editor) { var forcedRootBlock = Settings.getForcedRootBlock(editor); var rootEditable = NewLineUtils.getEditableRoot(editor.dom, editor.selection.getStart()); return rootEditable && editor.schema.isValidChild(rootEditable.nodeName, forcedRootBlock ? forcedRootBlock : 'P'); }; var match$2 = function (predicates, action) { return function (editor, shiftKey) { var isMatch = foldl(predicates, function (res, p) { return res && p(editor, shiftKey); }, true); return isMatch ? Option.some(action) : Option.none(); }; }; var getAction$1 = function (editor, evt) { return LazyEvaluator.evaluateUntil([ match$2([shouldBlockNewLine$1], newLineAction.none()), match$2([inSummaryBlock()], newLineAction.br()), match$2([ inPreBlock(true), shouldPutBrInPre$1(false), hasShiftKey ], newLineAction.br()), match$2([ inPreBlock(true), shouldPutBrInPre$1(false) ], newLineAction.block()), match$2([ inPreBlock(true), shouldPutBrInPre$1(true), hasShiftKey ], newLineAction.block()), match$2([ inPreBlock(true), shouldPutBrInPre$1(true) ], newLineAction.br()), match$2([ inListBlock(true), hasShiftKey ], newLineAction.br()), match$2([inListBlock(true)], newLineAction.block()), match$2([ isBrMode(true), hasShiftKey, canInsertIntoEditableRoot ], newLineAction.block()), match$2([isBrMode(true)], newLineAction.br()), match$2([inBrContext], newLineAction.br()), match$2([ isBrMode(false), hasShiftKey ], newLineAction.br()), match$2([canInsertIntoEditableRoot], newLineAction.block()) ], [ editor, !!(evt && evt.shiftKey) ]).getOr(newLineAction.none()); }; var NewLineAction = { getAction: getAction$1 }; var insert$3 = function (editor, evt) { NewLineAction.getAction(editor, evt).fold(function () { InsertBr.insert(editor, evt); }, function () { InsertBlock.insert(editor, evt); }, noop); }; var InsertNewLine = { insert: insert$3 }; var handleEnterKeyEvent = function (editor, event) { if (event.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } event.preventDefault(); endTypingLevelIgnoreLocks(editor.undoManager); editor.undoManager.transact(function () { if (editor.selection.isCollapsed() === false) { editor.execCommand('Delete'); } InsertNewLine.insert(editor, event); }); }; var setup$a = function (editor) { editor.on('keydown', function (event) { if (event.keyCode === VK.ENTER) { handleEnterKeyEvent(editor, event); } }); }; var EnterKey = { setup: setup$a }; var insertTextAtPosition = function (text, pos) { var container = pos.container(); var offset = pos.offset(); if (NodeType.isText(container)) { container.insertData(offset, text); return Option.some(CaretPosition(container, offset + text.length)); } else { return getElementFromPosition(pos).map(function (elm) { var textNode = Element.fromText(text); if (pos.isAtEnd()) { after(elm, textNode); } else { before(elm, textNode); } return CaretPosition(textNode.dom(), text.length); }); } }; var insertNbspAtPosition = curry(insertTextAtPosition, '\xA0'); var insertSpaceAtPosition = curry(insertTextAtPosition, ' '); var nbsp = '\xA0'; var isInMiddleOfText = function (pos) { return CaretPosition.isTextPosition(pos) && !pos.isAtStart() && !pos.isAtEnd(); }; var getClosestBlock$1 = function (root, pos) { var parentBlocks = filter(Parents.parentsAndSelf(Element.fromDom(pos.container()), root), isBlock); return head(parentBlocks).getOr(root); }; var hasSpaceBefore = function (root, pos) { if (isInMiddleOfText(pos)) { return isAfterSpace(pos); } else { return isAfterSpace(pos) || CaretFinder.prevPosition(getClosestBlock$1(root, pos).dom(), pos).exists(isAfterSpace); } }; var hasSpaceAfter = function (root, pos) { if (isInMiddleOfText(pos)) { return isBeforeSpace(pos); } else { return isBeforeSpace(pos) || CaretFinder.nextPosition(getClosestBlock$1(root, pos).dom(), pos).exists(isBeforeSpace); } }; var isPreValue = function (value) { return contains([ 'pre', 'pre-wrap' ], value); }; var isInPre = function (pos) { return getElementFromPosition(pos).bind(function (elm) { return closest(elm, isElement$1); }).exists(function (elm) { return isPreValue(get$2(elm, 'white-space')); }); }; var isAtBeginningOfBody = function (root, pos) { return CaretFinder.prevPosition(root.dom(), pos).isNone(); }; var isAtEndOfBody = function (root, pos) { return CaretFinder.nextPosition(root.dom(), pos).isNone(); }; var isAtLineBoundary = function (root, pos) { return isAtBeginningOfBody(root, pos) || isAtEndOfBody(root, pos) || isAtStartOfBlock(root, pos) || isAtEndOfBlock(root, pos) || isAfterBr(root, pos) || isBeforeBr(root, pos); }; var needsToHaveNbsp = function (root, pos) { if (isInPre(pos)) { return false; } else { return isAtLineBoundary(root, pos) || hasSpaceBefore(root, pos) || hasSpaceAfter(root, pos); } }; var needsToBeNbspLeft = function (root, pos) { if (isInPre(pos)) { return false; } else { return isAtStartOfBlock(root, pos) || isBeforeBlock(root, pos) || isAfterBr(root, pos) || hasSpaceBefore(root, pos); } }; var leanRight = function (pos) { var container = pos.container(); var offset = pos.offset(); if (NodeType.isText(container) && offset < container.data.length) { return CaretPosition(container, offset + 1); } else { return pos; } }; var needsToBeNbspRight = function (root, pos) { var afterPos = leanRight(pos); if (isInPre(afterPos)) { return false; } else { return isAtEndOfBlock(root, afterPos) || isAfterBlock(root, afterPos) || isBeforeBr(root, afterPos) || hasSpaceAfter(root, afterPos); } }; var needsToBeNbsp = function (root, pos) { return needsToBeNbspLeft(root, pos) || needsToBeNbspRight(root, pos); }; var isNbspAt = function (text, offset) { return isNbsp(text.charAt(offset)); }; var hasNbsp = function (pos) { var container = pos.container(); return NodeType.isText(container) && contains$1(container.data, nbsp); }; var normalizeNbspMiddle = function (text) { var chars = text.split(''); return map(chars, function (chr, i) { if (isNbsp(chr) && i > 0 && i < chars.length - 1 && isContent(chars[i - 1]) && isContent(chars[i + 1])) { return ' '; } else { return chr; } }).join(''); }; var normalizeNbspAtStart = function (root, node) { var text = node.data; var firstPos = CaretPosition(node, 0); if (isNbspAt(text, 0) && !needsToBeNbsp(root, firstPos)) { node.data = ' ' + text.slice(1); return true; } else { return false; } }; var normalizeNbspInMiddleOfTextNode = function (node) { var text = node.data; var newText = normalizeNbspMiddle(text); if (newText !== text) { node.data = newText; return true; } else { return false; } }; var normalizeNbspAtEnd = function (root, node) { var text = node.data; var lastPos = CaretPosition(node, text.length - 1); if (isNbspAt(text, text.length - 1) && !needsToBeNbsp(root, lastPos)) { node.data = text.slice(0, -1) + ' '; return true; } else { return false; } }; var normalizeNbsps = function (root, pos) { return Option.some(pos).filter(hasNbsp).bind(function (pos) { var container = pos.container(); var normalized = normalizeNbspAtStart(root, container) || normalizeNbspInMiddleOfTextNode(container) || normalizeNbspAtEnd(root, container); return normalized ? Option.some(pos) : Option.none(); }); }; var normalizeNbspsInEditor = function (editor) { var root = Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()); if (editor.selection.isCollapsed()) { normalizeNbsps(root, CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng())).each(function (pos) { editor.selection.setRng(pos.toRange()); }); } }; var locationToCaretPosition = function (root) { return function (location) { return location.fold(function (element) { return CaretFinder.prevPosition(root.dom(), CaretPosition$1.before(element)); }, function (element) { return CaretFinder.firstPositionIn(element); }, function (element) { return CaretFinder.lastPositionIn(element); }, function (element) { return CaretFinder.nextPosition(root.dom(), CaretPosition$1.after(element)); }); }; }; var insertInlineBoundarySpaceOrNbsp = function (root, pos) { return function (checkPos) { return needsToHaveNbsp(root, checkPos) ? insertNbspAtPosition(pos) : insertSpaceAtPosition(pos); }; }; var setSelection$1 = function (editor) { return function (pos) { editor.selection.setRng(pos.toRange()); editor.nodeChanged(); return true; }; }; var insertSpaceOrNbspAtSelection = function (editor) { var pos = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng()); var root = Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()); if (editor.selection.isCollapsed()) { var isInlineTarget = curry(InlineUtils.isInlineTarget, editor); var caretPosition = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng()); return BoundaryLocation.readLocation(isInlineTarget, editor.getBody(), caretPosition).bind(locationToCaretPosition(root)).bind(insertInlineBoundarySpaceOrNbsp(root, pos)).exists(setSelection$1(editor)); } else { return false; } }; var executeKeydownOverride$2 = function (editor, evt) { MatchKeys.execute([{ keyCode: VK.SPACEBAR, action: MatchKeys.action(insertSpaceOrNbspAtSelection, editor) }], evt).each(function (_) { evt.preventDefault(); }); }; var setup$b = function (editor) { editor.on('keydown', function (evt) { if (evt.isDefaultPrevented() === false) { executeKeydownOverride$2(editor, evt); } }); }; var SpaceKey = { setup: setup$b }; var findBlockCaretContainer = function (editor) { return descendant(Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()), '*[data-mce-caret]').fold(constant(null), function (elm) { return elm.dom(); }); }; var removeIeControlRect = function (editor) { editor.selection.setRng(editor.selection.getRng()); }; var showBlockCaretContainer = function (editor, blockCaretContainer) { if (blockCaretContainer.hasAttribute('data-mce-caret')) { showCaretContainerBlock(blockCaretContainer); removeIeControlRect(editor); editor.selection.scrollIntoView(blockCaretContainer); } }; var handleBlockContainer = function (editor, e) { var blockCaretContainer = findBlockCaretContainer(editor); if (!blockCaretContainer) { return; } if (e.type === 'compositionstart') { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); showBlockCaretContainer(editor, blockCaretContainer); return; } if (hasContent(blockCaretContainer)) { showBlockCaretContainer(editor, blockCaretContainer); editor.undoManager.add(); } }; var setup$c = function (editor) { editor.on('keyup compositionstart', curry(handleBlockContainer, editor)); }; var CaretContainerInput = { setup: setup$c }; var browser$5 = detect$3().browser; var setupIeInput = function (editor) { var keypressThrotter = first(function () { if (!editor.composing) { normalizeNbspsInEditor(editor); } }, 0); if (browser$5.isIE()) { editor.on('keypress', function (e) { keypressThrotter.throttle(); }); editor.on('remove', function (e) { keypressThrotter.cancel(); }); } }; var setup$d = function (editor) { setupIeInput(editor); editor.on('input', function (e) { if (e.isComposing === false) { normalizeNbspsInEditor(editor); } }); }; var executeKeydownOverride$3 = function (editor, evt) { MatchKeys.execute([ { keyCode: VK.END, action: moveToLineEndPoint(editor, true) }, { keyCode: VK.HOME, action: moveToLineEndPoint(editor, false) } ], evt).each(function (_) { evt.preventDefault(); }); }; var setup$e = function (editor) { editor.on('keydown', function (evt) { if (evt.isDefaultPrevented() === false) { executeKeydownOverride$3(editor, evt); } }); }; var HomeEndKeys = { setup: setup$e }; var setup$f = function (editor) { var caret = BoundarySelection.setupSelectedState(editor); CaretContainerInput.setup(editor); ArrowKeys.setup(editor, caret); DeleteBackspaceKeys.setup(editor, caret); EnterKey.setup(editor); SpaceKey.setup(editor); setup$d(editor); HomeEndKeys.setup(editor); }; var KeyboardOverrides = { setup: setup$f }; var Quirks = function (editor) { var each = Tools.each; var BACKSPACE = VK.BACKSPACE, DELETE = VK.DELETE, dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection, settings = editor.settings, parser = editor.parser; var isGecko = Env.gecko, isIE = Env.ie, isWebKit = Env.webkit; var mceInternalUrlPrefix = 'data:text/mce-internal,'; var mceInternalDataType = isIE ? 'Text' : 'URL'; var setEditorCommandState = function (cmd, state) { try { editor.getDoc().execCommand(cmd, false, state); } catch (ex) { } }; var isDefaultPrevented = function (e) { return e.isDefaultPrevented(); }; var setMceInternalContent = function (e) { var selectionHtml, internalContent; if (e.dataTransfer) { if (editor.selection.isCollapsed() && e.target.tagName === 'IMG') { selection.select(e.target); } selectionHtml = editor.selection.getContent(); if (selectionHtml.length > 0) { internalContent = mceInternalUrlPrefix + escape(editor.id) + ',' + escape(selectionHtml); e.dataTransfer.setData(mceInternalDataType, internalContent); } } }; var getMceInternalContent = function (e) { var internalContent; if (e.dataTransfer) { internalContent = e.dataTransfer.getData(mceInternalDataType); if (internalContent && internalContent.indexOf(mceInternalUrlPrefix) >= 0) { internalContent = internalContent.substr(mceInternalUrlPrefix.length).split(','); return { id: unescape(internalContent[0]), html: unescape(internalContent[1]) }; } } return null; }; var insertClipboardContents = function (content, internal) { if (editor.queryCommandSupported('mceInsertClipboardContent')) { editor.execCommand('mceInsertClipboardContent', false, { content: content, internal: internal }); } else { editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, content); } }; var emptyEditorWhenDeleting = function () { var serializeRng = function (rng) { var body = dom.create('body'); var contents = rng.cloneContents(); body.appendChild(contents); return selection.serializer.serialize(body, { format: 'html' }); }; var allContentsSelected = function (rng) { var selection = serializeRng(rng); var allRng = dom.createRng(); allRng.selectNode(editor.getBody()); var allSelection = serializeRng(allRng); return selection === allSelection; }; editor.on('keydown', function (e) { var keyCode = e.keyCode; var isCollapsed, body; if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && (keyCode === DELETE || keyCode === BACKSPACE)) { isCollapsed = editor.selection.isCollapsed(); body = editor.getBody(); if (isCollapsed && !dom.isEmpty(body)) { return; } if (!isCollapsed && !allContentsSelected(editor.selection.getRng())) { return; } e.preventDefault(); editor.setContent(''); if (body.firstChild && dom.isBlock(body.firstChild)) { editor.selection.setCursorLocation(body.firstChild, 0); } else { editor.selection.setCursorLocation(body, 0); } editor.nodeChanged(); } }); }; var selectAll = function () { editor.shortcuts.add('meta+a', null, 'SelectAll'); }; var inputMethodFocus = function () { if (!editor.inline) { dom.bind(editor.getDoc(), 'mousedown mouseup', function (e) { var rng; if (e.target === editor.getDoc().documentElement) { rng = selection.getRng(); editor.getBody().focus(); if (e.type === 'mousedown') { if (isCaretContainer(rng.startContainer)) { return; } selection.placeCaretAt(e.clientX, e.clientY); } else { selection.setRng(rng); } } }); } }; var removeHrOnBackspace = function () { editor.on('keydown', function (e) { if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode === BACKSPACE) { if (!editor.getBody().getElementsByTagName('hr').length) { return; } if (selection.isCollapsed() && selection.getRng().startOffset === 0) { var node = selection.getNode(); var previousSibling = node.previousSibling; if (node.nodeName === 'HR') { dom.remove(node); e.preventDefault(); return; } if (previousSibling && previousSibling.nodeName && previousSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'hr') { dom.remove(previousSibling); e.preventDefault(); } } } }); }; var focusBody = function () { if (!domGlobals.Range.prototype.getClientRects) { editor.on('mousedown', function (e) { if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.target.nodeName === 'HTML') { var body_1 = editor.getBody(); body_1.blur(); Delay.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () { body_1.focus(); }); } }); } }; var selectControlElements = function () { editor.on('click', function (e) { var target = e.target; if (/^(IMG|HR)$/.test(target.nodeName) && dom.getContentEditableParent(target) !== 'false') { e.preventDefault(); editor.selection.select(target); editor.nodeChanged(); } if (target.nodeName === 'A' && dom.hasClass(target, 'mce-item-anchor')) { e.preventDefault(); selection.select(target); } }); }; var removeStylesWhenDeletingAcrossBlockElements = function () { var getAttributeApplyFunction = function () { var template = dom.getAttribs(selection.getStart().cloneNode(false)); return function () { var target = selection.getStart(); if (target !== editor.getBody()) { dom.setAttrib(target, 'style', null); each(template, function (attr) { target.setAttributeNode(attr.cloneNode(true)); }); } }; }; var isSelectionAcrossElements = function () { return !selection.isCollapsed() && dom.getParent(selection.getStart(), dom.isBlock) !== dom.getParent(selection.getEnd(), dom.isBlock); }; editor.on('keypress', function (e) { var applyAttributes; if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && (e.keyCode === 8 || e.keyCode === 46) && isSelectionAcrossElements()) { applyAttributes = getAttributeApplyFunction(); editor.getDoc().execCommand('delete', false, null); applyAttributes(); e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); dom.bind(editor.getDoc(), 'cut', function (e) { var applyAttributes; if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && isSelectionAcrossElements()) { applyAttributes = getAttributeApplyFunction(); Delay.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () { applyAttributes(); }); } }); }; var disableBackspaceIntoATable = function () { editor.on('keydown', function (e) { if (!isDefaultPrevented(e) && e.keyCode === BACKSPACE) { if (selection.isCollapsed() && selection.getRng().startOffset === 0) { var previousSibling = selection.getNode().previousSibling; if (previousSibling && previousSibling.nodeName && previousSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'table') { e.preventDefault(); return false; } } } }); }; var removeBlockQuoteOnBackSpace = function () { editor.on('keydown', function (e) { var rng, container, offset, root, parent; if (isDefaultPrevented(e) || e.keyCode !== VK.BACKSPACE) { return; } rng = selection.getRng(); container = rng.startContainer; offset = rng.startOffset; root = dom.getRoot(); parent = container; if (!rng.collapsed || offset !== 0) { return; } while (parent && parent.parentNode && parent.parentNode.firstChild === parent && parent.parentNode !== root) { parent = parent.parentNode; } if (parent.tagName === 'BLOCKQUOTE') { editor.formatter.toggle('blockquote', null, parent); rng = dom.createRng(); rng.setStart(container, 0); rng.setEnd(container, 0); selection.setRng(rng); } }); }; var setGeckoEditingOptions = function () { var setOpts = function () { setEditorCommandState('StyleWithCSS', false); setEditorCommandState('enableInlineTableEditing', false); if (!settings.object_resizing) { setEditorCommandState('enableObjectResizing', false); } }; if (!settings.readonly) { editor.on('BeforeExecCommand mousedown', setOpts); } }; var addBrAfterLastLinks = function () { var fixLinks = function () { each(dom.select('a'), function (node) { var parentNode = node.parentNode; var root = dom.getRoot(); if (parentNode.lastChild === node) { while (parentNode && !dom.isBlock(parentNode)) { if (parentNode.parentNode.lastChild !== parentNode || parentNode === root) { return; } parentNode = parentNode.parentNode; } dom.add(parentNode, 'br', { 'data-mce-bogus': 1 }); } }); }; editor.on('SetContent ExecCommand', function (e) { if (e.type === 'setcontent' || e.command === 'mceInsertLink') { fixLinks(); } }); }; var setDefaultBlockType = function () { if (settings.forced_root_block) { editor.on('init', function () { setEditorCommandState('DefaultParagraphSeparator', Settings.getForcedRootBlock(editor)); }); } }; var normalizeSelection = function () { editor.on('keyup focusin mouseup', function (e) { if (!VK.modifierPressed(e)) { selection.normalize(); } }, true); }; var showBrokenImageIcon = function () { editor.contentStyles.push('img:-moz-broken {' + '-moz-force-broken-image-icon:1;' + 'min-width:24px;' + 'min-height:24px' + '}'); }; var restoreFocusOnKeyDown = function () { if (!editor.inline) { editor.on('keydown', function () { if (domGlobals.document.activeElement === domGlobals.document.body) { editor.getWin().focus(); } }); } }; var bodyHeight = function () { if (!editor.inline) { editor.contentStyles.push('body {min-height: 150px}'); editor.on('click', function (e) { var rng; if (e.target.nodeName === 'HTML') { if (Env.ie > 11) { editor.getBody().focus(); return; } rng = editor.selection.getRng(); editor.getBody().focus(); editor.selection.setRng(rng); editor.selection.normalize(); editor.nodeChanged(); } }); } }; var blockCmdArrowNavigation = function () { if (Env.mac) { editor.on('keydown', function (e) { if (VK.metaKeyPressed(e) && !e.shiftKey && (e.keyCode === 37 || e.keyCode === 39)) { e.preventDefault(); var selection_1 = editor.selection.getSel(); selection_1.modify('move', e.keyCode === 37 ? 'backward' : 'forward', 'lineboundary'); } }); } }; var disableAutoUrlDetect = function () { setEditorCommandState('AutoUrlDetect', false); }; var tapLinksAndImages = function () { editor.on('click', function (e) { var elm = e.target; do { if (elm.tagName === 'A') { e.preventDefault(); return; } } while (elm = elm.parentNode); }); editor.contentStyles.push('.mce-content-body {-webkit-touch-callout: none}'); }; var blockFormSubmitInsideEditor = function () { editor.on('init', function () { editor.dom.bind(editor.getBody(), 'submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); }); }; var removeAppleInterchangeBrs = function () { parser.addNodeFilter('br', function (nodes) { var i = nodes.length; while (i--) { if (nodes[i].attr('class') === 'Apple-interchange-newline') { nodes[i].remove(); } } }); }; var ieInternalDragAndDrop = function () { editor.on('dragstart', function (e) { setMceInternalContent(e); }); editor.on('drop', function (e) { if (!isDefaultPrevented(e)) { var internalContent = getMceInternalContent(e); if (internalContent && internalContent.id !== editor.id) { e.preventDefault(); var rng = CaretRangeFromPoint.fromPoint(e.x, e.y, editor.getDoc()); selection.setRng(rng); insertClipboardContents(internalContent.html, true); } } }); }; var refreshContentEditable = function () { }; var isHidden = function () { var sel; if (!isGecko || editor.removed) { return false; } sel = editor.selection.getSel(); return !sel || !sel.rangeCount || sel.rangeCount === 0; }; removeBlockQuoteOnBackSpace(); emptyEditorWhenDeleting(); if (!Env.windowsPhone) { normalizeSelection(); } if (isWebKit) { inputMethodFocus(); selectControlElements(); setDefaultBlockType(); blockFormSubmitInsideEditor(); disableBackspaceIntoATable(); removeAppleInterchangeBrs(); if (Env.iOS) { restoreFocusOnKeyDown(); bodyHeight(); tapLinksAndImages(); } else { selectAll(); } } if (Env.ie >= 11) { bodyHeight(); disableBackspaceIntoATable(); } if (Env.ie) { selectAll(); disableAutoUrlDetect(); ieInternalDragAndDrop(); } if (isGecko) { removeHrOnBackspace(); focusBody(); removeStylesWhenDeletingAcrossBlockElements(); setGeckoEditingOptions(); addBrAfterLastLinks(); showBrokenImageIcon(); blockCmdArrowNavigation(); disableBackspaceIntoATable(); } return { refreshContentEditable: refreshContentEditable, isHidden: isHidden }; }; var isTextBlockNode = function (node) { return NodeType.isElement(node) && isTextBlock(Element.fromDom(node)); }; var normalizeSelection$1 = function (editor) { var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); var startPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(rng); var endPos = CaretPosition.fromRangeEnd(rng); if (CaretPosition.isElementPosition(startPos)) { var container = startPos.container(); if (isTextBlockNode(container)) { CaretFinder.firstPositionIn(container).each(function (pos) { return rng.setStart(pos.container(), pos.offset()); }); } } if (CaretPosition.isElementPosition(endPos)) { var container = startPos.container(); if (isTextBlockNode(container)) { CaretFinder.lastPositionIn(container).each(function (pos) { return rng.setEnd(pos.container(), pos.offset()); }); } } editor.selection.setRng(RangeNormalizer.normalize(rng)); }; var setup$g = function (editor) { editor.on('click', function (e) { if (e.detail >= 3) { normalizeSelection$1(editor); } }); }; var preventSummaryToggle = function (editor) { editor.on('click', function (e) { if (editor.dom.getParent(e.target, 'details')) { e.preventDefault(); } }); }; var filterDetails = function (editor) { editor.parser.addNodeFilter('details', function (elms) { each(elms, function (details) { details.attr('data-mce-open', details.attr('open')); details.attr('open', 'open'); }); }); editor.serializer.addNodeFilter('details', function (elms) { each(elms, function (details) { var open = details.attr('data-mce-open'); details.attr('open', isString(open) ? open : null); details.attr('data-mce-open', null); }); }); }; var setup$h = function (editor) { preventSummaryToggle(editor); filterDetails(editor); }; var DOM$3 = DOMUtils$1.DOM; var appendStyle = function (editor, text) { var head = Element.fromDom(editor.getDoc().head); var tag = Element.fromTag('style'); set(tag, 'type', 'text/css'); append(tag, Element.fromText(text)); append(head, tag); }; var createParser = function (editor) { var parser = DomParser(editor.settings, editor.schema); parser.addAttributeFilter('src,href,style,tabindex', function (nodes, name) { var i = nodes.length, node; var dom = editor.dom; var value, internalName; while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; value = node.attr(name); internalName = 'data-mce-' + name; if (!node.attr(internalName)) { if (value.indexOf('data:') === 0 || value.indexOf('blob:') === 0) { continue; } if (name === 'style') { value = dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(value), node.name); if (!value.length) { value = null; } node.attr(internalName, value); node.attr(name, value); } else if (name === 'tabindex') { node.attr(internalName, value); node.attr(name, null); } else { node.attr(internalName, editor.convertURL(value, name, node.name)); } } } }); parser.addNodeFilter('script', function (nodes) { var i = nodes.length, node, type; while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; type = node.attr('type') || 'no/type'; if (type.indexOf('mce-') !== 0) { node.attr('type', 'mce-' + type); } } }); parser.addNodeFilter('#cdata', function (nodes) { var i = nodes.length, node; while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; node.type = 8; node.name = '#comment'; node.value = '[CDATA[' + node.value + ']]'; } }); parser.addNodeFilter('p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,div', function (nodes) { var i = nodes.length, node; var nonEmptyElements = editor.schema.getNonEmptyElements(); while (i--) { node = nodes[i]; if (node.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements) && node.getAll('br').length === 0) { node.append(new Node$1('br', 1)).shortEnded = true; } } }); return parser; }; var autoFocus = function (editor) { if (editor.settings.auto_focus) { Delay.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () { var focusEditor; if (editor.settings.auto_focus === true) { focusEditor = editor; } else { focusEditor = editor.editorManager.get(editor.settings.auto_focus); } if (!focusEditor.destroyed) { focusEditor.focus(); } }, 100); } }; var initEditor = function (editor) { editor.bindPendingEventDelegates(); editor.initialized = true; editor.fire('init'); editor.focus(true); editor.nodeChanged({ initial: true }); editor.execCallback('init_instance_callback', editor); autoFocus(editor); }; var getStyleSheetLoader = function (editor) { return editor.inline ? DOM$3.styleSheetLoader : editor.dom.styleSheetLoader; }; var initContentBody = function (editor, skipWrite) { var settings = editor.settings; var targetElm = editor.getElement(); var doc = editor.getDoc(), body, contentCssText; if (!settings.inline) { editor.getElement().style.visibility = editor.orgVisibility; } if (!skipWrite && !editor.inline) { doc.open(); doc.write(editor.iframeHTML); doc.close(); } if (editor.inline) { editor.on('remove', function () { var bodyEl = this.getBody(); DOM$3.removeClass(bodyEl, 'mce-content-body'); DOM$3.removeClass(bodyEl, 'mce-edit-focus'); DOM$3.setAttrib(bodyEl, 'contentEditable', null); }); DOM$3.addClass(targetElm, 'mce-content-body'); editor.contentDocument = doc = domGlobals.document; editor.contentWindow = domGlobals.window; editor.bodyElement = targetElm; editor.contentAreaContainer = targetElm; settings.root_name = targetElm.nodeName.toLowerCase(); } body = editor.getBody(); body.disabled = true; editor.readonly = settings.readonly; if (!editor.readonly) { if (editor.inline && DOM$3.getStyle(body, 'position', true) === 'static') { body.style.position = 'relative'; } body.contentEditable = editor.getParam('content_editable_state', true); } body.disabled = false; editor.editorUpload = EditorUpload(editor); editor.schema = Schema(settings); editor.dom = DOMUtils$1(doc, { keep_values: true, url_converter: editor.convertURL, url_converter_scope: editor, hex_colors: settings.force_hex_style_colors, update_styles: true, root_element: editor.inline ? editor.getBody() : null, collect: function () { return editor.inline; }, schema: editor.schema, contentCssCors: Settings.shouldUseContentCssCors(editor), referrerPolicy: Settings.getReferrerPolicy(editor), onSetAttrib: function (e) { editor.fire('SetAttrib', e); } }); editor.parser = createParser(editor); editor.serializer = Serializer$1(settings, editor); editor.selection = Selection$1(editor.dom, editor.getWin(), editor.serializer, editor); editor.annotator = Annotator(editor); editor.formatter = Formatter(editor); editor.undoManager = UndoManager(editor); editor._nodeChangeDispatcher = new NodeChange(editor); editor._selectionOverrides = SelectionOverrides(editor); setup$h(editor); setup$g(editor); KeyboardOverrides.setup(editor); ForceBlocks.setup(editor); editor.fire('PreInit'); if (!settings.browser_spellcheck && !settings.gecko_spellcheck) { doc.body.spellcheck = false; DOM$3.setAttrib(body, 'spellcheck', 'false'); } editor.quirks = Quirks(editor); editor.fire('PostRender'); var directionality = Settings.getDirectionality(editor); if (directionality !== undefined) { body.dir = directionality; } if (settings.protect) { editor.on('BeforeSetContent', function (e) { Tools.each(settings.protect, function (pattern) { e.content = e.content.replace(pattern, function (str) { return ''; }); }); }); } editor.on('SetContent', function () { editor.addVisual(editor.getBody()); }); editor.load({ initial: true, format: 'html' }); editor.startContent = editor.getContent({ format: 'raw' }); editor.on('compositionstart compositionend', function (e) { editor.composing = e.type === 'compositionstart'; }); if (editor.contentStyles.length > 0) { contentCssText = ''; Tools.each(editor.contentStyles, function (style) { contentCssText += style + '\r\n'; }); editor.dom.addStyle(contentCssText); } getStyleSheetLoader(editor).loadAll(editor.contentCSS, function (_) { initEditor(editor); }, function (urls) { initEditor(editor); }); if (settings.content_style) { appendStyle(editor, settings.content_style); } }; var InitContentBody = { initContentBody: initContentBody }; var DOM$4 = DOMUtils$1.DOM; var relaxDomain = function (editor, ifr) { if (domGlobals.document.domain !== domGlobals.window.location.hostname && Env.browser.isIE()) { var bodyUuid = Uuid.uuid('mce'); editor[bodyUuid] = function () { InitContentBody.initContentBody(editor); }; var domainRelaxUrl = 'javascript:(function(){' + 'document.open();document.domain="' + domGlobals.document.domain + '";' + 'var ed = window.parent.tinymce.get("' + editor.id + '");document.write(ed.iframeHTML);' + 'document.close();ed.' + bodyUuid + '(true);})()'; DOM$4.setAttrib(ifr, 'src', domainRelaxUrl); return true; } return false; }; var createIframeElement = function (id, title, height, customAttrs) { var iframe = Element.fromTag('iframe'); setAll(iframe, customAttrs); setAll(iframe, { id: id + '_ifr', frameBorder: '0', allowTransparency: 'true', title: title }); add$3(iframe, 'tox-edit-area__iframe'); return iframe; }; var getIframeHtml = function (editor) { var bodyId, bodyClass, iframeHTML; iframeHTML = Settings.getDocType(editor) + ''; if (Settings.getDocumentBaseUrl(editor) !== editor.documentBaseUrl) { iframeHTML += ''; } iframeHTML += ''; bodyId = Settings.getBodyId(editor); bodyClass = Settings.getBodyClass(editor); if (Settings.getContentSecurityPolicy(editor)) { iframeHTML += ''; } iframeHTML += '
'; return iframeHTML; }; var createIframe = function (editor, o) { var title = editor.editorManager.translate('Rich Text Area. Press ALT-0 for help.'); var ifr = createIframeElement(editor.id, title, o.height, Settings.getIframeAttrs(editor)).dom(); ifr.onload = function () { ifr.onload = null; editor.fire('load'); }; var isDomainRelaxed = relaxDomain(editor, ifr); editor.contentAreaContainer = o.iframeContainer; editor.iframeElement = ifr; editor.iframeHTML = getIframeHtml(editor); DOM$4.add(o.iframeContainer, ifr); return isDomainRelaxed; }; var init$1 = function (editor, boxInfo) { var isDomainRelaxed = createIframe(editor, boxInfo); if (boxInfo.editorContainer) { DOM$4.get(boxInfo.editorContainer).style.display = editor.orgDisplay; editor.hidden = DOM$4.isHidden(boxInfo.editorContainer); } editor.getElement().style.display = 'none'; DOM$4.setAttrib(editor.id, 'aria-hidden', 'true'); if (!isDomainRelaxed) { InitContentBody.initContentBody(editor); } }; var InitIframe = { init: init$1 }; var isContentCssSkinName = function (url) { return /^[a-z0-9\-]+$/i.test(url); }; var getContentCssUrls = function (editor) { var contentCss = Settings.getContentCss(editor); var skinUrl = editor.editorManager.baseURL + '/skins/content'; var suffix = editor.editorManager.suffix; var contentCssFile = 'content' + suffix + '.css'; var inline = editor.inline === true; return map(contentCss, function (url) { if (isContentCssSkinName(url) && !inline) { return skinUrl + '/' + url + '/' + contentCssFile; } else { return editor.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(url); } }); }; var appendContentCssFromSettings = function (editor) { editor.contentCSS = editor.contentCSS.concat(getContentCssUrls(editor)); }; var DOM$5 = DOMUtils$1.DOM; var initPlugin = function (editor, initializedPlugins, plugin) { var Plugin = PluginManager.get(plugin); var pluginUrl = PluginManager.urls[plugin] || editor.documentBaseUrl.replace(/\/$/, ''); plugin = Tools.trim(plugin); if (Plugin && Tools.inArray(initializedPlugins, plugin) === -1) { Tools.each(PluginManager.dependencies(plugin), function (dep) { initPlugin(editor, initializedPlugins, dep); }); if (editor.plugins[plugin]) { return; } try { var pluginInstance = new Plugin(editor, pluginUrl, editor.$); editor.plugins[plugin] = pluginInstance; if (pluginInstance.init) { pluginInstance.init(editor, pluginUrl); initializedPlugins.push(plugin); } } catch (e) { ErrorReporter.pluginInitError(editor, plugin, e); } } }; var trimLegacyPrefix = function (name) { return name.replace(/^\-/, ''); }; var initPlugins = function (editor) { var initializedPlugins = []; Tools.each(editor.settings.plugins.split(/[ ,]/), function (name) { initPlugin(editor, initializedPlugins, trimLegacyPrefix(name)); }); }; var initIcons = function (editor) { var iconPackName = Tools.trim(editor.settings.icons); var currentIcons = editor.ui.registry.getAll().icons; var defaultIcons = getAll(); var loadIcons = __assign(__assign({}, defaultIcons), IconManager.get(iconPackName).icons); each$1(loadIcons, function (svgData, icon) { if (!has(currentIcons, icon)) { editor.ui.registry.addIcon(icon, svgData); } }); }; var initTheme = function (editor) { var theme = editor.settings.theme; if (isString(theme)) { editor.settings.theme = trimLegacyPrefix(theme); var Theme = ThemeManager.get(theme); editor.theme = new Theme(editor, ThemeManager.urls[theme]); if (editor.theme.init) { editor.theme.init(editor, ThemeManager.urls[theme] || editor.documentBaseUrl.replace(/\/$/, ''), editor.$); } } else { editor.theme = {}; } }; var renderFromLoadedTheme = function (editor) { return editor.theme.renderUI(); }; var renderFromThemeFunc = function (editor) { var elm = editor.getElement(); var theme = editor.settings.theme; var info = theme(editor, elm); if (info.editorContainer.nodeType) { info.editorContainer.id = info.editorContainer.id || editor.id + '_parent'; } if (info.iframeContainer && info.iframeContainer.nodeType) { info.iframeContainer.id = info.iframeContainer.id || editor.id + '_iframecontainer'; } info.height = info.iframeHeight ? info.iframeHeight : elm.offsetHeight; return info; }; var createThemeFalseResult = function (element) { return { editorContainer: element, iframeContainer: element }; }; var renderThemeFalseIframe = function (targetElement) { var iframeContainer = DOM$5.create('div'); DOM$5.insertAfter(iframeContainer, targetElement); return createThemeFalseResult(iframeContainer); }; var renderThemeFalse = function (editor) { var targetElement = editor.getElement(); return editor.inline ? createThemeFalseResult(null) : renderThemeFalseIframe(targetElement); }; var renderThemeUi = function (editor) { var elm = editor.getElement(); editor.orgDisplay = elm.style.display; if (isString(editor.settings.theme)) { return renderFromLoadedTheme(editor); } else if (isFunction(editor.settings.theme)) { return renderFromThemeFunc(editor); } else { return renderThemeFalse(editor); } }; var init$2 = function (editor) { editor.fire('ScriptsLoaded'); initIcons(editor); initTheme(editor); initPlugins(editor); var boxInfo = renderThemeUi(editor); editor.editorContainer = boxInfo.editorContainer ? boxInfo.editorContainer : null; appendContentCssFromSettings(editor); if (editor.inline) { return InitContentBody.initContentBody(editor); } else { return InitIframe.init(editor, boxInfo); } }; var Init = { init: init$2 }; var DOM$6 = DOMUtils$1.DOM; var hasSkipLoadPrefix = function (name) { return name.charAt(0) === '-'; }; var loadLanguage = function (scriptLoader, editor) { var languageCode = Settings.getLanguageCode(editor); var languageUrl = Settings.getLanguageUrl(editor); if (I18n.hasCode(languageCode) === false && languageCode !== 'en') { var url_1 = languageUrl !== '' ? languageUrl : editor.editorManager.baseURL + '/langs/' + languageCode + '.js'; scriptLoader.add(url_1, noop, undefined, function () { ErrorReporter.languageLoadError(url_1, languageCode); }); } }; var loadTheme = function (scriptLoader, editor, suffix, callback) { var settings = editor.settings, theme = settings.theme; if (isString(theme)) { if (!hasSkipLoadPrefix(theme) && !ThemeManager.urls.hasOwnProperty(theme)) { var themeUrl = settings.theme_url; if (themeUrl) { ThemeManager.load(theme, editor.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(themeUrl)); } else { ThemeManager.load(theme, 'themes/' + theme + '/theme' + suffix + '.js'); } } scriptLoader.loadQueue(function () { ThemeManager.waitFor(theme, callback); }); } else { callback(); } }; var getIconsUrlMetaFromUrl = function (editor) { return Option.from(Settings.getIconsUrl(editor)).filter(function (url) { return url.length > 0; }).map(function (url) { return { url: url, name: Option.none() }; }); }; var getIconsUrlMetaFromName = function (editor) { return Option.from(Settings.getIconPackName(editor)).filter(function (name) { return name.length > 0 && !IconManager.has(name); }).map(function (name) { return { url: editor.editorManager.baseURL + '/icons/' + name + '/icons.js', name: Option.some(name) }; }); }; var loadIcons = function (scriptLoader, editor) { getIconsUrlMetaFromUrl(editor).orThunk(function () { return getIconsUrlMetaFromName(editor); }).each(function (urlMeta) { scriptLoader.add(urlMeta.url, noop, undefined, function () { ErrorReporter.iconsLoadError(urlMeta.url, urlMeta.name.getOrUndefined()); }); }); }; var loadPlugins = function (settings, suffix) { if (isArray(settings.plugins)) { settings.plugins = settings.plugins.join(' '); } Tools.each(settings.external_plugins, function (url, name) { PluginManager.load(name, url, noop, undefined, function () { ErrorReporter.pluginLoadError(name, url); }); settings.plugins += ' ' + name; }); Tools.each(settings.plugins.split(/[ ,]/), function (plugin) { plugin = Tools.trim(plugin); if (plugin && !PluginManager.urls[plugin]) { if (hasSkipLoadPrefix(plugin)) { plugin = plugin.substr(1, plugin.length); var dependencies = PluginManager.dependencies(plugin); Tools.each(dependencies, function (dep) { var defaultSettings = { prefix: 'plugins/', resource: dep, suffix: '/plugin' + suffix + '.js' }; dep = PluginManager.createUrl(defaultSettings, dep); PluginManager.load(dep.resource, dep, noop, undefined, function () { ErrorReporter.pluginLoadError(dep.prefix + dep.resource + dep.suffix, dep.resource); }); }); } else { var url_2 = { prefix: 'plugins/', resource: plugin, suffix: '/plugin' + suffix + '.js' }; PluginManager.load(plugin, url_2, noop, undefined, function () { ErrorReporter.pluginLoadError(url_2.prefix + url_2.resource + url_2.suffix, plugin); }); } } }); }; var loadScripts = function (editor, suffix) { var scriptLoader = ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader; loadTheme(scriptLoader, editor, suffix, function () { loadLanguage(scriptLoader, editor); loadIcons(scriptLoader, editor); loadPlugins(editor.settings, suffix); scriptLoader.loadQueue(function () { if (!editor.removed) { Init.init(editor); } }, editor, function () { if (!editor.removed) { Init.init(editor); } }); }); }; var render = function (editor) { var settings = editor.settings, id = editor.id; I18n.setCode(Settings.getLanguageCode(editor)); var readyHandler = function () { DOM$6.unbind(domGlobals.window, 'ready', readyHandler); editor.render(); }; if (!EventUtils.Event.domLoaded) { DOM$6.bind(domGlobals.window, 'ready', readyHandler); return; } if (!editor.getElement()) { return; } if (!Env.contentEditable) { return; } if (!settings.inline) { editor.orgVisibility = editor.getElement().style.visibility; editor.getElement().style.visibility = 'hidden'; } else { editor.inline = true; } var form = editor.getElement().form || DOM$6.getParent(id, 'form'); if (form) { editor.formElement = form; if (settings.hidden_input && !NodeType.isTextareaOrInput(editor.getElement())) { DOM$6.insertAfter(DOM$6.create('input', { type: 'hidden', name: id }), id); editor.hasHiddenInput = true; } editor.formEventDelegate = function (e) { editor.fire(e.type, e); }; DOM$6.bind(form, 'submit reset', editor.formEventDelegate); editor.on('reset', function () { editor.resetContent(); }); if (settings.submit_patch && !form.submit.nodeType && !form.submit.length && !form._mceOldSubmit) { form._mceOldSubmit = form.submit; form.submit = function () { editor.editorManager.triggerSave(); editor.setDirty(false); return form._mceOldSubmit(form); }; } } editor.windowManager = WindowManager(editor); editor.notificationManager = NotificationManager(editor); if (settings.encoding === 'xml') { editor.on('GetContent', function (e) { if (e.save) { e.content = DOM$6.encode(e.content); } }); } if (settings.add_form_submit_trigger) { editor.on('submit', function () { if (editor.initialized) { editor.save(); } }); } if (settings.add_unload_trigger) { editor._beforeUnload = function () { if (editor.initialized && !editor.destroyed && !editor.isHidden()) { editor.save({ format: 'raw', no_events: true, set_dirty: false }); } }; editor.editorManager.on('BeforeUnload', editor._beforeUnload); } editor.editorManager.add(editor); loadScripts(editor, editor.suffix); }; var Render = { render: render }; var internalContentEditableAttr = 'data-mce-contenteditable'; var toggleClass = function (elm, cls, state) { if (has$2(elm, cls) && state === false) { remove$4(elm, cls); } else if (state) { add$3(elm, cls); } }; var setEditorCommandState = function (editor, cmd, state) { try { editor.getDoc().execCommand(cmd, false, state); } catch (ex) { } }; var setContentEditable = function (elm, state) { elm.dom().contentEditable = state ? 'true' : 'false'; }; var switchOffContentEditableTrue = function (elm) { each(descendants$1(elm, '*[contenteditable="true"]'), function (elm) { set(elm, internalContentEditableAttr, 'true'); setContentEditable(elm, false); }); }; var switchOnContentEditableTrue = function (elm) { each(descendants$1(elm, '*[' + internalContentEditableAttr + '="true"]'), function (elm) { remove(elm, internalContentEditableAttr); setContentEditable(elm, true); }); }; var removeFakeSelection = function (editor) { Option.from(editor.selection.getNode()).each(function (elm) { elm.removeAttribute('data-mce-selected'); }); }; var restoreFakeSelection = function (editor) { editor.selection.setRng(editor.selection.getRng()); }; var toggleReadOnly = function (editor, state) { var body = Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()); toggleClass(body, 'mce-content-readonly', state); if (state) { editor.selection.controlSelection.hideResizeRect(); editor._selectionOverrides.hideFakeCaret(); removeFakeSelection(editor); editor.readonly = true; setContentEditable(body, false); switchOffContentEditableTrue(body); } else { editor.readonly = false; setContentEditable(body, true); switchOnContentEditableTrue(body); setEditorCommandState(editor, 'StyleWithCSS', false); setEditorCommandState(editor, 'enableInlineTableEditing', false); setEditorCommandState(editor, 'enableObjectResizing', false); if (EditorFocus.hasEditorOrUiFocus(editor)) { editor.focus(); } restoreFakeSelection(editor); editor.nodeChanged(); } }; var isReadOnly = function (editor) { return editor.readonly === true; }; var registerFilters = function (editor) { editor.parser.addAttributeFilter('contenteditable', function (nodes) { if (isReadOnly(editor)) { each(nodes, function (node) { node.attr(internalContentEditableAttr, node.attr('contenteditable')); node.attr('contenteditable', 'false'); }); } }); editor.serializer.addAttributeFilter(internalContentEditableAttr, function (nodes) { if (isReadOnly(editor)) { each(nodes, function (node) { node.attr('contenteditable', node.attr(internalContentEditableAttr)); }); } }); editor.serializer.addTempAttr(internalContentEditableAttr); }; var registerReadOnlyContentFilters = function (editor) { if (editor.serializer) { registerFilters(editor); } else { editor.on('PreInit', function () { registerFilters(editor); }); } }; var isClickEvent = function (e) { return e.type === 'click'; }; var preventReadOnlyEvents = function (e) { var target = e.target; if (isClickEvent(e) && target.tagName === 'A' && !VK.metaKeyPressed(e)) { e.preventDefault(); } }; var registerReadOnlySelectionBlockers = function (editor) { editor.on('ShowCaret', function (e) { if (isReadOnly(editor)) { e.preventDefault(); } }); editor.on('ObjectSelected', function (e) { if (isReadOnly(editor)) { e.preventDefault(); } }); }; var defaultModes = [ 'design', 'readonly' ]; var switchToMode = function (editor, activeMode, availableModes, mode) { var oldMode = availableModes[activeMode.get()]; var newMode = availableModes[mode]; try { newMode.activate(); } catch (e) { domGlobals.console.error('problem while activating editor mode ' + mode + ':', e); return; } oldMode.deactivate(); if (oldMode.editorReadOnly !== newMode.editorReadOnly) { toggleReadOnly(editor, newMode.editorReadOnly); } activeMode.set(mode); Events.fireSwitchMode(editor, mode); }; var setMode = function (editor, availableModes, activeMode, mode) { if (mode === activeMode.get()) { return; } else if (!has(availableModes, mode)) { throw new Error('Editor mode \'' + mode + '\' is invalid'); } if (editor.initialized) { switchToMode(editor, activeMode, availableModes, mode); } else { editor.on('init', function () { return switchToMode(editor, activeMode, availableModes, mode); }); } }; var registerMode = function (availableModes, mode, api) { var _a; if (contains(defaultModes, mode)) { throw new Error('Cannot override default mode ' + mode); } return __assign(__assign({}, availableModes), (_a = {}, _a[mode] = __assign(__assign({}, api), { deactivate: function () { try { api.deactivate(); } catch (e) { domGlobals.console.error('problem while deactivating editor mode ' + mode + ':', e); } } }), _a)); }; var create$4 = function (editor) { var activeMode = Cell('design'); var availableModes = Cell({ design: { activate: noop, deactivate: noop, editorReadOnly: false }, readonly: { activate: noop, deactivate: noop, editorReadOnly: true } }); registerReadOnlyContentFilters(editor); registerReadOnlySelectionBlockers(editor); return { isReadOnly: function () { return isReadOnly(editor); }, set: function (mode) { return setMode(editor, availableModes.get(), activeMode, mode); }, get: function () { return activeMode.get(); }, register: function (mode, api) { availableModes.set(registerMode(availableModes.get(), mode, api)); } }; }; var hasOnlyOneChild$1 = function (node) { return node.firstChild && node.firstChild === node.lastChild; }; var isPaddingNode = function (node) { return node.name === 'br' || node.value === '\xA0'; }; var isPaddedEmptyBlock = function (schema, node) { var blockElements = schema.getBlockElements(); return blockElements[node.name] && hasOnlyOneChild$1(node) && isPaddingNode(node.firstChild); }; var isEmptyFragmentElement = function (schema, node) { var nonEmptyElements = schema.getNonEmptyElements(); return node && (node.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements) || isPaddedEmptyBlock(schema, node)); }; var isListFragment = function (schema, fragment) { var firstChild = fragment.firstChild; var lastChild = fragment.lastChild; if (firstChild && firstChild.name === 'meta') { firstChild = firstChild.next; } if (lastChild && lastChild.attr('id') === 'mce_marker') { lastChild = lastChild.prev; } if (isEmptyFragmentElement(schema, lastChild)) { lastChild = lastChild.prev; } if (!firstChild || firstChild !== lastChild) { return false; } return firstChild.name === 'ul' || firstChild.name === 'ol'; }; var cleanupDomFragment = function (domFragment) { var firstChild = domFragment.firstChild; var lastChild = domFragment.lastChild; if (firstChild && firstChild.nodeName === 'META') { firstChild.parentNode.removeChild(firstChild); } if (lastChild && lastChild.id === 'mce_marker') { lastChild.parentNode.removeChild(lastChild); } return domFragment; }; var toDomFragment = function (dom, serializer, fragment) { var html = serializer.serialize(fragment); var domFragment = dom.createFragment(html); return cleanupDomFragment(domFragment); }; var listItems$1 = function (elm) { return Tools.grep(elm.childNodes, function (child) { return child.nodeName === 'LI'; }); }; var isPadding = function (node) { return node.data === '\xA0' || NodeType.isBr(node); }; var isListItemPadded = function (node) { return node && node.firstChild && node.firstChild === node.lastChild && isPadding(node.firstChild); }; var isEmptyOrPadded = function (elm) { return !elm.firstChild || isListItemPadded(elm); }; var trimListItems = function (elms) { return elms.length > 0 && isEmptyOrPadded(elms[elms.length - 1]) ? elms.slice(0, -1) : elms; }; var getParentLi = function (dom, node) { var parentBlock = dom.getParent(node, dom.isBlock); return parentBlock && parentBlock.nodeName === 'LI' ? parentBlock : null; }; var isParentBlockLi = function (dom, node) { return !!getParentLi(dom, node); }; var getSplit = function (parentNode, rng) { var beforeRng = rng.cloneRange(); var afterRng = rng.cloneRange(); beforeRng.setStartBefore(parentNode); afterRng.setEndAfter(parentNode); return [ beforeRng.cloneContents(), afterRng.cloneContents() ]; }; var findFirstIn = function (node, rootNode) { var caretPos = CaretPosition$1.before(node); var caretWalker = CaretWalker(rootNode); var newCaretPos = caretWalker.next(caretPos); return newCaretPos ? newCaretPos.toRange() : null; }; var findLastOf = function (node, rootNode) { var caretPos = CaretPosition$1.after(node); var caretWalker = CaretWalker(rootNode); var newCaretPos = caretWalker.prev(caretPos); return newCaretPos ? newCaretPos.toRange() : null; }; var insertMiddle = function (target, elms, rootNode, rng) { var parts = getSplit(target, rng); var parentElm = target.parentNode; parentElm.insertBefore(parts[0], target); Tools.each(elms, function (li) { parentElm.insertBefore(li, target); }); parentElm.insertBefore(parts[1], target); parentElm.removeChild(target); return findLastOf(elms[elms.length - 1], rootNode); }; var insertBefore$1 = function (target, elms, rootNode) { var parentElm = target.parentNode; Tools.each(elms, function (elm) { parentElm.insertBefore(elm, target); }); return findFirstIn(target, rootNode); }; var insertAfter$1 = function (target, elms, rootNode, dom) { dom.insertAfter(elms.reverse(), target); return findLastOf(elms[0], rootNode); }; var insertAtCaret = function (serializer, dom, rng, fragment) { var domFragment = toDomFragment(dom, serializer, fragment); var liTarget = getParentLi(dom, rng.startContainer); var liElms = trimListItems(listItems$1(domFragment.firstChild)); var BEGINNING = 1, END = 2; var rootNode = dom.getRoot(); var isAt = function (location) { var caretPos = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(rng); var caretWalker = CaretWalker(dom.getRoot()); var newPos = location === BEGINNING ? caretWalker.prev(caretPos) : caretWalker.next(caretPos); return newPos ? getParentLi(dom, newPos.getNode()) !== liTarget : true; }; if (isAt(BEGINNING)) { return insertBefore$1(liTarget, liElms, rootNode); } else if (isAt(END)) { return insertAfter$1(liTarget, liElms, rootNode, dom); } return insertMiddle(liTarget, liElms, rootNode, rng); }; var InsertList = { isListFragment: isListFragment, insertAtCaret: insertAtCaret, isParentBlockLi: isParentBlockLi, trimListItems: trimListItems, listItems: listItems$1 }; var isAfterNbsp = function (container, offset) { return NodeType.isText(container) && container.nodeValue[offset - 1] === '\xA0'; }; var trimOrPadLeftRight = function (rng, html) { var container, offset; container = rng.startContainer; offset = rng.startOffset; var hasSiblingText = function (siblingName) { return container[siblingName] && container[siblingName].nodeType === 3; }; if (container.nodeType === 3) { if (offset > 0) { html = html.replace(/^ /, ' '); } else if (!hasSiblingText('previousSibling')) { html = html.replace(/^ /, ' '); } if (offset < container.length) { html = html.replace(/ (
|)$/, ' '); } else if (!hasSiblingText('nextSibling')) { html = html.replace(/( | )(
|)$/, ' '); } } return html; }; var trimNbspAfterDeleteAndPadValue = function (rng, value) { var container, offset; container = rng.startContainer; offset = rng.startOffset; if (container.nodeType === 3 && rng.collapsed) { if (container.data[offset] === '\xA0') { container.deleteData(offset, 1); if (!/[\u00a0| ]$/.test(value)) { value += ' '; } } else if (container.data[offset - 1] === '\xA0') { container.deleteData(offset - 1, 1); if (!/[\u00a0| ]$/.test(value)) { value = ' ' + value; } } } return value; }; var isTableCell$5 = NodeType.matchNodeNames([ 'td', 'th' ]); var selectionSetContent = function (editor, content) { var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); var container = rng.startContainer; var offset = rng.startOffset; if (rng.collapsed && isAfterNbsp(container, offset) && NodeType.isText(container)) { container.insertData(offset - 1, ' '); container.deleteData(offset, 1); rng.setStart(container, offset); rng.setEnd(container, offset); editor.selection.setRng(rng); } editor.selection.setContent(content); }; var validInsertion = function (editor, value, parentNode) { if (parentNode.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus') === 'all') { parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(editor.dom.createFragment(value), parentNode); } else { var node = parentNode.firstChild; var node2 = parentNode.lastChild; if (!node || node === node2 && node.nodeName === 'BR') { editor.dom.setHTML(parentNode, value); } else { selectionSetContent(editor, value); } } }; var trimBrsFromTableCell = function (dom, elm) { Option.from(dom.getParent(elm, 'td,th')).map(Element.fromDom).each(PaddingBr.trimBlockTrailingBr); }; var reduceInlineTextElements = function (editor, merge) { var textInlineElements = editor.schema.getTextInlineElements(); var dom = editor.dom; if (merge) { var root_1 = editor.getBody(), elementUtils_1 = new ElementUtils(dom); Tools.each(dom.select('*[data-mce-fragment]'), function (node) { for (var testNode = node.parentNode; testNode && testNode !== root_1; testNode = testNode.parentNode) { if (textInlineElements[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()] && elementUtils_1.compare(testNode, node)) { dom.remove(node, true); } } }); } }; var markFragmentElements = function (fragment) { var node = fragment; while (node = node.walk()) { if (node.type === 1) { node.attr('data-mce-fragment', '1'); } } }; var umarkFragmentElements = function (elm) { Tools.each(elm.getElementsByTagName('*'), function (elm) { elm.removeAttribute('data-mce-fragment'); }); }; var isPartOfFragment = function (node) { return !!node.getAttribute('data-mce-fragment'); }; var canHaveChildren = function (editor, node) { return node && !editor.schema.getShortEndedElements()[node.nodeName]; }; var moveSelectionToMarker = function (editor, marker) { var parentEditableFalseElm, parentBlock, nextRng; var dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection; var node, node2; var getContentEditableFalseParent = function (node) { var root = editor.getBody(); for (; node && node !== root; node = node.parentNode) { if (editor.dom.getContentEditable(node) === 'false') { return node; } } return null; }; if (!marker) { return; } editor.selection.scrollIntoView(marker); parentEditableFalseElm = getContentEditableFalseParent(marker); if (parentEditableFalseElm) { dom.remove(marker); selection.select(parentEditableFalseElm); return; } var rng = dom.createRng(); node = marker.previousSibling; if (node && node.nodeType === 3) { rng.setStart(node, node.nodeValue.length); if (!Env.ie) { node2 = marker.nextSibling; if (node2 && node2.nodeType === 3) { node.appendData(node2.data); node2.parentNode.removeChild(node2); } } } else { rng.setStartBefore(marker); rng.setEndBefore(marker); } var findNextCaretRng = function (rng) { var caretPos = CaretPosition$1.fromRangeStart(rng); var caretWalker = CaretWalker(editor.getBody()); caretPos = caretWalker.next(caretPos); if (caretPos) { return caretPos.toRange(); } }; parentBlock = dom.getParent(marker, dom.isBlock); dom.remove(marker); if (parentBlock && dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) { editor.$(parentBlock).empty(); rng.setStart(parentBlock, 0); rng.setEnd(parentBlock, 0); if (!isTableCell$5(parentBlock) && !isPartOfFragment(parentBlock) && (nextRng = findNextCaretRng(rng))) { rng = nextRng; dom.remove(parentBlock); } else { dom.add(parentBlock, dom.create('br', { 'data-mce-bogus': '1' })); } } selection.setRng(rng); }; var insertHtmlAtCaret = function (editor, value, details) { var parser, serializer, parentNode, rootNode, fragment, args; var marker, rng, node, bookmarkHtml, merge; var selection = editor.selection, dom = editor.dom; if (/^ | $/.test(value)) { value = trimOrPadLeftRight(selection.getRng(), value); } parser = editor.parser; merge = details.merge; serializer = Serializer({ validate: editor.settings.validate }, editor.schema); bookmarkHtml = '​'; args = { content: value, format: 'html', selection: true, paste: details.paste }; args = editor.fire('BeforeSetContent', args); if (args.isDefaultPrevented()) { editor.fire('SetContent', { content: args.content, format: 'html', selection: true, paste: details.paste }); return; } value = args.content; if (value.indexOf('{$caret}') === -1) { value += '{$caret}'; } value = value.replace(/\{\$caret\}/, bookmarkHtml); rng = selection.getRng(); var caretElement = rng.startContainer || (rng.parentElement ? rng.parentElement() : null); var body = editor.getBody(); if (caretElement === body && selection.isCollapsed()) { if (dom.isBlock(body.firstChild) && canHaveChildren(editor, body.firstChild) && dom.isEmpty(body.firstChild)) { rng = dom.createRng(); rng.setStart(body.firstChild, 0); rng.setEnd(body.firstChild, 0); selection.setRng(rng); } } if (!selection.isCollapsed()) { editor.selection.setRng(RangeNormalizer.normalize(editor.selection.getRng())); editor.getDoc().execCommand('Delete', false, null); value = trimNbspAfterDeleteAndPadValue(editor.selection.getRng(), value); } parentNode = selection.getNode(); var parserArgs = { context: parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase(), data: details.data, insert: true }; fragment = parser.parse(value, parserArgs); if (details.paste === true && InsertList.isListFragment(editor.schema, fragment) && InsertList.isParentBlockLi(dom, parentNode)) { rng = InsertList.insertAtCaret(serializer, dom, editor.selection.getRng(), fragment); editor.selection.setRng(rng); editor.fire('SetContent', args); return; } markFragmentElements(fragment); node = fragment.lastChild; if (node.attr('id') === 'mce_marker') { marker = node; for (node = node.prev; node; node = node.walk(true)) { if (node.type === 3 || !dom.isBlock(node.name)) { if (editor.schema.isValidChild(node.parent.name, 'span')) { node.parent.insert(marker, node, node.name === 'br'); } break; } } } editor._selectionOverrides.showBlockCaretContainer(parentNode); if (!parserArgs.invalid) { value = serializer.serialize(fragment); validInsertion(editor, value, parentNode); } else { selectionSetContent(editor, bookmarkHtml); parentNode = selection.getNode(); rootNode = editor.getBody(); if (parentNode.nodeType === 9) { parentNode = node = rootNode; } else { node = parentNode; } while (node !== rootNode) { parentNode = node; node = node.parentNode; } value = parentNode === rootNode ? rootNode.innerHTML : dom.getOuterHTML(parentNode); value = serializer.serialize(parser.parse(value.replace(//i, function () { return serializer.serialize(fragment); }))); if (parentNode === rootNode) { dom.setHTML(rootNode, value); } else { dom.setOuterHTML(parentNode, value); } } reduceInlineTextElements(editor, merge); moveSelectionToMarker(editor, dom.get('mce_marker')); umarkFragmentElements(editor.getBody()); trimBrsFromTableCell(editor.dom, editor.selection.getStart()); editor.fire('SetContent', args); editor.addVisual(); }; var processValue = function (value) { var details; if (typeof value !== 'string') { details = Tools.extend({ paste: value.paste, data: { paste: value.paste } }, value); return { content: value.content, details: details }; } return { content: value, details: {} }; }; var insertAtCaret$1 = function (editor, value) { var result = processValue(value); insertHtmlAtCaret(editor, result.content, result.details); }; var InsertContent = { insertAtCaret: insertAtCaret$1 }; var nativeCommand = function (editor, command) { editor.getDoc().execCommand(command, false, null); }; var deleteCommand = function (editor) { if (Outdent.backspaceDelete(editor, false)) { return; } else if (CefDelete.backspaceDelete(editor, false)) { return; } else if (CefBoundaryDelete.backspaceDelete(editor, false)) { return; } else if (BoundaryDelete.backspaceDelete(editor, false)) { return; } else if (BlockBoundaryDelete.backspaceDelete(editor, false)) { return; } else if (TableDelete.backspaceDelete(editor)) { return; } else if (BlockRangeDelete.backspaceDelete(editor, false)) { return; } else if (InlineFormatDelete.backspaceDelete(editor, false)) { return; } else { nativeCommand(editor, 'Delete'); DeleteUtils.paddEmptyBody(editor); } }; var forwardDeleteCommand = function (editor) { if (CefDelete.backspaceDelete(editor, true)) { return; } else if (CefBoundaryDelete.backspaceDelete(editor, true)) { return; } else if (BoundaryDelete.backspaceDelete(editor, true)) { return; } else if (BlockBoundaryDelete.backspaceDelete(editor, true)) { return; } else if (TableDelete.backspaceDelete(editor)) { return; } else if (BlockRangeDelete.backspaceDelete(editor, true)) { return; } else if (InlineFormatDelete.backspaceDelete(editor, true)) { return; } else { nativeCommand(editor, 'ForwardDelete'); } }; var DeleteCommands = { deleteCommand: deleteCommand, forwardDeleteCommand: forwardDeleteCommand }; var getSpecifiedFontProp = function (propName, rootElm, elm) { var getProperty = function (elm) { return getRaw(elm, propName); }; var isRoot = function (elm) { return eq(Element.fromDom(rootElm), elm); }; return closest(Element.fromDom(elm), function (elm) { return getProperty(elm).isSome(); }, isRoot).bind(getProperty); }; var round$1 = function (number, precision) { var factor = Math.pow(10, precision); return Math.round(number * factor) / factor; }; var toPt = function (fontSize, precision) { if (/[0-9.]+px$/.test(fontSize)) { return round$1(parseInt(fontSize, 10) * 72 / 96, precision || 0) + 'pt'; } return fontSize; }; var normalizeFontFamily = function (fontFamily) { return fontFamily.replace(/[\'\"\\]/g, '').replace(/,\s+/g, ','); }; var getComputedFontProp = function (propName, elm) { return Option.from(DOMUtils$1.DOM.getStyle(elm, propName, true)); }; var getFontProp = function (propName) { return function (rootElm, elm) { return Option.from(elm).map(Element.fromDom).filter(isElement$1).bind(function (element) { return getSpecifiedFontProp(propName, rootElm, element.dom()).or(getComputedFontProp(propName, element.dom())); }).getOr(''); }; }; var FontInfo = { getFontSize: getFontProp('font-size'), getFontFamily: compose(normalizeFontFamily, getFontProp('font-family')), toPt: toPt }; var findFirstCaretElement = function (editor) { return CaretFinder.firstPositionIn(editor.getBody()).map(function (caret) { var container = caret.container(); return NodeType.isText(container) ? container.parentNode : container; }); }; var isRangeAtStartOfNode = function (rng, root) { return rng.startContainer === root && rng.startOffset === 0; }; var getCaretElement = function (editor) { return Option.from(editor.selection.getRng()).bind(function (rng) { var root = editor.getBody(); return isRangeAtStartOfNode(rng, root) ? Option.none() : Option.from(editor.selection.getStart(true)); }); }; var fromFontSizeNumber = function (editor, value) { if (/^[0-9\.]+$/.test(value)) { var fontSizeNumber = parseInt(value, 10); if (fontSizeNumber >= 1 && fontSizeNumber <= 7) { var fontSizes = Settings.getFontStyleValues(editor); var fontClasses = Settings.getFontSizeClasses(editor); if (fontClasses) { return fontClasses[fontSizeNumber - 1] || value; } else { return fontSizes[fontSizeNumber - 1] || value; } } else { return value; } } else { return value; } }; var normalizeFontNames = function (font) { var fonts = font.split(/\s*,\s*/); return map(fonts, function (font) { if (font.indexOf(' ') !== -1 && !(startsWith(font, '"') || startsWith(font, '\''))) { return '\'' + font + '\''; } else { return font; } }).join(','); }; var fontNameAction = function (editor, value) { var font = fromFontSizeNumber(editor, value); editor.formatter.toggle('fontname', { value: normalizeFontNames(font) }); editor.nodeChanged(); }; var fontNameQuery = function (editor) { return getCaretElement(editor).fold(function () { return findFirstCaretElement(editor).map(function (caretElement) { return FontInfo.getFontFamily(editor.getBody(), caretElement); }).getOr(''); }, function (caretElement) { return FontInfo.getFontFamily(editor.getBody(), caretElement); }); }; var fontSizeAction = function (editor, value) { editor.formatter.toggle('fontsize', { value: fromFontSizeNumber(editor, value) }); editor.nodeChanged(); }; var fontSizeQuery = function (editor) { return getCaretElement(editor).fold(function () { return findFirstCaretElement(editor).map(function (caretElement) { return FontInfo.getFontSize(editor.getBody(), caretElement); }).getOr(''); }, function (caretElement) { return FontInfo.getFontSize(editor.getBody(), caretElement); }); }; var each$g = Tools.each; var map$3 = Tools.map, inArray$2 = Tools.inArray; var EditorCommands = function () { function EditorCommands(editor) { this.commands = { state: {}, exec: {}, value: {} }; this.editor = editor; this.setupCommands(editor); } EditorCommands.prototype.execCommand = function (command, ui, value, args) { var func, customCommand, state = false; var self = this; if (self.editor.removed) { return; } if (!/^(mceAddUndoLevel|mceEndUndoLevel|mceBeginUndoLevel|mceRepaint)$/.test(command) && (!args || !args.skip_focus)) { self.editor.focus(); } else { SelectionBookmark.restore(self.editor); } args = self.editor.fire('BeforeExecCommand', { command: command, ui: ui, value: value }); if (args.isDefaultPrevented()) { return false; } customCommand = command.toLowerCase(); if (func = self.commands.exec[customCommand]) { func(customCommand, ui, value); self.editor.fire('ExecCommand', { command: command, ui: ui, value: value }); return true; } each$g(this.editor.plugins, function (p) { if (p.execCommand && p.execCommand(command, ui, value)) { self.editor.fire('ExecCommand', { command: command, ui: ui, value: value }); state = true; return false; } }); if (state) { return state; } if (self.editor.theme && self.editor.theme.execCommand && self.editor.theme.execCommand(command, ui, value)) { self.editor.fire('ExecCommand', { command: command, ui: ui, value: value }); return true; } try { state = self.editor.getDoc().execCommand(command, ui, value); } catch (ex) { } if (state) { self.editor.fire('ExecCommand', { command: command, ui: ui, value: value }); return true; } return false; }; EditorCommands.prototype.queryCommandState = function (command) { var func; if (this.editor.quirks.isHidden() || this.editor.removed) { return; } command = command.toLowerCase(); if (func = this.commands.state[command]) { return func(command); } try { return this.editor.getDoc().queryCommandState(command); } catch (ex) { } return false; }; EditorCommands.prototype.queryCommandValue = function (command) { var func; if (this.editor.quirks.isHidden() || this.editor.removed) { return; } command = command.toLowerCase(); if (func = this.commands.value[command]) { return func(command); } try { return this.editor.getDoc().queryCommandValue(command); } catch (ex) { } }; EditorCommands.prototype.addCommands = function (commandList, type) { var self = this; type = type || 'exec'; each$g(commandList, function (callback, command) { each$g(command.toLowerCase().split(','), function (command) { self.commands[type][command] = callback; }); }); }; EditorCommands.prototype.addCommand = function (command, callback, scope) { var _this = this; command = command.toLowerCase(); this.commands.exec[command] = function (command, ui, value, args) { return callback.call(scope || _this.editor, ui, value, args); }; }; EditorCommands.prototype.queryCommandSupported = function (command) { command = command.toLowerCase(); if (this.commands.exec[command]) { return true; } try { return this.editor.getDoc().queryCommandSupported(command); } catch (ex) { } return false; }; EditorCommands.prototype.addQueryStateHandler = function (command, callback, scope) { var _this = this; command = command.toLowerCase(); this.commands.state[command] = function () { return callback.call(scope || _this.editor); }; }; EditorCommands.prototype.addQueryValueHandler = function (command, callback, scope) { var _this = this; command = command.toLowerCase(); this.commands.value[command] = function () { return callback.call(scope || _this.editor); }; }; EditorCommands.prototype.hasCustomCommand = function (command) { command = command.toLowerCase(); return !!this.commands.exec[command]; }; EditorCommands.prototype.execNativeCommand = function (command, ui, value) { if (ui === undefined) { ui = false; } if (value === undefined) { value = null; } return this.editor.getDoc().execCommand(command, ui, value); }; EditorCommands.prototype.isFormatMatch = function (name) { return this.editor.formatter.match(name); }; EditorCommands.prototype.toggleFormat = function (name, value) { this.editor.formatter.toggle(name, value ? { value: value } : undefined); this.editor.nodeChanged(); }; EditorCommands.prototype.storeSelection = function (type) { this.selectionBookmark = this.editor.selection.getBookmark(type); }; EditorCommands.prototype.restoreSelection = function () { this.editor.selection.moveToBookmark(this.selectionBookmark); }; EditorCommands.prototype.setupCommands = function (editor) { var self = this; this.addCommands({ 'mceResetDesignMode,mceBeginUndoLevel': function () { }, 'mceEndUndoLevel,mceAddUndoLevel': function () { editor.undoManager.add(); }, 'Cut,Copy,Paste': function (command) { var doc = editor.getDoc(); var failed; try { self.execNativeCommand(command); } catch (ex) { failed = true; } if (command === 'paste' && !doc.queryCommandEnabled(command)) { failed = true; } if (failed || !doc.queryCommandSupported(command)) { var msg = editor.translate('Your browser doesn\'t support direct access to the clipboard. ' + 'Please use the Ctrl+X/C/V keyboard shortcuts instead.'); if (Env.mac) { msg = msg.replace(/Ctrl\+/g, '\u2318+'); } editor.notificationManager.open({ text: msg, type: 'error' }); } }, 'unlink': function () { if (editor.selection.isCollapsed()) { var elm = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), 'a'); if (elm) { editor.dom.remove(elm, true); } return; } editor.formatter.remove('link'); }, 'JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyFull,JustifyNone': function (command) { var align = command.substring(7); if (align === 'full') { align = 'justify'; } each$g('left,center,right,justify'.split(','), function (name) { if (align !== name) { editor.formatter.remove('align' + name); } }); if (align !== 'none') { self.toggleFormat('align' + align); } }, 'InsertUnorderedList,InsertOrderedList': function (command) { var listElm, listParent; self.execNativeCommand(command); listElm = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getNode(), 'ol,ul'); if (listElm) { listParent = listElm.parentNode; if (/^(H[1-6]|P|ADDRESS|PRE)$/.test(listParent.nodeName)) { self.storeSelection(); editor.dom.split(listParent, listElm); self.restoreSelection(); } } }, 'Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough,Superscript,Subscript': function (command) { self.toggleFormat(command); }, 'ForeColor,HiliteColor': function (command, ui, value) { self.toggleFormat(command, value); }, 'FontName': function (command, ui, value) { fontNameAction(editor, value); }, 'FontSize': function (command, ui, value) { fontSizeAction(editor, value); }, 'RemoveFormat': function (command) { editor.formatter.remove(command); }, 'mceBlockQuote': function () { self.toggleFormat('blockquote'); }, 'FormatBlock': function (command, ui, value) { return self.toggleFormat(value || 'p'); }, 'mceCleanup': function () { var bookmark = editor.selection.getBookmark(); editor.setContent(editor.getContent()); editor.selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark); }, 'mceRemoveNode': function (command, ui, value) { var node = value || editor.selection.getNode(); if (node !== editor.getBody()) { self.storeSelection(); editor.dom.remove(node, true); self.restoreSelection(); } }, 'mceSelectNodeDepth': function (command, ui, value) { var counter = 0; editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getNode(), function (node) { if (node.nodeType === 1 && counter++ === value) { editor.selection.select(node); return false; } }, editor.getBody()); }, 'mceSelectNode': function (command, ui, value) { editor.selection.select(value); }, 'mceInsertContent': function (command, ui, value) { InsertContent.insertAtCaret(editor, value); }, 'mceInsertRawHTML': function (command, ui, value) { editor.selection.setContent('tiny_mce_marker'); var content = editor.getContent(); editor.setContent(content.replace(/tiny_mce_marker/g, function () { return value; })); }, 'mceInsertNewLine': function (command, ui, value) { InsertNewLine.insert(editor, value); }, 'mceToggleFormat': function (command, ui, value) { self.toggleFormat(value); }, 'mceSetContent': function (command, ui, value) { editor.setContent(value); }, 'Indent,Outdent': function (command) { handle(editor, command); }, 'mceRepaint': function () { }, 'InsertHorizontalRule': function () { editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '
'); }, 'mceToggleVisualAid': function () { editor.hasVisual = !editor.hasVisual; editor.addVisual(); }, 'mceReplaceContent': function (command, ui, value) { editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, value.replace(/\{\$selection\}/g, editor.selection.getContent({ format: 'text' }))); }, 'mceInsertLink': function (command, ui, value) { var anchor; if (typeof value === 'string') { value = { href: value }; } anchor = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getNode(), 'a'); value.href = value.href.replace(/ /g, '%20'); if (!anchor || !value.href) { editor.formatter.remove('link'); } if (value.href) { editor.formatter.apply('link', value, anchor); } }, 'selectAll': function () { var editingHost = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getStart(), NodeType.isContentEditableTrue); if (editingHost) { var rng = editor.dom.createRng(); rng.selectNodeContents(editingHost); editor.selection.setRng(rng); } }, 'delete': function () { DeleteCommands.deleteCommand(editor); }, 'forwardDelete': function () { DeleteCommands.forwardDeleteCommand(editor); }, 'mceNewDocument': function () { editor.setContent(''); }, 'InsertLineBreak': function (command, ui, value) { InsertBr.insert(editor, value); return true; } }); var alignStates = function (name) { return function () { var nodes = editor.selection.isCollapsed() ? [editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getNode(), editor.dom.isBlock)] : editor.selection.getSelectedBlocks(); var matches = map$3(nodes, function (node) { return !!editor.formatter.matchNode(node, name); }); return inArray$2(matches, true) !== -1; }; }; self.addCommands({ 'JustifyLeft': alignStates('alignleft'), 'JustifyCenter': alignStates('aligncenter'), 'JustifyRight': alignStates('alignright'), 'JustifyFull': alignStates('alignjustify'), 'Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough,Superscript,Subscript': function (command) { return self.isFormatMatch(command); }, 'mceBlockQuote': function () { return self.isFormatMatch('blockquote'); }, 'Outdent': function () { return canOutdent(editor); }, 'InsertUnorderedList,InsertOrderedList': function (command) { var list = editor.dom.getParent(editor.selection.getNode(), 'ul,ol'); return list && (command === 'insertunorderedlist' && list.tagName === 'UL' || command === 'insertorderedlist' && list.tagName === 'OL'); } }, 'state'); self.addCommands({ Undo: function () { editor.undoManager.undo(); }, Redo: function () { editor.undoManager.redo(); } }); self.addQueryValueHandler('FontName', function () { return fontNameQuery(editor); }, this); self.addQueryValueHandler('FontSize', function () { return fontSizeQuery(editor); }, this); }; return EditorCommands; }(); var nativeEvents = Tools.makeMap('focus blur focusin focusout click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover beforepaste paste cut copy selectionchange ' + 'mouseout mouseenter mouseleave wheel keydown keypress keyup input beforeinput contextmenu dragstart dragend dragover ' + 'draggesture dragdrop drop drag submit ' + 'compositionstart compositionend compositionupdate touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel', ' '); var EventDispatcher = function () { function EventDispatcher(settings) { this.bindings = {}; this.settings = settings || {}; this.scope = this.settings.scope || this; this.toggleEvent = this.settings.toggleEvent || never; } EventDispatcher.isNative = function (name) { return !!nativeEvents[name.toLowerCase()]; }; EventDispatcher.prototype.fire = function (name, args) { var handlers, i, l, callback; name = name.toLowerCase(); args = args || {}; args.type = name; if (!args.target) { args.target = this.scope; } if (!args.preventDefault) { args.preventDefault = function () { args.isDefaultPrevented = always; }; args.stopPropagation = function () { args.isPropagationStopped = always; }; args.stopImmediatePropagation = function () { args.isImmediatePropagationStopped = always; }; args.isDefaultPrevented = never; args.isPropagationStopped = never; args.isImmediatePropagationStopped = never; } if (this.settings.beforeFire) { this.settings.beforeFire(args); } handlers = this.bindings[name]; if (handlers) { for (i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i++) { callback = handlers[i]; if (callback.once) { this.off(name, callback.func); } if (args.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) { args.stopPropagation(); return args; } if (callback.func.call(this.scope, args) === false) { args.preventDefault(); return args; } } } return args; }; EventDispatcher.prototype.on = function (name, callback, prepend, extra) { var handlers, names, i; if (callback === false) { callback = never; } if (callback) { var wrappedCallback = { func: callback }; if (extra) { Tools.extend(wrappedCallback, extra); } names = name.toLowerCase().split(' '); i = names.length; while (i--) { name = names[i]; handlers = this.bindings[name]; if (!handlers) { handlers = this.bindings[name] = []; this.toggleEvent(name, true); } if (prepend) { handlers.unshift(wrappedCallback); } else { handlers.push(wrappedCallback); } } } return this; }; EventDispatcher.prototype.off = function (name, callback) { var i, handlers, bindingName, names, hi; if (name) { names = name.toLowerCase().split(' '); i = names.length; while (i--) { name = names[i]; handlers = this.bindings[name]; if (!name) { for (bindingName in this.bindings) { this.toggleEvent(bindingName, false); delete this.bindings[bindingName]; } return this; } if (handlers) { if (!callback) { handlers.length = 0; } else { hi = handlers.length; while (hi--) { if (handlers[hi].func === callback) { handlers = handlers.slice(0, hi).concat(handlers.slice(hi + 1)); this.bindings[name] = handlers; } } } if (!handlers.length) { this.toggleEvent(name, false); delete this.bindings[name]; } } } } else { for (name in this.bindings) { this.toggleEvent(name, false); } this.bindings = {}; } return this; }; EventDispatcher.prototype.once = function (name, callback, prepend) { return this.on(name, callback, prepend, { once: true }); }; EventDispatcher.prototype.has = function (name) { name = name.toLowerCase(); return !(!this.bindings[name] || this.bindings[name].length === 0); }; return EventDispatcher; }(); var getEventDispatcher = function (obj) { if (!obj._eventDispatcher) { obj._eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher({ scope: obj, toggleEvent: function (name, state) { if (EventDispatcher.isNative(name) && obj.toggleNativeEvent) { obj.toggleNativeEvent(name, state); } } }); } return obj._eventDispatcher; }; var Observable = { fire: function (name, args, bubble) { var self = this; if (self.removed && name !== 'remove' && name !== 'detach') { return args; } var dispatcherArgs = getEventDispatcher(self).fire(name, args); if (bubble !== false && self.parent) { var parent = self.parent(); while (parent && !dispatcherArgs.isPropagationStopped()) { parent.fire(name, dispatcherArgs, false); parent = parent.parent(); } } return dispatcherArgs; }, on: function (name, callback, prepend) { return getEventDispatcher(this).on(name, callback, prepend); }, off: function (name, callback) { return getEventDispatcher(this).off(name, callback); }, once: function (name, callback) { return getEventDispatcher(this).once(name, callback); }, hasEventListeners: function (name) { return getEventDispatcher(this).has(name); } }; var DOM$7 = DOMUtils$1.DOM; var customEventRootDelegates; var getEventTarget = function (editor, eventName) { if (eventName === 'selectionchange') { return editor.getDoc(); } if (!editor.inline && /^mouse|touch|click|contextmenu|drop|dragover|dragend/.test(eventName)) { return editor.getDoc().documentElement; } if (editor.settings.event_root) { if (!editor.eventRoot) { editor.eventRoot = DOM$7.select(editor.settings.event_root)[0]; } return editor.eventRoot; } return editor.getBody(); }; var isListening = function (editor) { return !editor.hidden && !isReadOnly(editor); }; var fireEvent = function (editor, eventName, e) { if (isListening(editor)) { editor.fire(eventName, e); } else if (isReadOnly(editor)) { preventReadOnlyEvents(e); } }; var bindEventDelegate = function (editor, eventName) { var eventRootElm, delegate; if (!editor.delegates) { editor.delegates = {}; } if (editor.delegates[eventName] || editor.removed) { return; } eventRootElm = getEventTarget(editor, eventName); if (editor.settings.event_root) { if (!customEventRootDelegates) { customEventRootDelegates = {}; editor.editorManager.on('removeEditor', function () { var name; if (!editor.editorManager.activeEditor) { if (customEventRootDelegates) { for (name in customEventRootDelegates) { editor.dom.unbind(getEventTarget(editor, name)); } customEventRootDelegates = null; } } }); } if (customEventRootDelegates[eventName]) { return; } delegate = function (e) { var target = e.target; var editors = editor.editorManager.get(); var i = editors.length; while (i--) { var body = editors[i].getBody(); if (body === target || DOM$7.isChildOf(target, body)) { fireEvent(editors[i], eventName, e); } } }; customEventRootDelegates[eventName] = delegate; DOM$7.bind(eventRootElm, eventName, delegate); } else { delegate = function (e) { fireEvent(editor, eventName, e); }; DOM$7.bind(eventRootElm, eventName, delegate); editor.delegates[eventName] = delegate; } }; var EditorObservable = __assign(__assign({}, Observable), { bindPendingEventDelegates: function () { var self = this; Tools.each(self._pendingNativeEvents, function (name) { bindEventDelegate(self, name); }); }, toggleNativeEvent: function (name, state) { var self = this; if (name === 'focus' || name === 'blur') { return; } if (state) { if (self.initialized) { bindEventDelegate(self, name); } else { if (!self._pendingNativeEvents) { self._pendingNativeEvents = [name]; } else { self._pendingNativeEvents.push(name); } } } else if (self.initialized) { self.dom.unbind(getEventTarget(self, name), name, self.delegates[name]); delete self.delegates[name]; } }, unbindAllNativeEvents: function () { var self = this; var body = self.getBody(); var dom = self.dom; var name; if (self.delegates) { for (name in self.delegates) { self.dom.unbind(getEventTarget(self, name), name, self.delegates[name]); } delete self.delegates; } if (!self.inline && body && dom) { body.onload = null; dom.unbind(self.getWin()); dom.unbind(self.getDoc()); } if (dom) { dom.unbind(body); dom.unbind(self.getContainer()); } } }); var each$h = Tools.each, explode$3 = Tools.explode; var keyCodeLookup = { f1: 112, f2: 113, f3: 114, f4: 115, f5: 116, f6: 117, f7: 118, f8: 119, f9: 120, f10: 121, f11: 122, f12: 123 }; var modifierNames = Tools.makeMap('alt,ctrl,shift,meta,access'); var Shortcuts = function () { function Shortcuts(editor) { this.shortcuts = {}; this.pendingPatterns = []; this.editor = editor; var self = this; editor.on('keyup keypress keydown', function (e) { if ((self.hasModifier(e) || self.isFunctionKey(e)) && !e.isDefaultPrevented()) { each$h(self.shortcuts, function (shortcut) { if (self.matchShortcut(e, shortcut)) { self.pendingPatterns = shortcut.subpatterns.slice(0); if (e.type === 'keydown') { self.executeShortcutAction(shortcut); } return true; } }); if (self.matchShortcut(e, self.pendingPatterns[0])) { if (self.pendingPatterns.length === 1) { if (e.type === 'keydown') { self.executeShortcutAction(self.pendingPatterns[0]); } } self.pendingPatterns.shift(); } } }); } Shortcuts.prototype.add = function (pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope) { var self = this; var cmd; cmd = cmdFunc; if (typeof cmdFunc === 'string') { cmdFunc = function () { self.editor.execCommand(cmd, false, null); }; } else if (Tools.isArray(cmd)) { cmdFunc = function () { self.editor.execCommand(cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2]); }; } each$h(explode$3(Tools.trim(pattern)), function (pattern) { var shortcut = self.createShortcut(pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope); self.shortcuts[shortcut.id] = shortcut; }); return true; }; Shortcuts.prototype.remove = function (pattern) { var shortcut = this.createShortcut(pattern); if (this.shortcuts[shortcut.id]) { delete this.shortcuts[shortcut.id]; return true; } return false; }; Shortcuts.prototype.parseShortcut = function (pattern) { var id, key; var shortcut = {}; each$h(explode$3(pattern.toLowerCase(), '+'), function (value) { if (value in modifierNames) { shortcut[value] = true; } else { if (/^[0-9]{2,}$/.test(value)) { shortcut.keyCode = parseInt(value, 10); } else { shortcut.charCode = value.charCodeAt(0); shortcut.keyCode = keyCodeLookup[value] || value.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0); } } }); id = [shortcut.keyCode]; for (key in modifierNames) { if (shortcut[key]) { id.push(key); } else { shortcut[key] = false; } } shortcut.id = id.join(','); if (shortcut.access) { shortcut.alt = true; if (Env.mac) { shortcut.ctrl = true; } else { shortcut.shift = true; } } if (shortcut.meta) { if (Env.mac) { shortcut.meta = true; } else { shortcut.ctrl = true; shortcut.meta = false; } } return shortcut; }; Shortcuts.prototype.createShortcut = function (pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope) { var shortcuts; shortcuts = Tools.map(explode$3(pattern, '>'), this.parseShortcut); shortcuts[shortcuts.length - 1] = Tools.extend(shortcuts[shortcuts.length - 1], { func: cmdFunc, scope: scope || this.editor }); return Tools.extend(shortcuts[0], { desc: this.editor.translate(desc), subpatterns: shortcuts.slice(1) }); }; Shortcuts.prototype.hasModifier = function (e) { return e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey; }; Shortcuts.prototype.isFunctionKey = function (e) { return e.type === 'keydown' && e.keyCode >= 112 && e.keyCode <= 123; }; Shortcuts.prototype.matchShortcut = function (e, shortcut) { if (!shortcut) { return false; } if (shortcut.ctrl !== e.ctrlKey || shortcut.meta !== e.metaKey) { return false; } if (shortcut.alt !== e.altKey || shortcut.shift !== e.shiftKey) { return false; } if (e.keyCode === shortcut.keyCode || e.charCode && e.charCode === shortcut.charCode) { e.preventDefault(); return true; } return false; }; Shortcuts.prototype.executeShortcutAction = function (shortcut) { return shortcut.func ? shortcut.func.call(shortcut.scope) : null; }; return Shortcuts; }(); var each$i = Tools.each, trim$4 = Tools.trim; var queryParts = 'source protocol authority userInfo user password host port relative path directory file query anchor'.split(' '); var DEFAULT_PORTS = { ftp: 21, http: 80, https: 443, mailto: 25 }; var URI = function () { function URI(url, settings) { url = trim$4(url); this.settings = settings || {}; var baseUri = this.settings.base_uri; var self = this; if (/^([\w\-]+):([^\/]{2})/i.test(url) || /^\s*#/.test(url)) { self.source = url; return; } var isProtocolRelative = url.indexOf('//') === 0; if (url.indexOf('/') === 0 && !isProtocolRelative) { url = (baseUri ? baseUri.protocol || 'http' : 'http') + '://mce_host' + url; } if (!/^[\w\-]*:?\/\//.test(url)) { var baseUrl = this.settings.base_uri ? this.settings.base_uri.path : new URI(domGlobals.document.location.href).directory; if (this.settings.base_uri && this.settings.base_uri.protocol == '') { url = '//mce_host' + self.toAbsPath(baseUrl, url); } else { var match = /([^#?]*)([#?]?.*)/.exec(url); url = (baseUri && baseUri.protocol || 'http') + '://mce_host' + self.toAbsPath(baseUrl, match[1]) + match[2]; } } url = url.replace(/@@/g, '(mce_at)'); var urlMatch = /^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)([^:\/?#.]+):)?(?:\/\/)?((?:(([^:@\/]*):?([^:@\/]*))?@)?([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)(((\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/.exec(url); each$i(queryParts, function (v, i) { var part = urlMatch[i]; if (part) { part = part.replace(/\(mce_at\)/g, '@@'); } self[v] = part; }); if (baseUri) { if (!self.protocol) { self.protocol = baseUri.protocol; } if (!self.userInfo) { self.userInfo = baseUri.userInfo; } if (!self.port && self.host === 'mce_host') { self.port = baseUri.port; } if (!self.host || self.host === 'mce_host') { self.host = baseUri.host; } self.source = ''; } if (isProtocolRelative) { self.protocol = ''; } } URI.parseDataUri = function (uri) { var type; var uriComponents = decodeURIComponent(uri).split(','); var matches = /data:([^;]+)/.exec(uriComponents[0]); if (matches) { type = matches[1]; } return { type: type, data: uriComponents[1] }; }; URI.getDocumentBaseUrl = function (loc) { var baseUrl; if (loc.protocol.indexOf('http') !== 0 && loc.protocol !== 'file:') { baseUrl = loc.href; } else { baseUrl = loc.protocol + '//' + loc.host + loc.pathname; } if (/^[^:]+:\/\/\/?[^\/]+\//.test(baseUrl)) { baseUrl = baseUrl.replace(/[\?#].*$/, '').replace(/[\/\\][^\/]+$/, ''); if (!/[\/\\]$/.test(baseUrl)) { baseUrl += '/'; } } return baseUrl; }; URI.prototype.setPath = function (path) { var pathMatch = /^(.*?)\/?(\w+)?$/.exec(path); this.path = pathMatch[0]; this.directory = pathMatch[1]; this.file = pathMatch[2]; this.source = ''; this.getURI(); }; URI.prototype.toRelative = function (uri) { var output; if (uri === './') { return uri; } var relativeUri = new URI(uri, { base_uri: this }); if (relativeUri.host !== 'mce_host' && this.host !== relativeUri.host && relativeUri.host || this.port !== relativeUri.port || this.protocol !== relativeUri.protocol && relativeUri.protocol !== '') { return relativeUri.getURI(); } var tu = this.getURI(), uu = relativeUri.getURI(); if (tu === uu || tu.charAt(tu.length - 1) === '/' && tu.substr(0, tu.length - 1) === uu) { return tu; } output = this.toRelPath(this.path, relativeUri.path); if (relativeUri.query) { output += '?' + relativeUri.query; } if (relativeUri.anchor) { output += '#' + relativeUri.anchor; } return output; }; URI.prototype.toAbsolute = function (uri, noHost) { var absoluteUri = new URI(uri, { base_uri: this }); return absoluteUri.getURI(noHost && this.isSameOrigin(absoluteUri)); }; URI.prototype.isSameOrigin = function (uri) { if (this.host == uri.host && this.protocol == uri.protocol) { if (this.port == uri.port) { return true; } var defaultPort = DEFAULT_PORTS[this.protocol]; if (defaultPort && (this.port || defaultPort) == (uri.port || defaultPort)) { return true; } } return false; }; URI.prototype.toRelPath = function (base, path) { var items, breakPoint = 0, out = '', i, l; var normalizedBase = base.substring(0, base.lastIndexOf('/')).split('/'); items = path.split('/'); if (normalizedBase.length >= items.length) { for (i = 0, l = normalizedBase.length; i < l; i++) { if (i >= items.length || normalizedBase[i] !== items[i]) { breakPoint = i + 1; break; } } } if (normalizedBase.length < items.length) { for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) { if (i >= normalizedBase.length || normalizedBase[i] !== items[i]) { breakPoint = i + 1; break; } } } if (breakPoint === 1) { return path; } for (i = 0, l = normalizedBase.length - (breakPoint - 1); i < l; i++) { out += '../'; } for (i = breakPoint - 1, l = items.length; i < l; i++) { if (i !== breakPoint - 1) { out += '/' + items[i]; } else { out += items[i]; } } return out; }; URI.prototype.toAbsPath = function (base, path) { var i, nb = 0, o = [], tr, outPath; tr = /\/$/.test(path) ? '/' : ''; var normalizedBase = base.split('/'); var normalizedPath = path.split('/'); each$i(normalizedBase, function (k) { if (k) { o.push(k); } }); normalizedBase = o; for (i = normalizedPath.length - 1, o = []; i >= 0; i--) { if (normalizedPath[i].length === 0 || normalizedPath[i] === '.') { continue; } if (normalizedPath[i] === '..') { nb++; continue; } if (nb > 0) { nb--; continue; } o.push(normalizedPath[i]); } i = normalizedBase.length - nb; if (i <= 0) { outPath = o.reverse().join('/'); } else { outPath = normalizedBase.slice(0, i).join('/') + '/' + o.reverse().join('/'); } if (outPath.indexOf('/') !== 0) { outPath = '/' + outPath; } if (tr && outPath.lastIndexOf('/') !== outPath.length - 1) { outPath += tr; } return outPath; }; URI.prototype.getURI = function (noProtoHost) { if (noProtoHost === void 0) { noProtoHost = false; } var s; if (!this.source || noProtoHost) { s = ''; if (!noProtoHost) { if (this.protocol) { s += this.protocol + '://'; } else { s += '//'; } if (this.userInfo) { s += this.userInfo + '@'; } if (this.host) { s += this.host; } if (this.port) { s += ':' + this.port; } } if (this.path) { s += this.path; } if (this.query) { s += '?' + this.query; } if (this.anchor) { s += '#' + this.anchor; } this.source = s; } return this.source; }; return URI; }(); var create$5 = function () { var buttons = {}; var menuItems = {}; var popups = {}; var icons = {}; var contextMenus = {}; var contextToolbars = {}; var sidebars = {}; var add = function (collection, type) { return function (name, spec) { return collection[name.toLowerCase()] = __assign(__assign({}, spec), { type: type }); }; }; var addIcon = function (name, svgData) { return icons[name.toLowerCase()] = svgData; }; return { addButton: add(buttons, 'button'), addToggleButton: add(buttons, 'togglebutton'), addMenuButton: add(buttons, 'menubutton'), addSplitButton: add(buttons, 'splitbutton'), addMenuItem: add(menuItems, 'menuitem'), addNestedMenuItem: add(menuItems, 'nestedmenuitem'), addToggleMenuItem: add(menuItems, 'togglemenuitem'), addAutocompleter: add(popups, 'autocompleter'), addContextMenu: add(contextMenus, 'contextmenu'), addContextToolbar: add(contextToolbars, 'contexttoolbar'), addContextForm: add(contextToolbars, 'contextform'), addSidebar: add(sidebars, 'sidebar'), addIcon: addIcon, getAll: function () { return { buttons: buttons, menuItems: menuItems, icons: icons, popups: popups, contextMenus: contextMenus, contextToolbars: contextToolbars, sidebars: sidebars }; } }; }; var registry = function () { var bridge = create$5(); return { addAutocompleter: bridge.addAutocompleter, addButton: bridge.addButton, addContextForm: bridge.addContextForm, addContextMenu: bridge.addContextMenu, addContextToolbar: bridge.addContextToolbar, addIcon: bridge.addIcon, addMenuButton: bridge.addMenuButton, addMenuItem: bridge.addMenuItem, addNestedMenuItem: bridge.addNestedMenuItem, addSidebar: bridge.addSidebar, addSplitButton: bridge.addSplitButton, addToggleButton: bridge.addToggleButton, addToggleMenuItem: bridge.addToggleMenuItem, getAll: bridge.getAll }; }; var DOM$8 = DOMUtils$1.DOM; var extend$3 = Tools.extend, each$j = Tools.each; var resolve$3 = Tools.resolve; var ie$1 = Env.ie; var Editor = function () { function Editor(id, settings, editorManager) { var _this = this; this.plugins = {}; this.contentCSS = []; this.contentStyles = []; this.loadedCSS = {}; this.isNotDirty = false; this.editorManager = editorManager; this.documentBaseUrl = editorManager.documentBaseURL; extend$3(this, EditorObservable); this.settings = getEditorSettings(this, id, this.documentBaseUrl, editorManager.defaultSettings, settings); if (this.settings.suffix) { editorManager.suffix = this.settings.suffix; } this.suffix = editorManager.suffix; if (this.settings.base_url) { editorManager._setBaseUrl(this.settings.base_url); } this.baseUri = editorManager.baseURI; if (this.settings.referrer_policy) { ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader._setReferrerPolicy(this.settings.referrer_policy); DOMUtils$1.DOM.styleSheetLoader._setReferrerPolicy(this.settings.referrer_policy); } AddOnManager$1.languageLoad = this.settings.language_load; AddOnManager$1.baseURL = editorManager.baseURL; this.id = id; this.setDirty(false); this.documentBaseURI = new URI(this.settings.document_base_url, { base_uri: this.baseUri }); this.baseURI = this.baseUri; this.inline = !!this.settings.inline; this.shortcuts = new Shortcuts(this); this.editorCommands = new EditorCommands(this); if (this.settings.cache_suffix) { Env.cacheSuffix = this.settings.cache_suffix.replace(/^[\?\&]+/, ''); } this.ui = { registry: registry() }; var self = this; var modeInstance = create$4(self); this.mode = modeInstance; this.setMode = modeInstance.set; editorManager.fire('SetupEditor', { editor: this }); this.execCallback('setup', this); this.$ = DomQuery.overrideDefaults(function () { return { context: _this.inline ? _this.getBody() : _this.getDoc(), element: _this.getBody() }; }); } Editor.prototype.render = function () { Render.render(this); }; Editor.prototype.focus = function (skipFocus) { EditorFocus.focus(this, skipFocus); }; Editor.prototype.hasFocus = function () { return EditorFocus.hasFocus(this); }; Editor.prototype.execCallback = function (name) { var x = []; for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { x[_i - 1] = arguments[_i]; } var self = this; var callback = self.settings[name], scope; if (!callback) { return; } if (self.callbackLookup && (scope = self.callbackLookup[name])) { callback = scope.func; scope = scope.scope; } if (typeof callback === 'string') { scope = callback.replace(/\.\w+$/, ''); scope = scope ? resolve$3(scope) : 0; callback = resolve$3(callback); self.callbackLookup = self.callbackLookup || {}; self.callbackLookup[name] = { func: callback, scope: scope }; } return callback.apply(scope || self, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); }; Editor.prototype.translate = function (text) { return I18n.translate(text); }; Editor.prototype.getParam = function (name, defaultVal, type) { return getParam(this, name, defaultVal, type); }; Editor.prototype.nodeChanged = function (args) { this._nodeChangeDispatcher.nodeChanged(args); }; Editor.prototype.addCommand = function (name, callback, scope) { this.editorCommands.addCommand(name, callback, scope); }; Editor.prototype.addQueryStateHandler = function (name, callback, scope) { this.editorCommands.addQueryStateHandler(name, callback, scope); }; Editor.prototype.addQueryValueHandler = function (name, callback, scope) { this.editorCommands.addQueryValueHandler(name, callback, scope); }; Editor.prototype.addShortcut = function (pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope) { this.shortcuts.add(pattern, desc, cmdFunc, scope); }; Editor.prototype.execCommand = function (cmd, ui, value, args) { return this.editorCommands.execCommand(cmd, ui, value, args); }; Editor.prototype.queryCommandState = function (cmd) { return this.editorCommands.queryCommandState(cmd); }; Editor.prototype.queryCommandValue = function (cmd) { return this.editorCommands.queryCommandValue(cmd); }; Editor.prototype.queryCommandSupported = function (cmd) { return this.editorCommands.queryCommandSupported(cmd); }; Editor.prototype.show = function () { var self = this; if (self.hidden) { self.hidden = false; if (self.inline) { self.getBody().contentEditable = 'true'; } else { DOM$8.show(self.getContainer()); DOM$8.hide(self.id); } self.load(); self.fire('show'); } }; Editor.prototype.hide = function () { var self = this, doc = self.getDoc(); if (!self.hidden) { if (ie$1 && doc && !self.inline) { doc.execCommand('SelectAll'); } self.save(); if (self.inline) { self.getBody().contentEditable = 'false'; if (self === self.editorManager.focusedEditor) { self.editorManager.focusedEditor = null; } } else { DOM$8.hide(self.getContainer()); DOM$8.setStyle(self.id, 'display', self.orgDisplay); } self.hidden = true; self.fire('hide'); } }; Editor.prototype.isHidden = function () { return !!this.hidden; }; Editor.prototype.setProgressState = function (state, time) { this.fire('ProgressState', { state: state, time: time }); }; Editor.prototype.load = function (args) { var self = this; var elm = self.getElement(), html; if (self.removed) { return ''; } if (elm) { args = args || {}; args.load = true; var value = NodeType.isTextareaOrInput(elm) ? elm.value : elm.innerHTML; html = self.setContent(value, args); args.element = elm; if (!args.no_events) { self.fire('LoadContent', args); } args.element = elm = null; return html; } }; Editor.prototype.save = function (args) { var self = this; var elm = self.getElement(), html, form; if (!elm || !self.initialized || self.removed) { return; } args = args || {}; args.save = true; args.element = elm; html = args.content = self.getContent(args); if (!args.no_events) { self.fire('SaveContent', args); } if (args.format === 'raw') { self.fire('RawSaveContent', args); } html = args.content; if (!NodeType.isTextareaOrInput(elm)) { if (args.is_removing || !self.inline) { elm.innerHTML = html; } if (form = DOM$8.getParent(self.id, 'form')) { each$j(form.elements, function (elm) { if (elm.name === self.id) { elm.value = html; return false; } }); } } else { elm.value = html; } args.element = elm = null; if (args.set_dirty !== false) { self.setDirty(false); } return html; }; Editor.prototype.setContent = function (content, args) { return setContent(this, content, args); }; Editor.prototype.getContent = function (args) { return getContent(this, args); }; Editor.prototype.insertContent = function (content, args) { if (args) { content = extend$3({ content: content }, args); } this.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, content); }; Editor.prototype.resetContent = function (initialContent) { if (initialContent === undefined) { setContent(this, this.startContent, { format: 'raw' }); } else { setContent(this, initialContent); } this.undoManager.reset(); this.setDirty(false); this.nodeChanged(); }; Editor.prototype.isDirty = function () { return !this.isNotDirty; }; Editor.prototype.setDirty = function (state) { var oldState = !this.isNotDirty; this.isNotDirty = !state; if (state && state !== oldState) { this.fire('dirty'); } }; Editor.prototype.getContainer = function () { var self = this; if (!self.container) { self.container = DOM$8.get(self.editorContainer || self.id + '_parent'); } return self.container; }; Editor.prototype.getContentAreaContainer = function () { return this.contentAreaContainer; }; Editor.prototype.getElement = function () { if (!this.targetElm) { this.targetElm = DOM$8.get(this.id); } return this.targetElm; }; Editor.prototype.getWin = function () { var self = this; var elm; if (!self.contentWindow) { elm = self.iframeElement; if (elm) { self.contentWindow = elm.contentWindow; } } return self.contentWindow; }; Editor.prototype.getDoc = function () { var self = this; var win; if (!self.contentDocument) { win = self.getWin(); if (win) { self.contentDocument = win.document; } } return self.contentDocument; }; Editor.prototype.getBody = function () { var doc = this.getDoc(); return this.bodyElement || (doc ? doc.body : null); }; Editor.prototype.convertURL = function (url, name, elm) { var self = this, settings = self.settings; if (settings.urlconverter_callback) { return self.execCallback('urlconverter_callback', url, elm, true, name); } if (!settings.convert_urls || elm && elm.nodeName === 'LINK' || url.indexOf('file:') === 0 || url.length === 0) { return url; } if (settings.relative_urls) { return self.documentBaseURI.toRelative(url); } url = self.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(url, settings.remove_script_host); return url; }; Editor.prototype.addVisual = function (elm) { var self = this; var settings = self.settings; var dom = self.dom; var cls; elm = elm || self.getBody(); if (self.hasVisual === undefined) { self.hasVisual = settings.visual; } each$j(dom.select('table,a', elm), function (elm) { var value; switch (elm.nodeName) { case 'TABLE': cls = settings.visual_table_class || 'mce-item-table'; value = dom.getAttrib(elm, 'border'); if ((!value || value === '0') && self.hasVisual) { dom.addClass(elm, cls); } else { dom.removeClass(elm, cls); } return; case 'A': if (!dom.getAttrib(elm, 'href')) { value = dom.getAttrib(elm, 'name') || elm.id; cls = settings.visual_anchor_class || 'mce-item-anchor'; if (value && self.hasVisual) { dom.addClass(elm, cls); } else { dom.removeClass(elm, cls); } } return; } }); self.fire('VisualAid', { element: elm, hasVisual: self.hasVisual }); }; Editor.prototype.remove = function () { remove$6(this); }; Editor.prototype.destroy = function (automatic) { destroy(this, automatic); }; Editor.prototype.uploadImages = function (callback) { return this.editorUpload.uploadImages(callback); }; Editor.prototype._scanForImages = function () { return this.editorUpload.scanForImages(); }; Editor.prototype.addButton = function () { throw new Error('editor.addButton has been removed in tinymce 5x, use editor.ui.registry.addButton or editor.ui.registry.addToggleButton or editor.ui.registry.addSplitButton instead'); }; Editor.prototype.addSidebar = function () { throw new Error('editor.addSidebar has been removed in tinymce 5x, use editor.ui.registry.addSidebar instead'); }; Editor.prototype.addMenuItem = function () { throw new Error('editor.addMenuItem has been removed in tinymce 5x, use editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem instead'); }; Editor.prototype.addContextToolbar = function () { throw new Error('editor.addContextToolbar has been removed in tinymce 5x, use editor.ui.registry.addContextToolbar instead'); }; return Editor; }(); var DOM$9 = DOMUtils$1.DOM; var explode$4 = Tools.explode, each$k = Tools.each, extend$4 = Tools.extend; var instanceCounter = 0, boundGlobalEvents = false; var beforeUnloadDelegate; var legacyEditors = []; var editors = []; var isValidLegacyKey = function (id) { return id !== 'length'; }; var globalEventDelegate = function (e) { var type = e.type; each$k(EditorManager.get(), function (editor) { switch (type) { case 'scroll': editor.fire('ScrollWindow', e); break; case 'resize': editor.fire('ResizeWindow', e); break; } }); }; var toggleGlobalEvents = function (state) { if (state !== boundGlobalEvents) { if (state) { DomQuery(window).on('resize scroll', globalEventDelegate); } else { DomQuery(window).off('resize scroll', globalEventDelegate); } boundGlobalEvents = state; } }; var removeEditorFromList = function (targetEditor) { var oldEditors = editors; delete legacyEditors[targetEditor.id]; for (var i = 0; i < legacyEditors.length; i++) { if (legacyEditors[i] === targetEditor) { legacyEditors.splice(i, 1); break; } } editors = filter(editors, function (editor) { return targetEditor !== editor; }); if (EditorManager.activeEditor === targetEditor) { EditorManager.activeEditor = editors.length > 0 ? editors[0] : null; } if (EditorManager.focusedEditor === targetEditor) { EditorManager.focusedEditor = null; } return oldEditors.length !== editors.length; }; var purgeDestroyedEditor = function (editor) { if (editor && editor.initialized && !(editor.getContainer() || editor.getBody()).parentNode) { removeEditorFromList(editor); editor.unbindAllNativeEvents(); editor.destroy(true); editor.removed = true; editor = null; } return editor; }; var isQuirksMode = domGlobals.document.compatMode !== 'CSS1Compat'; var EditorManager = __assign(__assign({}, Observable), { baseURI: null, baseURL: null, defaultSettings: {}, documentBaseURL: null, suffix: null, $: DomQuery, majorVersion: '5', minorVersion: '1.1', releaseDate: '2019-10-28', editors: legacyEditors, i18n: I18n, activeEditor: null, focusedEditor: null, settings: {}, setup: function () { var self = this; var baseURL, documentBaseURL, suffix = ''; documentBaseURL = URI.getDocumentBaseUrl(domGlobals.document.location); if (/^[^:]+:\/\/\/?[^\/]+\//.test(documentBaseURL)) { documentBaseURL = documentBaseURL.replace(/[\?#].*$/, '').replace(/[\/\\][^\/]+$/, ''); if (!/[\/\\]$/.test(documentBaseURL)) { documentBaseURL += '/'; } } var preInit = window.tinymce || window.tinyMCEPreInit; if (preInit) { baseURL = preInit.base || preInit.baseURL; suffix = preInit.suffix; } else { var scripts = domGlobals.document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { var src = scripts[i].src || ''; if (src === '') { continue; } var srcScript = src.substring(src.lastIndexOf('/')); if (/tinymce(\.full|\.jquery|)(\.min|\.dev|)\.js/.test(src)) { if (srcScript.indexOf('.min') !== -1) { suffix = '.min'; } baseURL = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf('/')); break; } } if (!baseURL && domGlobals.document.currentScript) { var src = domGlobals.document.currentScript.src; if (src.indexOf('.min') !== -1) { suffix = '.min'; } baseURL = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf('/')); } } self.baseURL = new URI(documentBaseURL).toAbsolute(baseURL); self.documentBaseURL = documentBaseURL; self.baseURI = new URI(self.baseURL); self.suffix = suffix; FocusController.setup(self); }, overrideDefaults: function (defaultSettings) { var baseUrl, suffix; baseUrl = defaultSettings.base_url; if (baseUrl) { this._setBaseUrl(baseUrl); } suffix = defaultSettings.suffix; if (defaultSettings.suffix) { this.suffix = suffix; } this.defaultSettings = defaultSettings; var pluginBaseUrls = defaultSettings.plugin_base_urls; for (var name in pluginBaseUrls) { AddOnManager$1.PluginManager.urls[name] = pluginBaseUrls[name]; } }, init: function (settings) { var self = this; var result, invalidInlineTargets; invalidInlineTargets = Tools.makeMap('area base basefont br col frame hr img input isindex link meta param embed source wbr track ' + 'colgroup option table tbody tfoot thead tr th td script noscript style textarea video audio iframe object menu', ' '); var isInvalidInlineTarget = function (settings, elm) { return settings.inline && elm.tagName.toLowerCase() in invalidInlineTargets; }; var createId = function (elm) { var id = elm.id; if (!id) { id = elm.name; if (id && !DOM$9.get(id)) { id = elm.name; } else { id = DOM$9.uniqueId(); } elm.setAttribute('id', id); } return id; }; var execCallback = function (name) { var callback = settings[name]; if (!callback) { return; } return callback.apply(self, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); }; var hasClass = function (elm, className) { return className.constructor === RegExp ? className.test(elm.className) : DOM$9.hasClass(elm, className); }; var findTargets = function (settings) { var l, targets = []; if (Env.browser.isIE() && Env.browser.version.major < 11) { ErrorReporter.initError('TinyMCE does not support the browser you are using. For a list of supported' + ' browsers please see: https://www.tinymce.com/docs/get-started/system-requirements/'); return []; } else if (isQuirksMode) { ErrorReporter.initError('Failed to initialize the editor as the document is not in standards mode. ' + 'TinyMCE requires standards mode.'); return []; } if (settings.types) { each$k(settings.types, function (type) { targets = targets.concat(DOM$9.select(type.selector)); }); return targets; } else if (settings.selector) { return DOM$9.select(settings.selector); } else if (settings.target) { return [settings.target]; } switch (settings.mode) { case 'exact': l = settings.elements || ''; if (l.length > 0) { each$k(explode$4(l), function (id) { var elm; if (elm = DOM$9.get(id)) { targets.push(elm); } else { each$k(domGlobals.document.forms, function (f) { each$k(f.elements, function (e) { if (e.name === id) { id = 'mce_editor_' + instanceCounter++; DOM$9.setAttrib(e, 'id', id); targets.push(e); } }); }); } }); } break; case 'textareas': case 'specific_textareas': each$k(DOM$9.select('textarea'), function (elm) { if (settings.editor_deselector && hasClass(elm, settings.editor_deselector)) { return; } if (!settings.editor_selector || hasClass(elm, settings.editor_selector)) { targets.push(elm); } }); break; } return targets; }; var provideResults = function (editors) { result = editors; }; var initEditors = function () { var initCount = 0; var editors = []; var targets; var createEditor = function (id, settings, targetElm) { var editor = new Editor(id, settings, self); editors.push(editor); editor.on('init', function () { if (++initCount === targets.length) { provideResults(editors); } }); editor.targetElm = editor.targetElm || targetElm; editor.render(); }; DOM$9.unbind(window, 'ready', initEditors); execCallback('onpageload'); targets = DomQuery.unique(findTargets(settings)); if (settings.types) { each$k(settings.types, function (type) { Tools.each(targets, function (elm) { if (DOM$9.is(elm, type.selector)) { createEditor(createId(elm), extend$4({}, settings, type), elm); return false; } return true; }); }); return; } Tools.each(targets, function (elm) { purgeDestroyedEditor(self.get(elm.id)); }); targets = Tools.grep(targets, function (elm) { return !self.get(elm.id); }); if (targets.length === 0) { provideResults([]); } else { each$k(targets, function (elm) { if (isInvalidInlineTarget(settings, elm)) { ErrorReporter.initError('Could not initialize inline editor on invalid inline target element', elm); } else { createEditor(createId(elm), settings, elm); } }); } }; self.settings = settings; DOM$9.bind(window, 'ready', initEditors); return new promiseObj(function (resolve) { if (result) { resolve(result); } else { provideResults = function (editors) { resolve(editors); }; } }); }, get: function (id) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return editors.slice(0); } else if (isString(id)) { return find(editors, function (editor) { return editor.id === id; }).getOr(null); } else if (isNumber(id)) { return editors[id] ? editors[id] : null; } else { return null; } }, add: function (editor) { var self = this; var existingEditor; existingEditor = legacyEditors[editor.id]; if (existingEditor === editor) { return editor; } if (self.get(editor.id) === null) { if (isValidLegacyKey(editor.id)) { legacyEditors[editor.id] = editor; } legacyEditors.push(editor); editors.push(editor); } toggleGlobalEvents(true); self.activeEditor = editor; self.fire('AddEditor', { editor: editor }); if (!beforeUnloadDelegate) { beforeUnloadDelegate = function (e) { var event = self.fire('BeforeUnload'); if (event.returnValue) { e.preventDefault(); e.returnValue = event.returnValue; return event.returnValue; } }; window.addEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnloadDelegate); } return editor; }, createEditor: function (id, settings) { return this.add(new Editor(id, settings, this)); }, remove: function (selector) { var self = this; var i, editor; if (!selector) { for (i = editors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { self.remove(editors[i]); } return; } if (isString(selector)) { each$k(DOM$9.select(selector), function (elm) { editor = self.get(elm.id); if (editor) { self.remove(editor); } }); return; } editor = selector; if (isNull(self.get(editor.id))) { return null; } if (removeEditorFromList(editor)) { self.fire('RemoveEditor', { editor: editor }); } if (editors.length === 0) { window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnloadDelegate); } editor.remove(); toggleGlobalEvents(editors.length > 0); return editor; }, execCommand: function (cmd, ui, value) { var self = this, editor = self.get(value); switch (cmd) { case 'mceAddEditor': if (!self.get(value)) { new Editor(value, self.settings, self).render(); } return true; case 'mceRemoveEditor': if (editor) { editor.remove(); } return true; case 'mceToggleEditor': if (!editor) { self.execCommand('mceAddEditor', 0, value); return true; } if (editor.isHidden()) { editor.show(); } else { editor.hide(); } return true; } if (self.activeEditor) { return self.activeEditor.execCommand(cmd, ui, value); } return false; }, triggerSave: function () { each$k(editors, function (editor) { editor.save(); }); }, addI18n: function (code, items) { I18n.add(code, items); }, translate: function (text) { return I18n.translate(text); }, setActive: function (editor) { var activeEditor = this.activeEditor; if (this.activeEditor !== editor) { if (activeEditor) { activeEditor.fire('deactivate', { relatedTarget: editor }); } editor.fire('activate', { relatedTarget: activeEditor }); } this.activeEditor = editor; }, _setBaseUrl: function (baseUrl) { this.baseURL = new URI(this.documentBaseURL).toAbsolute(baseUrl.replace(/\/+$/, '')); this.baseURI = new URI(this.baseURL); } }); EditorManager.setup(); function RangeUtils(dom) { var walk = function (rng, callback) { return RangeWalk.walk(dom, rng, callback); }; var split = split$1; var normalize = function (rng) { return NormalizeRange.normalize(dom, rng).fold(constant(false), function (normalizedRng) { rng.setStart(normalizedRng.startContainer, normalizedRng.startOffset); rng.setEnd(normalizedRng.endContainer, normalizedRng.endOffset); return true; }); }; return { walk: walk, split: split, normalize: normalize }; } (function (RangeUtils) { RangeUtils.compareRanges = RangeCompare.isEq; RangeUtils.getCaretRangeFromPoint = CaretRangeFromPoint.fromPoint; RangeUtils.getSelectedNode = getSelectedNode; RangeUtils.getNode = getNode; }(RangeUtils || (RangeUtils = {}))); var RangeUtils$1 = RangeUtils; var awaiter = function (resolveCb, rejectCb, timeout) { if (timeout === void 0) { timeout = 1000; } var done = false; var timer = null; var complete = function (completer) { return function () { var args = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { args[_i] = arguments[_i]; } if (!done) { done = true; if (timer !== null) { domGlobals.clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; } completer.apply(null, args); } }; }; var resolve = complete(resolveCb); var reject = complete(rejectCb); var start = function () { var args = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { args[_i] = arguments[_i]; } if (!done && timer === null) { timer = domGlobals.setTimeout(function () { return reject.apply(null, args); }, timeout); } }; return { start: start, resolve: resolve, reject: reject }; }; var create$6 = function () { var tasks = {}; var resultFns = {}; var load = function (id, url) { var loadErrMsg = 'Script at URL "' + url + '" failed to load'; var runErrMsg = 'Script at URL "' + url + '" did not call `tinymce.Resource.add(\'' + id + '\', data)` within 1 second'; if (tasks[id] !== undefined) { return tasks[id]; } else { var task = new promiseObj(function (resolve, reject) { var waiter = awaiter(resolve, reject); resultFns[id] = waiter.resolve; ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.loadScript(url, function () { return waiter.start(runErrMsg); }, function () { return waiter.reject(loadErrMsg); }); }); tasks[id] = task; return task; } }; var add = function (id, data) { if (resultFns[id] !== undefined) { resultFns[id](data); delete resultFns[id]; } tasks[id] = promiseObj.resolve(data); }; return { load: load, add: add }; }; var Resource = create$6(); var min = Math.min, max = Math.max, round$2 = Math.round; var relativePosition = function (rect, targetRect, rel) { var x, y, w, h, targetW, targetH; x = targetRect.x; y = targetRect.y; w = rect.w; h = rect.h; targetW = targetRect.w; targetH = targetRect.h; rel = (rel || '').split(''); if (rel[0] === 'b') { y += targetH; } if (rel[1] === 'r') { x += targetW; } if (rel[0] === 'c') { y += round$2(targetH / 2); } if (rel[1] === 'c') { x += round$2(targetW / 2); } if (rel[3] === 'b') { y -= h; } if (rel[4] === 'r') { x -= w; } if (rel[3] === 'c') { y -= round$2(h / 2); } if (rel[4] === 'c') { x -= round$2(w / 2); } return create$7(x, y, w, h); }; var findBestRelativePosition = function (rect, targetRect, constrainRect, rels) { var pos, i; for (i = 0; i < rels.length; i++) { pos = relativePosition(rect, targetRect, rels[i]); if (pos.x >= constrainRect.x && pos.x + pos.w <= constrainRect.w + constrainRect.x && pos.y >= constrainRect.y && pos.y + pos.h <= constrainRect.h + constrainRect.y) { return rels[i]; } } return null; }; var inflate = function (rect, w, h) { return create$7(rect.x - w, rect.y - h, rect.w + w * 2, rect.h + h * 2); }; var intersect = function (rect, cropRect) { var x1, y1, x2, y2; x1 = max(rect.x, cropRect.x); y1 = max(rect.y, cropRect.y); x2 = min(rect.x + rect.w, cropRect.x + cropRect.w); y2 = min(rect.y + rect.h, cropRect.y + cropRect.h); if (x2 - x1 < 0 || y2 - y1 < 0) { return null; } return create$7(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); }; var clamp$1 = function (rect, clampRect, fixedSize) { var underflowX1, underflowY1, overflowX2, overflowY2, x1, y1, x2, y2, cx2, cy2; x1 = rect.x; y1 = rect.y; x2 = rect.x + rect.w; y2 = rect.y + rect.h; cx2 = clampRect.x + clampRect.w; cy2 = clampRect.y + clampRect.h; underflowX1 = max(0, clampRect.x - x1); underflowY1 = max(0, clampRect.y - y1); overflowX2 = max(0, x2 - cx2); overflowY2 = max(0, y2 - cy2); x1 += underflowX1; y1 += underflowY1; if (fixedSize) { x2 += underflowX1; y2 += underflowY1; x1 -= overflowX2; y1 -= overflowY2; } x2 -= overflowX2; y2 -= overflowY2; return create$7(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); }; var create$7 = function (x, y, w, h) { return { x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h }; }; var fromClientRect = function (clientRect) { return create$7(clientRect.left, clientRect.top, clientRect.width, clientRect.height); }; var Rect = { inflate: inflate, relativePosition: relativePosition, findBestRelativePosition: findBestRelativePosition, intersect: intersect, clamp: clamp$1, create: create$7, fromClientRect: fromClientRect }; var each$l = Tools.each, extend$5 = Tools.extend; var extendClass, initializing; var Class = function () { }; Class.extend = extendClass = function (prop) { var self = this; var _super = self.prototype; var prototype, name, member; var Class = function () { var i, mixins, mixin; var self = this; if (!initializing) { if (self.init) { self.init.apply(self, arguments); } mixins = self.Mixins; if (mixins) { i = mixins.length; while (i--) { mixin = mixins[i]; if (mixin.init) { mixin.init.apply(self, arguments); } } } } }; var dummy = function () { return this; }; var createMethod = function (name, fn) { return function () { var self = this; var tmp = self._super; var ret; self._super = _super[name]; ret = fn.apply(self, arguments); self._super = tmp; return ret; }; }; initializing = true; prototype = new self(); initializing = false; if (prop.Mixins) { each$l(prop.Mixins, function (mixin) { for (var name_1 in mixin) { if (name_1 !== 'init') { prop[name_1] = mixin[name_1]; } } }); if (_super.Mixins) { prop.Mixins = _super.Mixins.concat(prop.Mixins); } } if (prop.Methods) { each$l(prop.Methods.split(','), function (name) { prop[name] = dummy; }); } if (prop.Properties) { each$l(prop.Properties.split(','), function (name) { var fieldName = '_' + name; prop[name] = function (value) { var self = this; if (value !== undefined) { self[fieldName] = value; return self; } return self[fieldName]; }; }); } if (prop.Statics) { each$l(prop.Statics, function (func, name) { Class[name] = func; }); } if (prop.Defaults && _super.Defaults) { prop.Defaults = extend$5({}, _super.Defaults, prop.Defaults); } for (name in prop) { member = prop[name]; if (typeof member === 'function' && _super[name]) { prototype[name] = createMethod(name, member); } else { prototype[name] = member; } } Class.prototype = prototype; Class.constructor = Class; Class.extend = extendClass; return Class; }; var min$1 = Math.min, max$1 = Math.max, round$3 = Math.round; var Color = function (value) { var self = {}; var r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; var rgb2hsv = function (r, g, b) { var h, s, v, d, minRGB, maxRGB; h = 0; s = 0; v = 0; r = r / 255; g = g / 255; b = b / 255; minRGB = min$1(r, min$1(g, b)); maxRGB = max$1(r, max$1(g, b)); if (minRGB === maxRGB) { v = minRGB; return { h: 0, s: 0, v: v * 100 }; } d = r === minRGB ? g - b : b === minRGB ? r - g : b - r; h = r === minRGB ? 3 : b === minRGB ? 1 : 5; h = 60 * (h - d / (maxRGB - minRGB)); s = (maxRGB - minRGB) / maxRGB; v = maxRGB; return { h: round$3(h), s: round$3(s * 100), v: round$3(v * 100) }; }; var hsvToRgb = function (hue, saturation, brightness) { var side, chroma, x, match; hue = (parseInt(hue, 10) || 0) % 360; saturation = parseInt(saturation, 10) / 100; brightness = parseInt(brightness, 10) / 100; saturation = max$1(0, min$1(saturation, 1)); brightness = max$1(0, min$1(brightness, 1)); if (saturation === 0) { r = g = b = round$3(255 * brightness); return; } side = hue / 60; chroma = brightness * saturation; x = chroma * (1 - Math.abs(side % 2 - 1)); match = brightness - chroma; switch (Math.floor(side)) { case 0: r = chroma; g = x; b = 0; break; case 1: r = x; g = chroma; b = 0; break; case 2: r = 0; g = chroma; b = x; break; case 3: r = 0; g = x; b = chroma; break; case 4: r = x; g = 0; b = chroma; break; case 5: r = chroma; g = 0; b = x; break; default: r = g = b = 0; } r = round$3(255 * (r + match)); g = round$3(255 * (g + match)); b = round$3(255 * (b + match)); }; var toHex = function () { var hex = function (val) { val = parseInt(val, 10).toString(16); return val.length > 1 ? val : '0' + val; }; return '#' + hex(r) + hex(g) + hex(b); }; var toRgb = function () { return { r: r, g: g, b: b }; }; var toHsv = function () { return rgb2hsv(r, g, b); }; var parse = function (value) { var matches; if (typeof value === 'object') { if ('r' in value) { r = value.r; g = value.g; b = value.b; } else if ('v' in value) { hsvToRgb(value.h, value.s, value.v); } } else { if (matches = /rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)[^\)]*\)/gi.exec(value)) { r = parseInt(matches[1], 10); g = parseInt(matches[2], 10); b = parseInt(matches[3], 10); } else if (matches = /#([0-F]{2})([0-F]{2})([0-F]{2})/gi.exec(value)) { r = parseInt(matches[1], 16); g = parseInt(matches[2], 16); b = parseInt(matches[3], 16); } else if (matches = /#([0-F])([0-F])([0-F])/gi.exec(value)) { r = parseInt(matches[1] + matches[1], 16); g = parseInt(matches[2] + matches[2], 16); b = parseInt(matches[3] + matches[3], 16); } } r = r < 0 ? 0 : r > 255 ? 255 : r; g = g < 0 ? 0 : g > 255 ? 255 : g; b = b < 0 ? 0 : b > 255 ? 255 : b; return self; }; if (value) { parse(value); } self.toRgb = toRgb; self.toHsv = toHsv; self.toHex = toHex; self.parse = parse; return self; }; var serialize = function (obj) { var data = JSON.stringify(obj); if (!isString(data)) { return data; } return data.replace(/[\u0080-\uFFFF]/g, function (match) { var hexCode = match.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); return '\\u' + '0000'.substring(hexCode.length) + hexCode; }); }; var JSONUtils = { serialize: serialize, parse: function (text) { try { return JSON.parse(text); } catch (ex) { } } }; var JSONP = { callbacks: {}, count: 0, send: function (settings) { var self = this, dom = DOMUtils$1.DOM, count = settings.count !== undefined ? settings.count : self.count; var id = 'tinymce_jsonp_' + count; self.callbacks[count] = function (json) { dom.remove(id); delete self.callbacks[count]; settings.callback(json); }; dom.add(dom.doc.body, 'script', { id: id, src: settings.url, type: 'text/javascript' }); self.count++; } }; var XHR = __assign(__assign({}, Observable), { send: function (settings) { var xhr, count = 0; var ready = function () { if (!settings.async || xhr.readyState === 4 || count++ > 10000) { if (settings.success && count < 10000 && xhr.status === 200) { settings.success.call(settings.success_scope, '' + xhr.responseText, xhr, settings); } else if (settings.error) { settings.error.call(settings.error_scope, count > 10000 ? 'TIMED_OUT' : 'GENERAL', xhr, settings); } xhr = null; } else { Delay.setTimeout(ready, 10); } }; settings.scope = settings.scope || this; settings.success_scope = settings.success_scope || settings.scope; settings.error_scope = settings.error_scope || settings.scope; settings.async = settings.async !== false; settings.data = settings.data || ''; XHR.fire('beforeInitialize', { settings: settings }); xhr = new domGlobals.XMLHttpRequest(); if (xhr) { if (xhr.overrideMimeType) { xhr.overrideMimeType(settings.content_type); } xhr.open(settings.type || (settings.data ? 'POST' : 'GET'), settings.url, settings.async); if (settings.crossDomain) { xhr.withCredentials = true; } if (settings.content_type) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', settings.content_type); } if (settings.requestheaders) { Tools.each(settings.requestheaders, function (header) { xhr.setRequestHeader(header.key, header.value); }); } xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); xhr = XHR.fire('beforeSend', { xhr: xhr, settings: settings }).xhr; xhr.send(settings.data); if (!settings.async) { return ready(); } Delay.setTimeout(ready, 10); } } }); var extend$6 = Tools.extend; var JSONRequest = function () { function JSONRequest(settings) { this.settings = extend$6({}, settings); this.count = 0; } JSONRequest.sendRPC = function (o) { return new JSONRequest().send(o); }; JSONRequest.prototype.send = function (args) { var ecb = args.error, scb = args.success; var xhrArgs = extend$6(this.settings, args); xhrArgs.success = function (c, x) { c = JSONUtils.parse(c); if (typeof c === 'undefined') { c = { error: 'JSON Parse error.' }; } if (c.error) { ecb.call(xhrArgs.error_scope || xhrArgs.scope, c.error, x); } else { scb.call(xhrArgs.success_scope || xhrArgs.scope, c.result); } }; xhrArgs.error = function (ty, x) { if (ecb) { ecb.call(xhrArgs.error_scope || xhrArgs.scope, ty, x); } }; xhrArgs.data = JSONUtils.serialize({ id: args.id || 'c' + this.count++, method: args.method, params: args.params }); xhrArgs.content_type = 'application/json'; XHR.send(xhrArgs); }; return JSONRequest; }(); var create$8 = function () { return function () { var data = {}; var keys = []; var storage = { getItem: function (key) { var item = data[key]; return item ? item : null; }, setItem: function (key, value) { keys.push(key); data[key] = String(value); }, key: function (index) { return keys[index]; }, removeItem: function (key) { keys = keys.filter(function (k) { return k === key; }); delete data[key]; }, clear: function () { keys = []; data = {}; }, length: 0 }; Object.defineProperty(storage, 'length', { get: function () { return keys.length; }, configurable: false, enumerable: false }); return storage; }(); }; var localStorage; try { localStorage = domGlobals.window.localStorage; } catch (e) { localStorage = create$8(); } var LocalStorage = localStorage; var publicApi = { geom: { Rect: Rect }, util: { Promise: promiseObj, Delay: Delay, Tools: Tools, VK: VK, URI: URI, Class: Class, EventDispatcher: EventDispatcher, Observable: Observable, I18n: I18n, XHR: XHR, JSON: JSONUtils, JSONRequest: JSONRequest, JSONP: JSONP, LocalStorage: LocalStorage, Color: Color }, dom: { EventUtils: EventUtils, Sizzle: Sizzle, DomQuery: DomQuery, TreeWalker: TreeWalker, DOMUtils: DOMUtils$1, ScriptLoader: ScriptLoader, RangeUtils: RangeUtils$1, Serializer: Serializer$1, ControlSelection: ControlSelection, BookmarkManager: BookmarkManager$1, Selection: Selection$1, Event: EventUtils.Event }, html: { Styles: Styles, Entities: Entities, Node: Node$1, Schema: Schema, SaxParser: SaxParser$1, DomParser: DomParser, Writer: Writer, Serializer: Serializer }, Env: Env, AddOnManager: AddOnManager$1, Annotator: Annotator, Formatter: Formatter, UndoManager: UndoManager, EditorCommands: EditorCommands, WindowManager: WindowManager, NotificationManager: NotificationManager, EditorObservable: EditorObservable, Shortcuts: Shortcuts, Editor: Editor, FocusManager: FocusManager, EditorManager: EditorManager, DOM: DOMUtils$1.DOM, ScriptLoader: ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader, PluginManager: AddOnManager$1.PluginManager, ThemeManager: AddOnManager$1.ThemeManager, IconManager: IconManager, Resource: Resource, trim: Tools.trim, isArray: Tools.isArray, is: Tools.is, toArray: Tools.toArray, makeMap: Tools.makeMap, each: Tools.each, map: Tools.map, grep: Tools.grep, inArray: Tools.inArray, extend: Tools.extend, create: Tools.create, walk: Tools.walk, createNS: Tools.createNS, resolve: Tools.resolve, explode: Tools.explode, _addCacheSuffix: Tools._addCacheSuffix, isOpera: Env.opera, isWebKit: Env.webkit, isIE: Env.ie, isGecko: Env.gecko, isMac: Env.mac }; var tinymce = Tools.extend(EditorManager, publicApi); var exportToModuleLoaders = function (tinymce) { if (typeof module === 'object') { try { module.exports = tinymce; } catch (_) { } } }; var exportToWindowGlobal = function (tinymce) { window.tinymce = tinymce; window.tinyMCE = tinymce; }; exportToWindowGlobal(tinymce); exportToModuleLoaders(tinymce); }(window)); /** * Copyright (c) Tiny Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the LGPL or a commercial license. * For LGPL see License.txt in the project root for license information. * For commercial licenses see https://www.tiny.cloud/ */ /** * Jquery integration plugin. * * @class tinymce.core.JqueryIntegration * @private */ !function(){var f,c,u,p,d,s=[];d="undefined"!=typeof global?global:window,p=d.jQuery;function v(){ // Reference to tinymce needs to be lazily evaluated since tinymce // might be loaded through the compressor or other means return d.tinymce}p.fn.tinymce=function(o){var e,t,i,l=this,r=""; // No match then just ignore the call if(!l.length)return l; // Get editor instance if(!o)return v()?v().get(l[0].id):null;l.css("visibility","hidden");function n(){var a=[],c=0; // Apply patches to the jQuery object, only once u||(m(),u=!0), // Create an editor instance for each matched node l.each(function(e,t){var n,i=t.id,r=o.oninit; // Generate unique id for target element if needed i||(t.id=i=v().DOM.uniqueId()), // Only init the editor once v().get(i)||( // Create editor instance and render it n=v().createEditor(i,o),a.push(n),n.on("init",function(){var e,t=r;l.css("visibility",""), // Run this if the oninit setting is defined // this logic will fire the oninit callback ones each // matched editor instance is initialized r&&++c==a.length&&("string"==typeof t&&(e=-1===t.indexOf(".")?null:v().resolve(t.replace(/\.\w+$/,"")),t=v().resolve(t)), // Call the oninit function with the object t.apply(e||v(),a))}))}), // Render the editor instances in a separate loop since we // need to have the full editors array used in the onInit calls p.each(a,function(e,t){t.render()})} // Load TinyMCE on demand, if we need to if(d.tinymce||c||!(e=o.script_url)) // Delay the init call until tinymce is loaded 1===c?s.push(n):n();else{c=1,t=e.substring(0,e.lastIndexOf("/")), // Check if it's a dev/src version they want to load then // make sure that all plugins, themes etc are loaded in source mode as well -1!=e.indexOf(".min")&&(r=".min"), // Setup tinyMCEPreInit object this will later be used by the TinyMCE // core script to locate other resources like CSS files, dialogs etc // You can also predefined a tinyMCEPreInit object and then it will use that instead d.tinymce=d.tinyMCEPreInit||{base:t,suffix:r}, // url contains gzip then we assume it's a compressor -1!=e.indexOf("gzip")&&(i=o.language||"en",e=e+(/\?/.test(e)?"&":"?")+"js=true&core=true&suffix="+escape(r)+"&themes="+escape(o.theme||"modern")+"&plugins="+escape(o.plugins||"")+"&languages="+(i||""), // Check if compressor script is already loaded otherwise setup a basic one d.tinyMCE_GZ||(d.tinyMCE_GZ={start:function(){function n(e){v().ScriptLoader.markDone(v().baseURI.toAbsolute(e))} // Add core languages n("langs/"+i+".js"), // Add themes with languages n("themes/"+o.theme+"/theme"+r+".js"),n("themes/"+o.theme+"/langs/"+i+".js"), // Add plugins with languages p.each(o.plugins.split(","),function(e,t){t&&(n("plugins/"+t+"/plugin"+r+".js"),n("plugins/"+t+"/langs/"+i+".js"))})},end:function(){}}));var a=document.createElement("script");a.type="text/javascript",a.onload=a.onreadystatechange=function(e){e=e||window.event,2===c||"load"!=e.type&&!/complete|loaded/.test(a.readyState)||(v().dom.Event.domLoaded=1,c=2, // Execute callback after mainscript has been loaded and before the initialization occurs o.script_loaded&&o.script_loaded(),n(),p.each(s,function(e,t){t()}))},a.src=e,document.body.appendChild(a)}return l}, // Add :tinymce pseudo selector this will select elements that has been converted into editor instances // it's now possible to use things like $('*:tinymce') to get all TinyMCE bound elements. p.extend(p.expr[":"],{tinymce:function(e){var t;return!!(e.id&&"tinymce"in d&&(t=v().get(e.id))&&t.editorManager===v())}}); // This function patches internal jQuery functions so that if // you for example remove an div element containing an editor it's // automatically destroyed by the TinyMCE API var m=function(){function r(e){ // If the function is remove "remove"===e&&this.each(function(e,t){var n=u(t);n&&n.remove()}),this.find("span.mceEditor,div.mceEditor").each(function(e,t){var n=v().get(t.id.replace(/_parent$/,""));n&&n.remove()})}function o(i){var e,t=this; // Handle set value /*jshint eqnull:true */if(null!=i)r.call(t), // Saves the contents before get/set value of textarea/div t.each(function(e,t){var n;(n=v().get(t.id))&&n.setContent(i)});else if(0])*>/g,""):n.getContent({save:!0}):a.apply(p(t),r)}),i}}), // Makes it possible to use $('#id').append("content"); to append contents to the TinyMCE editor iframe p.each(["append","prepend"],function(e,t){var n=s[t]=p.fn[t],r="prepend"===t;p.fn[t]=function(i){var e=this;return l(e)?i!==f?("string"==typeof i&&e.filter(":tinymce").each(function(e,t){var n=u(t);n&&n.setContent(r?i+n.getContent():n.getContent()+i)}),n.apply(e.not(":tinymce"),arguments),e):void 0:n.apply(e,arguments)}}), // Makes sure that the editor instance gets properly destroyed when the parent element is removed p.each(["remove","replaceWith","replaceAll","empty"],function(e,t){var n=s[t]=p.fn[t];p.fn[t]=function(){return r.call(this,t),n.apply(this,arguments)}}),s.attr=p.fn.attr, // Makes sure that $('#tinymce_id').attr('value') gets the editors current HTML contents p.fn.attr=function(e,t){var n=this,i=arguments;if(!e||"value"!==e||!l(n))return s.attr.apply(n,i);if(t!==f)return o.call(n.filter(":tinymce"),t),s.attr.apply(n.not(":tinymce"),i),n;// return original set for chaining var r=n[0],a=u(r);return a?a.getContent({save:!0}):s.attr.apply(p(r),i)}}}(); /*! * Modernizr v2.7.1 * www.modernizr.com * * Copyright (c) Faruk Ates, Paul Irish, Alex Sexton * Available under the BSD and MIT licenses: www.modernizr.com/license/ */ /* * Modernizr tests which native CSS3 and HTML5 features are available in * the current UA and makes the results available to you in two ways: * as properties on a global Modernizr object, and as classes on the * element. This information allows you to progressively enhance * your pages with a granular level of control over the experience. * * Modernizr has an optional (not included) conditional resource loader * called Modernizr.load(), based on Yepnope.js (yepnopejs.com). * To get a build that includes Modernizr.load(), as well as choosing * which tests to include, go to www.modernizr.com/download/ * * Authors Faruk Ates, Paul Irish, Alex Sexton * Contributors Ryan Seddon, Ben Alman */ window.Modernizr = (function( window, document, undefined ) { var version = '2.7.1', Modernizr = {}, /*>>cssclasses*/ // option for enabling the HTML classes to be added enableClasses = true, /*>>cssclasses*/ docElement = document.documentElement, /** * Create our "modernizr" element that we do most feature tests on. */ mod = 'modernizr', modElem = document.createElement(mod), mStyle = modElem.style, /** * Create the input element for various Web Forms feature tests. */ inputElem /*>>inputelem*/ = document.createElement('input') /*>>inputelem*/ , /*>>smile*/ smile = ':)', /*>>smile*/ toString = {}.toString, // TODO :: make the prefixes more granular /*>>prefixes*/ // List of property values to set for css tests. See ticket #21 prefixes = ' -webkit- -moz- -o- -ms- '.split(' '), /*>>prefixes*/ /*>>domprefixes*/ // Following spec is to expose vendor-specific style properties as: // elem.style.WebkitBorderRadius // and the following would be incorrect: // elem.style.webkitBorderRadius // Webkit ghosts their properties in lowercase but Opera & Moz do not. // Microsoft uses a lowercase `ms` instead of the correct `Ms` in IE8+ // erik.eae.net/archives/2008/03/10/21.48.10/ // More here: github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/issue/21 omPrefixes = 'Webkit Moz O ms', cssomPrefixes = omPrefixes.split(' '), domPrefixes = omPrefixes.toLowerCase().split(' '), /*>>domprefixes*/ /*>>ns*/ ns = {'svg': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'}, /*>>ns*/ tests = {}, inputs = {}, attrs = {}, classes = [], slice = classes.slice, featureName, // used in testing loop /*>>teststyles*/ // Inject element with style element and some CSS rules injectElementWithStyles = function( rule, callback, nodes, testnames ) { var style, ret, node, docOverflow, div = document.createElement('div'), // After page load injecting a fake body doesn't work so check if body exists body = document.body, // IE6 and 7 won't return offsetWidth or offsetHeight unless it's in the body element, so we fake it. fakeBody = body || document.createElement('body'); if ( parseInt(nodes, 10) ) { // In order not to give false positives we create a node for each test // This also allows the method to scale for unspecified uses while ( nodes-- ) { node = document.createElement('div'); node.id = testnames ? testnames[nodes] : mod + (nodes + 1); div.appendChild(node); } } // '].join(''); div.id = mod; // IE6 will false positive on some tests due to the style element inside the test div somehow interfering offsetHeight, so insert it into body or fakebody. // Opera will act all quirky when injecting elements in documentElement when page is served as xml, needs fakebody too. #270 (body ? div : fakeBody).innerHTML += style; fakeBody.appendChild(div); if ( !body ) { //avoid crashing IE8, if background image is used fakeBody.style.background = ''; //Safari 5.13/5.1.4 OSX stops loading if ::-webkit-scrollbar is used and scrollbars are visible fakeBody.style.overflow = 'hidden'; docOverflow = docElement.style.overflow; docElement.style.overflow = 'hidden'; docElement.appendChild(fakeBody); } ret = callback(div, rule); // If this is done after page load we don't want to remove the body so check if body exists if ( !body ) { fakeBody.parentNode.removeChild(fakeBody); docElement.style.overflow = docOverflow; } else { div.parentNode.removeChild(div); } return !!ret; }, /*>>teststyles*/ /*>>mq*/ // adapted from matchMedia polyfill // by Scott Jehl and Paul Irish // gist.github.com/786768 testMediaQuery = function( mq ) { var matchMedia = window.matchMedia || window.msMatchMedia; if ( matchMedia ) { return matchMedia(mq).matches; } var bool; injectElementWithStyles('@media ' + mq + ' { #' + mod + ' { position: absolute; } }', function( node ) { bool = (window.getComputedStyle ? getComputedStyle(node, null) : node.currentStyle)['position'] == 'absolute'; }); return bool; }, /*>>mq*/ /*>>hasevent*/ // // isEventSupported determines if a given element supports the given event // kangax.github.com/iseventsupported/ // // The following results are known incorrects: // Modernizr.hasEvent("webkitTransitionEnd", elem) // false negative // Modernizr.hasEvent("textInput") // in Webkit. github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/333 // ... isEventSupported = (function() { var TAGNAMES = { 'select': 'input', 'change': 'input', 'submit': 'form', 'reset': 'form', 'error': 'img', 'load': 'img', 'abort': 'img' }; function isEventSupported( eventName, element ) { element = element || document.createElement(TAGNAMES[eventName] || 'div'); eventName = 'on' + eventName; // When using `setAttribute`, IE skips "unload", WebKit skips "unload" and "resize", whereas `in` "catches" those var isSupported = eventName in element; if ( !isSupported ) { // If it has no `setAttribute` (i.e. doesn't implement Node interface), try generic element if ( !element.setAttribute ) { element = document.createElement('div'); } if ( element.setAttribute && element.removeAttribute ) { element.setAttribute(eventName, ''); isSupported = is(element[eventName], 'function'); // If property was created, "remove it" (by setting value to `undefined`) if ( !is(element[eventName], 'undefined') ) { element[eventName] = undefined; } element.removeAttribute(eventName); } } element = null; return isSupported; } return isEventSupported; })(), /*>>hasevent*/ // TODO :: Add flag for hasownprop ? didn't last time // hasOwnProperty shim by kangax needed for Safari 2.0 support _hasOwnProperty = ({}).hasOwnProperty, hasOwnProp; if ( !is(_hasOwnProperty, 'undefined') && !is(_hasOwnProperty.call, 'undefined') ) { hasOwnProp = function (object, property) { return _hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); }; } else { hasOwnProp = function (object, property) { /* yes, this can give false positives/negatives, but most of the time we don't care about those */ return ((property in object) && is(object.constructor.prototype[property], 'undefined')); }; } // Adapted from ES5-shim https://github.com/kriskowal/es5-shim/blob/master/es5-shim.js // es5.github.com/#x15.3.4.5 if (!Function.prototype.bind) { Function.prototype.bind = function bind(that) { var target = this; if (typeof target != "function") { throw new TypeError(); } var args = slice.call(arguments, 1), bound = function () { if (this instanceof bound) { var F = function(){}; F.prototype = target.prototype; var self = new F(); var result = target.apply( self, args.concat(slice.call(arguments)) ); if (Object(result) === result) { return result; } return self; } else { return target.apply( that, args.concat(slice.call(arguments)) ); } }; return bound; }; } /** * setCss applies given styles to the Modernizr DOM node. */ function setCss( str ) { mStyle.cssText = str; } /** * setCssAll extrapolates all vendor-specific css strings. */ function setCssAll( str1, str2 ) { return setCss(prefixes.join(str1 + ';') + ( str2 || '' )); } /** * is returns a boolean for if typeof obj is exactly type. */ function is( obj, type ) { return typeof obj === type; } /** * contains returns a boolean for if substr is found within str. */ function contains( str, substr ) { return !!~('' + str).indexOf(substr); } /*>>testprop*/ // testProps is a generic CSS / DOM property test. // In testing support for a given CSS property, it's legit to test: // `elem.style[styleName] !== undefined` // If the property is supported it will return an empty string, // if unsupported it will return undefined. // We'll take advantage of this quick test and skip setting a style // on our modernizr element, but instead just testing undefined vs // empty string. // Because the testing of the CSS property names (with "-", as // opposed to the camelCase DOM properties) is non-portable and // non-standard but works in WebKit and IE (but not Gecko or Opera), // we explicitly reject properties with dashes so that authors // developing in WebKit or IE first don't end up with // browser-specific content by accident. function testProps( props, prefixed ) { for ( var i in props ) { var prop = props[i]; if ( !contains(prop, "-") && mStyle[prop] !== undefined ) { return prefixed == 'pfx' ? prop : true; } } return false; } /*>>testprop*/ // TODO :: add testDOMProps /** * testDOMProps is a generic DOM property test; if a browser supports * a certain property, it won't return undefined for it. */ function testDOMProps( props, obj, elem ) { for ( var i in props ) { var item = obj[props[i]]; if ( item !== undefined) { // return the property name as a string if (elem === false) return props[i]; // let's bind a function if (is(item, 'function')){ // default to autobind unless override return item.bind(elem || obj); } // return the unbound function or obj or value return item; } } return false; } /*>>testallprops*/ /** * testPropsAll tests a list of DOM properties we want to check against. * We specify literally ALL possible (known and/or likely) properties on * the element including the non-vendor prefixed one, for forward- * compatibility. */ function testPropsAll( prop, prefixed, elem ) { var ucProp = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1), props = (prop + ' ' + cssomPrefixes.join(ucProp + ' ') + ucProp).split(' '); // did they call .prefixed('boxSizing') or are we just testing a prop? if(is(prefixed, "string") || is(prefixed, "undefined")) { return testProps(props, prefixed); // otherwise, they called .prefixed('requestAnimationFrame', window[, elem]) } else { props = (prop + ' ' + (domPrefixes).join(ucProp + ' ') + ucProp).split(' '); return testDOMProps(props, prefixed, elem); } } /*>>testallprops*/ /** * Tests * ----- */ // The *new* flexbox // dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-flexbox tests['flexbox'] = function() { return testPropsAll('flexWrap'); }; // The *old* flexbox // www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-css3-flexbox-20090723/ tests['flexboxlegacy'] = function() { return testPropsAll('boxDirection'); }; // On the S60 and BB Storm, getContext exists, but always returns undefined // so we actually have to call getContext() to verify // github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/issue/97/ tests['canvas'] = function() { var elem = document.createElement('canvas'); return !!(elem.getContext && elem.getContext('2d')); }; tests['canvastext'] = function() { return !!(Modernizr['canvas'] && is(document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d').fillText, 'function')); }; // webk.it/70117 is tracking a legit WebGL feature detect proposal // We do a soft detect which may false positive in order to avoid // an expensive context creation: bugzil.la/732441 tests['webgl'] = function() { return !!window.WebGLRenderingContext; }; /* * The Modernizr.touch test only indicates if the browser supports * touch events, which does not necessarily reflect a touchscreen * device, as evidenced by tablets running Windows 7 or, alas, * the Palm Pre / WebOS (touch) phones. * * Additionally, Chrome (desktop) used to lie about its support on this, * but that has since been rectified: crbug.com/36415 * * We also test for Firefox 4 Multitouch Support. * * For more info, see: modernizr.github.com/Modernizr/touch.html */ tests['touch'] = function() { var bool; if(('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch) { bool = true; } else { injectElementWithStyles(['@media (',prefixes.join('touch-enabled),('),mod,')','{#modernizr{top:9px;position:absolute}}'].join(''), function( node ) { bool = node.offsetTop === 9; }); } return bool; }; // geolocation is often considered a trivial feature detect... // Turns out, it's quite tricky to get right: // // Using !!navigator.geolocation does two things we don't want. It: // 1. Leaks memory in IE9: github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/513 // 2. Disables page caching in WebKit: webk.it/43956 // // Meanwhile, in Firefox < 8, an about:config setting could expose // a false positive that would throw an exception: bugzil.la/688158 tests['geolocation'] = function() { return 'geolocation' in navigator; }; tests['postmessage'] = function() { return !!window.postMessage; }; // Chrome incognito mode used to throw an exception when using openDatabase // It doesn't anymore. tests['websqldatabase'] = function() { return !!window.openDatabase; }; // Vendors had inconsistent prefixing with the experimental Indexed DB: // - Webkit's implementation is accessible through webkitIndexedDB // - Firefox shipped moz_indexedDB before FF4b9, but since then has been mozIndexedDB // For speed, we don't test the legacy (and beta-only) indexedDB tests['indexedDB'] = function() { return !!testPropsAll("indexedDB", window); }; // documentMode logic from YUI to filter out IE8 Compat Mode // which false positives. tests['hashchange'] = function() { return isEventSupported('hashchange', window) && (document.documentMode === undefined || document.documentMode > 7); }; // Per 1.6: // This used to be Modernizr.historymanagement but the longer // name has been deprecated in favor of a shorter and property-matching one. // The old API is still available in 1.6, but as of 2.0 will throw a warning, // and in the first release thereafter disappear entirely. tests['history'] = function() { return !!(window.history && history.pushState); }; tests['draganddrop'] = function() { var div = document.createElement('div'); return ('draggable' in div) || ('ondragstart' in div && 'ondrop' in div); }; // FF3.6 was EOL'ed on 4/24/12, but the ESR version of FF10 // will be supported until FF19 (2/12/13), at which time, ESR becomes FF17. // FF10 still uses prefixes, so check for it until then. // for more ESR info, see: mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/faq/ tests['websockets'] = function() { return 'WebSocket' in window || 'MozWebSocket' in window; }; // css-tricks.com/rgba-browser-support/ tests['rgba'] = function() { // Set an rgba() color and check the returned value setCss('background-color:rgba(150,255,150,.5)'); return contains(mStyle.backgroundColor, 'rgba'); }; tests['hsla'] = function() { // Same as rgba(), in fact, browsers re-map hsla() to rgba() internally, // except IE9 who retains it as hsla setCss('background-color:hsla(120,40%,100%,.5)'); return contains(mStyle.backgroundColor, 'rgba') || contains(mStyle.backgroundColor, 'hsla'); }; tests['multiplebgs'] = function() { // Setting multiple images AND a color on the background shorthand property // and then querying the style.background property value for the number of // occurrences of "url(" is a reliable method for detecting ACTUAL support for this! setCss('background:url(https://),url(https://),red url(https://)'); // If the UA supports multiple backgrounds, there should be three occurrences // of the string "url(" in the return value for elemStyle.background return (/(url\s*\(.*?){3}/).test(mStyle.background); }; // this will false positive in Opera Mini // github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/396 tests['backgroundsize'] = function() { return testPropsAll('backgroundSize'); }; tests['borderimage'] = function() { return testPropsAll('borderImage'); }; // Super comprehensive table about all the unique implementations of // border-radius: muddledramblings.com/table-of-css3-border-radius-compliance tests['borderradius'] = function() { return testPropsAll('borderRadius'); }; // WebOS unfortunately false positives on this test. tests['boxshadow'] = function() { return testPropsAll('boxShadow'); }; // FF3.0 will false positive on this test tests['textshadow'] = function() { return document.createElement('div').style.textShadow === ''; }; tests['opacity'] = function() { // Browsers that actually have CSS Opacity implemented have done so // according to spec, which means their return values are within the // range of [0.0,1.0] - including the leading zero. setCssAll('opacity:.55'); // The non-literal . in this regex is intentional: // German Chrome returns this value as 0,55 // github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/#issue/59/comment/516632 return (/^0.55$/).test(mStyle.opacity); }; // Note, Android < 4 will pass this test, but can only animate // a single property at a time // daneden.me/2011/12/putting-up-with-androids-bullshit/ tests['cssanimations'] = function() { return testPropsAll('animationName'); }; tests['csscolumns'] = function() { return testPropsAll('columnCount'); }; tests['cssgradients'] = function() { /** * For CSS Gradients syntax, please see: * webkit.org/blog/175/introducing-css-gradients/ * developer.mozilla.org/en/CSS/-moz-linear-gradient * developer.mozilla.org/en/CSS/-moz-radial-gradient * dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-images/#gradients- */ var str1 = 'background-image:', str2 = 'gradient(linear,left top,right bottom,from(#9f9),to(white));', str3 = 'linear-gradient(left top,#9f9, white);'; setCss( // legacy webkit syntax (FIXME: remove when syntax not in use anymore) (str1 + '-webkit- '.split(' ').join(str2 + str1) + // standard syntax // trailing 'background-image:' prefixes.join(str3 + str1)).slice(0, -str1.length) ); return contains(mStyle.backgroundImage, 'gradient'); }; tests['cssreflections'] = function() { return testPropsAll('boxReflect'); }; tests['csstransforms'] = function() { return !!testPropsAll('transform'); }; tests['csstransforms3d'] = function() { var ret = !!testPropsAll('perspective'); // Webkit's 3D transforms are passed off to the browser's own graphics renderer. // It works fine in Safari on Leopard and Snow Leopard, but not in Chrome in // some conditions. As a result, Webkit typically recognizes the syntax but // will sometimes throw a false positive, thus we must do a more thorough check: if ( ret && 'webkitPerspective' in docElement.style ) { // Webkit allows this media query to succeed only if the feature is enabled. // `@media (transform-3d),(-webkit-transform-3d){ ... }` injectElementWithStyles('@media (transform-3d),(-webkit-transform-3d){#modernizr{left:9px;position:absolute;height:3px;}}', function( node, rule ) { ret = node.offsetLeft === 9 && node.offsetHeight === 3; }); } return ret; }; tests['csstransitions'] = function() { return testPropsAll('transition'); }; /*>>fontface*/ // @font-face detection routine by Diego Perini // javascript.nwbox.com/CSSSupport/ // false positives: // WebOS github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/342 // WP7 github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/538 tests['fontface'] = function() { var bool; injectElementWithStyles('@font-face {font-family:"font";src:url("https://")}', function( node, rule ) { var style = document.getElementById('smodernizr'), sheet = style.sheet || style.styleSheet, cssText = sheet ? (sheet.cssRules && sheet.cssRules[0] ? sheet.cssRules[0].cssText : sheet.cssText || '') : ''; bool = /src/i.test(cssText) && cssText.indexOf(rule.split(' ')[0]) === 0; }); return bool; }; /*>>fontface*/ // CSS generated content detection tests['generatedcontent'] = function() { var bool; injectElementWithStyles(['#',mod,'{font:0/0 a}#',mod,':after{content:"',smile,'";visibility:hidden;font:3px/1 a}'].join(''), function( node ) { bool = node.offsetHeight >= 3; }); return bool; }; // These tests evaluate support of the video/audio elements, as well as // testing what types of content they support. // // We're using the Boolean constructor here, so that we can extend the value // e.g. Modernizr.video // true // Modernizr.video.ogg // 'probably' // // Codec values from : github.com/NielsLeenheer/html5test/blob/9106a8/index.html#L845 // thx to NielsLeenheer and zcorpan // Note: in some older browsers, "no" was a return value instead of empty string. // It was live in FF3.5.0 and 3.5.1, but fixed in 3.5.2 // It was also live in Safari 4.0.0 - 4.0.4, but fixed in 4.0.5 tests['video'] = function() { var elem = document.createElement('video'), bool = false; // IE9 Running on Windows Server SKU can cause an exception to be thrown, bug #224 try { if ( bool = !!elem.canPlayType ) { bool = new Boolean(bool); bool.ogg = elem.canPlayType('video/ogg; codecs="theora"') .replace(/^no$/,''); // Without QuickTime, this value will be `undefined`. github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/546 bool.h264 = elem.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E"') .replace(/^no$/,''); bool.webm = elem.canPlayType('video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"').replace(/^no$/,''); } } catch(e) { } return bool; }; tests['audio'] = function() { var elem = document.createElement('audio'), bool = false; try { if ( bool = !!elem.canPlayType ) { bool = new Boolean(bool); bool.ogg = elem.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"').replace(/^no$/,''); bool.mp3 = elem.canPlayType('audio/mpeg;') .replace(/^no$/,''); // Mimetypes accepted: // developer.mozilla.org/En/Media_formats_supported_by_the_audio_and_video_elements // bit.ly/iphoneoscodecs bool.wav = elem.canPlayType('audio/wav; codecs="1"') .replace(/^no$/,''); bool.m4a = ( elem.canPlayType('audio/x-m4a;') || elem.canPlayType('audio/aac;')) .replace(/^no$/,''); } } catch(e) { } return bool; }; // In FF4, if disabled, window.localStorage should === null. // Normally, we could not test that directly and need to do a // `('localStorage' in window) && ` test first because otherwise Firefox will // throw bugzil.la/365772 if cookies are disabled // Also in iOS5 Private Browsing mode, attempting to use localStorage.setItem // will throw the exception: // QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERRROR DOM Exception 22. // Peculiarly, getItem and removeItem calls do not throw. // Because we are forced to try/catch this, we'll go aggressive. // Just FWIW: IE8 Compat mode supports these features completely: // www.quirksmode.org/dom/html5.html // But IE8 doesn't support either with local files tests['localstorage'] = function() { try { localStorage.setItem(mod, mod); localStorage.removeItem(mod); return true; } catch(e) { return false; } }; tests['sessionstorage'] = function() { try { sessionStorage.setItem(mod, mod); sessionStorage.removeItem(mod); return true; } catch(e) { return false; } }; tests['webworkers'] = function() { return !!window.Worker; }; tests['applicationcache'] = function() { return !!window.applicationCache; }; // Thanks to Erik Dahlstrom tests['svg'] = function() { return !!document.createElementNS && !!document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'svg').createSVGRect; }; // specifically for SVG inline in HTML, not within XHTML // test page: paulirish.com/demo/inline-svg tests['inlinesvg'] = function() { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = ''; return (div.firstChild && div.firstChild.namespaceURI) == ns.svg; }; // SVG SMIL animation tests['smil'] = function() { return !!document.createElementNS && /SVGAnimate/.test(toString.call(document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'animate'))); }; // This test is only for clip paths in SVG proper, not clip paths on HTML content // demo: srufaculty.sru.edu/david.dailey/svg/newstuff/clipPath4.svg // However read the comments to dig into applying SVG clippaths to HTML content here: // github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/213#issuecomment-1149491 tests['svgclippaths'] = function() { return !!document.createElementNS && /SVGClipPath/.test(toString.call(document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'clipPath'))); }; /*>>webforms*/ // input features and input types go directly onto the ret object, bypassing the tests loop. // Hold this guy to execute in a moment. function webforms() { /*>>input*/ // Run through HTML5's new input attributes to see if the UA understands any. // We're using f which is the element created early on // Mike Taylr has created a comprehensive resource for testing these attributes // when applied to all input types: // miketaylr.com/code/input-type-attr.html // spec: www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-input-element.html#input-type-attr-summary // Only input placeholder is tested while textarea's placeholder is not. // Currently Safari 4 and Opera 11 have support only for the input placeholder // Both tests are available in feature-detects/forms-placeholder.js Modernizr['input'] = (function( props ) { for ( var i = 0, len = props.length; i < len; i++ ) { attrs[ props[i] ] = !!(props[i] in inputElem); } if (attrs.list){ // safari false positive's on datalist: webk.it/74252 // see also github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/issues/146 attrs.list = !!(document.createElement('datalist') && window.HTMLDataListElement); } return attrs; })('autocomplete autofocus list placeholder max min multiple pattern required step'.split(' ')); /*>>input*/ /*>>inputtypes*/ // Run through HTML5's new input types to see if the UA understands any. // This is put behind the tests runloop because it doesn't return a // true/false like all the other tests; instead, it returns an object // containing each input type with its corresponding true/false value // Big thanks to @miketaylr for the html5 forms expertise. miketaylr.com/ Modernizr['inputtypes'] = (function(props) { for ( var i = 0, bool, inputElemType, defaultView, len = props.length; i < len; i++ ) { inputElem.setAttribute('type', inputElemType = props[i]); bool = inputElem.type !== 'text'; // We first check to see if the type we give it sticks.. // If the type does, we feed it a textual value, which shouldn't be valid. // If the value doesn't stick, we know there's input sanitization which infers a custom UI if ( bool ) { inputElem.value = smile; inputElem.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;visibility:hidden;'; if ( /^range$/.test(inputElemType) && inputElem.style.WebkitAppearance !== undefined ) { docElement.appendChild(inputElem); defaultView = document.defaultView; // Safari 2-4 allows the smiley as a value, despite making a slider bool = defaultView.getComputedStyle && defaultView.getComputedStyle(inputElem, null).WebkitAppearance !== 'textfield' && // Mobile android web browser has false positive, so must // check the height to see if the widget is actually there. (inputElem.offsetHeight !== 0); docElement.removeChild(inputElem); } else if ( /^(search|tel)$/.test(inputElemType) ){ // Spec doesn't define any special parsing or detectable UI // behaviors so we pass these through as true // Interestingly, opera fails the earlier test, so it doesn't // even make it here. } else if ( /^(url|email)$/.test(inputElemType) ) { // Real url and email support comes with prebaked validation. bool = inputElem.checkValidity && inputElem.checkValidity() === false; } else { // If the upgraded input compontent rejects the :) text, we got a winner bool = inputElem.value != smile; } } inputs[ props[i] ] = !!bool; } return inputs; })('search tel url email datetime date month week time datetime-local number range color'.split(' ')); /*>>inputtypes*/ } /*>>webforms*/ // End of test definitions // ----------------------- // Run through all tests and detect their support in the current UA. // todo: hypothetically we could be doing an array of tests and use a basic loop here. for ( var feature in tests ) { if ( hasOwnProp(tests, feature) ) { // run the test, throw the return value into the Modernizr, // then based on that boolean, define an appropriate className // and push it into an array of classes we'll join later. featureName = feature.toLowerCase(); Modernizr[featureName] = tests[feature](); classes.push((Modernizr[featureName] ? '' : 'no-') + featureName); } } /*>>webforms*/ // input tests need to run. Modernizr.input || webforms(); /*>>webforms*/ /** * addTest allows the user to define their own feature tests * the result will be added onto the Modernizr object, * as well as an appropriate className set on the html element * * @param feature - String naming the feature * @param test - Function returning true if feature is supported, false if not */ Modernizr.addTest = function ( feature, test ) { if ( typeof feature == 'object' ) { for ( var key in feature ) { if ( hasOwnProp( feature, key ) ) { Modernizr.addTest( key, feature[ key ] ); } } } else { feature = feature.toLowerCase(); if ( Modernizr[feature] !== undefined ) { // we're going to quit if you're trying to overwrite an existing test // if we were to allow it, we'd do this: // var re = new RegExp("\\b(no-)?" + feature + "\\b"); // docElement.className = docElement.className.replace( re, '' ); // but, no rly, stuff 'em. return Modernizr; } test = typeof test == 'function' ? test() : test; if (typeof enableClasses !== "undefined" && enableClasses) { docElement.className += ' ' + (test ? '' : 'no-') + feature; } Modernizr[feature] = test; } return Modernizr; // allow chaining. }; // Reset modElem.cssText to nothing to reduce memory footprint. setCss(''); modElem = inputElem = null; /*>>shiv*/ /** * @preserve HTML5 Shiv prev3.7.1 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | MIT/GPL2 Licensed */ ;(function(window, document) { /*jshint evil:true */ /** version */ var version = '3.7.0'; /** Preset options */ var options = window.html5 || {}; /** Used to skip problem elements */ var reSkip = /^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i; /** Not all elements can be cloned in IE **/ var saveClones = /^(?:a|b|code|div|fieldset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|label|li|ol|p|q|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|th|tr|ul)$/i; /** Detect whether the browser supports default html5 styles */ var supportsHtml5Styles; /** Name of the expando, to work with multiple documents or to re-shiv one document */ var expando = '_html5shiv'; /** The id for the the documents expando */ var expanID = 0; /** Cached data for each document */ var expandoData = {}; /** Detect whether the browser supports unknown elements */ var supportsUnknownElements; (function() { try { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.innerHTML = ''; //if the hidden property is implemented we can assume, that the browser supports basic HTML5 Styles supportsHtml5Styles = ('hidden' in a); supportsUnknownElements = a.childNodes.length == 1 || (function() { // assign a false positive if unable to shiv (document.createElement)('a'); var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); return ( typeof frag.cloneNode == 'undefined' || typeof frag.createDocumentFragment == 'undefined' || typeof frag.createElement == 'undefined' ); }()); } catch(e) { // assign a false positive if detection fails => unable to shiv supportsHtml5Styles = true; supportsUnknownElements = true; } }()); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Creates a style sheet with the given CSS text and adds it to the document. * @private * @param {Document} ownerDocument The document. * @param {String} cssText The CSS text. * @returns {StyleSheet} The style element. */ function addStyleSheet(ownerDocument, cssText) { var p = ownerDocument.createElement('p'), parent = ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || ownerDocument.documentElement; p.innerHTML = 'x'; return parent.insertBefore(p.lastChild, parent.firstChild); } /** * Returns the value of `html5.elements` as an array. * @private * @returns {Array} An array of shived element node names. */ function getElements() { var elements = html5.elements; return typeof elements == 'string' ? elements.split(' ') : elements; } /** * Returns the data associated to the given document * @private * @param {Document} ownerDocument The document. * @returns {Object} An object of data. */ function getExpandoData(ownerDocument) { var data = expandoData[ownerDocument[expando]]; if (!data) { data = {}; expanID++; ownerDocument[expando] = expanID; expandoData[expanID] = data; } return data; } /** * returns a shived element for the given nodeName and document * @memberOf html5 * @param {String} nodeName name of the element * @param {Document} ownerDocument The context document. * @returns {Object} The shived element. */ function createElement(nodeName, ownerDocument, data){ if (!ownerDocument) { ownerDocument = document; } if(supportsUnknownElements){ return ownerDocument.createElement(nodeName); } if (!data) { data = getExpandoData(ownerDocument); } var node; if (data.cache[nodeName]) { node = data.cache[nodeName].cloneNode(); } else if (saveClones.test(nodeName)) { node = (data.cache[nodeName] = data.createElem(nodeName)).cloneNode(); } else { node = data.createElem(nodeName); } // Avoid adding some elements to fragments in IE < 9 because // * Attributes like `name` or `type` cannot be set/changed once an element // is inserted into a document/fragment // * Link elements with `src` attributes that are inaccessible, as with // a 403 response, will cause the tab/window to crash // * Script elements appended to fragments will execute when their `src` // or `text` property is set return node.canHaveChildren && !reSkip.test(nodeName) && !node.tagUrn ? data.frag.appendChild(node) : node; } /** * returns a shived DocumentFragment for the given document * @memberOf html5 * @param {Document} ownerDocument The context document. * @returns {Object} The shived DocumentFragment. */ function createDocumentFragment(ownerDocument, data){ if (!ownerDocument) { ownerDocument = document; } if(supportsUnknownElements){ return ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment(); } data = data || getExpandoData(ownerDocument); var clone = data.frag.cloneNode(), i = 0, elems = getElements(), l = elems.length; for(;i>shiv*/ // Assign private properties to the return object with prefix Modernizr._version = version; // expose these for the plugin API. Look in the source for how to join() them against your input /*>>prefixes*/ Modernizr._prefixes = prefixes; /*>>prefixes*/ /*>>domprefixes*/ Modernizr._domPrefixes = domPrefixes; Modernizr._cssomPrefixes = cssomPrefixes; /*>>domprefixes*/ /*>>mq*/ // Modernizr.mq tests a given media query, live against the current state of the window // A few important notes: // * If a browser does not support media queries at all (eg. oldIE) the mq() will always return false // * A max-width or orientation query will be evaluated against the current state, which may change later. // * You must specify values. Eg. If you are testing support for the min-width media query use: // Modernizr.mq('(min-width:0)') // usage: // Modernizr.mq('only screen and (max-width:768)') Modernizr.mq = testMediaQuery; /*>>mq*/ /*>>hasevent*/ // Modernizr.hasEvent() detects support for a given event, with an optional element to test on // Modernizr.hasEvent('gesturestart', elem) Modernizr.hasEvent = isEventSupported; /*>>hasevent*/ /*>>testprop*/ // Modernizr.testProp() investigates whether a given style property is recognized // Note that the property names must be provided in the camelCase variant. // Modernizr.testProp('pointerEvents') Modernizr.testProp = function(prop){ return testProps([prop]); }; /*>>testprop*/ /*>>testallprops*/ // Modernizr.testAllProps() investigates whether a given style property, // or any of its vendor-prefixed variants, is recognized // Note that the property names must be provided in the camelCase variant. // Modernizr.testAllProps('boxSizing') Modernizr.testAllProps = testPropsAll; /*>>testallprops*/ /*>>teststyles*/ // Modernizr.testStyles() allows you to add custom styles to the document and test an element afterwards // Modernizr.testStyles('#modernizr { position:absolute }', function(elem, rule){ ... }) Modernizr.testStyles = injectElementWithStyles; /*>>teststyles*/ /*>>prefixed*/ // Modernizr.prefixed() returns the prefixed or nonprefixed property name variant of your input // Modernizr.prefixed('boxSizing') // 'MozBoxSizing' // Properties must be passed as dom-style camelcase, rather than `box-sizing` hypentated style. // Return values will also be the camelCase variant, if you need to translate that to hypenated style use: // // str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(str,m1){ return '-' + m1.toLowerCase(); }).replace(/^ms-/,'-ms-'); // If you're trying to ascertain which transition end event to bind to, you might do something like... // // var transEndEventNames = { // 'WebkitTransition' : 'webkitTransitionEnd', // 'MozTransition' : 'transitionend', // 'OTransition' : 'oTransitionEnd', // 'msTransition' : 'MSTransitionEnd', // 'transition' : 'transitionend' // }, // transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[ Modernizr.prefixed('transition') ]; Modernizr.prefixed = function(prop, obj, elem){ if(!obj) { return testPropsAll(prop, 'pfx'); } else { // Testing DOM property e.g. Modernizr.prefixed('requestAnimationFrame', window) // 'mozRequestAnimationFrame' return testPropsAll(prop, obj, elem); } }; /*>>prefixed*/ /*>>cssclasses*/ // Remove "no-js" class from element, if it exists: docElement.className = docElement.className.replace(/(^|\s)no-js(\s|$)/, '$1$2') + // Add the new classes to the element. (enableClasses ? ' js ' + classes.join(' ') : ''); /*>>cssclasses*/ return Modernizr; })(this, this.document); /* @preserve * Leaflet 1.5.1, a JS library for interactive maps. http://leafletjs.com * (c) 2010-2018 Vladimir Agafonkin, (c) 2010-2011 CloudMade */ !function(t,i){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?i(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],i):i(t.L={})}(this,function(t){"use strict";var i=Object.freeze;function h(t){var i,e,n,o;for(e=1,n=arguments.length;e=this.min.x&&e.x<=this.max.x&&i.y>=this.min.y&&e.y<=this.max.y},intersects:function(t){t=R(t);var i=this.min,e=this.max,n=t.min,o=t.max,s=o.x>=i.x&&n.x<=e.x,r=o.y>=i.y&&n.y<=e.y;return s&&r},overlaps:function(t){t=R(t);var i=this.min,e=this.max,n=t.min,o=t.max,s=o.x>i.x&&n.xi.y&&n.y=n.lat&&e.lat<=o.lat&&i.lng>=n.lng&&e.lng<=o.lng},intersects:function(t){t=D(t);var 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t.touches=[],Dt)t.touches.push(Dt[e]);t.changedTouches=[t],i(t)}var Gt=Lt?"MSPointerDown":bt?"pointerdown":"touchstart",Kt=Lt?"MSPointerUp":bt?"pointerup":"touchend",Yt="_leaflet_";function Xt(t,o,i){var s,r,a=!1;function e(t){var i;if(bt){if(!nt||"mouse"===t.pointerType)return;i=Wt}else i=t.touches.length;if(!(1this.options.maxZoom)?this.setZoom(t):this},panInsideBounds:function(t,i){this._enforcingBounds=!0;var e=this.getCenter(),n=this._limitCenter(e,this._zoom,D(t));return e.equals(n)||this.panTo(n,i),this._enforcingBounds=!1,this},panInside:function(t,i){var e=I((i=i||{}).paddingTopLeft||i.padding||[0,0]),n=I(i.paddingBottomRight||i.padding||[0,0]),o=this.getCenter(),s=this.project(o),r=this.project(t),a=this.getPixelBounds(),h=a.getSize().divideBy(2),u=R([a.min.add(e),a.max.subtract(n)]);if(!u.contains(r)){this._enforcingBounds=!0;var l=s.subtract(r),c=I(r.x+l.x,r.y+l.y);(r.xu.max.x)&&(c.x=s.x-l.x,0u.max.y)&&(c.y=s.y-l.y,0=this.options.transform3DLimit&&this._resetView(this.getCenter(),this.getZoom())},_findEventTargets:function(t,i){for(var e,n=[],o="mouseout"===i||"mouseover"===i,s=t.target||t.srcElement,r=!1;s;){if((e=this._targets[u(s)])&&("click"===i||"preclick"===i)&&!t._simulated&&this._draggableMoved(e)){r=!0;break}if(e&&e.listens(i,!0)){if(o&&!Ki(s,t))break;if(n.push(e),o)break}if(s===this._container)break;s=s.parentNode}return n.length||r||o||!Ki(s,t)||(n=[this]),n},_handleDOMEvent:function(t){if(this._loaded&&!Gi(t)){var i=t.type;"mousedown"!==i&&"keypress"!==i&&"keyup"!==i&&"keydown"!==i||zi(t.target||t.srcElement),this._fireDOMEvent(t,i)}},_mouseEvents:["click","dblclick","mouseover","mouseout","contextmenu"],_fireDOMEvent:function(t,i,e){if("click"===t.type){var n=h({},t);n.type="preclick",this._fireDOMEvent(n,n.type,e)}if(!t._stopped&&(e=(e||[]).concat(this._findEventTargets(t,i))).length){var o=e[0];"contextmenu"===i&&o.listens(i,!0)&&Di(t);var s={originalEvent:t};if("keypress"!==t.type&&"keydown"!==t.type&&"keyup"!==t.type){var r=o.getLatLng&&(!o._radius||o._radius<=10);s.containerPoint=r?this.latLngToContainerPoint(o.getLatLng()):this.mouseEventToContainerPoint(t),s.layerPoint=this.containerPointToLayerPoint(s.containerPoint),s.latlng=r?o.getLatLng():this.layerPointToLatLng(s.layerPoint)}for(var a=0;athis.options.zoomAnimationThreshold)return!1;var n=this.getZoomScale(i),o=this._getCenterOffset(t)._divideBy(1-1/n);return!(!0!==e.animate&&!this.getSize().contains(o))&&(M(function(){this._moveStart(!0,!1)._animateZoom(t,i,!0)},this),!0)},_animateZoom:function(t,i,e,n){this._mapPane&&(e&&(this._animatingZoom=!0,this._animateToCenter=t,this._animateToZoom=i,pi(this._mapPane,"leaflet-zoom-anim")),this.fire("zoomanim",{center:t,zoom:i,noUpdate:n}),setTimeout(a(this._onZoomTransitionEnd,this),250))},_onZoomTransitionEnd:function(){this._animatingZoom&&(this._mapPane&&mi(this._mapPane,"leaflet-zoom-anim"),this._animatingZoom=!1,this._move(this._animateToCenter,this._animateToZoom),M(function(){this._moveEnd(!0)},this))}});function $i(t){return new Qi(t)}var Qi=Z.extend({options:{position:"topright"},initialize:function(t){p(this,t)},getPosition:function(){return this.options.position},setPosition:function(t){var i=this._map;return i&&i.removeControl(this),this.options.position=t,i&&i.addControl(this),this},getContainer:function(){return this._container},addTo:function(t){this.remove(),this._map=t;var i=this._container=this.onAdd(t),e=this.getPosition(),n=t._controlCorners[e];return pi(i,"leaflet-control"),-1!==e.indexOf("bottom")?n.insertBefore(i,n.firstChild):n.appendChild(i),this._map.on("unload",this.remove,this),this},remove:function(){return this._map&&(ui(this._container),this.onRemove&&this.onRemove(this._map),this._map.off("unload",this.remove,this),this._map=null),this},_refocusOnMap:function(t){this._map&&t&&0",n=document.createElement("div");return n.innerHTML=e,n.firstChild},_addItem:function(t){var i,e=document.createElement("label"),n=this._map.hasLayer(t.layer);t.overlay?((i=document.createElement("input")).type="checkbox",i.className="leaflet-control-layers-selector",i.defaultChecked=n):i=this._createRadioElement("leaflet-base-layers_"+u(this),n),this._layerControlInputs.push(i),i.layerId=u(t.layer),Ei(i,"click",this._onInputClick,this);var o=document.createElement("span");o.innerHTML=" "+t.name;var 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t=this._map,i="leaflet-disabled";mi(this._zoomInButton,i),mi(this._zoomOutButton,i),!this._disabled&&t._zoom!==t.getMinZoom()||pi(this._zoomOutButton,i),!this._disabled&&t._zoom!==t.getMaxZoom()||pi(this._zoomInButton,i)}});Ji.mergeOptions({zoomControl:!0}),Ji.addInitHook(function(){this.options.zoomControl&&(this.zoomControl=new ie,this.addControl(this.zoomControl))});var ee=Qi.extend({options:{position:"bottomleft",maxWidth:100,metric:!0,imperial:!0},onAdd:function(t){var i="leaflet-control-scale",e=hi("div",i),n=this.options;return this._addScales(n,i+"-line",e),t.on(n.updateWhenIdle?"moveend":"move",this._update,this),t.whenReady(this._update,this),e},onRemove:function(t){t.off(this.options.updateWhenIdle?"moveend":"move",this._update,this)},_addScales:function(t,i,e){t.metric&&(this._mScale=hi("div",i,e)),t.imperial&&(this._iScale=hi("div",i,e))},_update:function(){var t=this._map,i=t.getSize().y/2,e=t.distance(t.containerPointToLatLng([0,i]),t.containerPointToLatLng([this.options.maxWidth,i]));this._updateScales(e)},_updateScales:function(t){this.options.metric&&t&&this._updateMetric(t),this.options.imperial&&t&&this._updateImperial(t)},_updateMetric:function(t){var i=this._getRoundNum(t),e=i<1e3?i+" m":i/1e3+" km";this._updateScale(this._mScale,e,i/t)},_updateImperial:function(t){var i,e,n,o=3.2808399*t;5280Leaflet'},initialize:function(t){p(this,t),this._attributions={}},onAdd:function(t){for(var i in(t.attributionControl=this)._container=hi("div","leaflet-control-attribution"),Ni(this._container),t._layers)t._layers[i].getAttribution&&this.addAttribution(t._layers[i].getAttribution());return this._update(),this._container},setPrefix:function(t){return this.options.prefix=t,this._update(),this},addAttribution:function(t){return t&&(this._attributions[t]||(this._attributions[t]=0),this._attributions[t]++,this._update()),this},removeAttribution:function(t){return t&&this._attributions[t]&&(this._attributions[t]--,this._update()),this},_update:function(){if(this._map){var t=[];for(var i in this._attributions)this._attributions[i]&&t.push(i);var e=[];this.options.prefix&&e.push(this.options.prefix),t.length&&e.push(t.join(", ")),this._container.innerHTML=e.join(" | ")}}});Ji.mergeOptions({attributionControl:!0}),Ji.addInitHook(function(){this.options.attributionControl&&(new ne).addTo(this)});Qi.Layers=te,Qi.Zoom=ie,Qi.Scale=ee,Qi.Attribution=ne,$i.layers=function(t,i,e){return new te(t,i,e)},$i.zoom=function(t){return new ie(t)},$i.scale=function(t){return new ee(t)},$i.attribution=function(t){return new ne(t)};var oe=Z.extend({initialize:function(t){this._map=t},enable:function(){return this._enabled||(this._enabled=!0,this.addHooks()),this},disable:function(){return this._enabled&&(this._enabled=!1,this.removeHooks()),this},enabled:function(){return!!this._enabled}});oe.addTo=function(t,i){return t.addHandler(i,this),this};var se,re={Events:E},ae=Tt?"touchstart 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I(this._source&&this._source._getPopupAnchor?this._source._getPopupAnchor():[0,0])}});Ji.mergeOptions({closePopupOnClick:!0}),Ji.include({openPopup:function(t,i,e){return t instanceof nn||(t=new nn(e).setContent(t)),i&&t.setLatLng(i),this.hasLayer(t)?this:(this._popup&&this._popup.options.autoClose&&this.closePopup(),this._popup=t,this.addLayer(t))},closePopup:function(t){return t&&t!==this._popup||(t=this._popup,this._popup=null),t&&this.removeLayer(t),this}}),Se.include({bindPopup:function(t,i){return t instanceof nn?(p(t,i),(this._popup=t)._source=this):(this._popup&&!i||(this._popup=new nn(i,this)),this._popup.setContent(t)),this._popupHandlersAdded||(this.on({click:this._openPopup,keypress:this._onKeyPress,remove:this.closePopup,move:this._movePopup}),this._popupHandlersAdded=!0),this},unbindPopup:function(){return this._popup&&(this.off({click:this._openPopup,keypress:this._onKeyPress,remove:this.closePopup,move:this._movePopup}),this._popupHandlersAdded=!1,this._popup=null),this},openPopup:function(t,i){return this._popup&&this._map&&(i=this._popup._prepareOpen(this,t,i),this._map.openPopup(this._popup,i)),this},closePopup:function(){return this._popup&&this._popup._close(),this},togglePopup:function(t){return this._popup&&(this._popup._map?this.closePopup():this.openPopup(t)),this},isPopupOpen:function(){return!!this._popup&&this._popup.isOpen()},setPopupContent:function(t){return this._popup&&this._popup.setContent(t),this},getPopup:function(){return this._popup},_openPopup:function(t){var i=t.layer||t.target;this._popup&&this._map&&(ji(t),i instanceof Oe?this.openPopup(t.layer||t.target,t.latlng):this._map.hasLayer(this._popup)&&this._popup._source===i?this.closePopup():this.openPopup(i,t.latlng))},_movePopup:function(t){this._popup.setLatLng(t.latlng)},_onKeyPress:function(t){13===t.originalEvent.keyCode&&this._openPopup(t)}});var on=en.extend({options:{pane:"tooltipPane",offset:[0,0],direction:"auto",permanent:!1,sticky:!1,interactive:!1,opacity:.9},onAdd:function(t){en.prototype.onAdd.call(this,t),this.setOpacity(this.options.opacity),t.fire("tooltipopen",{tooltip:this}),this._source&&this._source.fire("tooltipopen",{tooltip:this},!0)},onRemove:function(t){en.prototype.onRemove.call(this,t),t.fire("tooltipclose",{tooltip:this}),this._source&&this._source.fire("tooltipclose",{tooltip:this},!0)},getEvents:function(){var t=en.prototype.getEvents.call(this);return Tt&&!this.options.permanent&&(t.preclick=this._close),t},_close:function(){this._map&&this._map.closeTooltip(this)},_initLayout:function(){var t="leaflet-tooltip 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this.setLatLngs(this._boundsToLatLngs(t))},_boundsToLatLngs:function(t){return[(t=D(t)).getSouthWest(),t.getNorthWest(),t.getNorthEast(),t.getSouthEast()]}});fn.create=mn,fn.pointsToPath=Q,We.geometryToLayer=He,We.coordsToLatLng=Fe,We.coordsToLatLngs=Ue,We.latLngToCoords=Ve,We.latLngsToCoords=qe,We.getFeature=Ge,We.asFeature=Ke,Ji.mergeOptions({boxZoom:!0});var yn=oe.extend({initialize:function(t){this._map=t,this._container=t._container,this._pane=t._panes.overlayPane,this._resetStateTimeout=0,t.on("unload",this._destroy,this)},addHooks:function(){Ei(this._container,"mousedown",this._onMouseDown,this)},removeHooks:function(){Bi(this._container,"mousedown",this._onMouseDown,this)},moved:function(){return this._moved},_destroy:function(){ui(this._pane),delete 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O(this._point,this._startPoint),e=i.getSize();wi(this._box,i.min),this._box.style.width=e.x+"px",this._box.style.height=e.y+"px"},_finish:function(){this._moved&&(ui(this._box),mi(this._container,"leaflet-crosshair")),Qt(),Ti(),Bi(document,{contextmenu:ji,mousemove:this._onMouseMove,mouseup:this._onMouseUp,keydown:this._onKeyDown},this)},_onMouseUp:function(t){if((1===t.which||1===t.button)&&(this._finish(),this._moved)){this._clearDeferredResetState(),this._resetStateTimeout=setTimeout(a(this._resetState,this),0);var i=new N(this._map.containerPointToLatLng(this._startPoint),this._map.containerPointToLatLng(this._point));this._map.fitBounds(i).fire("boxzoomend",{boxZoomBounds:i})}},_onKeyDown:function(t){27===t.keyCode&&this._finish()}});Ji.addInitHook("addHandler","boxZoom",yn),Ji.mergeOptions({doubleClickZoom:!0});var 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le(t._mapPane,t._container),this._draggable.on({dragstart:this._onDragStart,drag:this._onDrag,dragend:this._onDragEnd},this),this._draggable.on("predrag",this._onPreDragLimit,this),t.options.worldCopyJump&&(this._draggable.on("predrag",this._onPreDragWrap,this),t.on("zoomend",this._onZoomEnd,this),t.whenReady(this._onZoomEnd,this))}pi(this._map._container,"leaflet-grab leaflet-touch-drag"),this._draggable.enable(),this._positions=[],this._times=[]},removeHooks:function(){mi(this._map._container,"leaflet-grab"),mi(this._map._container,"leaflet-touch-drag"),this._draggable.disable()},moved:function(){return this._draggable&&this._draggable._moved},moving:function(){return this._draggable&&this._draggable._moving},_onDragStart:function(){var t=this._map;if(t._stop(),this._map.options.maxBounds&&this._map.options.maxBoundsViscosity){var i=D(this._map.options.maxBounds);this._offsetLimit=R(this._map.latLngToContainerPoint(i.getNorthWest()).multiplyBy(-1),this._map.latLngToContainerPoint(i.getSouthEast()).multiplyBy(-1).add(this._map.getSize())),this._viscosity=Math.min(1,Math.max(0,this._map.options.maxBoundsViscosity))}else this._offsetLimit=null;t.fire("movestart").fire("dragstart"),t.options.inertia&&(this._positions=[],this._times=[])},_onDrag:function(t){if(this._map.options.inertia){var i=this._lastTime=+new Date,e=this._lastPos=this._draggable._absPos||this._draggable._newPos;this._positions.push(e),this._times.push(i),this._prunePositions(i)}this._map.fire("move",t).fire("drag",t)},_prunePositions:function(t){for(;1i.max.x&&(t.x=this._viscousLimit(t.x,i.max.x)),t.y>i.max.y&&(t.y=this._viscousLimit(t.y,i.max.y)),this._draggable._newPos=this._draggable._startPos.add(t)}},_onPreDragWrap:function(){var t=this._worldWidth,i=Math.round(t/2),e=this._initialWorldOffset,n=this._draggable._newPos.x,o=(n-i+e)%t+i-e,s=(n+i+e)%t-i-e,r=Math.abs(o+e)i.getMaxZoom()&&1= currentZoom) { visibleLayer = visibleLayer.__parent; } } if (this._currentShownBounds.contains(visibleLayer.getLatLng())) { if (this.options.animateAddingMarkers) { this._animationAddLayer(layer, visibleLayer); } else { this._animationAddLayerNonAnimated(layer, visibleLayer); } } return this; }, removeLayer: function (layer) { if (layer instanceof L.LayerGroup) { return this.removeLayers([layer]); } //Non point layers if (!layer.getLatLng) { this._nonPointGroup.removeLayer(layer); this.fire('layerremove', { layer: layer }); return this; } if (!this._map) { if (!this._arraySplice(this._needsClustering, layer) && this.hasLayer(layer)) { this._needsRemoving.push({ layer: layer, latlng: layer._latlng }); } this.fire('layerremove', { layer: layer }); return this; } if (!layer.__parent) { return this; } if (this._unspiderfy) { this._unspiderfy(); this._unspiderfyLayer(layer); } //Remove the marker from clusters this._removeLayer(layer, true); this.fire('layerremove', { layer: layer }); // Refresh bounds and weighted positions. this._topClusterLevel._recalculateBounds(); this._refreshClustersIcons(); layer.off(this._childMarkerEventHandlers, this); if (this._featureGroup.hasLayer(layer)) { this._featureGroup.removeLayer(layer); if (layer.clusterShow) { layer.clusterShow(); } } return this; }, //Takes an array of markers and adds them in bulk addLayers: function (layersArray, skipLayerAddEvent) { if (!L.Util.isArray(layersArray)) { return this.addLayer(layersArray); } var fg = this._featureGroup, npg = this._nonPointGroup, chunked = this.options.chunkedLoading, chunkInterval = this.options.chunkInterval, chunkProgress = this.options.chunkProgress, l = layersArray.length, offset = 0, originalArray = true, m; if (this._map) { var started = (new Date()).getTime(); var process = L.bind(function () { var start = (new Date()).getTime(); for (; offset < l; offset++) { if (chunked && offset % 200 === 0) { // every couple hundred markers, instrument the time elapsed since processing started: var elapsed = (new Date()).getTime() - start; if (elapsed > chunkInterval) { break; // been working too hard, time to take a break :-) } } m = layersArray[offset]; // Group of layers, append children to layersArray and skip. // Side effects: // - Total increases, so chunkProgress ratio jumps backward. // - Groups are not included in this group, only their non-group child layers (hasLayer). // Changing array length while looping does not affect performance in current browsers: // http://jsperf.com/for-loop-changing-length/6 if (m instanceof L.LayerGroup) { if (originalArray) { layersArray = layersArray.slice(); originalArray = false; } this._extractNonGroupLayers(m, layersArray); l = layersArray.length; continue; } //Not point data, can't be clustered if (!m.getLatLng) { npg.addLayer(m); if (!skipLayerAddEvent) { this.fire('layeradd', { layer: m }); } continue; } if (this.hasLayer(m)) { continue; } this._addLayer(m, this._maxZoom); if (!skipLayerAddEvent) { this.fire('layeradd', { layer: m }); } //If we just made a cluster of size 2 then we need to remove the other marker from the map (if it is) or we never will if (m.__parent) { if (m.__parent.getChildCount() === 2) { var markers = m.__parent.getAllChildMarkers(), otherMarker = markers[0] === m ? markers[1] : markers[0]; fg.removeLayer(otherMarker); } } } if (chunkProgress) { // report progress and time elapsed: chunkProgress(offset, l, (new Date()).getTime() - started); } // Completed processing all markers. if (offset === l) { // Refresh bounds and weighted positions. this._topClusterLevel._recalculateBounds(); this._refreshClustersIcons(); this._topClusterLevel._recursivelyAddChildrenToMap(null, this._zoom, this._currentShownBounds); } else { setTimeout(process, this.options.chunkDelay); } }, this); process(); } else { var needsClustering = this._needsClustering; for (; offset < l; offset++) { m = layersArray[offset]; // Group of layers, append children to layersArray and skip. if (m instanceof L.LayerGroup) { if (originalArray) { layersArray = layersArray.slice(); originalArray = false; } this._extractNonGroupLayers(m, layersArray); l = layersArray.length; continue; } //Not point data, can't be clustered if (!m.getLatLng) { npg.addLayer(m); continue; } if (this.hasLayer(m)) { continue; } needsClustering.push(m); } } return this; }, //Takes an array of markers and removes them in bulk removeLayers: function (layersArray) { var i, m, l = layersArray.length, fg = this._featureGroup, npg = this._nonPointGroup, originalArray = true; if (!this._map) { for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { m = layersArray[i]; // Group of layers, append children to layersArray and skip. if (m instanceof L.LayerGroup) { if (originalArray) { layersArray = layersArray.slice(); originalArray = false; } this._extractNonGroupLayers(m, layersArray); l = layersArray.length; continue; } this._arraySplice(this._needsClustering, m); npg.removeLayer(m); if (this.hasLayer(m)) { this._needsRemoving.push({ layer: m, latlng: m._latlng }); } this.fire('layerremove', { layer: m }); } return this; } if (this._unspiderfy) { this._unspiderfy(); // Work on a copy of the array, so that next loop is not affected. var layersArray2 = layersArray.slice(), l2 = l; for (i = 0; i < l2; i++) { m = layersArray2[i]; // Group of layers, append children to layersArray and skip. if (m instanceof L.LayerGroup) { this._extractNonGroupLayers(m, layersArray2); l2 = layersArray2.length; continue; } this._unspiderfyLayer(m); } } for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { m = layersArray[i]; // Group of layers, append children to layersArray and skip. if (m instanceof L.LayerGroup) { if (originalArray) { layersArray = layersArray.slice(); originalArray = false; } this._extractNonGroupLayers(m, layersArray); l = layersArray.length; continue; } if (!m.__parent) { npg.removeLayer(m); this.fire('layerremove', { layer: m }); continue; } this._removeLayer(m, true, true); this.fire('layerremove', { layer: m }); if (fg.hasLayer(m)) { fg.removeLayer(m); if (m.clusterShow) { m.clusterShow(); } } } // Refresh bounds and weighted positions. this._topClusterLevel._recalculateBounds(); this._refreshClustersIcons(); //Fix up the clusters and markers on the map this._topClusterLevel._recursivelyAddChildrenToMap(null, this._zoom, this._currentShownBounds); return this; }, //Removes all layers from the MarkerClusterGroup clearLayers: function () { //Need our own special implementation as the LayerGroup one doesn't work for us //If we aren't on the map (yet), blow away the markers we know of if (!this._map) { this._needsClustering = []; this._needsRemoving = []; delete this._gridClusters; delete this._gridUnclustered; } if (this._noanimationUnspiderfy) { this._noanimationUnspiderfy(); } //Remove all the visible layers this._featureGroup.clearLayers(); this._nonPointGroup.clearLayers(); this.eachLayer(function (marker) { marker.off(this._childMarkerEventHandlers, this); delete marker.__parent; }, this); if (this._map) { //Reset _topClusterLevel and the DistanceGrids this._generateInitialClusters(); } return this; }, //Override FeatureGroup.getBounds as it doesn't work getBounds: function () { var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(); if (this._topClusterLevel) { bounds.extend(this._topClusterLevel._bounds); } for (var i = this._needsClustering.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { bounds.extend(this._needsClustering[i].getLatLng()); } bounds.extend(this._nonPointGroup.getBounds()); return bounds; }, //Overrides LayerGroup.eachLayer eachLayer: function (method, context) { var markers = this._needsClustering.slice(), needsRemoving = this._needsRemoving, thisNeedsRemoving, i, j; if (this._topClusterLevel) { this._topClusterLevel.getAllChildMarkers(markers); } for (i = markers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { thisNeedsRemoving = true; for (j = needsRemoving.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (needsRemoving[j].layer === markers[i]) { thisNeedsRemoving = false; break; } } if (thisNeedsRemoving) { method.call(context, markers[i]); } } this._nonPointGroup.eachLayer(method, context); }, //Overrides LayerGroup.getLayers getLayers: function () { var layers = []; this.eachLayer(function (l) { layers.push(l); }); return layers; }, //Overrides LayerGroup.getLayer, WARNING: Really bad performance getLayer: function (id) { var result = null; id = parseInt(id, 10); this.eachLayer(function (l) { if (L.stamp(l) === id) { result = l; } }); return result; }, //Returns true if the given layer is in this MarkerClusterGroup hasLayer: function (layer) { if (!layer) { return false; } var i, anArray = this._needsClustering; for (i = anArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (anArray[i] === layer) { return true; } } anArray = this._needsRemoving; for (i = anArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (anArray[i].layer === layer) { return false; } } return !!(layer.__parent && layer.__parent._group === this) || this._nonPointGroup.hasLayer(layer); }, //Zoom down to show the given layer (spiderfying if necessary) then calls the callback zoomToShowLayer: function (layer, callback) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') { callback = function () {}; } var showMarker = function () { if ((layer._icon || layer.__parent._icon) && !this._inZoomAnimation) { this._map.off('moveend', showMarker, this); this.off('animationend', showMarker, this); if (layer._icon) { callback(); } else if (layer.__parent._icon) { this.once('spiderfied', callback, this); layer.__parent.spiderfy(); } } }; if (layer._icon && this._map.getBounds().contains(layer.getLatLng())) { //Layer is visible ond on screen, immediate return callback(); } else if (layer.__parent._zoom < Math.round(this._map._zoom)) { //Layer should be visible at this zoom level. It must not be on screen so just pan over to it this._map.on('moveend', showMarker, this); this._map.panTo(layer.getLatLng()); } else { this._map.on('moveend', showMarker, this); this.on('animationend', showMarker, this); layer.__parent.zoomToBounds(); } }, //Overrides FeatureGroup.onAdd onAdd: function (map) { this._map = map; var i, l, layer; if (!isFinite(this._map.getMaxZoom())) { throw "Map has no maxZoom specified"; } this._featureGroup.addTo(map); this._nonPointGroup.addTo(map); if (!this._gridClusters) { this._generateInitialClusters(); } this._maxLat = map.options.crs.projection.MAX_LATITUDE; //Restore all the positions as they are in the MCG before removing them for (i = 0, l = this._needsRemoving.length; i < l; i++) { layer = this._needsRemoving[i]; layer.newlatlng = layer.layer._latlng; layer.layer._latlng = layer.latlng; } //Remove them, then restore their new positions for (i = 0, l = this._needsRemoving.length; i < l; i++) { layer = this._needsRemoving[i]; this._removeLayer(layer.layer, true); layer.layer._latlng = layer.newlatlng; } this._needsRemoving = []; //Remember the current zoom level and bounds this._zoom = Math.round(this._map._zoom); this._currentShownBounds = this._getExpandedVisibleBounds(); this._map.on('zoomend', this._zoomEnd, this); this._map.on('moveend', this._moveEnd, this); if (this._spiderfierOnAdd) { //TODO FIXME: Not sure how to have spiderfier add something on here nicely this._spiderfierOnAdd(); } this._bindEvents(); //Actually add our markers to the map: l = this._needsClustering; this._needsClustering = []; this.addLayers(l, true); }, //Overrides FeatureGroup.onRemove onRemove: function (map) { map.off('zoomend', this._zoomEnd, this); map.off('moveend', this._moveEnd, this); this._unbindEvents(); //In case we are in a cluster animation this._map._mapPane.className = this._map._mapPane.className.replace(' leaflet-cluster-anim', ''); if (this._spiderfierOnRemove) { //TODO FIXME: Not sure how to have spiderfier add something on here nicely this._spiderfierOnRemove(); } delete this._maxLat; //Clean up all the layers we added to the map this._hideCoverage(); this._featureGroup.remove(); this._nonPointGroup.remove(); this._featureGroup.clearLayers(); this._map = null; }, getVisibleParent: function (marker) { var vMarker = marker; while (vMarker && !vMarker._icon) { vMarker = vMarker.__parent; } return vMarker || null; }, //Remove the given object from the given array _arraySplice: function (anArray, obj) { for (var i = anArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (anArray[i] === obj) { anArray.splice(i, 1); return true; } } }, /** * Removes a marker from all _gridUnclustered zoom levels, starting at the supplied zoom. * @param marker to be removed from _gridUnclustered. * @param z integer bottom start zoom level (included) * @private */ _removeFromGridUnclustered: function (marker, z) { var map = this._map, gridUnclustered = this._gridUnclustered, minZoom = Math.floor(this._map.getMinZoom()); for (; z >= minZoom; z--) { if (!gridUnclustered[z].removeObject(marker, map.project(marker.getLatLng(), z))) { break; } } }, _childMarkerDragStart: function (e) { e.target.__dragStart = e.target._latlng; }, _childMarkerMoved: function (e) { if (!this._ignoreMove && !e.target.__dragStart) { var isPopupOpen = e.target._popup && e.target._popup.isOpen(); this._moveChild(e.target, e.oldLatLng, e.latlng); if (isPopupOpen) { e.target.openPopup(); } } }, _moveChild: function (layer, from, to) { layer._latlng = from; this.removeLayer(layer); layer._latlng = to; this.addLayer(layer); }, _childMarkerDragEnd: function (e) { var dragStart = e.target.__dragStart; delete e.target.__dragStart; if (dragStart) { this._moveChild(e.target, dragStart, e.target._latlng); } }, //Internal function for removing a marker from everything. //dontUpdateMap: set to true if you will handle updating the map manually (for bulk functions) _removeLayer: function (marker, removeFromDistanceGrid, dontUpdateMap) { var gridClusters = this._gridClusters, gridUnclustered = this._gridUnclustered, fg = this._featureGroup, map = this._map, minZoom = Math.floor(this._map.getMinZoom()); //Remove the marker from distance clusters it might be in if (removeFromDistanceGrid) { this._removeFromGridUnclustered(marker, this._maxZoom); } //Work our way up the clusters removing them as we go if required var cluster = marker.__parent, markers = cluster._markers, otherMarker; //Remove the marker from the immediate parents marker list this._arraySplice(markers, marker); while (cluster) { cluster._childCount--; cluster._boundsNeedUpdate = true; if (cluster._zoom < minZoom) { //Top level, do nothing break; } else if (removeFromDistanceGrid && cluster._childCount <= 1) { //Cluster no longer required //We need to push the other marker up to the parent otherMarker = cluster._markers[0] === marker ? cluster._markers[1] : cluster._markers[0]; //Update distance grid gridClusters[cluster._zoom].removeObject(cluster, map.project(cluster._cLatLng, cluster._zoom)); gridUnclustered[cluster._zoom].addObject(otherMarker, map.project(otherMarker.getLatLng(), cluster._zoom)); //Move otherMarker up to parent this._arraySplice(cluster.__parent._childClusters, cluster); cluster.__parent._markers.push(otherMarker); otherMarker.__parent = cluster.__parent; if (cluster._icon) { //Cluster is currently on the map, need to put the marker on the map instead fg.removeLayer(cluster); if (!dontUpdateMap) { fg.addLayer(otherMarker); } } } else { cluster._iconNeedsUpdate = true; } cluster = cluster.__parent; } delete marker.__parent; }, _isOrIsParent: function (el, oel) { while (oel) { if (el === oel) { return true; } oel = oel.parentNode; } return false; }, //Override L.Evented.fire fire: function (type, data, propagate) { if (data && data.layer instanceof L.MarkerCluster) { //Prevent multiple clustermouseover/off events if the icon is made up of stacked divs (Doesn't work in ie <= 8, no relatedTarget) if (data.originalEvent && this._isOrIsParent(data.layer._icon, data.originalEvent.relatedTarget)) { return; } type = 'cluster' + type; } L.FeatureGroup.prototype.fire.call(this, type, data, propagate); }, //Override L.Evented.listens listens: function (type, propagate) { return L.FeatureGroup.prototype.listens.call(this, type, propagate) || L.FeatureGroup.prototype.listens.call(this, 'cluster' + type, propagate); }, //Default functionality _defaultIconCreateFunction: function (cluster) { var childCount = cluster.getChildCount(); var c = ' marker-cluster-'; if (childCount < 10) { c += 'small'; } else if (childCount < 100) { c += 'medium'; } else { c += 'large'; } return new L.DivIcon({ html: '
' + childCount + '
', className: 'marker-cluster' + c, iconSize: new L.Point(40, 40) }); }, _bindEvents: function () { var map = this._map, spiderfyOnMaxZoom = this.options.spiderfyOnMaxZoom, showCoverageOnHover = this.options.showCoverageOnHover, zoomToBoundsOnClick = this.options.zoomToBoundsOnClick; //Zoom on cluster click or spiderfy if we are at the lowest level if (spiderfyOnMaxZoom || zoomToBoundsOnClick) { this.on('clusterclick', this._zoomOrSpiderfy, this); } //Show convex hull (boundary) polygon on mouse over if (showCoverageOnHover) { this.on('clustermouseover', this._showCoverage, this); this.on('clustermouseout', this._hideCoverage, this); map.on('zoomend', this._hideCoverage, this); } }, _zoomOrSpiderfy: function (e) { var cluster = e.layer, bottomCluster = cluster; while (bottomCluster._childClusters.length === 1) { bottomCluster = bottomCluster._childClusters[0]; } if (bottomCluster._zoom === this._maxZoom && bottomCluster._childCount === cluster._childCount && this.options.spiderfyOnMaxZoom) { // All child markers are contained in a single cluster from this._maxZoom to this cluster. cluster.spiderfy(); } else if (this.options.zoomToBoundsOnClick) { cluster.zoomToBounds(); } // Focus the map again for keyboard users. if (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.keyCode === 13) { this._map._container.focus(); } }, _showCoverage: function (e) { var map = this._map; if (this._inZoomAnimation) { return; } if (this._shownPolygon) { map.removeLayer(this._shownPolygon); } if (e.layer.getChildCount() > 2 && e.layer !== this._spiderfied) { this._shownPolygon = new L.Polygon(e.layer.getConvexHull(), this.options.polygonOptions); map.addLayer(this._shownPolygon); } }, _hideCoverage: function () { if (this._shownPolygon) { this._map.removeLayer(this._shownPolygon); this._shownPolygon = null; } }, _unbindEvents: function () { var spiderfyOnMaxZoom = this.options.spiderfyOnMaxZoom, showCoverageOnHover = this.options.showCoverageOnHover, zoomToBoundsOnClick = this.options.zoomToBoundsOnClick, map = this._map; if (spiderfyOnMaxZoom || zoomToBoundsOnClick) { this.off('clusterclick', this._zoomOrSpiderfy, this); } if (showCoverageOnHover) { this.off('clustermouseover', this._showCoverage, this); this.off('clustermouseout', this._hideCoverage, this); map.off('zoomend', this._hideCoverage, this); } }, _zoomEnd: function () { if (!this._map) { //May have been removed from the map by a zoomEnd handler return; } this._mergeSplitClusters(); this._zoom = Math.round(this._map._zoom); this._currentShownBounds = this._getExpandedVisibleBounds(); }, _moveEnd: function () { if (this._inZoomAnimation) { return; } var newBounds = this._getExpandedVisibleBounds(); this._topClusterLevel._recursivelyRemoveChildrenFromMap(this._currentShownBounds, Math.floor(this._map.getMinZoom()), this._zoom, newBounds); this._topClusterLevel._recursivelyAddChildrenToMap(null, Math.round(this._map._zoom), newBounds); this._currentShownBounds = newBounds; return; }, _generateInitialClusters: function () { var maxZoom = Math.ceil(this._map.getMaxZoom()), minZoom = Math.floor(this._map.getMinZoom()), radius = this.options.maxClusterRadius, radiusFn = radius; //If we just set maxClusterRadius to a single number, we need to create //a simple function to return that number. Otherwise, we just have to //use the function we've passed in. if (typeof radius !== "function") { radiusFn = function () { return radius; }; } if (this.options.disableClusteringAtZoom !== null) { maxZoom = this.options.disableClusteringAtZoom - 1; } this._maxZoom = maxZoom; this._gridClusters = {}; this._gridUnclustered = {}; //Set up DistanceGrids for each zoom for (var zoom = maxZoom; zoom >= minZoom; zoom--) { this._gridClusters[zoom] = new L.DistanceGrid(radiusFn(zoom)); this._gridUnclustered[zoom] = new L.DistanceGrid(radiusFn(zoom)); } // Instantiate the appropriate L.MarkerCluster class (animated or not). this._topClusterLevel = new this._markerCluster(this, minZoom - 1); }, //Zoom: Zoom to start adding at (Pass this._maxZoom to start at the bottom) _addLayer: function (layer, zoom) { var gridClusters = this._gridClusters, gridUnclustered = this._gridUnclustered, minZoom = Math.floor(this._map.getMinZoom()), markerPoint, z; if (this.options.singleMarkerMode) { this._overrideMarkerIcon(layer); } layer.on(this._childMarkerEventHandlers, this); //Find the lowest zoom level to slot this one in for (; zoom >= minZoom; zoom--) { markerPoint = this._map.project(layer.getLatLng(), zoom); // calculate pixel position //Try find a cluster close by var closest = gridClusters[zoom].getNearObject(markerPoint); if (closest) { closest._addChild(layer); layer.__parent = closest; return; } //Try find a marker close by to form a new cluster with closest = gridUnclustered[zoom].getNearObject(markerPoint); if (closest) { var parent = closest.__parent; if (parent) { this._removeLayer(closest, false); } //Create new cluster with these 2 in it var newCluster = new this._markerCluster(this, zoom, closest, layer); gridClusters[zoom].addObject(newCluster, this._map.project(newCluster._cLatLng, zoom)); closest.__parent = newCluster; layer.__parent = newCluster; //First create any new intermediate parent clusters that don't exist var lastParent = newCluster; for (z = zoom - 1; z > parent._zoom; z--) { lastParent = new this._markerCluster(this, z, lastParent); gridClusters[z].addObject(lastParent, this._map.project(closest.getLatLng(), z)); } parent._addChild(lastParent); //Remove closest from this zoom level and any above that it is in, replace with newCluster this._removeFromGridUnclustered(closest, zoom); return; } //Didn't manage to cluster in at this zoom, record us as a marker here and continue upwards gridUnclustered[zoom].addObject(layer, markerPoint); } //Didn't get in anything, add us to the top this._topClusterLevel._addChild(layer); layer.__parent = this._topClusterLevel; return; }, /** * Refreshes the icon of all "dirty" visible clusters. * Non-visible "dirty" clusters will be updated when they are added to the map. * @private */ _refreshClustersIcons: function () { this._featureGroup.eachLayer(function (c) { if (c instanceof L.MarkerCluster && c._iconNeedsUpdate) { c._updateIcon(); } }); }, //Enqueue code to fire after the marker expand/contract has happened _enqueue: function (fn) { this._queue.push(fn); if (!this._queueTimeout) { this._queueTimeout = setTimeout(L.bind(this._processQueue, this), 300); } }, _processQueue: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this._queue.length; i++) { this._queue[i].call(this); } this._queue.length = 0; clearTimeout(this._queueTimeout); this._queueTimeout = null; }, //Merge and split any existing clusters that are too big or small _mergeSplitClusters: function () { var mapZoom = Math.round(this._map._zoom); //In case we are starting to split before the animation finished this._processQueue(); if (this._zoom < mapZoom && this._currentShownBounds.intersects(this._getExpandedVisibleBounds())) { //Zoom in, split this._animationStart(); //Remove clusters now off screen this._topClusterLevel._recursivelyRemoveChildrenFromMap(this._currentShownBounds, Math.floor(this._map.getMinZoom()), this._zoom, this._getExpandedVisibleBounds()); this._animationZoomIn(this._zoom, mapZoom); } else if (this._zoom > mapZoom) { //Zoom out, merge this._animationStart(); this._animationZoomOut(this._zoom, mapZoom); } else { this._moveEnd(); } }, //Gets the maps visible bounds expanded in each direction by the size of the screen (so the user cannot see an area we do not cover in one pan) _getExpandedVisibleBounds: function () { if (!this.options.removeOutsideVisibleBounds) { return this._mapBoundsInfinite; } else if (L.Browser.mobile) { return this._checkBoundsMaxLat(this._map.getBounds()); } return this._checkBoundsMaxLat(this._map.getBounds().pad(1)); // Padding expands the bounds by its own dimensions but scaled with the given factor. }, /** * Expands the latitude to Infinity (or -Infinity) if the input bounds reach the map projection maximum defined latitude * (in the case of Web/Spherical Mercator, it is 85.0511287798 / see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Mercator#Formulas). * Otherwise, the removeOutsideVisibleBounds option will remove markers beyond that limit, whereas the same markers without * this option (or outside MCG) will have their position floored (ceiled) by the projection and rendered at that limit, * making the user think that MCG "eats" them and never displays them again. * @param bounds L.LatLngBounds * @returns {L.LatLngBounds} * @private */ _checkBoundsMaxLat: function (bounds) { var maxLat = this._maxLat; if (maxLat !== undefined) { if (bounds.getNorth() >= maxLat) { bounds._northEast.lat = Infinity; } if (bounds.getSouth() <= -maxLat) { bounds._southWest.lat = -Infinity; } } return bounds; }, //Shared animation code _animationAddLayerNonAnimated: function (layer, newCluster) { if (newCluster === layer) { this._featureGroup.addLayer(layer); } else if (newCluster._childCount === 2) { newCluster._addToMap(); var markers = newCluster.getAllChildMarkers(); this._featureGroup.removeLayer(markers[0]); this._featureGroup.removeLayer(markers[1]); } else { newCluster._updateIcon(); } }, /** * Extracts individual (i.e. non-group) layers from a Layer Group. * @param group to extract layers from. * @param output {Array} in which to store the extracted layers. * @returns {*|Array} * @private */ _extractNonGroupLayers: function (group, output) { var layers = group.getLayers(), i = 0, layer; output = output || []; for (; i < layers.length; i++) { layer = layers[i]; if (layer instanceof L.LayerGroup) { this._extractNonGroupLayers(layer, output); continue; } output.push(layer); } return output; }, /** * Implements the singleMarkerMode option. * @param layer Marker to re-style using the Clusters iconCreateFunction. * @returns {L.Icon} The newly created icon. * @private */ _overrideMarkerIcon: function (layer) { var icon = layer.options.icon = this.options.iconCreateFunction({ getChildCount: function () { return 1; }, getAllChildMarkers: function () { return [layer]; } }); return icon; } }); // Constant bounds used in case option "removeOutsideVisibleBounds" is set to false. L.MarkerClusterGroup.include({ _mapBoundsInfinite: new L.LatLngBounds(new L.LatLng(-Infinity, -Infinity), new L.LatLng(Infinity, Infinity)) }); L.MarkerClusterGroup.include({ _noAnimation: { //Non Animated versions of everything _animationStart: function () { //Do nothing... }, _animationZoomIn: function (previousZoomLevel, newZoomLevel) { this._topClusterLevel._recursivelyRemoveChildrenFromMap(this._currentShownBounds, Math.floor(this._map.getMinZoom()), previousZoomLevel); this._topClusterLevel._recursivelyAddChildrenToMap(null, newZoomLevel, this._getExpandedVisibleBounds()); //We didn't actually animate, but we use this event to mean "clustering animations have finished" this.fire('animationend'); }, _animationZoomOut: function (previousZoomLevel, newZoomLevel) { this._topClusterLevel._recursivelyRemoveChildrenFromMap(this._currentShownBounds, Math.floor(this._map.getMinZoom()), previousZoomLevel); this._topClusterLevel._recursivelyAddChildrenToMap(null, newZoomLevel, this._getExpandedVisibleBounds()); //We didn't actually animate, but we use this event to mean "clustering animations have finished" this.fire('animationend'); }, _animationAddLayer: function (layer, newCluster) { this._animationAddLayerNonAnimated(layer, newCluster); } }, _withAnimation: { //Animated versions here _animationStart: function () { this._map._mapPane.className += ' leaflet-cluster-anim'; this._inZoomAnimation++; }, _animationZoomIn: function (previousZoomLevel, newZoomLevel) { var bounds = this._getExpandedVisibleBounds(), fg = this._featureGroup, minZoom = Math.floor(this._map.getMinZoom()), i; this._ignoreMove = true; //Add all children of current clusters to map and remove those clusters from map this._topClusterLevel._recursively(bounds, previousZoomLevel, minZoom, function (c) { var startPos = c._latlng, markers = c._markers, m; if (!bounds.contains(startPos)) { startPos = null; } if (c._isSingleParent() && previousZoomLevel + 1 === newZoomLevel) { //Immediately add the new child and remove us fg.removeLayer(c); c._recursivelyAddChildrenToMap(null, newZoomLevel, bounds); } else { //Fade out old cluster c.clusterHide(); c._recursivelyAddChildrenToMap(startPos, newZoomLevel, bounds); } //Remove all markers that aren't visible any more //TODO: Do we actually need to do this on the higher levels too? for (i = markers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { m = markers[i]; if (!bounds.contains(m._latlng)) { fg.removeLayer(m); } } }); this._forceLayout(); //Update opacities this._topClusterLevel._recursivelyBecomeVisible(bounds, newZoomLevel); //TODO Maybe? Update markers in _recursivelyBecomeVisible fg.eachLayer(function (n) { if (!(n instanceof L.MarkerCluster) && n._icon) { n.clusterShow(); } }); //update the positions of the just added clusters/markers this._topClusterLevel._recursively(bounds, previousZoomLevel, newZoomLevel, function (c) { c._recursivelyRestoreChildPositions(newZoomLevel); }); this._ignoreMove = false; //Remove the old clusters and close the zoom animation this._enqueue(function () { //update the positions of the just added clusters/markers this._topClusterLevel._recursively(bounds, previousZoomLevel, minZoom, function (c) { fg.removeLayer(c); c.clusterShow(); }); this._animationEnd(); }); }, _animationZoomOut: function (previousZoomLevel, newZoomLevel) { this._animationZoomOutSingle(this._topClusterLevel, previousZoomLevel - 1, newZoomLevel); //Need to add markers for those that weren't on the map before but are now this._topClusterLevel._recursivelyAddChildrenToMap(null, newZoomLevel, this._getExpandedVisibleBounds()); //Remove markers that were on the map before but won't be now this._topClusterLevel._recursivelyRemoveChildrenFromMap(this._currentShownBounds, Math.floor(this._map.getMinZoom()), previousZoomLevel, this._getExpandedVisibleBounds()); }, _animationAddLayer: function (layer, newCluster) { var me = this, fg = this._featureGroup; fg.addLayer(layer); if (newCluster !== layer) { if (newCluster._childCount > 2) { //Was already a cluster newCluster._updateIcon(); this._forceLayout(); this._animationStart(); layer._setPos(this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(newCluster.getLatLng())); layer.clusterHide(); this._enqueue(function () { fg.removeLayer(layer); layer.clusterShow(); me._animationEnd(); }); } else { //Just became a cluster this._forceLayout(); me._animationStart(); me._animationZoomOutSingle(newCluster, this._map.getMaxZoom(), this._zoom); } } } }, // Private methods for animated versions. _animationZoomOutSingle: function (cluster, previousZoomLevel, newZoomLevel) { var bounds = this._getExpandedVisibleBounds(), minZoom = Math.floor(this._map.getMinZoom()); //Animate all of the markers in the clusters to move to their cluster center point cluster._recursivelyAnimateChildrenInAndAddSelfToMap(bounds, minZoom, previousZoomLevel + 1, newZoomLevel); var me = this; //Update the opacity (If we immediately set it they won't animate) this._forceLayout(); cluster._recursivelyBecomeVisible(bounds, newZoomLevel); //TODO: Maybe use the transition timing stuff to make this more reliable //When the animations are done, tidy up this._enqueue(function () { //This cluster stopped being a cluster before the timeout fired if (cluster._childCount === 1) { var m = cluster._markers[0]; //If we were in a cluster animation at the time then the opacity and position of our child could be wrong now, so fix it this._ignoreMove = true; m.setLatLng(m.getLatLng()); this._ignoreMove = false; if (m.clusterShow) { m.clusterShow(); } } else { cluster._recursively(bounds, newZoomLevel, minZoom, function (c) { c._recursivelyRemoveChildrenFromMap(bounds, minZoom, previousZoomLevel + 1); }); } me._animationEnd(); }); }, _animationEnd: function () { if (this._map) { this._map._mapPane.className = this._map._mapPane.className.replace(' leaflet-cluster-anim', ''); } this._inZoomAnimation--; this.fire('animationend'); }, //Force a browser layout of stuff in the map // Should apply the current opacity and location to all elements so we can update them again for an animation _forceLayout: function () { //In my testing this works, infact offsetWidth of any element seems to work. //Could loop all this._layers and do this for each _icon if it stops working L.Util.falseFn(document.body.offsetWidth); } }); L.markerClusterGroup = function (options) { return new L.MarkerClusterGroup(options); }; var MarkerCluster = L.MarkerCluster = L.Marker.extend({ options: L.Icon.prototype.options, initialize: function (group, zoom, a, b) { L.Marker.prototype.initialize.call(this, a ? (a._cLatLng || a.getLatLng()) : new L.LatLng(0, 0), { icon: this, pane: group.options.clusterPane }); this._group = group; this._zoom = zoom; this._markers = []; this._childClusters = []; this._childCount = 0; this._iconNeedsUpdate = true; this._boundsNeedUpdate = true; this._bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(); if (a) { this._addChild(a); } if (b) { this._addChild(b); } }, //Recursively retrieve all child markers of this cluster getAllChildMarkers: function (storageArray, ignoreDraggedMarker) { storageArray = storageArray || []; for (var i = this._childClusters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this._childClusters[i].getAllChildMarkers(storageArray); } for (var j = this._markers.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (ignoreDraggedMarker && this._markers[j].__dragStart) { continue; } storageArray.push(this._markers[j]); } return storageArray; }, //Returns the count of how many child markers we have getChildCount: function () { return this._childCount; }, //Zoom to the minimum of showing all of the child markers, or the extents of this cluster zoomToBounds: function (fitBoundsOptions) { var childClusters = this._childClusters.slice(), map = this._group._map, boundsZoom = map.getBoundsZoom(this._bounds), zoom = this._zoom + 1, mapZoom = map.getZoom(), i; //calculate how far we need to zoom down to see all of the markers while (childClusters.length > 0 && boundsZoom > zoom) { zoom++; var newClusters = []; for (i = 0; i < childClusters.length; i++) { newClusters = newClusters.concat(childClusters[i]._childClusters); } childClusters = newClusters; } if (boundsZoom > zoom) { this._group._map.setView(this._latlng, zoom); } else if (boundsZoom <= mapZoom) { //If fitBounds wouldn't zoom us down, zoom us down instead this._group._map.setView(this._latlng, mapZoom + 1); } else { this._group._map.fitBounds(this._bounds, fitBoundsOptions); } }, getBounds: function () { var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(); bounds.extend(this._bounds); return bounds; }, _updateIcon: function () { this._iconNeedsUpdate = true; if (this._icon) { this.setIcon(this); } }, //Cludge for Icon, we pretend to be an icon for performance createIcon: function () { if (this._iconNeedsUpdate) { this._iconObj = this._group.options.iconCreateFunction(this); this._iconNeedsUpdate = false; } return this._iconObj.createIcon(); }, createShadow: function () { return this._iconObj.createShadow(); }, _addChild: function (new1, isNotificationFromChild) { this._iconNeedsUpdate = true; this._boundsNeedUpdate = true; this._setClusterCenter(new1); if (new1 instanceof L.MarkerCluster) { if (!isNotificationFromChild) { this._childClusters.push(new1); new1.__parent = this; } this._childCount += new1._childCount; } else { if (!isNotificationFromChild) { this._markers.push(new1); } this._childCount++; } if (this.__parent) { this.__parent._addChild(new1, true); } }, /** * Makes sure the cluster center is set. If not, uses the child center if it is a cluster, or the marker position. * @param child L.MarkerCluster|L.Marker that will be used as cluster center if not defined yet. * @private */ _setClusterCenter: function (child) { if (!this._cLatLng) { // when clustering, take position of the first point as the cluster center this._cLatLng = child._cLatLng || child._latlng; } }, /** * Assigns impossible bounding values so that the next extend entirely determines the new bounds. * This method avoids having to trash the previous L.LatLngBounds object and to create a new one, which is much slower for this class. * As long as the bounds are not extended, most other methods would probably fail, as they would with bounds initialized but not extended. * @private */ _resetBounds: function () { var bounds = this._bounds; if (bounds._southWest) { bounds._southWest.lat = Infinity; bounds._southWest.lng = Infinity; } if (bounds._northEast) { bounds._northEast.lat = -Infinity; bounds._northEast.lng = -Infinity; } }, _recalculateBounds: function () { var markers = this._markers, childClusters = this._childClusters, latSum = 0, lngSum = 0, totalCount = this._childCount, i, child, childLatLng, childCount; // Case where all markers are removed from the map and we are left with just an empty _topClusterLevel. if (totalCount === 0) { return; } // Reset rather than creating a new object, for performance. this._resetBounds(); // Child markers. for (i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { childLatLng = markers[i]._latlng; this._bounds.extend(childLatLng); latSum += childLatLng.lat; lngSum += childLatLng.lng; } // Child clusters. for (i = 0; i < childClusters.length; i++) { child = childClusters[i]; // Re-compute child bounds and weighted position first if necessary. if (child._boundsNeedUpdate) { child._recalculateBounds(); } this._bounds.extend(child._bounds); childLatLng = child._wLatLng; childCount = child._childCount; latSum += childLatLng.lat * childCount; lngSum += childLatLng.lng * childCount; } this._latlng = this._wLatLng = new L.LatLng(latSum / totalCount, lngSum / totalCount); // Reset dirty flag. this._boundsNeedUpdate = false; }, //Set our markers position as given and add it to the map _addToMap: function (startPos) { if (startPos) { this._backupLatlng = this._latlng; this.setLatLng(startPos); } this._group._featureGroup.addLayer(this); }, _recursivelyAnimateChildrenIn: function (bounds, center, maxZoom) { this._recursively(bounds, this._group._map.getMinZoom(), maxZoom - 1, function (c) { var markers = c._markers, i, m; for (i = markers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { m = markers[i]; //Only do it if the icon is still on the map if (m._icon) { m._setPos(center); m.clusterHide(); } } }, function (c) { var childClusters = c._childClusters, j, cm; for (j = childClusters.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { cm = childClusters[j]; if (cm._icon) { cm._setPos(center); cm.clusterHide(); } } } ); }, _recursivelyAnimateChildrenInAndAddSelfToMap: function (bounds, mapMinZoom, previousZoomLevel, newZoomLevel) { this._recursively(bounds, newZoomLevel, mapMinZoom, function (c) { c._recursivelyAnimateChildrenIn(bounds, c._group._map.latLngToLayerPoint(c.getLatLng()).round(), previousZoomLevel); //TODO: depthToAnimateIn affects _isSingleParent, if there is a multizoom we may/may not be. //As a hack we only do a animation free zoom on a single level zoom, if someone does multiple levels then we always animate if (c._isSingleParent() && previousZoomLevel - 1 === newZoomLevel) { c.clusterShow(); c._recursivelyRemoveChildrenFromMap(bounds, mapMinZoom, previousZoomLevel); //Immediately remove our children as we are replacing them. TODO previousBounds not bounds } else { c.clusterHide(); } c._addToMap(); } ); }, _recursivelyBecomeVisible: function (bounds, zoomLevel) { this._recursively(bounds, this._group._map.getMinZoom(), zoomLevel, null, function (c) { c.clusterShow(); }); }, _recursivelyAddChildrenToMap: function (startPos, zoomLevel, bounds) { this._recursively(bounds, this._group._map.getMinZoom() - 1, zoomLevel, function (c) { if (zoomLevel === c._zoom) { return; } //Add our child markers at startPos (so they can be animated out) for (var i = c._markers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var nm = c._markers[i]; if (!bounds.contains(nm._latlng)) { continue; } if (startPos) { nm._backupLatlng = nm.getLatLng(); nm.setLatLng(startPos); if (nm.clusterHide) { nm.clusterHide(); } } c._group._featureGroup.addLayer(nm); } }, function (c) { c._addToMap(startPos); } ); }, _recursivelyRestoreChildPositions: function (zoomLevel) { //Fix positions of child markers for (var i = this._markers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var nm = this._markers[i]; if (nm._backupLatlng) { nm.setLatLng(nm._backupLatlng); delete nm._backupLatlng; } } if (zoomLevel - 1 === this._zoom) { //Reposition child clusters for (var j = this._childClusters.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { this._childClusters[j]._restorePosition(); } } else { for (var k = this._childClusters.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { this._childClusters[k]._recursivelyRestoreChildPositions(zoomLevel); } } }, _restorePosition: function () { if (this._backupLatlng) { this.setLatLng(this._backupLatlng); delete this._backupLatlng; } }, //exceptBounds: If set, don't remove any markers/clusters in it _recursivelyRemoveChildrenFromMap: function (previousBounds, mapMinZoom, zoomLevel, exceptBounds) { var m, i; this._recursively(previousBounds, mapMinZoom - 1, zoomLevel - 1, function (c) { //Remove markers at every level for (i = c._markers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { m = c._markers[i]; if (!exceptBounds || !exceptBounds.contains(m._latlng)) { c._group._featureGroup.removeLayer(m); if (m.clusterShow) { m.clusterShow(); } } } }, function (c) { //Remove child clusters at just the bottom level for (i = c._childClusters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { m = c._childClusters[i]; if (!exceptBounds || !exceptBounds.contains(m._latlng)) { c._group._featureGroup.removeLayer(m); if (m.clusterShow) { m.clusterShow(); } } } } ); }, //Run the given functions recursively to this and child clusters // boundsToApplyTo: a L.LatLngBounds representing the bounds of what clusters to recurse in to // zoomLevelToStart: zoom level to start running functions (inclusive) // zoomLevelToStop: zoom level to stop running functions (inclusive) // runAtEveryLevel: function that takes an L.MarkerCluster as an argument that should be applied on every level // runAtBottomLevel: function that takes an L.MarkerCluster as an argument that should be applied at only the bottom level _recursively: function (boundsToApplyTo, zoomLevelToStart, zoomLevelToStop, runAtEveryLevel, runAtBottomLevel) { var childClusters = this._childClusters, zoom = this._zoom, i, c; if (zoomLevelToStart <= zoom) { if (runAtEveryLevel) { runAtEveryLevel(this); } if (runAtBottomLevel && zoom === zoomLevelToStop) { runAtBottomLevel(this); } } if (zoom < zoomLevelToStart || zoom < zoomLevelToStop) { for (i = childClusters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { c = childClusters[i]; if (c._boundsNeedUpdate) { c._recalculateBounds(); } if (boundsToApplyTo.intersects(c._bounds)) { c._recursively(boundsToApplyTo, zoomLevelToStart, zoomLevelToStop, runAtEveryLevel, runAtBottomLevel); } } } }, //Returns true if we are the parent of only one cluster and that cluster is the same as us _isSingleParent: function () { //Don't need to check this._markers as the rest won't work if there are any return this._childClusters.length > 0 && this._childClusters[0]._childCount === this._childCount; } }); /* * Extends L.Marker to include two extra methods: clusterHide and clusterShow. * * They work as setOpacity(0) and setOpacity(1) respectively, but * don't overwrite the options.opacity * */ L.Marker.include({ clusterHide: function () { var backup = this.options.opacity; this.setOpacity(0); this.options.opacity = backup; return this; }, clusterShow: function () { return this.setOpacity(this.options.opacity); } }); L.DistanceGrid = function (cellSize) { this._cellSize = cellSize; this._sqCellSize = cellSize * cellSize; this._grid = {}; this._objectPoint = { }; }; L.DistanceGrid.prototype = { addObject: function (obj, point) { var x = this._getCoord(point.x), y = this._getCoord(point.y), grid = this._grid, row = grid[y] = grid[y] || {}, cell = row[x] = row[x] || [], stamp = L.Util.stamp(obj); this._objectPoint[stamp] = point; cell.push(obj); }, updateObject: function (obj, point) { this.removeObject(obj); this.addObject(obj, point); }, //Returns true if the object was found removeObject: function (obj, point) { var x = this._getCoord(point.x), y = this._getCoord(point.y), grid = this._grid, row = grid[y] = grid[y] || {}, cell = row[x] = row[x] || [], i, len; delete this._objectPoint[L.Util.stamp(obj)]; for (i = 0, len = cell.length; i < len; i++) { if (cell[i] === obj) { cell.splice(i, 1); if (len === 1) { delete row[x]; } return true; } } }, eachObject: function (fn, context) { var i, j, k, len, row, cell, removed, grid = this._grid; for (i in grid) { row = grid[i]; for (j in row) { cell = row[j]; for (k = 0, len = cell.length; k < len; k++) { removed = fn.call(context, cell[k]); if (removed) { k--; len--; } } } } }, getNearObject: function (point) { var x = this._getCoord(point.x), y = this._getCoord(point.y), i, j, k, row, cell, len, obj, dist, objectPoint = this._objectPoint, closestDistSq = this._sqCellSize, closest = null; for (i = y - 1; i <= y + 1; i++) { row = this._grid[i]; if (row) { for (j = x - 1; j <= x + 1; j++) { cell = row[j]; if (cell) { for (k = 0, len = cell.length; k < len; k++) { obj = cell[k]; dist = this._sqDist(objectPoint[L.Util.stamp(obj)], point); if (dist < closestDistSq || dist <= closestDistSq && closest === null) { closestDistSq = dist; closest = obj; } } } } } } return closest; }, _getCoord: function (x) { var coord = Math.floor(x / this._cellSize); return isFinite(coord) ? coord : x; }, _sqDist: function (p, p2) { var dx = p2.x - p.x, dy = p2.y - p.y; return dx * dx + dy * dy; } }; /* Copyright (c) 2012 the authors listed at the following URL, and/or the authors of referenced articles or incorporated external code: http://en.literateprograms.org/Quickhull_(Javascript)?action=history&offset=20120410175256 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Retrieved from: http://en.literateprograms.org/Quickhull_(Javascript)?oldid=18434 */ (function () { L.QuickHull = { /* * @param {Object} cpt a point to be measured from the baseline * @param {Array} bl the baseline, as represented by a two-element * array of latlng objects. * @returns {Number} an approximate distance measure */ getDistant: function (cpt, bl) { var vY = bl[1].lat - bl[0].lat, vX = bl[0].lng - bl[1].lng; return (vX * (cpt.lat - bl[0].lat) + vY * (cpt.lng - bl[0].lng)); }, /* * @param {Array} baseLine a two-element array of latlng objects * representing the baseline to project from * @param {Array} latLngs an array of latlng objects * @returns {Object} the maximum point and all new points to stay * in consideration for the hull. */ findMostDistantPointFromBaseLine: function (baseLine, latLngs) { var maxD = 0, maxPt = null, newPoints = [], i, pt, d; for (i = latLngs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { pt = latLngs[i]; d = this.getDistant(pt, baseLine); if (d > 0) { newPoints.push(pt); } else { continue; } if (d > maxD) { maxD = d; maxPt = pt; } } return { maxPoint: maxPt, newPoints: newPoints }; }, /* * Given a baseline, compute the convex hull of latLngs as an array * of latLngs. * * @param {Array} latLngs * @returns {Array} */ buildConvexHull: function (baseLine, latLngs) { var convexHullBaseLines = [], t = this.findMostDistantPointFromBaseLine(baseLine, latLngs); if (t.maxPoint) { // if there is still a point "outside" the base line convexHullBaseLines = convexHullBaseLines.concat( this.buildConvexHull([baseLine[0], t.maxPoint], t.newPoints) ); convexHullBaseLines = convexHullBaseLines.concat( this.buildConvexHull([t.maxPoint, baseLine[1]], t.newPoints) ); return convexHullBaseLines; } else { // if there is no more point "outside" the base line, the current base line is part of the convex hull return [baseLine[0]]; } }, /* * Given an array of latlngs, compute a convex hull as an array * of latlngs * * @param {Array} latLngs * @returns {Array} */ getConvexHull: function (latLngs) { // find first baseline var maxLat = false, minLat = false, maxLng = false, minLng = false, maxLatPt = null, minLatPt = null, maxLngPt = null, minLngPt = null, maxPt = null, minPt = null, i; for (i = latLngs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var pt = latLngs[i]; if (maxLat === false || pt.lat > maxLat) { maxLatPt = pt; maxLat = pt.lat; } if (minLat === false || pt.lat < minLat) { minLatPt = pt; minLat = pt.lat; } if (maxLng === false || pt.lng > maxLng) { maxLngPt = pt; maxLng = pt.lng; } if (minLng === false || pt.lng < minLng) { minLngPt = pt; minLng = pt.lng; } } if (minLat !== maxLat) { minPt = minLatPt; maxPt = maxLatPt; } else { minPt = minLngPt; maxPt = maxLngPt; } var ch = [].concat(this.buildConvexHull([minPt, maxPt], latLngs), this.buildConvexHull([maxPt, minPt], latLngs)); return ch; } }; }()); L.MarkerCluster.include({ getConvexHull: function () { var childMarkers = this.getAllChildMarkers(), points = [], p, i; for (i = childMarkers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { p = childMarkers[i].getLatLng(); points.push(p); } return L.QuickHull.getConvexHull(points); } }); //This code is 100% based on https://github.com/jawj/OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier-Leaflet //Huge thanks to jawj for implementing it first to make my job easy :-) L.MarkerCluster.include({ _2PI: Math.PI * 2, _circleFootSeparation: 25, //related to circumference of circle _circleStartAngle: 0, _spiralFootSeparation: 28, //related to size of spiral (experiment!) _spiralLengthStart: 11, _spiralLengthFactor: 5, _circleSpiralSwitchover: 9, //show spiral instead of circle from this marker count upwards. // 0 -> always spiral; Infinity -> always circle spiderfy: function () { if (this._group._spiderfied === this || this._group._inZoomAnimation) { return; } var childMarkers = this.getAllChildMarkers(null, true), group = this._group, map = group._map, center = map.latLngToLayerPoint(this._latlng), positions; this._group._unspiderfy(); this._group._spiderfied = this; //TODO Maybe: childMarkers order by distance to center if (childMarkers.length >= this._circleSpiralSwitchover) { positions = this._generatePointsSpiral(childMarkers.length, center); } else { center.y += 10; // Otherwise circles look wrong => hack for standard blue icon, renders differently for other icons. positions = this._generatePointsCircle(childMarkers.length, center); } this._animationSpiderfy(childMarkers, positions); }, unspiderfy: function (zoomDetails) { /// Argument from zoomanim if being called in a zoom animation or null otherwise if (this._group._inZoomAnimation) { return; } this._animationUnspiderfy(zoomDetails); this._group._spiderfied = null; }, _generatePointsCircle: function (count, centerPt) { var circumference = this._group.options.spiderfyDistanceMultiplier * this._circleFootSeparation * (2 + count), legLength = circumference / this._2PI, //radius from circumference angleStep = this._2PI / count, res = [], i, angle; legLength = Math.max(legLength, 35); // Minimum distance to get outside the cluster icon. res.length = count; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { // Clockwise, like spiral. angle = this._circleStartAngle + i * angleStep; res[i] = new L.Point(centerPt.x + legLength * Math.cos(angle), centerPt.y + legLength * Math.sin(angle))._round(); } return res; }, _generatePointsSpiral: function (count, centerPt) { var spiderfyDistanceMultiplier = this._group.options.spiderfyDistanceMultiplier, legLength = spiderfyDistanceMultiplier * this._spiralLengthStart, separation = spiderfyDistanceMultiplier * this._spiralFootSeparation, lengthFactor = spiderfyDistanceMultiplier * this._spiralLengthFactor * this._2PI, angle = 0, res = [], i; res.length = count; // Higher index, closer position to cluster center. for (i = count; i >= 0; i--) { // Skip the first position, so that we are already farther from center and we avoid // being under the default cluster icon (especially important for Circle Markers). if (i < count) { res[i] = new L.Point(centerPt.x + legLength * Math.cos(angle), centerPt.y + legLength * Math.sin(angle))._round(); } angle += separation / legLength + i * 0.0005; legLength += lengthFactor / angle; } return res; }, _noanimationUnspiderfy: function () { var group = this._group, map = group._map, fg = group._featureGroup, childMarkers = this.getAllChildMarkers(null, true), m, i; group._ignoreMove = true; this.setOpacity(1); for (i = childMarkers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { m = childMarkers[i]; fg.removeLayer(m); if (m._preSpiderfyLatlng) { m.setLatLng(m._preSpiderfyLatlng); delete m._preSpiderfyLatlng; } if (m.setZIndexOffset) { m.setZIndexOffset(0); } if (m._spiderLeg) { map.removeLayer(m._spiderLeg); delete m._spiderLeg; } } group.fire('unspiderfied', { cluster: this, markers: childMarkers }); group._ignoreMove = false; group._spiderfied = null; } }); //Non Animated versions of everything L.MarkerClusterNonAnimated = L.MarkerCluster.extend({ _animationSpiderfy: function (childMarkers, positions) { var group = this._group, map = group._map, fg = group._featureGroup, legOptions = this._group.options.spiderLegPolylineOptions, i, m, leg, newPos; group._ignoreMove = true; // Traverse in ascending order to make sure that inner circleMarkers are on top of further legs. Normal markers are re-ordered by newPosition. // The reverse order trick no longer improves performance on modern browsers. for (i = 0; i < childMarkers.length; i++) { newPos = map.layerPointToLatLng(positions[i]); m = childMarkers[i]; // Add the leg before the marker, so that in case the latter is a circleMarker, the leg is behind it. leg = new L.Polyline([this._latlng, newPos], legOptions); map.addLayer(leg); m._spiderLeg = leg; // Now add the marker. m._preSpiderfyLatlng = m._latlng; m.setLatLng(newPos); if (m.setZIndexOffset) { m.setZIndexOffset(1000000); //Make these appear on top of EVERYTHING } fg.addLayer(m); } this.setOpacity(0.3); group._ignoreMove = false; group.fire('spiderfied', { cluster: this, markers: childMarkers }); }, _animationUnspiderfy: function () { this._noanimationUnspiderfy(); } }); //Animated versions here L.MarkerCluster.include({ _animationSpiderfy: function (childMarkers, positions) { var me = this, group = this._group, map = group._map, fg = group._featureGroup, thisLayerLatLng = this._latlng, thisLayerPos = map.latLngToLayerPoint(thisLayerLatLng), svg = L.Path.SVG, legOptions = L.extend({}, this._group.options.spiderLegPolylineOptions), // Copy the options so that we can modify them for animation. finalLegOpacity = legOptions.opacity, i, m, leg, legPath, legLength, newPos; if (finalLegOpacity === undefined) { finalLegOpacity = L.MarkerClusterGroup.prototype.options.spiderLegPolylineOptions.opacity; } if (svg) { // If the initial opacity of the spider leg is not 0 then it appears before the animation starts. legOptions.opacity = 0; // Add the class for CSS transitions. legOptions.className = (legOptions.className || '') + ' leaflet-cluster-spider-leg'; } else { // Make sure we have a defined opacity. legOptions.opacity = finalLegOpacity; } group._ignoreMove = true; // Add markers and spider legs to map, hidden at our center point. // Traverse in ascending order to make sure that inner circleMarkers are on top of further legs. Normal markers are re-ordered by newPosition. // The reverse order trick no longer improves performance on modern browsers. for (i = 0; i < childMarkers.length; i++) { m = childMarkers[i]; newPos = map.layerPointToLatLng(positions[i]); // Add the leg before the marker, so that in case the latter is a circleMarker, the leg is behind it. leg = new L.Polyline([thisLayerLatLng, newPos], legOptions); map.addLayer(leg); m._spiderLeg = leg; // Explanations: https://jakearchibald.com/2013/animated-line-drawing-svg/ // In our case the transition property is declared in the CSS file. if (svg) { legPath = leg._path; legLength = legPath.getTotalLength() + 0.1; // Need a small extra length to avoid remaining dot in Firefox. legPath.style.strokeDasharray = legLength; // Just 1 length is enough, it will be duplicated. legPath.style.strokeDashoffset = legLength; } // If it is a marker, add it now and we'll animate it out if (m.setZIndexOffset) { m.setZIndexOffset(1000000); // Make normal markers appear on top of EVERYTHING } if (m.clusterHide) { m.clusterHide(); } // Vectors just get immediately added fg.addLayer(m); if (m._setPos) { m._setPos(thisLayerPos); } } group._forceLayout(); group._animationStart(); // Reveal markers and spider legs. for (i = childMarkers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { newPos = map.layerPointToLatLng(positions[i]); m = childMarkers[i]; //Move marker to new position m._preSpiderfyLatlng = m._latlng; m.setLatLng(newPos); if (m.clusterShow) { m.clusterShow(); } // Animate leg (animation is actually delegated to CSS transition). if (svg) { leg = m._spiderLeg; legPath = leg._path; legPath.style.strokeDashoffset = 0; //legPath.style.strokeOpacity = finalLegOpacity; leg.setStyle({opacity: finalLegOpacity}); } } this.setOpacity(0.3); group._ignoreMove = false; setTimeout(function () { group._animationEnd(); group.fire('spiderfied', { cluster: me, markers: childMarkers }); }, 200); }, _animationUnspiderfy: function (zoomDetails) { var me = this, group = this._group, map = group._map, fg = group._featureGroup, thisLayerPos = zoomDetails ? map._latLngToNewLayerPoint(this._latlng, zoomDetails.zoom, zoomDetails.center) : map.latLngToLayerPoint(this._latlng), childMarkers = this.getAllChildMarkers(null, true), svg = L.Path.SVG, m, i, leg, legPath, legLength, nonAnimatable; group._ignoreMove = true; group._animationStart(); //Make us visible and bring the child markers back in this.setOpacity(1); for (i = childMarkers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { m = childMarkers[i]; //Marker was added to us after we were spiderfied if (!m._preSpiderfyLatlng) { continue; } //Close any popup on the marker first, otherwise setting the location of the marker will make the map scroll m.closePopup(); //Fix up the location to the real one m.setLatLng(m._preSpiderfyLatlng); delete m._preSpiderfyLatlng; //Hack override the location to be our center nonAnimatable = true; if (m._setPos) { m._setPos(thisLayerPos); nonAnimatable = false; } if (m.clusterHide) { m.clusterHide(); nonAnimatable = false; } if (nonAnimatable) { fg.removeLayer(m); } // Animate the spider leg back in (animation is actually delegated to CSS transition). if (svg) { leg = m._spiderLeg; legPath = leg._path; legLength = legPath.getTotalLength() + 0.1; legPath.style.strokeDashoffset = legLength; leg.setStyle({opacity: 0}); } } group._ignoreMove = false; setTimeout(function () { //If we have only <= one child left then that marker will be shown on the map so don't remove it! var stillThereChildCount = 0; for (i = childMarkers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { m = childMarkers[i]; if (m._spiderLeg) { stillThereChildCount++; } } for (i = childMarkers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { m = childMarkers[i]; if (!m._spiderLeg) { //Has already been unspiderfied continue; } if (m.clusterShow) { m.clusterShow(); } if (m.setZIndexOffset) { m.setZIndexOffset(0); } if (stillThereChildCount > 1) { fg.removeLayer(m); } map.removeLayer(m._spiderLeg); delete m._spiderLeg; } group._animationEnd(); group.fire('unspiderfied', { cluster: me, markers: childMarkers }); }, 200); } }); L.MarkerClusterGroup.include({ //The MarkerCluster currently spiderfied (if any) _spiderfied: null, unspiderfy: function () { this._unspiderfy.apply(this, arguments); }, _spiderfierOnAdd: function () { this._map.on('click', this._unspiderfyWrapper, this); if (this._map.options.zoomAnimation) { this._map.on('zoomstart', this._unspiderfyZoomStart, this); } //Browsers without zoomAnimation or a big zoom don't fire zoomstart this._map.on('zoomend', this._noanimationUnspiderfy, this); if (!L.Browser.touch) { this._map.getRenderer(this); //Needs to happen in the pageload, not after, or animations don't work in webkit // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8455200/svg-animate-with-dynamically-added-elements //Disable on touch browsers as the animation messes up on a touch zoom and isn't very noticable } }, _spiderfierOnRemove: function () { this._map.off('click', this._unspiderfyWrapper, this); this._map.off('zoomstart', this._unspiderfyZoomStart, this); this._map.off('zoomanim', this._unspiderfyZoomAnim, this); this._map.off('zoomend', this._noanimationUnspiderfy, this); //Ensure that markers are back where they should be // Use no animation to avoid a sticky leaflet-cluster-anim class on mapPane this._noanimationUnspiderfy(); }, //On zoom start we add a zoomanim handler so that we are guaranteed to be last (after markers are animated) //This means we can define the animation they do rather than Markers doing an animation to their actual location _unspiderfyZoomStart: function () { if (!this._map) { //May have been removed from the map by a zoomEnd handler return; } this._map.on('zoomanim', this._unspiderfyZoomAnim, this); }, _unspiderfyZoomAnim: function (zoomDetails) { //Wait until the first zoomanim after the user has finished touch-zooming before running the animation if (L.DomUtil.hasClass(this._map._mapPane, 'leaflet-touching')) { return; } this._map.off('zoomanim', this._unspiderfyZoomAnim, this); this._unspiderfy(zoomDetails); }, _unspiderfyWrapper: function () { /// _unspiderfy but passes no arguments this._unspiderfy(); }, _unspiderfy: function (zoomDetails) { if (this._spiderfied) { this._spiderfied.unspiderfy(zoomDetails); } }, _noanimationUnspiderfy: function () { if (this._spiderfied) { this._spiderfied._noanimationUnspiderfy(); } }, //If the given layer is currently being spiderfied then we unspiderfy it so it isn't on the map anymore etc _unspiderfyLayer: function (layer) { if (layer._spiderLeg) { this._featureGroup.removeLayer(layer); if (layer.clusterShow) { layer.clusterShow(); } //Position will be fixed up immediately in _animationUnspiderfy if (layer.setZIndexOffset) { layer.setZIndexOffset(0); } this._map.removeLayer(layer._spiderLeg); delete layer._spiderLeg; } } }); /** * Adds 1 public method to MCG and 1 to L.Marker to facilitate changing * markers' icon options and refreshing their icon and their parent clusters * accordingly (case where their iconCreateFunction uses data of childMarkers * to make up the cluster icon). */ L.MarkerClusterGroup.include({ /** * Updates the icon of all clusters which are parents of the given marker(s). * In singleMarkerMode, also updates the given marker(s) icon. * @param layers L.MarkerClusterGroup|L.LayerGroup|Array(L.Marker)|Map(L.Marker)| * L.MarkerCluster|L.Marker (optional) list of markers (or single marker) whose parent * clusters need to be updated. If not provided, retrieves all child markers of this. * @returns {L.MarkerClusterGroup} */ refreshClusters: function (layers) { if (!layers) { layers = this._topClusterLevel.getAllChildMarkers(); } else if (layers instanceof L.MarkerClusterGroup) { layers = layers._topClusterLevel.getAllChildMarkers(); } else if (layers instanceof L.LayerGroup) { layers = layers._layers; } else if (layers instanceof L.MarkerCluster) { layers = layers.getAllChildMarkers(); } else if (layers instanceof L.Marker) { layers = [layers]; } // else: must be an Array(L.Marker)|Map(L.Marker) this._flagParentsIconsNeedUpdate(layers); this._refreshClustersIcons(); // In case of singleMarkerMode, also re-draw the markers. if (this.options.singleMarkerMode) { this._refreshSingleMarkerModeMarkers(layers); } return this; }, /** * Simply flags all parent clusters of the given markers as having a "dirty" icon. * @param layers Array(L.Marker)|Map(L.Marker) list of markers. * @private */ _flagParentsIconsNeedUpdate: function (layers) { var id, parent; // Assumes layers is an Array or an Object whose prototype is non-enumerable. for (id in layers) { // Flag parent clusters' icon as "dirty", all the way up. // Dumb process that flags multiple times upper parents, but still // much more efficient than trying to be smart and make short lists, // at least in the case of a hierarchy following a power law: // http://jsperf.com/flag-nodes-in-power-hierarchy/2 parent = layers[id].__parent; while (parent) { parent._iconNeedsUpdate = true; parent = parent.__parent; } } }, /** * Re-draws the icon of the supplied markers. * To be used in singleMarkerMode only. * @param layers Array(L.Marker)|Map(L.Marker) list of markers. * @private */ _refreshSingleMarkerModeMarkers: function (layers) { var id, layer; for (id in layers) { layer = layers[id]; // Make sure we do not override markers that do not belong to THIS group. if (this.hasLayer(layer)) { // Need to re-create the icon first, then re-draw the marker. layer.setIcon(this._overrideMarkerIcon(layer)); } } } }); L.Marker.include({ /** * Updates the given options in the marker's icon and refreshes the marker. * @param options map object of icon options. * @param directlyRefreshClusters boolean (optional) true to trigger * MCG.refreshClustersOf() right away with this single marker. * @returns {L.Marker} */ refreshIconOptions: function (options, directlyRefreshClusters) { var icon = this.options.icon; L.setOptions(icon, options); this.setIcon(icon); // Shortcut to refresh the associated MCG clusters right away. // To be used when refreshing a single marker. // Otherwise, better use MCG.refreshClusters() once at the end with // the list of modified markers. if (directlyRefreshClusters && this.__parent) { this.__parent._group.refreshClusters(this); } return this; } }); exports.MarkerClusterGroup = MarkerClusterGroup; exports.MarkerCluster = MarkerCluster; }))); /* Leaflet.AwesomeMarkers, a plugin that adds colorful iconic markers for Leaflet, based on the Font Awesome icons (c) 2012-2013, Lennard Voogdt http://leafletjs.com https://github.com/lvoogdt */ /*global L*/ (function (window, document, undefined) { "use strict"; /* * Leaflet.AwesomeMarkers assumes that you have already included the Leaflet library. */ L.AwesomeMarkers = {}; L.AwesomeMarkers.version = '2.0.1'; L.AwesomeMarkers.Icon = L.Icon.extend({ options: { iconSize: [35, 45], iconAnchor: [17, 42], popupAnchor: [1, -32], shadowAnchor: [10, 12], shadowSize: [36, 16], className: 'awesome-marker', prefix: 'glyphicon', spinClass: 'fa-spin', extraClasses: '', icon: 'home', markerColor: 'blue', iconColor: 'white' }, initialize: function (options) { options = L.Util.setOptions(this, options); }, createIcon: function () { var div = document.createElement('div'), options = this.options; if (options.icon) { div.innerHTML = this._createInner(); } if (options.bgPos) { div.style.backgroundPosition = (-options.bgPos.x) + 'px ' + (-options.bgPos.y) + 'px'; } this._setIconStyles(div, 'icon-' + options.markerColor); return div; }, _createInner: function() { var iconClass, iconSpinClass = "", iconColorClass = "", iconColorStyle = "", options = this.options; if(options.icon.slice(0,options.prefix.length+1) === options.prefix + "-") { iconClass = options.icon; } else { iconClass = options.prefix + "-" + options.icon; } if(options.spin && typeof options.spinClass === "string") { iconSpinClass = options.spinClass; } if(options.iconColor) { if(options.iconColor === 'white' || options.iconColor === 'black') { iconColorClass = "icon-" + options.iconColor; } else { iconColorStyle = "style='color: " + options.iconColor + "' "; } } return ""; }, _setIconStyles: function (img, name) { var options = this.options, size = L.point(options[name === 'shadow' ? 'shadowSize' : 'iconSize']), anchor; if (name === 'shadow') { anchor = L.point(options.shadowAnchor || options.iconAnchor); } else { anchor = L.point(options.iconAnchor); } if (!anchor && size) { anchor = size.divideBy(2, true); } img.className = 'awesome-marker-' + name + ' ' + options.className; if (anchor) { img.style.marginLeft = (-anchor.x) + 'px'; img.style.marginTop = (-anchor.y) + 'px'; } if (size) { img.style.width = size.x + 'px'; img.style.height = size.y + 'px'; } }, createShadow: function () { var div = document.createElement('div'); this._setIconStyles(div, 'shadow'); return div; } }); L.AwesomeMarkers.icon = function (options) { return new L.AwesomeMarkers.Icon(options); }; }(this, document)); (function() { $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() { $('#event_start_time').change(function() { if ($('#event_start_time').val() >= $('#event_end_time').val()) { return $('#event_end_time').val($('#event_start_time').val()); } }); $('#event_end_time').change(function() { if ($('#event_start_time').val() >= $('#event_end_time').val()) { return $('#event_start_time').val($('#event_end_time').val()); } }); $('#event_repeat').each(function() { if ($(this).val() === '0') { $('.field.rule').hide(); } return $(this).change(function() { if ($(this).val() > 0) { $('.field.rule').show(); return $('.field.rule input').attr('required', 'required'); } else { $('.field.rule').hide(); return $('.field.rule input').removeAttr('required'); } }); }); return $('#event_tags').each(function() { var elt; elt = $(this); return $.ajax({ url: '/tags.json' }).done(function(data) { var tags; return tags = jQuery.map(data, function(n) { return n[0]; }); }); }); }); }).call(this); (function() { $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() { $('body.pages form :input').prop('disabled', false); return $('form').submit(function() { $('input[name=utf8]').prop('disabled', true); return $('button').prop('disabled', true); }); }); }).call(this); (function() { $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() {}); }).call(this); /* @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the JavaScript code in this page. frTypo, la typographie française simplifiée Copyright (C) 2013 acoeuro This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . @licend The above is the entire license notice for the JavaScript code in this page. */ (function() { var regexp, regexpPost; regexp = /(^|[\wàéèêç])\s*([!?:;»%€¢]+)(\s|[^\w\/]|$)/g; regexpPost = /([«])\s*([\w])/g; $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() { if ($('html').attr('lang') === 'fr') { return $('body *').contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE; }).filter(function() { return 0 > ['CODE', 'PRE', 'STYLE', 'TEXTAREA'].indexOf(this.parentNode.tagName); }).filter(function() { return !$(this).parent().hasClass('finePre') && !$(this).parent().hasClass('start_time') && !$(this).parent().hasClass('end_time'); }).filter(function() { return (this.nodeValue.match(regexp) != null) || (this.nodeValue.match(regexpPost) != null); }).each(function() { return $(this).replaceWith(function() { return this.nodeValue.replace(regexp, '$1$2$3').replace(regexpPost, '$1$2'); }); }); } }); }).call(this); (function() { $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() {}); }).call(this); (function() { var modulo = function(a, b) { return (+a % (b = +b) + b) % b; }; $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() { var idx, markerColors; markerColors = ['blue', 'red', 'darkred', 'orange', 'green', 'darkgreen', 'purple', 'darkpuple', 'cadetblue']; idx = 0; $('#map.list').each(function() { var controls, map; map = L.map('map'); map.fitBounds([[60, -20], [30, 30]]); L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: '© OpenStreetMap' }).addTo(map); controls = L.control.layers(null, null, { collapsed: false }).addTo(map); return $('li a', this).each(function() { var markerColor, text, url; url = $(this).attr('href'); text = $(this).html(); markerColor = markerColors[modulo(idx++, markerColors.length)]; if (location.search && url.indexOf('?') >= 0) { url += '&' + location.search.substr(1); } else { url += location.search; } return $.getJSON(url, function(json) { var layer; if (!(json != null ? json.length : void 0)) { return; } layer = L.markerClusterGroup({ maxClusterRadius: 30 }).addLayer(L.geoJson(json, { pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) { var marker; marker = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({ prefix: 'fa', icon: feature.properties.icon || 'calendar', markerColor: markerColor }); return L.marker(latlng, { icon: marker }); }, onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) { if (feature.properties && feature.properties.popupContent) { return layer.bindPopup(feature.properties.popupContent); } } })); map.addLayer(layer); controls.addOverlay(layer, text + ' - ' + json.length); if ((/maps\//.test(location.href) || /maps.json/.test(url)) && layer.getBounds()._northEast && layer.getBounds()._southWest) { return map.fitBounds(layer.getBounds()); } }); }); }); return $('#map.event, #map.orga').each(function() { var coord, map, marker, markerColor, url; coord = [$(this).data('latitude'), $(this).data('longitude')]; map = L.map('map').setView([coord[0], coord[1]], 16); L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: '© OpenStreetMap' }).addTo(map); url = $(this).data('url'); markerColor = markerColors[modulo(idx++, markerColors.length)]; if (location.search && url.indexOf('?') >= 0) { url += '&' + location.search.substr(1); } else { url += location.search; } marker = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({ prefix: 'fa', icon: 'calendar' }); L.marker([coord[0], coord[1]], { icon: marker }).addTo(map); return $.getJSON(url, function(json) { var layer; layer = L.markerClusterGroup({ maxClusterRadius: 30 }).addLayer(L.geoJson(json, { pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) { marker = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon({ prefix: 'fa', icon: feature.properties.icon || 'calendar', markerColor: markerColor }); return L.marker(latlng, { icon: marker }); }, onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) { if (feature.properties && feature.properties.popupContent) { return layer.bindPopup(feature.properties.popupContent); } } })); return map.addLayer(layer); }); }); }); }).call(this); (function() { $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() { $('body.moderations .radios label').click(function() { return $('body.moderations #event_reason').parent().slideUp(); }); 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Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?": "L'URL que vous avez entr\u00e9e semble \u00eatre une adresse e-mail. Voulez-vous ajouter le pr\u00e9fixe mailto: n\u00e9cessaire?", "The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:\/\/ prefix?": "L'URL que vous avez entr\u00e9e semble \u00eatre un lien externe. 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Presser ALT-0 pour l'aide.", "System Font": "Police syst\u00e8me", "Failed to upload image: {0}": "\u00c9chec d'envoi de l'image : {0}", "Failed to load plugin: {0} from url {1}": "\u00c9chec de chargement du module : {0} \u00e0 partir de l'URL {1}", "Failed to load plugin url: {0}": "\u00c9chec de chargement de l'URL de module : {0}", "Failed to initialize plugin: {0}": "\u00c9chec d'initialisation du module : {0}", "example": "exemple", "Search": "Rechercher", "All": "Tous", "Currency": "Mon\u00e9taire", "Text": "Texte", "Quotations": "Citations", "Mathematical": "Math\u00e9matique", "Extended Latin": "Latin \u00e9tendu", "Symbols": "Symboles", "Arrows": "Fl\u00e8ches", "User Defined": "D\u00e9fini par l'utilisateur", "dollar sign": "Symbole dollar", "currency sign": "Symbole devise", "euro-currency sign": "Symbole euro", "colon sign": "Symbole col\u00f3n", "cruzeiro sign": "Symbole cruzeiro", "french franc sign": "Symbole franc fran\u00e7ais", "lira sign": "Symbole lire", "mill sign": "Symbole milli\u00e8me", "naira sign": "Symbole naira", "peseta sign": "Symbole peseta", "rupee sign": "Symbole roupie", "won sign": "Symbole won", "new sheqel sign": "Symbole nouveau ch\u00e9kel", "dong sign": "Symbole dong", "kip sign": "Symbole kip", "tugrik sign": "Symbole tougrik", "drachma sign": "Symbole drachme", "german penny symbol": "Symbole pfennig", "peso sign": "Symbole peso", "guarani sign": "Symbole guarani", "austral sign": "Symbole austral", "hryvnia sign": "Symbole hryvnia", "cedi sign": "Symbole cedi", "livre tournois sign": "Symbole livre tournois", "spesmilo sign": "Symbole spesmilo", "tenge sign": "Symbole tenge", "indian rupee sign": "Symbole roupie indienne", "turkish lira sign": "Symbole lire turque", "nordic mark sign": "Symbole du mark nordique", "manat sign": "Symbole manat", "ruble sign": "Symbole rouble", "yen character": "Sinogramme Yen", "yuan character": "Sinogramme Yuan", "yuan character, in hong kong and taiwan": "Sinogramme Yuan, Hong Kong et Taiwan", "yen\/yuan character variant one": "Symbole Yen\/Yuan", "Loading emoticons...": "Chargement des \u00e9motic\u00f4nes...", "Could not load emoticons": "\u00c9chec de chargement des \u00e9motic\u00f4nes", "People": "Smileys et personnes", "Animals and Nature": "Animaux & nature", "Food and Drink": "Nourriture & boisson", "Activity": "Activit\u00e9", "Travel and Places": "Voyages & lieux", "Objects": "Objets", "Flags": "Drapeaux", "Characters": "Caract\u00e8res", "Characters (no spaces)": "Caract\u00e8res (espaces non compris)", "Error: Form submit field collision.": "Erreur : conflit de champ lors de la soumission du formulaire", "Error: No form element found.": "Erreur : aucun \u00e9l\u00e9ment de formulaire trouv\u00e9.", "Update": "Mettre \u00e0 jour", "Color swatch": "Palette de couleurs", "Turquoise": "Turquoise", "Green": "Vert", "Blue": "Bleu", "Purple": "Violet", "Navy Blue": "Bleu oc\u00e9an", "Dark Turquoise": "Turquoise fonc\u00e9", "Dark Green": "Vert fonc\u00e9", "Medium Blue": "Bleu moyen", "Medium Purple": "Violet moyen", "Midnight Blue": "Bleu nuit", "Yellow": "Jaune", "Orange": "Orange", "Red": "Rouge", "Light Gray": "Gris clair", "Gray": "Gris", "Dark Yellow": "Jaune fonc\u00e9", "Dark Orange": "Orange fonc\u00e9", "Dark Red": "Rouge fonc\u00e9", "Medium Gray": "Gris moyen", "Dark Gray": "Gris fonc\u00e9", "Black": "Noir", "White": "Blanc", "Switch to or from fullscreen mode": "Activer ou quitter le mode plein \u00e9cran", "Open help dialog": "Ouvrir l'aide", "history": "historique", "styles": "styles", "formatting": "mise en forme", "alignment": "alignement", "indentation": "indentation", "permanent pen": "crayon ind\u00e9l\u00e9bile", "comments": "commentaires", "Anchor": "Ancre", "Special character": "Caract\u00e8res sp\u00e9ciaux", "Code sample": "Extrait de code", "Color": "Couleur", "Emoticons": "Emotic\u00f4nes", "Document properties": "Propri\u00e9t\u00e9 du document", "Image": "Image", "Insert link": "Ins\u00e9rer un lien", "Target": "Cible", "Link": "Lien", "Poster": "Publier", "Media": "M\u00e9dia", "Print": "Imprimer", "Prev": "Pr\u00e9c ", "Find and replace": "Trouver et remplacer", "Whole words": "Mots entiers", "Spellcheck": "V\u00e9rification orthographique", "Caption": "Titre", "Insert template": "Ajouter un th\u00e8me" }); (function() { $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() { if (!Modernizr.testAllProps('forceBrokenImageIcon')) { $('img.favicon').one('error', function() { return $(this).css({ visibility: 'hidden' }); }); } return $('.field.tags input').tagsInput({ delimiter: ' ', defaultText: '', autocomplete_url: '/tags.json', onChange: function() { var value; value = $(this).val(); if (value.indexOf(',') >= 0) { return $(this).val(value.replace(/,/, '')); } } }); }); }).call(this);